Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space AMA Crypto detector With Selfi Live hosted by CRYPTODETECTOR_. Join the vibrant Crypto & Blockchain community with a focus on marketing strategies and AMA events. This Asian-based platform thrives on inclusivity, networking, and high-quality content, fostering a supportive environment for enthusiasts. From interactive sessions with industry experts to valuable insights and regular updates, participants engage in educational opportunities while building lasting connections. Embrace the power of community engagement and stay informed on the latest trends within a diverse and dynamic environment.

For more spaces, visit the Marketing Agency page.


Q: Why is community engagement crucial in the Crypto & Blockchain space?
A: Community engagement builds connections, shares knowledge, and creates a supportive network for enthusiasts.

Q: What role do AMA events play in the industry?
A: AMA events facilitate direct interaction with experts, offering educational and networking opportunities for enthusiasts.

Q: How does the platform foster inclusivity?
A: The platform promotes inclusivity by connecting diverse individuals passionate about Crypto & Blockchain technologies.

Q: Why is high-quality marketing essential for AMA events?
A: Effective marketing strategies ensure successful promotion and participation in AMA events, enhancing overall engagement.

Q: What can participants expect from networking opportunities within the community?
A: Networking opportunities allow participants to interact with industry experts, exchange knowledge, and stay updated on industry trends.


Time: 00:12:25
Enthusiast Community Building Discussing the importance of building a vibrant community of enthusiasts in the Crypto & Blockchain space.

Time: 00:18:45
AMA Best Practices Exploring the best practices and strategies for successful AMA events within the industry.

Time: 00:25:10
Interactive Networking Sessions Engaging in interactive networking sessions with industry experts for knowledge sharing and connections.

Time: 00:32:15
Inclusivity and Diversity Promoting inclusivity and diversity within the platform to foster a welcoming environment for all participants.

Time: 00:40:30
Knowledge Sharing and Updates Encouraging knowledge sharing and providing regular updates to keep enthusiasts informed about the latest trends.

Time: 00:50:55
Direct Engagement with Experts Offering direct engagement opportunities with industry experts during AMA sessions for valuable insights and networking.

Time: 00:58:20
Educational Value of AMA Events Highlighting the educational value of AMA events in providing industry insights and learning opportunities.

Time: 01:05:40
Marketing Strategies for Success Exploring effective marketing strategies to ensure the success and visibility of AMA events.

Time: 01:12:10
Community Updates and Content Keeping the community engaged with regular updates and high-quality content to maintain interest and involvement.

Time: 01:20:30
Industry Expert Advice Receiving valuable advice and insights from industry experts within the platform to enhance knowledge and understanding.

Key Takeaways

  • Asian-based community engagement is vital for connecting enthusiasts in the Crypto & Blockchain space.
  • High-quality marketing strategies are crucial for successful AMA events in the industry.
  • The platform provides a home for enthusiasts to interact, share knowledge, and stay updated.
  • Networking opportunities with industry experts enhance learning and engagement within the community.
  • Emphasis on quality content and discussions for valuable insights in Crypto & Blockchain spheres.
  • The space fosters a supportive environment for enthusiasts to learn about the latest trends and developments.
  • AMA sessions offer direct interaction with industry experts, creating networking and educational opportunities.
  • The platform emphasizes connecting people passionate about Crypto & Blockchain technologies.
  • Inclusivity and community-building are central to the platform's ethos, fostering a diverse and engaging environment.
  • Regular updates and high-value content keep enthusiasts engaged and informed within the community.

Behind the Mic


Our channel it. Hello hello silver can you hand me clear? Okay wait now listen to join and we listed email it. All good. Thank you. Okay, now I'm a team sir and listener will be joined here. Okay, now we start Ama, are you ready? I'm ready. Okay sir. Thank you. Hello everyone. Good day. Welcome to crypto director and I am marketing manager of cryptograph. And today we have our honorable guest, Dan Farvi, CEO of Self life. Hi, Dan Farvi, nice to meet you. And we are very excited to meet you. Yeah, it's great to be here. Good day to everybody around the world. Thank you, sir. Now we move on our first segment now, first question for you. Please introduce about yourself and your team member.

Introduction of Selpy Live

Sure. So we're selfie live or selfie live. We've got a project that really is about creating memories and enhancing memories. And we start with simple things like a, you know, personal selfie. You might take off your phone fan engagement with a famous celebrity. Got a platform but we'll talk about the expansion on it all web three focused, community driven or community focused. As far as myself goes, I've been in the tech space for quite a while. I've owned and sold advertising agency, digital advertising agency out of New York City. We had a global presence with major clients around the world, from Anheuser Busch in Bev to Hertz to Citi to many different companies. And we really stood on the forefront of digital in terms of motion, graphics and other types of advertising, etcetera.

Experience and Background

Blockchain space since 2016 focused a lot on the identity and the management of platforms. Created Butterfly protocol with the partners, two founders who are not here today, but the two founders of Butterfly and. And Selpy have been also in the blockchain space a long time. And they. They have a different company called Bitboss. Bitboss IO, which is in the casino world of the blockchain space, both hardware and software. And we have teams around the world in Ukraine, India, Argentina and other places where we draw upon both traditional technology capabilities but also pushing always the boundaries on the blockchain web three decentralized space. That's just a brief update on us and the team. If you want more, we can keep going.

What is Self Life?

Awesome. Thank you, sir. Now, next one, please tell us, what is self life? Yeah, that's a really great question. As I alluded to earlier, selfie live is in the business of enhancing and helping people make memories using our digital capacity. Right. So if you look at the platform today. You go to www. Dot selfie dot live. You'll see that we've got a lot of celebrities, country music stars, race car drivers, etcetera, who sign digital images for their fans. So we create the connection between that fan and that celebrity where a fan could be at a race in NASCAR, in the US, or hopefully Formula One soon, they could be at a soccer match, they could hopefully beat it, a cricket match, or in the States, they could be at a music event.

Selfie Live's Functionality

Right? And you take a picture of yourself or the event or the star. And then through our system, we have vetted the celebrities and validated the celebrities as being real based on their identity, their Instagram identity, their online identity. So we know these celebrities are real and they're on our platform. The fan submits the selfie image through the platform, the celebrity signs that. So it becomes a signed collectible image for you. And from there, the fan can do anything with it. They could print it, they could send it to a framing shop, they could put it in an NFT collection, they could trade it, they could do whatever they really want with it.

Future Aspirations

But as I mentioned, the platform is, that is, that part is just the beginning. So we are taking the platform to be a way for people to collect their memories using images, using video, etcetera, and then start to look at how they would store those and use those. You know, some people might want to have a room in a metaverse where they showcase all of their collectibles, their NFT, their signed nfTs, their signed images. Some people might want to use video to start to create a legacy around who they are. And we are working with an AI company right now to see how we can create avatar based videos to set up the future for when we'll be able to actually have interactions with those avatar type videos in a way that's real.


So again, we start small with just the signed image, but we've got big plans with a big expansion of services around that. Awesome, awesome. Thank you, sir, for a great answer. We really impressive answer. And now we move next one. Yes, our next one for you. Why is Cellfree Life using tokens for you? Pardon me? What? Could you run it by me again? Yes, yes, sure. I will repeat, I say, why is selfie life using token for you? Yeah, for some reason, maybe you should rephrase that, because for some reason I'm not catching the core question.

Clarifying Tokens Usage

Yes, I say your question number two, then you drop me. Yes, my question is why is selfie life using token for reward. Oh, why are we using a token? Thank you. Yes. Right. So you know, several things that we believe in when it comes to web three. And we believe that community is really at the core of web three environment. And with community, you know, we can use our community, right.

Commercial Offerings and Community Engagement

We can have a, just a commercial offering and sell and, you know, in the domain name space because we're, we introduce celebrity based top level domains. You've got companies like unstoppable domains. They are purely commercial. They don't have, they have a community of buyers. They don't have a community of participants, right. Except for being as buyer. And then you have ens, which is about the community, and you have people that belong to almost a family of owners of domains. So I'm just using that as analogy, that sort of example, because we believe in the latter. We believe in more of the ENS model where, yes, you can have a commercial operation where you're charging people to buy things, you know, buy celebrity based digital images, you know, submit and pay money to do that. But then on the community side, we want people to, you know, participate and have a part of this movement.

Token Mechanics and Rewards

So with that, the token and the whole world of tokens works well. So we start by having a rewards token that is more like a points program, right? If you think of blast IO and a lot of other projects that have points, tokens or points, we start with that and you can start earning points today. You can open an account, you earn points. You can have a referral. So in your account page you get a referral code or referral link. You can share that you get more points for every time somebody signs up under that. And then we continually add to that point side. And then we have the traded token. So the traded token will be coming out later this year. And then that becomes sort of a way to go beyond just a points token where you can get event access. You might stake those for being part of our creator community or etcetera.

Community Focus and Participation

So we totally believe that community is at the core and for community, people should be able to participate in the activity and be rewarded for that. And the tokens work out really well for that. I hope that was clear. Awesome. Awesome. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir for your answer. Now we move next one. Yes, sir, please. I will say next question for you. Yes. How the, how do user earn tokenization? Yeah, yeah. How did the token does what? Yes, yes. Okay. Okay.

Explaining Token Functions

If you want me to explain about how the token works, right so as I mentioned, we have two types of tokens. We have a rewards token. So you can start earning the rewards today. Multiple ways to do it. In fact, even if you download the app, you'll be rewarded with 50 tokens. Those would be matic or not matic, but they'll be Polygon network tokens. And then you'll have the ability to earn points that will be converted tokens on the online account. So we separate the, basically the Apple app, the Google Play app from the online account, because for the online account we can do a lot more things than just have to submit something to Apple and Google and then ask for their permission to do something within an app. They're very strict in a lot of ways, especially when it comes around tokens and blockchain and crypto.

Earning and Utilizing Tokens

So we can do things in the online environment. So you can open up an account on selfie live selfirewards live, start to see your points add up. And those points, again, what they do is they represent sort of a permission to do things like get a discount on pricing in the future, get access to special events, stake those for, or have a certain amount so that you can become part of the creator community and start earning money directly from the platform for creating frames for images, et cetera. Right. They're also key in being able to exchange those for the exchange traded token. So the SF rewards token is the points token. SF Live will be the traded token.

Future of Token Trading and Community Benefits

And in the traded token environment, we're working with exchanges right now to narrow on our listing strategy. We're working on our seed sale, which is going to come out next week and actually be available to everybody. So you, once you open an account online at Selfirewards live, you'll be able to then look at participating in seed sale as well directly once we get the components in place. So you'll have an exchange traded tokenization, a rewards token, and they intermingle to some degree. As I mentioned, you'll be able to swap out your rewards tokens for the SF live traded token within the next two months. I hope that helps.

Additional Questions and Clarification

That's awesome. Thank you, sir, for your answer. Yes. Next question, we move. Next one. Yes sir, please. Next question for you. Please tell us what are token used for? Yep. So as discussed, the tokens, let's go to the top, the traded token. So if you look at the traded token, which is going to be the SF live token listed on, we're planning on three to four exchanges that will be your token. That will have multiple opportunities for earning even more. So you're going to own, you'll own that token. We'll be able to stake that token. You'll be able to potentially farm with that token.

Long-Term Goals and Ecosystem Integration

But also when we get into our own l two, because in our roadmap, if you go to our website, you'll see that there's a roadmap of technology progress. And in our roadmap we will have our own wallet, our own integrated wallet within the ecosystem, we'll have our own l two or subnet. So working, depending on the direction we go that will be planned out later this year will have a way for people to participate in via staking the gas fees that come out of that l two. Now, I think in the world of blockchains right now, the gas fee participation is probably not going to be that significant over in the short term.

Community Engagement and Benefits

But as you look at earning again, staking, earning a percentage on that staked token, also participating in gas fees. And then we will have subscription based storage. So if you have an NFT and you want to store your collection, we'll have storage. So you'll be able to participate via the staking into the storage fees as well. So what we really see, you know, from a community standpoint, is that the community not only benefits by, you know, participating with, you know, using the product, but also having the exchange traded tokens, staking being part of the whole flow of funding from that environment.

Improving Returns and Rewards

And we're not talking about revenue, we're primarily talking about how we can improve returns based on the staking APY, etcetera, based on that. And then as we talked about the rewards, tokens, any number of things from what we've discussed, from discounts to participating in the creator community. Awesome. It's awesome. Thank you, sir, for your answer. I'm really impressive for your answer. Your answer is really great.

Community and Market Positioning

Yeah, it's a really interesting space because honestly, we see ourselves as one of those projects that we could stand alone without block, without community and crypto and all that. We really could. I mean, you look at in the competitive set, you see us companies, right, and us companies in the collector space are doing quite well, but we just totally believe in this community world of web three. So yeah. Thank you. Thank you, sir. I thank you.

Token Sale Plans

And last question for this segment for you. Are you doing a token sale for safe token SF life token? We are. We're actually in private round right now with, you know, higher amount requirements. We are implementing our own KYC AML and SAP environment that'll be coming out the week after next. So people will, people that have an account online will be able to see and participate in the sale and we'll run our seed sale, then we'll go into strategic sale launchpad, and then we'll have our listing, hopefully sometime in October at this point.

Selfie Rewards and Community Engagement

Yeah. I very much encourage everyone to go to selfie rewards live. You can get there by going to selfie live and then opening an account. It's real easy, it's fast. We have a video on it. You get 50 rewards tokens just for opening an account. I recommend everybody do that. Awesome. Thank you. Sir, we move next segment. Are you ready for second segment? Yeah. Okay. Sir, we move. Yes, live segment.

Live Questions and Answers

And we select two question yes. Yes. Please ask a question. Hi, Matthau. Please ask your question. It's come off speaker or off mute. Matthew. We'll move to the next. I can hear you. Yeah. My question is, tell us about the scope in the future of self life and what makes you different from other. Yeah, I think that's at the core of the whole reason we're here as a company.

Capturing Moments and Celebrity Interaction

Right. So I don't know. You know, how many of us have ever taken a picture while you're at an event? You know, whether you're at a soccer game or, you know, football game, cricket match, race, anything that, you know, you're at, you see like a star out there playing. You want to capture the moment, right? So you want to capture that moment, and yet you also potentially want to get close to that celebrity. You want to get, you know, some people at tennis matches, you know, they want a tennis ball signed or they want a jersey signed, right.

Breaking Barriers to Celebrities

Or their shirt signed or whatever. But it's very hard to get to that celebrity. We broke down the barriers to getting to certain celebrities, and we're expanding our celebrity base significantly. So with our platform, it is very easy for a fan to submit a, to a celebrity, something, a digital image that they have, and it could be one they take in the moment or it could be one that they've had for 20 years.

Long-Term Differentiators

You know, you might have a picture of something you were at 20 years ago, and if the celebrity is in our system, you could submit that to that celebrity. And if they're in the signing mode, they could, they could sign that picture. Right? Right. So we're just breaking down these barriers between the fan and the celebrity and then expanding how people use digital images, video, et cetera, to capture memories long term. As far as why we're different, I think our focus on the community is going to differentiate us in a big way.

Celebrity Integration and Blockchain Technology

Other companies could come in and create technology that allows you to do the same thing. But there are two barriers right there. Number one, you do have to have the celebrity on board. Right? You can't just, you know, have a system without the celebrities on board. We've done a very good job of getting hundreds of celebrities, and we'll be growing to thousands here in the next couple of months.

Implementation of Token Strategy

And then the second part is we've integrated the blockchain technology so that we know that celebrity is real, and the fan can know that digital signature is actually coming from that celebrity versus have some things that are pre signed or just, you know, being into a marketplace so that the blockchain, supported by the community, I think, is one of our biggest long term differentiators. And that's why we're running very hard implementing token strategy to support the community. So, yeah, thanks for that question.

Conclusion of the Q&A Segment

Thank you, sir. Thank you, Zach, for asking question now. Now ask a question. Matthew, we can't hear you. It looks like you go off mute, but we still can't hear you. Maybe network issue. Okay, so. Okay, we move. Yes. Next segment. And some question for you. Yes. This question about your security.

Security Features of Levantrom

In terms of security, how security is Levantrom? What special security feature does it have? Yeah, I mean, security is really core component of every strong technology. Right. So, you know, from the time that people sign up, you'll see that we use a variety of systems to ensure that a. The people coming in have got credentials that are used to ensure that they're real people. You'll see that we've got, you know, whether it's the technology in the front end to ensure that you're a real human or that you're nothing, you know, botting the system. But the technology stack without getting into the specifics, because I'm not the technologist is really created with high levels of security involved. When we validate a celebrity, when we validate a user, we do multiple types of identity management, you know, so the celebrity has to, as I mentioned, they have to be able to have an Instagram account, and they have to be able to access and use that, and then have against their phone number, they have to validate again that they're a real person with that phone number.

Identity Management Process

That's associated with them in our domain name system. The same, the same thing. We go through a process to make sure that when you're coming in and opening, creating a wallet, you are clearly identified and using, you know, multi factor authentication to ensure that you are a real person and that you're. You're actively coming into the system without just email and password. Right. So the platform is really set up with multiple different security systems in place. Awesome. Awesome. Thank you. So, thank you. And last question for this segment and for today for you. Yes. Lastly, talking about your global explanation plan and future plan, what are they? Can you share them with us? Yeah, I think this is what really gets exciting. So let's start with the place that we're at today with the celebrity side. So we're in discussions with people that represent Formula One, different teams. We're in discussions with world class soccer stars or european football or football stars. We're in discussions with cricket teams. We're in discussions with a lot of different players in the US in the college space, because players can actually get paid.

Expanding Celebrity Engagement

So we look at, as I mentioned, we look at sort of putting. Putting circles around each of these celebrities. So think about Messi or Ronaldo or somebody or famous race car driver. Right? So when you put a circle around that celebrity and they're engaged with our platform, then their circle of fans can start coming in and participating, submitting photos, submitting other things that go into the system. So on the celebrity side, our future plans are really just to expand the celebrity base. Just go crazy. And we also want to engage the community. So one of the things we're looking at is a way for the community to say, we would like this particular celebrity to come on board. And then we go for, you know, votes. And then people get rewards for whoever has selected the celebrity that wins in that. In that contest. So say again, Messi or somebody like that, you. You'd be able to vote. And then if we have millions of votes on a platform, we submit the Messi come on the platform.

Community Participation and Rewards

We try to bring them in, even though it's not as easy to bring them in. When we're young like this, when we have millions of community members saying, we want you and we want to participate with you know, we can have a lot of clout with those folks on the other side, we are building out new tools for the celebrity to monetize. So think about, you know, I'll probably keep going back to Messi because it's real easy. Think about if, for his fan base. If he has a web three domain, top level domain right now, like unstoppable with crypto or ens with ETH. I've got ETH wallet aliases. Why not for the celebrity? So we can create that top level domain. Fans can participate in, acquire those domains, showing their support of that celebrity. You know, I'm part of the fan club per se. And then from the domain name, that's access to the wallet for storing that's then also used for other things like file storage, using Filecoin. And then we have the whole system with an l, two or our own chain.

Future Roadmap and Engagement

And why we would do our own chain is when we create, we have tens of thousands of celebrities and millions and potentially a billion users on the system. We need a way to capture so that we're controlling that, but also for the gas fees that we can share with community members. Right? So we just feel that this whole building upon one component into a world of capturing memories, storing memories, using memories, sharing memories is where we're at. Pretty exciting. But again, I recommend you go to selfie live, selfie rewards live. And look at the roadmap. The roadmap is posted, the white light paper is posted. Our token sale deck is there. Get an account and then continue to participate. There's a lot of rewards coming down the line. Awesome. Awesome. Thank you, sir, for the invitation here. So if you want, please share your last message for our community investor.

Invitation to Join and Participate

You know, I just want to say please, you know, join us. The easiest thing to do is to set up an account online in selfie rewards live and then share this with your friends. Right? Earn those tokens, earn those rewards tokens. We'll have an airdrop for reward owners. So if you know, say, let's say you've got a million rewards points, or half a million or even 50, right? We'll have our airdrop associated with or have an airdrop of the SF live tokens for people that have rewards. So it's real easy to participate and we just like you to join and work with us and, you know, create some memories together. Right? That's what it's about. Awesome. Awesome. Thank you, sir, for sharing your valuable time with us and within letting get project and really impressive for your answer. Hi guys, I'm Anas Lindo. Okay, thank you very much again.

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