Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Andromeda KYVE Network hosted by AndromedaProt. Delve into the world of Andromeda & KYVE Network, operated by Andromeda Labs, offering a pioneering cross-chain composable Operating System designed for efficiency, speed, and innovation in blockchain infrastructure. With a strong focus on collaboration, interoperability, and user-centric experiences, Andromeda is setting new standards for on-chain solutions. Through cutting-edge technology and a commitment to reliability, users benefit from seamless cross-chain operations that prioritize convenience and efficiency.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.


Q: What sets Andromeda & KYVE Network apart in the blockchain industry?
A: Their focus on a cross-chain composable Operating System offers unparalleled efficiency and speed.

Q: How does innovation manifest in Andromeda Labs' approach?
A: Innovation drives their vision for seamless on-chain solutions and enhanced user experiences.

Q: Why is cross-chain functionality crucial for Andromeda & KYVE Network?
A: It enhances collaboration, interoperability, and overall system efficiency.

Q: What values guide Andromeda Labs' development of on-chain solutions?
A: User experience, convenience, reliability, and cutting-edge technology are their key priorities.

Q: What impact does Andromeda & KYVE Network aim to make in the blockchain space?
A: They are paving the way for streamlined cross-chain operations, setting new standards for efficiency.

Q: How does Andromeda Labs ensure user-friendly experiences in their network?
A: By focusing on operational convenience, efficiency, and reliable services.

Q: What role does collaboration play in the Andromeda & KYVE Network ecosystem?
A: Collaboration fosters interoperability and a robust infrastructure for users.

Q: How is technology innovation incorporated into Andromeda Labs' solutions?
A: Cutting-edge technology underpins their on-chain offerings, ensuring advanced services.

Q: What benefits do users gain from using the Andromeda & KYVE Network?
A: They experience seamless cross-chain operations with top-notch efficiency and reliability.

Q: In what way does Andromeda Labs prioritize user experience?
A: Their commitment to user-centric services enhances operational convenience for all users.


Time: 00:12:45
Innovative Cross-Chain Solutions Explore Andromeda & KYVE Network's pioneering approach to cross-chain composable Operating Systems.

Time: 00:21:10
Efficiency and Speed in Operations Discover how Andromeda prioritizes speed and efficiency in blockchain operations.

Time: 00:35:20
User-Friendly On-Chain Experiences Learn about Andromeda Labs' dedication to enhancing user experience through on-chain solutions.

Time: 00:42:05
Collaboration and Interoperability Understand the importance of collaboration for seamless interoperability in the network.

Time: 00:57:30
Cutting-Edge Technology Integration Witness the role of technology innovation in shaping Andromeda's advanced on-chain services.

Time: 01:10:15
Reliability and Convenience Explore how reliability and operational convenience define Andromeda & KYVE Network's offerings.

Key Takeaways

  • Andromeda & KYVE Network offer a groundbreaking cross-chain composable Operating System.
  • The emphasis is on efficiency, enhancement, and speed in operations.
  • Innovation drives Andromeda's vision for seamless on-chain solutions.
  • Cross-chain functionality is a pivotal aspect of Andromeda & KYVE Network's infrastructure.
  • Collaboration and interoperability play a significant role in their ecosystem.
  • The network prioritizes user experience and operational convenience.
  • Andromeda Labs' commitment to cutting-edge technology is evident in their approach.
  • The space highlights the importance of on-chain solutions for user-friendly experiences.
  • Efficiency and reliability are at the core of Andromeda & KYVE Network's offerings.
  • The network is paving the way for streamlined cross-chain operations in the blockchain space.

Behind the Mic

Initial Greetings

Hey, loud and clear. How are you doing? Awesome. I'm doing good. I'm doing good. Is it good morning to you or good afternoon? It's good morning for me. How about you? It is good afternoon here. I'm based in Germany. In Europe. In Germany. Nice. What part? Frankfurt. Like, really middle of Germany. I've flown through there. I've been there. I know. It's super nice. Honestly, living to. To the Frankfurt airport, because you can just get everywhere, and so everyone is like, I've been in Frankfurt for the airport. I was like, I know. Yep.

Waiting for Other Speakers

Just wait for our other speaker and give some people a time to join, and then we'll get started after a few. Hey, can you guys hear me? Loud and clear. All good. Well. Just a heads up. I have been sneezing my head off all day, so if I suddenly go quiet in the middle of a sentence, I've probably just muted myself so I can sneeze. No worries at all. No worries. All right, we'll give one more minute for a couple people to join, and then we will get started, since we know a lot of people will be listening later as well.

Introduction to the Discussion

All right, all right. How's everybody doing on this beautiful Friday morning afternoon evening to everybody? We're going to get started here and kick off the spaces. I am Angela Brasington, chief of ecosystem at andromeda, and we're stoked to have you all join us today for this discussion about our partnership with Kyiv. And today we're joined by Adam from Roundtable 21 and Fabian from Kive. So we'll be diving into the details of the Andromeda operating system, or AOS, and how our partnership with Kive is set to revolutionize our ecosystems.

Overview of Key Topics

So we'll cover the benefits, the technical details, and the future roadmap of our collaboration. And, of course, we'll also have a q and a session at the end, so feel free to send in your questions or raise your hand at any time. And let's get started. Adam, would you like to come up and introduce yourself? Sure. So I am also known as capricious sage. You'll see me in a lot of the telegram groups and everything, running around like an idiot just here on the roundtable 21 Twitter account for the time being.

Adam's Introduction

And, yeah, we also run validators within the Andromeda ecosystem and help out a little bit behind the scenes wherever we can. Thank you. All right, Fabian, you're up. Well, hello, everyone. I'm Fabian. I am the founder of Kaif Network software developer, originally started in the Aave space and then, yeah, always kind of worked with blockchain data. And then three years ago from now, I think started with Kaif, and now we're here, I would say we do blockchain data, mostly focused on historical data.

Overview of Kaif's Operations

We decentralize data, we make it trustless, and we also make it easy for developers to access it. But I guess we're going to hear a little more about that later, I think. Definitely. And easier to validate us. Thank you, by the way. Exactly. You're welcome. You're welcome. All right, so for those who are new, let me give you a brief overview of Andromeda and our flagship product, Andromeda operating system, AOS.

Introduction to Andromeda and AOS

Andromeda is at the forefront of blockchain innovation, focused on creating a seamless and interoperable ecosystem. Our AOS is designed to provide developers and users powerful tools to build and interact with decentralized applications across multiple blockchains. Some of the key features of AOS include advanced crushing compatibility, robust security measures, and a user friendly interface that simplifies the development process.

Achievements of Andromeda

Since our launch, we have achieved a lot of milestones, including integrations with many blockchains, 13 I believe to be exactly injective.

Introduction to Andromeda and its Mission

Neutron Archway, Stargaze many others. The creation of over 1500 Andromeda digital objects has happened with those integrations, as well as the development of nearly 500 decentralized apps using AOS. So our mission is to really empower developers, projects, and users by providing the tools they need to innovate and succeed in the decentralized world. So with that said, I would love to introduce Fabian, if you could give an intro about Kaif.

Fabian's Experience with Kaif

Yeah, absolutely. So the whole idea around Kaif got started when I was still working in the Arweave ecosystem. I was approached by the. Actually, I wasn't directly approached. It was through a bounty from the parity team, which is the dev company behind Polkadot, and they wanted to create an archive for Polkadot data on Arweave. Now, I was like, oh, that's a cool weekend project. Let's kick it off. And then realize pretty fast that actually there are quite some security risks involved if I would be the only developer building a solution for the archive, because basically, well, my code could have bugs, and that would mean that I would maybe store wrong Polkadot data or even the other way around.

The Need for Security and Decentralization

I could also maliciously tamper with the Polkadot data and then, like, basically create an unusable archive for them without any way for them to actually know that it's a modified unusable archive and then also basically making it impossible for them to recover or if I've maybe planted some false data and they even recover with wrong data. So I was thinking like, hey, we need to find a way to basically work with the data in the web three space as securely as we operate in the web three space. So then the idea for turning this into a decentralized network became a thing and hence then also kive grew.

Core Philosophy of Kaif

So what is the main idea of kive? It's really to create a trustless archive of data. We do this by not having just one node to basically access the blockchain data from, but with over 51 of them is always selected as one uploading data. The other 49 validate that it is the correct data. And if someone would upload wrong data or maliciously tamper with the data, the other nodes would know about that because the proof wouldn't work out. And then the node that uploaded the wrong data would get a slash. So it is secured by a proof of stake mechanism.

Operational Mechanism of Kaif

We also cosmos SDK chain and this is how the basic mechanic of Kaif works. So one side we are creating this full on trustless, decentralized data lake with all of the chains data. And on the other side, this brings us in a cool position where we can build very nice tools for projects for builders in the space that need to have access to the data and don't want to work with very expensive, hard to set up archival nodes. So with three main ways for developers to access the data, one is a validator tool called Ksync that allows you as a validator to sync the node of a network you want to join within minutes instead of hours or weeks, sometimes even on bigger networks.

Data Accessibility and Historical Insights

And it also allows you to sync to any historical height. So if you want to look into what the blockchain looked like a year ago, the tool allows this for you as well. This is not something that is traditionally supported out of the box for networks. The other one is a data pipeline. So we talked to developers and they were like, hey, we want to get more out of our data than just looking at the explorer. You want to be able to work with it. We want to be able to get a bird's eye view. We want to know how many average transactions are there per block and things like this.

Development Tools for Enhanced Data Management

And for this you need your own database and especially also data pipeline to get the data into your database. This is the second tool we have with Kaif. It's a very strong data pipeline that just helps you as a developer to have an easier, more familiar way on working with the data. And the third one is the trustless API. This we did by working with the Celestia team on a Celestia integration. They wanted a way to access application to application data, which means that if you write an application that sits maybe on top of Celestia, on top of any other blockchain, and this needs programmatic access to data, the trustless API allows it as well.

Security Features and Robustness of Kaif

We store some proofs with the data so the client automatically knows that even in transport, the data has not been modified or tampered with. So it's in general very robust and secure way to access the data around all of the blockchain data. That was a lot of data in a lot of words. But maybe the TLDR is restore historical blockchain data and have a couple of ways for developers to access it. I mean, data is not sexy, but it's cool.

Importance of Archives in the Decentralized World

That's right, absolutely. And it is quite important. It's just until you described it as an archive like that, the penny just hadn't dropped. I've been talking to you guys for months now, and it only just occurred to me that your name, archive ha. Did not realize until then. Yes, this is a question we get asked a lot, like, where does the name come from? And when we started out with a big ukrainian russian community, and I didn't even know that Kaif is a Kiev.

Understanding the Name 'Kaif'

Right? Like, the Ukrainian was like, oh, do you guys take a russian team? Or like ukrainian team? Is that the reason why we're like, no, it's coming from like, archiving, and it just looked cool with the kyve, and then that's why we have Kaif actually as a name. Yeah, it's just the penny only just dropped now. That's. I should have caught that a while ago. You're not alone.

Collaborative Efforts and Exciting Integration

Margo and I just had. Hi, Margo, I see you on the call. We just had a conversation about this prior, so that's pretty funny, actually. So now let's dive into the details of our partnership. This collaboration is particularly exciting because it combines the strengths of Andromeda's AOS with Kive's powerful data solutions. Technically, this integration allows us to leverage Kyiv's decentralized data lake to store and manage vast amounts of on chain data efficiently.

Benefits of Integration for Andromeda

For Andromeda, this means enhanced data availability and integrity, which are crucial for building robust apps.

Integration with AOS

And for Kyiv, integrating with AOS, of course, opens up new avenues for providing their services to a broader range of projects and developers within our ecosystem. Adam, do you want to talk a bit more about the technical details and the benefits of the partnership as well, potentially as some use cases that may be enabled? Yeah, sure. So where a lot of the iOS integrations are. So the one chain deploying the actual AOS operating system package on the chain so that people can build apps on that chain and use the other cool tools of the ecosystem that are on that chain, and vice versa.

Differentiated Integration with Kiv

The integration with Kiv is a little bit different there. So the really useful value of what kive brings isn't so much the information that is on their chain specifically per se. It's the archive of all of the other chains. So it's a slightly different type of integration. And in the list of chains that kind of is integrated with, you'll also spot a bunch of friendly faces for chains that iOS is already integrated with. And so part of what the tech team is working through in the back, there is a particular wave up my head.

Data Availability Challenges

That's their problem is how to best make that data availability for the chains that people are building on with iOS to be able to leverage that additional data and resources and architecture and tooling that comes from carve in what they're doing with iOS on those chains that both have been deployed on, which it's going to be really interesting to see how that develops and grows over time. Then, of course, on the actual use case itself. More tools for validators, always good. It's been a great tool for the other chains that have partnered with Kive as well, really streamlines a lot of their validator operations.

Validator Tools and Data Archives

And so as a validator myself, I'm loving the fact that we can get in on that stuff too. It does help streamline a lot of things there. Knowing that there's also going to be a really strong data archive as well of the historical transactions, that's something that we're quite excited to look forward to, because sometimes it can be a bit difficult to find those complete archives when you're trying to set something up. As a node operator, that's something you need, not just as someone running a validator, but also as you build different apps on any chain within the cosmos ecosystem, you also find yourself needing to run a full node quite often.

Analysis Tools from Kive

So that really helps with that sort of things. There's also some pretty nifty analytics tools that kive offers both through Kyiv and through some of their partners there as well, some of which are more here is access to a bunch of data. Use it as you will, and then on the other side, they've actually got here is a funky dashboard go digging through with all the tools. So the two sides of that, I know, have different people excited for different things, and I think that there's going to be a lot of really interesting ways that the partnership continues to develop over the next couple of months as a sort of new understandings of what's happening really come into play.

Expansion and Token Tracking

Because, yeah, the more chains that iOS gets on, it means the more places that the Andromeda token finds itself. So keeping track of everything on a broader level becomes a little bit more difficult, and I think Kava's going to help a lot with that. Yeah, I agree. Well said, Adam. Thank you. Fabian, is there anything that you would like to add to that? I think Adam did a fantastic job on that. I was just thinking, if there's much to add from my side, there really isn't that much.

Value of Partnership

We're just super happy that we also got the opportunity from the Andromeda team to also integrate with you guys and work, as Adam said, not just only on like, hey, we store your data kind of level, but also, like, on a more deeper level that will come out of this once we have all the data available. And Regis Kaif gets more and more powerful. Also for you guys, the more other chains we integrate as well because we can enable cross chain insights and things like this.

Foundational Data Work

I think Adam said a little bit, reflect the dashboards you're working on, understanding what the token flows between different chains look like, what does the utility look like, and other things. And just really excited to now have the foundational data work in place, basically, and then just really strengthening that over the next couple of months and bringing real value to your ecosystem, and vice versa for us with AOS. And hey, if Kyiv is ever trying to figure out what chains to expand to next, we have a list.

Growing List of Chains

Very love. Perfect. Let us know we're happy. We're happy to. And as we continue to, or I should say, as the AOS devs continue to keep pushing AOS onto more and more chains across the cosmos, that list will just keep growing. So, you know, keep up. That's right. Now, let's talk about the broader benefits of our partnership. By working together, Andromeda and Kaive can enhance both of our ecosystems significantly like we just shared.

Enhanced Ecosystem Benefits

One of the standout benefits, of course, is the comprehensive on chain analytics that Kyiv brings to the table, which is invaluable for developers who need accurate and reliable data to build and optimize their dapps. Additionally, Kyiv will be acting as a validator for Andromeda, ensuring the integrity and security of our network. And I think this will have a real positive impact on our community, fostering growth and innovation by providing developers with the tools and the data that they need to succeed.

Validator Economic Play

Admiral Fabian, what's your take? I think that especially the validator thing is something we are starting out to do more and more because we do believe in the win situation we create. And there's actually also more like deeper token economic play there going on for Kaif, which is basically that we want to have a full on commitment partnership with the chains we're working with. And this is the crazy thing.

Data Storage Assurance

Some people sometimes don't understand when it comes to data, but a blockchain, we can be in a bull market, we can be in a bear market, it doesn't matter. It pretty consistently, every 6 seconds produces data all the time. Data needs to be stored. And by us just having a validator, it is really cool because we have the infrastructure available right away and also allows us to make use of our validator and of the rewards that we create and utilize them on a hive site for funding of the data.

Node Connectivity

Which means that as long as our validators is running, which is as long as your chain is running, your data is automatically basically being stored and being secured there. And the incentive is just always set for our community to do this. Additionally, this also means that if you are a validator on the Andromeda and want to utilize or maximize your infrastructure efficiency, you can also of course, bring your node over to kive and basically connect your Kyiv node to your running Andromeda node, take the data from there, and by this basically also really monetize your existing infrastructure more efficiently because just, yeah, you get basically rewarded for also doing it on the data side on Kaif.

Strengthening Blockchain Relationships

And this is, I think, really exciting. And again, it's really strengthening the relationship we have with the other blockchain partners. Nice. Yeah, well said. Adam, do you have anything to add to that? No, I went to say something and then had to sneeze and kept the microphone muted. I figured you were sneezing.

The Significance of Technical Integration

So overall, this is more than just a technical integration, right? It's about building a stronger, more interconnected blockchain ecosystem. So looking ahead, we have an exciting roadmap planned for the Andromeda Kive partnership. In the near term, we'll be rolling out new features and projects that leverage the combined strengths of both our technologies. And this includes advanced data analytics tools, enhanced developer support, and of course new integrations that further expand our ecosystem. Our long term vision for this collaboration is to create a seamless, interoperable environment where devs can build with confidence. Right. Knowing that they have access to the best tools and data available. And we believe that by working closely together, we can drive significant advancements in the entire blockchain space and deliver real value to our communities.

Agreement on the Importance of Data Integrity

Fabian, what would you like to add to that? I think that I can basically just only agree with you. I think we are really happy to provide the data foundation and make sure that the devs have confidence in building, because that is key. Actually, it's interesting, when I spend time in the space with non-devi people, there is a big difference in how people think about blockchain data. Many people think, oh, because on the blockchain, the data is always correct. It's actually very much nothing the case. It's really context dependent and also note dependent if the data you get is correct or not. Many devs understand it and there is a big struggle of getting the confidence there and getting the tools in place that you need. And, yeah, we're really happy that we can basically provide that. And no, we're really happy for this opportunity.

Engagement with the Community

Likewise, same for our end. We've covered a lot of the things we wanted to talk about in such a short time. It shows how efficient we both are. But I would like to call on the community and see if anybody has any questions about the partnership with Kive, about the benefits, our future plans. Please raise your hand if you have anything to ask or any feedback from what we've talked about so far. I'll also be checking the post to see if anybody left any questions there. And while I do that, Admiral Fabian, is there anything you'd like to add in while we wait for questions? I think that we've pretty much covered everything. It's really cool data and we can do really cool things with it. And we can also then pull the data that they've got for everybody else and leverage that, too.

Looking Forward to Future Developments

So, yeah, it'll be a pretty nice archive to play with. Yeah, I think it sounds like we definitely should do, like a follow up Twitter space in three months and maybe talk about some achievement and stuff we have stuff like data we have uncovered and stuff. I think it would be really exciting, I think, for the both of us. And. No, really looking forward to this once it's go live and. Yeah, super exciting. Absolutely. I think that once we've got some of the new dashboards and everything up and running, I say we. I can't code for biscuits, so you know, the dev team, once they've got the new dashboards up and running, I think that's going to be some really cool insights that we're able to be able to share with the community, some interesting tooling and everything that's going to be in aos that people are going to be able to leverage.

Recap and Future Directions

And, yeah, as that starts to get built into new ados and that sort of thing, I think it's going to make some really fun toys there. It sort of strikes me as a more of a show, don't tell sort of situation, and I think that the proof will really be in that. Yeah, I think so, too. And I love the idea of a follow up spaces. Fabian. We'll definitely do that. Showcase what we've been able to achieve from the partnership. So, to recap, we've covered the key aspects of our integration with Kive, including the technical details, the benefits for our ecosystems. We're incredibly excited about the potential of this partnership and what it means for both our communities.

Expressing Gratitude to Participants

And I just want to send a big thank you to all of you for joining us today and for your continued support. Don't forget to check out AOS, which is now live on multiple chains. And you can actually start building right now, today. And you can find all of the links on our Twitter profile in our link tree, including our telegram and discord for the latest announcements. And like I said, for those interested in building with AOS, we encourage you to get started and take advantage of these great benefits. So thank you again for coming, and we look forward to seeing what you create and how you use Kyiv.

Final Remarks and Future Engagement

Guys, would you like to add any last comments? Thank you very much for having me and super excited for that. And let's, as promised, have the other Twitter space coming up. In the meantime, also, of course, we will keep your community, our community, up to date when the Andromeda integration will hit mainnet, and then the moment it hits mainnet, our devs can also start hacking around with your data. And it's going to be really exciting. To see the outcome of that, 100%. Definitely looking forward to it. And yeah, as you said, Twitter profile, no one's ever going to call it next profile. He can try as he loves. It's still Twitter. Thank you.

Closing the Session

Yes, it is. All right, everybody, have an awesome rest of your day. A great weekend.

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