Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space AMA: !mpact 2049 Wrap Up hosted by weRoamxyz. In the AMA: !mpact 2049 Wrap Up, Roam and OpenRoaming technology were at the forefront of discussions, emphasizing global connectivity and decentralized networks. MetaBlox Labs provided valuable insights into the future of networking, highlighting the importance of collaboration and tech innovation in the infrastructure sector. The event shed light on how Roam offers exciting opportunities for network expansion and connectivity enhancement, laying the groundwork for a decentralized network landscape.

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Space Statistics

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Total Listeners: 48


Q: What is the role of OpenRoaming technology in global networking?
A: OpenRoaming technology facilitates a decentralized network promoting global connectivity and collaboration.

Q: What insights did MetaBlox Labs share about the future of networking?
A: MetaBlox Labs provided valuable insights into the future trends and advancements in global networking.

Q: How does Roam contribute to network expansion?
A: Roam offers exciting opportunities for expanding networks and fostering collaboration among users.

Q: What are the main themes discussed in AMA: !mpact 2049 regarding decentralized networks?
A: AMA: !mpact 2049 focused on key themes of decentralization, global connectivity, and tech innovation.

Q: Why is global connectivity important in the realm of tech innovation?
A: Global connectivity plays a vital role in driving tech innovation, fostering collaboration, and expanding networks.

Q: What are the benefits of leveraging OpenRoaming technology?
A: OpenRoaming technology brings benefits such as decentralized networking, enhanced connectivity, and collaborative opportunities.


Time: 00:15:45
Exploring OpenRoaming Technology Insights into how OpenRoaming tech promotes decentralized networks and global connectivity.

Time: 00:25:20
Future Trends in Global Networking MetaBlox Labs shares predictions and insights on the future of networking technologies.

Time: 00:35:12
Roam's Impact on Collaboration Understanding how Roam offers collaborative opportunities for network expansion.

Time: 00:45:30
Decentralized Networks in Tech Innovation Discussion on the significance of decentralized networks in driving tech innovation.

Time: 00:55:18
Global Connectivity and Innovation The importance of global connectivity in fostering innovation and collaboration.

Time: 01:05:40
OpenRoaming Benefits Exploring the advantages of leveraging OpenRoaming tech for enhanced networking experiences.

Key Takeaways

  • OpenRoaming tech enables a decentralized network promoting global connectivity.
  • MetaBlox Labs shared valuable insights on the future of global networking.
  • AMA: !mpact 2049 discussed significant aspects of decentralized networks.
  • Global connectivity and decentralization are key themes in tech innovation.
  • Roam offers exciting opportunities for network expansion and collaboration.
  • Insights from MetaBlox Labs highlight the importance of OpenRoaming technology.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to AMA Session

Hello. Hello, everyone. Welcome to our highly anticipated AMA session. I'm Dan and I'm really excited to be your host today. We are going to talk a lot about the recent impact 2049 at break point event that just happened in Singapore last week. So many things already took place and I can't wait to hear some interesting stories and maybe even like, a few sneak peeks from Rome from our speaker today. All right, as usual, let me quickly walk you through today's agenda. First, we will have a brief introduction so that we will know more about our speaker and Rome in general. Move on to the next part. We will dive deeper into the event and get to know more about the future plans for Rome. Last but not least is the most exciting part. I believe everyone here will love it is the live community questions part. So it will be your chance to ask questions directly to our speaker. So make sure that you get your questions ready and simply just raise your hand when the chance comes because that stuff, that's the perfect way for you to talk directly to YZ. So throughout the AMA, I truly encourage everyone to engage with us because it's going to be both informative and fun.

Welcoming YZ

Truly great. Now, everyone, just want to remind you that don't forget to show us some love by liking, retweeting and sharing the Twitter space link so more people can join us. I will not keep you guys wait any longer. And now I would like to introduce our guest today, YZ. He is the co founder of Roam and the mastermind behind the success of the event. So everyone please join me in giving him a warm welcome. Hi, yzdeh. Hello. Hi. Yeah, how are you? Busy, you know, very stressful. A week. You know, Jeffrey would go with me together, but he was sick, so I went there with the team by myself. Yeah. So I have to go to all the panels. Like, a lot of work. Yeah, I know. Like, the Singapore event must be hectic for you, but, like, it's great to have you back here so that you can share it with us. Some great stories. I believe you have a lot, and I just have a quick question. Like, when did you get back to Canada?

Experience After the Singapore Event

I came back to Canada like Monday night, and unfortunately I have to fly out again like this Sunday, so it's very busy. Yeah, yeah. I believe you must be busy because lots of things are going on with Rome. And I just want to know, like, how about the impact 2049 event? It must be a very memorable experience for you. So before we start talking about the impact event, I believe you probably should tell us a little bit about yourself because some people, they are probably new here, they haven't heard much about you. So give us a brief introduction about yourself and a quick overview of what roam is all about. Yeah, thank you so much. So my name is Y d and I'm one of the co founders of the Rome project. In fact, I am more like tech side and Jeffrey is more like community site because Jeffrey was sick. So I'm doing this ama and talking to the people here.

Overview of Roam Project

The roam project right now we are a global roaming network. We do have our long term vision, so I'll keep them secret for now, but temporarily, we're still a global roaming network and the goal is to build, starting from connecting all the public wifi together into one, to provide seamless, secure connectivity for everyone. Of course, people start to notice that we're getting free Ethereum packages to people as well. So eventually we're going to provide you all the connectivities, both when you are in a particular location, when you're on the go. So end of day, Rome is trying to provide you secure, seamless, decentralized services to make sure you have connectivity everywhere. For myself, I'm tech guy, so I led the team in Vancouver here. The team historically DLL work. We're the world the first company who integrated blockchain with EC, Wi Fi, Bluetooth, minimum wave modules because that we have status in Wi Fi alliance.

Impact 2049 Event Reflections

So it's alliance who make Wi Fi standards. So three years ago, when WBA and Wi Fi alliance, trying to promote open roaming, tried to get everyone to upgrade their Wi Fi to the latest standards, they have some challenges, particularly adoption problems, because Wi Fi is needed everyone. But you know, if my Wi Fi work is working, why I have to upgrade to the next generations. So they talk to me, say, hey, you are the blockchain guy in the entire industry. What do you think about helium? Can, can we use helium approach to help us to grow the open roaming network for Wi Fi industry? So I took that mandate and working with the team together here in Vancouver, it spends us like 18 months to really get things figured out, get them as part of standard, make a roam. At that point, we call metablocks the only web three id providers in the open roaming alliance. Then we spend half a year do compatibility tests with different cell phone vendors.

Growing the Roam Community

Telcos, we kicked off network last year in summer. I really appreciate the community here. Without you guys, we cannot grow to right now, literally, we're number one largest decentralized network. We're going to keep growing. I'm looking at 10 million users in your terms. So let's build things together. Thank you. Great introduction, wisey. Yes. Roam, now we are like make. We are being bigger and bigger with a lot of innovative technologies are implemented to our app. And as I know, like right now, we have more than 700,000 app users already, which is absolutely amazing. So with your goal, as you just mentioned, I believe we can achieve this real soon. And everyone, if you don't have the app now is the time you should download it immediately.

Preparing for the Impact Event Discussion

Just simply go to the Apple Store and Google Play. You can find it there, download it for free. You will have all the access to millions of Wi Fi spot. So let's do it now. Okay, so basically, that's the brief information about Roam and YZ. Now it's time for us to get to know more about the impact event. Because I believe so many things, we can talk about it right now. So Yan, the first question I would like to ask you is a very general question is. The question is, how is your feeling after the impact 2049 event? How do you feel about it overall? Well, huge relief. Frankly speaking, before the event, were super, super nervous. It's our first time to host a side event, right? We don't have experience. We don't even know how many people will come.

Handling the Event's Attendance

We have about like 2600 registrations, but how many of them will actually show up, we have no idea. We did find a very nice spot in closer marina in Singapore, but it only can host like 200 people there. Maximum, like probably 150. We talked to other people who had experience before. They say, okay, typically you have 20% show up. So we say, okay, we have a five hour event, then 2500 people probably okay. But the reality is there are more than 1500 people at least show up. The entire space explode. At one side, we're super happy. We can see a strong community, strong engagement from the deep in communities. And at the other side, we also get very nervous. Make sure everything's organized properly.

Event Experiences and Challenges

I could give you a side story. Our host, Chase, we have a girl from Biggat. She is hosting the parties event because little bit chaos, she even cried at some point. So. But in the end, it's very nice. And the Lili Liu from Senra foundation camps, a lot of people camps, other busy camps, a lot of community member camps. People just happy. We are also very fortunate. Like outside the location, there are also outdoor seating area which hosts by the restaurant. So people are able to sit in this area to talk. We don't cause huge problem, but I can tell you at one point the local patrol asked us to have flow control. They worry about too many people.

Memorable Collaborations and Outcomes

Getting to the building is going to cause some safety concerns. Keep in mind, we are at the marina, the most popular area, open space. We will still be asked to have flow control. You can imagine how many people come. I still remember when Liliu came back. We just, we have no place to sit. We just sit outside on the ground together and chat about the collaboration between solar community and Rome. I think it's great. Yeah. Well, congratulations on the successful event.

Event Participation and Impressions

As you said, 1500 participants. That is massive. Huge. Wow. Well, I already saw the photos and it looks amazing. The event, like, it was very well organized and people look so happy in the votes in the photos. So definitely like, you guys have to create another event probably in a different location because it was great. So however, like talking about the event, I just have one question. So apparently Singapore is the first destination that you guys host, impact 2049. So what is the reason behind it? Why did you choose Singapore?

Reasons for Choosing Singapore as a Location

Singapore is very unique. Singapore right now is kind of a bridge between east and the west. And Singapore is also the host for a lot of crypto people. You can see roughly the same distance from Singapore to Dubai and to North America and also close to Asia as well. It's just the vibe there is a phenomena. I think this 2049 is great. Everyone went there. Most people I know in crypto industry, they went to Singapore at one point. I have nine to ten meeting in a day and you absolutely have no chance to eat. I was invited to three lunch, but can you believe that? I didn't eat anything. So lunch meetings, so that's how great it is. I think Singapore has the right vibe for the entire crypto industry and I hope I get some people from our community actually went to our event. I really appreciate if you can give us feedback.

Challenges in Organizing Large Events

So I'm really looking forward for the next impact 2049. So another question. So since the event has a lot of partners and co hosts, I'm just wondering, is there any challenges in organizing such a big event and have so many partners that get involved into it? Do you meet any challenges how? There are huge challenges, actually four. We have three co hosts, one KR partner and also one community partners, three co hosts, web three pods, Defi and Polyflow. So web three part has a very important announcement for their found their incubators. By the way, the reason we put all of them together, because we all believe crypto should have impact to the real world. Like people talk about Solana goes to the real world, ethereum go to hypothetic.

Collaborative Goals in Crypto

So we are believer that the adoption of crypto in the real world just begins. That's the direction, that's why we get together. Web three part is really for incubate so they are found from Middle east. So incubate for all the projects in areas. But they are focusing on railway impact. DP payment is their directions and DeFi is our dping fellows. They have experience in the events. That's why we close it together to give us help. Polyflow is pay five infrastructures. They are top project in Solana ecosystem. The reason we do that is because we just announced our pay five and DPin collaboration project. We get loan from Huma to our mining participant. But in this process we have to leverage Polyflow's spatial financing infrastructures. That's why we have them together.

Event Management Challenges and Victories

But each co hold their own agenda. They all want to promote their own project. So Rome as the foundation of all of them. We have to make sure everyone's demand is met. And also like CL Labs, they're John QD, the famous Chinese QL. They try hard to try to deliver their message in the event. Just a lot of people had a lot of intention. But I'm glad in the end everyone is happy. I think when Lidy comes so many people here so we have to the web three invest manager become her bodyguard to guard Lidy to the cap. But it's busy. But we are happy. I still remember solar at the very beginning we're talking about because impact 2049 we're on Solana but we also welcome other blockchain in fact Iotex the outcomes as well.

Smooth Interactions and Community Building

So but Sola say okay, the up party they have to be Solana only because they are Solana chinese communities. So we are talking about oh, there's probably some transition between us and the ARF party some little bit stress on how much time left to do the renovation of the location. But it turns out very smooth. And Sola welcome our participants to their event. A very nice conversation. Everyone loves to talk to each other and we build community together. Yeah, very happy. Thank you so much oise that's a lot of side stories that I've like the community probably heard that for the first time because we didn't know that much challenges that you guys have to countered at that event.

Key Announcements Made at the Event

But of course, as you said everyone was happy, especially the partners and old co hosts they had a chance to actually promote their project and also make big announcement and also talking about announcement, Rome at the event has also announced some key information regarding the physical layer one eSim and the one that you just mentioned, which is the deep in hardware financing program with Huma finance. Would you like to share with us some more information about it, about these three key announcements? Yeah, I can share one by one. One is a physical layer, one physical layer, one coming from the fact roam is building a decentralized telecom data layer, essentially everything. The most valuable part is our location and time data.

Roam's Decentralized Telecom Data Layer

So roam essentially is a network. We process data, then make you think about what is blockchain. Blockchain is a ledger who process transaction data. So roam is a network who process location and time based data. The blockchain is l one. Is l one which they get users. And you build an application on top of that. Rome also get users, network users. And because they generate data, then we can build an application on top of Rome. In fact, there are a lot of projects already come to Rome to see. They want to become our ecosystem project. For example, we have a collaboration with Skyax. We discussed. So they are doing weather forecast.

Applications and Collaborations with Roam

So we already have map the network. Naturally, there could be a layer on top of application, layer on top of us. And also we have those in Taiwan, we have a project, they do a review, restaurant review. So with our location data, they can do certified reviews. So a lot of people come to us already, try to leverage our data. So essentially, from that sense, we're very similar to blockchain ROI. Essentially, you build a network, you build your supply side, and you build a demand site. So that's how somehow we come out with physical l one concept. But, you know, I do agree sometimes when you talk about l one because of a blockchain, l one little bit confusion.

Understanding Physical Layer 1

But the real thing we want to talk about is we are building a decentralized data layer. Some people I talked to Leonard from the co founder of Peak and also talk to Roland Jin a lot from co founder of iotex. We're all personal friends. So I told them, they're just wondering, okay, how physical l one work with their blockchain. L one s the typical analogy, I told them is that the blockchain l one, just like a road, you have cars running on the road. In the cars, you have passengers. In these situations, the cars buses are applications, the passengers are your users. Roam is like a telecom or even a power grid.

Integration of Infrastructure and Blockchain

Things, we connect it to the user directly. We're not connected to users through a road. We can use it to other ways give the electricity or give them communication signals. So both blockchain l one and Rome or other VPN project, we are connecting to the user by our own way. In essence, we're parallel to each other, but we also support each other, because without road, you cannot build, for example, you cannot build your signal towers, you cannot transport materials. But with our Rome without telecom network, you probably cannot provide signals to the traffic light.

Conclusion on Physical Layer 1 Concept

So the blockchain l one and physical l one, they actually support each other. So that essentially we call physical one. The reason we have that, because number one, we summarize what we do. Number two, we explain how Rome and other deepen project can interact with different blockchain. Because we know there are Solana, there are autex, they're all DP blockchains. But we are now we're not blockchain agnostics, although our token is on Solana. So, but because we're blockchain agnostic, so we should be able to work with different blockchain as well. So essentially the bridge come from the data exchange. That's basically what's behind the physical l one.

Future Developments and Product Offerings

So because we are physical like other l one's. So we are gonna have our growth product. It's like earning product. You stick in your tokens, you get your rewards, the reward coming from the real world revenues generated by the network. You also have your launch pool, we call discovery product. Essentially other projects we built on top of our data layers. Then you also have your communities.

Understanding the E-Sim Product

So it's very similar. So hopefully you this analogy, we can help you to understand why we release these products. How do we operate like communities? So that's the physical AI one for the e sim. It is actually driven by the demand of users roam connecting all the public websites together. Make a secure, seamless network. But still we're not covering your data usage 100%. When you travel on the go, you still need connectivity. So how do you guarantee that? So e theme is coming. But Rome is not a simple esim seller like that make the business is boring. Just buy and sell. E sim is no use from our perspective. So we reward our esim package when you have us to build Wi Fi networks. Essentially, if you do check in when you try to validate the Wi Fi network, give you ethereum packages in future when you try to do add your Wi Fi, do other things, you get ECM packages. So these packages are free to you eventually.

Free Packages and Community Excitement

Wifi is free, esim is free. Essentially you have free to use telco. So the team feels super excited. I think right now you can start to accumulate esim packages, but into three weeks you can redeem them. And at least most people in the office, they want to change to that because that's significantly cheaper than our regular data packages. And keep in mind, as a Canadian, we probably like pay $50 for per month. But once we travel, like my, like Roger is charging me $15 per day. But the Ethereum data package we give to people, it's global, it's low cost. I mean, it's free everywhere. In case you use up your free ones, you don't have enough time to check in, enough time to get additionals. The cost is also very minimal. So we feel we are really helping people both in the developed country and developing country. We can help people to get great again.

Connectivity and Future Developments

Secure, seamless, decentralized connectivity everywhere in the world. Everywhere in the world. So the last thing is wrong. Buy not pay later. People always want to. A lot of people want to buy miners. In some country, our minor cost is, you know, it's not a big deal or we essentially, it's too affordable. But in some country probably it's hard, but we need proactive activity everywhere, right? So the buy not pay later program is combination between pay file activities and deepening activities. Both of them are strong narratives in salada ecosystems. Hopefully by doing that you can get your minor much with a much lower cost. Let's say you put 25% down payment and huma financing and other lending creditors, it's going to give you another 75% so or more. This number is not final. I'm just explaining the hypothetical estimations and then you can have your miner start mining right away.

Token and Community Empowerment

Of course, initial mining rewards will pay back to your loan, but if token price goes up dramatically, you can choose to pay back faster and then to capture the upside of tokenization as much as possible. So those are all work we did along with partners to make sure there are easy access to the miner to encourage the deployment speed of open roaming globally. Yeah. Again, our goal is very simple. We never change. We try to be accountable for 20% global Wi Fi open roaming upgrade. That is 100 million gateways to be deployed in the next five to ten years. Thank you. Thank you, YZ. Well, those three announcements, I believe they are very beneficial for the community. Well, for myself, I love esim. To be honest, I experienced it already. Right now, I believe I have more than 200 megabytes.

Community Feedback on E-sim

Just by checking in some members in the community, they love it too much that they just want to get more and more free data. So great work with that. So absolutely, that's one feature that Rome definitely should focus on and develop it even better for the community. However, like for the financing program, as you see, buy now, pay later. It sounds extremely attractive, especially for people who are interested in buying onliner. However, like for me, I just have a random question that just pop up in my head right now. Is easy to obtain the loan and can you share with me the process how I can get it? Okay, we are going to start a program in certain countries first to test out, right. So our lending partners home, our financing is also going to try to make sure the default rate is not that high, right.

Loan Processes and Future Steps

And so essentially the final detail, you have to wait until the Rome growth product officially released to you in the next couple of weeks. But the idea is pay, leverage, deposit, secure your spot because so much is strong right now. And then through the supply chain financing program, the polyflow provided you will get the USDC on Stella to pay off the remaining balance. But because you lend it, right. So then your mining output initially goes to payback loan first. But if you think, okay, your token price start to increase dramatically. So I want to choose to buy out my loan faster. So you can buy out earlier, then you can get your token rewards earlier. Otherwise, once you paid off your loan to Houma, then all the future money rewards will cut by yourself.

KYC and the Future of Financing

Yeah, so that's general concept. And huma, right now, they cannot lend money to individuals because Kyc of reasons. So they lend money to the project and project split those kind of money through the on chain spreadsheet financing protocols to individual. You will be able to operate once the growth product release online. You can operate online. Yeah. Okay. Thank you so much. That's great information. So truly looking forward to that. And so while we're waiting for the financing program, actually like be available for all the community at this moment. Everyone, you should like try out the Esim because it's very simple. And especially roam is giving out free data just by checking in every single day.

Maximizing Data Usage

You can get up to 50 megabytes every single day. Super easy. Now is perfect time for you to accumulate that data because later you can redeem them and use it anywhere. Okay, now I have the final questions for Yzdev is the question is what is the next step for Rome? So what can we like really see forward in the near future or your long term goal? And can we expect another impact 2049? Yeah, so there are a couple of rounds, right? Number one, from business side, from token side, from impact 2049 side from business 49 sorry business side will keep pushing.

Future Goals and Connectivity

Albin's goal is trying to bring free secure connectivity to everyone in the world. We try to get as many users as possible. The 800,000 user right now is just start. Our goal is millions of users really impact, change everyone's life. So that's our goal. And by the way, the ESIM data package will be available. You can reduce them in 190 countries in the world, nearly everywhere. In terms of token size, a lot of people ask tge, right? So these days if you talk top exchanges, they are going to list tokens whenever they believe it's the right moment for that particular sector.

Ensuring Success in the Market

So what Rome do is we try to make sure where the top project is a decentralized telco sector. So whenever exchange want to list a project in this sector, make sure Rome is top choice. So ROTG is first speaking. ROTG is tied to the listing, that's for sure. But keep in mind, we already in June were announced how do we protect the early participant rights so all the stickers you collect right now matters. They tell how, oh, I mean how long have you been with the programs? You got different rate when you redeem them into tokens. Plus we already announced 20 million token airdrops to make sure the people who participate right now they can get the airdrops.

Community Engagement Initiatives

So that's the token side. So we keep pushing, working with communities, exchanges, try to achieve, I mean make sure, I mean for me token is very important to kick off the flywheel of ROM. So right now we, our deeping flywheel is moving with our points with our new e theme data packages. But I believe when token is released we can, the deepening flywheel will move faster, much faster at full speed to have the network growth. So yeah, so part of the reason we released ESim package, that's real money, right? So not just points, it's to facilitate the moving speed of dipping flywheel.

Vision for the Future

So yeah, so let's just keep pushing to achieve goals together with the community together. The last thing you're talking about is. Sorry, I forgot, there are three things, right? The business and the token side. Yeah, the product side. From the product side we're going to have, we have four sectors. We already mentioned one network site. So network site. Right now you are seeing we have OG miner before you see our Rainier and the baker miners and number one.

Growth and Collaboration

So we are going to keep adding applications to this gateways, these miners and we are working with very high profile projects about some network sharing. I cannot give you details but they're all top project industry. They were supporting each other. Rome has grown to the point where big enough we have draw attention from all the top projects in these sectors. We're going to work together on a lot of things with same goal, to deliver better connectivity to people. And we are working on new miners, particular older miners and there are some very fancy miners too. So those are proof of concept devices. You will see that later this year that network site. So we released a growth site, Rome growth product.

Revenues and Community Building

Essentially why human financing lend money to roam communities? Because our network can generate real world revenues. I mean, I don't want to just go to details how this network works, how much revenue we generated, but these are real world revenues because as network we're facilitating a lot of network services with devices you purchase. Then is Rome Discovery product. As I mentioned, a lot of project ecosystem project already rushed to Rome to help to work together. We're going to support them. So by participating in these products, our discovery, sorry, Discovery program, you have access to these products too. In the end, it's Rome community. We have to make this community for fun, right? Very cohesive, fun communities. So we have lots of events happening in future through our app and get us together again.

Life Changes and Global Impact

I mean, I believe all of you guys come to this project. It's not to try to collect some airdrops for some, for a nice dinner, a nice lunch or $20 a $100 you are coming to this airdrop collection is not too much meaningful to people. So the real thing matters is we build something together and we can change our life. Just like the early bitcoin participants, in the end they all be able, if they hold bitcoin long enough time, they can change their life. Recently, Rome got a lot of users from developing countries like India, other countries. I hope if you become active member in this community, there's opportunity for you to change your life by making the world better, by providing free, secure, seamless connectivity to everyone. If we want to gather we have enough financial rewards, we can change our life and can get every make our life better at the same time make other people's lives better.

Community Engagement and Future Questions

Wow. Lots of things are going on with Rome. So I truly excited for the future that Rome holds. So thank you so much for answering some of my questions. However, I believe that all listeners may still have some more questions that want to ask you. Now is the time to move on to the live community questions. So everyone, if you have any questions, please make sure that you get it prepared because I will like let you have the speak mode and then you can ask Yz. Just have a friendly reminder is that if you are enjoying this ama, please make sure that you click like and share the link so more people can join us.

Live Question Session

Alright, so if you have questions, now is the time to raise your hand and I can give you the permission to speak. It seems like everyone there are trying to think come up with some good questions to deliver to YZ. Let's give them some time. So I'm receiving two requests from Haley and Holden Hoppy. So I believe that Hailey, you must have a question for YZ. I'm going to give you the access right now, so please get your question prepared. Hi Hailey. Hi Hailey. You are on mute. If you have questions to YZ, you can ask him now. While we're waiting for Hayley to get her question ready, let me give the access to Holt and hobby so that he can ask the questions first.

Question and Response

Hello. Hi, Holden Hobby. So Hailey, I can see that you are raising your hand. Are you ready to ask Wisey, you can unmute your speaker and then youre speaker and ask him. All right, so I can see that Hailey has some question, but like she left it in the comment section. So YZ, I'm going to ask you the question that I received from Haley. The question is, can the esim be used outside of Rome's function and features? Okay. Hi Wisey. Okay, so you mute me. So that's why I cannot talk. My bad. Yeah, Esim, you redeem inside the ROM app. But you can. It's just easy, right? So then you activate in your phone.

Connectivity and Functionality

So your phone have connectivity, have data packages like you can do whatever you want. Yeah, basically. Okay, thank you so much. Hayley, do you have other questions that you want to ask wisely? Oh, no, it's fine. You muted me so I couldn't ask the question. But it's okay now. I get it. I just wanted to know if the features are like you can use it outside of ROM applications and all. But you already answered. Thank you. You guys are doing an amazing job by the way. Thank you. Thank you so much, Hailey.

Closing Remarks and Future Prospects

Okay, so if other people have the questions, you can still raise your hand and then I can give you a. Oh, hi. Yes, we can. I would likewise elaborate more on the partnership with Quora app. I'm sorry, can you say that again? I would likewise you to elaborate more. The partnership with Quora app. Oh, the Quora. Yeah, yeah. So Quora is getting a Quora. So we see more. Thank you very much. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you so much, Holland Hopi. I truly hope that you enjoyed.

Final Thoughts

Okay, so we are coming to the end of the AMA already. So before we wrap it up, YZ, would you like to share any final thoughts with us? Without community, we cannot achieve whatever we already achieved. It's just the beginning of the long journey. I talked to team today. 2049 is very important to me. Besides impact 2049, we host event with people. We also host a private lunch with all our investors. We host a lot of panels with industry leaders, partner projects. The future is very clear to me.

Vision for the Future

Just like what I present in the breakpoint Solana, we are providing free, secure, decentralized, seamless connectivity to everyone in the world. I feel that's a long mission and a huge mission. It's going to be a very important mission for both telco industry and everyone. I really hope crypto can impact the real world, can make our life better. Where we hold this vision, we try to achieve that goal along with you guys together. Thank you.

Conclusion and Appreciation

Thank you so much. Wise. It's truly great to hear your thoughtful insights and also all the stories that happened at Impact 2049. Lots of things going to happen with Rome, and we are truly excited to see what's the next step Rome's going to have, especially with all the new features and improvement that Rome's going to have. So, to sum up, it's clear that the Impact 2049 event was not only a success, but also set a stage for exciting developments in the future. And finally, I would like to thank all of our audience.

Engagement and Goodbye

Thank you so much for joining us today. Your engagement is what drives these conversations, and we truly appreciate your participation. If you have further questions or you want to continue the discussion, feel free to reach out to us through our social media or discord. And Telegram is always open and we are well, and welcome all of your questions. So keep in touch with us there. Now it's time to say goodbye to each other. Unfortunately. However, please stay tuned for more updates from rogue, and we are truly looking forward to seeing you at our next event.

Thank You and Farewell

Thank you, everyone, and have a great day. Bye. Thank you. Bye.

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