Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space discussed Boundless Pay's launch and expansion, emphasizing financial services through strategic partnerships. Key takeaways include the upcoming token offerings, the importance of strategic partnerships for service diversification, and user benefits like affordable registration fees and staking opportunities. The session highlighted plans for growth through collaborations, active community engagement for project success, and a focus on global mainstream adoption. Boundless Pay aims to provide accessible financial solutions for mainstream users, focusing on inclusivity and offering a range of services to meet diverse needs.


Q: What is the main focus of Boundless Pay?
A: Offering platform-as-a-service through strategic partnerships to deliver financial solutions.

Q: What are the phases for the token launch?
A: VIP launch on May 19, Stakeholders on May 20, Public on May 21.

Q: How important are partnerships to Boundless Pay?
A: Vital for service offerings like virtual cards and international transfers.

Q: What types of services are provided?
A: Bill payments, virtual cards, and account services.

Q: What incentives do users have?
A: Affordable registration fees and staking opportunities.

Q: Who are some of your partners?
A: Various service providers integral to offering diversified services.

Q: What future integrations are planned?
A: Additional service integrations and expanded partnerships.

Q: How is Boundless Pay engaging its community?
A: Through active communication and incentivized participation.

Q: What is the goal for global adoption?
A: Achieving mainstream adoption through strategic partnerships.

Q: How does Boundless Pay cater to inclusivity?
A: By offering accessible financial solutions for diverse user bases.

Q: Why is transparency important?
A: To build trust and encourage wide usage of their services.


Time: 00:00:00
Introduction to Boundless Pay and Platform-as-a-Service model.

Time: 00:05:12
Detailed explanation of upcoming token launch phases.

Time: 00:15:45
Importance of strategic partnerships discussed.

Time: 00:23:30
Overview of multi-service features offered.

Time: 00:31:20
User incentives like affordable registration fees.

Time: 00:36:10
Plans for growth through partnerships and integrations.

Time: 00:42:19
Emphasis on community engagement for project success.

Time: 00:48:54
Strategies for global mainstream adoption.

Time: 00:53:40
Focus on inclusivity through accessible financial solutions.

Time: 00:57:12
Closing remarks and thank yous.

Key Takeaways

  • Boundless Pay offers financial solutions through partnerships.
  • Upcoming Token Launch on May 19-21 for VIPs
  • stakeholders
  • and public.
  • Strategic Partnerships are vital for virtual cards and international transfers.
  • Services include bill payments
  • virtual cards
  • and international transfers.
  • User Incentives: affordable token registration fees
  • staking opportunities.
  • Growth Prospects through multiple service provider collaborations.
  • Future Plans: more integrations
  • broader partnerships.
  • Emphasis on Community Engagement for project success.
  • Global Adoption focus through partnerships and market entry.
  • Mainstream Adoption goal via accessible financial solutions.
  • Transparency and Inclusivity offering diverse user services.

Behind the Mic

All right. Thank you. Thank you. Renovate. And of course, thank you, Mister Franklin, for the response. We will have one last question from, say, Kira. You. I just want to know, in terms of partnerships, how are you trying to have mainstream adoption make your platform relevant worldwide? What kind of partnership you have in Brown? All right, thank you so much. So, our platform, I like to refer boundless P as a company that offers platform as a service. A platform as a service, platform or company depend heavily on partnerships. For instance, for people to utilize our bill payment solution, we have to depend on a third party partner to provide this service. For our users to have access to the virtual card, we depend on a third party partner. For our virtual accounts, we depend on a third party partner. So we are very much open and happy to discuss partnership with anybody here who is able to provide us any services that would enhance our growth. So far, we've partnered with Halo Financial to introduce a very easy way for people to access cross-border remittance solution. We've partnered with software groups, as you are aware, to launch cross-border payment by leveraging the boundless P application, where people now send money from their Nigerian bank account into other countries. We also launched later small apps, where users in the United Kingdom are able to send money from their bank account directly into Nigeria, into Ghana, and boom, we power the receivers' bank account. So we are very open to partnerships and look forward to partnering with every one of you, and we hope that the relationship we grow with you will be a mutually beneficial relationship in the future. And to the community that interested with this boundless pay project, don't forget to join the ipo of this project on the 19 May until the 21 May. You can go to our website forestarted IO where the vip loan will be on the 19 May. For HTE stakeholders, it will be on the 20 May and public ground where the first come, first surfaces. It will be on 21st. For anyone who haven't registered to be registered, you can proceed to register. It's only one USD. If you compare with others, I'm pretty sure we are on the cheap side and being registered there will more opportunities awaits where you can stay your HPA on our website and join in for Ido for boundless pay and maybe future potential project in the future. So unfortunately, we have to draw this session to a close. I want to thank Mister Franklin and every one of you for joining us today. Thank you so much having me. Yeah, thank you Mr. Thank you for joining us. Thank you everyone. Have a nice day. Thank you. Bye.

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