Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space AMA – CryptoTiTans <> ConcentricDAO hosted by CryptoTitans1. The CryptoTiTans and ConcentricDAO AMA delved into the intricacies of the crypto universe, emphasizing the importance of collaboration, networking, and community building. With insights from industry experts like Binance Live Streamer and Chain_GPT KOL, the event highlighted the significance of partnerships, interactive discussions, and knowledge sharing in driving innovation and awareness within the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Using platforms like Twitter Spaces, the session provided a dynamic environment for engaging with diverse audiences, amplifying visibility, and enriching the crypto dialogue. Overall, the AMA showcased the power of collaboration and expertise in shaping the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrencies.

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Total Listeners: 56


Q: Why are collaborations crucial in the crypto universe?
A: Collaborations foster growth, innovation, and a broader exchange of ideas within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Q: How can industry experts like Binance Live Streamer influence the crypto community?
A: Experts bring valuable insights, experience, and perspectives, shaping discussions and decisions in the crypto space.

Q: What benefits do AMA sessions bring to the crypto community?
A: AMA sessions provide platforms for knowledge sharing, networking, and community building among crypto enthusiasts.

Q: Why is audience engagement important in interactive discussions like Twitter Spaces?
A: Engagement creates an inclusive environment, encourages participation, and enhances the overall experience for participants.

Q: How do partnerships contribute to the success of crypto projects?
A: Partnerships extend reach, bring in diverse expertise, and can lead to innovative collaborations, boosting the impact of crypto initiatives.

Q: What role does social media collaboration play in promoting crypto projects?
A: Social media collaboration amplifies visibility, increases engagement, and helps projects reach broader audiences in the crypto sphere.

Q: How can networking with key figures benefit individuals in the crypto industry?
A: Networking opens avenues for new opportunities, knowledge exchange, and industry insights, facilitating personal and professional growth in the crypto sector.

Q: What impact do interactive discussions like AMA events have on the crypto ecosystem?
A: AMA events foster community building, knowledge dissemination, and strengthen connections within the crypto space, driving awareness and engagement.

Q: Why are interactive platforms like Twitter Spaces favored for crypto-related discussions?
A: Twitter Spaces enable real-time interactions, audience engagement, and provide a platform for inclusive and dynamic discussions on crypto topics.

Q: How can expert-led sessions like the AMAs enhance learning and awareness in cryptocurrencies?
A: Expert-led sessions offer in-depth insights, expertise, and diverse perspectives, contributing to a deeper understanding and awareness of various aspects of cryptocurrencies.


Time: 00:13:45
The Importance of Collaboration in the Crypto Universe Highlighting the necessity of cooperation and exploration for growth and innovation in the crypto space.

Time: 00:25:19
Expert Insights from Binance Live Streamer and Chain_GPT KOL Gaining valuable perspectives and experiences from renowned industry figures.

Time: 00:38:11
Community Building through AMAs Exploring how AMA sessions contribute to knowledge sharing and networking within the crypto community.

Time: 00:47:55
Enhancing Engagement with Twitter Spaces Discussing the benefits of interactive platforms for fostering engaging discussions in the crypto sphere.

Time: 01:02:30
Partnerships and Collaborations in Crypto Initiatives Exploring the impact of strategic partnerships in expanding reach and influence in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Time: 01:19:45
Networking for Opportunities in the Crypto Industry Understanding the significance of networking with key figures for professional growth and development in crypto.

Time: 01:35:10
Social Media Amplification for Crypto Projects Exploring how social media collaborations can enhance visibility and engagement for crypto ventures.

Time: 01:45:29
Learning and Awareness in the Crypto Ecosystem Highlighting the role of expert-led sessions in fostering learning and awareness in the diverse landscape of cryptocurrencies.

Time: 01:57:03
Inclusivity and Community Engagement in Crypto Discussions Emphasizing the importance of inclusive discussions and community engagement in shaping the crypto narrative.

Time: 02:10:15
The Power of Knowledge Sharing in Crypto Examining how sharing expertise and experiences can enrich the collective knowledge base within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

  • Collaboration and exploration within the crypto universe are vital for growth and innovation.
  • Engagement with industry experts like Binance Live Streamer and Chain_GPT KOL can offer valuable insights.
  • AMA sessions are excellent platforms for sharing knowledge and networking within the crypto community.
  • Utilizing platforms like Twitter Spaces can facilitate interactive discussions and audience engagement.
  • Partnerships and collaborations play a significant role in expanding the reach and impact of crypto initiatives.
  • Networking with key figures in the crypto space can open doors to new opportunities and perspectives.
  • Sharing expertise and experiences can enhance learning and awareness in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
  • AMA events contribute to community building and knowledge sharing in the crypto industry.
  • Utilizing social media for collaborations can amplify the influence and visibility of crypto projects.
  • In-depth discussions on crypto topics can attract diverse audiences and foster a sense of community.

Behind the Mic

Welcoming Mister Smith

All right, guys, welcome here and I would like to request Mister Smith to come and accept the speaker request. I sent you the invite ring to come and join us, please. All right. Hello, Mister Smith, how are you? Hello, Mister Smith, are you able to hear me? Hello. Hi guys, are you able to hear me? Hila, Jack, Noah, Henry. Guys, am I audible to you? Can you please make some reaction? Oh yeah, now we hear you. Hello sir, how are you today? Great, great. There we go. Sorry about the technical difficulty. Hello, good morning, good evening, how are you? I'm pretty well, what about you? Great, I'm doing great. It's nice to be here. Sorry about the technical difficulty, but I'm glad to be here. No, sure, that's fine. So I think we are good to go now. So, are you ready? Shall we start? Great. All right, perfect. So let's start this session.

Introduction to the Session

Hello everyone, and welcome today's exciting session with cryptoconsent Dao. I'm lovely and I'll be your host for today's session as we dive into this informative project that is redefining sustainable solutions for energy, food, air and water. So we are thrilled to have Mister Smith, the representative of concentric Dow, with us to explore their cutting-edge green technologies and the future they are building through their unique decentralized model. So yeah, before we get started, I would like to remind everyone that this is an interactive session, so feel free to engage by dropping your questions in the comment section as we go along. And we will also have a dedicated Q&A forward to like air and where we will cover as many of your questions as possible. So yeah, without further ado, Mister Smith, glad to have you here and please introduce about yourself and your background to our audience first.

Mister Smith's Introduction

Yes, great. Can you still hear me okay? Yeah, we hear you very well. Super. Great. Yes, thank you very much and I'm excited to be here. Thank you for the opportunity. And yes, concentric Dow is an innovative concept for us. We realize it's a relatively new approach to the cryptocurrency market. And by that, I mean that we're a bona fide bricks and mortar company that's out building green technologies. We have proven systems that solve real problems in energy, food, air and water. And we've made a decision that we're very excited about to raise capital for those efforts and also have an ability to share ownership in what we're doing with the whole world by minting a blockchain currency. And that's what the nautical stewardship coin is, and that's the basis of why we're here today. And we're excited to enter into the cryptocurrency market from a slightly different angle, and one that we believe constructs like the Ethereum blockchain were founded for, to start putting some real businesses into the blockchain, and decentralizing money and liberating money for the whole world.

Response to the Introduction

So appreciate the opportunity to be here. Thank you. All right, that's great. Thank you for that wonderful introduction, sir. And it's great to learn about you and the incredible vision behind the cryptocurrency. It's clear that this project is aiming to make a significant impact on both the environment and the global community. Could say, and I'm sure that our listener is eager to dive deeper into the innovative aspects of this project. So let's keep the conversation going. Thank you for that insightful introduction once again. So actually, it's inspiring to hear about your background and the session. The work you are doing is like. It's very great. So let's explore the strength of your project. Every successful initiative has its unique advantages. So could you please share with us what set crypto concentric Dao about and what key benefit it offers to both users and the wider community?

Mister Smith Explains the Business Model

Absolutely, and thanks for the question. And in essence, our business plan is very simple. What we are is a company that uses our fleet of proven technologies. My background is in mechanical engineering. I've been involved in solving power generation, electricity, water purification, food production, integrated to agriculture. All of these type of activities that we all rely upon every day to have energy, food, air and water to live and carry on with our communities and societies. And I've been involved in those industries for several decades and working on systems to produce electricity, clean water, food products for all of humanity. And those systems are now advanced to a level where they're patented and unique in the sense that everything we do, we're able to make things like electricity, clean water quality, food products with zero pollution. And that is the concept of being totally pollution-free is very rare and unique, and that's what sets us apart.

Financial Structure and Sustainability

And the key relative to the cryptocurrency, because those things sound like, okay, great, you're doing all this stuff. But what that amounts to is the structure of our smart contracts are such that the profits we receive from that work become dividends to coin holders. So we have real cash flows going on with these real commodities that everyone needs and uses. We generate profits by selling those into existing markets, usually at lower prices. So we reduce the cost of living as well. But also those profits then go into the company treasury and literally in our smart contracts get divided out as dividends for coin holders. So there's some real cash flows going on in real-time that eventually lead to direct monetary value for token holders. And then obviously the goal is that the token price itself would continue to escalate as well. But in that sense, it's a lot just like having stock in a company. And the key is that our technologies are very sound and solving real problems for real people. So it's profiting by doing good things, and we think that's a great incentive.

Exploring Future Goals

All right. Yeah, that's great. Thank you for that thorough explanation. Moving further, I have another very good question for you. So, yeah, so now looks ahead, and actually every project has a milestone, and we would love to hear about yours as well. So could you tell us about the key goals you are aiming to achieve this year with crypto concentric Dao and what the community can look forward to? Sure, sure, you bet. And a little background to set the stage for those goals is that three-decade history that I mentioned that we have of designing and building these kind of systems, like much of the rest of the world, through that COVID pandemic, a lot of those construction activities came to a halt at the end of last decade. And so when we restructured to kind of come back through that like the whole world is right now, we went to the direction of setting ourselves up, not just to build these plants, but to own and operate them.

Business Model and Funding

And that put essentially the burden of financing them on our business model is to engineer, finance, construct, operate and maintain these systems, or FCOM. And so part of our purpose of minting a currency and essentially taking the company public because essentially that's what the currency is stake or stock in the company. And our goal was to raise some capital and still is to use as seed money for some of the other financing we've received. We're currently in a position where we've received over $4 billion of approved financing from different channels, different debt instruments, and other major capital investments. And we're working on closing on those this year to start putting some projects in the ground and start generating some of those revenues. So the goal with the currency is partly to raise sufficient capital to close some of those other financing deals. And the exciting part is that independent of the currency, we're still doing these works anyway.

Community Projects and Global Presence

We have major funding available. The blockchain currency, the nautical coin, certainly can and will be a source of capital as well to help put those to work. But our goals this year as a real company, we essentially founded the initial decentralized autonomous organization, the DAO, last October. So it's not quite even been a full year since our restructuring. We've made great strides to get these project finance lined up, and we're excited to finally get the token launched as a means of raising some of that capital, too. But like I said, the main goal is to begin to get some projects deployed so that there's some actual revenues coming back into the company that can be dispersed as dividends to stakeholders. And the great news is that we've been well received globally. We actually have six branch offices now around the world in support of regions where we have signed contracts and agreements to go forward. So we're not just working in a vacuum.

Continuous Growth and Expansion

We really do have real projects and real bricks and mortar to go put in the ground to start to solve problems and bring in profits and the role that the currency plays wide open. This can be a great instrument to raise substantial capital, but even in lesser amounts, just to have some working funds to support our real business efforts. Every dollar will go to great use to move it directly towards building these systems, solving the world's problems, and bringing cash flow back into the company and back to stakeholders. So we're actively involved in that every day. Right now, our technologies are vetted out and proven, and we've had major investment organizations and banks and different financial entities approve what we're doing to the point offering us literally billions of dollars in capital upon our ability to follow through with some of those financing. So we're in the throes of it and we're hitting the ground running.

The Vision of Concentric DAO

Like I've said to a few of you that any of us that have talked sometimes, we're kind of a 33-year-old startup, if you will. We're, you know, a long-standing company that just restructured and we think for the better. We're excited to be on the blockchain, and thank you again for the opportunity to be here this morning. All right, that's wonderful. And thank you for sharing those exciting goals. It's great to hear about the ambitious plan crypto concentric has for this year. And I'm sure that our community is looking forward to seeing these milestones unfold and being a part of that journey. So, and, yeah, with such a clear vision for the future, there's, like, a lot of excitement about. So let's continue our dive deeper into the project story and team.

Background and Team Structure

So moving on. Yes, sir. So now let's delve into the origin of crypto. Constantrek dao. Like every project has a unique story behind its name, and we would love to hear yours. And could you tell us the inspiration behind the name? And of course, we are curious to learn about the team as well, like who are the key players behind this wonderful project and what expertise do they have to bring. Yeah, great questions there, too. And we do have an exciting origin there. And you're right, there's always a backstory to things. And, and we do, we have an amazing team that's continuing to solidify. And with that team, I want to be clear. Lots of opportunities. This whole business plan of ours will eventually have thousands of employees worldwide. So there's all kinds of opportunities.

Opportunities Available

Opportunities for people to get on board and be a part of what we're doing, both in the engineering construction side, but also in the marketing and business development. And certainly for us, one big thing is people who are savvy in the cryptocurrency space, because frankly, it's new to us. We know our approach to this is different. So we're always open to people with experience in this space, literally even creating some jobs within the company in this space to help manage the cryptocurrency aspect. And so part of that backstory, like I just described, we have some real technologies to solve these real problems. We've got several decades of building these kind of plants for clean electricity production, power generation, water treatment.

Integration and Solutions

We integrate in with aquaponic food production. And even now, recently, one big segue we've had as a sidebar is integrating data centers in with our power generation and cooling systems, because we know there's a shortage of some of the cloud computing. So we have answers even to help the world continue to build up reserves there. As some of you might be aware, there's data centers even here in the United States and around the world that just are simply unable to get the electricity they need to function, and we can directly solve that, too. So we're coming into this arena with a bunch of answers to a lot of the problems. And our backstory of how we got founded actually goes back to what might not even be a great success story, per se.

Inspiration and Future Aspirations

But those of you who tracked with it back about six, seven years ago, the country of Venezuela, which is continuing to go through some difficult challenges, minted a currency called the petrol, and it was backed by the national oil reserves in the country. And the world was concerned about Venezuela's financial position, obviously, and they're still struggling out of some challenges. But they did an interesting thing. They minted that currency and they successfully raised millions of dollars. But the point that we took the lead on was backing a cryptocurrency with real world assets, the RWA concept. And someone had asked a question that I saw yesterday regarding that we have a world that has been estimated to have trillions of dollars of these needs of infrastructure, and we have solutions to that infrastructure.

Business Model Valuation

Our business model has been independently appraised to have valuation in the trillions of dollars, five to $7 trillion of opportunities. And so we knew, and we know now that we need an efficient way to finance that. And we view the blockchain as an incredibly efficient, decentralized, free market system to allow us to freely raise that capital and deploy it. And that's why we're minting the currency and staking it as a Panama foundation and international business corporation to really make it available to the world. And our project team is amazing. Again, we come from a background of real construction and bricks and mortar. So some of our board of directors, like Matt Tallman and Rod Friesen and others within the organization, and I'll mention some others here as we talk along, also are people that have experience in business, experience in even some of these bricks and mortar technologies.

Team and Philanthropic Goals

But we have many partners and stakeholders who their main positions, like Toleda Potgieter out of South Africa, and many others of our initial founders here in the US. Our goal is to actually reach out to the world to not just solve the problems in the business construct, but actively. The business model does solve a lot of these energy, food, air and water problems. But one of our goals, through our philanthropic branch, it's called Kairos Health medicine injustice, is to continue to move in that direction and not just solve industrial issues with food production and water purification and power generation, but bring it down to a community level where we're backed by service and actually out meeting people's needs.

Community Engagement

To build communities, we include into every project some form of community centers, public outreaches for these communities. You know, if we're in there solving waste and energy problems, we want to help the community find applications for the new advantages. And so we get involved in the communities we work in. We have a history of that. And our team is essentially a team with heart. People with various business backgrounds and construction backgrounds and business management backgrounds on an international level, across Africa and the Middle East. We've had a presence for decades, and now we're solidifying it as the business itself. Doing projects in those locations and drawing it all back then to this blockchain currency as the main corporate stake in all these ventures.

Business Plans and Profit Generation

And so in that sense, we view the nautical stewardship coin and having the cryptocurrency as the most efficient way ever to have stake in a company and allow stakeholders to reap those benefits. And the exciting part is with our board of directors and team of people that include like Odongo Moses in Uganda, Shafiq Ramir and Dara Salam, we have some amazing people around the world. Sean and Marie Ferguson over in Brisbane, Australia. Mersaire Couture in Conor Cray, Guinea, you know, a whole host of people scattered around the world. Doctor Mohammed in Muscat, Oman. These are just some of our partners and stakeholders in these physical locations where we're working to deploy these projects and technologies.

Fundamentals of Success

And again, we've put legs, we put a foundation under all of these efforts. So we have real projects with real locations and business plans and pro forma to them about making an investment, building these plants, and then recouping that investment and disbursing those proceeds as profits. And our technologies typically have a 50% to 100% return on investment. So there's a great opportunity here to not just influence the world with great good, but to also do it in a way that generates huge profits and can be recycled back into that business plan in order to continue doing it. It's kind of like a domino effect. The profits from one project go back into seed, building additional projects and cultivating even more profits.

Quality of Life and Impact

And so our entire team, from both ministerial standpoints to business development standpoint to putting this whole concept together, is devoted to those total solutions. Kind of in closing to that answer is the idea that most of us realize that we need energy, food, air and water, but the reason why we need those things is to build quality of life. And we believe that has to involve not just economic or ecological and environmental solutions, but also social and spiritual ones. So we're really devoted to quality of life. And our board and our team all have that in common, to not just make money and have a successful business, but go out and impact the world positively and what concentric Dow represents as a way to make a great positive impact and at the same time create great cash flows and wealth with a purpose.

Pride in the Team

And so that's kind of the heart of the company and the heart of the people, and I'm proud of every one of them. It's been a, we're in the midst of a really fascinating, like I said, a 33-year-old startup.

Introduction to the Blockchain Space

We're just kind of regrouping and we think we're in the right space. You know, ten years ago, 15 years ago, we didn't really have an option to have a. A blockchain currency, and we're grateful that we do now. And we think it's an amazing construct and we're happy to be here and we think that we've got a cause worth believing in and being a part of, and we're happy to share it with the world. And it's a fun team we're building. It's a fast moving train, and there's definitely seats available, but we're moving. So that's just part of the segue. I'm very grateful for our team, for everyone there, and I apologize. Any names I didn't yet mention? But thank you also token minds for helping us, you know, gain some traction within the industry. We're kind of, we're definitely newbies into this space, so we're just excited to have the opportunity to be here and help, you know, champion things like this and carry this whole industry forward.

Belief in the Future

We definitely believe this is the future, not just of money, but the future of commerce for the whole world. And that's. We're glad to be here. So thank you. That's wonderful. Thank you so much for sharing the story behind the cryptocurrency Dao and introducing us to the incredible team behind it. It's amazing to see, like, how the, how the name reflects the project mission and how the expertise of your team is driving it forward. So, yeah, thanks for that answer. And that's nice. That was it from the introductory parts, could say it's time to start another segment. So in this segment, our company, our community member, already posted their data or their query on our x handles. So we selected some of the best question for you. So, yeah, this is. See, yeah. So let's see, like, what they ask.

Addressing Global Challenges

Okay, so, yeah, one of our member asked you that. That concentric Dow clean tech system like vertical farming and advanced waste energy technology sounds like a powerful tools for addressing global challenges. So could you explain how the project plans to leverage these technology to combat food security and energy poverty, especially like in region where these issues are most critical? Yeah, I'm glad to. And you just hit the nail on the head that one of the questions that some of our founders brought in and that we ask every day is very simple, but it's profound. It says, what if people aren't really the problem, but poverty is? You know, think about it. Think about all the things that people do every day because they're poor, they're in poverty, or they're fighting pollution, you know, they're just kind of eking out their existence. So it's very difficult to plan ahead.

Technological Integration for Solutions

There's people who've even said, some of the environmental challenges we face are from and in locations and regions with people who really don't have the time or resources to do much about it. You know, if you think about it, some of these issues with shortages and a lack, we all know that there's an abundance of food in some locations, but how do we get it to the people, and how do we get it to the end users, and how do we make pure water in places where it's foul water, where there's pollutions? There's all these challenges. And so, for us, our technologies aren't just waste to energy, but that's a core part of it. But we start out just with everyday fuels, including coal, oil and gas, garbage, sewage, livestock manures, woody biomass, energy crops, bamboo, etcetera, all sorts of different fuel parameters and fuel provisions. And what we've done is relied on our background of using those fuels for power generation.

Power Generation and Clean Technologies

We're basically at the very beginning a power plant, engineering and construction firm. And what we've done over decades is continued to push the envelope of the most clean and efficient technologies. Going back to the early 1990s, were involved in award winning projects that progressively made cleaner electricity every step of the way to the point now we have zero emission systems. We capture all flue gases. There's no pollution at all. And the exciting part is what we did over time. It was actually an article by Kimble Musk, Elons brother, who's heavily involved in the food industry. He had done some great work in aquaponics, which those of you who aren't familiar is basically using a system where the fish in the water system, their waste becomes fertilizer for the plants, and then the plants use that fertilizer and oxygenate the surrounding air to help with the whole environment.

Aquaponics and Energy Solutions

And it's an incredible process where you literally can get 50 times more produce production using 95% less land and water. It's an amazing food production sector, definitely part of the world's future solutions. But the challenges that Kimble Musk and others have talked about is you need electricity and you need heat, typically sometimes cooling, to maintain the water temperatures in those systems. So the aquaponic leaders who've been doing this have said, hey, there's energy issues involved here that make it challenging. Well, we looked at that decades ago and said, wait a minute, we're a power plant with energy going on. Why don't we park an aquaponics system on the back end of our power plant, and we'll be low cost food producer? And that's essentially what it is. It's just integrating power generation and agriculture in a way that's actually quite simple.

Energy Management and Water Purification

All we're doing is providing electricity and heater cooling to maintain the optimum conditions for the fish and the plants. And it's easy for us to do because we're part of, we're a power plant with those energy systems. And then the fun part, like I alluded to earlier, not only that, with real, you know, food production, and we also use that, some of the energy there to purify the water just through distillation of it. Some of our purification systems are that simple. We're just boiling water to purify it because we have the heat source to do that. So it's just really simple thermodynamics. But it's a matter of an energy balance that we've excelled at. And the part I mentioned earlier is we took the same approach. We were actually approached by a data center company saying, hey, we need some power generation for our data centers.

Innovative Integration Strategies

Can we park our data center at the back end of your power plants? Well, absolutely, they can. We have the electricity, we have the heat and cooling to help those systems operate. So the key is integration. And there's a term called, or some are familiar with the term being a polymath. And what that means is you integrate several disciplines. And so for us, it's energy, food, air and water. See, most people don't. You associate power plants with air pollution. You associate agriculture with water runoff and water pollution. And all these industries fighting each other, we come in and say, no, they can all be integrated. Air and water really are cleaner coming out of our systems than they are coming in. And that changes everything. And that's part of that whole model that we're pushing the envelope of.

Technologies and Blockchain Integration

But in the exciting part, back to the cryptocurrency, see, is that all of those technologies I described, we already do that. We know how to do that stuff. There's no research and development and cryptocurrency, the stakeholders, for you to buy NSC and be a stakeholder, you don't need to understand all those things. We have a training institute we're rapidly bringing up, and thanks in many parts to many of our stakeholders who are expanding that into our educational community where we're training people not just about our technologies, but even about the application of the blockchain and how to optimize that. It's an entire network that's growing and building, but that's our message. We have the real problems to real challenges like poverty and pollution, hunger and dehydration, disease and climate.

Addressing Societal Issues with Blockchain

We're pushing back to turn all those adversities into advantages, and we have the real science to do it. And we think this blockchain currency construct is the right optimum financial structure to let us do that. We think it's efficient enough to keep up with these great needs and that's why we're excited to be part of this space. And again, there's elements of that backstory. But we watched this blockchain currency evolve. And some of you may be familiar. Our initial segue into it started about eight years ago when we wrote up what some may be familiar. I think the construct's still around, but a safe or a simple agreement for future tokens that's that construct Venezuela used.

Evolution of Blockchain Concepts

Well, as were working on that, Vitalik Buterin, Gavin Wood and those guys were building the Ethereum blockchain as a more efficient model than just the centralized concepts of bitcoin. And I think what they did was a brilliant construct. And so I remember the call Nicholas Stein, whos our chief digital officer involved in some of these aspects, called me up one day and said, hey, you don't need a saf. There's a thing called a dao. And that was our introduction just a few years ago to the decentralized autonomous organization. And it's a perfect fit and we're excited to be there. We think it's a great construct. Our original founding company. Just a little background on everybody. Just while I have the time and space here, we actually have minted two currencies.

Navigating Regulatory Challenges

We started in our Wyoming corporation, which is a Dow in the United States, but one reason and token mines came to us and said to navigate through this changing dynamic of the securities Exchange Commission in America, because they came to us and said your token is a security because it's backed by real commodities. And so we're navigating through that here in the US. But we actually do have an initial coin that's still in place and that Dow is very successful. It's been apostleized in a couple different nations and it's the main US branch of our entire organization. We're excited about the Panama branch that now has its own token to be more freely traded. But in the long run, we're even looking at minting on the Dubai multi commodity center.

Future Aspirations for Currency Minting

We think that's a great fit for our combination of cryptocurrency plus a real bricks and mortar company and then trading those commodities. So these are all just part of the progressions and how it relates back to the currency is that it's an opportunity to have stake in the company, to provide seed money to the company and then get those dividend profits out. So it's all related. And we think that the Dow and the currency itself are elemental to this, that it represents the future of money and we think we represent the future of energy, food, air and water. So it's a perfect fit. So again, a lot of background information there, but I appreciate the chance to respond that way.

Community Engagement and Opportunities

We think we're in the right place and excited to be part of this whole culture here. All right, that's wonderful. Thank you for that thorough explanation. It's inspiring to see like how concentric Dow clean tax system are not only innovative but also have the potential to like make a real difference in addressing critical issues like food insecurity and energy poverty. So yeah, let's dive further into like how these initiative are being implemented on a global scale or talk about, talk more about the project. So yeah, Mister Smith, you know like marketing and capital are essential for any project success. Without the right strategy and resources, even the like best project can struggle to thrive.

Marketing Strategies for Success

So could you share with us how concentric drop plan to ensure it has marketing strength and capital infusion necessary to push this project to the top and sustain its long term growth? Yeah, and then you hit the nail on the head. That's really kind of our last piece of the puzzle and the exciting part to be working on. Like I said, we came in just a few years ago in the wake of COVID issues. Kind of depleted financially, literally, I mean, and we're not alone in that. We know that happened with a lot of companies in the world. Certainly anyone involved in construction trades kind of came to a screeching halt. And so again, we looked at that and rather than just focus on all that went wrong, we said how can we re emerge from this with great advantage?

Capital Raising Challenges

And so you hit the nail on the head. That is part of our challenge is raising enough capital to even close on the finance offers we have. The exciting part is that we're in the market. We've been offered major financing and that capitalization of even just raising, whether it's angel investor money, venture capital money. One reason were excited about the blockchain currency is that rather than just people making a venture capital investment for some portion of our company, this gives them an instrument to just literally invest in and be secured in their ownership position. And so the token itself is very important for us to at least gain some traction. And while I'm talking about it, I do want to just throw out a couple concepts of numbers on our currency.

Market Valuation Insights

And this relates to our marketing and what we're trying to do, reaching out right now, even into the crypto community, by me being here to explain this. But I want to be real clear, and this is what's really exciting for us. And this is an important distinction from a marketing and capital standpoint. The exciting part for us is that the cryptocurrency itself isn't required for us to go do what we do in our real work. We have financing sources to go build these projects and solve these problems. And so the currency itself isn't our business, it's the monetization, it's the stake in our business. And so what I mean getting down to it is if our token, say it even came to a position where it was worth a thousandth of a cent, just a very low number across the board, we minted.

Financial Projections and Outlook

I studied Vitalik Buterins comments on scarcity, and what we've done is minted 1.852 billion tokens. And the rationale is to if our market valuation for the company, and it is in say the five to $7 trillion range, that would put our currency value per token in the thousands, several thousand dollars times a billion dollars is in the trillion dollar range. So there's no real sticker shock. We all see bitcoin in the 60 70,000, even ethers, what, two 3000 in that range. So if we're to have a token that's in the hundreds to thousands of dollars range, it's a reasonable price, but it's commensurate with the value of our marketplace. So that's where we're headed, and we believe the market. And as we get out and roll these projects out, and people see the dividends and the expansion, it will get there, the exciting part, and people need to realize this.

Funding Mechanisms and Project Financing

Even in the fractions of a cent roll, we could still raise hundreds of thousands and even low millions of dollars, and we're in a spot where we have billions of dollars of financing approved for projects. To trigger those projects. We just need a few hundreds of thousands of dollars, sometimes tens of thousands. So our token raise, by definition of maybe the crypto space, could be even marginal or lackluster, and yet a few tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars of capital raised is monumental because we put that into the depositor earnest money position on some of our major financing to go build the real plants, to generate real profits by solving problems. And all of a sudden the currency itself is going to escalate too.

The Interconnectedness of Currency and Business

So I'm describing that. Hopefully that makes sense that regardless of where the token price is out, we have an active moving business. And so even in a small price level, those funds are going to be instrumental in driving this entire organization forward because we can parlay even some funds raised by the cryptocurrency into some financial mechanisms that release billions of dollars in project finance to us to go build these and roll them out. So we've put the blockchain currency as this efficient capital raising mechanism into an efficient business model as well. And so from the marketing standpoint, again, I'm just going to cut right to the chase on that. We're open to anybody in the blockchain space.

Community Participation Invitation

You want to join our community and even write yourself a ticket for a job and helping to promote this token. This is the brave new world. We realize this is a new construct. We're, to our best of our knowledge, we're still the only company in the world that really has a currency that's directly backed not just by promoting green technology, but by real green tech patents and systems that can go in and get built generating those revenues and profits. And we know it's a unique construct. We think there's going to be many businesses like this in the future. Vitalik Buterin wrote about it in his book proof of stake. If you haven't read that, I strongly encourage you to get a copy. It's a great manifesto by him and you know, we're trying to be a part of that whole movement.

Importance of Financial Contributions

And so yeah, every cent counts in this endeavor because we have direct use for those proceeds and all of that's been set up, it's all ready to go. And so the timing is excellent and we're glad to be here. Every dollar is going to make a huge difference right now and we're excited to have it tied to a universal utility coin, if you will, a token that's going to be sellable all around the world in an efficient manner as we roll this out. So thank you to anyone who's considering that. And please get in touch with us to look at opportunities. We're wide open to ways to do this better.

Collaborative Opportunities

And that's why we appreciate token mine's giving us an opportunity to even get into this space with some purpose behind it instead of just guessing out there. So we're always open to other folks playing a role there. And literally you can kind of write your own ticket with this company. We've got a lot of jobs that are jobs that haven't been in existence before. And some of you listening and other people that might not even know who concentric is today, there's opportunities there for you to be a part of this movement going forward.

Closure and Invitation for Engagement

It's a great question. Thank you. All right. Thank you so much, sir, for that answer. Also listener, if you want to know more about the project, please check out their documentation, kinds of white paper or website said you will get like more comprehensive detail over there. Alright. And looking ahead, what key milestone or future development can be. Actually already answered this question. One of our member asked you this question, so let's skip this and moving on to another question. Okay.

Discussion on Real World Asset Market Growth

Okay. So one of our member asked you that the like, okay. Wait a second. Actually he asked got half question, so I have to. Okay, yeah. Okay. He's asking that the, as the real world as is RWA market is projected to expand significantly, reaching an estimated 16 trillion by 2030. Long term sustainability and scalability become like crucial for platforms like concentric Dao. So could you share like how concentric Dow is preparing to scale and sustain its growth in this expanding market and what strategies are in place to capitalize on these future opportunities? Yeah, that's a great question. I remember seeing that one. It's brilliantly put together because it's really about real world assets. And again, I referred a moment ago to Vitalik Buterin's book, proof of stake. One thing he indicated was that what we have to really do within the blockchain space is bring some real businesses in, bring some companies with real world assets. And I believe one serendipitous benefit of what we're trying to do is it's going to bring some people from the traditional finance space, from Wall street, if you will, to realize the blockchain is just an efficient and more independent and free version of money.

Connecting Traditional Finance with RWA

But tying it to real world assets is the bridge, because that's a language that not only does Wall street understand, but more importantly, it's what the world needs. And so in that question, the RWA real world assets have, say, 16 trillion. That's the projection on a global basis where we're at essentially even right now, if you really look at it, there's about a $16 trillion global business that involves energy, food, air and water. Essentially, it's meeting mankind's needs. And the overall, if you expand that out into different infrastructure and everything, the number is even bigger. But essentially, just at its raw level, the generation of electricity, some food cultivation, cleaning up water, and then air pollution control, all those different things. And for us, it's not just air pollution control. It's taking flue gases and making useful products from them. I mean, carbon dioxide, the emission culprit, is really a driver for photosynthesis. So we just even use that. But the important part is that we, as concentric industries, twelve years ago, we had independent analysts, accounting firms assess our market potential of the technologies we have then.

Market Potential and Strategic Planning

Like I said before, in the five to $7 trillion range. Realistically, we've even added to that now with a couple of advance patents, some things that aren't even really part of our core offering yet. We have a host of things we're advancing on, too. So we've already kind of, we see this five to $7 billion rollout of our technologies as part of our core business plan, and we're already moving on in our planning stages to deploy other technologies behind it. And in that sense, concentric Dao is like a blockchain of natural science technologies. It just insert the best one in there and use it. If a better technology comes around, we'll take that in place. That's how we built up our patents. So we currently, right now, are out in the marketplace negotiating contracts for a big chunk. We currently, right now, to give you a scale of the numbers and why this real world asset question matters, we have in place right now some form of negotiated agreements and advanced dialogue to pull deals together and really funding is the equation we're resolving now.

Addressing Major Financial Projects and Opportunities

But for projects that are right in the neighborhood of half a trillion dollars, and that's just in the last ten months of our renaissance and our restructuring as a new company this past year. And those numbers sound giant to people. And I appreciate the question from this person with the RWA, because most people might not be involved in these big heavy industries, but those big heavy industries are still here, and they're needed. They're crucial. They're vital. So don't be confused to think concentric is this really complicated company with all these special green technologies we are that we bring real bricks and mortar solutions to solve these problems. But at the end of the day, or the beginning of the day, any way you want to look at it, we're just the next emerging, even though proven technologies. But in a business construct the way to meet these needs, the way to effectively serve this $16 trillion real world asset market. And we're well on our way.

Financial Returns and Sustainable Solutions

Like I said, we've got, I mean, if we did no other project marketing from our end out in the world, picking up new projects for power generation or food production, we're sitting on a half a trillion dollars of work right now that's ready to deploy. And the blockchain currency, our nautical stewardship coin, is certainly going to be part of the financial infusion to go put those projects together. And again, I want to emphasize really clearly, when we say put in a trillion dollars worth of operating assets, our nominal return on investment is going to be in the neighborhood of four to $500 billion a year of operating net operating income. And what I mean by that is that every one of our projects typically has a one to three year payback, a 30% to 90% return on investment. So this isnt just money were raising to just go have money and spread around. Its being put to use to generate huge profits while solving those problems.

Maximizing Profits and Community Engagement

So it doesnt take long to say, lets do say we only did $3 trillion out of that 16 trillion, and we get up to that level and we have basically a trillion dollars a year of net operating income, much of which can come back as dividends to the tokens. But the shareholders in our smart contract can vote to put that money back into additional projects to generate more cash flows, solve more problems. So for us, it's not just a real world asset figure of $16 trillion worth of work, it's trillions of dollars worth of work that we can do cleaner and more efficiently than the human race has ever done and generate amazing cash flows from it. As Buckminster Fuller said, the late famous architect and innovator said that if you really want to change a paradigm, don't just of improve on it, make the old one obsolete. And that's our message, is that the jobs versus environment debate, or the economy versus ecology struggle.

Innovative Solutions to Global Challenges

It's obsolete with concentric effective immediately, because we are cleaner and more profitable at the same time. So we're looking at that huge need in the world. You can read about it, the water shortages, the pollution problems, even the issue of food production for the world, there's great concerns over how are we going to have enough food to serve humanity. Well, with the concentric business model, we've got a way to do it. Like I said, the Aquaponics systems, 50 times more food using 95% less land and water, put that model across whole world. And all of a sudden, the great food requirements become food supply opportunities. And again, these are all totally pollution free systems with no water or air pollution at all. So the real world asset segue, that's our bread and butter. And we realize that's unique for a cryptocurrency. But there is a connection, the digital decentralized finance market.

Linking Cryptocurrency with Real-World Applications

And some of you are familiar defi is the term there, but you're also familiar with DPIN, the decentralized physical infrastructure networks. That's what we are. We are the paragon of DPin, because we're sending out decentralized physical assets to solve real world problems. And then all of that draws back to the blockchain currency, and that's. It's all integrated now. It's efficient money with efficient technology. And so, great question, and definitely right at the heart of what we're bringing to this. And excited to have a blockchain currency, part of that financial construct to go meet these needs. Thank you for that question. All right. Thank you so much, sir, for these concise. And. And that was it from the tutorial segment.

Live Segment Introduction

Hope I completely member got your answer. Moving on. Now it's time to start our live segment. In the segment, I will meet some of our listener, and they will ask you the question. So I see the. Yeah, so I see the first speaker. Olivia, go ahead and ask a question, please. Yes. Good morning. Morning. How are you today? I am fine. Good. How can I help you? Yes. Can you tell us some of the latest achievements made by the project? Okay, I'm sorry, I didn't quite understand that. Can you say that again? Maybe she's asking, like, can you tell some of the achievement that the project made so far? Sure, sure. You bet.

Achievements and Future Plans

And stop me if I go into a different side, because when I hear the word achievement and what we're trying to do again for us, it kind of ties back to that diplomatic of the technologies. And again, it's a blockchain currency backed by real world green tech solutions and green tech engineering patented systems. So the initial achievement that we bring into the mix here is that we're a long standing company that has experience doing these technologies. Our zero pollution production of energy, food, air and water systems, the 22 patents that we have, those aren't theory. Those are real achievements and things we brought to the table. And so we have this business construct that's ready to roll upon financial investment into these projects, and so into the company and then into the projects. So as far. Far as an achievement this is why this time is so critical.

Navigating Regulatory Challenges

From the vantage point in the crypto space, we're just now getting ready to mint and launch the first real liquid token. Because again, like I alluded to up in Wyoming, that token exists. It's all there. But we're navigating some of the SEC issues with the United States down in Panama. The achievement we're looking for is to try to raise some capital and get it minted there. And frankly, it was even some capital required to go through that. One of the exciting things, it doesn't cost millions of dollars to mint a currency and go into the Ethereum blockchain like minting a stock on Wall street. But the achievement, if I bring anything, and we're definitely in process of it, and it's one that has a lot of work left, but it's just getting that token where it can be liquidated and sold.

Technological Advancement and Collaborative Efforts

And we've done that. We use the. We're kind of neophytes in the blockchain and some of the digital space, but we've used the Aragon second layer program to put the smart contracts together and get the logic of that in place. So from that vantage point, we've achieved a lot to mint the currency and put the business constructs together. Now it's going to be Wyoming and Panama. And like I alluded to, we. We actually have a real world business partnership in Muscat, Oman. The Muscat concentric alliance, and billions of dollars worth of projects, you know, real world asset projects tied to that.

International Expansions and Future Goals

And I bring that up though, because we are looking at also minting later on the Dubai exchange. So as far as an achievement goes, we're still kind of the one company that stepped out of the real world asset space and said we're going to transfer all that into a digital currency for ease of use. So as far as an achievement, we're here, from my vantage point on a scale of one to 100, and we're maybe at number one out of 100, we're just getting started as our segue into the blockchain world. But again, we bring all this stability of building these real projects over the last decades and contracts to go build them in other places.

Convergence of Technologies and Cryptocurrency

So when I say some of you may have seen one of our flyers, we call it the great convergence of decentralized finance defi with our high efficiency natural science or his side, and I call that the great convergence of like Ethereum and concentric. Well, the concentric side of us having those real technologies that's already in place and we've easily melded that into the cryptocurrency as the stock in our company. And then the Ethereum sides obviously in place too. Theres certainly thousands of great tokens and cryptocurrencies being moved along that blockchain. So for us its an inevitable convergence thats already started, but from an achievement level theres much more to be done.

The Path Forward

But the key is were on the board, were in the game, were registered, were duly filed. We have, we're in good standing across the board, both in our corporate position as well as in the blockchain space. We've done everything legally and properly. And so all of that, like the table's now been set, we're beyond just an idea or a theory. We've got real sciences to solve real problems, real contracts in place to get back to work. And the blockchain currency, our nautical stewardship coin, the NSC, is in place and its launch is imminent. And hopefully I've kind of answered that question that we've achieved a lot to be where we are, but I'm the kind of person always looking forward and there's a lot to be done and in that there's opportunities.

Investment Opportunities and Community Building

Like I said, I truly believe, I mean, this is my sales pitch to some extent. I mean, if you just look at the valuation, our currency, we've had some pre sale and other things related to our genesis block stakeholders, but we've been moving it at fractions of a cent. I know it's going to be worth substantially more than that. So it's still an opportunity now for even folks listening now to get in. To me, it's not just getting in on the ground floor, because if a deal is a good deal, it's always going to be a good deal. If it's a deal, you know, why not get in sooner? So part of that achievement that we've done is we're getting to a point where the door is going to be open here for outside people to invest and become part of our community.

Invitation to Participation and Future Developments

So just being here is the achievement. But there's a lot of work left and we can use some help and anybody can join in with the community. So, you know, again, we're in the right space. I'm fully convinced that we're totally thrilled to be part of the Ethereum community and look forward to earning everyone's trust and respect as we roll out with this plan. And like I said, the big achievement is what we've done for 30 years. It's easy to discount that, but we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the last three decades to perfect these technologies and build them. We've built hundreds of projects using all this.

Highlighting Real Achievements and Future Ambitions

It's not theory. And so that's a big achievement on its own. And we're just trying to get the blockchain currency system to catch up with that. And we're excited for that to happen. Thank you for the question. Thank you, sir. Okay. Thank you for the question. Olivia, moving on next. Henry, go ahead.

Engagement with Participants

Can I hear me? Yes. Yes. Hello. Can I ask my question, please? My question is, can you share your current roadmap? What are some of the major milestone of your roadmap? You bet. Yeah. Thank you for the question about major milestones for the roadmap. Again, ill kind of answer that from both sides, both the real world asset and then in the blockchain space. Ive already talked a lot on the real world asset, and so ill be real brief, but we have contracts and finance offers on the table that were negotiating to close on to bring in somewhat traditional, but even advanced long term low interest financing and some other finance construction.

Financing and Project Details

We're talking in the projects ranging from $100 million to $500 million. That's the level of finance we're dealing with. The roadmap and milestones into the crypto side, first off, was going back to last fall, was minting the currency and getting a registered smart contract, which we did in Wyoming. And all of that's in great standing. Like I said, we just hit that little bit of a trip that the SEC regulations over securities is still in limbo in the US. So we just made a shift, thanks token mines, when Rob and Stefano first contacted us to say, hey, Panama's got some better free opportunities for you guys.

Milestones in Cryptocurrency and Future Directions

Go roll your business out. So that became kind of the second stage of that milestone to get minted and in the game. We're almost done with that. I think we're a matter of days away here from getting the final approvals from the Panama government for our foundation, plus International Business Corporation. Those of you who aren't familiar there, if you do any currency launches through Panama, which has great free trade access. The panamanian government has an amazing business construct where you form a protective foundation around your organization for us, that's guarding our intellectual property, and then you form an international business corporation on top of it, which then is free to market and promote the tokens, the business, everything else.

Legal and Structural Framework for Success

And it's a great protective structure. We've done that. That's a major milestone. So now the roadmap, and this is the great question for us, is how to escalate the value of the token. So again, one way is by deploying our real projects with our other finance models to start to produce dividends to show up into those tokens.

Token Launch Plans

But the other is getting out to launch the token and get it on the exchanges and that sort of thing. And that's happening literally in the next, you know, between the Panama final approvals and getting out on minting on the blockchain in, I say like the next three to 30 days. You know, it's basically happening right now. We're wrapping those things up as we speak and getting out there. So our next major milestone is to literally be liquid in the space and we're going to be working with a launch pad that we haven't yet finally decided upon. But their role will be to help us navigate that pathway into the best way to get the token in a good marketable and sales position. And so as far as that roadmap goes, again, we're not really the experts in the blockchain space. We welcome anyone who is and we've certainly retained token minds as know our lead consultants in that whole effort.

Understanding Tokenomics and Business

But you know, that's where we're at is then, you know, how do we deal with the tokenomics and the marketing strategies and the pre-sales and the launch pads and all these things? We're kind of new to that and we're kind of relying on some of the people in that space, but those are our immediate next steps. And then again, we've got a real bonafide business on the outside that's going to be building these projects. And we know that as those dividends become available, seriously think about it. If you have a token, say an NSC that's going to get, say it's just $100 a year of dividends on a token and you own one token. Well, if you're going to get $100 a year just year after year and that's just a minimal number I'm throwing out there, wouldn't the token itself be worth at least a penny? So it's like, in other words, we're obviously more than that if you're earning those kind of dividends. My point is that we're simultaneously building up the real business while we make the token available.

Future Visibility and Expectations

And like I said, we know that there's some subtleties and nuances and kind of craft, so to speak, of how to optimize a coin launch. And we're brand new in this space and always open to any input from any people of how to optimize it. But again, the key is we're there, and that's been a major milestone. Getting back to that achievement question, too. We're proud of where we are and what we've gone through to get where we are. And we're super thrilled to be part of the blockchain community because we think it is the future of money. And so there's, again, a lot of work ahead, but there is a path that's laid out and we're definitely on it. So, yeah, thank you for that question.

Community Engagement and Input

And we're still in a spot. If anybody who's out there has ideas about better ways to market or promote this, that map and the legend for it, we're still writing it. I've seen, again, that flyer about the convergence of Ethereum and concentric kind of shows two rivers converging into one river. Well, we're mapping that legend right now. That's what's so awesome about the cryptocurrency space. Everybody who's listening, folks, we get to create the future. We get to rewrite the rulebook. We get to go to the world and say, you know what? There's people starving, there's dying, there's landfills that are killing people. We've got problems everywhere. But you know what? We get to go fix it.

Collaboration and Global Impact

We get to go band together around the world and say we've got answers to the problems. And I think that this blockchain space is an amazing position for all of us to be in to work together on that. And we're really grateful to be here. Thank you for that. Great question. All right, Henry, hope you got your answer, buddy. Thank you for the question. Okay, great answer. Yeah. So last speaker of today's space is crypto baby. Go ahead and ask her out, please.

Operational Efficiency in DAOs

Thank you very much for bringing me on. Lovely. So I just have a very simple question for concentric Dao. So I'd like to know, as a decentralized, autonomous organization, how does concentric maintain operational efficiency and decision making across a global network of stakeholders? And also, how do token holders contribute to driven your business decision and strategies? Thank you. Yeah, great question. Thank you. And that's the heart of the DAo, right, is how do you have a company, a DAo, a decentralized, autonomous organization that is on these nodes around a global network doing these great works? How do you tie it all together? How do you manage that? And there's two distinct ways we're looking at it.

Decentralization in Technology and Operations

Again, it's the convergence of the bricks and mortar real world asset side and then in the blockchain space. And so again, I'll tie those two together. For us. Again, this is more the real world asset side. There's a company out there called AE's. It originally stood for applied energy systems, and now it's just the initials. They're still the largest power company in the world. And I knew their founders, Dennis Bakke and Roger Sant, back in the 1980s. And they essentially did it by building a decentralized business model where they owned power plants all around the world. And they delegate their trained staff to run those systems as independent autonomous business operations. And they've been very successful.

Application of Technologies and Decentralization

We essentially as concentric from the beginning, even when we were a construction firm, only engineering construction, taking that decentralized approach. And definitely now, as we own and operate these plants, we're going to have facilities real hard, you know, asset power plants, water treatment facilities, aquaponic plants, you know, on acres of land, you know, doing these things all around the world. From a real world asset standpoint, we've structured ourselves to do that. Our technologies are repeatable, they're modular, they're large scale, field directed. You know, building a power plant, they're not something you go into the store and buy off the shelf, but the parts that we use to build our plants are off the shelf from major manufacturers.

Building a Global Network

And so we've got that part streamlined in. And again, that's reflected by the fact that we have major financing approved for projects on multiple continents already in this branch office setup. So while we're still trying to close on major capitalization, the people involved in our company worldwide, they see, and I believe our whole team would agree, that while we're raising the capital, we're still building this great network that's decentralized, where we're going to have projects in all these locations. Back to the Dow now. And why it's a perfect fit for concentric, because, see, our technologies themselves are decentralized. They're meant to be. We can do a waste to energy system and clean up the landfill in Kampala, Uganda, in Nairobi, Kenya, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and do the same exact thing up in the Middle East and in Jakarta, Indonesia, and down in Queensland, Australia, and up in Manila, Philippines, all around the world.

Implementing Decentralized Solutions

It's the same technology solving the same problem. So we can decentralize that by just saying, let's go deploy the same technology in the same locations, and it becomes a modular type of setup. We designed our patented systems to do that. The Dow is a perfect fit because within our smart contracts, the voting mechanism, and again, we've got it built into the logic, the smart contracts is essentially of every token holder gets a proportionate voting percentage, and it will go up to vote on bringing in new projects and what to do with those profits. Do we kick them back out as a dividend to the stakeholders, or do we reinvest and everyone will get a chance to vote on those things?

Decision Making and Governance

And there's a vote mechanism that's very simple and autonomously, everyone can vote and make decisions on that, about where those proceeds go. So by handing the business ownership essentially to the world, giving them a chance to vote on not only where and when the projects, we deploy the actual bricks and mortar real world assets, but also having to say of what dividends they get back. And in that sense, that decentralized operation is kind of built into the smart contracts. And it's a great thing. It's some of you, if you probably know more than I've even, you know, you've forgotten more than I know about some of the smart contract technology. But for any and some of you out there are probably programmers.

The Importance of Transparency

And what I say here might seem naive or what have you. I'm an old guy. I learned on Turbo Pascal, and before C was even invented, way before Java, and I'm a PLC programmer, programmable logic controller for industrial controls. But if any of you've looked into it, solidity, the language that they formed for the blockchain and ethereum, what Vitalik and Gavin did on that, is if you get into the nitty gritty on solidity, you'll see it's a very simplified version of what the original Pascal C Java, you know, any of these object-oriented languages, it's just a real efficient way to keep track of data sets. And that's exactly what the blockchain currency world needed and why it's so efficient.

Building Community and Financial Equity

So for us, we're just kind of following that trend to say, let's make it where we have an organization where people can vote on what happens to the monies, where it gets allocated, and we think it'll always be some balance. The community will say, yeah, let's take some out as dividends. And then I go reinvest others into continuing projects and increasing profitability. And the Dow gives us a way where people can vote and keep track of that in real-time. And again, we're in a brave new world there. The Dow construct is what we can hit this offline. I know everyone's maybe on mute or what have you, but what, five, seven years old, less than a decade, right?

Navigating the Evolution of the DAO

I think Buterin wrote kind of his initial stage of the white paper for Ethereum. And was it 2015? I think so. We're still technically not even a decade old. So the question you asked about how to manage that on the Dow, some of the answer is however we want. We're looking to kind of recreate that future. But we see, at least in principle, the concept of having the blockchain, which says there's this one transaction record that's immutable. I mean, that's the core of the security behind cryptocurrency is that you have simple, transparent record keeping, which is the brilliance of the blockchain construct.

Our Vision of Transparency and Efficacy

This gives us a platform to continue to build that transparency because that's what we want to going all the way back. This will kind of wrap up the answer to that question with this. That from us as a major business doing the real world asset deployment all the way to our cryptocurrency, all we want is transparency. Here's the deal, folks. If you know what we know about concentric industries and what we can offer to the world, you would want to own it you'd say, I want in on that. Our whole mode of operation, everyone who investigates concentric industries and even our Dow will come away saying, I want to be a part of that because it’s a good result for everybody from every vantage point.

Creating a Transparent Future

So we view the DAO itself at its base level as a great construct to build that transparency and having that network. So how that out? We're still kind of writing the rules for it. And the man who asked that question, welcome to the team. Help us kind of rewrite those rules to create and foster that transparency. This is a great vehicle for it, and that's what we want. That's why we jumped headlong into the block. Like I said, I have that simple agreement for future tokens. And when Nicholas came and said, hey, there's this thing called the Ethereum blockchain, and the Dow, you don't need to reinvent the wheel.

Joining the Blockchain Community

I mean, just get on this train and make it happen. And we've been 100% sold out since, and we still are. We think it's a great construct for this. And it starts with that transparency of, and that breeds efficiency because everyone wants to just go continue to solve problems and generate cash flows while solving problems. So how that rolls out in the construct of a DAO is part of what we're trying to, you know, write the brave new rules for so great question and I look forward to hopefully meeting you someday and working on optimizing all that together. Thank you.

Gratitude and Closing Thoughts

Wow. Thank you very much for that. Great answer, Gary. Like, I'm really happy. I'm really excited to hear that. A very good luck on your project and thank you love for bringing me on and see you on subsequent spaces. Thank you. Thank you. Have a great day or night, wherever you are. Okay, thank you, Prabhibi, for such a good question. And I think we covered all the aspects of this wonderful project, so it's time to wrapping up. So thank you so much, sir, for your valuable time. And actually, your insights are incredibly informative.

Final Remarks and Community Engagement

Could say so, yeah. Thank you so much for such a wonderful presentation. Also listener. Thank you. Lovely. Yes, thank you very much. You've done a great job. It's nice to meet you. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Also, Lesnar, if you have more questions or need any assistance with anything related to the project, feel free to drop this question on their social channels. Their community manager, their lead member, will definitely guide you.

Encouragement to Connect

And don't forget to join all the social channels. You can find all the social channels on crypto titans, Alexander and our telegram as well. So, yeah, please go and say hi to them. And yes, sir. Before wrapping up, do you want to say something to our community or office closing statement? I would just say thank you for the opportunity to be here. This, this is the brave new world.

A Message of Hope and Commitment

And it's kind of an emotional time for me in some ways, because the backstory of concentric on our real world assets, the important part of it is that we're here. We're warriors about what we believe in. We believe the world deserves some answers, that every human being deserves to have clean energy, food, air, and water, to have a dignity of life. And as an engineering firm, we've had some resistance to that. And that resistance proves that what we're doing is worthwhile, and we're continuing on that course.

Encouraging Collaborative Solutions

And we view the opportunity to become a dao and give this company away is a privilege. Because when you bring real answers to real problems, you divide things sometimes, because sometimes people are really latching on to those problems, and they view that as the construct politics does, that, one side versus the other. We come in and shatter that and say no. All people everywhere deserve resolution to these borderless problems, poverty, pollution, hunger, dehydration, disease and climate.

Using Decentralized Finance for Global Change

And we view independent money, decentralized finance, as a massive tool to go after those problems, to make money, to make resources, to make all of these things available to everyone. And we're proving that by our presence in Africa, in Southeast Asia, anywhere in the world, across Oceania, places and regions and communities and nations that have been exploited for centuries with their natural resource policies. We come in and say, no, we're going to own these together and be stewards of these resources and solve problems.

Expressions of Gratitude for Community Support

And so I'm grateful. My closing message is gratitude. Thank you for letting us come be part of this great blockchain cryptocurrency community. Because we know that it's the future and it's the future of freedom for people and freedom for our resources to be used appropriately. And so I just, I can't thank you enough for letting us come into this space. We know we're a little bit off thumbs maybe, you know, kind of running around and seem like we've got just stone hands kind of thing.

Conclusion and Hope for Future Collaboration

But our heart is in this and we're totally committed to it and we're very grateful. So thank you for letting us be here and join this amazing growing community for change. And we're excited to. Alright guys, thank you so much, Mister Smith, for your such a wonderful presentation. And I think it's time to wrapping up. So guys. Yeah, join all the social channels. See you next time. Have a great day.

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