Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space AMA w/ @quantlytica hosted by BingXOfficial. Delve into the insightful AMA session with @quantlytica focusing on empowering traders and enhancing the crypto trading experience with BingX. From innovative strategies to educational resources, partnerships, and community engagement, this space offered valuable insights into the dynamic world of cryptocurrency trading. Explore how @quantlytica and BingX are revolutionizing the industry with cutting-edge technology and continuous education for traders, emphasizing the importance of networking and staying informed in the volatile market.

For more spaces, visit the Trading page.


Q: How does @quantlytica empower traders in the crypto space?
A: @quantlytica empowers traders through innovative strategies, education, and community engagement for success.

Q: What sets BingX apart in the crypto trading industry?
A: BingX stands out in the industry by providing cutting-edge technology, educational resources, and a supportive community for traders.

Q: Why are partnerships like the one with @ChelseaFC essential for BingX?
A: Partnerships like @ChelseaFC enhance brand visibility, credibility, and trust within the crypto community for BingX.

Q: How does @quantlytica contribute to trader education and development?
A: @quantlytica offers valuable insights, educational materials, and networking opportunities to help traders navigate the crypto market.

Q: What advantages do followers gain from @quantlytica and BingX?
A: Followers benefit from up-to-date crypto news, educational content, trading strategies, and a supportive community by following @quantlytica and BingX.


Time: 00:08:13
Empowering Traders with @quantlytica Insights on innovative strategies and resources for trader empowerment in the crypto space.

Time: 00:14:25
BingX's Cutting-Edge Technology Exploring the technological advancements that enhance the trading experience on BingX.

Time: 00:20:40
Partnerships and Branding with @ChelseaFC The impact of strategic partnerships on brand recognition and community trust.

Time: 00:27:55
Educational Initiatives by @quantlytica Discovering the educational materials and programs offered by @quantlytica for trader development.

Time: 00:35:10
Community Engagement and Trading Success The importance of community interaction and support for thriving in the crypto trading industry.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights on empowering traders and enhancing crypto trading strategies.
  • Understanding the role of BingX in improving the trading experience.
  • Importance of partnerships in the cryptocurrency industry for brand recognition.
  • Exploring the innovative approaches of @quantlytica in trading education.
  • Benefits of following @quantlytica and BingX for the latest crypto updates.
  • The significance of community engagement in the success of trading platforms.
  • Utilizing cutting-edge technology for efficient and profitable trading.
  • Strategies for leveraging knowledge and resources to trade effectively.
  • Importance of education and continuous learning in the volatile crypto market.
  • Developing a network with industry experts like @quantlytica for trading success.

Behind the Mic

Initial Testing and Introductions

Testing, testing. Hello? Hello, though. Hello. Yeah, I can hear you. Would be nice if you could, get closer to the mic, maybe. You seem. You feel a bit distant, that's all. Let me try it. Just give it. Perfect. Now. Sounds great. Awesome. I'm gonna give maybe, like, one more minute for everyone to join in, but how's it going? Doing great. You know that everything approaching the, everything is just different, you know, hatch and everyone. You're just pinging us when the. When the. And what is your tokenomics? Yeah, you. I know you definitely know the feelings of. For sure, for sure. We've seen. We've seen a lot. And congratulations. I mean, nearing TGE must be exciting for you guys. Busy as well. Yeah, of course. Of course.

Locations and Context

Where are you coming from? I'm from Hong Kong. Hong Kong. Nice. Nice. Quick introduction before everyone joins in, I guess. My name is Jeremy from Hong Kong, hosting for Bang X all the AMA's. I'm sure a lot of people have, you know, been coming back regularly for AMAs, so, everyone should know me at this point, but, yeah. What about you? Great. I'm calling from Finland. I'm calling from Finland. Finland. Are you there for a trip? No, actually, Kwan Litika register. So we are actually also backed by Finnish government, so that is one of the reasons why we need to stay here. It is not only about I love Finland, but it's more about my duty to stay here. But anyway, so, yeah, calling from Finland. And normally we will travel back and forth between Singapore, Finland and Shanghai.

Team Distribution and Roles

Yeah, there's where we most likely we base at and. But actually, our team is quite distributed. Some of our team members are in us. Some of us are in Hong Kong as well. One of our members is in Hong Kong. That's great. Awesome. And how should everyone call you or regard you? Yeah, just call me Wesley. I'm CPO, co-founder of. Yeah, CPO and co-founder of Konolitika. Maybe it's my first time to step into Bang X AMA. Hopefully I can. Hopefully I can have more. Awesome. Awesome. Great to hear, and I hope everyone welcomes. Hey, everyone, give. Give Wesley a clap, shall we? Let's give Wesley a clap and, welcome to the AMA.

Setting the Stage for the AMA

Welcome to Bang X. All right, awesome. Got quite a few people already. 137. 140. Wow. All right, let's get this thing started, shall we? And of course, yeah, welcome. First off, welcome, everyone, to another AMA. Yes, we have been quite busy with AMAs recently. We got, like, you know, past three weeks or so this week as well. So first off, make sure everyone keep an eye out for even more AMAs in the future. And today we're joined by Quant. I'm sorry, I tried to. I've always tried to say this name in my head is a Quantitica or. Yes, Quant. You know, it feels like I'm splitting a word in two parts and I don't feel comfortable with it.

Clarifying the Name 'Quantitica'

Oh, yes, actually, you're right. You know what? This is actually combined. There's two words combined into one because my co-founders, actually, he previously worked in Southeast America. So there's. So Litika actually comes from your language and quant. Actually, it is what my co-founder good at is quant trading. So he combined two names into one. So you feel like you're speaking two words, but. Yeah, two words into one. So Quant Litika. Yeah, definitely. It is quant analytic. Yeah, because I always add the a in between. It's like because that, you know, adding the a in between feels like saying one word instead of two words.

Understanding Quant Trading

I'm like, but it's all spelled like that. But you know what, Jeremy? You are, I think, one of the first hosts. Big R name. 100% correct. Okay, wait, so does everyone else say quantalytica? You know what, always people directly tell. Call it as quanti or lytic. Quantica or tikka. Yeah. Well, it's my pleasure. Yeah. All right, awesome. And yeah, we got 160 plus people, so I'm just gonna go straight into it. Once again, welcome, everyone, for joining the AMA. And once again, welcome, Wesley. So, Wesley, do start us off with something, you know, some basic introductions, shall we?

Wesley's Introduction to Quant Litica

Tell us a bit about Quant Litica, tell us a bit about yourself and anything you'd like to tell everyone to get to know about Quantitica. Okay? Of course, of course. So first thing first. Hello, everyone, this is Wesley. Super excited to be here and thanks, Jeremy, for helping us. So, Quantitica is actually AI-powered multi-chain liquidity distribution protocol. And before, Quantitica, actually I was in charge of secure lending business in Singapore, DBS. And my background is super traditional finance. I'm a CFA charterholder, and before DBS, I'm also in investment banking. And at the same time, my co-founder Han is actually previously in charge of Acadian, which is the biggest hedge fund in Boston.

Quantitica's Purpose and Solutions

He was managing around 100 million for the portfolio and to invest in crypto and equity. And actually, all this quantitative story started in 2021. At that moment, we were both in DBS and were thinking that, hey, we. Because at that moment we started to know more about crypto, like NFTs, like Uniswap, all those stuff. And we think that, how about let's make something that is what we call band grade. But it is super easy for web two users or anyone to really utilize the service. So here comes Quantitica. So we officially founded Quantitica in 2023 and right now we are approaching TGE.

Addressing Liquidity Issues

So what are we really solving is that we solve the liquidity issue that users or retailers, they face every day. So what does that mean? So let's say, Jeremy, today you want to invest in one of the crypto or you want to do some quant trading. To be honest, without any research, it is hard for you to do that. Right? So for analytical, probably first thing first. Yeah, of course. Right. Maybe. Maybe you are not. Maybe you are not. Maybe you are an expert. I'm not into quant. I'm not into quants.

Operational Framework of Quantitica

It will be hard. Yeah. Okay. So anyway, it is something that help. We work with hedge funds and work with capital firms that would deliver some passive strategy that allow users to directly follow. So at this point you can see it's like an asset management platform that there's a bunch of strategy allows you to follow, allows you to directly deposit and then you earn rewards, no matter it is in airdrops or no matter it is the growth of your USDT. At the same time is that you can also see us as your funding tools. What does that mean? It means that in our next step we're also delivering some funk SDK.

Building on the Strategy

Given that we have built all those strategies, why not? We can make it into pluggable or we make users to build on top of them. So there's a fun SDK ready in our next phase is that users can directly use our toolbox, which is exist. There's a lot of, let's say, DeFi protocols or smart contracts included in that toolbox. So, Jeremy, now you can become like a developer, you can build your own DeFi strategy or your own quant trading strategy directly on top of Quantitica. And the most beautiful thing is because we are coming from traditional finance, because we are actually not an expert of smart contract, we know the pain point.

User-Friendly Approach

So, Jeremy, you don't need to know anything about smart contracts, you just need, just like you're putting up all the Lego, then you can combine a lot of DeFi protocols into one. That is our next step. Yeah. So I just need to. I just put in the money. Then you're still, then you're still in phase one. All right. But anyway, in our phase three is that we are also implementing our risk management engine, which means that before, after you know everything about asset management, after you know how to build your own asset management.

Risk Management and Future Goals

The next step is how we can make asset management better, which is risk management. So there's a risk management engine that will provide for users to simulate, to backtest everything that they have seen and they're going to invest. So that is kind of like a step by step. What Quantitica is going to deliver is that we are your liquidity getaway to really step into web three. And this getaway is not only for retailers but also for experts and also any DJ that is interested in building, investing or even testing their own device strategy.

Helping Both Users and Protocols

So this is what we are solving for users, that how they're going to deploy the liquidity into the market. But on the other opposite is that how about we can help those protocols to attract liquidity. So those fund SDK and our toolbox is also open for those protocols. Some of the new protocols that they currently require liquidity, but their lack of users. So they can directly use our toolbox or use our service to directly attract liquidity from the market. And at the same time is that they can attract users.

The Dual Role of Quantitica

So that is why we're saying we are liquidity getaway. That is not only about user side but also at the protocol side. So, yeah, so at the back end, actually AI is more like your support or your assistant that they help you to do analytics. That is where analytics come from. They help you to do all the data analysis. And in our next step is we will bring this analysis into front end. They will become like your wealth manager to help you really dive into today's DeFi strategy or DeFi market.

Conclusion on Quantitica’s Functionality

So in total, that is what Quantitica is doing right now. Really utilizing machine learning and statistic model to help users solve all the problems and remove all the human emotional roller coaster in today's DeFi or even crypto market. Awesome. That's a. I'll be honest, you've explained quite a lot and it's, I would say you could go further, but I'm sure you kept it short and sweet. Yeah, I feel like you've held back. The thing is, I feel like you've held back on a lot of explanations and I'm like, okay, yeah, that's a lot of questions I actually want to ask as well. So. Yeah, that's perfect.

Giveaway and Engagement

Thank you, Wesley. I really appreciate that explanation. And, oh, one thing before I continue, and also before I forget, we do have a giveaway. And I usually run the giveaways during the AMA, so make sure everyone stay behind, stay until the end as well, because I do these giveaways randomly during our conversation as well. So don't go afk. You. Give us a bit of support, attention. It won't take long, but I'm sure everyone will get a lot from this conversation, and especially with Quant Litica.

Understanding Trading Strategies

I know a lot of people might not understand too much about these trading strategies, like automation, all these complex things, if you didn't do your research previously. So I hope everyone also gets something out of this AMA, because there's a lot to learn about. And usually, correct me if I'm wrong, usually these are kept behind closed doors. So to say. Not everyone would just publish their trading strategy and be like, hey, this is how I make money. Because trading is in some ways like PvP, right? One person wins, the other one person loses.

The Nature of Trading

And, I'm sure a lot of people would find it really hard for. For them to actually, you know, share their training strategies. But, also this one I'm not too familiar with. So it might be a bit off of the official explanation, but, quant trading for everyone who is not as familiar is basically using, like, a set strategy based on, like, historical data of sorts, and developing. Developing a, I guess, a better trading strategy over time. I mean, Wesley, could you give me some input on this one? I'm not too familiar with this.

Breaking Down Quant Trading

Yes, of course. So I think for quant trading, everyone will think it is really complicated. But let me explain a little bit. What does actually quant trading means you put your trading strategy automatically. What does that mean? It means that when bitcoin falls below, let's say, 55, and then you will buy in. If it goes up to 60, then you will sell it. Actually, that is already one of the quant trading. Right? So quant trading means that you have a logic, predefined logic, that is put on chain or automatically into your strategy.

User-Friendly Structure

That is what we call the most general quant trading. So that is why we never make it too complicated for users to know what is quant trading? Because when people think about quant trading, they will start to. They're just like you, Jeremy. They'll think that, hey, it is for PhDs, it is for someone else. That is really DJing. But actually it is not. So, for us, we indeed have some complicated quant trading, but those predefined strategies or predefined logic, it is tested by our backtesting.

The Role of AI

So why we call quant trading, it means that all our strategy that we deploy and we allow users to follow why we need AI, because we need AI to help us to do assimilation and backtesting. It means that those quant actually is how we look back, how it works since the past few months, and how it is going to work in the next few years or even few years. So that is why we call quant trading in Quantitica. Quant is just a data learning or kind of like machine learning models that we help users to identify where is the opportunity, what are the risks and what are the returns.

Simplifying Trading Concepts

So that is not something really complicated at first place. And the second thing is all quantum trading is not only focused on trading itself. Let's say Jeremy, today you invest in crypto space. It is not only about the price going up and down. Sometimes you just interested in doing some yield farming, right? So when you're doing yield farming, you will invest into one of the DeFi protocols. So for those DeFi protocols, we will use machine learning and statistic models to identify whether in the past few months those yield farming or those yields are stable.

The Benefits of Quant Trading

If they are stable, then we make it kind of like a solid and we make it like a recommended DeFi protocol for users to follow. So that is also a part of quant, that is also about trading. That is why our liquidity, we call us like a liquidated automation.

User Requirements for Automation

Because for this automation, different users have different requirements. Someone they are interested in trading, they want to do some day trading, they want to buy and sell frequently, every single day or even every single hour. But for some of us like they want to do investment, then they will hold this token for a long term period. How we can help them to select this token and maybe how we can help them to identify this market is suitable for them to cash out a part of the position that is also about quant trading. And for you, Jeremy, if you're interested in gale farming, forming some point how those defi protocol is solid to you, that is also a part of quant trading. So quant is actually in Quantitica, a part of data analysis. That is not what we are doing at a daily basis.

Liquidity Automation versus Quant Trading

So that is why we call us like liquidity automation in our phase one, instead of we are calling us like a quant trading company because that is a totally different. So indeed we will provide some trading strategies for users to follow. But we also provide a lot of different kinds of liquidate automation in our phase one. So you can see as like your asset management, but that is not like a typical asset management that help you grow your USDT at certain percentage. Maybe your asset management is your just care about your USDT can help you to farm more token or form more airdrops, but some of them they just interested in my USDT can grow at 10% annually. Yeah. So different users will have different requirements and that is how our liquidity automation is going to solve.

Consultancy in Automated Trading

You know, you know how I would see it? I would see it as like, I'm hiring a professional to help me do this stuff at a small fee. Like. Yes, yes. Like, like in a very, very, like, to the ground, sort of thought is that I'm basically, in a sense, like, you know, there's like financial consultants or like, you know, stuff like that. Like, that's basically what I'm doing with, from what I understand and my thoughts. Right. Feel free to correct me if I'm off on anything. Yeah. So basically, I'm basically like, sorry to cut you off. So I'm basically putting my money onto Quantlitica and quant Litica is providing me with multiple options as to how you want to do your trading, what sort of strategies you'd like to put in, and in return for what Quantitica is providing with all their efforts they're putting into the platform, all they want is a fee for the service.

AI Wealth Management Feature

And that's how I sort of see it as a basis. Yeah, exactly. So you mentioned about financial consultant. So that is why in our phase two, we said we will have AI wealth manager. Because right now we are not like a consultant. We are more like, there's a lot of options for you to select. But here is a more exciting part in our phase two is that there is indeed a consultant, an AI consultant that you can talk to him. So what does that mean? It means that Jeremy, today you've come into Qualita. There's a lot of selections that you can, a lot of options that you can select from. You said, okay, I want to do some yield farming. So we will select and we will recommend a few yield farming strategy for you to follow. Right. So this is our phase one.

Future Improvements and Risk Management

But in our phase two is that we recommend based on your risk profile. So you can talk to our financial consultant. You can say, hey, I normally just put 10% of my income into crypto space, and I am really, I really afraid of, let's say, market drawdown or I am really afraid of losing my money. So please help me select the safest and the most suitable one for me. And then this financial consultant, which is our AI wealth manager, will recommend the most suitable one for you. So it is in our phase two is more like you actively interact with our system and with our risk engine. So it is a little bit different in our phase one. In our phase one, we are not like a consultant, we are more like an app.

User Strategies and SDK Functionality

You can directly use this app and you choose from, just like you invest on Binance, big x, anything. There's a lot of asset management tools that you select and you follow. But in our phase two is that before you follow, you can ask our consultant which strategy is the really one that's suitable for me. So I think that will be something that a lot of web two users or a lot of new users will love. That because we help you to remove all the emotional roller coaster. Because when you, when now you come into analytical, you are still thinking about, okay, which strategy I am going to invest because I have not understand myself enough to select on my own. So in our base two, we will help you to do and we help you to understand more about you.

Token Holder Advantages

So right now we are actually working on with a few AI company that they are helping us, working with us to deliver this AI wealth manager, that is what you call financial consultant. And that is coming, we are expecting it will go live in around October or November. Gotcha. Gotcha. Yeah, I mean, that's something I would really like to try out. Even though I do my own trading, just putting in like, I'll treat it as like another investment opportunity where I just say, hey, I will put a little bit of money, try it out, you know, see how it goes. And if it works out, well, good, right. If it doesn't, well, it's just another investment.

User-Created Strategies and SDK

Right. But the main thing I, the main takeaway, I would say, is with this sort of trading, are there, are there user created strategies? Because I know there's multiple platforms for this sort of, you know, providing like trading strategies, automation sort of stuff. Like, are you guys doing any user provided strategies? Like, can I create my own? And how. yes, publisher able to, you are able to create your own. So that is why we need a fund SDK, you know what, because for fun SDK, we allow anyone to build strategy. So Jeremy, today you don't know anything about smart contract, you don't know anything about quant trading.

Backtesting and Risk Identification

Then you can still use our fund SDK. Because you can just provide your intent and this financial consultant will, based on your intent to generate this strategy for you. And after the strategy is published at the very beginning, it is private, you can only use it personally. Yeah, but after you have test passed some of our testing, which is we call backtesting, which is our risk management engine, you pass all of our backtesting and found out that, okay, your schedule works well in the past few months and the protocols that you're going to interact looks good in case because some of the backtesting we found out they have a good historical performance, but we found out that it just rug pull, right. It is also one of the risk.

Revenue Sharing and Account Requirements

So we will identify this risk together with go plus real data. That is nothing about statistic model, but that is something about risk. We will be working with them on those kind of data service. Gotcha. On the other side, is that how the performance works in the past few weeks or even a few months after you pass all this criteria, you can publish this strategy and then you will be sharing the service revenue or those kind of like a subscription revenue with qualitica. I was going to ask about that. Yeah, I was going to ask about that. That's right. I mean also does anyone need a specific account of sorts? And once they do have an account, do they have to work with like specific exchanges or where do they start trading?

Trading Options and Decentralized Exchange

Can they trade on Dex? Can they use these strategies on a CX only or how does it work? Currently it is on Dexs and right now it is on, it will be on Dexs and later on it will be on centralized exchange. Because I think very beginning is that we want the experience really totally on chain because it is more transparent and we can provide more kind of like a risk management on top of it. But later on, because we are looking for custodian, because you know that if we want to invest on centralized exchange, it definitely needs to have more centralized system.

Future Integration and User Experience

And right now we are focusing more on decentralized version. But later on we are working with custodian that when users you provide your money through your metamask, it will go through a custodian and then you can interact directly in the centralized exchange. Having said that, we are breaking the barrier between on chain and off chain. So that is something that in our phase two it will also go live. But right now our service are totally on chain and you don't really need kind of like a vip pass or something. You just need to pay a little bit about the subscription fee then you will able to enjoy all of our liquidity, automation and our next step, our fund SDK.

Token Holder Privileges

But one thing I would love to introduce first is how we are going to make our token holders like vip. You know that because let's say Jeremy, today you want to onboard your strategy, then you must become one of our token holders, which makes you have a rights, makes you empowered to entitle, to share your strategy and publish. That is one of the mechanism that we are going to work. Because the most thing that we are afraid is that everyone pass all the simulation, everyone pass all the backtesting and everyone can onboard their strategy, which will make.

Ensuring Quality Control

That would be a mess. Yes, that will be a mess. So we will have kind of like a subscription model and then a token holding model to make sure that only a few people that is really keen to onboard their strategy can really sell to the market. Yeah, I mean I actually wanted to ask a bit more about this because a few things, right. Feel free to answer it on your own accord. But first off, tell me a bit more about your subscription. And if I can pay the subscription with the token QTlX, and the second one would be with a QTlX, can I negate any, how do I say it, like can I pay any of my trading fees?

Subscription and Token Utility

Because I assume I need to pay a service fee. Can I use QTlx for that? And how does Qtox in general work with everything in place? Okay, got it. So first thing first is when users utilize our service, they need to pay for a subscription fee. So let's say monthly basis, you need to pay around $5 or something else. Then you can enjoy any of the liquidity automation. So every strategies that we have onboarded or ever judges that we have put into our front end interface, you can directly deploy your capitals and follow those strategy.

High-Frequency Trading Strategies

That is our basic version. But in our next version is some of the strategy. They are really high frequency trading or they are really complicated quant trading because I think you mentioned about some of the quant trading, it is like a PvP, right? So those kind of strategies, it indeed have a higher return, but it will have a lower capital capacity. So for those strategy we will require token holders. It is exclusive to our token holders. So that's great. Yeah.

Confidential Trading Protocols

When you invest into less judge. Actually we're also working with singularity. Singularity is one of a confidential defi layer. So they will make all those trading invisible in the market and they're institutional grade confidential layer. So which means that your trading will not be attacked and then there will not be MEV that can attack your trading. So that is something that we are working with singularity and we are open for our token holders. So subscription makes everyone able to follow every strategy.

VIP Strategy Access

Token holdings make you entitled to invest in more, let's say vip strategy. That is how liquid automation works. And another step is that if you want to use our fund SDK subscription model allows you to utilize our basic functions. But let's say today you utilize it more, you need to call our API, have a higher request, then you will need to pay additional API fee. And by paying those fees you can no matter use USDT or use our token.

Token Discounts and Future Utility

Paying with our token will normally will definitely have some discount on top of it. And next, but least is that some of the future token utility will be insurance. So let's say Germany, today you invest in one of the strategy that Kwame Litigo said it has 15% but it comes up with only 10%. Those 5% is coming from the market. It is not about how this strategy works, good or bad, it is just about the market.

Loss Coverage and Token Use Cases

But let's say before you step into this strategy, you want to cover the potential loss. You can use our token to buy an insurance. So with those insurance, if the strategy does not go as well as we expected, those 5% difference will be coming from Quantitica's treasury or let's say our revenue treasury. So that is also something that users can utilize our token. Because our token, yes, our token is not just providing some vip service, it is more like providing a real use case in our ecosystem.

Broad Utility of Tokens

No matter, it is like paying, no matter it's like covering your potential loss. It can become kind of like your insurance coverage that will cover all your potential loss and just like performing a risk management. So this is something, it will go live, I think most likely in October that it is a new token utility that we will introduce. Gotcha. And okay, I was thinking of something very cheesy, but I'll just keep it easy since we heard about all this use case of the QTLX token. And I really think it's actually really good use case because most, I'm not going to name anyone.

Comparative Advantages of QTLX

I think most platforms use it as like say, oh, it's just another, you know, governance token. You can use it to pay for some very specific things, but not the subscription. You know, like there's a lot of limitations to a lot of other platforms tokens. Oh, and also, you know, the usual, you can stake it and do whatever afterwards. Right. That sort of stuff. So it's like the regular, you know, the template style defi platform. And I think what you guys are doing are really especially, you know, the insurance part and being able to use the token, I guess, like with more variety, diversity, etcetera.

Giveaway Announcement

This really is a very nice use case. And in that sense, I think a lot of people might want your token as well, which, here's my transition. We're going to probably do a nice giveaway right now so more people can actually get a good use out of QTLX. What do you think? Of course. Of course. Sounds great. Sounds like a plan. You know, I was thinking something more cheesy. I was like, no. Okay, I'll hold myself. All right, so, Wesley, since it's our first time here, we always do this.

Audience Engagement

What I'm going to do is I'm going to ask you, what is your favorite emote that you like to react to? You don't want everyone to react to. It could be one of your favorite emotes or something you'd like to see. So if you go onto the ten emotes that you see, which one do you like the most? Do I just select one? Yeah, yeah. Just anyone that you like. Of course. 100. All right, once again, everyone, if you like to join the giveaway right now, spam 100.

Final Remarks and Gratitude

All right, everyone, just spam the 100 emoji. 100 for this product, Quantlitica, 100 for Wesley for giving us such amazing hundred. I'm giving him 100 for his explanations and this amazing ama, right? And 100 for Quantlitica for sponsoring this giveaway as well. Just everyone. Hundred for everyone's. All right, good job. Thanks for joining DMA and of course, you know, thanks. Thanks for being here in general. So let's spam a bit more. If you want to join the giveaway, give us 100.

Giveaway Process

And I'm going to pick a few lucky winners for this giveaway. This won't be the only giveaway, so don't leave after this one unless, you know, you don't want to join the giveaway. You don't want to listen to even more alpha and insights. So. Yeah. All right, I'm going to scroll through a bit, through the audience and hundreds. Let's see. Three, two, one. All right, boom. First winner, Richard Spider power.

Winner Announcements

Congratulations. All right, next person, let's see. Boom, boom. Keep spamming. Hundreds. All right, let's see. Chris Jiraiya. Jiraiya 5432. Congratulations. I'm gonna pick. I'm gonna pick three more for this one. Let's see. All right, let's go with Kian. Kian crypto. Congratulations. Two more. Keep the hundreds coming. And Ella. Noni, Ella, congratulations.

Drawing More Winners

And last but not least, I'm gonna pick one more. One more winner. Let's go with flexi. Two. K 13. Congratulations, everyone. Stay tuned. We will have a few more winners along the way. But do make sure you guys use your QtLx for any of the, especially the entrance. I'm actually more intrigued on that one. But make sure you guys keep an eye out for the QTLX launch and make good use of your tokens.

Transition Back to Discussion

All right, back to the topic. Wesley, I was going to ask a bit about the future, what you guys are planning ahead because I'm sure you've already explained quite a bit. You guys have amazing background, amazing experience, great platform and ideas. What you guys have right now. So what are you guys planning ahead for? So for example, are you guys releasing more futures in the near future?

Upcoming Plans and Expectations

I know, I know you explained a few. Like, you know, phase two, phase three, phase four. Give us a bit more. Give us a bit more of an oversight. Right? So are you guys doing, say, your token launch? What's right after your token launch? Is there anything that people should expect within the next two weeks, so to say two weeks? Okay, so it is not like a future, it's just like next week, right?

Exciting Developments Ahead

So, yeah, of course. Of course. So one thing I think we are super excited that we're, what we're going to do is of course, a staking program that is for our Qtox holders. Because I think that is just like a normal, just like a defi template that you will. I think you are now thinking that, okay, you are back to template, but I'll explain more. Right, so this defi protocols or our staking program is not only for users to stake Qtox, for Qtox, it is actually a little bit, quite flexibilities that we have provide to users.

Token Redemption and Flexibility

After 30 days, you can't get back your token. Come get back your rewards. But that is not quality. Call loves it. So we never ask users to lock up their token. We would love users to have flexibilities to redeem. So let's say today you can lock your tokens for 30 days. And you found out that hey, this 30 days can give me, let's say 50% of ApR, I can definitely stay there. But what if today politica goes for ten x just in two days your lockup will makes you miss all those chance.

Kolitika's Redemption Mechanism

So in Kolitika we have a mechanism. They say okay, you can still retain your tokenization and that's it. You can redeem your token and you can give up your rewards, but you can directly just get back your principal. So list taking program. At the first place, we did not allow users to really lock up. It just insympathize users to put it as long as possible. That is the first thing that different from other templates. Another template that we are providing is have you ever think of that? You can stake your token for USDt. So that is something that we will go live in our very beginning as our statement program. Because right now qualitative, that's very different.

Earnings from Staking

Convective have already some of the return and income that is coming from our institutional service. So users, when you stake into Conletica, a part of your return will be coming from QTOx and a part of your income will be coming from our previous income, USDT. Hammond said that you will share some of our treasury in our first staking program. So it is, wow. It is super different from all the staking programs that they are only giving you future tokens to exchange for your token lockup. For us, we are allowing you to stake and share our previous income. Not our future income, but our previous income. So this is something that I think it will directly happen right after TGE that staking allows you to not only earn QTox but also USDT.

Unique Approach to Token Strategies

Oh my gosh. You know, I'm actually having a delicate chills like, what the hell? What it's taking thinking of token for like, actually. Okay. The thing is, there's a lot of platforms that are trying to do this is like, what is it called? Real yield. I think that's the word. A lot of platforms, a lot of DeFi platforms are trying to do real yield, right? So what real yield is they are, they're mostly like making a lot of money from, you know, the platform fees and whatnot. Right? I, and as you mentioned, staking their token for what they're making out of the platform. But a lot of them, once it starts dying down, once the platform starts dying down, obviously it just doesn't make sense anymore.

Sustainable Approach to Profitability

And with what you guys are doing, I feel like that is so much of a different vibe and a different feeling to it, because, first off, from what you mentioned, you guys are already profitable. Like, not every protocol can just be profitable. I think a lot of people don't understand this. It's not just like, oh, it's from funding, and then after the funding, we use up all the money, and then we throw up all the money, it just dies off. Right. I think that's like, you know, the usual DeFi stereotype, but I'm actually like. I feel like what you guys are doing is actually pretty insane. I don't know who came up with the idea to do this, but you're. I would love to be a Qtlx holder.

Investment Perspectives

Yeah. I'm not financial advice. I just want to say this, right. This is our first time talking. Like, we don't have, like, a, like, a script for any of this as well. But just hearing this, I would love to be a QTLX holder. I've played a lot of DeFi, you know, protocols. I've tried out a lot of investments, et cetera, over the past three years and more. But this one is very interesting simply because I'm really into trading. Right. And with that in mind, I feel like I could make some strategies. And as you mentioned, the strategies, I can also get a share of the fee if I get verified, and sharing the strategy if it's profitable, et cetera.

Quantitative Trading Benefits

So that's one thing for me. Secondly, I don't have to manage that much of my strategies anymore, because quantitative is doing it for me. Thirdly, you guys are on Dex, which I'm more surprised, to be honest, because most of the platforms actually use centralized exchange for what you guys are doing specifically. So stuff like, I think one of the biggest names is three commas, but providing different trading strategy bots. and with Dex, I feel like there's less volatility, so to say. Because on centralized exchange, it can be very easily. Okay. It can't really be very easily manipulated, but on, certain exchanges with low trading volume, it can be really easily manipulated, and it's not really a good thing.

Safety in Decentralized Exchanges

Right. And I feel like on Dex, it's much more safer option. And last but not least, I mentioned earlier the insurance part and this new yield farming staking part. I think this is a nail in the coffin, what you guys are doing. I'm sorry. I'm laughing myself as well. Like, I'm sorry, but all these features sort of round up to something like, I thought about, like, maybe like two years ago, like, what an ideal DeFi platform would be. Since I've been doing it in, like, I don't know if you've heard of, like, phantom. Have you, have you tried out Phantom before? Phantom network, the blockchain?

Innovation and Improvement in DeFi

No, actually I am not. Yeah, don't worry about it. But, you know, back then, there was like a defi craze and, like, chains. Like Phantom, for example. Like, it's very focused on DeFi only, right. And it's just a lot of, like, you know, copying one platform, this platform's features does well. Therefore I'll copy it, rebrand it, and make it do the same thing, but with like, very minor changes. And it's like, I'm bored of looking at all these DeFi protocols doing the same shit over and over again and what you sort of explained over the same way. I feel like it's very, it's not like a huge list of changes, right?

Small Changes Leading to Big Impact

What you guys are doing are not like a huge list of changes. It's just small changes here and there. And with all these small changes, it actually changes the whole protocol itself and what it's trying to achieve and accomplish. And I really appreciate that, Jeremy. You know what, first thing first, I really want to credit my co founder, even though I think he is in today's game, but he is not on stage. So he's actually. Yeah. Before Acadian, you know what, he was the MVP version of Grab AI investment team. So actually he was building something just like three commas.

The Vision Behind the Project

But that is directly on your mobile app. It is in your grab. Just like. Okay. Yeah. You know the grab, right? In Southeast Asia, Grab is the biggest food delivery, but they are also doing investment. So Grab AI investment is one of the, his work that he developed the prototype. So he wants to make this come true into crypto space. So that's why he comes up with a lot of solutions or deliveries. That is something. Yeah, just like small changes, but it is something you care at your daily life. Like, you can use your token to generate some stable yield and you can use your token to generate something else.

Building on Daily Life Innovations

That is something that he have in mind when he was in Grab AI and right now he brings into crypto space. Another thing that you, I really want to circle back or I have some echo on the word that you say. We do only minor changes, but change a lot. Because you know what, we have asked and we have talked a lot of investors that said that this year, all those projects or all those massive adoptions coming from those idea can really be pain. True, or can really make it happened, right? Because previously we have talked to a lot of investors that said that AI actually only exists on pitch deck.

The Role of AI in Modern Trading

It is not anywhere else. It is on pitch deck, right? Yeah. So AI is on pitch deck. It is nowhere else. The only AI you're using every single day. I think that it is still chat GPT. I think that chat JBT is still the best AI models that we are using at the daily basis. But other than that, maybe nothing that you can really mention in a flash of your mind, right? Everything is also based on chat GPC as well. Yes. So there's no originality. Yes, there's no originality.

Bringing Ideas to Life

So that is something that you really need to bring something come true and make it really happen. And then we make it bigger. Right? So that is what political always trying to do, is that if we have a small idea, just make a come true, we just bring it into front end, we just really make it usable for our users and then we start to build everything bigger. So that is why a lot of people ask us, why not you bring your font SDK ready and then you go live your project? I would say, no, that is not what we're doing right now because font SDK is a little bit too big for users at the very, at this place or at this stage.

User-Centric Development

Why not we just bring something? We change your life at a daily basis. And day after day you start to get used to what Quantica is doing. You found out your defi strategy, your defi protocols is getting better. Your defi experience is just getting better and better every single day. And then one day we bring another functionalities for you. I think that is just like chat GPT, right? So at chat JPT, everyone is original from chat JpT. They bring life and they make some of the functionalities come true every single day. And then there's a big milestones and then there's a big upgrade afterwards.

Expectations for the Future

So we never talked about what we are going to do in next three years, what we're always focusing, of course, how we can change our life better in the next few weeks or let's say just tomorrow. So if you're, and you know, these, I'm sorry to cut you off, but these are the, are the things that most people actually need and most people actually want. Like, like just there's like very like minute things that people want during their trading experience. Right. And one big change in like the trading experience, I don't think it will reach adoption, right.

Incremental Improvements in Trading

If you're changing the whole scene of trading, like, yo, like, you know, all these new like clickbaity stuff, like chat GPT made me this trading bot and it made me 100 x overnight. Like, like did what? Makes no sense. And, and it's like why it, you know, it's like trading in essence never changes. It's always the same thing. But you can make these small changes to make your life easier and to improve, you know, improving the quality of life, improving, you know how you just simply work with a certain strategy, right? You can tweak small things to make it better.

The Nature of Trading Strategies

You never improve. Like how do you say it? You never make a big change and expect, you know, sorry, let me revert this real quick. So correct me if I'm wrong, but most trading strategies are based off of like historical values, right? Say this has worked well before and, you know, we should see similar outcome, but it's not the same. There's never the same outcome because we can never predict the future. But what people do, and people are always improving their trading strategies and how do they improve it?

Small Tweaks Lead to Better Outcomes

They don't make a big change. They say, hey, okay, based off of this value or this historical event, we're going to modify this value by a small amount, right? We modify this by a small amount and we test it out, see how it works. If it doesn't work well, we change it back, we change it to another small value and we go, you know, go back and forth, back and forth until you find the best, you know, trading strategy in your mind. And I feel like what you guys are doing is very fitting for what a trading strategy itself is as well as a platform.

Continuous Improvement in Development

Yeah, because my co founders are contractors, you know, until all we're doing is try to make it better day by day. It is not. Yeah. So actually that is something that we talk to a lot of investors that we are not providing something revolution, we're just trying to provide some. Yes, we're just trying to provide some improvement. And yes, with ten improvement you will found something, just be revolutionized. So that is something like user experience that we have, we had in our banking. In banking you are not changing your life every single day, but after one year or two years you stay in bank, everything is different.

Lessons from Previous Projects

That is something that we learn from banking and that is also because previously we have worked in wonderful project before. Quantica, were working one of the projects that was backed by DCG and Coinbase. At that moment. We tried to do a lot of revolutionized, but we found out that it is hard to make your product come true. And if your product does not really make it come true, your user base will just keep going. There will be no user base because they are just looking at your dream. They are not looking at your product.

Building a Foundation for Growth

So right now we are building product first and then based on this product, we have something to originate from. So with this original from, we can start to build more dreams. So that is why actually this insurance does not come from day one. It is something that we want to provide a use case that we found out that everyone is focusing on how I can increase the revenue, how I can increase my APR when I'm doing my daily investment. But one day we found out, when we keep improving, we found out I there's another improvement that we can provide is how I can protect this APR and that here comes the insurance.

Innovative Solutions for User Needs

So that is something that I would need to say, really credit to my co founder that he provides something. That is what quantraders doing at the daily basis and what Grep AI investment was doing back in 2017. And right now, that is what Quantico is doing every single day. Shout out to Quantlisica. Indeed. I mean, as I said, I'm not trying to provide, I never do provide financial advice. And also, this is purely based off of opinion.

Future Perspectives in Trading

And with my, I won't say I'm like the biggest trader, like the craziest trader out there, but like, I have my fair share of experience and I can tell, like, what you guys are doing in, it's not just for, not to put it in a negative way. It's not just for a cash grab, right. A lot of platforms try to just do something, get a bunch of protocol fees, service fees, and they're like, hey, I'm good. You know, I'm good now because I did my marketing well on a replica of something else that's successful.

Sustainable Business Practices

And with this amount of revenue I've generated, I get to pocket it all. It's like a lot of platforms are like that. I'm not, I'm not saying like a specific platform that's doing this, but I'm sure, you know, a lot of platforms have died within these past two years because of the bear market, right. They've, they've, a lot of them have disappeared simply because that was their mindset and what they were building. But with what Wesley, you discussed earlier and talked about, I think Kwametica is doing something amazing.

Recognition of Innovative Efforts

Thanks, Jared. I'll just keep it short. I think you guys are doing something amazing and I really wish to see more of it. And I'm sure a lot of people have also listened throughout this ama. I don't want to do any of these AMA's as like talking within like, oh, so here's question one, here's question two. Right. It's always a discussion, and I'm sure a lot of people learn from these discussions as well, and some of these opinions, I think.

Questions about Polygon

Oh, actually, sorry, this, I wanted to ask this like early on, like very early on during the AMA, I totally forgot about it. I was reading my notes on what I wanted to ask. I was like, so why are you guys building on polygon? On polygon? You know what? Yeah. I think first thing first, we are not only on Polygon, so right now we have our polygon and arbitrage.

Multi-Chain Strategies

Okay. Want to clarify? Okay, okay. And the second part is mass adoption. You know, so let's circle back. Why mass adoption? When you talk about trading fee, everyone cares about trading fee. Guy is a trader. Go. Founder is a trader. One thing he thinks it is really painful is the transaction fee on Ethereum. Right? So that is why at the very beginning we did not deploy on Ethereum. I think transaction fee is one of the reason. And that is also the pain points for users.

Affordability for Users

When we want to reach a massive adoption, single transaction cost you for $2. No one is going to trade on Ethereum, especially your new users. So that is why if we want to catch those new users, if we want those web two users, step into web three more, way more easily. We need to find a ecosystem that is super cheap. And also they have a lot of protocols on those platform. So polygon, which is have a lot of protocols that is not only about DeFi, but NFT and also what arbitram, the chain that everyone is doing trading on arbitrage.

Focusing on Future Deployments

So that is two emphasis that we're focusing on. But gotcha. That is also one of the answer that we love to provide is we are not only staying on arbitrary polygon, later on, later this year, it will be deployed on base and BNB. And also we will be back to Ethereum. Because some of our trading strategies that we found out is it is kind of like a low frequency trading. So low frequency trading actually does not require a buy and sell at a really daily basis.

Implementing Efficient Strategies

Yeah. It might be on just like a weekly basis. So this can control our expense for the users or that's a. For the traders. So at that moment, we also deploy on Ethereum with some other strategy. Yeah. So having said that, in the future, we are more like a multichain.

Introductory Remarks and Token Mechanics

Yep. Got it, got it, got it. Okay. I mean, that's great. I mean, I don't, I'm not sure about cross, you know, cross chain, how. How this sort of stuff would work. Well, because having a token on multiple chains is kind of a pain. Yeah. But let me explain a little bit. So very beginning, it is like multi chain. It is not like cross chain. Right. So for our token, it will still be on arbitrage, but indeed it will be come like a multi chain because we want to integrate users on different ecosystem. So we indeed will have a multi chain solution, which is we will be working with Chainlink. So Chainlink, their CCIP, can support us to have our token on multi chain.

Phased Approach to Token Trading

But in our phase one is that we will make our strategy just on single chain. So you trade on arbitrage, then you earn on arbitrage. But for cross chain, that's indeed something that we are looking to explore, like working with wormhole or any of the cross chain bridge, is that maybe there's an opportunity that is currently happening on binance marching or on Ethereum. But as a token holders, I always love to play around on arbitram. Does that mean that I need to pass this opportunity? No, it does not need to. So you can invest in wonderful strategy vote. And this vote is actually working with chain link, CCIP or any of the cross chain solution that I can help you to invest in the DeFi protocols that is currently on other chains.

Risk Management and Future Plans

And then you don't need to cross chain, you just need to stay on the single chain and wait for the reward from other chains to be crossed back to the chain that you are originally from. So that is amazing. Yeah. That is something that we are working on because that is a little bit complicated. And especially it is hard to do back testing because for backtesting, it is really hard to do backtesting for cross chain because the liquidity of different cross chain bridge liquidity, or let's say the risk of cross chain is something hard to. It is hard to quantify the risk for crossing. So this part we are still finding a better way to do simulation and to do risk management. But that is in our. It is in our roadmap.

Challenges of Cross Chain Trading

Yeah. Yeah, that's why. That's why I brought it up. Right. It's such a pain, like, just working with tokens on, like, different chains. And also the pain point I see in some protocols is it doesn't support other chains on certain functionalities. And I'm not sure if you guys will also face this. Yeah. Faces issues, of course. Of course. But let's say you are doing some high frequency trading. It definitely will not happen on a theory. Right? Yeah. A single trade cost you for $2. It's, Yeah. And then you do like, every minute. Yeah. Then we're talking about. We're sharing our revenue with our token holders. You might think that is bullshit. That is not gonna happen. Yeah, yeah.

Market Sentiment and User Feedback

Okay. Yeah, I mean, I think. I think. I think it's. It's. We've had a nice hour of chatting and I. First off, I really appreciate this. It's very chill chat and really think, you know, this ama has helped quite a bit of people. I want to say this because there's not a lot of defi platforms out there that's like, that's easily recommendable. Also, to say, like, I can't say like, oh, maybe this one will rug and you lose everything. It's so unfortunately. Right. Unfortunately, the crypto space is like this. A lot of people are just here for like a quick in and out, and then they're like, okay, I rug pull and I make a lot of money.

Investment and Trust Issues

Right? And it's so prominent in defi protocols because you have to put all your money, all your investment into the platform, and then it's just there because that's just how it works. Right? And. And I think this is definitely one that I will keep an eye on, Quantitica, and I will keep an eye on when you guys are doing staking new features, so on and so forth. I would say. I would recommend it on the user level because I'm also a user, I'm also a trader. And as a trader myself, I would say, from what you guys are, from what you guys told me, from what we've discussed, I think Kwame Zigga is definitely one of the top ones to look out for.

Future Developments and Features

Obviously, you know, you guys haven't launched fully yet. You haven't fully launched yet. We're still painting a picture, but I love what I'm seeing. Thanks, Jeremy. Thanks, Jeremy. That's what I could say. Thanks, Jeremy. And once again, for any final words, if you'd like anyone in the audience to say, keep an eye out for any events that you guys are doing any campaigns that you like, people to join and any dates you like, people to keep an eye out for, or any social media that you'd love people to follow as well. Feel free to give us, you know, a quick, quick few words on those.

Announcement of Token Generation Event

Of course. Yeah. So I think TGE this Friday, I think, is something that we are super excited about. And of course, right after TGE, or actually a little bit before TGE, it is our staking program. So this staking program is something that we just mentioned about stake your quantitative token for not only token, but also USDT. I think that is something that people can just give it a try. And we are not asking you to log off for a crazy four years just like curve, but it is something that you can give it a try.

Clarifications on Staking and Withdrawals

I'm not talking about something bad for curve, but just that, no four years. We are not trying to lock up your investment for such a long time. It is just like 30 days, 90 days, 180 days, and you can take it away anytime. That is something that we don't love to. We don't like users to lock up their things. That is our liability, to be honest. And that is also something that we don't want to see. So you can just give it a try. Just to clarify, sorry, just to clarify, if you withdraw early, you lose your rewards, right?

Growth Potential and Community Focus

Yeah, just losing rewards. But maybe your principal just grows for, let's say that's a quantity, just go from five x. No financial advice, but that is something that you can give it a try because you can just stake and take away anytime you want. And that is something that we are super excited about. And I think, yeah, that's it. To be honest, we want users to focus more on our product instead of our token, even though our token indeed will provide a lot of token utility. But to be honest, my token go for ten X is not as excited as I can grow our users portfolio for ten X.

Community Engagement and Future Outlook

That is totally different. So if I can grow your portfolio for ten X, Jeremy, it will be. So I will be super happy. So yeah, it is something that I. Will be happy to. So we focus on community instead of really ourselves. So we are actually giving out. Great. So in total, actually we're giving out around 50% future tokens into our token holders. So yeah, so wow. Just grab a shot and no financial advice, but looking forward to meet everyone in our community.

Closing Remarks and Future Engagement

Follow on Twitter and then more things will be released soon for sure. Thank you so much, Wesley. And I, I think that the main. Sorry, I'm being a little lengthy here, a little wordy today, because, I don't know, man, it just resonates with me. I'm sorry. This, this project just resonates with me. I usually don't go like too far in. I usually just ended off within the hour. Right. But, man, the thing is, one point I want to make is I've seen too many protocols, defi protocols, just giving away their tokens all the time.

Concerns Regarding Token Distribution

They do different events, campaigns, and they're like, okay, you stake this, you get our token back. You stake that, you stake our token, you get our token back. That sort of distribution method for any token is just bad in general. I'm sorry, there's no other words. It's just bad. And with what Quantifica is doing with real yield right from the start, I'm talking about right from the start, right? If you're doing real yield right from the start, there's so much more potential for the token to slowly grow, right?

Investment Strategies and Trends

Because more people will have time to think about investing into Quantitica. More people have time to decide if they want to be a token holder. They can decide if they want to use your product, different features, et cetera. And with a much more limited supply, obviously it will gain interest. With the limited supply, eventually the token grows exponentially over time. Obviously, I have to reiterate, it's not financial advice, but I'm just saying, like, in general, these are the trends that I personally would always look out for, is token distribution and how the token is used in the platform itself, use cases.

Acknowledgment of New Insights

So once again, thank you for introducing me to Quantlitica. I'll be honest, right? Because being at Bankix is like part of my job, right? But on the side, I train as a hobby. So all of these Ama's and these projects are introduced to me. For these Ama's, I actually get to learn more about the landscape. And obviously this is my first time hearing about Kwametika and my first time discussing about Kwametika.

Audience Participation and Giveaway

So, yeah, I really appreciate you introducing Kwonzika to me, to everyone in the audience, and I hope everyone learned something from this once again. I usually don't go that far and give too much opinion because usually I'm not used to the project itself. They're doing some shit that I don't understand. Unfortunately. I can only, you know, talk about some generic stuff that I know from, you know, playing around crypto, being in the crypto space, but trading itself, I have much more insights I have much more to discuss about and much more opinions.

Interaction with the Audience

So once again, thank you, Wesley. And I hope I've baited enough people to leave the audience right now. So for everyone who's staying until the end, we're going to do another giveaway. Nice move. Nice move. Jeremy. I'm sure a lot of people have left already. So whoever's our die hard fans for the quantitica ama, as well as our bang x ama's, of course. Good job for staying until the end. You will be rewarded.

Rewarding Active Participants

We only reward our active and our active audience, you know, our returning audience. So for this one specifically, wesley, if you'd like to close us off with another emote, all right. Okay. What do you think? What are you thinking? Of course. Heart. Yeah. All right. Hearts. Hearts for quantico. What they're doing. Hearts for wesley. Great speaker, amazing explanations. Hearts for everyone in the audience as well.

Selection of Giveaway Winners

And I'm gonna pick. I'm gonna do five winners again, but I'm gonna pick three who's been here from the start. I have a keen eye for people who join right from the start, and I love to reward people who join, you know, early on and stay until the end. So, first off, one very hardcore listener who's almost in every single ama, shout out to Ben chiddy beer shout out to you.

Final Acknowledgments and Future Engagement

Thanks for joining in. All our AMa's also gonna do, let's see, there's quite a few people I'll do it for, like, the next AMA as well. Right? I. But shout to blueberry, Miss Blueberry hut. I always see you around in the AMA's as well. And one more I would say would be. Let'S see who's reacting. I need to see who's reacting, because there's some people who joined early, but they're not reacting, so I know they're not here.

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