Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space AMA WITH @Dedacoin_co #CryptoCutiez #crypto #AMA hosted by degenlifer. Delve into the immersive world of crypto, blockchain, and AI technologies with @Dedacoin_co in this insightful AMA. Discover the latest trends in decentralized applications (DAPPs), Play-to-Earn gaming, AI integration in DeFi, and the evolution of Web3. Uncover how collaborations between AI and crypto entities drive innovation, efficiency, and the development of advanced solutions for the blockchain sector.

For more spaces, visit the AI page.


Q: How are DAPPs changing the crypto ecosystem?
A: DAPPs are decentralized applications that offer new ways for users to interact with the blockchain, promoting transparency, and security.

Q: What benefits do P2E models bring to gamers?
A: P2E allows gamers to earn real value within virtual environments, creating an engaging and rewarding gaming experience.

Q: In what ways is AI impacting DeFi platforms?
A: AI technologies streamline processes, enhance security, and provide valuable insights for DeFi projects, improving overall efficiency.

Q: What defines Web3 and its significance in the crypto space?
A: Web3 represents a decentralized internet where users have control over their data and interactions, promising a more inclusive and transparent online experience.

Q: How can collaborations between crypto and AI benefit the industry?
A: Partnerships between crypto and AI entities drive innovation, efficiency, and the development of advanced solutions for the blockchain sector.


Time: 00:15:49
Decentralized Applications (DAPPs) Revolution Exploring the growing impact of DAPPs in decentralizing services and applications.

Time: 00:25:15
Play-To-Earn (P2E) Gaming Innovation Analyzing the transformative effects of P2E models on the gaming industry and blockchain technology.

Time: 00:35:40
AI Integration in DeFi Platforms Discussing the advantages of AI implementation in DeFi for security, efficiency, and user experience.

Time: 00:45:22
Web3's Promise of Decentralized Internet Examining how Web3 shifts control to users, offering a more transparent and inclusive online environment.

Time: 00:55:18
Innovative Partnerships between AI and Crypto Highlighting the benefits of collaborations between AI technologies and crypto projects for industry growth and advancement.

Key Takeaways

  • The rise of decentralized applications (DAPPs) is revolutionizing the crypto landscape.
  • Play-to-earn (P2E) gaming models are reshaping how users interact with blockchain technology.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing a significant role in enhancing DeFi platforms and user experiences.
  • Web3 is evolving to offer decentralized, user-centric online experiences and services.
  • Collaborations between crypto projects and AI technologies are fostering innovation and efficiency in the space.

Behind the Mic

Pumping Up the Energy

You got you pump it up? Don't you know pump it up? You got you pump it up? Don't you know pump it up? You got to pump it up? Don't you know pump it up? You got you pump it up? Don't you know pump it up? You got you pump it up? Don't you come here? You got to come it up? Don't you know pump it up? You got to bump it up? Don't you know bump it up? You got you bump it up? Don't you know bump it up? You got to come it up? Don't you know bump it up? You got to come it up?

Introduction to Datacoin AMA

What's up? What's up, everyone? Welcome to our AMA with Datacoin. What is going on, everyone? Thank you guys all for joining us here today. Today we'll be starting off by giving an introduction about the project, and we'll be introducing ourselves, getting talked to know about all the guests and all the co hosts and speakers. And then we'll go into the AMA questions, and we'll be also be given out rewards to participants in which we'll be giving out an open mic session. Towards the end, you'll be able to participate in asking your questions. All you got to do is raise your hand. Now, if you're unable to speak or you're shy to get on this mic, that's quite okay. You can just leave your questions down in the comment box down below in the bubble on the bottom right of your screen. So, please, guys, remember to share this out, retweet it, and share it to your friends, folks. What's up, everyone? Now let's go ahead and get started with the introductions of our co hosts and speakers.

Speakers’ Backgrounds

Starting with myself, I am Nero Spaces host, youtuber, and Twitch streamer from the Dapp center channel. We got over 100,000 subscribers. I've been in crypto since 2017. I started making YouTube videos and tutorials on how to use dapps and how to utilize your cryptos in the form of gaming play to earn games and crypto casinos. And I also got involved in defi nfts and also doing crypto trading. And guess what, guys? I am super excited to be able to speak with you all today and to learn more about data coin. What up, cryptified? How you doing, buddy? Go ahead and introduce yourself. What's going on, daps? It's been a fucking minute, hadn't it? Yes, it has. How you been? And I've been good. Working a lot, man. I feel like your introduction is hard top, bro. You're so good. Like fuck. Oh, appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Anyway, I'm cryptified once. Been in crypto. Ten years. Super bullish on the space in general. Love nfts ordinals, BTC ordinals. Just super bullish on crypto. Everywhere I go, everywhere. Everything I do, everybody I talk to, you know, I'm spreading that message. In my opinion, that's how we would get mass adoption and stuff. Spreading the word. Absolutely. But, yeah, man, been here for a while. Super excited to be here. Thanks for. Thanks for the invite. I'm excited to hear what this new project is all about.

Meet Crypto Mommy

Alrighty. Thank you being here. Crypto five. What up, crypto mommy? What's going on? How are you? Yo? Hey, everyone. Haven't seen a while. How are you guys doing? Great, great. Perfect. so, hey, everyone, it's angel. You guys may know me as crypto mommy. I'm a social media influencer and crypto project promoter. I've been doing this for about two to three years. About two to three years. thank you for having me here today. Yeah, thank you, crypto mommy. Appreciate being here. And our lovely guest here today, the speaker and the crypto project we are going to be talking about today is data coin. How you doing? Data coin is Nemo, is it? Right? Yeah, that's right. That's right. Nero, right? Yes, Nero. Welcome. Nemo. Very, very similar. Yeah, thanks so much. Thanks so much for having me. Super excited. Give you a bit of bio about me. I'm doing the public relations and marketing for Datacoin. I've been in crypto for a few years, maybe not as long as you guys have, but I'm also very bullish on it. I've worked in several different projects. I have been investing in crypto for about five years now.

The Future of Crypto

And, yeah, I mean, I see crypto as the future. Anything web three is going to be the future. So the future is digital. I just want to be involved as much as I can and, yeah, learning as much as I can, being involved in all the projects that I can. And, yeah, I'm fully focused now on data. The whole data ecosystem right now is data coin. I'll be telling you all about it a little bit more, but, yeah, I'm excited to apply everything I've learned to continue driving innovation in this project. Yeah, yeah. Thank you for being here. And, yeah, I want to go ahead and ask a little bit more about your introduction here. Can you elaborate more on the experience in your crypto industry? Like, how did you first become interested in cryptocurrencies? And, you know, what led you to Datacoin? Yeah, yeah, for sure. Like I said, I've been involved in the crypto industry for a few years. I've been working in a few different projects and I have been investing in crypto for quite a while.

Experience and Motivation

My experience includes the successful launch of tokens and nfts. I've also been helping build ecosystems within the web three space. I've completed some advanced certificates in crypto and blockchain, which has helped me deepen my understanding and really get to know much more about the space. Right. And yeah, I mean, to me, I first noticed how blockchain would revolutionize the industry and not just in finance. Right. Everything started with bitcoin, but I see that there's so much more that's going to be happening here. So the potential for decentralized system and like all the token economies, like all of that, it just fascinates me. So just from investing and then started working in marketing and for various projects. So just coming and transitioning to Datacoin just feels natural to me and yeah, I'm excited to be part of its future. That's great. So yeah, that's awesome to hear. So what exactly is your role do you hold for Datacoin? What interesting initiatives are you leading or participating in?

Role and Responsibilities

Yeah, so like I mentioned, I'm overseeing the public relations and also marketing manager for Datacoin and also be engaging a lot with the community team. So for me, my main focus is coordinating all the efforts to ensure steady and really good growth for the community. We want to have a strong, engaged and happy community. That's my job. So it's not just going to be building strategies for marketing, but it's really just nurturing a relationship with the community, making sure we have really good relationships with everyone. Right. And yeah, like I mentioned, I'm doing all the public relations, so I'm responsible with communicating with everyone about our vision and our progress. So that's why I'm the one here speaking with you guys. And yeah, I'll be sharing all updates. I'll be managing our online reputation and just want to make sure that our message is clear and consistent across all our platforms. Yeah, that's basically, yeah, what I do here.

Getting to Know Datacoin

Awesome. So yeah, I want to go ahead and give everyone a chance. I want to go ahead and give the data coin a follow, guys, give them a follow. Retweet this out so we can share this out, get more people in here, and we're going to really explore and dive deep into Datacoin, what exactly it is. So let's talk about it. Tell us, what exactly is Datacoin for those that are unfamiliar with it? And can you explain what exactly it is? Yeah, yeah, of course. Of course. So Datacoin is a multi chain token. It's basically designed to empower financial freedom through the blockchain right at the core. It's the heart of our entire ecosystem. It will be connecting various components like data pay, data pos and hedge 90. That's what Datacoin is. That's awesome. I want to know more, though. Tell us about the Datacoin ecosystem. Can you give us a brief overview of that?

Overview of Datacoin Ecosystem

Yeah, for sure. For sure. Just like I mentioned, the Datacoin is going to be the heart of the ecosystem. And the Datacoin ecosystem is designed to provide a range of decentralized tools that will make transactions and crypto use so much easier and faster for everyone. We'll have data pay, which will be the digital payment system that will allow the regular users and businesses to be able to transact through crypto. They'll be able to send and receive crypto payments very easily. We'll also have things like the data gateway for online stores. We'll have data link for peer to peer payments, and we'll have, what else? Databit, which will be the integrated platform for trading and managing all your digital assets. We'll have data invest, which will be a way that people can invest securely in all cryptos and other digital assets.

Additional Tools in the Ecosystem

And like I mentioned earlier, we'll also have the data point of sale system, which will be able to give businesses the opportunity to receive and accept crypto payments just like any other everyday payment. So all of these products that I just mentioned, they're interconnected for all our users to be able to have a much simplified and easier adoption of the whole crypto ecosystem. And crypto finance. That's what the Datacoin ecosystem is. That is awesome. I'm super excited to hear about that ecosystem and all the working products you guys got going on. Super exciting. I'm going to go ahead and like cryptified. I know he says he got a question. Cryptified. Go ahead with your question. Yeah, I just want to know, can you explain how data coin is, like, different than other cryptocurrencies specifically? Like, there's a lot.

Differentiating Datacoin

There's a lot of stuff out there. How are you? A lot of tokens, a lot of cryptocurrencies we really want to stand out. And the way we're doing that, it's through our extensive ecosystem, everything that I just mentioned.

Introduction to Binance and Our Vision

So think about it like Binance finance has multiple offerings and it's got its own chain. So we want to do something similar. We want to have our own exchanges where people can trade and manage their assets. We want to have datapay, which will be the payment platform for all these secure transactions. And what's even more unique is our hedge 90 mechanism. I can tell you a bit more about that. But it basically will protect investment by letting users recover 90% of their investment if there is any market volatility. You know how crypto is giving a bit of security for people? Yeah.

Investment Protection Mechanism

How are you getting away with doing that? Okay, so we have a unique investment protection mechanism, and that basically is designed to safeguard people's investments. Right. It's kind of like an insurance policy for your crypto. Okay, so if you invest 1000 USDT on datacoin through hedge 90, if there is market volatility, you'll be able to activate it, and then you'll be able to take back 864 USDT, which is 90% of the $1,000 investment -4% fee. So it's a way so that it reduces risk and it gives people a bit of peace of mind during crazy crypto moments. Wow. Yeah, that's definitely, that's different for sure.

Understanding Hedge 90 Mechanism

If I can invest a. Then drops the five and I can still get back eight, I'm good with that. Well, yeah, I mean, I think that's what most people in the space are trying to get, right? A bit of security on their investment. Yeah, that's actually, that's almost unheard of. All right, man, well, I appreciate your time. I'm going to pass the mic back to Nero. Thanks for answering my question. Yeah, for sure. They cryptified. So, yeah, you mentioned Hedge. Hedge 90. What is this mechanism and how does it work exactly? So it helps stabilize the token price. Right. I, Hedge 90 will have a dual smart contract system, just like I explained to you.

Dual Smart Contract System Details

It gives you back 90% of your investment. The way it does is through this dual smart contract system. One contract will manage the token buybacks, which will give people the ability to sell their tokens back at 90% of their original investment. Right. And the second contract will control the token circulation, it will help maintain the scarcity, and it will limit the volatility. Yeah, that's basically how we want to help users, through our hedge 90 mechanism. That's awesome. I want to go ahead and let crypto mommy ask her question. Go ahead, crypto mommy. Thanks, Nero. Hey, the question is, how does the hedge 90 mechanism help stabilize the token price?

Maintaining Token Price Stability

Yeah. Yeah. So like I mentioned, we have the dual smart contract system. So when you invest, you have the two contracts, right? You have the contract with the buybacks and the second contract, which limits the token circulation. Okay. So it will help us limit volatility. And in case there's many users activating hedge 90 at once, the system will ensure that there's, like, a smooth token liquidation will minimize the pressure on the market. The combination of these will keep the token price at a very stable label when there is very difficult and turbulent conditions. So that's what the mechanism for hedge 90. Okay, that's really good to know. And it does a peace of mind.

Insurance-like Feature of Hedge 90

Yeah. Like I mentioned, you know, it's. It gives you, like, that insurance policy on your crypto. It's something innovative, right? Yep, that's true. Thanks for answering my question. Yeah, crypto mommy, I'm here for you. Appreciate it. Thank you, mommy. I also wanted to know more about the buyback function. How does that work? Yeah, so just. Just like I mentioned, if you invest a thousand or 10,000 or whatever investment you want to do, it will give you 90% minus the 4% fee for the transaction. Right.

How Buyback Function Works

But, yeah, it will secure your investment, and regardless of the current market price of the token, you'll get back 90% of it minus the 4% fee. So you invest 1000, you get 900 back, and then you get charged that 4% fee. Wow. So, okay, let's imagine there's a situation where there's many users wanting to use hedge 90 simultaneously, how would you account for this? Yeah, that's a very good question. So in the event that there's a mad world, right, and like, a lot of people are using Hedge 90, the system, the way we designed it, is meant to handle these scenarios, right.

System Efficiency During High Demand

Because of the two smart contracts, they'll be working together to make sure that all withdrawals are processed efficiently. So it's not like you are going to get your 90%. But crypto mommy is not. No. The way the two smart contracts are designed, it'll make sure that everyone gets their money. So like I mentioned, the first contract, manage. It will manage the buybacks, and the second contract, it will control the token circulation. So there's not going to be too much pressure on the market. Right.

Guaranteeing Investment Protection

And this will guarantee the smooth liquidation while there's still going to be good token stability. So even if a lot of people want to use Hedge 90, at the same time, our users, our community, they can feel confident that their investment is going to be protected without fear of a market crash. That's exciting. So when will hedge 90 be available? How do we get started? Right, so we just launched Datacoin, right? It was just listed today on Mexie. And Hedge 90 is going to be launched in a few weeks.

Launch Timeline for Hedge 90

So later on this month. It's coming very soon. And once it's live, users can start using h 90 when they invest in Datacoin through the platform. Right? So yeah, just by investing in data coin, once we have it live, the hedge 90. As I mentioned, we just listed today on Maxi. So yeah, that's exciting. So let's trade. You can buy the data coin right now on Mexie. That's super exciting. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Excitement in the Office

Awesome. Very, very excited. We're super excited everyone at the office was. It was like a party from the Wolf of Wall street. So you can imagine how everyone is feeling. That's awesome. Awesome side. So tell us about the cold token. Tell us about the data tokenomics and its business model and how does it work? Yeah, for sure. So our tokenomics are based on the principles of sustainable growth, right?

Principles of Data Tokenomics

We want to do value creation for all token holders. Basically, in the long run, we want to have sustainable growth. That's the most important thing. And datacoin is a multi chain utility tokenization. So what that means is that you can use it across various products and services within our ecosystem. So the main elements of the tokenomics will include token distribution amongst the investors. We'll have a development fund to make sure that we're still growing.

Token Distribution and Business Model

We'll have. We'll have token distribution for liquidity, and we'll also do it for backing real assets like gold and real estate. So this. This will make sure that it's a really good business model. That's awesome. I wanted to know exactly how the tokenomics works. How do you. How do you balance the supply and demand and plantain I to manage the price? Right? So let me think.

Ensuring Price Stability

Our tokenomics, it works because we have several different mechanisms in place to make sure that we have good price stability, right. We want to balance our supply and demand. So a portion of the token will be allocated specifically to ensure that there is liquidity. Then we also have our token, which is going to be backed by real assets, like I mentioned, gold and real estate. And this will provide real inherent value to the token.

Hedge 90 and Venture Investments

And with Hedge 90, we'll offer an additional layer of protection for all our users, for the community. And this will also stabilize the demand. Yeah. And we also have a few venture investments which will be supporting the token. And this means that we'll be growing as well. There's going to be continued sustainable growth which will give credibility to our ecosystem and to our whole project. So it's giving back to the community and ensuring that everyone feels safe about it.

Benefits for New and Long-term Investors

That's great. It's awesome. I wanted to know the benefits do what are the benefits do new and long term investors get by holding the data token? How can they earn? That's a, that's a really good question. Right? So as the project is growing, obviously the value of their coin is also going to grow. Right? But to answer your question, for new and long term investors, there's different ways that they can get benefits, right?

Earning Through the Ecosystem

They can earn across the whole ecosystem, like through staking. We'll be doing cash backs and we'll also be doing exclusive services for the community. We'll also be doing so token holders will be able to shape the ecosystem through voting. We'll also have future utilities for the whole coin. So once we launch our blockchain data chain, Datacoin will be, like I mentioned before, the heart of the whole ecosystem.

Integration with Businesses

And we'll also be integrating the coin with businesses. So Datapay, data pos all of these will require data coin in order to make the payment. So this is some ways in which we'll do it. But the main thing is for the community, we want to consider giving back part of the commissions that database will have. And this will also mean that there's going to be more ways that the community is able to get rewards out of it.

Impact of Listing on Datacoin Ecosystem

That's exciting. I wanted to know more because I know you guys just listed a token on Mexc. How do you think this will impact the Datacoin ecosystem? Will it impact it? Are there any further listings plan in the future? Yeah, yeah, of course. Like I mentioned, it was a huge party once it launched and I'm looking forward to having a few more of those. So just the Mexi listing is just the tip of the iceberg, but it is a huge step for us for expanding our ecosystem.

Future Listings and Liquidity

By doing this listing, we're improving our liquidity where we're getting more visibility and we're giving our community the chance to get involved right now when it's really early. Right. But just like you asked, you know, are there going to be further listings planned? Yeah, definitely. And we're planning on doing it in major centralized exchanges. Mexi is just the tip of the iceberg, right.

Exciting Future for Datacoin

If you can think of the top five or the top ten exchanges, that's where you're going to be seeing us in the very near future. So you and the rest of the people here listening, they got to stay tuned. So we're going to be announcing soon where else we're going to be listing. Every day there's going to be news. That is awesome. Super excited.

Utilities in the Ecosystem

So I want to know about the utilities. What are utilities? Are you planning the ecosystem next and how can you earn from them? Yeah, yeah, utilities. Well, like I said, you can buy datacoin right now and, you know, take advantage of all the products that I mentioned that we're going to be using in the ecosystem, where we're going to have data chain, which Datacoin will be used to pay the network.

Data Pay and Real-World Assets

There'll also be data pay. I know there's a lot of data in here, but, yeah, that's our ecosystem. But yeah, data pay, which will help businesses with the transactions, will also have real world assets, since that's what's trending right now. And like I mentioned, datacoin and the whole data ecosystem is backed by real world. Real world assets. Right? Like I mentioned, the gold real estate.

Future Plans and Referral Program

And we have a few other things planned. And besides that, we also want to have a referral program.

Influencer Benefits and Community Growth

So influencers and streamers such as you guys, you can get a link and you can earn a percentage from your referrals. So it benefits everyone who brings in more people as we grow. You guys, your wallet will be growing as well. Yeah, these are some of the ways that we want to give back. Exciting.

Exchange Integration and Features

So, as you mentioned earlier, you also have an exchange. What are the advantages and how is it tied into the ecosystem? Is it somewhat similar to Binance in its early stages, or how are you different? Yeah, yeah. Well, the exchange will integrate seamlessly for the whole ecosystem. It will be connecting all our products, like Ditapay and Dita invest. Right. It will allow the users to trade crypto, manage investments, convert tokens, pay for goods and services. So it's not just something digital, but we're bringing it to the real world.

Real-World Applications

Right. For example, Dita Pay, it will be available for both businesses and retails and users, and it will let people conduct transactions and also businesses. They'll be able to take money in the real world, not just through online. So, yeah, you mentioned Binance in its early stages, right? We also want to offer tools that can be integrated into web two, into the real world and through those real world assets. That's how we'll be changing and that's how we'll be different, because our token is going to be backed by those, by the gold and the real estate.

Commitment to Transparency

And, yeah, we also want to be transparent about everything that we do. So we'll be providing quarterly reports for full transparency. And we want to ensure that everything's clear and verifiable for our investors. That's actually good to hear. I wanted to know more about that. What measures are you taking for security audits and legalization of your project? That's.

Security Measures and Legal Compliance

That's a great question. A lot of people, they don't even think about the security and the legal aspect of many projects. Right. They just invest, hoping for a quick payout. But for us, our security is the number one priority. That's why I mentioned the smart contracts and the dual contracts that we have. Right. So all of our contracts, they and the whole platform, they undergo different vast and independent audits by different security companies. The latest one was Hash X.

Legal Framework and Future Expansion

I don't know if you've heard of it, but yeah, we constantly have audits to make sure that everything is secure, top notch. And on the legal side, yeah, we're officially registered. You can check out all our documents. Everything is on our website. All our legal documents, all our information, it's on our website. It's easily accessible to anyone and everyone. And yeah, we'll be opening a new office here in the UAE.

Community and Ecosystem Development

That's where I'm calling you guys from. Like I mentioned, we had a huge party for the listing, and I'm hoping to be leading the next party for the opening of the office very soon. But yeah, that's just here in the UAE. We also have huge plans to expand into other countries, other regions. We want to have a foot everywhere in the world. So who knows? Wherever you might be listening from, we might end up there very soon.

Future Plans and User Engagement

You might end up be paying for your next cappuccino with D Pos, you know. So all of this is basically to solidify our commitment to security compliance and, yeah, making sure that everything is legal and above board. We want to do it for the community. That's the most important thing. Yeah, for sure. That it's quite impressive product lineup you have here.

Current Capabilities and Upcoming Features

And in fact, I'm going to ask a few more questions and then we're going to go ahead and open up the community to ask their questions. So what can users do in the ecosystem currently? And what are your plans for the near future? Right, so right now everyone can buy Datacoin. Right. And then we'll be launching the hedge 90 mechanism. People can trade on that a bit.

Future Developments

They can participate with that, invest. We're also actively developing new products and new features, like I mentioned, data chain and all the data pay capabilities, which include the POS system. All of this will be rolling slowly but surely over the next few weeks. And yeah, I mean, we're integrating Datacoin into more platforms and more services. All of this within our ecosystem, and it will make even more versatile for all users, businesses, and the whole community as a whole.

Community Growth Initiatives

So what are the plans for Datacoin right now? Yeah, like I said earlier, we just listed on Maxi, we have some really exciting things in the pipeline for Datacoin. Number one, we'll be listing in a lot more exchanges. We want to be growing the community and giving back to them. We want to be doing contests and raffles for the community where people can win exclusive merch or even data coins.

Sustainable Growth Strategy

And yeah, we want to keep growing at a steady pace. We don't want to try and eat the whole cake in one bite, but slowly but surely, we want to have that steady growth. So just like I mentioned, all the different parts of our ecosystem, from data chain to all the data pay, we'll be rolling that. But at the moment, we're focused on the listings and on the hedge 90 mechanism.

Cultural References and Team Story

Wait, what's wrong with eating a whole cake in one sitting? No, no, I didn't say in one sitting. I said in one bite. That's, that's a bit excessive. But yeah, I mean, I'm not gonna be one. I'm from America and we're pretty excessive over here. But. Listen, listen, I grew up in Texas where everything is bigger. So I totally get it.

Common Grounds Among Speakers

You know, where in Texas? Where are you at? In Texas? Yeah, I'm out in Killeen and I'm from Houston. It's from Houston. Come visit Houston. Well, I actually grew up in El Paso, Texas, right at the border. Okay. But I had a house. I had a house in Houston. I didn't really get to live there much, but yeah, we're renting our house over there, so I am, I mean, I live there, what, a quarter of my life in Texas?

Reflections on Shared Experiences

So I feel a little bit of the long horns and everything. I went to UTEP, the University of Texas at El Paso, so I have my roots over there. I get it. That's awesome. What a small world sounds very promising, too. Indeed. So is there any final thoughts you'd like to share with our audience before we open the community up for questioning?

Appreciation and Farewell

Yeah, definitely. I mean, first and foremost, I want to thank everyone that has been listening, all their interest and support. That means the world to us. We truly believe that Datacoin has huge potential. We want to revolutionize the crypto industry, and we want everyone listening to be part of this exciting journey. You know, check out our website, check out the ecosystem.

Community Invitation

Just, you know, look at everything. Become part of the community, grow with us, and let's shape the future of finance together. That's our goal. We want to simplify cryptocurrency use, and we want to grow the community. That's awesome. Super excited to have you here.

Opening the Floor to Questions

And let's go ahead and open up the floor, guys. So if the community wants to, anybody has their questions, go ahead and request to speak and raise your hand, and we will select you to be called. So it looks like we got a few requests up already. I see Joey rocks at him as speaker.

Continuing the Conversation

Hey, how you doing? It's been a minute, guys. How you been doing? Wonderful. How you been? Great. Great. I mean, thanks for allowing me to jump on here and ask some questions also, and not asking every question out of. Pretty much asked everything a question. It was. We appreciate you always doing that.

Light-hearted Banter

We love you for that, buddy. And data, no data, nobody ever wants a cake that you can you. One bite. That's not a good cake, but you wanna enjoy. I get it. Go ahead. What are you saying? You get it, right? Yeah. I was seeing that you guys did it. Did you guys launch off Kickstarter?

Reflection on Kickstarter

What made you do that? Because that. That's a pretty solid, that's a great way to get you going. No, no. We didn't launch on Kickstarter. We. We didn't do anything by. Okay, it looks like. I see, I threw me off there because one of the things you posted, I thought you guys went.

Innovative Marketing Strategies

Launched off Kickstarter. All right. I was gonna want. I was gonna say you'd be the only crypto coin that or anything that did that. I was really surprised. I was gonna say, that's a good marketing idea. I'll be sharing that with our CMO for sure. Yeah, definitely go against the grain and see how that pans out.

Future Collaborations

Not a bad idea. I'll be. I'll be giving you props. Joy for that. Not a problem. Just give me some Datacoin. We'll be even. All right. Stay in touch, and we can see what we can do about it. Thank you. Take care. Appreciate, Joey, thanks for coming up.

Speaking with Michael

Michael. How you doing, Michael? I'm doing pretty good. How are you, Nero? I'm doing wonderful, thanks. Appreciate being here. You have a question for us? Yeah, I'd like to reciprocate and just say thanks for having me here. Thanks for having all of us here.

Concrete Engagement

Thanks for giving us this platform and this kind of arena here that we can all learn about new things in crypto and ask questions and all that good stuff. I heard a lot of serious questions asked, and I was very interested in the hedge 90 stuff, too, but I heard a lot of questions asked and answered about that already.

Roadmap Insights

So I was looking at the roadmap on the website, and I actually had a little bit more of a lighthearted question. I noticed that as part of your strategy and project plan, the inception for the concept of the Data Coin was set to coincide with bitcoin pizza day, which I know is like a big, kind of like meme in the crypto community.

Historical Significance

I was wondering if there was any significance to that or any reasoning for coinciding the project with such an infamous event in crypto history. Yeah, yeah, yeah. For sure. So our whole team has been in crypto for a long time, and we also want to have a bit of fun while we're doing our ecosystem, while we're doing our projects.

Sentimental Values

So, yeah, we're looking at some. Some dates that seem like it would be sentimental to a lot of users or something that we could look back on and really smile upon. And, yeah, I think it was a recommendation from some of our interns, actually. We thought it was quite amusing and we thought it was sentimental, so went with it.

Discussion about Project Launch

No, I totally get that. And I think it was a great idea because you guys were definitely, everybody who gets involved with the project is always going to remember it for that. That's how it started. So it's a cool thing to kind of commemorate the launching of your guys project. Yeah, yeah, of course. Of course. I mean, what better way to grow our project than to align ourselves with such a memorable and special date in the whole crew crypto. Crypto space. Yeah. And if your coin really takes off, like we all hope it does, you know, hopefully nobody's going to be buying pizza with it right now. They're going to wait until it goes to the moon and then we could buy a whole pizza franchise instead. Well, that is the goal. That is the goal. Long, long term investment and for everyone to have gains. But we do want people to be buying pizzas with our coin, but only once, like pizza places, they'll be having the dita pos, right.

Adoption of Data Coin

So once they start adopting those different data paid capabilities, that's when we really want everyone to be using data coin for everything, whether it's for buying pizza or whether it's for buying million dollar nfts or, you know, your next sunglasses or anything. That's, that's the goal of. Sounds like a worthy goal. Thanks. Thanks. Thank you, Michael. Appreciate asking your questions. Looks like we got another question, JP. Go ahead, JP. Hey, what's happening? So you're talking about Pos and how is that going to work? You know, I have a small business, so it'd be pretty cool to get some information on how your POS interface and system is. Yeah, fantastic question. And we love the fact that people are already thinking how they can be adopting it, right? So we'll be. I mean, that's more of a engineering question. But the simple answer is that we'll be doing different contracts so that people can, not just people, but also businesses can actually use the whole ecosystem.

Integration of Systems and Empowerment

And through the data pay capabilities, that they'll be able to connect their data pos system to their wallets. And obviously, users need to adopt it as well, but it will make it seamless for people to interact using crypto. So just like you have an ATM card right now and you just tap it with a regular POS system, the idea is going to be the same, but just through using datacoin, and that's going to be able, you'll be able to do that through the datapay and through the whole ecosystem. Awesome. Thank you for such a great question because I think that's what's going to be most attractive to everyday users, especially for some countries that are seeing a rise in the use of crypto. Nigeria, maybe Venezuela, maybe Uruguay, some places in South America where they're already using crypto for their everyday purchases. So if we can empower those countries and those people, those users, can you imagine having a whole country back up your, your project? That's the goal. That's what we want to do.

Gratitude for Contributions

El Salvador, man. Go to El Salvador. That's right. They're buying one bitcoin every day, right? They're every day bullish let's go. Yeah, I mean, if I could, I would be buying one bitcoin every day as well. So thank you. That's exciting, guys. Thank you guys all for joining us. We do have time for a few more questions, so if you want to ask, I think Eddie, you have a. Eddie Tech, do you have a question for us? Yes, I do. Yes, we hear you. Thank you. Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to talk to a representative from the Datacoin community. I must express my gratitude to Datacoin for giving me the opportunity to be part of this project early. I am an investor in my own little way. I've also helped in promoting the project through a few social media channels that I have.

Concerns Regarding Airdrops

And I've also participated in the airdrop. I just made an observation of something that I felt I should bring up to the knowledge of maybe a representative who is live on this program. There are a few of us who participated in the oral airdrop program and at some point I noticed a few accounts were deducted and some were banned for obvious reasons. There were some who were using auto clicks and other ways to cheat, which is not fair. I commend the management for coming up with this, but I'm requesting that if they can look into a few other accounts who may not necessarily have cheated, but they either got banned or they got their points deducted, I will be glad if that, but obviously I'm grateful. This is the first time the project coming with an innovative idea. Hedge 90. This is what we've been waiting for. Thank you very much.

Addressing User Concerns

Thank you. Thank you Adid, for sure, I totally understand what you're saying. I'm very glad and very grateful that you have been with us since the start of the project, since we launched the bot on our telegram. And yeah, you're totally right. There were people who were abusing the bot on Telegram, they were cheating and this wasn't very fair to everyone. I want to reassure you that we have a whole team, we have about six or seven people looking into this. They are reviewing, but you can imagine we have tens of thousands of users who are playing the game, who are spinning the wheel, and just because of a few hundred who were abusing it's made it very difficult for us. We have to review one by one, ensure that it's natural, the way that they were playing, and we need to catch those people who were abusing it.

Commitment to Fairness

So thank you for bringing it up. I do want to reassure you that we're looking into it and, yeah, any of those, we had to stop it at the root. So we wanted to make sure that there was no more people who were going to be cheating. And if by doing that, we unfortunately hurt people that were grinding and were working hard on it, I want to reassure you that the team is looking into it and they're going to make sure that they review all of those that seem suspicious, and they'll check and see which were using auto clickers, which were using bots, and which ones were natural. Those who are true believers and those who were grinding will get rewarded. No worries about that. All right, well, thank you, Eddie, for your question and a very thoughtful answer. There an email from Datacoin.

Wrapping Up the AMA

We. It looks like we got about time for one more question here. I want to go ahead. It looks like we got. Jessica. Jessica, go ahead with your question. Hey, how are you guys doing? I'm sorry I'm late. You may have already answered this, but I was looking at the white paper and saw that you guys have, like, solutions for, like, commerce stories to add. They want to add this. As far as, like, their payment options, how would someone about doing that? Sorry, I just wanted to have you here. Thank you so much for the question. Can you repeat it for me? I only heard the last bit of it. It was a bit, you know. Sure. I'm sorry. So I just.

E-commerce Solutions

I was looking at the white paper, and I saw that you guys do provide, like, solutions for, like, e commerce stores to add, like, if they want to add crypto or something to integrate that into their payment system. How would someone go about doing that? Yeah, just like the whole data pay, what I was mentioning. So we'll have a digital payment system, and it will be able to be integrated not just through the data pos, but as you can imagine, a POS also needs to work online. So that's the whole idea. We'll have a data gateway for online stores and data link for peer to peer payments. So all of this will be within datapay, and it will allow people to, you know, send, receive, deal with all crypto payments securely and at a very low cost.

Transparency and Security

It will be not just the middleman, but we will be the Mandev, where people will be able to do all transactions. So think of it like the way visa does all transactions, but will be decentralized. So your money is your money. We're not going to be holding any of it. And if it's p two p or if it's through businesses, that's. That's the way it's going to be and everything is going to be on the blockchain so will be transparent and secure. Awesome. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Yeah, pleasure. Pleasure. Alrighty. Well, thank you guys all for coming up. Thanks to all the participants. Thank you for the speaker, Nemo at Datacoin and for our co hosts for coming up and having our conversations and learning more about this project and enjoying our AMA here today.

Concluding Remarks

We do have. I want to go ahead and let Nemo, is there anything else you'd like to say before we conclude the AMA here? Yeah, of course. Of course. Nero, I just want to thank you so much for hosting this AMA, bringing your community, letting everyone know about it. It means a lot to me and to the whole project. Just maybe a quick recap. I mean, I told you guys that we just listed on Mexie, anyone can go there. Look up data coin. Start getting your coins right now. It's at a really good price and we're going to the moon and we have a lot more planned, right? Like hedge 90 that's coming in the next few weeks. You'll be able to secure your investment 90%.

Future Events and Opportunities

Where else can you get that, have that kind of insurance? And yeah, we have a lot of events and we have a lot of things planned for the community. So raffles for merge tokens. We just want to give back to the community. Everyone that's here listening, we want to get back to you guys. So stay tuned. Follow us on our social media, be updated with all our news and our opportunities. And just big thank you to all the people here. Narrow thank you so much. Crypto feed crypto mommy thank you guys so much for giving me the time, your attention. It means a lot. So yeah, stick with us. You don't want to miss what's coming for datacoin bullish. Super exciting.

Final Thanks and Goodbye

So yeah, thank you guys all for the join us. Thank you all for the community for joining us here for this great AMA and stay tuned for more guys. Be sure to give them a follow, guys. Follow data coin. Stay up to date with all notifications and updates. Cryptified crypto mommy, thank you for joining us here as well. Is anything else you'd like to say before we get off? No thanks, Nero. I appreciate the invite. It's an amazing space, as always. Thank you guys for having us. We love you guys. Hopefully we have a, another AMA with you guys soon. Maybe like a follow up for sure. Looking forward to it.

Looking Forward to the Future

Yeah. You did say you were the head of marketing, so we'll be keeping in touch. And maybe we can get a follow up AMa after the little thing launches in a month. You said it launches a month after the token launches. Hedge 90. Yeah. And then I'll be telling you guys about all the other places where we listed. Yeah, definitely a follow up and a catch up with. With all my fellow Texans and everyone else here. Absolutely narrow, bro. Nero's your guy. Super excited, guys. Thank you guys all for joining us for AMa. That wraps it up.

Goodbye and Well Wishes

So long. Be safe out there and have a great day. Thank you all. Bye, guys. Adios. Run away right now let's just run away all that talk is killing me one last shot. Hold on a minute. It's like a jump in the melody but you already know it's all I want to right now let's just run away all that darkest in my own God only. All righty, guys. Thank you guys all for joining. See you guys on the next one. Adios. Take care now. Bye bye.

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