AMA w/ Cat Gold Miner


Space Summary

The Twitter Space AMA w/ Cat Gold Miner hosted by ton_society. Explore the dynamic world of NFTs within the TON Community, where participants learn about onchain achievements, contributions, and connectivity. The AMA with Cat Gold Miner delves into strategies for success, the role of community engagement, and the unique offerings available to collectors. By joining this enriching space, individuals gain valuable insights into thriving in the NFT landscape and leveraging opportunities for growth and innovation.

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Total Listeners: 412


Q: Why is community engagement crucial for onchain achievements?
A: Engaging with the community fosters collaboration, support, and growth in onchain activities.

Q: What distinguishes the NFT landscape in the TON Community?
A: TON Community offers a diverse and vibrant NFT environment with unique features and opportunities.

Q: How can individuals make impactful contributions in the onchain ecosystem?
A: By sharing knowledge, offering support, and participating actively, individuals can contribute significantly to onchain achievements.

Q: What role does Cat Gold Miner play in the onchain ecosystem?
A: Cat Gold Miner serves as a catalyst for innovation, connections, and exciting developments in the onchain space.

Q: What are the benefits for collectors in the NFT space?
A: Collectors enjoy access to exclusive digital assets, community interactions, and potential value appreciation in the NFT realm.


Time: 00:15:29
Community Engagement Strategies Tips on fostering a strong and supportive community for onchain success.

Time: 00:22:17
TON Community's NFT Diversity Exploring the varied NFT offerings and opportunities within the TON Community.

Time: 00:30:40
Cat Gold Miner's Impact Insights into how Cat Gold Miner influences innovation and connectivity in the onchain ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of community engagement for onchain achievements.
  • Navigating the NFT landscape in the TON Community.
  • Strategies for successful contributions and connectivity.
  • Insights on the role of Cat Gold Miner in the onchain ecosystem.
  • Exploring unique opportunities for collectors in the NFT space.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Wait for Participants

Hello. Hello, guys. Hey. Hey, man. So there. We still need to wait for some guys. So. Yeah, please bear with us with a second it. Hello, Martin. Hey, guys. How are you? Good, good. How are you? Yeah, not bad. Great to hear from you. Great, great. Yeah. So we have Camelot, we have Stonefi. Still waiting for two more speakers from Layer bank and opto finance.

Waiting for Layer Bank

Hi, yogesh. Hey. Hey, what's up? Hey. Welcome, welcome. Yes. So right now it's just the layer bank is. Let's wait a little bit for layer bank. Oh, by the way, I see nobody's here. If you'd like to speak later. Welcome to join. If you want to speak, you can request to be a speaker. No birds. No birds is from newbie. All right. All right. So maybe since it's already five minutes past the starting time, we can just start it. And we are now just in lack of the participation from Laiderbank, but we can always have them to speak when they join.

Duckchain Introduction

So first of all, thank you everyone, to being here with duckchain and all of this, all of our amazing partners and projects here. And we are here to. Today's topic is embracing Tom, the path forward for mass adoption. So first of all, I would like to ask everybody to start to introduce a little bit about yourself and your project. I'll give a start. We are Doc chain. We aim to be the consumer layer on top of tone and we are EVM compatible. We hope to bridge the two communities. First of all, the web two communities which lie there in telegram. They have 1 billion web two users potentially could become web three users in the future.

Integration of EVM Compatibility

And secondly, the EVM developers in the course in the EVM ecosystem and by integrating the EVM compatibility, you know, they can easily build any kind of dapps on top of tone via dock chain. So we hope to bring them all together here and contribute tone. And later I'm gonna share a little bit information about our testnet. But yes, but I can say it's all going very well and I'm very happy that we are now in collaboration with most of the brands invited today. Yeah. So maybe I'll start from my guest list. Iboast, do you want to start?

Camelot Introduction by Iboast

Yeah, sure. So, yeah. Thank you for hosting. I'm, I'm Boots, one of the co founders from Camelot with the largest Arbitrum Dex and just one of the largest protocols in the arbitrum ecosystem. We have over 31 billion volume traded and recently we've now expanded to supporting orbit chains, which is why we're here today and why we're going to support Duckchain as well, because they're building on top of the orbit stack, which is basically the arbitrum roll up technology. And, yeah, basically everything we do is centered around the album ecosystem and really trying to support the builders.

Focus on Arbitrum Ecosystem

That's kind of been our focus for two years and to really build that ecosystem around us. So, yeah, super excited to support Duckchain. Our goal is to bring the users from arbitrum and from the other orbit chains to duckchain and vice versa, to really create this bullish network for everybody. So, yeah, super excited to be the Dex for duckchain. Nice, nice. Thank you. Thank you for that. As a, like, we are definitely, you know, part of the arbitrum orbit ecosystem and glad to have you here.

Layer Bank Insights by Sharon

So next one, Sharon, are you from Layer bank? Hi, sorry about the technical difficulties. I'm Sharon. I drive business growth at Layer Bank. Layer bank is the top lending protocol across EVM based l two s. We have 750 million in TVL, 700 users and 500k active wallet users in the past three months. And we're excited to explore duckchain. I think Duckchain is doing a lot and I'm very excited for mainnet launch. Thank you, thank you. Thank you, Sharon.

Yogesh's Introduction

Yeah. Layer bank, huge numbers. Super welcome. Yukishe, do you want to be the next? Sure. Hello, I'm Yogesh, and I'm the head of developer relationships and partnerships at Altoo, and I'm thrilled to be part of this discussion today. At Altoo, we focus on providing, like, seamless cross chain bridging services, trying to enable fast and secure asset transfers across bitcoin, ethereum, and Solana blockchain ecosystems. We're all about breaking down barriers and making cross chain transactions accessible to everyone.

Achievements of Altoo in Cross-Chain Services

We were number one bridge for the greatest number of transactions in 24 hours on Defi Lama, clocking close to 100 5150k transactions per day. As of now, we cater to more than 25% of the total reaching market share. So, yeah, I know, I'm just super excited to be tying hands along with duckchain. Right, nice. Thank you. Thank you again for joining this Twitter space. Yeah, so, yeah, let's head to the.

Martin's Introduction and Technical Difficulties

Oh, yeah, Martin is back. Martin is back. He just dropped out. So, Martin, do you want to, do you want to introduce a little bit about your project Stonefly? Martin? Martin. Master Martin, are you here? We can't speak. We can't hear you. All right, Martin, I think you're. By the way, can anyone hear Martin? Is it only me? Yep. No, we can't hear him. You can't hear him? No, no, we can't. You can't? Right.

Discussion on Technical Issues

Oh, yeah. Thing to speak. Twitterers or telegram or. Sorry, X was messing up. Anyway, we're all good. Hello. Sorry about that. I love the dark chain. I met you guys out in Singapore as well. Really friendly guys. It was great to meet you. Sonfi is the largest Dex on ton. Ton is the chain behind telegram. As we all know, a huge amount of TVL was raised. We've got volume and with a go to plates where all your tokens are listed on ton.

Conclusion and Next Steps

So, yeah, thank you. Well, thank you. Brilliant. Nice brief introduction. Thank you. And we know, we all know that axies Twitter space is not very stable. So I know I'm more, this is my stressful time is when I'm on these because, you know, I'm talking and all of a sudden I've disappeared or I need to come back in. No worries, no worries. You made it. You made it. You were the last one for this first question and for all the audience here just to give you, just in case any emergencies happen next. So if this tourist place suddenly just disappeared, don't be panicked.

Final Remarks and Future Discussions

We're going to restart as far as we can. All right, so thank you for everyone's introduction. Let's move to the next question. So as all of you know that we have started our Testnet events right after during the token 2049 and so far our users have been, hundreds of thousands of users have been interacting with dachshund and more than 500,000 stars were actually deposited into dock chain. Those stars, actually, the users actually get those stars by buying Telegram star. So this is the feature that we are promoting as well.

The Challenge of Web Two Users Transitioning to Web Three

So it's kind of a senseless experience for the web two users to participate in the web three word. That's how we bring up the, you know, the mass, potentially bring up the next like 1 billion telegram web two users to Duckchain, to web three to Duckchain, tone to web three and the so. And also we have been collaborating with a lot of brands to publish some co branded nfts and a lot of brands give those like NFT some special perks or benefits for the users. So congratulations, users audience. If you have participating in dark chain testnets, you should be able to receive a lot of quark points and with a lot of nfts with special utilities. And furthermore this all going to be into the consideration of the future token eternat that relates to your personal gainings. Right? So and we're going to do more exciting events in the future. Like you know this is not for public but there's going to be some events relates to staking liquidity but you know, for detailed information please wait for, you know, a future announcement that should be pretty exciting and it should be somehow related to the guest or you know, friends project today.

Upcoming Events and Community Engagement

So I just want to ask for all of the projects here participating in this Twitter space. What's the next exciting events or things you want to share to the audience today? Maybe this time we start from Yukesh. Yukesh, you here? Yeah, sorry, I was speaking on mute. So yeah, so next steps that we have talk in respect to alto. Like our next big move is expanding our bridge as a service platform and looking forward to integrating more l two networks to enhance the interoperability space. We're also like working on developing the AI powered features to improve the user experience, like making cross chain transactions as simple as click a button. Our goal is to obviously help facilitate mass adoption by breaking down the technical barriers and making blockchain technology accessible to everyone, whether they're in the web two or the web three space. This is where we completely align with done and like duck chains ideology. Like we also recently enabled the swap feature.

Evolving the User Experience in Blockchain

We would like look to expand that for more scalability. Also, super excited about the airdrop announcements. Keep in check with a that we just page for more info on that. This is what's happening at alto send. Perfect, perfect. So yeah, actually we are, you know, one of the hot topics now is to how is that? How to bring up the new blood into the system, into our web three word. So yeah, we definitely own it. Yeah. Hope we can do it together. And everybody just, yeah, I should be able to participate in the future integration of auto finance towards induction. So thank you, Yukesh. Next one. Sharon, what's your next exciting events to share to the public about Playerbank? Yeah, thanks for asking. Just to add on to the testnet event, I think first of all, it's an honor to be participating with duckchain.

Integration and Benefits of Duckchain

I think Duckchain is making significant moves in bridging web two and web three. If you guys ever tried the testnet, the event, you should definitely check it out. I'm definitely checking in every 24 hours to get my, I think my ton tokens. And also you get like extra quack tokens for checking in every day. And there's a layer bank NFT and anybody who mints that layer bank NFT will get special rewards from layer bank as well. We're excited to integrate duckchain. We're also going to be using Duckchain to access the telegram users to allow people to access layer bank through Telegram. So this year we're trying to do a lot with multi chain cross chain lending and I think that duckchain will bring in a lot of users and I think it makes sense for us on the consumer Dapp side of things.

Innovative Features and Market Updates

Well, as we are, thank you very much. And again, really grateful for being on this as we are like the gateway to the gateway that is ton we're getting so many new tokens that are being listing and listed. There's a new one near enough every week and they're all like big tokens. Getting in the top 200 of Coinmarket Capcoingecko. It's brilliant to see. Naturally you can get USDT which is native so easily get in. Really good news is v two on Stompfire has just been launched just last week. So extra advanced features from stable swaps to lots of other additional stuff. I won't go into it too in depth, but we're making stomfy next generation Dex. Also we've got Omni storm that's going to be coming out shortly that will make Stormfy cross chain and that means anyone that implements the SDK can then give the users a cross chain experience. So I'm buzzing for it.

Bridging the Gap Between User Experiences

It's great to hear you guys and what you're doing. Hopefully we'll be connected in you and using what you guys are doing as well. So yeah, really excited about that. Thank you, Martin. That's super excited. And we're here for the same purpose, to bring benefits to the user, to bridge the communities between web two and Mercury. And I think, yes, I think with all of the guests and projects here, we'll be very willing to connect after the space, even during space you can have some meaningful conversation and. But I'm gonna ask that in the next few questions, so be prepared. Thank you, Marty, again. So next one, aim boost. Would you like to share some exciting.

Advancing Blockchain Protocols and User Connections

Yeah, thanks. Sure. Yeah. So I think, you know, for us, I think it's an interesting angle because, like I say, we're the one of the largest arbitrage protocols. We're doing several hundred million volume a day and we're fortunate enough to be partnered with, you know, the biggest DeFi protocols in the space, whether that's guys like Athena or Ondo, GMX, you know, these types of tier one DeFi protocols. So I think the really interesting thing is, now that we're expanding to orbit, how do we really create a network out of these different chains? I think another example is you have something like ape chain that's launching in the next couple of weeks. At the moment, you have all of these various new roll ups that are using the orbit stack, but they're quite fragmented for some users.

Creating a Unified Blockchain Experience

They might not even know that ape chain is using the same tech as duck chain. Right. So I think there's two kind of points to Camelot, which I think we can provide a lot of value. And the first one is obviously the infrastructure, just in terms of, you know, we are one of the biggest l two dexs in the space. And then the second part is really just the ecosystem and community. Right? So all of these users from Arbitram, you know, there's thousands. And all of the new users from Ape chain and Xi and Sanko, all of these other orbit chains, these can all now actually flow and explore these other chains. Having that value be a bit more liquid is super valuable, obviously, for duckchain and vice versa.

User Retention and Ecosystem Value

I'm sure there's going to be users that are on duckchain that have never used arbitrary before creating this bridge. It's not just a technical solution. It's really about making the experience feel super easy. And how do you onboard the existing users and also the new users, that's the role we're trying to play. And like I said, I think the more orbit chains that launch, the more value there is for you and everybody else in the network. So, yeah, that's kind of cambod's role. Thank you. Thank you, man. Yeah, we're all part of the big family of arbitration orbit. Yes. And orbit now has been, is not the.

Understanding the Evolution of User Onboarding

There's actually not a lot of, you know, legit, layer two stack solutions. orbit is definitely, you know, we would say the best. So that's why we chose, like, orbit and happy to join this family. and yeah, and I think, you know, your Dax is your Dax Camelo will play a very important role to bringing everybody together to help, you know, the users navigate the entire ecosystem more, you know, user with more friendly interfaces. So, yeah, that's definitely a huge takeaway. So. Right, so right now, I'm gonna jump into the next question. So, Tong, as this year's hottest public chain has onboarded a large number of users from web two to web three through several viral games.

Identifying Challenges in User Adoption

In this mass adoption process, what challenges do we face and how should we address them? You can mention about whatever you like. You can mention about your project or collaborated, or from our collaboration perspective, it's all up to you. So I'll go. I'll go first if you want to do it. So, look, we're always talking about before the start of this year, we're always saying, how are we going to get this killer app? How are we going to get these 100 million users? How are we going to get 50 million users? This is unprecedented numbers. Before last year, I don't think many people thought were going to have this chat GBT.

Onboarding and Retaining Users

Aih, big push, I'm pretty sure about that. Most people are thinking it was going to be a gradual slog. There wasn't going to be this one big thing. And then telegram sort of came and not coin, I would say definitely the catalyst was the way that you could see. You could get web two users over in web three without web two users realizing they're in web three. That's a really crucial key thing. And this was the thing that why chat GBT is so great, you don't realize really what you're doing. All you know is, I'm going to use chat GBT to answer a question or help me out with an agenda or many other little things that it does, maybe using maps and how I get the most link.

Understanding User Experience in Crypto Adoption

It's, it's when the users don't realize what they're doing. That's the key. And a lot of crypto beforehand was doing very complicated things and the average users didn't realize. Now, the really cool thing is we've onboarded all these users, okay? So the next step is how do we keep those users? And that's two very different things. Okay? Onboarding a user is easy. A lot of these users realistically have been paid to onboarding crypto, like the notcoin, the hamster, all these airdrops, dogs. How are we going to keep them? And that's a key question. How do you keep them in the ecosystem? How do you add value to the users?

Addressing the Ongoing User Engagement Challenge

Now this is the key issue. Okay, realistically, and it's probably the elephant in the room, you know, you've paid someone to tap on a screen.

Engagement and Simplicity in User Experience

How do you get them then to do other stuff? And look, not coins. Got a few things. And I think you need to keep it fun. You need to have ways of engaging, and then you've got to keep the UX as simple as possible. Like, for instance, for the swaps, you've got to keep it as simple as possible. So then people realize they're doing swaps without doing swaps. And the terminology is very different, and so you got to keep it very simple. So look, this is what we need to do. And then obviously we need to keep having new stuff. We need to have ideas. A lot of these tappy games need to have a next idea than just, okay, we've done the taps and that's it. So as we see, not coin is doing some very interesting things and it's also integrating stuff. So we've got tap swap. Tap swap, have integrated stomfy. So moving forward, people then could use tap swap as a Dex without realizing they're using stompfire or even using it as a Dex.

Simplicity and Mass Adoption Strategies

So this is what we need to do. We need to keep things simpler. And the one other thing I want to say, and this is the way we're going to get this mass adoption for ton is I was in Singapore just with the duck team, and I don't know if you guys use tada taxi at all. Did you use that at all? I don't know if the host or ducks. Did you use tada tour the taxi? Well, be honest, I wasn't there in Singapore. No, no. I didn't know of any of the team. So has anyone in Singapore used it? Please either put a hand up or speak honestly. It'll be great to. Great to know. No? Well, when I was in Singapore for token 2049, you could. And I don't know, I always use Uber. I use Uber around the world. So if I go somewhere without Uber, it's a real pain to use something that I've got to download and then come in with a new password and then. Unexpected.

Integration of Web2 and Web3 Solutions

The really cool thing about this is it was a ride hailing app, integrating into telegram. All you needed to do was just confirm in your wallet, in your Tong connect wallet, whatever way you wanted to do it, and then you could pay for your taxi just like that. And they actually were doing special deals. If it was like half priced in Singapore, it works seamlessly. And this is the key stuff of where we're seeing. So basically I had Uber. It wasn't Uber, it was called Tada on my phone and telegram without having to download anything. I got out the airport, I loaded up telegram, I put, I said, I want to get to my hotel in the center of town from the airport. I got it within minutes because it's the largest one and I was there. So I think the key thing is how do we integrate main, major web two, stuff that we're used to projects and just, you know, things that we use from ride sharing.

Future of Ton Ecosystem and User Engagement

So then it makes it so simple. You're using web two to web three and then you're keeping that telegram and ton ecosystem. So it's a long answer, but you know, these are the issues, these are the future. And, you know, this is where and what, you know, this is how we're going to keep these users rather than just have a, you know, a flirt with the ecosystem and then disappear. Oh, thank you, Martin. I'm starting to worry about the other speaker speech after this one. Yeah, but yeah, definitely what you're saying is totally makes sense. And to make a summary, accessibility and user experience plus some bit of fun could be the key to drive the next building or the next wave of massive adoption of Tom or telegram. Of course, we need to not only to onboard them, but be, but also be able to hold them.

Collaboration and Community in Web3

Thank you, Martin, for your constructive insights. All right, who want to be the next one? Since morning is very all right, I'm gonna name it. So maybe I boast. What's your takeaway? What was your take on this question? Like, the question, do you want me to, like, the question is, in this, like, massive adoption process on Tong, what challenges do we still face and how should we address them? Yeah, sure. I mean, I think, you know, from my perspective or our perspective, I think, you know, ton is a great example of an ecosystem that's doing it different and has a different approach. But I think in general, like, you have to look at crypto or DeFi or whatever sector as part of the whole ecosystem.

Fragmentation and Interoperability in the Ecosystem

I know everybody on Twitter likes to argue about why Solana is going to kill Ethereum or vice versa, but that's, I think, just kind of a pointless debate because in the end, most of us are all kind of pushing towards the same goal. Right. And I think that's the interesting thing, especially with where dog chain is positioned, because it highlights that we actually are all part of the same broader ecosystem. So arbitrum is an l two that's trying to scale ethereum, that doesn't have to be in direct competition to something like ton. So I think a lot of the problems that we see in terms of fragmentation and interoperability, these are gradually going to get solved over time.

Challenges and Future Perspectives

I think the truth is there's never going to be one chain. There's never going to be one ecosystem, that wins. It's always going to be a combination of the both, right? So it's going to be Solana, it's going to be ethereum, it is going to be l two s, and they are going to have different use cases. Right? So something like dark chain to me is. Is not in competition with something like arbitrum, even if they are both l two s, you know? So I think just having a bit more of a pve attitude to this is much healthier because, like I say, there's. There's many different problems, and at least from our perspective, you know, being very focused on how you solve that niche problem, you know, whether it's an infrastructure one, whether it's cross chain bridges, whether it's liquidity, you know, there's so many people building in this space that if everybody can sort of focus on what they're best at, then we can, you know, make decent progress.

Collaboration and Improvement in Web3

So, yeah, like, there's definitely adoption problems or hurdles to get across, but I don't see those as necessarily being, like, super specific to just tonight. A lot of those problems are what arbitram is also trying to solve and what Solana is also trying to solve. Right. So I think the more that mind share can be spread across these different ecosystems. And I think that's why to me personally, orbit is so interesting because it is this genuine network that has very different use cases, but it does share the same tech stack. So that's already going to be a big improvement.

Building a Broader Ecosystem

Right, where you can have interoperability between, you know, duck chain and arbitrum and Ethereum and Solana. The more apps that will be built, the more options for users, right? Like, there's never just going to be one app that suddenly onboards the world. There's never going to just be one shit coin or meme coin, right? It's going to be a collection of everything. So I think, yeah, like, just focusing on trying to improve everything and working with the best builders, that's the only sort of real way to get to the end goal.

Open-minded Collaboration in a Fast-changing World

Oh, thank you. Thank you, Bose. That's a very unique perspective, but it's very useful and meaningful to be open minded in this web three world. It's changing so fast. You know, there are some maxi kind of people out there in web three, but you know, we personally believe that there's no right or wrong or there's definitely not a definite answer for a question. And we all pushing all of the ecosystem or projects are in web three, actually directly in the web, indirect pushing that, you know, pushing that angle.

Service Providers Bridging Communities

So yeah, there's no reason why we shouldn't be together and be more open minded and more collaborative. You know, this is something that we, you know, duckchain are pushing as well because we are acting as a connector, middleware, you know, bridging a lot of communities and the technologies together. But, you know, essentially we're helping to provide better experiences for the user and help to onboard more people from web two to let them to realize how convenient, how, you know, the ones this web three word are looks like now.

Diverse Applications and Dev Activities for Retention

So yeah, thank you so much. Next. 1 may I ask Sharon to share your answers for this question? Sure. I think the speakers before me really had great answers that really summarizes the question in hand. But Taun itself provides chain abstraction at its finest. You don't need to understand blockchain technology to access tawn or telegram dapps through tonight, and it's a really good pipeline to onboard web two users. However, from an ecosystem growth perspective, they do have a difficult development environment.

Problem-Solving and Interoperability

I think that's where duck chain provides a clear solution to a problem. So I think there's a lot of games, a lot of telecom, dapps, a lot of engagement, a lot of users. But like the speaker before me said, for a sustainable chain you need a strong defi ecosystem. Right? Tawn is like the Hawk girl of this year. But how long is the hawk girl? The Hawk girl, you know? So I think that's where duck chain comes in. And also interoperability is a chain is a problem that a lot of the chains solve.

Access to Multiple Chains and New Markets

So I think through duckchain as a multi chain lending protocol, we're able to kind of provide access to multiple chains. We currently support eight chains right now, like mostly EVM L two s, like Linia scroll mode, BTC Bitlayer, B squared, Bob more. But we're also going to be supporting non ebm chains such as movement and the Mainnet as well. But I think it'll provide access to a whole new market. And I think for mass adoption it's not just onboarding web two users, but also onboarding web three users as well.

Clear Solutions for Clear Problems

So I think it's really great for Duckchain because there's a clear problem and it provides a clear solution. And once again, we're very excited for Mainnet. Oh, thank you. Thank you, Sharon, for keep shouting out for Doc Chan. Of course, you know, we, you know, we're going to collaborate, you know, closely on this matter and, you know, to provide the best experience to the user's best products.

User Retention and Diverse Applications

Thank you very much for, you know, for this shouting out again, indeed, like, because like the previous speaker said, we not only need to onboard them, but we need to keep them here. So how? Definitely by providing more diverse and interesting applications. So manage game or Defi protocols to help them to stay here. And that actually essentially relies on the booming of development activities. And of course, like right now in this web three world we have, the EVM developers are still the strongest and largest community.

Encouraging Creativity in Development

So it kind of makes sense to just, you know, onboard them and let them to release their creativity on top of Tom via blockchain. So thank you again for shouting out Yukish, about this question, you know. Right. Yes. Think all the speakers before me just put everything out really well. So a few things that I would like to say is that like, Ton has already made incredible strides in onboarding web two users into web three, especially through its viral games and stuff like that.

Complexities of Wallets and User Security

But see, many web two users are still finding the complexity of wallets, gas fee and the security is really overwhelming for them coming from a centralized web two side of things. Rabi has worked away through forecast fee, especially like I've been using that where you can load up USDT or USDC into Rabbi and then you can use it across any blockchain. I think that's really cool. You know, this, it makes it easier, makes it simpler, and also with the security overwhelming, like, you know, the more users that come in, you know, from the web two side of things, it's definitely a shift in concept from centralized to decentralized side of things.

Emphasizing User Security in Web3

And there's a lot of shunning in the news about the web three, saying a lot of scams and the crypto scams and various kind of thing. I think focusing on the security also needs to be a top priority, I would say.

User-Centric Technology in Web3

And, and I think where doctor, like, what I thought need to focus on making the technologies like, being more intuitive, that's when the users will stick. That's what I think Martin was saying. Like, you know, it's more than onboarding people, it's also like how to keep them sticky into the ecosystem and how they would enjoy web three experience. I believe like AI is like driving AI solutions like one big piece because the technology is too complex. And if we can use AI where users can interact with web three in a more natural and user friend, natural language process in like user friendly manner, I think that would make easy adaptability for anybody that comes in with like very little knowledge about this world. Yeah, that's what I would like to add.

Future Moves and Developments

All right. All right. Thank you. Thank you, Otto. I think your speech definitely makes sense. And user experiences and the developer friendly environment are the keys. Definitely. Totally. And so. Okay, so here we have the last question. What's your next move and how are you going to do that outside from blockchain? Well, to be honest, the testnet is planning to be finished before the end of this month. However, that's just the current plan. And then we move to the mainland. However, this is just a plan we still need to see as it goes. As the general market is kind of play a very important role in this decision making process. However, we're going to push as hard as we can. Yeah, so, and also like, I just, like, I just shared there's going to be a huge amount announcement for new, you know, massive events coming forward about liquidity or staking.

Community Engagement and Interoperability

But for details, please wait for our future announcement. So. Yeah. So what's your next moves, guys? Okay, see the Stonefly market? Yeah. Please, auto. Yeah, I like to keep this question like focused on probably duck. Duck. And like, you know, it's like we have, obviously auto has been actively involved with Duct Tuck testnet campaign. We've recently announced by facilitating users to earn out to rewards by just holding the Altus and duct tucks co branding nfts. You guys can have a look at our Twitter page and then you can find that how to join the campaign and various other things. It's super easy to do it. And we're also in discussion to facilitate crossing transactions and improving the interoperability between touch chain and other major networks.

Moving Towards a Collaborative Future

That's like, we're in discussions with that. And then auto has also been focusing on ensuring that assets can move smoothly and securely across chains, which enhances the experience for dark chain users, of course. And we're looking forward, we're like, you know, we're excited to deepen our collaboration and we would love to obviously even more be integrated with like ecosystem as a whole. That's our next big moves that we are moving towards. While we see that there's a huge fraction of web two users coming to the web three space. Thank you. Thank you so much. Yeah. The co branded NFT. Yeah, that's something highlight in your.

Future Collaborations and Utility

Just between us and that's something, you know, definitely. Sure. Like all of the users are like are looking for and that's super cool. Very, you know, we've designed a very cool co branded FT for you and. Yeah. Including the, and that could be one of the standard for the future airdrop. So yes. Next one. Sharon, may I ask you to share your next move? It could be related to your projects for our collaborations. Sure, sure. So layer bank is integrating ten chains by the end of this year, which is very important for us because in q one of 2025 we're going to be implementing cross chain lending. Cross chain lending is our solution for fragmented liquidity but also increases capital efficiency. Right. So users can borrowed directly from chain b. On chain a. We're also going to be focusing on a lot of the consumer perspective, consumer oriented features like isolated lending and leverage looping through vaults.

Announcing New Developments

Also we're going to be tge ing soon. If you do get the layer bank duck NFT through the testnet event, you do have a chance of getting the l points which will increase your chance of getting the airdrop. So stay tuned for that. Yeah. If you guys have any questions regarding that, please let me know. Wow. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Another very powerful statement. Like the, you know, the NFT that the co branded NFT will have, will share the dual utilities. Well, there's a chinese way of saying this one, fish eat many times, but yeah, that's the truth. Like by acquiring that, you know, nfTs, like no matter it's from auto or layer bank, that's going to be bringing you several benefits and.

Looking Forward to Future Collaborations

Yeah, so next one I'm boost. Sure, yeah, I'll keep it short and sweet. But yeah, I mean, I think for us, like I say several times in this call for us, you know, we're going to try and be the gateway from arbitrum and all of the other orbit chains to duck. So yeah, as soon as you guys have your mainnet out, we'll be there day one, bringing users and deep liquidity for everything on the chain. We're also live now obviously on arbitrum and several other chains doing I think over 100 million in volume today and there's many different pools to look at. So if you're already an arbitrum user, I'm sure you're familiar with us, but if not, you can check it out and you'll be able to see the type of product that will be on duckchain as well.

Closing Thoughts and Community Connection

So yeah, we'll be there supporting Duckchain day one and excited for the launch. Thank you. Thank you. Appreciate, appreciate a lot. So, yeah, definitely looking forward to future collaboration and it's going to be huge. I have this feeling. So, yes, since morning has dropped off, I think we are closing to a finish. Guys. Is there any last kind of words you want to give out to the community? Take this moment to share or if not, then yeah, we're ready to end this conversation. Okay. Okay. So by the way, Norbert, I saw Norbert is here. He's from Norbert. Do you have something to say to the public or to the, you know, to orders to connect with the brands here?

Interaction and Engagement with Guests

Okay, let me know. Can you request to be a speaker if you would like to say something? Have you requested. I didn't see it. Okay, okay, I see it now. Oh, no, Bert. Okay, okay, let's wait for him. Gm, GM, can you guys hear me? Okay, okay. You are now. You're now a speaker. Awesome. Love that. Thank you. Thank you for having me. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Great spaces as usual. Any developments since last week? Just kind of for you guys. I know, like all the projects are one way or another connected, but you know. How is October so far? Any plans for October? Hopefully.

Networking and Final Remarks

Oh, nice. That's a quick intro. But yeah, Novi is our like close collaborators as well from Newbit. Very, very famous brand as well. So yeah, thank you for dropping by and, you know, saying hello to the brands here and to, you know, our mass audience. So yes, all the guests here feel free to connect with each other if you have any idea for future collaborations. You all very huge guys in the room, so. Yes, but if there's nothing, any other questions, I will call it off for this space now. Okay. Okay. Thank you for everybody's participation, the audience, thank you for keeping and staying along with us. And thank you especially for the brands who participate in this space. I hope to see you again in the future. Appreciate, thank you.

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