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E6: ENS Watercooler ?? Q&A w/ ENS Labs ICANN/ .eth Web3 Domains


E6: ENS Watercooler ?? Q&A w/ ENS Labs ICANN/ .eth Web3 Domains

This space is hosted by garypalmerjr

Space Summary

The Twitter space delved into various aspects of the blockchain ecosystem, focusing on EnS, Web3, decentralization, and identity. Key topics included CCIP, EnS, and EVM gateway, highlighting the community’s involvement and innovations within the space. Participants explored the growth of blockchain networks, evolution of EnS and CCIP, and the importance of community participation. Success stories like Chainlink and CCIP read protocol were discussed, along with topics like Ens v2 and community engagements. The space aimed to promote active involvement in blockchain and Web3 education, stressing on collaboration, innovation, and diverse perspectives within the crypto community.


Q: What is CCIP and its significance within the blockchain ecosystem?
A: CCIP stands for Crypto Community Improvement Proposal and plays a crucial role in proposing and adopting improvements within the blockchain ecosystem, fostering community engagement.

Q: How has EnS contributed to the evolution of CCIP and EVM gateway?
A: EnS has contributed to the evolution by providing an important layer for CCIP and EVM gateway interactions, enhancing the functionality and interoperability of the network.

Q: What role does community engagement play in driving innovations in the space?
A: Community engagement is essential for driving innovations as it brings diverse perspectives, fosters collaboration, and enables the rapid adoption of new ideas and technologies.

Q: Is CCIP read protocol crucial for understanding the blockchain network?
A: Yes, the CCIP read protocol is crucial for understanding the blockchain network as it defines the rules and mechanisms for proposing, discussing, and implementing improvements within the community.

Q: How has Chainlink’s success influenced collaboration and building initiatives?
A: Chainlink’s success has inspired collaboration and building initiatives by showcasing the potential of partnerships, secure data oracles, and reliable off-chain connections, promoting innovation.


Time: 00:05:27
Discussion Initiation: The conversation kicks off with a focus on business.

Time: 00:06:33
Interactive Session Invitation: Audience encouraged to participate by asking questions and networking.

Time: 00:15:27
Identity Importance: Delving into the significance of identity within the blockchain sphere.

Time: 00:17:48
Integrity in Web3: Emphasizing the importance of integrity and authenticity in Web3 applications.

Time: 00:28:12
Traditional Industry Challenges: Addressing the obstacles in engaging conventional sectors with Web3 technologies.

Time: 00:29:09
Community Value: Recognizing the importance of community and shared learning in the Web3 ecosystem.

Time: 00:38:05
Integration Focus: Spotlight on deeper integrations and DNS resolution for future advancements.

Time: 00:39:55
Platform Ownership Dialogue: Discussing usernames and ownership dynamics on social platforms.

Time: 00:57:55
Audience Engagement Call: Encouraging interaction through questions and contributions from attendees.

Time: 00:59:47
Upcoming Events Teaser: Hinting at forthcoming announcements and events in the Web3 domain.

Key Takeaways

  • Discussion on the growth and dynamics of blockchain networks.
  • Evolution of Ens and CCIP within the blockchain ecosystem.
  • Importance of community participation and catching innovative ideas.
  • Success of Chainlink and collaborations in the space.
  • Exploration of CCIP
  • EIP
  • and EVM gateway.
  • Insights on Ens v2 and CCIP read protocol.
  • Engagement with diverse perspectives in the crypto community.
  • Encouragement for community involvement in blockchain and web3 education.

Behind the Mic

of are hard to do as it is now? And are there biz dev ideas that are being incorporated into ENSV two potentially to get some things done for ENSV two that have been requested maybe in biz dev that were impossible or too difficult of a lift to do with ENSV one. So was that question for me or for Malta? We could volley it. Who wants to take it? Jeff, jump in. Ok. I mean, from the dev side, I mean, there’s plenty. I mean, I’m obviously on the dev side, but I’ve also done a lot of product stuff in Ens and I’ve even done some biz dev stuff in the past as well. I think like at the bottom line, Ens v two opens up a new line of integrations just because of the decrease in gas fees, registration renewals. So if we go to an integration like Rainbow, back in the day, Rainbow did a registration integration, which is one of the deepest integrations that we’ve had for registration, where they actually have their own ETH registration flow. And that kind of integration just isn’t that, it’s not that attractive to people, to wallets now because the gas fees are so high. So I think it opens up a lot of possible integrations for registration, renewals, etcetera that weren’t possible before. Yeah. I think the biggest selling point for business development purposes is really going to be the lowering of gas costs. I think that’s going to open up and will expand so many of the use cases. Existing partners will maybe ask to integrate deeper, maybe issuing on chain sub names and doing. And you can put a lot more stuff on chain as well just because the costs are going to decrease. And so maybe there’s going to be new partners before we’re not really that easy to pursue and to convince. And I think it’s going to be great to see that things will just become a lot more interoperable just because a lot more can go on chain. And that’s going to, for me, for BD purposes, that’s going to make the conversation a lot easier, I think. All right. All right. So I’m hearing lower gas fees, which we can’t escape the high gas cost argument. All right, Gary, you got some thoughts on that? Thanks, Jeff, for that. Yeah, absolutely. Well, you know, frankly, you know, I think Malt put it very well in the simple fact that it gives you more capital to play and to build and especially with you have market prices that are quote unquote down from all time highs. You want to maximize the quality of your investment, so to speak. So I totally understand that. That’s something we’ll be talking about every time we get to it. I’ve got another question here for you folks. This one here came across some interesting feedback and this one I’m going to gear Malta towards for a few moments and maybe Jeff has some few thoughts on it. This is interesting, but you know, essentially, can you describe at a very high level what’s the difference between ENS v two and you know, personally V 10, 12 as it now more broadly. Right. So my, my high level one liner differences is ENS v one was a standalone system and it sort of assumed that it owned the namespace and it owned all of the infra around it. ENS cli and the registrar and all these things. Where ENS v two is a more interoperable system. That’s my one liner. Jeff, what do you think? Yes, it’s a great one liner. I think the other thing I’d add is that yes, ENS v one was very much a name server and a registrar service and go, hey, there you are, it is the namespace and now it’s, here is the underlying, you know, an actual layer two that users and it can inter interact with the actual Ethereum main net and other chains down the road. And I think when we go back to, you know, the whole shopping cart integration here, we’re using ENS to enable other services to make use of gas fee reductions, all those different value props. All right. Yeah, Gary. Gary here. Thanks again for that. Yeah, frankly, I appreciate that. You know, I’m going to take us over to the next question. This one here is for Malta, again. Malta, what’s the value prop here if we’re talking about, you know, if we’re, if our target, target customers may, are sort of biz, dev folks, business developers and so forth, what would you put forth in terms of what’s exciting and stands out for ENS v two, you know, brand new and all those kinds of things, you know, touch on the, the, the fact that each name, each line that’s read is a real time recorded activity and each move is, is its own block, so to speak. Is that understandable? Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. So Malta here again, I guess my easy thing there is that it’s much more interoperable. And that’s it. Really, it’s that simple and, and it’s not, it may I’ll add to that is there are significantly lower gas fees by default. And the cost of doing something is just not there. Cause we’ve seen people spend more gas on doing something that’s, you know, pennies and nickels worth of, worth of ETH and it’s cost them more. So it gives them more flexibility with business development. And, you know, absolutely, you touched on the point, Jeff, and I totally understand what you’re talking about as well. You know, I’m going to lead us over to the wrap up here with a rapid fire for you both. And frankly speaking, this is just a quick thing to leave our audience with a taste of excitement. And one more time I’ll remind our audience to make sure to, to hit subscribe and what have you, but let, let’s go straight into the wrap up fire and wrap it up. Rapid fire questions here for both Malta and Jeff. So first question that’s come across here. Is what is the networking layer built using V nine overlaid onto V seven from ENS v one? And does that integrate or NOC, not at all? Yes or no. Malta? Yes. A quick yes for you. And Jeff? Yeah. Yes, it does. All right. Next question for you both. How do we have, do we have a target timing for ENS v two or, you know, maybe some of this is wrapped up and not public yet? Malta? Yes, we do. And don’t. Yeah. Quite there yet, but we’ll share more later. All right, Jeff. The date in mind at the moment, or are we still a few steps away? I, I have a date in mind. Yes. We can chat on that later. All right. All right, here we go. Now onto something fun. Favorite new feature rolling into ENS v two. So for Malta? For me, that’s the on chain sub name registration service. I am so excited about this and, and this will probably be practical in a very cool way. All right. And for Jeff? I like it a lot. I think for me it’s the lower gas fees. I think this is where, this is where the money’s going to be minted for all of us building in web three. All right. All right. Everybody’s excited about the fees. Very. All right. I appreciate that. You know, if you’re in the audience tonight and you like ENS and you want to hear more about the innovation going forward, you’ll wanna make sure to stay tuned. Uh, we have some more questions coming through here, but I’m going to wrap it up from a time perspective. Jeff and Malta, anything else you’d like to add before we close day? Yeah, Jeff. What’s up? No, Malta. Thanks, everybody. Jeff have anything to add? The guys got all the answers for you. Um, no. I mean, just surface to say we, we couldn’t make it here without the ENS community. So shout out to all of them and, and thank you to to all of those who are here in the Twitter space today. Learning more about the work we’re doing. Be tuned in for the updates and hope to continue speaking with you all. Thanks, Jeff. And Malta, any final thoughts? No, I’m good. Thanks. Very similar words for myself. All right. So Gary here, we’re going to wind this up for everybody. It’s 40 minutes in, you know, and we’re going to roll back out of here and say a big thanks on behalf of ENS Twitter space and all of our listeners tonight. Thanks. And we’ll see you again in the next AMA Twitter space. Wanna to go quickly cut to another Q&A space questions over to Malta before we wrap up with the, uh, folks that merge the firms here for ENS v one v two. Malta, here is the minor question. And thank you all for sticking around everybody else. Malta, the integration for cross chain naming services between Ethereum mainnet and sub and side chains. How will that work? It’s it something that’s in conceptual phase now or a bit further along? So it’s a bit of in between. We’re currently in the early planning and conceptual phases of it, but it is sort of architecting it. And we’re putting the pieces together now where we’re checking compatibilities and making sure sort of things hit a good point as far as compatibility to be usable by our community. But a huge push will be around interoperability and sort of seeing those issues that we’ve hit in the past and figuring out how to make things more interoperable in the future. Thanks, Malta. And what, you know, Jeff very quickly, finally on that question, very similar answer there from your end. Yeah. I mean we’re just, we are working on it and and figuring out all the scope things and you know, how we can make sure it fits well together and just putting our best foot forward going forward with this. All right, appreciate that Jeff and Malta are going to wind it here. Thank you both as we close out, thanks for everyone showing up and if you’d like to stay tuned for next Twitter space questions about consolidating dlt and blockchains, that’s next week. That’s next week. And we’re Gary done now. Take care till we meet again.

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