Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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This space is hosted by GamblorCasino

Space Summary

The Twitter Space delved into the nuances of operating a crypto casino, contrasting it with traditional casinos primarily in the realms of regulation and user privacy. The discussion highlighted the pivotal role of transparency in building user trust and the significant impact of community engagement in driving project success. Marketing strategies were examined, noting the effectiveness of leveraging social media influencers and engaging content. Operational concerns such as reviewing high deposit and withdrawal amounts were touched upon, stressing the need for clear policy definitions to manage risks. Emphasis was placed on continuous user experience improvements to maintain a competitive edge. The space concluded with reflections on the importance of having a transparent and open team, which contributes to the credibility and trustworthiness of the Web3 project. Overall, the space provided valuable insights into the sustainable management and growth of crypto casinos, making it a crucial listen for stakeholders in the P2E niche.


Q: What differentiates a crypto casino from a traditional one?
A: Crypto casinos have fewer regulations and offer more user privacy.

Q: How important is transparency in running a crypto casino?
A: Transparency is crucial for building trust and credibility among users.

Q: What role does community engagement play in the success of Web3 projects?
A: Community engagement is vital as it drives traffic and trust towards the project.

Q: Why is it necessary to scrutinize high deposit and withdrawal amounts?
A: To comply with regulations and prevent potential fraudulent activities.

Q: How can clear policies on deposits and withdrawals mitigate risks?
A: They ensure that both operational and user expectations are met without legal issues.

Q: What are effective ways to market a crypto casino?
A: Utilizing influencers, social media platforms, and engaging content can drive traffic.

Q: How do crypto casinos handle user data compared to traditional casinos?
A: They generally harvest less user data, focusing on privacy.

Q: What are the benefits of using crypto for gambling?
A: Enhanced privacy, lower transaction fees, and fewer restrictions.

Q: How do changing regulations impact crypto casinos?
A: They need to adapt quickly to ensure compliance and sustainable operations.

Q: Why is continuous improvement important for crypto casinos?
A: It helps to maintain a competitive edge by enhancing user experience.


Time: 00:01:00
Opening Introduction

Time: 00:05:45
Comparing Traditional and Crypto Casinos

Time: 00:10:15
Importance of Transparency

Time: 00:20:30
Marketing Strategies

Time: 00:30:00
Community Engagement

Time: 00:40:25
Scrutinizing High Transactions

Time: 00:50:15
Policy Definitions

Time: 01:00:00
User Experience Improvements

Time: 01:10:30
Adapting to Regulations

Time: 01:20:45
Team Transparency

Key Takeaways

  • Crypto casinos offer unique advantages with fewer regulations and enhanced privacy compared to traditional ones.
  • Marketing and community engagement are pivotal for Web3 project success.
  • Transparency builds trust and credibility among users in the crypto space.
  • Balancing operations with user satisfaction is crucial in the gaming industry.
  • High transaction amounts need scrutiny for regulatory compliance.
  • Clear policies on deposits and withdrawals help mitigate operational risks.
  • Engaging with the community drives traffic and trust towards projects.
  • Influencers and social media are valuable for marketing crypto-related projects.
  • Adapting to changing regulations is essential for crypto casino sustainability.
  • Continuous user experience enhancements are vital for maintaining competitiveness.

Behind the Mic

Close. Hello, everyone. Andy, I think we’re good to go. Hello. Hello. Hey, guys, what’s happening? Just a little minute. Hey, Andy, how you doing? I see we have. Oh, we do have a speaker request. I see who it is there. Oops. Hey, how’s things? How’s it going? Yeah, not bad. Not bad yourself? Yeah, good thanks. You might have to step in for me a couple times today because I’ve got kid duties. Okay, that’s not a problem. I’ll let you know if I hear silence. Cool. We’ve got a couple more speakers. I’ll get them up. And then when you’re ready, we can kick things off. Cool. I think everyone’s up now. So yeah, feel free to go ahead. Brilliant. All right. Hi, everyone. Good to turn out again. Thanks for the retweets and showing up for this week’s space. So, as everyone knows, today we’ve got GVG joining us. We had a really good update from Dave on last Monday. And then we did a bit of a walkthrough on Wednesday of the current roadmap of the current MVP version. So if anyone’s got any questions about GVG in particular or anything that they remember from those sessions, raise your hand, ask to speak, and we’ll get those questions answered. Or ask in the discord. But I’m going to hand over to Andy and go through some of the community questions so far and then cover everything we’ve got planned in the future. Sounds good. Thanks very much for that and thanks for having us today. I think Dave already answered most of the questions last week. He did a really good job on that. I don’t know if you guys have seen the latest GVG release with the update of all the full support of all the metagame features for this year. We’re now focused on the MVP and getting the main features good to go live. So the reasons for doing this are we want to get the community of players together for a launch event and make sure that everything works perfectly and without any bugs. And that’s our primary focus right now, which is basically making everything perfect for the launch event. So everyone’s excited about this and there are no surprises. This is really cool as there are many ways to play and participate. If you’ve got any questions, if anyone’s got anything they want to ask about, just jump in. I think the first question I have really is when are we going to be seeing leaderboards and such like for the guilds being released? So that’s a big thing that I’ve noticed quite a few questions about. Yeah, so we’ve got the leaderboard stuff that’s mostly in place. It’s just the actual events that are finalizing, making sure everything’s operational. There’s nothing that would stop us going live tomorrow. But again this is going to be the launch event for a reason, we want to be certain. So the leaderboards will definitely be an integral part of that. That’s excellent because I know that leaderboards were a big part of something that people were requesting. But I think Dave touched on that during his call as well. Now Andy, I’m not really sure if you can see the list of the things people have been requesting. But one thing that wasn’t asked, and it’s barely on my mind, especially is the inclusion of these new game modes that have been hinted at. Can you tell us a bit more about those? Absolutely. So we have several new game modes in the works. Some are PvP, some are more PvE focused. Just to give you a little bit more detail without spoiling too much, we have one that’s basically a battle royale format. It’s something that was brokered in partnership with another party we’re working with. But we’re really excited about rolling that out because it brings a new dynamic to the game that wasn’t there before. And we think it’s going to be really engaging for players. That’s really good to hear because one thing I’ve been noticing as a community member is that there’s like been a massive focus on new ways of playing the game. Especially with what’s happening in the wider metaverse. It feels like everyone is looking for the next big thing. Exactly, that’s why we’re committed to innovating and keeping up with what people actually want to play. We don’t want to just rest on our laurels. Every update we roll out based on player feedback has been instrumental in us staying ahead. Yeah, I think that’s really important. So Andy, another question is what about the NFT integration and what you’ve got planned in that realm? 100%. I can’t give away too many secrets here but what I can say is NFTs will be playing a big part in future updates. We’ve been pondering ways to include them for player rewards, recognition, and even more personalized customization options for the player characters. So stay tuned for that. That’s fascinating. Sorry to interrupt but one other thing that I’m quite curious about is if there are any new partnerships in the pipeline? Yeah, well so we’ve got a couple of things in the works. Some new community partnerships and some collaborations with other projects within the broader blockchain gaming space. All geared towards bringing more value to our players and making sure that our community benefits. Watch this space for more announcements shortly. Honestly, it’s great to hear that. It gives much more context and hope to the gamer community and it feels like we have something to look forward to. Definitely. It’s all about bringing everyone together and making sure our community feels like it’s part of something bigger. Look, I know you’ve always been big about community engagement and I really appreciate you taking the time to answer these questions. Is there anything else you’d like to add? Just that we look forward to everyone’s continued support. The team is really excited about what’s to come and we can’t wait to share it with all of you. Really appreciate your time today. Absolutely, likewise. Thanks a lot for the update and for answering these questions so thoroughly. We’ll catch up again very soon. Bye then. Will do. Thanks again. Bye. So that wraps up today’s session. Appreciate everyone for being here and supporting the project. Make sure to stay tuned on all our social channels for more news and updates. Have a great day. Bye everyone. Bye. Bye. Bye.

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