Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space AMA – halo.social X space AMA – Crypto Arena hosted by CryptoArena_Co. Gain profound insights into the cryptocurrency world through a comprehensive AMA session featuring @halo_social & @CryptoArena. Discover the importance of due diligence, affiliate partnerships, technologies like BNB, ETH, ARB, ZkSync, and the value of participating in AMAs. Explore topics related to community engagement, networking, and enhancing knowledge in the crypto space. This AMA event serves as a valuable resource for enthusiasts seeking to expand their understanding and involvement in the dynamic crypto industry.

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Q: Why is due diligence important in the cryptocurrency space?
A: Research helps investors make informed decisions and avoid potential risks.

Q: What role do affiliate partnerships like @Pinkecosystem play in the crypto industry?
A: Affiliate partnerships help expand reach, drive adoption, and build strategic alliances.

Q: Which technologies were discussed during the AMA with @halo_social & @CryptoArena?
A: The AMA covered insights on BNB, ETH, ARB, and ZkSync, highlighting their significance in the crypto landscape.

Q: What does NFA stand for, and why is it crucial for investors?
A: NFA stands for not financial advice, reminding participants to perform their research and not rely solely on shared information.

Q: How can AMA sessions benefit cryptocurrency enthusiasts?
A: AMAs offer direct access to experts, new industry insights, and opportunities for learning and networking.

Q: Why is community engagement vital in AMA events?
A: Community involvement fosters a supportive environment, enhances learning, and encourages collaboration among participants.

Q: How do AMA sessions contribute to knowledge-sharing in the crypto community?
A: AMAs provide a platform for experts to share expertise, clarify concepts, and address queries, enriching the knowledge base of participants.

Q: What opportunities do AMAs offer for networking and collaboration?
A: AMAs create networking opportunities, facilitate partnerships, and foster a sense of community among crypto enthusiasts.

Q: In what way can participating in AMAs enhance one's understanding of blockchain technology?
A: Interacting with experts in AMAs offers firsthand knowledge, insights into the latest developments, and clarifications on complex blockchain concepts.

Q: How do affiliate partnerships contribute to the growth and success of AMA events?
A: Affiliate partnerships bring diverse expertise, resources, and promotion, enhancing the quality and reach of AMA sessions.


Time: 00:15:42
Importance of Due Diligence in Crypto Emphasizing the need for thorough research to make informed investment decisions.

Time: 00:25:18
Affiliate Partnerships in Crypto Industry Discussing the strategic role of affiliate partnerships in driving growth and adoption.

Time: 00:35:50
Insights on BNB, ETH, ARB, and ZkSync Exploring key token technologies shaping the current crypto landscape.

Time: 00:45:12
Understanding Not Financial Advice (NFA) Clarifying the importance of self-research and due diligence in the crypto space.

Time: 00:55:30
Benefits of Participating in AMAs Highlighting the educational and networking advantages of engaging in AMA sessions.

Time: 01:05:44
Community Engagement in AMAs Exploring the role of community participation in enriching the AMA experience.

Time: 01:15:20
Knowledge-Sharing in Crypto Communities Encouraging open dialogue and information exchange to enhance crypto knowledge.

Time: 01:25:37
Networking Opportunities in AMAs Discussing the networking potential and collaborative benefits of AMA events.

Time: 01:35:10
Enhancing Understanding of Blockchain How participating in AMAs can deepen comprehension and awareness of blockchain technology.

Time: 01:45:55
Role of Affiliate Partnerships in AMAs Exploring how affiliate collaborations elevate the quality and scope of AMA discussions.

Key Takeaways

  • Due diligence and research are crucial in the cryptocurrency space.
  • Affiliate partnerships like the one with @Pinkecosystem play a significant role.
  • Exploring tokens like BNB, ETH, ARB, and technologies like ZkSync is important.
  • Understanding not financial advice (NFA) disclaimers is essential for investors.
  • AMA sessions provide valuable insights for crypto enthusiasts.
  • Engagement and participation in AMA sessions can foster knowledge-sharing.
  • Open dialogue in AMA sessions helps clarify complex crypto concepts.
  • Interacting with experts enhances understanding of blockchain technology.
  • Affiliate partnerships offer opportunities for collaboration and growth.
  • Participants in AMAs gain specialized knowledge in blockchain and crypto.
  • Community involvement is key to the success of AMA events.

Behind the Mic

Welcome and Introduction

Okay. Hello, everyone. I'm just testing out my microphone if it's working and I. Hello to the halo team. Can you guys hear me well? Yep. Hi there. Nice to meet you. Hello. Okay, so how should I refer to you during the AMA? May I ask for a name or you know, just something I can call you? Sure. You can call me Jay. Okay, Mister J, nice meeting you. Yeah, let's just wait for a few minutes, Mr. J. You know, just to wait for more community members to come in. Is that okay? Sure thing. Sounds good. Okay, wonderful.

Starting the AMA

Okay, guys, so to the people listening here with us today, hello to our listeners. So we're just going to be starting our AMA in a minute. So while we are still waiting for more people, I highly suggest everyone, of course, to check out the social media links of Halo before we, you know, get into the AMA because you may have some questions later on. And I think we can address it on the AMA. So once again, guys, all of the social media links of Halo are posted in our telegram community at telegram ad Katorina. Sorry. So it's already posted and pinned in there. So yeah, make sure to check it out.

Ready to Begin the AMA

Okay, Mister J, I think we are two minutes beyond our ama time. So let me ask you, are you ready to start? Yep, sure. Let's get started. Okay. So first, let's welcome everyone to our AmA for today. So hello, everyone. Hello, crypto arena community. Welcome back to another x space Ama. And today, guys, we will be getting to know more about Halo. So for today's Ama, we will be joined by, of course, Mister J. So he is from the halo team and he is going to be the one to be with us today on this Ama, of course, to introduce Haylou to our community and also to answer all of the questions that we have about Halo.

Introduction of Mister J

So once again, hello, Mister J, and welcome to Crypto arena. Thank you. Pleasure to be here. Thank you very much as well. We appreciate your time and effort being here, Mister Jenna. So of course, before we actually get to know about Kayla, let us take a moment to get to know you first, Mister J. So is it okay if we start your ame with, you know, a quick introduction about yourself? Maybe you can tell us something about you and, you know, a little bit of your experiences in the space. Sure. Hello, everyone. Excited to be here in AMa with crypto arena. And I'm Jay, I'm the head of marketing at Halo.

Background and Experience

And if you want to stay connected, you can also follow me on Twitter with the handle angry easily. But I did well today. We just want to focus on Halo. That's why I'm joining the space using our official account. Halo official account. I think I've been in the space for quite a couple of years already. Like since 2018 I've served quite a couple of exchanges, projects as well, defi NFT, Gamefi. And right now I'm at Halo and I'm also more on marketing side. I've been doing a lot of, you know, marketing content, different crypto projects and I'm also a trader as well and excited to be here today. Yeah, that's basically just a little background about me.

Transition to Halo

Thank you very much to Jay. Once again, it's a pleasure for our community to meet you. Okay, so now I think we're ready to get to know about Halo. But first I know that there may be people who may be the first time hearing about Halo. Mister Jades, of course the Kickstarter. Amy, can you give us a proper introduction about Halo? You know, just a little overview that can introduce to everyone what Halo is all about. Like what is the main concept behind it. And can you also give us a tour on your products and services, of course, inside your social fi ecosystem? Sure thing. Halo is actually quite a big ecosystem.

Overview of Halo

It's about a lot of things as we provide quite a lot of different features and functions. But let's start with a little bit of background of Halo. How we started out like around like more than a year ago, we actually spinned off from Kucoin because before that we are actually a Kucoin wallet. And then we rebrand into we spend off and then rebrand into independent project called Halo Wallet. And then this year we rebrand ourselves into social Halo in like officially entering the social fi we're back to. What makes us really different from any other social fi teams is that we haven't really experienced the team as you can imagine, as we've got a really strong team that actually build out a wallet infrastructure for an exchange.

Progress and Achievements

And right now we have already just secured another new financing round from backers like Hashkee Capital, IDG, Kucoin Ventures and from CyberpWd as well, which is officially backed up by the official Hong Kong government. And we are making quite a lot of good progress already. And we already have over 1 million total number of users and also over 150 monthly active users. So right now we're halo. We're making really good progress. But the reason why we are rebranding ourselves from a wallet into a social vibe super app I would call it, is because we believe that content creators deserve more than they currently earn like if you see companies like matter, even on Twitter, you get LinkedIn from Microsoft or YouTube, TikTok.

The Purpose of Halo

They generate billions and millions of dollars from their user data nets. We're talking 100 billion revenue in 2023. And what makes, you know, crucial for these platforms is actually the content creators, which is us, right? But we help them to generate enormous profits for free. And this is a scenario that we want to change. And that's why we built Halo social. And we want to give back the ownership of content and even identity back to the users. And at the same time obviously to help them to earn their share from their social influence. So this is outfission at Halo and the app that we're building other than you can basically do a lot of things on Halo other than, you know, earning from your social influence.

Features of Halo

We build as we have a strong infrastructure like basically features like a wallet aggregator which allows you to, you know, manage assets or buy or sell any kind of assets. We got a decentralized app browser which basically you can connect and integrate with all other dapps. You can also do on chain data tracking with us as well. And we have a really special influencer batch system which I can explain a little bit more later. This is what truly make us unique is our social content. And also at the same time we can turn the on chain data into valuable information that can make them basically readable for their users on web three and make it really simple for even beginners to web three. This is basically an overview of what Halo is about.

Monetization and Earning

Thank you so much for that. That was a really amazing introduction. And of course we're very curious to get to know deeper into your ecosystem. So I would have more questions later on about some of the things that you mentioned. But first and foremost, we know that like you've mentioned, right? So Hilo enables users to monetize their social influence. However, that is not the only way to earn at Halo. So first let's talk about that monetization. So can you tell us how exactly does the monetization work inside Halo? I mean, how do you monetize people for their social influence? And also, what are the other ways that people can earn from Halo? Okay, Halo actually offers a couple of different ways to earn, but I don't want to make it too complicated.

Engagement and Earnings

So start with something simple. Let's say our users or anyone can create and share content on engagement, discussion, or even contrabuilt into specific topics and sessions which we hold like crypto talk campaign periodically. So every action earns them XP, which is like loyalty points right now for a system, but these xps are crucial, are the key to our airdrop and reward program. So the more you engage, the higher, obviously the higher you get on the leaderboard rankings and the more XP than you can earn. So this is basically what the users can do. And for influencers, at the same time we have the Halo influencer badge system which I just mentioned where creators can mince badges and earn from their audience engagements.

Badge System and Revenue Sharing

So we have an algorithm model that allow users to buy and sell these badges of their favorite creators at any time. So a little bit similar to trading entities in the marketplace. But what makes these badges special is that we have a sustainable revenue sharing model and badge holders can also share a specific portion of the revenue from ads and the AI training data and of course obviously more plus extra XP airdrop from the halo ecosystem. So buying a badge of this influencer badge, you become part as a user, you become part of the lead as well and you will share the commercial dividends and you know, XP rewards at the same time that we, because we have a seasons every two weeks.

Future Revenue Models

So if the creators are doing well for these seasons and they ranked it, basically rank the top in the letter, then they get more revenue and rewards as well. And as the holders of these badges, they will get a share as well. But talking about the revenue model, there are a couple of things that we are still developing and will be in our app in the future. So it's like for example, for instance advertising, like pay subscriptions, private chat rooms or even on the marketplace that could be copyrighted digital goods. And for AI service we're doing a lot of AI data labeling and AI training and even model optimizations.

Continuous Improvement

So there are mix of different revenue models that we're building. So the ecosystem is still expanding. And right now I think since we have launched the batch system and our influencers has already earned over $10,000, more than $10,000 in series rewards. And these badges, once they launched, they already got over like 200. The average is around 90 x. I think it's a 90 x price boost since the launch. So it's a pretty good impressive result I would say. And beyond all that, our users can also buy a halo membership pass which we call it XMP, which you can unlock even more rewards for the Airdrop. It's basically crucial for the airdrop and you get a lot more exclusive content at the same time.

Closing Remarks

These are the things how we are helping the users and influencers at the same time. That can help them to monetize their social influence. And of course, we're also preparing even more features and more models which we are going to share very soon with the community. Thank you so much for that, Mister Jay.

Introduction to Halo Social Fi Membership Pass

That's actually helpful for everyone who of course interested in entering the halo social file. However, you mentioned about the membership pass, right? So actually that was one of the most interesting thing that I found out on your website. So I think Kayla's web three identity of a certain user are represented by this membership pass, if I'm correct with that. So let's talk a little bit deeper into that. So you mentioned about some exclusive benefits that the course having this, you know, by having this membership pass. But can you tell us exactly what is the main purpose of the membership pass? I mean, is it required to have membership pass in order to enter the halo social fi ecosystem? And what are the perks of having this and when is this available for minting?

Understanding Halo Membership Pass Benefits

A good analogy will be it's kind of like a subscription model, but not exactly like a subscription model. Right now. It's like you can get the blue check on Twitter or it's kind of like that, but not exactly like that. Right now. What I can tell you, I think most people most interesting about is that a Halo membership price is actually a necessary item for you to get an airdrop from us because we are doing the TGE very soon in Q four this year. And there will be an airdrop and there will be a total 30% of our total token supply which will be allocated to the community. Airdrop and Halo shape membership pass is essential if you have to hold this in order to get it a job. And not only that, of course, our membership copies will also grant you more exclusive rewards like privileges accessed to, you know, certain kind of campaigns or even future bonus or even early access to some of our features as well.

Minting and Earning with Halo Membership Pass

But to, in order to be qualified to mint and Halo membership cards, you need to earn enough xp on our platform, say in the season, you have to rank in the top 10,000 in order to be qualified to mint and halo membership parts. But once you hold an membership parts, you'll be eligible for future airdrops and exclusive events. That is very interesting. Thank you so much. Sorry, I forgot to also mention that there will be once you hold the membership pass. Actually, we separated our members into six levels, so the higher levels you go, the more rewards, obviously that you have and more privileges you have as well. So that's why we have the seasons. So we encourage our users to help us to build this whole, be more on our ecosystem, like creating more content, interacting with more people, help us to manage the space.

Halo's Competitive Edge in the Crypto Market

So my question for you, Mister J, can you tell us how this halo differentiates itself from other social type of projects or platforms around the crypto space? I know there are other social fi out there who may offer the same services. So how do you guys stand out from them and what are your best competitive advantages? Of course, in support to your answer? Yeah, I think it's quite obvious that there are quite a lot of different social pride projects out there. But I think what makes us stands out is that we have a really strong team and infrastructure. And as we start out as a wallet and we have this wallet aggregator as a backbone, and this is a really strong tech nickel infrastructure, it allows seamless payments and the ability to track or share any on chain interactions easily.

Integration and User Experience

And while other social apps, they might be still figuring out how to onboard web two users, we've got everything in place already. Like a frictionless onboard system that allows web two users to we guide them through the whole process to create a wallet easily and start earning on our social platform. And not only that, additionally we also are integration of these on chain data because we believe that on chain data is actually a part of the social interaction as well. You can easily track wallets, address any kind of movements. For example, on your news, tweet, on Twitter, you can see people posting all kind of contents, videos, their opinions and stuff. But on Halo, not only these kind of contents and opinions, you can also have the alerts and notifications from different kind of wallets.

Halo's Unique Features

Let's say if you're tracking a wallet from a certain VC or well, then all these kind of movements on their wallet, let's say they send some kind of tokens, they buy some kind of nfts, or they withdraw some kind of money into an exchange. These kind of notifications will all appear on your newsfeed. So you can also make a comment on it, you can analyze it. So it's a mix of like the social interactions, but at the same time it can also be an on chain analysis platform for you. It's also customizable, so you can basically just filter out whatever information that keeps you informed about the market. And this integration makes you share your insights with others also way easier. We also have a very strong support from OKX Web three.

Accessibility and User-Friendly Design

So it allowed us to integrate decentralized webs and over our users right now, the lowest webping fees among all decentralized wallets. I'll say that we more like a super social app which allows everything to happen. And most of the social apps out there, they may be very limited to the social side, but I think what really makes us strong is that you can basically do everything on Halo, from managing assets, doing social, and like a gateway to web three, integrating with any dapps, and at the same time you can share it to your newsfeed and easily connect to other people. Yeah, that was very impressive Mister J, thank you so much for that. And we've actually seen it from, you know, from your previous answers that your infrastructure is indeed strong.

User Adoption and Ease of Use

You have a diverse ecosystem which caters to all of the needs that most crypto users needing. Thank you so much Mister J, for that amazing answer. So now I have another question for you. And I believe that now our listeners may know a little bit about Akalo. From our discussion. I know that most of them may probably be interested, of course, on how they can start using the app. So Mister J, can you maybe enlighten us on how can people start, get to start using Halo? And can you tell us as well, is it available on PC and on mobile? Maybe iOS or Android? And the most important thing that we wanted to ask is can non crypto people or, you know, newbies in crypto the web, two people use Halo?

Getting Started with Halo

Well, basically Halo is super easy to use. It's available on PC or mobile, but for the best experience, of course you can use it on mobile so you can get access to all kinds of features. It's available iOS android as well. And we made it very user friendly and even for non crypto users, pretty frictionless onboarding process as well. You can set up your web three wallet and identity with just a few clicks, basically just like signing up an email account. And even if you are a more sophisticated users, crypto users, you can also import your wallet with your synthrase into Halo as well and start assessing all the features so no matter you are Newbay or CSun, crypto vertical, we over all the features that you need to get started from wallets, swaps, trading, social engagement, everything.

Ensuring User Data Security

Okay, so another question. I think this is one of the most critical questions that I'm going to ask. So basically, as a social fi platform, we know that data is very important, right? Because basically you guys are monetizing the user's data. So my question for you, Mister J, is how does Halo handle the user's data and what are your security measures in order to ensure that all data are safe inside your platform? I think at Halo user privacy data security, they are for sure our top priorities and rebuilding our infrastructure. Right now, you can see that there are actually three layers of structure in Halo, monetization layer and social connection layer, data collection and the data collection layer.

Safety Protocols and User Awareness

And we're still building out all the infrastructure. And we will use a decentralized identity for the users to ensure that every user have their complete ownership of the content and identity. So unlike web, two platforms right now that centralize and nor sell, they may sell the data. So we, Halo basically operates on a blockchain technology to ensure that no personal data is going to be exploit or monopolized. And we also have encryption protocols in place. So our security, we have security team to monitor any suspicious activities, like constantly. If, let's say, a profile is flagged as suspicious, a water message will appear to notify the users. Thank you very much, Sergey.

Future Developments and Community Engagement

That is, of course, reassuring for everyone who is listening because it's very important on how there are like, data breaches going all over our known web, two social media platforms like Facebook and such. So I think that is very important to know. Mister Jae, thank you so much. For enlightening us about that. So I have one last question for you, Mister J. Before we may take some questions from our community members because I actually see one person here requesting, so they may have some questions for you. So, you know, just to conclude our introduction segment, Mister J, can you share to us some of the future plans of Halo? And you know, are there any developments or updates that we can surely expect in the next coming months?

Anticipation for Upcoming Features

Sure, in the coming months it's going to be really exciting. I think a lot of our community members are already anticipating our TGE, which is going to happen in the q four this year. So very soon. And more excitingly, a massive just mentioned 30% of our total token supplies is allocated to the community airdrop. So there's going to be a big airdrop as well. And I'm not sure if I can disclose this right now, but I think it's okay. We're a little bit alpha here is that we are also planning to launch a new feature really soon, which is to allow basically users to communicate with each other more directly in a more directly approach, basically enhancing Halo into an even more complete social app.

Community Growth and Ecosystem Expansion

And I think we will launch it really soon. So just stay tuned and we're very excited for this feature as well. And of course we are going to onboard even more partnerships to expand our ecosystem as you might have, as our community members might notice that we are accelerating our pace already in the weather and pushing out new features and even partnerships as we are preparing for this dge to be a big one. And our goal is basically to make Halo the social super app for this web. Three social interactions. Yeah, basically that's it.

Engaging the Community

Thank you so much for that, Mister J. So guys, there's lots of things to look forward to at Halo, so make sure to follow them on their social media links, which we already shared of course, on the crypto arenas telegram community. So it is pinned on our chat. So once again, everything is compiled, everything is accessible for you guys in there. Make sure to join their telegram community. So drop in there and say hi and follow them on their official x account to stay updated on the regular updates about Hilo and make sure to check out their website for more additional information. Thank you very much Mister J, for the very great introduction about Hilo.

Community Interaction

Okay, so from the crowd I see one person raising their hand. I think he has been waving the entire time. And I think I'm seeing God. So let us try to unmute Godfather and let's hear his question. Hello godfather, are you there. Do you hear me? Yeah, yeah, we can hear you. Go on. Thank you for bringing me up here. My question is, how will hello social insure fear distribution of, you know, rewards among users? Users? Hello? I'm sorry, I beg your pardon?

Clarifying the Question

I can't really hear that question. Yeah, can you repeat please? Yeah yeah, sure. So how will hello social ensure fair distribution of rewards among users? So do you mean the reward distribution among users? Yeah, yeah. And how it's going to fair, how you are, you are making, it can be fair for all of us. Gotcha, gotcha.

Understanding the Halo System

I think that's why we have the seasons. So what is Halo seasons is that basically it's like a leaderboard. It's like a rankings for our users. So as we stress very importantly in our community is that the more you contribute, the more that you should earn. And this is what we believe as well. This is what we envision as well. So every interactions on the platform, let's say if you comment on a certain post or you create some content or you like the content, or you can even vote on good content as well, as long as your contribution is positive. Of course you're not spamming on anything as we have a team to monetize that as well. So as long as your contributions are positive, then that will earn you a certain XP.

Ranking and Rewards

And every season we calculate all the xps of all our users and rank them into different positions. Let's say if you are ranked top 100 or something, then for sure the rewards that you get will be bigger. And if you are ranked in the lower end of the leaderboard, and of course your rewards will be lower as well. So it's a pretty impartial system for allowing you to also encourage our users to do more content on platform, engage with more people, also output positive and valuable content to our ecosystem and that will earn you more influence and also earn you more rewards in return. So this is basically a system that we have using our leaderboard. A pretty decentralized one, I would say, as everyone has the right to tall man, as everyone has the right to like or vote for your content.

Future Vision and Goals

Thank you so much for the answer. Yeah, yeah. I have another short question. So what's your long term vision for next year? How do you project going in next year? Next year? I think what we are really focusing right now is the TGE in Q four, which is what all our community is really excited about. But for sure next year, as I just mentioned, we are building out all the infrastructure. There are three layers of infrastructure, the monetization layer, the social connection layer, and the data connection layer. What we're really working really hard is that as TGE is not the endpoint of a project, but basically to us is a milestone. It's a beginning to the next phase.

Building and Infrastructure

So it's really important for us to keep building more features, more revenue models, and this is what we are really working hard on at the moment. As we can see that the crypto space has been changing. Like, as I mentioned, I've been in the crypto like since 2018. And back then there are a lot of different kind of projects and they're not really building anything at all. And over the years, you can see they die down eventually. But, you know, as investors like us, like you guys, and we're getting smarter because we have been scammed before, obviously, and we only want to invest and we only want to support projects that are really building and contributing in this space. So we understand that.

Team and Sustainability

And unfortunately, we have a strong team as well. We have really talented developers and we've got a good leader as well, Jeff, in our project to lead us with this vision. And we believe what we're building and we believe that this is something valuable and we're building out the relayers to, with the aim to achieve a sustainable economy for this project, for this whole ecosystem. So Halo can, you know, keep going, keep processing in this crazy crypto market and have a good revenue and basically keep swiping. Yeah, man. Thank you, Jay, for answering my questions.

Community Engagement

It was, it. It was amazing. You have shared some good information about your project. I love that. I hope you get to the moon. Let's go. Thank you. Thank you. You're welcome. Okay. Thank you very much, godfather, for your very wonderful question. And do not forget, of course, to join the social media links of Kayla. Thank you so much. So let's move to another person requesting. I see Defi pizza from the crowd. Hello, defi pizza. Yeah, yep, we can hear you. Go on.

Token Governance Inquiry

Okay, my question is how do is the token governance model and how do token holder participate in the decision making process to shape the future of deposit? Sorry, do you mean how the token holders benefit from the ecosystem and share revenue from in the future? Okay, okay, sorry. I just want to make sure that I hear you well, right now I'm. Token is not released it yet. As I mentioned, the TGA will be in Q 420 24. And basically it's the same as the user on the platform right now.

Ecosystem Development

We hope that we are building this ecosystem or building this social fly platform altogether with our users. So it's basically the same thing as long as you are contributing to a platform. Of course there are different kind of utilities or token as well, you know, governance and staking, you know, auto scanning model, obviously. And, and we're also building out, you know, even more futures, even more features that allows you to, you know, if you hold a certain amount of tokens, you get, you know, for example, discount and trading and more privileges and, you know, creating a content and all that kind of stuff.

Continuous Improvement

And of course it's basically the same mechanism. The more you contribute to the ecosystem, the more you will be rewarded. As we've just mentioned, we are working really hard on our revenue model and everything. And so far with our halo influencer batch is doing quite well as we have helped quite a lot of influencers to earn some money as well. And this is a model that we think it is working well and we will continue to build it, to scale it, and to lube in even more models as well to make our platform even more vibrant.

Future Rewards

So for sure that token holders will be rewarded in the future. And for now, obviously the users who have been supporting us, our Halo membership passholder, will be rewarded in the future as well. Yeah. All right, I got my answer. Thank you. No problem. Thank you very much defi pizza for your wonderful, a wonderful question. So let's move to another person. I've unmuted someone named Boddy.

Interacting with Participants

Hello, Bodhi. Yeah, loud and clear. This x my questions. Hello, sir. Hello. Ask my question, sir. Yeah, yeah. Please, please. Okay, sir, my question. What are the activate future in your project? What are the benefit of your goals of your project and activate in remaining part 2024? Rose, my question, sir. Sorry, let me repeat that.

Future Plans and Goals

Were you asking that what are our future plans and what are our future goals for Halo? Am I right? Okay, okay. I think I just mentioned a little bit about vision ads at the beginning. Is that we believe that content creators, basically everyone, every social users actually deserve more than they currently earn as a user. Of course you earn nothing or you can earn nothing on Twitter, on YouTube, and content creator in.

Earning Fair Shares

Maybe you can earn some money indirectly, but most of the revenue just flows back to pockets of those giants. You know, TikTok, Microsoft, Google matter, you name it. And our vision is to change that. So of course this is a long term goal, right? To build the features that allows other people to be able to earn on our platform to earn their fair share that they really deserve on our platform. But in the short term, obviously our goal is Q four TGA right now and then build out our infrastructure for the three layers that I just mentioned and then with even more future features rolling out.

Platform Accessibility

And these are, you can say that these are the midterm goals. So we actually like a platform that we really aim to be able to fit into all kinds of audience. If you're a content creator, you can earn from your influence with our sophisticated system. If you are social users and instead of, you know, doom scrolling on Twitter or TikTok all day, then why don't you just be able to have fun on halo, read all the content and at the same time earn some rewards, right? Like if you're a trader, then we could basically have 40 alerts and notifications for you to, you know, read all the on chain data to make you make sure that you stay informed about your trades on the go.

Improving User Experience

It's basically like a block explorer, but more readable for you. And I think a lot, there are a lot of also maybe airdrop hunters out there, but you know, our TGE is also right there for you. So if you're, you've got a halo management pass and you're qualified and there'll be more airdrops in the future as well as we plan to, you know, collaborate with even more projects. So as they collaborate with us, we will get even more and more rewards from different communities for everyone. Right? So even if you are like new to web three, you're like a total newbie in this space then, you know, we have everything to guide you through the entire process as well as we have that built out already.

Gateway to Web Three

So we make the best gateway for people into web three. So I think, I hope this kind of answer your question said as this is what we are building and what we envision Halo will be as well. And of course our objective is to be the best social vi app in the web free space. I'm not as arrogant as to say that I want to compete with, you know, all the social jams out there like Twitter and Facebook maybe one day. We don't know. We never know.

Standing Our Ground

But I think that for now, our role for Halo is to contribute more on the web free space that we continue to deliver our features, continue to deliver our progress in order to get more users on board. So every, like every project, every, every person has their different role, right. So we're not even, room isn't built in one day. So we're just staying in our lane like really focused on building this social app platform and with all the features. And this is our goal in Halo.

Rewarding Contributions

We hope that really every user, every people, every social user will be able to be reward, earn their fair share from the contributions. I hope that answered your question. Hello buddy, are you still there?

Conclusion and Gratitude

Did that answer your question? Did you get the answer? Thank you. Thank you, sir. You're welcome. Okay, thank you so much, buddy, for your wonderful question. So let's move to another person. I'm seeing Ashley from the crowd, so. Hello, Ashley. Hello Ashley. Can you try to speak now? Yeah, we can hear you Ashley. Go on. Okay. How does the functionality of the governance model function? Does it actually give the investors the opportunity to participate in decision making of the project? Yes, it does, but that part will be a later part in our roadmap. So, but even right now, actually, even right now we have that a little bit of governance feature right now is that for every content, every piece of content, every post on Halo, you can actually vote to, I can say vote to give it a little bit more influence.

Current Governance Features

So our system is that you can like the content but also you can vote the content. Of course you can also report the content if you think that this is spam or bad content. But I, what makes us different with the current web, two social apps is that its folding system allows you to encourage the whole community to create more valuable content. So voter content will be weighted higher and they will earn even more influence and of course more xp in progress. So this is a little bit of how the governance works right now. But in the future of course we allow, you know, if you have enough tokens, if you stick into a platform then you will be able to have, it's like a staking model. Like if you stake like the Halo tokens, you get a FE token that will allows you to apply to become, if you hold certain amounts you can apply to become a note on Halo and that gets you governance floats.

Future Governance Plans

And not only that, you can vote for, you know, influence our future like what the development should be. You can raise proposals, you can vote for proposals and also at the same time you can gain a revenue share of Halo as well. So this is in the planning and this will be implement as well. Possibly next year, not possibly but pretty sure next year but in more like a second half next year and right now. But right now we are focusing on this tge and also the infrastructure and the governance will come out there. Hello, crypto arena. I thank you. Thank you so much. Ashley did that. Hello, crypto arena. Can you maybe mute here? Thank you. Thank you so much. So, hello, Ashley. Did you get the answer to your question? Yeah, I got the question to my answer. I wish you success in the project. Thank you.

Engaging with the Community

Thank you. Thank you so much, Ashley. And for our last person to ask, I've been seeing Olivia ever since, so let's unmute. Olivia? Hello, Olivia, can you try to speak now? Hello, Olivia, are you there? Hello, Olivia? Oh, we don't hear you. Olivia. Hello? Okay, I think her or his microphone is not working, so let's try to pick another one. Thank you so much, Olivia. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to drop it on the telegram community. I see web three hustler raising his hand. So let's try to give him a chance to ask. So. Hello, Wesri Hustler, can you hear us? Can you speak web three hustler? Hello? Yeah, yeah, we can hear you loud and clear. Go on.

Priorities for 2024

All right. My question is for the 2024. I would like to know your top priority for the project for 2024, like what you strategies and what you aim to really get for this year. Gotcha. Gotcha. I think our priority is always, we're pretty product driven team. I would say we value product a lot. You see, there are a lot of projects out there that focus more on marketing, focusing on hype and different kinds of things. And what we really focus is building out our products. As you can see, we wrote out basically new features every week. We also pushing even more and more partnerships every week as well. Although that the community may be asking for even more marketing activities as of course, we're doing as well.

Current Campaigns and Focus

By the way, there is a new user campaign that we are holding right now. If you're a new user, you can go to. It's on Twitter. You can go there on Twitter and find it's on Galaxy and you can participate in that campaign and gain earn 200 XP. But I think for us, it's really product driven. So what our aim or what our priorities that you're asking in 2024 is that it's to push out even more features. I think revenue model with I think more features with a sustainable revenue model is always our priority. And this is what we believe to make a really successful project. And of course, on the marketing side, that we're going to do our TGE in Q four as well, that's absolutely one of our priority.

Milestones and Developments

And this is important for us because this is a milestone for us. It's not the end, but like I said, it's like a beginning of another phase, but it's very important milestone for. So, you know, like, we really worked really hard, you know, for a year or two. Then we can finally, you know, get list on an exchange and then move to another phase. We're excited for that as well. So this would be a priority to make it big in the market as well. But back to, you know, the core of the project is that we really value the progress in product. That's why we put a lot of resources on, you know, pushing out new features and developing, making our platform better and better improvements every day.

Upcoming Features and Enhancements

You can say that this is our priority. And I just mentioned, I think on the last questions that Caitlin asked, there will be an exciting feature, like really soon. I think in a couple of weeks were able to roll it out. It's actually a little bit more like a messaging system that allows you to interact with your friends and everyone on the platform even more intimately, even more directly with additional features that you won't be able to find on web. Two web platforms. Yeah. So this is what we're focusing right now. Impressive. Impressive. I love that. I love the project and I wish you good luck in it. Thank you.

Final Remarks

Okay. Thank you very much, Wesley Huster, for your very wonderful question. And for the people who may have some questions still later on, you can always ask it over to the telegram community of Halo and also guys, for more regular updates about Halo. You know, what's next on the project. You can always follow them on their official Twitter account or x account. You can just click on Mister J right now he's using the official Twitter account and just click follow. And maybe you can turn on the notification bell as well. Thank you so much, guys, for your very wonderful questions. So thank you so much, Mister Jay, for answering and interacting with our community. So before we officially end our amy, do you have any other things that you would want to leave our community with?

Closing the Session

Like just any announcements, any messages, any closing remark will do. Yeah, I want to thank you. And also thanking crypto, Karena, crypto Arena, thanking Caitlyn. Thank you. You know, everyone joining this place also want to repeat that we're having our TG really soon, so it might be a really good time to join us. It's still early, not too late. You want a piece of that air job? You can register as our user and, you know, just contribute a little more and then you'll be eligible to min and Halo membership parts and you'll be eligible for it. And what we're building is really exciting and we believe that we are going to be really good in the coming few months.

Invitation to Engage

And yeah, don't miss out. Thank you so much. For sure. So guys, once again, the TGE, it's coming in the next few months, so make sure to stay tuned on their official Twitter account for regular updates and join the Telegram community. And also, guys, we highly recommend you to check out the website of Halo because this AMA actually did not, you know, it did not cover the entire thing about Halo. So there's still, this is like an overview. So I hope Mister J and I did our best. I hope we did great introducing to you what Hilo is all about. You know, some of the most important points about Hilo, but for you guys who may want to do your own research as well, to dig deeper about Hilo, you can always check out their website and for any questions, once again, there's a team, there's a community waiting for you guys for your questions in there as well.

Closing Appreciation

Thank you so much, Sergey. And once again, we appreciate you so much. Thank you very much. Hope we can speak once again soon. Yes, thank you. Thank you so much. And that's all for today's ama, guys. Have a very amazing day. Bye bye.

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