Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space was dedicated to discussing NFTs with a focus on upcoming projects, community engagement, and the critical aspect of staying informed for successful NFT launches. Conversations centered around collaborating with projects for releases on Ape Chain, incentivizing visibility, and preparing for farming on Ape Chain. Creators were urged to join to display their NFT collections and were guaranteed support for their launches. The ApeCoin AIP Roundup with @ApeComms featured proposals, elections, votes, marketing strategies, educational insights, and strategic planning discussions.


Q: What was the focus of the Twitter space?
A: The Twitter space focused on NFTs and upcoming projects, community engagement, and voting deadlines.

Q: How important is community engagement and voting for AIPs?
A: Community engagement and voting for AIPs were emphasized as crucial for the success and direction of the NFT projects.

Q: What strategic approach was discussed for timing the launch with Ape Chain?
A: There was a strategic discussion about coordinating the launch with Ape Chain to maximize exposure and potential success.

Q: What collaborations were highlighted for NFT releases on Ape Chain?
A: Collaborations with three projects were emphasized for NFT releases on Ape Chain.

Q: How is visibility and success being maximized for NFT launches?
A: Incentives and strategies were in place to enhance visibility and ensure the success of NFT launches.

Q: Why is monitoring Ape Chain crucial for participants?
A: Monitoring Ape Chain is crucial to stay informed about developments, timing, and opportunities for successful engagement within the NFT space.

Q: When can users expect to start farming on Ape Chain?
A: Users were advised to prepare for farming on Ape Chain upon its launch.

Q: What types of drops are in the pipeline for the NFT space?
A: Plans include diverse drops such as pixel PFPs and mint passes.

Q: How can creators get involved and showcase their collections?
A: Creators were invited to join and showcase their NFT collections within the space.

Q: What support is being offered to creators for their NFT launches?
A: The commitment was made to provide necessary tools and support for successful NFT launches.


Time: 00:00:59
Introduction of Six Proposals, Discussion kicks off with the introduction of six live proposals.

Time: 00:05:25
Detail Breakdowns Offered, Brief explanations are provided for each proposal, with offers for more detailed breakdowns.

Time: 00:24:57
Proposal for Electing a Leader, Overview of the proposal suggesting electing a leader for strategic alignment within the DAO.

Time: 00:38:50
In-Depth Marketing Strategy Discussion, Detailed discussion on marketing strategies and channels for promoting proposals.

Time: 00:40:21
Success Measurement for Happy Eight Projects, Exploring how success will be measured for the Happy Eight projects.

Time: 00:53:19
Focus on Quests and Educational Content, Discussion on quests and educational content within marketing proposals.

Time: 01:03:23
Metrics for Apexpress Success, Insights into the metrics used to measure success and impact of Apexpress.

Time: 01:14:19
Next Steps Post Launch, Exploration of the next steps to capture value post-launch.

Time: 02:16:59
Deep Dive into Governance Aspects, Detailed exploration of governance aspects and intricacies of the AIP process.

Time: 02:18:40
Final Call to Action for Community Engagement, Encouragement for community engagement and a call to action for active participation.

Key Takeaways

  • Discussion around upcoming NFT collections and launches.
  • Encouragement for community engagement and voting for AIPs.
  • Coordination with Ape Chain's launch for optimal timing.
  • Collaboration with three projects for releases on Ape Chain.
  • Incentives provided to enhance visibility and success of NFT launches.
  • Importance of monitoring Ape Chain and staying informed about developments.
  • Preparation for farming on Ape Chain upon launch.
  • Plans for diverse drops including pixel PFPs and mint passes.
  • Invitation for creators to join and showcase their NFT collections.
  • Commitment to provide necessary tools for successful NFT launches.

Behind the Mic

Yeah, I know, but, yeah, I gotta jump, guys. I'm like, almost ten minutes late for a meeting. I. So I don't mean to just like, comment, just dip out, but I do actually have to go. but it's apexpress related. Hey, that works. And now, no, no pressure or anything. Appreciate you coming up and, you know, listening and hearing the authors before you and coming up and sharing the information. You guys can find Coco. Follow Coco. You guys might be in a chat with Coco, ask him questions about the proposal. He's not running away from any of the questions, that's for sure. And appreciate you spending time on all of these other stages. And like I said before, if you guys haven't already voted, you guys do have until Wednesday, the 19th, 06:00 p.m. pST, to get your votes in for these aips. However, just a little bit of ancillary on the side there. There's also the elections process that's ongoing and you do have to vote in each of the phases. So be sure to do that if you haven't already. And that's for the delegates for our new governance structure at ApeCoinDao. So there's a lot happening this week, but we appreciate everybody's participation and of course feedback when we open up these other phases for feedback on the aip phases as well. Thank you so much and appreciate everybody's effort to jump in and participate along the aIP journey. Thank you, Jen. Appreciate that. As for Sydney, Moka, thank you for your questions, too. And sharing your thoughts. I mean, this really has been such an engaging conversation. So I really just appreciative that you've come up here and you're sharing important questions and valuable comments. So thank you. I want to turn to Nathal. If you're still around, I know, you really added some specific thoughts in terms of IP tokenization. And I know this is really in your wheelhouse lately. Are you here with us? Yeah. Awesome. Perfect. Yeah. So I'll hand it off to you and I'll hear what you have to say. Well, I'd love to talk about my conversation with Max. So he was earlier talking about what Vine did. Let's elaborate for listeners to understand Vine is a Brazilian Neobank. They tokenize their IP to raise funding in a regulatory compliant way. It's a successful model. here. Yes. Vine has raised twenty million dollars through this model. Tokenizing intellectual property for funding is cutting edge, especially with Web3. It bridges traditional finance and crypto. It's impressive how Vine did it. Yes. It sets a precedent for other projects. Kaizen exchange did a similar thing for IP tokenization. The key is understanding IPs untapped value. Web3 and blockchain technologies make it possible. Tokenized IP can enable fractional ownership. Exactly, fractional ownership democratizes investment. This model can empower underrepresented creators. And it also aligns with the decentralized ethos. Absolutely. Think of the possibilities for creators globally. Decentralization is key. Yep. Entrepreneurs can leverage their IP on a global scale. It's a huge shift. Yeah, breaking barriers everywhere. Regulatory compliance is critical. Yes, regulatory alignment ensures sustainability. Projects need to navigate legal nuances carefully. It's true, the legal framework evolves as the crypto space grows. Engaging with regulators early is vital. Right, proactive compliance is advantageous. It builds trust with investors. And protects the project long term. It's clear Vine set a successful example. Hopefully, more creators will adopt this model. Definitely. It's exciting to watch this space evolve. Thank you both for this insightful discussion. Thank you for having us. Yeah, thanks for the opportunity to share. Thanks so much, really appreciate it. All right, awesome. I think it's back to us now. Thank you, Nathal and Max, for sharing that. Also, thank you to everybody who had amazing questions and comments earlier. That was a fabulous discussion. Now, let's pivot a bit and talk about community engagement. It's one of the pillars of the Dao. Yes, we have some exciting initiatives coming up. Community engagement helps shape our ecosystem. Exactly. Feedback from everyone is crucial. We plan to host more interactive sessions. So stay tuned for those announcements. Yes, mark your calendars. It's a great way to stay connected and contribute. Community input drives our decisions. Involvement's important for transparent governance. Absolutely. We thrive on diverse perspectives. It's what makes this community strong. Yes, diverse ideas foster innovation. If you have suggestions, share them with us. We have multiple channels for feedback. Engage via our official forums or directly with us. We'd love to hear your thoughts. Together, we can achieve great things. Indeed, collaboration is key. So, on that note, let's also touch upon some of the ongoing initiatives. Sounds good. Let's update on those. First, our developer grants. We're rolling out the next phase. Yes, exciting opportunities for innovators. Projects can apply for funding and support. Details will be shared on our forums. We encourage participation from all. Absolutely. It's a chance to pioneer in the space. Yes, let's unlock new potentials. Agreed. Also, our educational series. More modules are being added. Continuously improving knowledge is vital. Yes, it's great for everyone, from novices to experts. The goal is to empower our community. Education is foundational for growth. Exactly. Our upcoming workshops will be interactive. Participants can engage directly with experts. Stay tuned for schedules and topics. Mark your calendars for these sessions too. Yes, and finally, reminder about our charity initiatives. We're extending our efforts in various causes. Community-driven projects are the focus. Exactly. Supporting social impact is part of our mission. We are accepting proposals for charity projects. It's a great opportunity to make a difference. Yes, and it's driven by community input. We value everyone's contributions. So, finalize your proposals and submit them. Deadlines will be announced shortly. Participate actively, and let's drive real change. Absolutely. Our collective efforts can create a lasting impact. So true. It's about coming together for a better future. Let's continue to grow and thrive as a community. Yes, united for common goals. Thank you everyone for their ongoing support. We appreciate all your efforts. Let's keep building and innovating together. Thank you all for joining. Stay engaged and involved. We'll see you in the next session. Take care everyone. Goodbye.

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