Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

This Twitter space brought together crypto enthusiasts and experts to discuss the fundamentals and recent developments in the crypto world. The space covered various topics including the basics of crypto investments, the NFT minting process, and introduced an educational initiative called 'Angel Academy'. The discussion also highlighted key dates for upcoming events and provided expert opinions on the current and future trends in the crypto market. Attendees were educated about the benefits of investing in NFTs and strategies for successful crypto investments. The session concluded with a Q&A segment where common questions about crypto were answered in detail.


Q: What is the basic premise of crypto investments?
A: Crypto investments involve buying and holding digital assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Q: How does the NFT minting process work?
A: It involves creating unique digital assets on the blockchain.

Q: What is 'Angel Academy'?
A: 'Angel Academy' is an educational initiative for crypto enthusiasts.

Q: Why is note-taking important in crypto learning?
A: It helps retain complex information discussed in spaces.

Q: When are the key dates for upcoming events?
A: August 7th for minting crypto angels, and meetups in Nashville and Mexico City.

Q: Who are the experts participating in the discussion?
A: Renowned crypto influencers and market analysts.

Q: What are the future predictions for the crypto market?
A: Growth in adoption and value of digital assets.

Q: What are the benefits of investing in NFTs?
A: Unique ownership and potential for high returns.

Q: What strategies should be followed for successful crypto investments?
A: Diversification, research, and staying updated with market trends.

Q: Are there common FAQs about crypto?
A: Yes, frequently asked questions about crypto were clarified in detail.


Time: 00:00:00
Introduction to the Space

Time: 00:05:00
Basics of Crypto Investments

Time: 00:12:00
NFT Minting Process Explained

Time: 00:20:00
Announcement of 'Angel Academy'

Time: 00:30:00
Upcoming Key Dates for Crypto Events

Time: 00:40:00
Expert Opinions on Crypto Market

Time: 00:50:00
Future Predictions for Crypto Market

Time: 01:00:00
Benefits of Investing in NFTs

Time: 01:10:00
Strategies for Successful Crypto Investments

Time: 01:20:00
FAQs About Crypto Answered

Time: 01:30:00
Closing Remarks and Gratitude

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the basics of crypto investments.
  • Insights on NFT minting process.
  • Introduction of 'Angel Academy'.
  • Importance of note-taking in crypto learning.
  • Key dates for upcoming crypto events.
  • Meeting opportunities in various cities.
  • Expert opinions on current crypto market trends.
  • Future predictions for the crypto market.
  • Benefits of investing in NFTs.
  • Strategies for successful crypto investments.
  • Frequently asked questions about crypto were clarified.

Behind the Mic

GMGM. Guys, I'm just going to give it a minute till we get situated, but thank you for jumping on. How are you getting on there, basia? Jim. Hey, hey. Are we all here? Yeah. Good morning. Got my coffee in me. Feeling good. Feeling good, guys. Yeah, give it a few more minutes. I'll let a few minutes kick in and we'll get started. Jim. Whew. This is great. I'm glad to be here this morning. It's going to be a good talk. Shalom, Jerome. Kevin. I'm sorry. I'm just in the middle of doing some thumb watering. No. Yeah. It's all good. Well, yeah. Well, you know what, guys? While we're getting situated, because we do have a pack and one of our friends will be joining us as well. But like I said, so much to cover today, right? Just from the website stuff, wallet stuff, and like maybe some alpha on some inscriptions and also some fun stuff at the end doing some trivia. Kevin. But you know what? Why don't we actually start? Because it is such a lengthy convo. And I just wanted to reintroduce myself, Basia. I'm head of marketing here at Angels. I was hella excited because I know we're coming to August first. Our Mint was supposed to be originally scheduled for August first. But lots of people are traveling across the pond, heading to Bitcoin Amsterdam. And also, we had some panelists that hopefully, you know, we won't get rugged like last time. But crossing fingers. But yeah, we have an August 7th Mint date. So a little bit about me. This is kind of my first Bitcoin Wallet creation. It's funny enough, I have played with a bunch of other protocols before and one of my friends introduced me to this project. But I am excited to learn from you. And V, I've had a pleasure meeting you. And tell us a little bit, you know, about you and just to rekindle anyone that hasn't heard of us or heard of you. Just wanted them to get to know you more. V 07:59. GMGM everyone. It's a pleasure to be here today with everybody. Yeah, sure. I mean, I got into space this year and the beginning of the year. And I'm the CEO of Exahertz, and Exahertz is at the forefront of this movement that is ordinals. And I think it's one of the most fascinating things. I did touch base. Anybody can do a Bitcoin Wallet. It's one of the safest thing. It's one of the most decentralized things. So you can do it like anywhere in the world. Yeah. And no, I've been absolutely loving it and learning every single day. I got a lot of mentors here and there. And I think the ordinals are the future because NFTs on Bitcoin is the holy grail. And I'm not gonna be saying like that, but it's the future. Crypto is the future. And it's been great. It's a huge privilege to be with all you guys. Kevin, go ahead. Kevin. No, that's awesome V. It's so great to have you here. And, you know, if you don't mind me asking, what's kind of the first thing you did when you kind of got into this space? I know you said you got started early this year, but you know, how did you start? V 07:59. Yeah, that's a great question. Actually, I've been in the NFT space for since 2021, but I do with the education since my major and I'm a professor. So how did I start in getting into the ordinals? Actually, through one of my good friends that introduced me. He actually minted one of the first checks inscribed on the ordinals and basically through running through all the research that I can. That's how I understood that there' would be complete remarkable change, remarkable innovation as I started to discover and play with ordinals. And I met amazing people here and there be it anywhere during all the conferences. So it was like a revolution for me, it's like a calling. And then we made Exahertz and it's been great ever since. Kevin. That's so awesome to hear. And, you know, one thing I want to kind of highlight is for everyone listening here today, being first is being early in the space. You know, there's so much going on right now, but it's also such a great learning opportunity. And, you know, if you can be that first person to learn something new, you're already ahead of the game. So it's really great to hear your story there V. I would love to know a little bit more about Exahertz if you don't mind. You know, what is it exactly that you guys are doing and how are you kind of aiming to innovate in this space? V 08:59. Yeah, sure. I mean with Exahertz, we have something exciting that we're building and we're cooking about. We're kind of trying to make sure that we have one of the most informative platforms available. We're working on like a data aggregator for ordinals, tabulating all the information that makes sure everybody that can be like can learn a thing about ordinals. And it's transcending because as we saw over the past few months, ordinals have been growing actively. So I would say it actually has grown 1500% just over like the last few months as the sheer count of total inscriptions. James, how are you guys doing? Who's going to be doing this project? I'm curious too as well, a guy that has coded this and you know, is it Cephas or is it somebody else I'm talking to? Basilio. Well, I'll give you kind of the answer as much as I can reveal without going into too much detail about our team. I can say yes. Cephas is our guy, but a lot of it is shared community driven documentation that we can play publicly. So we share a lot of our repos and we share a lot of instances, for example, about our documentation. But as I said, Cephas is for life. Oh, that's amazing. And so if I were someone like me just starting to get acquainted with this, you know, not necessarily anything else, like setting up a wallet, something like that, would someone like your community or a resource at your end that could help me with that? V Well, you know, it's funny you asked that question because like I said, I'm just the marketing guru on here kicking out some stuff and I needed some alpha myself because guys connecting over to Fibo especially it's a little hard because it's not what I'm used to, right? So it was very, very different. I had someone direct me through the dashboard and I needed alpha from the better part of our audience just to kind of take me through a step by step. And we had some of our discord users in our community. So I totally understand where you're coming from because it was so difficult at first for me to get around. But it's going to be, you know, especially for our desktop users and you know, for our desktop users, it's gonna be very easy, right? Kevin. No, I get that. And, you know, V, just to close out here before you, you know, jump out of the plane or jump out of here. But what do you think is one of the most exciting things you're really looking forward to in the near future with everything happening with ordinals? V 10:03. Well, I'm just basically excited for everything to happen with ordinals. I'm highly anticipating for the day that we get Bitcoin ordinals onto nfts with smart contracts. And it's going to be fascinating. I mean, we by now we're already having like fun meta where they're going to be exposing everything like exposed to bitmaps and like you have like fun meta going on right now and so on beyond exciting. And I think that the whole innovation is quite exciting because we're having fast excitation and we're getting prof "I hope so too. But yeah, I think we will have a fun time and we will, You know, eventually it's going to take us time, but we'll learn something. But Kevin, also, why don't we talk a little bit about kind of more the fun stuff about minting and kind of process so far and how people can actually join in? Kevin 07:58. Yeah, absolutely. So I mean, basically, if you haven't already heard, Angels is going to be minting soon. And we have a lot of stuff to cover in terms of how you can kind of get ahead of the game, make sure you're on the whitelist, and also get yourself some interesting pieces and minting. So one of the first things as you probably already know, is getting yourself set up with a Bitcoin wallet. So I mean, you can do that on a lot of different platforms, but Treasure is probably the easiest one. And once you have that, you can get connected into our discord and join our amazing community. And we've got so many members that are willing to help you kind of navigate the space. Because I know, as Vasya was saying earlier, you know, this can be very daunting for a lot of folks that maybe this is your first time exploring Bitcoin NFTs or ordinals for that matter. You know, it is a new frontier, but rest assured, we have a lot of resources to help you out here. And we also want to have a bit of fun with it too. So we've got some trivia today as well, right, Vasya? 10:04 Vasya Yeah, sure do. We sure do. And I wanted to, you know, invite everybody to this trivia as well, because, you know, we have got a packed show for you. But why don't we dive into some kind of the nitty gritty about setting up wallets and setting up stuff and once we get back because Milton is on his flight. And once he gets lands, he said he's got a bunch of alpha to drop for you guys. But while we're waiting for my next guest, who hopefully is going to be joining us soon, how about we drop a little bit of trivia just while waiting? And I mean, we got some really exciting giveaways. And also one of our most exciting people that we're going to give away is one of our Satoshi's Angels. So what is basically one of the origins that we actually started with? So I want you to tell me what is the biggest minting reward that we're going to have on August 7th? You can give me a hint. It's up in the pin convo. And I want you to answer that. And the first three people that are able to get that answer back to me on Twitter, I'll make sure that it's in our DMs. But also just throw it out as well in discord. It is answered in some of our latest conversations. So yeah, kind of. But what else are we looking forward to? I mean, we got a bunch of Alpha coming up, so we'll be joining shortly. Kevin. No, that sounds awesome. And I can't wait to dive into that. You know, it's going to be super exciting coming up to that mint. So, you know, I encourage everybody to join in, even if you haven't before. You know, just jump in, have some fun with it, and, you know, be part of this amazing community. So yeah, thanks, Vasya. I mean, maybe let's dive into some of that trivia. Vasya. Oh, yeah, sure. We have a fun trivia game set up for everybody. And it is so much fun because we basically wanted to know, Kevin, you've got a little bit there. What is the first and oldest minting Bitcoin NFT that was first inscribed on the ordinals. And I'll give you a hint. It was the first one. And you know what? You can probably Google it and get the answer right off the top of your head. But whoever gets that first in the discord, I've also posted it on Twitter, but some of you OGs out there. Kevin. Yeah, I think I know the answer to that one. You know, maybe I'll cheat and try to chime in. Vasya. Yeah, you know what? It's funny because while we're speaking right now, more than likely, I feel like more anticipation is coming up for these mintings. And also with ordinals going up to satoshis and stuff, it's like really, really exciting times. Kevin. Absolutely. And, you know, just to jump in here as well, you know, you mentioned Satosthi's Angels, that's coming up soon. So do you have a date for that yet or, you know, any, any alpha you can drop there? Vasya. Sure. Actually, we have a little we had announced in the beginning. We did have the August first date. So August first on our discord five o'clock PM would have been the mint time for that first big major mint. But because of our organizers traveling across the pond and getting to Amsterdam for Bitcoin, unfortunately, we had to postpone that, sending a calendar invite, just scheduling conflicts. So now our official date is August 7th same time five o'clock. So for everyone, just keep that pinning on there. August 7th, which is next Monday, you guys will be minting out our first Bitcoin NFT and you will be hella excited to get ahold of your stuff. So with that, Kevin, what do you think? What are you excited for? Kevin. Yeah. No, I'm really excited about that. You know, moving the date even gives us more time to plan, more time to get prepared. So, you know, thank you for sharing. Thank you for that alpha. And yeah, really looking forward to it. Vasya. Cool beans. Cool beans. So I'm going to actually walk around and you guys will hear me because I know we have, but I'm setting up some fun stuff in here around my stuff. But more excitedly, I have another guest joining us shortly, but I just wanted to kind of pass the mic so I can pin up some convo. But Kevin, why? But yeah, tell me what else you got going on. I mean, how you feeling about um, I, I just got to say yes. And it's fucking can you guys hold a convo for a second? Because I realize that I'm obsessed I didn't share the DM right now. Kevin. No, absolutely. And so yeah, one thing I want to talk about as well is a new wallet that I've been playing around with. It's called mutiny. And you know, we've talked a lot today about different wallets that you can kind of get started with. But mutiny is a bit different because it builds on top of lightning technology. So if you've got a bitcoin wallet set up, you can actually take that even further, set up a mutiny wallet and then you can start using that for more micro transactions, which is wicked because it's super fast and it's really helps you not have to spend so much in fees. So highly recommend you check that out. We'll make sure to have all this info in our discord as well. V. Um anyway, um, why don't we, um, actually well, actually, um, we've got new people to come on shortly. Um, but I just wanted to share that because right now so much to share about wallets. But yeah, it's yeah, Vasia it has been super informative convo here today and thank everybody for dropping links to wallets and everything. Kevin No, for sure. And you know, this one thing I want to ask you Vasia, you know, might be kind of getting back to the basics a bit here. But why ordinals? You know, what makes this special compared to other NFT ecosystems we've seen in other chains. I'd love to get your thoughts. V. Well, I think the main thing is the fact we're directly on bitcoin, right? So when you start to learn a bit more about the technology, you're utilizing taproot, which is one thing we're using the satoshis itself. So the fact that it's most decentralized and another thing too, by the way, and if you're a fan like myself, of the symposium, we didn't have we don't have any programmable tokens and it's so useful and exciting because it's one of those things that right now it's new for everyone. I mean we know about layer twos. We know about lightning and all that good stuff, right? Wait a second. Oh my God. Someone's called I'm sorry. Is it someone calling my phone as I'm DMing? Um anyway. So yeah, I was breaking I was like wait a sec. No someone's actually, you know, anyway. Um, so yeah, basically it's so decentralized and it's so exciting but it's useful because bitcoin failed to bring in tokens. Finally, we have something that is useful. So that's why I'm super, super passionate about this and learning about different products and how you can use it is very, very exciting for everybody here because they didn't know bitcoin could do that. And you just think it's just for like, yeah, let me use features and pancakes all this stuff in the bin. But yeah, it's to me, it's exciting. Kevin. No, that's awesome. And yeah, it's funny you say that because we've been exploring ordinals as well. And you know, learning a lot about it, it's really advancing how we can use bitcoin. So you know, really excited about that. And what about you, what about you Basilio? Any thoughts on ordinals and how that's been shaping this space? Basilio. Oh yeah, I mean, I think it's one of the most exciting things happening in the space and just to echo V's thoughts there. It's decentralized, it's low fees, it's just showing how powerful bitcoin can be now with this new layer of technology on top of it. So super excited as well. Kevin. No, that's awesome. And I mean, you know, kind of bringing it full circle here. What are your thoughts on how people can start getting involved? You know, one of the things I'm always curious about is people that are new to the space, they want to dive in, you know, what are some of the first steps they should take? Any thoughts there? Vasia. Yeah. So basically first steps you can take is obviously try to learn a bit more about wallets. Try to connect wallets and there's so much more you can learn about using wallets. But you're basically here in this space. You're in this moment. You are early. That's the exciting part about it. So basically try to learn more, try to engage and you'll be absolutely excited about how much you can learn once you start to play around with things. So that's my biggest advice. Kevin. I love that. It's so true. Right? Getting involved early, learning as much as you can. It's so powerful and you know, we've heard some really great advice here today, but you know, why don't we throw it to the audience as well. If there's anyone that has any questions for our guests here, any thoughts or comments, feel free to chime in. You can unmute yourself or throw it in the discord and we'll get to those as well. Kevin 07:59. Oh my gosh, I just realized I'm looking at your pinned tweet and everybody is like, this is exciting. I have I love you guys. Thanks for having me. I'm so needing this to be awesome. I know. Yeah, I'm in there. I'm in the discord. I'm chatting up there as well. Kevin 07:59. I see that. Yeah. No, it's it's awesome to have this community that's so engaged and you know, look, we're all here to learn, right? And that's

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