Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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AMA with Kendu

This space is hosted by ShibaXanders

Space Summary

The Twitter space explored contentious subjects within the crypto domain, touching on the impact of blacklisting wallets and the recent removal of the max wallet concept. Debates ensued on the achievability of reaching a $10 billion market cap and a thorough elucidation of compounding in financial growth. The discussion space emphasized the natural expansion evident in the holder count, illustrating the unpredictable yet favorable landscape of the crypto market.


Q: What was the controversy surrounding blacklisting wallets?
A: The Twitter space discussed the controversies surrounding the practice of blacklisting wallets within the crypto industry.

Q: Why was the max wallet concept abolished?
A: The abolishment of the max wallet concept was argued for better distribution and management within the crypto space.

Q: What are the uncertainties and projections regarding market capitalization?
A: The uncertainties and projections regarding hitting a $10 billion market cap were debated and analyzed during the discussion.

Q: How is compounding related to financial growth?
A: The concept of compounding was explained in relation to how it contributes to financial growth and investment returns.

Q: What growth trends have been noted in terms of holders in the crypto space?
A: The space highlighted the organic growth observed in the number of holders in the crypto space as a notable trend.


Time: 00:17:51
Beginner Tips for DeFi: Importance of mastering Twitter for new DeFi participants.

Time: 00:21:15
Quality Over Quantity: Discussion on the importance of well-formatted, engaging content.

Time: 00:24:51
Community Presence: The role of community in social media engagement.

Time: 00:51:28
Practical Posting Tips: Specific advice on using hashtags and cash tags effectively.

Time: 02:08:27
Handling Doubters: Strategies for addressing skepticism with metrics and data.

Time: 01:11:05
Creating Value: Encouragement to participants to add value through their unique skills.

Time: 00:46:11
Global Engagement Plans: Discussion on plans for holding global community meetings.

Key Takeaways

  • Discussion on the controversial topic of blacklisting wallets in the crypto space.
  • The abolishment of the max wallet concept for better distribution.
  • Confidence and doubts concerning hitting $10 billion market cap in the crypto market.
  • An explanation on the concept of compounding in relation to growth and investments.
  • The organic growth observed in the number of holders in recent times.

Behind the Mic

[ “never used a blacklist.”, “I don’t believe in it.”, “You look at Pepe, they blacklist.”, “Some poor lady got her wallet blacklisted just because she was lucky.”, “They were blacklisting wallets that bought under a million dollar market cap.”, “Imagine that.”, “Imagine you’re sitting there with, you know, 2 million, $3 million worth of crypto and you can’t.”, “And it’s not because you sniped it’s because you got in early.”, “So, yeah, I don’t believe in blacklisting.”, “That is just a generic sort of contract function.”, “I understand that and.”, “Yeah, and what else was the other ones you say?”, “Oh, yeah, and the max wallet, again, that’s been abolished.”, “The whole reason, the whole point with the max wallet is to prove in it to get a good spread but also to make sure that, you know, even though you’re not.”, “Even though it’s.”, “You’re not really like snipers.”, “I think I like a lot of people that just snipe everything they’ve got.”, “You know, they’ve got multiple wallets and usually they’re a bunch.”, “of latency arbiters too.”, “So I think, yeah, I think being max wallet is a good thing.”, “It’s a good way to protect you and your holders.”, “And that way everyone feels a bit more confident to just jump back in without the fear of losing everything.”, “That was what the, the original plan.”, “Yeah.”, “Very much, more of a value from one to clear.”, “That’s how I look at it.”, “I’d that’s fine.”, “I don’t know, well, so if you, when serial values have a lot more, much more to protect and for the holders because of that.”, “They’re going to be the kids, so it can’t be a blow off challenge.”, “Because you can imagine if someone got, you know, 10, 30, 40, 50 wallets and okay, new faces on the internet, you can’t.”, “And what do you plans to do this time and again?”, “And that’s where more wallets is, but people say, that’s always been the cause for anyone to be accumulated and.”, “Last week in my neighborhood without a long winter, we have been having all the time is say, right now, I just in an hour.”, “This is usually initiated by usually one, two and three people.”, “Such a certain amount of then all created my wallet on dictations within two out of sometimes three years.”, “Okay, I don’t get if you have a questions too.”, “All questions will be about time that it is more if it’s lot.”, “Or, no, of retaliation.”, “Here today that does not need to be over.”, “So some Deed.”, “Good job.”, “Great job.”, “Okay, so, if you have any questions I want to, but okay. That’s all.”, “Thank you very much.”, “Oh, Hold on.”, “There is room to all contenders who missed in. This is all known that, that two big adequate.”, “And.”, “This is also a better a break away.”, “All right, you looking deep.”, “Do you have a saying.”, “There is still time.”, “So right now what do we do have a few best gas.”, “So I’m thinking that.”, “A proper to the plans in the Atlantic for that when mention, yep, that let, again, so this will only include Project free and firm.”, “And spectacles and that’s just in case.”, “This will be a 11 at 10:00 PM.”, “Excellent.”, “Thank you.”, “Thank you.”, “I want to talk to a better light just to make sure still.”, “That no one goes off.”, “Yes.”, “I’m doing this is it.”, “Well, this is different.”, “My, this set.”, “So this happens, this happened.”, “But you know, they open the day, just right clear clay.”, “You should is a bit easier to be able to financing, be sure not based.”, “No, well again, there is a good thing that the buy is all firm.”, “It was seen.”, “Otherwise you open it and safe for all is a problem we trust.”, “But can you see kind of all.”, “Yes.”, “I understand where you’re coming from and.”, “Use the open look at present over 30 (26)”, “So that is why set (“50 sure)”, “Again, see what I mean.”, “Yeah, I’m over a lot so we probably should care surface.”, “Should have asked me.”, “A gas for myself.”, “Or just from here so and.”, “Yeah, they can’t.”, “Clear the system.”, “Bought on warm the organization with 20 bucks from there.”, “All organizations keep should be standardization.”, “Excellent!”, “Finally, we’ve said.”, “Any questions from here then?”, “This does better so quickly.”, “The possibility.”, “Wait this means the boroughs task can see it.”, “Let, that’s better. Thank.”, “Do you take those.”, “It has more.”, “Yup, thanks.”, “So this and all that of the big area e all much commodity bus of the week.”, “Great, but this is all must task okay.”, “So this happens.”, “All right.”, “Thanks.”, “So okay.”, “Everyone is also.”, “I’m excited, that’s always remember just sure programs always there.”, “See you soon, all later thanks.”, “So that’s from here on the last isn’t always.”, “Go free, they can protect unlike smaller.”, “Nice, so last comments.”, “So that’s what I think the question.”, “Okay.”, “So.”, “Should. “And.”, “Nothing really I’m just okay so base the box.”, “So theatasy clear the four the next week.”, “They back with.”, “There alright the view.”, “So technically okay.”, “Don’t risk fearless all you’re looking for face you’re going over the the.”, “Yeah.”, “This is but short.”, “So appreciate one example there clear Keith.”, “A good work.”, “That’s the point.”, “So a mark starts from the next step and then all complaints of the way more.”, “Let’s back no one.’, “Yeah only five.”, “The film of out most and.”, “Should the happens all quick water.”, “The next is.”, “I have a question.”, “Claude wast.”, “Yeah, I already said my bit.”, “Let the next man go.”, “All right.”, “Okay.”, “If weren’t able to hit a $1 billion market cap at the end of June, what makes you think we’re going to hit a $10 billion market cap at the end of the year.”, “Okay, it is July 1.”, “have you ever heard of the term, compounding?”, “Right.”, “It’s the same thing with money, same thing with work.”, “What we’re doing now, like, you look at how were growing.”, “you know, three months ago, we’re getting ten holders a day.”, “Now we’re getting hundreds, 500, sometimes even a thousand.”, “Right?”, “So, yeah, there’s no guarantees in crypto.”, “No one can.”, “No one could think that.”, “The biggest.”, … ]

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