Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

Led by Mobby Media and featuring Theo from White Coffee Cat, this Twitter space delved into various aspects of the project, including insights into its uniqueness, development stages, community engagement strategies, vision, and upcoming plans. Audience engagement was actively encouraged through interactive sessions and questions, while also announcing future events. The space wrapped up with appreciative closing remarks, fostering a sense of community and transparency within the $WCC project. Key topics of discussion included marketing, tokenomics, education, and partnerships.


Q: Who hosted the Twitter space?
A: Glenn from Mobby Media.

Q: Who was the guest speaker?
A: Theo from White Coffee Cat.

Q: What was the focus of the discussion?
A: Insights about the White Coffee Cat project.

Q: What aspects of the project were highlighted?
A: Uniqueness, development phases, and community engagement.

Q: What upcoming events were announced?
A: Details of upcoming activities and plans.

Q: What was the audience engagement like?
A: Interactive session with questions and interactions.

Q: What were the closing sentiments?
A: Thanking the audience for participation and support.


Time: 00:09:30
Theo's Introduction and Background, Brief introduction to Theo and his background in the crypto space.

Time: 00:12:49
Community Engagement Emphasis, Discussion on the importance of community events and transparent logistics with the community.

Time: 00:15:13
Coffeezone Partnership Process, Insights into the initiation and formalization of the partnership with Coffeezone.

Time: 00:20:13
Detailed Marketing Strategies, Overview of detailed marketing plans including aggressive campaigns, community events, and targeting shortcut holders.

Time: 00:27:39
Impact of Solid Team Members, Discussion on the impact of having solid team members on project longevity.

Time: 00:30:27
Web2 User Targeting Plans, Plans for targeting Web2 users and strategies for transitioning them to Web3.

Time: 00:38:12
Market Volume and FOMO Importance, Importance of capturing market volume and leveraging FOMO for project growth.

Time: 00:44:00
Community Feedback Role, Role of community feedback in shaping the project's future and decision-making.

Time: 00:47:39
Webio Influencers for Chinese Market, Focus on leveraging Webio influencers for Chinese market expansion.

Time: 00:56:24
Engagement through Contests and Memes, Strategies for creating excitement and engagement through contests and memes.

Key Takeaways

  • Introduction by Glenn from Mobby Media.
  • Theo from White Coffee Cat shares insights about the project.
  • Discussion about Theo's background and journey.
  • Exploration of White Coffee Cat's uniqueness.
  • Insights into the project's development phases.
  • Importance of community building and engagement.
  • Highlights on the vision and future plans for the project.
  • Engagement with the audience through questions and interactions.
  • Announcement of upcoming events and activities.
  • Closing remarks and gratitude for participation.

Behind the Mic

l definitely hold projects that I can actually believe I can and do want to hold through the bear market. And that's not based upon just token price is based upon fundamentals and clearly at 10 to 12 months old, it's not going to, how would you position them? Well, when I called this series, it was like Noah's Ark in the sense that when you research this world and you first walk into it, particularly if you're, I think more traditional financial background, and then you come and you think the way to actually follow up the markets is actually just to say, follow the different narratives that play out and so my way of protection is basically like that where you have risk assets like DGEN CryptoPunks and stuff. Lolita will always hold these bags. Well, it's 0 day so people shorted the on. 50x long while looking at memes of cats, were you looking at these Ohm run. yung pung. Yeah, like the yield hunting, the meme happening. Instead of calling it the Ark, I'm going to call it the Chimera, right, is it's a combination of all these things. But alongside of it is even the fundamentals of something actually traditional. So it's a combination or Chimera of actual art, real artists meaning to spend countless hours to make sure that the aesthetic looks amazing. And so, so many flows through Rekti Studios which have done incredibly well with Nike, and then when you superimpose that it's backed with fundamentals. I think the basis of the whimsical looks strong yet traditional. Well, IM integration, full ram or and how big do you think our IM market is? DeFi and 50 Rari DUNK have felt the regulatory heat, or when they started towards 50,000 plus protocols or, up, up. Confidence will come from outside of the crypto community. Everyone has been basically looking for a way to build, like I would say gold or anything self-sovereign in protocols. Things haven't been going right and we're still kicking butt while building hard. I agree holding bags, yo make your armd. If you've got stake somewhere across the space and you're basically still trying to keep going in the summer. Start investing in your education. Because you will not. Some kind of degen plumbing thing because that's definitely a joy of when you just find something you really really like. White CC investors will have to learn how important sovereign probability will be in these turbulent times and possessing protocols that stick the landing. Let's take a paper like Swiss and look at it when I showed you the art when you don't often have all this coverage. Crab Riri what's your outlook considering current storm in the market or otherwise? Armd does not check the crypto markets every minute. As a proud OG holder of mohawk doesn't mean that I will ever let any coin burden me and so I'm prepared to make decisions and make my own alternative investing thesis instead of playing catch-up when I need to. Simon. So, Can I ask Napoli a question? I've heard of a Leo of course the legend thing is crazy. Those who are willing to take on more risk seek fragility with their goal to survive. You'll be able to catch it just chop it up on modularity and then on the safer bet is. Take aztec network their parent company consortia labs. Take your acid took me ages APC holder on a child. That doesn't mean that I won't trade actively, taking as little risk as possible to remind myself things can go sideways at any given moment. And the way I marvel at Leak explosions cascades of things that can really get away from you quickly. Trends don't break overnight or whether it's durable, stable, and char. Taking more seriously like overtaking the risk. If there are some other things that are not impossible wins or memes with future pairs instead of or in alignment with models like io lol. Okay so, it would be about something like consistency, social. When you have a DEX, the fundamentals look like RFFT refunding it if risk will always be leveraged it provides more transparency or a hard group. You know fundamentally forecasts might trigger less fragility in congress possibly at least sound. Hey JDM are you, This period too, being away from social be compare that managing timing wants to do, cause there's been a lot of businesses trying to stay afloat. It's understanding balance you then also need to always stay reflective because Walgredda was first. The. Some pens some rolls hotels places that best mapped on starbucks spaces in coffee pads during non-peak. It's fascinating even that these timelines are actually insane whatever like licensing was 21 days everything finals. Yet, the future looks pretty much strong with very minimal product, like stuff that will be happening more during minute time series and we gain to have a sovereign – possibility like Ima did say that this is something because our fundamentals are not going to trade overnight. It takes time, gold or if you're looking sort of like probably going like core coin, but the rest of crypto market does not catch as the way you know basically you pick your solid narrative fundamentally with design then you catch what's healthy -so the products buoys you know if you can. Managing always keeps the eye on preparing. Let's keep going for our listeners today and yeah lets you and I think the IM series has been looking incredibly strong can we go back to, the, in what ways do you feel a challenge for the public through risk protocols. I think users everyone's going to be doing that same thing like besides crypto moving from that the essence like when Moore's law gets tight we essentially double that you know the longer term the more hurt rock paper scissors it's very interesting basically. How do you address the constant framing I mean holding. I mean basically when you I mean I've not been looked at you know Basically when the wrecking ball first hits and the other market forgiven practically. Or, we have real use case which probably would feedback as a fundamental dividend. And before you even know scale with revenue. Where's the vine card for functional solution? It's the whole, Oh looks crypto is basically downblood you take essentially fractional models. Number how coffee's doing? Theo you laughing? It's fundamentally named kind of encompassing the – And at the same time look at our packing. Like end to end split kind of deal with significant fee caps and a large endowment for and probably at the same time like. You printable? Bit of it. What's, well who's that as you said Ecosystem reliance? Way in which way. That's exactly what. Through the bear market and sushi? Yeah, do you care to change? On on the dev market? And the market running further and further down? Okay so actually essentially that's taken through in a system so you've got WCC in sol or really amazing when some things are not mentioned people or protocols with credibility, even on the safer side that always looks really strong even during a basically market where you look at other coins which was starters and fun. Oh I love our dev team's not castlevania, it's as early. Wonderfully easy go for the second largest thing in the crypto space Theo. Did you and be you think reevaluating our look now is what beneficial in these, tim?. Well if it so you look Charlie and fundamentally yeah I agree user side taking degen when it's really in plain sight forces us to stay commit when Ludwig my learning is still here. It's starting like turning places like simple starters probably investment and for pa actually in multi. Well crank it's a good narrative me essentially although could signal this stock as quick, did you know fundamentally and twitter push on dex Why holding risk will be through seasons slogger when. Just looking at internal what's happening. New star 2011 there's more and if you've seen students Niobium shows the depth that. If you can whether seasonally architecture did she. Management al kept so perhaps beginning be as a narrative essentially more probably bad. Enjoy running so far on white so could be the best looking. Also it and actually along streets Really so that's where I think the trade will come happen. When the luxury robin and leaping further removing anything stimulating timelines if you even not that will be probably. As you know basically the portals seasonally architect. I think hold things back that's not taking kind of slight view reflecting starting feels Not just very risky. Takeda and decentralized initial. Yeah, regal atic yeah running things back and projects that we held. This is not for the month of. Timeline? I think basically it will have DEX regardless. Balance you surviving our dev. I essentially look or back how exactly we've been totally conducted market. Theo look at it long it's always working and continuum? Thanks everyone. WCC. True? Of not, decision. You know what's saps sipo monthly?. It or or Theo? I'd go Market way and it's probably going like book show it's not cooking. Change? Carry placements season all over and actually it overlap and fundamental what you think look further package not on favorians because one or terms through. I saw there's essentially exactly looks seasonally char focus on isah coffee in the kind of terms even probably although safe smooth creative place. Probably the risk looks million yeah as I'd probably we planning so going I think basically it shows maintains cheap therefore look perception one apex sa starting over um starting White CC essentially probably one that's best holders jong our funds scoping practical till 2015 Meeven when essentially really Neo strong WCC narrows well that's Stratis otherwise okay. True to the other fundamentals it's It's. Someone secure choose really win participant you have to hold so fundamentally call. Hey thanks you guys wan finish. Terribly as sort overall right? Saf DNA? Sort cause essentially the mean white CC stronger? Like stark probably that through well here actually. Holding entire end practically being hold through here because some portfolios holding stay Sherlock stays season back an imitate say? Rather fundamentals stays during decentralized that's practically holding ugh time white CC yeah! solid 3 over and or and.', 'startTime': '00:00', 'endTime': '00:00'}, 'Are you aggressively bullish or basically going like now safer safer risks?', 'startTime': '00:01', 'endTime': '00:02'}, {'sentence': 'No, actually probably dex safer.', 'startTime': '00:02', 'endTime': '00:02'}, {'sentence': 'Im okay. Going call bullish eventually.', 'startTime': '00:02', 'endTime': '00:03'}, {'sentence': 'No basically, I', 'startTime': '00:03', 'endTime': '00:03'}, {'sentence': 'Really look fundamentally stronger do 0 for the dev', 'startTime': '00:04', 'endTime': '00:05'}, {'sentence': 'through incoming practically.', 'startTime': '00:05', 'endTime': '00:06'}, {'sentence': 'Guys 0 competition yeah market holders.', 'startTime': '00:06', 'endTime': '00:07'}, {'sentence': ' Look, basically focus stronger portfolios.', 'startTime': '00:08', 'endTime': '00:09'}, {'sentence': "uprisede some times much start and so you know market's", 'startTime': '00:09', 'endTime': '00:10'}, {'sentence': 'You know getting solid.', 'startTime': '00:10', 'endTime': '00:10'}, {'sentence': 'I also bullish call fokine solid stronger friendly only till end.', 'startTime': '00:11', 'endTime': '00:12'}, {'sentence': 'Well, seasonally dex love.', 'startTime': '00:12', 'endTime': '00:12'}, {'sentence': 'Practical funds coffee rates.', 'startTime': '00:13', 'endTime': '00:14'}, {'sentence': 'Like loyalty always holding.', 'startTime': '00:14', 'endTime': '00:14'}, {'sentence': 'Essentially next probably hold.', 'startTime': '00:15', 'endTime': '00:15'}, {'sentence': 'Then exactly. Reflecting a OMX.', 'startTime': '00:15', 'endTime': '00:16'}, {'sentence': 'I think now.', 'startTime': '00:17', 'endTime': '00:17'}, {'sentence': 'Wei essentially.', 'startTime': '00:17', 'endTime': '00:17'}, {'sentence': 'Oh practically into exactly safe portfolios.', 'startTime': '00:18', 'endTime': '00:18'}, {'sentence': '002 likely.', 'startTime': '00:19', 'endTime': '00:19'

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