Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space AMA w/ Foxsy AI: Outfoxing human soccer players with AI & robotics hosted by MagicSquareio. Delve into the world of Foxsy AI's groundbreaking advancements in the soccer industry through AI and robotics. Explore the specialized offerings of MagicStoreWeb3's App Store and the pivotal role of MagicLaunchpad in launching projects within the Web3 ecosystem. Witness the transformative power of AI and robotics collaboration in human vs. AI sports competitions, showcasing technological marvels and challenges.

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Total Listeners: 22


Q: How is Foxsy AI impacting the soccer industry?
A: Foxsy AI is disrupting soccer with innovative AI and robotics solutions, changing the game dynamics.

Q: What distinguishes MagicStoreWeb3 as an App Store?
A: MagicStoreWeb3 stands out for its specialized offerings tailored for the Web3 environment, catering to unique needs.

Q: Why is the MagicLaunchpad essential in the Web3 ecosystem?
A: The MagicLaunchpad serves as a crucial platform for launching projects, fostering innovation and growth.

Q: What benefits come from the collaboration between AI and robotics in sports?
A: The synergy between AI and robotics results in technological advancements and challenges in human vs. AI interactions.


Time: 00:14:27
Foxsy AI's Impact on Soccer Industry Discussing how Foxsy AI is reshaping the soccer landscape with AI enhancements.

Time: 00:25:42
Innovative Offerings of MagicStoreWeb3 Exploring the unique features and services provided by MagicStoreWeb3 for Web3 users.

Time: 00:35:59
Role of MagicLaunchpad in Project Launches Understanding the significance of the MagicLaunchpad in kickstarting projects within the Web3 sphere.

Key Takeaways

  • Foxsy AI is revolutionizing the soccer industry with cutting-edge AI and robotics technologies.
  • MagicStoreWeb3 offers a unique App Store experience tailored for the Web3 ecosystem.
  • The MagicLaunchpad plays a crucial role in launching projects within the Web3 space.
  • Collaboration between AI and robotics leads to groundbreaking advancements in human vs. AI sports competitions.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

Hello. Hello. So welcome for joining. Thank you for joining Amin. We will start in a few minutes at 07:00 a.m. uTC. So yeah, we'll just take a few minutes for more people to join and for our guests to appear as well. Oh, here he is, the man of the hour. Let me give approval. 1 second. Yay. So as I already mentioned a bit before, we just wait a few more minutes until 07:00 a.m. uTC before we can start, before we start the session. Hello. Hello. Thank you for joining everyone. Good to see also some of our community members. I see Yo Faani has joined. Always grateful and always thankful for interacting with all of our tweets. Thank you. Also, let's make sure that we share this space so that more people are aware that we are currently live right now. You can do that by retweeting these tweets or this space.

Awkward Silence and Pre-Session Preparations

You know, it's always a little bit awkward to like have these few minutes before a space that it actually starts. It's like, oh, some people have music, right? They put music in the background. But I was like, oh, I kind of want to do that too, but I realized I'm on my headphones so I wouldn't know where exactly the music source would come from, but something I will hopefully figure out in a later space as well as for now, we'll just sit in silence and wait for 07:00 a.m. uTC to strike to start the session. It's almost time and if anybody wants to stay ahead of the curve, go check out the chat in this AMA Twitter space section because I put some links to the hot offer that we'll talk about briefly later. And yeah, our project links so you can go check them out if you already want to.

Starting the Session

And we hit 07:00 a.m. uTC. Thank you everybody for joining. And hopefully there will be people trickling in as we go along. I see also as I mentioned, a few of our community members. Hello, Andrew. Hello, Jovani. Thank you for being here as well. Yeah, I think we can just kick off. So GM everybody, welcome to the Magic Square space. And I'm very excited for today because I think we have a very fun session ahead. I'm also very excited to talk to Sebastian from Foxy AI. But yeah, before we dive into all of that, I really want to quickly introduce myself and Magic Square. So hello. Hello. I am Meilin and I'm from Magic Square's social team.

Overview of Magic Square

And for all of the new people tuning in or listening to this space a bit later on. Very briefly, about Magic Square. So we are a web three ecosystem, and we connect projects and users, and we do that basically by the products that we have, like the Magic launchpad and the Magic store. So a bit more specific about the Magic store. This is our web three app store, where you can discover projects and apps and tools, but it's also a space where you can earn rewards by doing your activity, doing your actions. So I think this is a really nice bridge to also tell you a little bit about one of these activities that you can do for Foxy AI on a magic store. So we have this feature called hot offers, and these are basically activities and tasks for you to complete, and then you will get a real reward.

Hot Offers and Foxy AI

So in the case of our Foxy AI hot offer, which is, by the way, live and up and running right now, you can earn USDT by completing a few tasks, such as following them on socials and checking out their websites. And what I think is really cool about this specific hot offer is that anyone can participate, and it's completely for free. So you just have to make a free account on our magic store to claim this offer. I have the links also in the chat of this space, so you can just go there and find all of the information here. So, yeah, that is just briefly about Magic Square, about the hot offers, but let's continue with the big reason why we're here. And that is, of course, to get to know Foxy AI a little bit better.

Introducing Sebastian from Foxy AI

So I think we should just hear it from the man himself. So, yeah, Sebastian, do you want to briefly introduce yourself and give us a little sneak peek on the project? Hello. Hello, Meilin. Thank you so much for the invitation. I'm really happy to be here today. Also, a big hello to everyone tuning in. Great to have you with us. So, yeah, I'm Sebastian Marian, CEO and co founder of Fox AI. Some of you in the multiverse acts community might know me for my work as a core developer of the multiverse x blockchain, where I've been part of the ecosystem for the past six years, working alongside breed and mines on cutting edge technologies. So, beyond blockchain, I've been working with AI and robotics for over 21 years, and that's really where my journey with Fox AI started.

Sebastian's Background and Experience

I've had the privilege of competing in Robocup, a global AI and robotics competition, 20 times. I even led my team, Oxy, to win first place in the world in the cooperative challenge and third place in the main competition for four times, bringing together AI robotics blockchain. And the legacy of Robocup has been the culmination of two decades of hard work, passion, and innovation, I would say. So, with all this in mind, I'm excited to dive into our conversation today and share more about Foxey with you. Of course. Awesome. And, oh, my God, 21 years in the trade. Must have a lot of expertise, seen a lot of things over the years.

The Launch of Foxy AI

So, yeah, very excited that you're here. I think we should just kind of start from the very beginning. Right? So I was wondering, how and why did you actually decide to launch Foxy AI? Yeah, great question. To answer this, we have to go way back to 2003, when, for the first time, I joined the robocap competition. At that time, Robocup was more than just a robotics competition. It was a bold vision for the future. When you see something like this on their website, and I quote now, by the middle of the 21st century, a team of fully autonomous humanoid players shall win a soccer game against the best human soccer team in the world. That's pretty mind blowing, right? It was a challenge I couldn't resist.

The Challenges of Competing

I started Oxy, my robocup team, from scratch. Imagine I was just a young student, excited, but a little bit overhead, competing against universities and companies with much bigger teams and resources. I remember looking around and thinking, can I even make it to the top eight here? It took six years of grinding and hard work, but in Graz, Austria, my team, Oxy, won third place in the world for the first time. Standing on that stage was surreal and a great moment, of course. But it wasn't just about the wins. It was about the challenges we faced along the way.

Overcoming Limitations

Robocup participants often deal with issues like funding, transporting robots across continents, some of them are weighting thousands of kilos, and even simple things like getting visas in time for the competition. I saw firsthand how limitations slow down innovation. So when the Fox CI idea came up, it wasn't just about creating something cool. It was about building a platform that could speed up the progress, bring it in more talented people, and solve those resource challenges. That's why I combine AI, robotics, and blockchain through Fox AI to create something that pushes both forward technology and culture as well.

The Vision and Origin of Foxy AI

The vision was clear, and I would say that the project was born out of. Let's find the word out of necessity. Wow. That's super inspiring to hear, like, you know, in 2003, starting doing your first robotics competition and then also ranking already high the first time. That's really cool. Also, before I move on with my next question, I also want to let the audience know that if you have a question yourself for Sebastian or about Foxy AI, you can drop them in the chat below, or you can ask them at the end of. So yeah, don't forget to do that as well. But yeah, moving on with the questions. So you already mentioned a little bit about the vision of the projects, the different technologies integration, AI and robotics and blockchain. Could you elaborate a little bit more on that? Sure, absolutely. The vision behind folks AI came after years of thinking about how to combine these emerging technologies, AI, robotics and blockchain, into something that could create real value for both developers and users as well.

The Development Journey of Foxy AI

For me, the idea started to take shape over the course of about two years, actually. I wanted something that wasn't just tech for tech sake. It needed to be accessible, fun and engaging, while also pushing the boundaries of AI and robotics. And so Foxy I was born, which came from my original robocup team, Oxy, and I thought, why not make the project both smart and fun? Hence this is how the fox mascot came to life. And yeah, of course it adds an element of playfulness while representing intelligence, agility and strategy. Plus, the name just clicked. Foxy sounds fun and sexy as well. But it's not only about fun and games. What Fox AI is really doing it is supporting the advancement of AI and robotics through the unique lens of web free technology and culture.

Foxy AI: Building a Future with Interactive Engagement

We are building here a future where these robots can learn from real world data, participate interactive tournaments, and evolve at the same time. The Foxy talker provides users a tangible way to engage with the project and benefit for its success. On the technical side, we have already integrated Foxy into several key multiverse XDev blockchain products. For example, the meta staking feature is one I'm particularly excited about. It combines staking, liquidity providing, and yield farming into a single product that offers rewards for both token farming and liquidity provision. We are also running our own staking provider where user can actually stake GLD and get additional rewards in foxy tokens. And we are doing this by buying and distributing foxy tokens with the fees collected from EGLD stakers. And that is just the beginning.

Continuous Innovation and Community Engagement

We are continuously looking at new ways to engage users and bring value to the ecosystem. With product like auto staking and the upcoming farming feature, there's so much potential for the community to get involved, right? Yeah, exciting things. And also very interesting that you mentioned the foxy token, which I definitely want to dive in a little bit more later as well. So I think what you were mentioning also before, right, with like the soccer and online tournaments, the Robocop. So could you tell us a little bit more about like, these features and how this could be a way to engage like your users or the users of Foxy AI? Yeah, I love this question because it really highlights the fun side of Fox AI. The idea behind the online soccer tournaments was to create a dynamic and interactive space where users could actively engage, not just passively participate.

Creating a Dynamic and Interactive Experience

We've mapped out several key components that will help bring these tournaments to life. For instance, we are building a soccer tournament runner that will allow users to manage their teams and compete in real time. This is perfect for developers who want to test their AI soccer bots against others, but it's also open to non developers who just want to enjoy the game. Another component is the visual logger, which let users watch or analyze live or recorded soccer games in a really innovative way. Imagine being able to watch a robot soccer match and analyze the tactics, play by play and strategies as if you were coaching the team yourself. Then there's the team formation creator, which is one of my favorite features. Even non technical users can easily experiment with different formations and strategies.

Enhancing User Participation and Personalization

Using this tool, you'll be able to create formations based on Robocup's best things and tweak them to your liking. And of course, there's the web store where users can customize their players, sportswears and even the stadium. It adds a fun layer of personalizations to the whole experience. Finally, the online tournaments themselves are designed to be inclusive. Whether you are a seasoned developer, let's say, or just, I don't know, someone who loves soccer, you can participate and earn rewards. Competition will have different rewards tiers based on performance, and some might require users to, let's say, open source their strategies, adding an educational element to the competition. Actually, it's all about community driven engagement and fun.

The Learning Process of Foxy AI Robots

Yes, we love that, especially if you are in this space. It is definitely all about the community, building actual value that people can use. So the next question, that is one that I'm actually also very curious about, is to learn a little bit more about how the Foxy AI robots can learn from actual humanity. Soccer games in these online tournaments and activities. Could you tell us a bit more about that? Yeah, this is where things get really interesting. To give you some perspective, let's step back in 1997 when IBM Deep Blue defeated Gary Kasparov in chess. That victory marked a turning point in AI history. But the complexity of robocup and soccer as a sport takes this challenge to the next level.

Navigating the Complexities of Robocup and AI

Unlike chess, where you have complete visibility of the game table and more time to plan your moves, soccer is a dynamic, fast paced environment. Players need to make quick decisions based on partial information in real time, which is much closer to how human interacts with the world. And in robocup, instead of one brain controlling everything like we have in chess, we have eleven autonomous brains, the robots, collaborating to achieve a common goal. Therefore, this is absolutely hellish. And as for the learning process, we use a combination of deep learning and enforcement learning. In deep learning, the robots recognize patterns in label data. And in reform learning, they learn through trial and error by interacting with the environment.

Community Contributions to AI Learning

While these methods are powerful, they come with challenges, like the need for a massive amount of data to train the models effectively, let's say. And that's where the community comes into play. By engaging users in online tournaments, we are essentially crowdsourcing the data we need to improve the robots. Imagine I thousands of users creating strategies, experimenting with formations and competing. This generates a gold mine of data that our AI can learn from. The beauty of this approach is that we are not just developing in isolation, we are doing it alongside a vibrant community. With every tournament and interactive activity, the robots get smarter, more strategic, and I would say, more capable.

Reflecting on the Progress in AI

Wow. I think we definitely came very, from a very. How do you say that? Very far? Like you mentioned in 1997 with the chest thing, and I'm like, 1997, I was still a child. Like, I was definitely not aware back then. Yes. So, yes, we definitely gone far. Now everybody's just using AI left and right, but you like finding different use cases for AI. I think it's definitely cool to see. So we of course like Foxy AI, like Oxy robocop soccer, right? Like, we really associate this with soccer football, or whoever name you want to call that. So could you maybe say or tell us a little bit more about the target audience of this project?

Identifying the Target Audience of Foxy AI

And also, do you see any developments that could be useful beyond just soccer? Yeah, I would say that our target audience is right now a mix of AI enthusiasts, robotic funds, let's say soccer lovers, and anyone interested in the intersection of these fields with blockchain technology. What we are building with Fox AI is unique because it brings together multiple disciplines, so it naturally appeals to a wide range of people. But beyond soccer, the possibilities are endless. Soccer is just the entry point. Just because it's one of the most popular sport globally with a massive fan base, that visibility and passion make it the perfect vehicle for driving awareness and engagement around AI and robotics however, what we are doing here has broader applications.

Broader Applications of Foxy AI Technologies

The technology behind folks AI, autonomous robots collaborating to achieve goals can be applied in fields like, I don't know, industry, agriculture, medicine, and I would say even space exploration robots that can cooperate in a soccer game, they can just as easily work together in real world scenarios, solving, I don't know, complex problems in a wide range of industry. Awesome. And I really, how to say, connect or agree with what you mentioned. Soccer is such a strong vehicle because for me personally, I'm from the Netherlands, so our country is also kind of known for its soccer players, it's clubs. So anywhere I travel and I mentioned like, oh, I'm from this country, it immediately is like, oh, do you know this soccer player?

The Connection of Soccer and Robotics

And it's a really. Yeah, it really connects most people. I feel like actually this was the reason the soccer has been chosen also by Robocup in the beginning, in 1997, right? For you. For like uniting purposes, you mean. Sorry, come again? Oh, I was like, so for like uniting purposes, like bringing everybody in the world together. Is that what you meant? Yeah, yeah, it's actually in 1997, the robocop has started and I joined only 2003. But yeah, the Socrates is the first citizen, let's say, like this. And just because it's, as I said, wide spreading, and it's very known around the world. So yeah, actually it is a vehicle to spread these new technologies built on top of it.

Engagement of AI Enthusiasts with Foxy Token

If you say something, you are muted. Oh, I was definitely muted. I was talking to myself, I guess for the last few seconds. I was mentioning about that. You already talked a little bit about the foxy token before. So yeah, I want to dive a bit more into this. So how can your native token engage AI enthusiasts and support the development of this project further? Right, good one. I would start by saying that the foxy token is at the heart of our ecosystem. It not only fuels participation in our online tournaments, but also plays a crucial role in supporting the project. Long term development participants will use foxy tokens to register for competition, and the biggest part of the registration fees collected will be used to reward the winner. While a portion will be burned to maintain scarcity and value. In this way, the more users engage, the more value.

Foxy Token's Ecosystem and User Engagement

I am sorry, I accidentally pressed the button. Mute everybody when I wanted to. Something else. Sebastian, can you pick up? I just said that the foxy token is actually the heart of our ecosystem and it fuels participation in our online tournaments, but also plays a crucial role in supporting the project for the long term development, all the users actually can use the token to register for competition. A big part of the registration fee collected will be used for rewarding these users and these participants, while a small portion will be burned just to maintain the scarcity and the value of the project. In this way, if more users will engage, of course the more value is created and also for the token. But beyond just competitions, Foxy tokenization supports the entire AI and robotics research process.

Funding AI Development through Tokenization

By incentivizing user engagement and creating a financial ecosystem around AI development, we are able to fund the growth and expansion of Foxy AI in a sustainable way. Right? Awesome. So actually, next will already be the last question from my side. So again, I really want to encourage everybody to write any questions that you have in the chat below or even after we finish all of the questions here, you can request to speak and then we can have the dialogue further. Also, I just wanted to note that the space UI is sometimes a little clunky so I accidentally just press the wrong button. Excuses. But anyways, here's the next question. So for this one, I just want to know if there's anything else that you would like to share about the project.

Exciting Developments and Future Projects

Anything that is exciting, that's upcoming, some events that we can look forward to. The stage is yours. Absolutely. There are so many exciting things happening. Besides the valuable partnerships, platform listing and awareness campaign, we are working on some new, groundbreaking developments that I'm particularly excited about. For instance, Foxkeeper, our telegram play to earn game, which is set to be launched soon. About it, I believe it's going to bring a whole new wave of community engagement because it's simple, it's fun, and offers real rewards for players. We are also developing a big brain agent, let's call it this, that will be able to train AI models using Q learning without needing to simulate everything from scratch.

Innovative Projects in AI and Robotics

Again, think of it, I don't know how to say as the AI learning from its dreams. And finally, we are working on a so-called mixed reality project that will allow us to separate the robot's brain from their physical body, which has huge implications for both RoboCup and robotics in general. But this is just at the level of teaser because I cannot reveal more about them. Of course, of course. If you want to know more, of course you gotta follow the project. So I see that somebody requested to speak. I'm gonna give you access now, so please have your question ready. Okay, give me a second. May MG tow the thing? Oh, oh, yes. Please ask your question.

Discussion on Price Action and Community Engagement

Simple question about the price action of a magic square. Can you be. Can you explain it a little bit for investors? Okay, if I understand correct. Oh, I'm gonna. So I'm gonna meet you. So if I understand the question, you would ask this to Magic Square, right? So you were asking about the price of the SQR. So I think the best way for you to ask this question is to go to our community. We have our community team in telegram and discord, so you can go in dialogue with them. So we can keep this space specifically directed for Foxy AI and Sebastian, if that is okay.

Insights on RoboCup 2024

So we have another. Oh. Request or that one is gone. Let me quickly check in the chat if we have any questions there. Also, I want to take this opportunity to say again that we have a hot offer with Foxy AI running right now, so you can earn real rewards if you participate. And the link is in the chat below. So, yeah, please request if you guys have any other questions. I actually have one for Sebastian as well, for Foxy AI. So I was of course, looking onto your website and I saw that the RoboCup 2024 happens in Einstein, am I right? So how did that one go? Because, you know, I'm from the Netherlands. Like, I'm from that region. I'm very curious how to hear a little bit more about that.

The Growth of RoboCup Competitions

And I did not unmute everybody. Again, I'm sorry. Yeah, it's okay. Yeah. What was a great competition. I'm sorry that you didn't know about it. And you can participate as a visitor there because we have over, I think, 5000 visitors in each day. So it's something incredibly attractive. And a lot of teams from different countries and continents, they are competing there every year. And the competition has grown year by year from now. As I said, 20 years ago was just, let's say, I don't know, 100 of teams, but now there are thousands of teams that are participating.

The Impact of Supporters in Robotics Events

And something incredible with. With the supporters behind them, with televisions and all this stuff. It's something. It's one of the hugest event in robotics in the world.

Robocup's Global Impact

And each year it is held in other countries. And also the continent is changed. For example, next year will be in Brazil. So, yeah, it's something very interesting. And its growth is impressive in only 20 years. Wow, that sounds really amazing.

Community Engagement

Yeah, because myself, I'm not too familiar with, like, the robocop, but actually, right now I am in Thailand, so I wasn't able even to be there in the past. But as you mentioned. Right. So there is already like this really big community with the robocop. So Foxy AI, I guess, is also tapping into that audience. Are there any sort of activities or initiatives that you do to kind of bring those Robocop fans into Foxy AI?

Foxy AI's Sponsorship

Yeah. Actually, this year we became one of the official sponsors of Robocup. So this was a great moment for us to support the movement and to put the shoulder even more to this evolution. So I'm really happy to be there. And from the simple state of participle now, we are actually a sponsor of one of the biggest competition in AI robotics in the world. Wow, that sounds really cool.

Community Questions

Okay, so I saw that we have a few more requests to speak. See what those are. Okay. And are. Oh, you have the right to ask your question if it's related to Foxy AI or Sebastian. Oh, I think that one went away. Okay. We have. Oh, nr, please, if you have any question.

Insightful Queries

Yes, hello. Hello. Just a quick question for Sebastian. Love your guys work and interested to follow along. Just wondering, you guys must collect a lot of important data with the robocup, and just interested to hear if you're planning on moving into any other industries apart from the football sort of robotic side of things, any other specific industries or anything you can say there.

Diverse Applications of Robotics

Okay, I can answer. So let's answer first the NR question, and then we can move on to the question from F. Young. Okay? Yeah, yeah. As I said, the most important part of our project is that it's not all about soccer. We just started with soccer, and it's just an entry point, as I said, because he's popular, he has a massive fan base.

Broader Applications

But however, what we are doing here has broader applications. These robots, actually, if they would play soccer and if they would collaborate each other to achieve a goal, this can be applied in any other field. Like I said, industry, medicine, space exploration, robots which can cooperate in a game like soccer, actually, they can do any other task you want to, if this will help for you in any direction.

Regulatory Considerations

Yes. So, f. Young, you want to ask your question to Sebastian as well? Yeah. Hello. Good morning. How are you doing? Hello. Hello, hello. Hello. Good morning. Yeah, my question concerning the AI, the AI foxy, is that we've been seeing a lot of banding on AI spotting, EVM spotting web three platform from different kind of country in the likes of Nigeria.

Legal and Compliance Matters

Now they are banned. I think they are. They haven't legalized anything like cryptos in Nigeria. So using that kind of. And because we are. Is there any chance of using an id. Because if we are trying to use any form of idae in trading on your platform, I think there will be an maybe getting when someone wins from playing one games, you know, there will be a diversion of the payment into the bank account or will the payment be into the main wallet of the gamers?

KYC Procedures

And how did you intend to, how did you intend of going around the KYC? Is it that we have to do the KYC legally or we can just bypass the KYC then just go with playing the games? Yeah, what you are talking about here is just some global regulation and this could not be, let's say, step aside one hand and we could difference two things.

Understanding Risks and Regulations

On one hand, it's important to know that using crypto asset involves by significant risk, including marketing volatility, regulatory changes and potential security vulnerabilities. And what we can guarantee is that the provenance of the origin of the crypto asset are from lawful and legitimate sources. Also, the crypto assets are compliant with all applicable anti money laundering and so forth regulation, and no funds have derived from illegal or illicit activities.

Compliance with Local Laws

On the other hand, of course we have mica regulation and we are aware of it. If there will be some mandatory request for Fox CI to be compliant with any rules in both, then our legal counsel will incent all this necessary procedure to align the token to this request. And of course, if there are some countries that are not allowed to use these cryptocurrencies, we cannot do anything, let's say on top of the regulations.

Wrap-up and Closing Thoughts

Does it answer your question, Fiona? Yes. Thank you so much. Awesome. So I don't see any more questions or requests. So yeah, I think we can round up this session. So again, Sebastian, thank you so much for being here and explaining about the awesome project. Also, everybody, just don't forget to participate in the Foxy AI hot offer to earn your rewards and of course, support Foxy AI as well.

Final Reflections

And yeah, wishing everybody a very great day ahead. And I hope to see you guys next time. Bye bye. I just want to leave just my last talk in the end. And I would say that the power of combining a clear vision with community involvement can be overstated. Foxyi is a passion project born from years of experience, but it's the community that will help drive it forward and make it a success.

Inspiration and Vision

So build what you love, dream big, and don't be afraid to believe in it. I made a bet on myself 21 years ago to be among champions, and now I'm making a new bet with Fox AI. So, yeah, thank you for your time. And don't forget to keep an eye on this space just to be prepared for what's next. Let's crack the bubble together.

Concluding Remarks

Thank you so much. Bye. Awesome. We cannot end with truer and more beautiful words than this. Thank you, everybody. Enjoy your day.

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