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The Twitter Space ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT DATAFESTAFRICA2024 hosted by DataFestAfrica. DataFestAfrica2024 brings together data practitioners and enthusiasts in Africa to empower, educate, and collaborate within the dynamic data landscape. Industry experts share insights on trends, applications, and best practices, emphasizing networking and skill development. The event highlights data ethics, privacy, and the importance of community engagement for sustainable growth. Attendees benefit from practical workshops, discussions, and innovative solutions, fostering a supportive environment for learning and advancement. DataFestAfrica2024 serves as a vital hub for those interested in AI, data analytics, and technology in the African data ecosystem.

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Total Listeners: 133


Q: What is the primary focus of DataFestAfrica2024?
A: Empowering data practitioners and enthusiasts within the African data ecosystem.

Q: How does community engagement benefit attendees of the event?
A: It drives knowledge sharing, collaboration, and a supportive environment for data professionals.

Q: Why are data ethics and security emphasized at DataFestAfrica2024?
A: To address crucial aspects of data handling and privacy in the digital era.

Q: What networking opportunities are available at DataFestAfrica2024?
A: Attendees can network with industry experts, researchers, and potential collaborators.

Q: What kind of insights do industry experts provide during the event?
A: They share valuable knowledge on data trends, technologies, and best practices.

Q: In what ways does DataFestAfrica2024 support skill development in data-related fields?
A: By offering learning opportunities, discussions, and practical applications for data professionals.

Q: How can participation in the event contribute to business growth?
A: By fostering collaborations that lead to innovative solutions and advancements.

Q: What can attendees expect in terms of data analytics and technology education at DataFestAfrica2024?
A: Insights on AI, machine learning, industry applications, and data analysis best practices.

Q: What benefits are there for data enthusiasts attending DataFestAfrica2024?
A: Networking prospects with like-minded individuals, experts, and potential collaborators.

Q: How important is the African data ecosystem in the context of DataFestAfrica2024?
A: It serves as a significant hub for learning, innovation, and knowledge exchange in the data field.


Time: 00:15:32
Empowering Data Practitioners in Africa Focusing on skills development, career growth, and industry insights.

Time: 00:25:47
Innovations in Data Applications Showcasing practical uses of data in businesses and various sectors.

Time: 00:35:59
Community Building and Engagement Creating a space for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and support.

Time: 00:45:20
Expert Talks on Data Trends Insights from industry leaders on emerging technologies and best practices.

Time: 00:55:11
Networking Opportunities Connect with peers, experts, and potential partners within the data community.

Time: 01:05:37
Data Ethics and Privacy Discussions Addressing critical issues of data handling, security, and ethical considerations.

Time: 01:15:44
Collaborative Solutions and Innovations Exploring partnerships that drive advancements and innovative solutions in data.

Time: 01:25:52
Industry Best Practices Learning about data analytics, AI applications, and industry standards.

Time: 01:35:16
Skill Development Workshops Practical sessions to enhance skills in data analysis and interpretation.

Time: 01:45:28
Future of Data in Africa Discussing the evolving landscape of data usage and technology in the African context.

Key Takeaways

  • DataFestAfrica2024 focuses on empowering data practitioners and enthusiasts in Africa.
  • Data innovations showcased highlight practical applications for businesses and industries.
  • Networking opportunities within the African data ecosystem are essential for growth and collaboration.
  • Industry experts provide valuable insights into the latest trends and technologies shaping the data landscape.
  • Community engagement drives knowledge sharing and fosters a supportive environment for data professionals.
  • DataFestAfrica2024 serves as a platform for learning, discussion, and skill development in the data field.
  • The event emphasizes the importance of data ethics, privacy, and security in a digital age.
  • Collaboration between data experts, researchers, and businesses leads to innovative solutions and advancements.
  • Participation in DataFestAfrica2024 offers networking prospects with like-minded individuals and potential collaborators.
  • Attendees gain valuable knowledge about data analytics, AI, machine learning, and industry best practices.

Behind the Mic

Welcome and Introduction

Our channel is you. Good evening, everyone. Just confirm you can hear me clearly. If you can hear me, just drop a reaction. I want to be sure that everybody can hear me. Okay? Thank you very much, David. Thank you, Chineadu. Thank you, everyone. Okay. All right. Good evening, everybody, and welcome to, I think it's our first Twitter space of the year, and it's an excitement for Datafest Africa 2024, which is happening next month. And today we're just going to be talking about what Datafest Africa is all about. We're going to be hearing from some of the organizers and some of the organizing committee, and then we're also going to be maybe taking your questions as well. Right, but before we start the space properly, I want everyone to share the link to this space on the TL so that everybody knows that we've started. So please just kindly retweet the link to this space on the timeline so everyone knows that this space has started. Trust me, we're going to have a great time together. So I'm really excited and I hope you all are as well.

Starting the Space and Expectations

So we're going to be starting the space in the next three minutes. Let's just wait to see if we get a good number of persons on the call. All right, if you're just joining us, welcome to the Datafest data community Africa Twitter space. And this Twitter space is organized in excitement and in anticipation of our yearly conference, which is datafest Africa. And we're just waiting for a couple of minutes for others to join. So if you're just joining, please kindly share the link to this space on the TL so that we can get other persons to join the call. And then everybody knows that we are actually live. Okay? So please just share the link to this space on your timeline. Just do a retweet or you can just share the link. Okay, beautiful. I think we have a good number of persons on the space, and I would say it's okay if we can kick start this space now. We're going to be doing this for the next 1 hour, so we don't have a lot of time to waste.

Introduction to Datafest and Community

First of all, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Tina, and I'm going to be hosting this on behalf of the entire data community Africa team. I'm just going to do a brief introduction or brief explanation or intro into what data community Africa is and what data first Africa is. Before I invite some of the organizers to come and take the flow and talk about the events by themselves, because trust me, it's better when you hear from the US's mouth. So, data community Africa. First of all, let's talk about data community Africa. So I would say, or let's talk about data first Africa before data community Africa, because I would say it was data first Africa that bore the idea for data community Africa. And about two years ago, there was the need to sort of create a community or create a conference that brings together all data professionals from different fields. So data analysts, data scientists, data engineers, machine learning engineers, anybody, as long as you work with data. Right? There was that need.

History and Achievements of Datafest

And two persons in our community that we know very well sort of spared that idea, and that was what started the datafest Africa conferences. And so far, we've held two different editions. The first one was held at UNIlag, which was like, the maiden edition of the conference. And last year, we had another one at Ikeja and Oregon. That was the second edition of the conference. And so far, we've invited a lot of speakers. There have been, like, great speakers from different places that come to talk to us about data, educate us on what data is actually, and how they're using data to transform their own industry. Right? And this also bought the idea of data community Africa. And data community Africa is just, you know, same thing, the gathering of all data professionals. So we have a community where we are sort of like data analysts, data scientists, data engineers, and all data professionals from different fields, right? And so far, we've had a lot of, like.

Community Impact and Success Stories

There's been a lot of testimonies. There's been a lot of stories, solid stories behind this conference, behind this community. And as somebody who's actually managing the Datacom scholars for data community Africa, I can tell you for a fact that what we're building there and the amazing things we've been able to achieve in that particular space is, like, really top notch. Right? We've seen a lot of people get certified as data analysts, data scientists, some persons getting their first row landing, remote rows, and so many other success stories. Right? So these are the things that data community Africa has been able to achieve. But I'm going to invite one of the co-founders so they can talk to us more about what data community Africa is, what to look for in the event, what to expect, and probably maybe the kind of speakers who started rolling out speakers. And I'm sure a lot of you must have been amazed at the quality of speakers that datafest have in store for us this year.

Expectations and Job Opportunities

So trust me when I say it's going to be an amazing event. And it's for everybody, right? If you're a beginner, an intermediate experience level, it's for all professionals from different. No matter the level or no matter how experienced you are, Datafest Africa is actually for everybody. So, David, I don't know if you are available, please, I want you to just unmute your mic. Tell us. Maybe just give us it. We already know you, but maybe still brief introduction and then tell us about Data first Africa. Hi, everyone. So, my name is David and I'm co-founder for Data First Africa. And we're able to get a community for the data first Africa. That is now the data community Africa. And thanks to Tina, toby, they have been doing amazing work, trying as much as possible to help in managing this community.

Challenges and Strategies

So I would not really bore you with so many information. So we just want to go straight into Data first Africa. Why are we trying as much as possible to make this event work this year? It's something that a lot of people have asked. The economy is not smiling. So many things are happening at the same time. And we just want to make sure that we're able to make it work, is that we find out that the backbone of so many people's careers is dependent on so many factors. And one of the factors is how easily accessible that career path is or that future that person eviction is. So let me give you, for example, it is easy for you to become a data analyst because your friend is a data analyst. So easy. If I and gift, my co-founder, if we stay in the same apartment, and I know that gift is a machine learning engineer, I think it is easy for me to become a machine learning engineer because my roommate is a machine learning engineer.

The Role of Community in Career Growth

And you also understand, especially for people in the university who finish from university, you notice that if you and your friend are in the same. So if you and your friend are in the same room, sorry, I think somebody is muting and unmuting everybody. Tina, what is happening? Sorry. Just continue. So if you have a friend or a roommate, it's so easy for you to learn what they are doing because of the environment. And that's something that the community is doing, trying as much as possible to make information accessible to people. And people can be able to get quality information and to be able to make more informed decisions about their life and their careers. Now, when we wanted to do 2024 data fridge, there's so many things that we were looking at. I gift Ayodele Olariwaju, all of us Igwe Ola Ibilola amazing set of people.

Event Planning and Ticket Sales

We just wanted to make sure that we're able to pull it off again this year. And we looked at so many things. You can also notice that the prices went up of kind of what we always charge. We always know that, oh, Datafare is going to charge too much for events, but we needed to charge a lot this year and not even a lot. If you compare it to even other events that have happened this year, when it comes to tech, we still charge one of the lowest amounts. Funny. Yeah, still charge one of the lowest amounts. And one day we spoke together and said, you know what, let's do something within 24 hours. Let's break twitter within 24 hours and let's see what we do. And over 400 people bought tickets in 24 hours. Over 400 people. So we understood what was happening and we just were just trying as much as possible to see how we can help so that people are able to come for this event.

Job Opportunities and Collaborations

And also, if you notice again, is that even though when we bring back the tickets, like this week, we brought back the ticket this week, you notice that the differences between the prices was like just like 10% because we sold Elibet 7000, we sold late bed or the normal ticket for 8000. Normally that was not the plan, but we looked at it and said that if we should put it at a price that we supposed to put it, people would not still be able to buy. And we needed to say, okay, you know what, let's just add a thousand naira to it and let's see how people buy the tickets. Sincerely, we are sold out. We already have 1000 people who have bought the tickets. So we are sold out for tickets. Everything that comes in right now, yes, is good, is additional people need to buy the ticket. But our metric, we are sold out and that is the way we look at it.

Expectations and Speaker Announcements

And that's why we try as possible to make sure that we have so many things that we want to put in place before we start announcing speakers. And now you're now start seeing the speakers that we are announcing now. Also, again, is that one of the things that we are looking at majorly is that we want jobs. And I know that, I'm not sure if Pelomi is here, but we really want people to come in and get jobs. So if you are here, you are listening to me. You have a manager in your company, you have a CEO in your company. You guys want to get people at data first. Africa, we have a booth for you, a booth, not for a specific company, but just a. An empty booth that you want to run interviews. We will give you a time slot. You run interviews with people.

Interview Opportunities and Collaborating with Companies

You give us every information that you need. Okay. These are these are the jobs that you want people to apply for. We are going to do that. You are going to do interviews in a data first Africa. While the event is going on. You are running your interviews. You want to see the best people, and those are the things that we want people to do. So if you have those opportunities to get people or you want to have a timeline, a pipeline, because of 2025 jobs by January. So you want to have a pipeline and you want. You want to get the best people right now because you are in an event. Please, and please send us a DM. Send us a message. We really want people to get jobs. We want people to have access to jobs as fast as possible.

Community Engagement and Questions

So if they can do that at datafest Africa, we want to be able to be part of that story. So those are the things I'm going to say now because I know that there are so many other questions. Let me just stop there. Thank you so much, David, for explaining that. I don't know if we have any of the organizers on the call that wants to say something. I think gift is in transit, so you might not be able to speak just now, but gifts, if you are available to speak, please just nudge me and I'll be able to take you both. So now if you have questions, right. Yeah, I can talk, actually. Yeah. All right. Gifts? Yeah. Yes.

Importance of Sponsorship and Community Building

So, hi, everyone here. Thanks to everyone here. So we are glad to see you and we can't wait to see you at the next, like, data festival soon. Yes. So the thing is, some things I want to share, like David, I've shared a lot. Tina has shared a lot at the moment, if we are still open to sponsorship, right. So if there's. If you are looking that maybe you want to connect us to some, like you have, like, connect us some sort of sponsors to make the events great, as much as we are planning everything already. Yes.

Challenges and Community Experiences

So we would like. I can't hear gifts. Is it me? Same here. I can't hear him. I think it went off. I can't. I. You can't hear me at all? Hello? Okay, we can hear me. Okay. Is it that you can't hear me from the beginning or just now? You. Okay, when. If you want to connect us to somebody. Sponsors. Yeah, yeah. So, so that, like, that's one of the, like, crucial aspects who appreciate you can connect us to sponsors. So there's the part of like David shared is just saying, we came for the code, we stayed for the community.

Data Strategy Team

Check them. We have Brackley data strategy team. So they are coming from the UK too. They've sponsored last year and they are sponsoring again this year. If you want to understand data management, data quality, data transformation, that is one good team that you want to also go and check what they are doing out.

Global Data Teams and Sponsors

We also have the data global team. Datagruber is a community of people also for data professionals. I know the founder is in us. So these are also another team that you want to also reach out to. We have sponsors for this year and why. We are also looking for more sponsors to make sure that we get it. And also we cannot but thank all our partners. We have, we have Catwick, our Lega partner, Catwig. All our legacy process. That is that team that is helping us, Catwick and Dell, they are helping us do everything for us. We have proved our website updating and all the rest. We have data camp helping us to do, helping us for people to learn. We have propel helping us to get jobs for our community.


So thank you to everybody that has made it possible for us to get here. All our sponsors like Berkeley data and the rest. So thank you, thank you. And for the different communities that we have that is associated with data. First Africa, we have the data community Africa. We have DSA, data Science Network also has our sponsor this year and they'll be speaking. You're going to be seeing, I think. Okay. One of their even topic is the work that they are doing in northern Africa. So you also want to hear what they are doing there. So data science Network. Thank you. Thank you very much. So those are all those people that are making it work for us to be here today.

Open Forum for Questions

So any questions that you want to ask, please, and please be open to ask. The ones that we can answer them. The ones that you think that we should take into consideration going to event. And maybe if you're there last year and you felt that, oh, these are the things that I gained last year. These are things I'm looking forward this year, please let us know. We can always answer, We can always answer them. Gift over to you.

Event Ticketing and Registrations

Yeah. Thank you. Thank you, David, for that. Like, that's a very detailed information. Yeah. So nothing more. So I saw, you know, like I mentioned that if you have questions, you can ask in the comment section. Section. So some people asking already, right. So someone asked that if, because you share that we are sold out one k. If there's a ticket, like candy still register. Yes. So you can read like you like. If we'll get, we'll send an open out and we put out a waitlist. Like if you observed a lot of our tweets, like for the past one to two weeks after we close the elite ticket. Right. So elite bed ticket to be coming out. So we put out a waitlist link that people can feel if you are still interested in attending. So that's why David shared something that if you note as much as we've achieved, like our cap in terms of attendees and our goal. Right.

Ticket Availability

That we are putting out the ticket just adding 10% because we understand the state of the economy right now. Yeah. So we. Because once we. Okay, it's open now. Yeah. People are now buying the ticket Ghana. So you have been busy conferencing Ghana. So. Yeah, but the ticket is opened, I think yesterday or the first day. So people are now buying tickets now. So people. For the person that answer yes. So that's the answer to it now. This is. The ticket is open now. So you can get your ticket as fast as possible. So, because definitely a lot of people are trying to, like, get the ticket.

Closing Registrations and Urgency for Tickets

So get this ticket as quick as possible. Don't contemplate before it will close again. When it's close to the event. Yeah. It's just few days. gift. Are you still talking? I think. No, I'm true. I'm true. Oh, okay. Somebody said, can I attend the event as an individual? Obviously you can attend the event as an individual too. Okay. Yeah. So I think maybe some persons might. It might be your first data first. That's why we said it's a gathering of data professional. If you're a data person or you're a data enthusiast, like you want to pursue a career in data, I think it's a very good place for you to even make your decision or solidify that decision that, yes, you actually want to do data.

Speakers and Themes

And over the past few weeks, something that we've started rolling out speakers and we're expecting a lot of amazing, like some of your faves, some of the names that you're already used to. Visaya is going to be at data first. Mistake is going to be our data first. We have olumideshayonbo is going to be our data first. Kai or day Okiki Olu is going to be our data first. And all of. All these people, they're going to be talking about, like, I think I should remind us of theme of this year, right, which is AI enabled transformation, shaping the future together. So we're going to be having a lot of conversations surrounding AI, because AI is actually.

Engagement and Networking

It's not even the next big thing. It's already the big thing. Right. So we're going to be having a lot of conversations around that. So if you have questions, you want to know what data first events are like or what is going to be like. Please request for the mic. So I already have one person on here, precious. So precious, you can unmute your mic and ask your question if you're still. Here, precious, the normal pressures, I'm not sure is asking the question I was actually going to answer. Okay. Okay. Precious. Precious leads. The sponsorship. I know. Actually, I thought I wanted to say something.

Encouragement for Participation

Yeah, yeah. Nobody wanted to add something. Yeah. Okay. I think his mic is. Your mic is low and I think you're far from the phone or maybe you are driving or something. Can you all hear me now? Yeah. Good. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I was going to actually answer a question that was asked, but David has answered it already. Also, I just want to encourage everyone, if you can, as much as possible, find your way to data first. This year, if you've been in the previous years, you know, we've done a lot and this year we're even going to do it, even much more than you've seen before this year, we want people to walk away from data first with jobs, if you don't have already, and if you want better jobs, we want you to be able to get them there.

Networking Opportunities

So that's just one of the things I want people to build. Amazing networks. You see the caliber of speakers we are bringing this year. And also these are people that you can network with, you can build your profile with, and also just come prepared this year and put your mind there and take it away from there. Yeah. So we're expecting everybody, and if you still want to get tickets, please go ahead. The tickets are open and I'm not sure they are going to be open for long, are they? So they're probably going to close soon. So.

Last Minute Ticketing

Yeah, we won't because we don't want to overcrowd where we are using. So as much as possible, we might close it very soon. Yeah. So those waiting for last minutes, today is the last minute. Buy it now. Yeah. Right. So that's just what I wanted to add. If you're looking to get the tickets, I've already linked it on the jumbotron on this page, so you can just click on it and you can get your tickets. Okay. So it's very like you can just access the link from on your gift. I don't know if you want to say something because.

Event Format

Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, so, like, I started reading the comment section, someone activity if it's a three days program. So David already answered that, but maybe you didn't. Come on time. So the first day, as much as a three days program, the first day is virtual, right. For the breakout session. Why the other two days is physical, that 17 is virtual, why 18 and 19 is physical. So note that. So if you have questions, you can see ask in the comment section. So we won't just make this long. So just be straight to the point.

Feedback and Participation

So just drop your questions in the comment section. But if you have feedback, right, I think you can come up and like raise up your hand so that we can like pick you. So you just share what you have for us here. So. Or you can also drop your feedback, right. So. Okay. I think there are questions about the akaton, I don't know exactly on the call to sort of Paul or anybody from that team or David if you can speak to it.

Hackathon Details

Yeah, I just have an idea about it because sincerely there's so many moving parts. So for the hackathon itself, that is the way we do. A carathon is always close. We don't do hackathon like we give people space. No, hackathon is a carton. That's why hackathon is like two, three days. That's what they call it. A carton is not where you sit down, you go off, come back. No, hackathon is a cat on. So it's always within a week, we are done within a week, that is a carton.

Timing and Topics

So it's still, we still have like apart from today, we still have close to like let's say 14 days to the event. So we have enough time to do the hackathon. So don't take it like, oh, it's going to be short. No, that's just the way a carton, the hackathon is. The topic itself is if you're in the WhatsApp group, you're supposed to be in the WhatsApp group right now. If you're in the hackathon, I remember they saying that it's going to be in the education sector. So you have to understand the education sector itself to be able to do the solution.

Event Registration

So you're building a solution. I can't give you in detail what will happen, but you're building a solution. and you're going to get the data set yourself. I think that's what they told me. but all information will be sent across to your team. You're seeing registration. I think registration ends tomorrow. I think so. Registration ends tomorrow or Tuesday. So make sure you register. Every information that you need will be sent to you by the hackathon team and then you pick it up from there.

Focus on Education Sector

But just know that you're dealing with the education sector and you want to solve some issues in the education sector. So that is what I can tell you. But it's a carton. So it is not something that you are doing for one month. It is a carton or gift. What do you think? Is that not the way Akaton works? Supposed to be for a few days?

Hackathon Structures

Yes, you're right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's our doubt. So there are different type of a carton, right? So there are some hackathons that they bring people to a space where like you do a sprint for like one week, two weeks, you are just in that space just building and problem like bringing solution to problems. And there are cartons like these are first owned that you have a problem you have to work on and you work with the team to solve that problem.

Hackathon Presentation and Feedback

They pick the top five for the best that they are, what they price. So that's the idea behind this. If the person asks any other question, have any other question they can share. So we can just, when you were sharing some of this, I'm close to my phone, but. There are some other questions I'm seeing right now. What do you mean by breakout sessions?

Breakout Sessions Explained

So Obina, breakout sessions means that there will be a co current session around the topics, around data and AI. And you want to just say that you're going into room a, room B, room C, room. Djdehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe so maybe somebody's talking about things around data, power, bi and AI. Somebody's talking about another thing. So it's another thing and you just want to get into one room to go and learn what you are saying.

Learning and Networking Opportunities

30, 30 minutes, 45 minutes depending on the structure of the breakout. So, but there are different rooms and you want to go inside a room to learn. After that is done, you go into another room to learn. That is it. So it's more of learning asking questions. So it's more about expert sessions and technical sessions and you go to learn. so I think I've answered that question.

Discussions on Blockchain

somebody asked again, is that would there be any discussion around blockchain and how web three meet data on that day? I can't guarantee that. I am not sure. I'm going to ask, and that is a very good question. I'm going to ask the team, the speaker engagement team, if there are around it. And also if there are not, it will not because of the speaker engagement team.

Possible Topics for Discussion

It will likely because maybe there was no submission around that topic, because there was a time that we always ask for people to submit topics, around anything. So if we don't see topics around web three, data and AI, then we might likely not be able to do a presentation on that or pick people on that. And also, this also now creates an avenue for people within the web three space. You will know. Now you start understanding that a lot of people might really not be using data within the web three space if they are using.

Understanding Data in the Web Space

Maybe it's just not much in the african scene. And the only thing that we are doing in the african scene for web three is either you are buying something or you are selling or you are using it to build smart contract or those type of things. But how does data work within the web tv space? And maybe also, again, is that maybe the people who use it, they don't know about data first Africa, that is another thing. But I know that if there is a topic around that, we will have likely have picked it.

Final Thoughts on Topics

So I can't guarantee that. But I know that the link will be out soon for you to be able to check the different topics, for the breakout sessions on your day one. Day two, like gift said, is physical. So you're coming to the event physically. Are there any other questions, Tina? Okay, I don't think I can see any, but I just want to speak to.

Job Opportunity Sharing

And a year later, I asked if I was open for a job. Yeah, that's what I want to share. Thank you. Thank you. I can see Wolfia. Wolfia should come and talk. So that we should come and know how. It's our first week in move. And thank you, Toby, for actually saying that. Sincerely. Imagine you want to crossroads. That's how you met your next employer. Employer. So that's just how it works. So it shows why you need to be a data first. Africa and the work that we are trying as much for. Bring people in over to you, Tina.

Importance of Datafest Africa

So I think I can count a lot of persons that have the same testimony. Right? Like, there's just a lot of benefits when it comes to, like, attending Datafest Africa as an event. Aside from the fact that you get to meet with people that you've been chatting with on Twitter or probably engaging with their conversation, or. I mean, some of us have never met David before, but we got to meet somebody as big as David at Datafest Africa. So it just. It's sort of kind of like, you know, they say Twitter is a leveler. Twitter is not actually a leveler. You come to events like this, you get to see them, talk to them, ask questions, like, everybody's just open to want to help.

Preparing for Opportunities at Datafest

And aside from that, you get to talk to people. I always tell people, come prepared. If I were looking for an opportunity right now, what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be actively building. What do I mean? I'm going to be working on projects, putting myself out there. And so that when I come to data first, I'll be very loud to say, I'm looking for an opportunity. And some of these persons have already seen my work online, would want to connect with me or like, be interested in whatever I have to say at Datafest. So trust me, if you're looking for an opportunity, David has already mentioned it's like that the goal for them this year is. Or the goal for datafest this year is to give a lot of people jobs or to connect people with jobs.

Event Details and Expectations

So if you're looking for a job opportunity, Datafest, Africa is the place to be. And so I remind us again, it's happening on the 17th, 18th and 19 October 2024. So just next month. Right. And the first day, which is 17th, is actually a virtual day where we're going to be doing a lot of breakout sessions. Then 18th and 19th is the physical session where we're going to be meeting at Oregon Ekeja. Right. And having the conference proper. So I'm going to take web sphere. I think island has been up for a while. So, web sphere, if you want to unmute your mic and ask your question.

Virtual Participation and Broadcasting

Okay, webs fair. Are you there? If you are speaking, your mic is muted, so we cannot hear you while we're waiting for him to him or her to sort their mic. If you have any questions about the event, please feel free to ask. If you want to drop that as a comment, you can also do that. The link to register for the hackathon is already pinned on the jumbotron. If you are not in Lagos, can we still have the opportunity to follow the virtual for the three days? David, please, do you want to speak to that question? I don't need. David is still.

Accommodation and Event Logistics

I'm here. Okay. Yes, yes. They will follow. We are working on that to make sure that they can follow the event globally, because I think we now start having a wide range of global attendees that will not be able to come in physically. So we are making sure that we have opportunity for people to watch virtually, and also especially for people who can fly down, they can go physically. But yes, we are hoping that we'll get that started out. I think it's part of the plan. So, yes, I am 90% sure. We just. It's just that if we want to watch it, just please help us go and follow YouTube. Follow our channel on YouTube.

Q&A and Registration for Virtual Attendance

That is where you're going to see everything happening. It's going to be on our channel. And even, I think gift. I think one of the things that we are planning to do is that people can even watch straight up from, I think, LinkedIn and Twitter straight up. I think that's one of the things that we are even planning to also do, whereby you can watch from Twitter, you can watch from LinkedIn. I think you can watch from YouTube too. So that's one of the things that we're trying to do too. Thank you, David, do we have any other questions, please? Okay, I Adeleke, do you want to go now? Okay, thank you, Ma, for the opportunity.

Clarifying Virtual Attendance Requirements

I think Mister David has already answered my question, but now that we will be following visually, do we need to registered or. We don't need to register? I just want to confirm if we registered so we can make. Oh, okay. So I am not sure that you need to register because it's virtual. I am not sure you need to register because it's going to be on YouTube. So I'm not sure you need to register. You don't? Okay, thank you. Okay, thank you. Yes, I can hear you. Yeah. Okay.

Event Venue and Accommodation

Okay. All right. Abim Bala, do you want to ask your question? Good evening, everyone. Asks for those that are coming from far locations. Is there any accommodation plan in place? You want to answer that? What was the question? So sorry, what was the question? So she's asking for those coming from far, is there any accommodation plan? If we have sponsorship today, now I'll create accommodation. But no, there is none. We don't have that budget for accommodation at all.

Logistics for Out-of-Town Participants

So we are sorry for that. We don't have the budget. Over to you, Tina. Okay. But something we're going to be doing as we get close to the event, we're going to be sharing like a list of hotels that are around the area that you can probably use and, you know, something like that. That's what we're going to be sharing. But it's still up to you to, you know, undo the views and all of that. But we're just going to, do a list of hotels around the area that you can probably lodge. I hope that helps.

Questions and Further Clarifications

Do we have any other question? Anybody? Now is the time to ask your question about datafest Africa. Anything at all that has been bothering you about the events that you don't have clarity to if you want to register for datafest, the link, it's linked to this space, so you can just, take on it. Okay, we have another testimony. David, you might want to shout hallelujah. Who is that? So somebody said, in addition to what I think she meant to be autobe saying and the previous. Okay, Wufa is saying and the previous testifier.

Success Stories from Datafest

Sure. I met a lot of notable people in the data world, including my current boss last year here at a job on the spots via a five minutes conversation. So you can see data first giving people jobs on the spots. Hey, wow, wow. Even me, I did not know you. People see. And you know one thing. Let me tell. Let me tell you one thing that is funny. How precious we're even in the leadership team. We're discussing this last. We are discussing this yesterday, like yesterday. See if data first has helped you one way or the other.

Community Outreach and Engagement

Please, please tell us. You know why that is the only way. When we talk to sponsors, we tell them that we have really done something we can. We are data people. Imagine, they ask me that. Okay, you are shouting data first. Every day you are shouting this. Who have you helped? If I cannot point and point, there is no way that we say they want to sponsor because there is no story to back up our claims. We know that we have helped people.

Support Needed for Future Events

We know. I know. But imagine now, see this guy, Ade. Now, Ade does not follow me. I don't follow Ade. Ade, I'm not sure. I didn't even follow data first. Africa. So even though that we have done that. Yeah, that is good. That's what we want. But if you don't tell us, we won't know. And at the end of the day, we cannot say those stories outside because we don't know about them. Please. And please.

Requests for Testimonials and Media Engagement

And again, also again, is that please, for those who are here, help us to do something at dataface. If data first has helped you, and maybe you want to put out a video, you want to put out a tweet, just let us know if you want. Also maybe at Datafest Africa, you want us to interview you because of what Datafest has done for you. Please go and meet the media team. Tina. Just go and look for Tina.

Campaign for Success Stories

Anyway, I say, Tina, datafighters has helped me. I need you to do a content for me. We will do it. We want to be able to have all these stories so that we can play it and tell people that see the people that we have been able to affect through what we have been doing in Africa. Please, it's so important and I'm so happy, Ade, thank you very much. Congratulations. But we need more of this and we know that there are many.

Acknowledgment of Participants' Contributions

There are many, but we really need them. We need to put those facts down. Thank you. Thank you very much, Tina. All right, David. So I think you saw my mind or you read my mind, but it's part of one thing I want to do. I wanted to announce in this call, we're going to be launching a campaign that if I were starting that campaign, this, right, if you've ever benefited anything or data fest has impacted you in any way, right.

Social Media Engagement for Testimonials

We want you to make a post, right. I know it's very difficult. Well, not everybody's a content creator. Not everybody can really express themselves with videos, but want you to make a post, make a tweet. It might be on Twitter, maybe on LinkedIn, any social media platform you use at all. And then use the hashtag my data first success story. We want to see all the like. In any way that data fest has actually impacted you.

Final Thoughts and Discussion

Make a post about it and just use the hashtag my datafest Africa success story. Let's use that, my datafest Africa success story. So use the hashtag. We're going to be retweeting. We're going to be engaging with it. Actually, we're going to be engaging with all of your posts and all of your comments. So I see another question somebody is asking Shea food. Good day. And I think. Let me answer this one, David.

Clarifying Ticket Purchases for Food Options

So first thing first there, when the ticket came out, I think there was the ticket with food, right? And there were those options to get food. So I think those persons that were able to get that ticket would be getting food. But we have a partner. I think homemade, by then, life is going to be at the event. So they'll be selling food. You'll be able to get food at the events and everything. But David, if you want to add to that, please.

Sponsorship for Food and Refreshments

Oh, I've answered the question properly. I think you've answered the question. There is no really free food at datafest. There is really no free food. If I'm looking for sponsors that can send drinks, free drinks, free snacks or anything, I'm still looking for sponsors for that. So if you are working for cocacola, you're working for seven, or you're working for a company that have biscuits, or you're working for a company that have snacks and you're thinking that, oh, you know what?

Cost Considerations for Events

Let us send 500 snacks to data first. Africa. Please and please come and. Come and give us free food. We want it. I am begging for you now because it is expensive. Doing an event is expensive. Crazily expensive. Please and please. I saw a tweet yesterday that talked about how when people do tech events, you don't know what goes at the end. Sincerely, it's crazy. It's too crazy.

Detailed Logistics for Multiday Events

And I can't tell you, there's so many things I can't say outside, but it is crazy. Especially when you are doing a two days event. If you are doing one day event is easy because everything you are spending, you're just spending a once, but two days, you are multiplying times two. So if an all is like, let's say 10 million, you are just paying 10 million once if it's a one day event, but if it's two days events, you're paying 20 million. So that's how crazy it is.

Food Services for the Event

So, so that has affected some of the things that we would love to do, like food. So we don't really have that food. for this year, we apologize for that. But we have eaten life. Eden. Life will give you the best jollof rice. Everybody who were there last year knows this. You will eat that jello fries. You will understand. So we are also going to be subsidized. So it's going to be subsidized.

Inviting Participants to Experience the Food

So just make sure that, yeah, you get food from hidden life. So we have hidden life for you guys. Back to you, Tina. Okay, so I just wanted to clarify again because I see questions about the event. Right, just like David mentioned earlier, on the first day is physical. So on the 17th is physical. 17th, there will probably be a follow up meal if you've gotten your ticket. So you will know this. So 17th is virtual, and 18th and 19th is physical.

Technical Issues and Questions

I think there's so many bugs on Twitter, so I can't. I don't even know. Is it speak? I don't know. He's listening. Hello. Good evening, everyone. You don't have a question? I have a question. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. I've been trying to register, but looks as if I can bypass some setting for team because I'm coming as an individual. So how do I get about that? Is it for the acatone, for the for document? You don't need? Yeah. Yes. I'm not coming with you? No, as in if you want to buy a ticket, you don't need a team to buy tickets. Just go to the link and buy tickets. Okay.

Registration Process Clarifications

After that, is there any other registration? No, there's no other registration because I'm actually seeing two links. I'm seeing a link for where you should get in the ticket. Also, let me check. So if you check up now, they says that the data first ticket about that is the only link. That is just one link. The other one has to do with just the data. So. And there's just only one link that registered for the, apart from that, there's no link. You don't need to register for the waitlist again because the ticket is back on sale. So you don't need to put your link, your email on the waitlist. You're welcome.

Volunteering at DataFest

I think Sima is back up. Sima, are you here? Do you want to go ahead. Okay. I think she has dropped again. She might need to just type the question then, if she's having issues with coming, asking the question. So you can just type the question. David, there's a question on, somebody says, I'm really interested in volunteering at datafest. Can I? Can or how do I apply, you. Know, this data, this volunteering thing is something that actually one of my men see right now is kind of angry with me, but she's even here right now, but she cannot do anything. She still loves me, so she cannot do anything. So now is this. We have, because we already have like over 100 people who always volunteer.

Volunteer Selection Process

So instead of us, because they understand the process, they understand the way we think when it comes to volunteering. They understand what is demanded of them. So what we did was that we asked them first, because we already have a group. We asked them that, okay, if you still want to volunteer again this year, let us know now. Every year we need only 60 people to volunteer. Only 60. So we asked again, to our surprise, we had like 46 people who said that they want to volunteer again for the third time. Which means that we just need only 14 more people to pick now. And you can also be a witness that if we put a link out on Twitter and LinkedIn and says, oh, if you want to volunteer for data, first register, we, I am sure of that.

The Event Structure

We'll get up to 5000. No, not 5000. Sorry, 500 people that we want to. We do that every year. So I know the numbers. We always get more than 300 people per year to say they want to volunteer, and we just need only 14 people. I don't think that it would be fair for us to make people go through registering to volunteer. 300 people registering to volunteer. And I have to send a rejection email to 286 people. And I'm just speaking, only 14 people. I don't think it's fair. So what we did was that throughout the year, there are some people that have sent us emails of volunteering. So we just went back to our emails. We went, we told people, who knows the people that want to volunteer?

Selection Process for Volunteers

We just said, hey, if you have people that want to volunteer, just tell them to register here. And we have that. Even with that, we got close to like 40 people. I have to also streamline again from 40 again to like 14 people. So it's a lot of work. We apologize that there's no opportunity publicly, but it was because that we already have, like, awesome people who have always wanted to volunteer. Like every year they don't even, they don't want to hear anything. They just want to make sure that they volunteer. And you've been doing that every year back to back. And those people understand the process, they understand the way we think, they understand what this needed.

Event Format and Keynote Speakers

So it was so easy for us to just pick them again. So hopefully maybe next year, if we have a lot of them that says, oh, yeah, they don't have time next year. Aha. But I don't think it's enough also to use 14 people to put a public post out for it. Tina, over to you. Hello, Tina. Okay, thank you, David, for clarifying that. Okay, I think we still have more. Sima, can you speak now? Sima, can you speak now? We can't hear you. Do. Okay, if Sima is not ready, logo man, can you speak now? Can ask your question. Okay, if Logoman is not available. Obina, sorry, I don't want to spoil your name. Please. Obina, you can unmute your mic and ask your question. Okay.

Audience Engagement and Questions

Good evening, everyone. Please. Kofana, I can hear me? Yes, loud and clear. Okay. Okay. I actually had two questions. So Mister David has already answered. The first one was concerning the volunteering part. Understood. Then the second question was about the. About the event. So he said it was three days. Then the first one was concerning the breakout sessions. Then I wanted to ask, I don't know if that been posted before. What is now going to happen on the second and third d? I like that question. Okay, so now if you look at it right now, let me show you something. One of the things that we have planned already is that we have different panel sessions that will be happening now.

Agenda for Datafest

You can see that you saw Fisayo fusudo, you have seen coyote. Okiki ola, you have seen oluwatobi. Ayeni, you have seen olumide shoyonbo. also, I don't know, maybe you guys have seen it. We have, this person from former, CEO, co founder of Flutter wave. what is his name? I've forgotten his name now. so what did you say to now? Abo ye g. E. So we have mister e two aboyeji now is that we have different panel sessions that will be happening. We have that of media and AI. We have the ecosystem itself, the tech ecosystem around AI, within the tech ecosystem.

Event Details

We even have one that has to do with the history of AI in Africa itself. We have different sessions. And also, again, we have different ten minutes conversations around technical conversations that different people will be speaking on at the event. We also have networking opportunities at the event itself. We have interview opportunities at the event itself. So we have so many things lined up at the event. So we have panel sessions, we have expert sessions. One of the keynotes is Professor Indubisi. I don't know if anybody knows Professor Indubisi. Professor Indubisi is coming for keynotes. We'll be in keynotes.

Keynote Confirmations

We also have somebody also at Microsoft, from Washington DC, coming to Nigeria for keynote. Also from Washington, not Washington DC, from Washington. So we have all those things in place for the physical event itself. Obi, now I hope I've answered your question. Yes, mister David. Thank you. You're welcome. Okay, I think Sima has dropped that question. She said, so without a data engineer, will it seem be disqualified? Number one. Number two. Secondly, is it for inclusivity or the project will need all the projects we need to work on will require data engineer and data scientists.

Clarifying Event Requirements

Thirdly, will 19 be a recap of 18? Would 90 be a recouple? Okay, wait, let me pick it from number one. Give me number one again. Okay, so number one. So without a data engineer, will it seem be disqualified? They will not. Number two. Okay, I think I'll add something to that. This is it you need. You won't be disqualified, but you don't want to be thrown aback, right? Such that there's a task that requires a data engineer, and then you'll become confused. You don't know what to do.

Task Assignments in Projects

But if you have a data engineer in your team, it solves that problem. Number two question. I think we've already answered that. Number three, will 19 meaning with day three be a recap of the two? No, all of them are different. We have different things planned for everything. So it's different things. So that's why I said that you have to be at the event. Because you have a is a full packed event and you is a full thing. Because you know that data and AI is wide.

Importance of Data Understanding

And that is why when I tell people around this career, around data alone, I tell people that see, data is everybody from a sales manager to an SME to somebody in oil and gas, to media, to journalism, to writing, to software, to hardware, everything or everything that we are doing in this life is around data. And that is why people were happy when they were having tragedy. Because from the education sector to anything, everybody can relate with LGBT because it affected everybody. But it was built on billions, trillions of data.

Diverse Topics at Datafest

So that is why you need to know that there's so many things that we can talk about. There's so many things that we can course that has to do with data and AI. So we are not doing anything. Recap. Everything is different at the event. Sima, I hope that answers your question. So I don't see any question in the chat. I don't know if anybody has any question contribution. Maybe you want to add something. You want to talk about your experience at data first.

Networking Strategies

Maybe you want to talk about it from a beginner's point of view, what they should look out for and what they should be expecting. You can request for the mic. I'm going to share a, a little. Maybe it's not so much an expo, but if you're looking to come to the events, now will be a good time to start the networking, right? Put out a tweet and let people know that you're going to be at Data first Africa. You can. People will drop comments and then you probably get to meet those people in person, especially if you're a shy person, right? This is one way to actually connect with people just from Twitter and then get to meet them in person.

Event Details Reminder

Data first Africa. So, as a reminder, the event is happening next month on the 17th, 18th and 19 October. And just like we said earlier on 17th is a virtual session. 18th and 19th is physical, and it's going to be happening at Oregon Ikejae. You would get meals and everything about. About the event, the location, and probably even how to get there while we build up to the event. So do we have any other questions before we wrap up the space, or David, do you want to share something before we call it?

Call for Feedback and Community Support

So another thing there also, again, is that somebody mentioned something, which is also good, thing that maybe we might create a survey link. That survey will be for people who want to share testimony about data. Some people might not be open to sharing publicly. Supposed I be open to because of their name. They don't want to put their name out. Some people might just want to be able to share it. So if we are put open to that also good idea. Apart from that also the. The hashtag year is data first Africa 2024. Or Dfe 2024, the hashtag this year.

Football Event Announcement and Benefits

So we are using talking about data first because sincerely, from October 1 there will be a lot of noise. Before I forget, we are playing football in October 13. Correcting her when is our football match? Yes, yes, you are correct. Next week, Saturday or on the 12th. Rather not. So if you want to play, if you are open to playing football, we are going to play football on the 12 October. So yeah, having data engineers and data analysts versus data science and machine learning people. So come out, come and support.

Networking and Learning Experience

Just come and meet with people. And that is how you work. You just meet with people. You meet, you talk to people and from there you have a very good relationship with other people. And lastly is that always remember that going for an event apart from you looking for a job, apart from you looking for opportunities. Be open to learning is so important. Be open to learning because it just widens the things that you want to learn. You just don't see there's some things that you just don't see that we want you to see.

Future Aspirations for Datafest

And one of the also the things that we want data first to be one day is to be a place whereby people launch their company, people launch their product. Like the way whereby you watch Google and when Google is doing an event, you see where they launch their products, or when Apple is launching a product or when Microsoft is launching Microsoft Fabric, you are watching Microsoft ignite, Microsoft Build and stuff like that. We want whereby when people are launching AI, data related products, they know that one big event in Africa that can help them see customers, see people that will review, see people that will give them feedback will be at Datafest Africa.

Product Launches at Datafest

And we want it to be like that. And we know that there are even two companies that will be launching a product at Dataface this year. One of them is also a sponsor. So look out for them. Support them. It's so important. Support them. Oh, are you launching a product? What can we help you to do? What can we support them? You don't even know. Maybe your next job will come from even you giving product feedback for that company. So support them. Say hi to them, whatever they say they need, help them.

Community and Team Efforts

Because one thing is this, I think that one thing has helped us in data first Africa is that we think derafica is our best baby. So everybody is trying to say, okay, David, what do you want? What data first is that is the way we think about it and it's one of the best way to think about a community event. You think about it like from a perspective of, how can I help to make this event work? And that is the best mindset to go to an event. It makes you want to help and it makes you want to help people see the new aspect of that.

Mindset and Event Success

So it's not about, oh, I need to gain something. No, it's just because you want to be able to help and you want the event to be successful. And if it's successful, everybody's happy, everybody flies in, everybody fly out. At the end of the day, everybody is happy about it. So those are things I'm going to say. So lastly, also, again, thank you to everybody. Since January, we have been working to make this work again. For people who don't know the planning of data first, Africa always happened ten months before, like ten months. That is when we start.

Planning and Coordination Challenges

So whatever you see now starts January. So we always have meetings two times two, every by bi weekly on Sundays. We always have meetings every time till October. And it's a whole lot of stress for us. We have so many moving parts. But thank you to everybody that has invested from a money aspect to advice aspect to physical aspect. Now we are going into the next 14 days and it's going to be stretching everybody mentally. So. But thank you to everybody who will be helping, at the event, after the event, before the event.

Thank You and Looking Ahead

We cannot wait to see the beautiful pictures, to see the beautiful videos, to see the testimony, to see the jobs. We just cannot wait. And we just want to be proud of you guys. And we hope you guys is able to tell that story about how datafest has been one of the catalysts for your career, for the relationship that you have now, and for the beautiful memories that we've been able to create for the net for the past three years and going forward. Thank you, Tina.

Final Reminders and Invitations

All right, before we round off the space, I want us to do something. If you look at David's profile, you see something there, right? David? Abu hashtag Data First Africa 2024. So I want everybody, if you want to be part of the noise we are making for data first Africa, please just add the hashtag Hash datafest Africa 2024 to your profile so that people begin to wonder what is happening? What exactly is data first Africa 2024? So please be part of that noise that we are trying to make.

Community Event Announcement

Also, I'd like to use this opportunity to specially invite everyone on here for a community event that is happening next week, Saturday. If you want to see the amazing work that we are doing via the data camp partnership we have. You want to see the amazing work that data community Africa is doing. Please attend our event. We're going to be having our learners from different parts of Africa come to share their experience, how the journey has impacted their life and things like that. So please make it a date.

Expectations for Datafest Africa

I've already linked the link to joining is already here and leading to the event day. I'm going to be sharing and retweeting that, so it'll be a great thing to have you come support that particular event. We are excited for Datafest Africa and I'm definitely looking forward to it. And I'm sure that every one of us is looking forward to it. And to recap everything we've been talking about for the space once more, before we bring it to a wrap, we're looking for sponsors.

Call for Sponsorships

If you know anybody that wants to sponsor Datafest Africa, please tell them to send a message to Datafest Africa and we'll follow up with that. Also, Datafest Africa this year is going to be about the for those that are looking for jobs, if you're looking for jobs, come to data first. Africa. If you're looking to employ people, come to Datafest Africa. And please don't forget, the first day of the event is virtual. Thank you all for joining the space. Leave it with us, at us and would answer that. Okay, and we'll see you at.

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