Space Summary

The Twitter Space ALL BEARS ARE FCKD WIFI MONEY w/ Greg & Nagato ️ hosted by GregLuntX. The Twitter Space 'WIFI MONEY' with Greg & Nagato delved into finance, investment strategies, and content creation tips. Key takeaways focused on financial literacy, content creation strategies, and the significance of collaboration and authenticity. The session emphasized the importance of continuous learning, utilizing highlights for content optimization, and engaging with diverse topics to enhance audience reach. Topics covered included investment education, online content monetization, and the future trends in content creation. A valuable discussion for creators seeking to excel in finance, content creation, and audience engagement.

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Total Listeners: 168


Q: What are some key strategies for building wealth through investments?
A: Diversification, research, and long-term planning are crucial for successful wealth accumulation.

Q: How can creators enhance audience engagement during live content sessions?
A: Interactive elements, audience participation, and valuable insights can boost engagement levels.

Q: Why is financial literacy essential in navigating the world of investments?
A: Understanding financial principles helps in making informed decisions and mitigating risks in investment ventures.

Q: What role does research play in content creation and investment success?
A: Thorough research is fundamental for creating quality content and making sound investment choices.

Q: How can content creators leverage highlights for content optimization?
A: Using highlights can repurpose content effectively and attract new audiences to the recorded sessions.

Q: What are the benefits of collaboration in the content creation community?
A: Collaboration fosters creativity, knowledge exchange, and expands reach within the content creator community.

Q: Why is authenticity important in content production and audience interaction?
A: Authenticity builds trust, credibility, and fosters genuine connections with the audience.

Q: How can content creators maintain consistency in their content production?
A: Creating schedules, planning content ahead, and staying committed to regular uploads help in maintaining consistency.

Q: What are some effective methods for successful online content creation?
A: Understanding the target audience, optimizing SEO, and delivering value-driven content are key to online content success.

Q: How can creators navigate diverse content creation topics effectively?
A: Researching trends, audience preferences, and experimenting with various content formats can help creators navigate diverse topics successfully.


Time: 00:15:20
Effective Investment Strategies for Beginners Greg and Nagato share insights on beginner-friendly investment approaches and financial education resources.

Time: 00:35:45
Creating Engaging Live Content Experiences Tips on hosting interactive and informative live sessions to captivate and retain audience interest.

Time: 00:50:10
Maximizing Content Visibility through Highlights Understanding the value of using highlights to repurpose content and attract new viewers.

Time: 01:10:05
Importance of Consistency in Content Creation Discussions on the significance of regular uploads and content consistency for audience retention.

Time: 01:25:30
Collaboration and Community Building in Content Creation Exploring the benefits of collaboration and knowledge sharing within the content creator community.

Time: 01:40:15
Authenticity and Audience Engagement How authenticity impacts audience trust, engagement, and long-term relationships.

Time: 02:00:20
Navigating Diverse Content Creation Topics Strategies for researching, experimenting, and engaging with various topics to appeal to a broader audience.

Time: 02:15:50
Future of Online Content Creation Insights on upcoming trends, technologies, and strategies shaping the future of online content creation.

Time: 02:30:00
Monetization and Growth Strategies for Creators Practical advice on monetizing content, expanding reach, and sustaining growth as a content creator.

Time: 02:45:10
Financial Literacy and Investment Education The importance of understanding financial literacy and accessing educational resources for informed investment decisions.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights into financial literacy and investment tactics for wealth building.
  • Discussion on cryptocurrency trends and market analysis.
  • Importance of research and continuous learning in the finance domain.
  • Exploration of content creation strategies for successful online presence.
  • Tips on hosting engaging and informative live content sessions.
  • Utilizing highlights for maximizing content visibility and engagement.
  • Sharing personal experiences and practical advice on content creation and investments.
  • Encouragement towards exploring diverse topics for content creation and audience engagement.
  • Promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing within the content creation community.
  • Emphasizing consistency and authenticity in content production and audience interaction.

Behind the Mic

Walking Under the Full Moon

Take a walk with the full moon go button and zip top. It's all kicking off soon. Best thing with a quick bruv. I don't know about your goons round there. Everything lift up. Whether it's jaw win or lose, none of my friend them give up. Let's do it. Yay.

Greetings and Introductions

We made it back. Yay. Hi, everybody. Hi. Hi, Nagato. God, I almost called you the c word again. Hi, Nagato. No, no. Fuck no. How are you? How are you, dog? I'm good as always. Life is good. Can't complain. What about you, brother? Yeah, same shit, brother. Same shit. All good. Dude.

Bitcoin Trends and Predictions

I just opened up the bitcoin chart, and not to jump too quickly into the crypto side of stuff, but, I pulled up the six month chart, so, like, every candle. Six months? Dude, that's the most bullish chart I've ever seen in my life. Dude, fuck the bears, bro. Honestly, fuck with it. Yo, if you're a bear, raise your fucking hand right now. Let me see a six month chart. Dude, if you guys are at a computer, just change the candles to six months and then tell me you're fucking bearish, dude.

Market Conditions and Economic Outlook

We're here, guys. We're like at that. We're like, at the precipice and so. It's like four, six months. Candle? Like green candle, like in a row straight. Yep, we're there, buddy. We're there. So what's. What's on your mind, bro? What's the latest in the world of negato? The interesting world of negato. Not that interesting lately, honestly. I'm still in Italy. I will go back to Bangkok next week. I will fly on October 2 and on October 3, so would be like double flight.

Flight Schedules and Market Strategies

So like a nice combo for a quick dump in the market, I guess. So be ready to short, you know, the. You know, the fucking. Yeah. Yeah. You know what's gonna happen every time I jump on a fucking plane. And, yeah, after that, I won't be flying for at least like another three months. So we are. We have all the time for the fucking borang to develop. So maybe it can be the last chance for you guys to actually either short the market or actually, like, increase your size.

Optimism in the Market

And that's it then, apparently, I guess. What's your view, brother? What do you think? Yeah, I'm in the same boat. So we've been looking at October for a long time now. What was the stat that I sent you earlier today? Let me see. It was like, I think. Jason, Jason. A Williams, he said there has never been a green September closing for bitcoin that was not directly followed by a better green closing for October.

Bitcoin's Historic Trends

So let me say that again. Bitcoin has never had a green September and not had a even more aggressively green October. And on top of that, 82% of October's of all time closed green in the history of bitcoin, regardless of September's performance. Lock the fuck in. So, yeah, that's where we're at. We're at that time of year, ladies and gentlemen, and it aligns with everything that we've been talking about all summer, right? We've been looking at this six months since the having.

Current Economic Conditions

April was the having, October is six months later. Right, quick maths. And we're. It is upon us. It is upon us, technically, fundamentally, looking at the money printing that's going on now in China, the fed rates getting cut. Nagata. Do you want to talk about that a little bit, like, some of the macro picture here? Because. And actually, you know what? Before we do that, can we get how many people we got in here, bro, the retweets are fucking insane. And I mean in a bad way.

Community Engagement and Market Sentiment

Yeah, one is mine also. We got. Yeah, we got seven people in here. And what are we at? Six. Six retweets and. And seven comments, and four of them are negato commenting. Yeah, dude, we're literally just talking to ourselves, bro. Yeah. Everyone shows up on Saturday. They just want free entertainment. You can't even press a button. They came in. Go and press fucking comment. Drop a gift. Shame.

Pushing for Community Interaction

And read this shit. Unreal, bro. Unreal. Don't raise their hand and come up on stage. You just got a bunch of freeloaders in this bitch. Is that what crypto is? Is that what crypto attracts? Just a bunch of free loaders? I think it might be. That's possible. That's actually possible. I know, guys, if you don't want. Go to the bottom, right, you guys, can you.

Encouragement to Engage

Yeah, go ahead, Nagara. No, I was saying that. I was saying that if you don't want to retweet, it's fine, but at least leave a. Like. And leave a comment. Like, yeah, it's fine, brother. Like, no, it's. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. If you don't want to support. Whatever. Leave a comment. Leave a gif in the comments.

Engaging with the Audience

You know what I'm saying? Just like, throw us a fucking bone here. All right, now you can tell them now. Now that we got that off our chest, why don't you give us a little bit of your macro outlook here? There's a lot of good things swirling. Yeah, yeah, I guess so. Like, for what I. So actually, I wasn't really paying attention to the markets.

Market Observations

Like, the past few days, I've been focused on other things, but, yeah, for what I've seen, basically everybody started printing again. The m two money supply is, like, breaking all time high. So it means that, like, liquidity is entering the market. So I think this is a period where you really want to be Rizkan, at least for, like, the next few months. It makes a lot of sense.

Discussion on Risk Management

Do you agree, brother, or are you bearish like everybody else on. That was. That was my risk on audio. That was my risk on sound clip. No, dude, this is fucking this. I mean, what are you waiting for? Like, this is literally the time, dude. The fucking. The title of this room, I could note, like, my spirit animal, it's like. And it's not only the bears are fucked, the bears can get fucked, dude.

Charging into the Future

There are people out here that are calling for real, like, half the price we're at now. There are people calling for a top sub 100k. Like, I don't have time for this shit. Do you know what I'm saying? Like, I just don't have time for this shit. If you're that fucking retarded, you're getting blocked and muted, straight up. I know.

Market Trends and Psychological Factors

I think we. Yeah, go ahead. No, I was saying that it's crazy because, like, even if you're just, like, not like, brain dead bullish, but, like, normal, like, normal levels of bullishness to say, like, yeah, maybe we see can top at, like, one hundred k, one hundred twenty k. Being, like, super conservative. Like, a lot of people say, oh, you're a crazy bull.

Caution Amidst Optimism

You're just, like, selling opium here and there. Like, because they're so fucking traumatized. Like, they have so many fucking, like, PTSD from the bear market that they cannot see, like, a fucking run, like, a decent sized round, you know? But I don't really think that BTC spent, like, six months in a fucking consolidation pattern.

Skepticism Towards Market Reactions

Like, reaccumulation and everything to just, like, break the all time high and just fly, like, 20% above it. Like, for me, it's fucking really fucking retarded. Like, to think about this, but, you know, like, anything can happen in this space. A bit retarded. Yeah, it's a bit retarded. Like, I'm saying, like, anything can happen in this space.

Preparing for Future Volatility

You want to be prepared for every scenario. But I mean, this one seems fucking unlikely to me, you know, especially after everything that's happened in the past few months. Also, like, the macro, as we said, like, is aligning really well. Liquidity is entering the markets again. And if you have been paying attention to, let's say, for example, the us stock market.

Potential Market Growth

S and P made a new all time high recently, blah, blah. But the crypto market, if compared to the, for example, the S and P 500, has been lagging a lot. So in my opinion, there will be last push higher for equities as well. But then a lot of the liquidity coming out from equities will probably, like, jump into crypto at some point.

Future Projections

We won't be like. There will be a point where we won't be that we will be outperforming the fucking equities and everything. And I see a lot of liquidity coming in this market. And when I said that, I see a top for this market between, like, five to 7 trillion in the next few months. Everybody say, oh, no, it's too optimistic. I see three, I see four.

Concluding Optimism

But I don't know. I don't know. I mean, anything can happen, but I don't want people to actually potentially waste the amazing round that's probably coming because they are too courteous. You know, I tweeted something along those lines in the past few days. I don't fucking even remember. wait, let me pull up. Let me pull it up.

Investing Mindset

Is this one okay? Basically what I've seen in the past, like, in the past few days is like, I see many people that are preaching, like, taking fucking profits. Oh, yeah, take profit. Now, if your altcoins went up, like, 10%, take profit, secure your bag, blah, blah. And, okay, if you're a trader, it makes sense.

On Timing Sales

You jumped into the trade, you made money with the trade. But I don't think it's the best strategy at the moment because taking profits on some altcoins that just recently barely broke has just broke out from their two plus year downtrend with a BTC dominance that's still high and ethereum BTc pair that's pretty much bottoming to me. It's fucking pure madness.

Investment Strategy Suggestions

If you want to maximize the ROI during the final months of this bull cycle, I think that now it's the time to just fucking let your bags run for a few months. Of course you want to take profit, slowly scale out and everything, but you don't really want to take profit now. Like, why the fuck you want to take profit? When like, the party is just fucking starting, you know, to me, it's crazy.

Historical Patterns of Profit-Taking

And why I keep, like, why do I tweeted? This is basically because, like, over the past couple bull runs that I've experienced, I've seen like, a lot of people being over cautious. So basically they were like, right now, like, you see a lot of people, they have bear market PTSD and everything. So they basically end up taking profits too aggressively, too soon and then they see the market that keeps on going higher and higher and higher.

Reflections on Trading Behavior

So at some point, okay, they ended up like foaming back in the market. So they jumped in again with the profits. And that was the macro top of the cycle, you know, because they were out from the market. They saw the market going higher and higher. Like, remember the feeling that you were probably experiencing during like, the most recent bearish trend?

Market Sentiment

You know, you saw your portfolio losing value every day, blah, blah. This is nothing if you compare it to the feeling that you will have if you sell too soon, because you will see your previous portfolio, your former portfolio going up every fucking day. Like the altcoins that you see that you, let's say you sold one altcoin at $1, you will see it going to 100, 2150 to ten to 20 to 50.

Consequences of Selling Early

And at some point, this fucking feeling will fuck your mind because you say, oh, I'm stupid, I sold too soon, it's going up. I could have made a shit ton of money, blah, blah. And at some point, if you're not like an experienced investor, you will end up buying it back. Okay? During the first, like, little pullback, you will buy it back.

Trading Risks

And maybe that's not a little pullback, it's the fucking micro top of the cycle. And you fucking get, we get fucking wrecked. So right now, like, I don't even know why I started talking about this topic, but I mean, fuck, just don't fucking sell too soon. Like, let your bags run. This is the time to be bold a little bit. Like, I know that you have been maybe burned by the past few months of downtrends and everything.

Future Predictions

But when ethereum BTC will bottom, the BTC dominance will start to go down. You will see a fucking messy ball season in my opinion. So now it's time to just wait and see what happens, you know? Do you agree, Greg? I don't even, I don't even think people have been burned in the last six months unless you're over trading, which we tell them not to every fucking day.

Analyzing Market Charts

If you just look at the monthly chart, dude. It's just, like, so clean. Like, there's. There's. It's so fucking. Yeah, yeah. I'm talking about people that were mainly into altcoins because, like, I know, like, what? We bought altcoins in 2023. So even, like, during this downtrend, were, like, still up, like, five x or more, ten x even.

Strategies for New Investors

But, like, a lot of people just jump into the market, like, at the recent high, so they basically went all in. At the recent high, they didn't, like, DCA slowly, they just went all in. So they got burned, you know? So, I mean, yeah, maybe you got burned the past few months, but don't let the past few months dictate your future, you know, because now I think that after, like, the Federal Reserve started cutting rates, like, I think that the game is shifted, you know?

Current Market Sentiments

Yeah. And another interesting thing this weekend is that, like, the meme coins have started to bubble up again. You know what I mean? Kind of like a little canary in the coal mine, like, last year. Hopefully you start to see some activity coming back in the market. And the thing that's different about this whole cycle is just, like, particularly since the ETF earlier this year, this whole wave of technology and a finance is now deeply ingrained into the zeitgeist of retail and of institutions to.

Anticipating Market Movement

Everyone's just kind of waiting for, like, the shoe to drop and then the party is on, guys. Like, it's always been a waiting game, but we knew we kind of had to wait, like, all summer. Now it's like a week to week thing. Like, could it still take, like, six more weeks? Do we have to wait to the election? Like, yeah, that's still possible, but could it happen tomorrow? It could also happen tomorrow.

Keeping Alert for Market Changes

Like, I'm at that point where I'm on my. I'm on my toes now, and, you know, there's a lot of upside from here. I still think bitcoin can. Again, I don't really love making price predictions, but we have a lot. We have a lot of room to run my opinion. And I like seeing the meme coins kind of bubble.

Humorous Reflections

I like seeing what there was that meme I sent you. I try and dig it up from earlier this week, dude. Like, the world's burning, and then crypto bros are, like, market bullish. Remember that one, dude? It's so funny, but it's so true. They're just. I got to find it now.

Optimism Despite Turmoil

There's a lot of. There's a lot of reason to feel confident. As long as the world doesn't just literally crash and burn. Like, if we can just keep things, you know, moving and not, the house of cards doesn't completely fall, crypto is going to have a fucking hell of a run right here. And, yeah, I do think we've kind of made it to the other side of, I mean, the choppiness.

Future of Crypto in a Volatile Environment

I mean, even if we have to wait a few more weeks. I mean, I completely agree with what you said. Like, if the world stays as it is right now, I think the Buran is pretty much inevitable. Like, fucking inevitable. The only thing that I see that can disrupt this thing is, like, if people will start to nuke each other, like, you will see fucking nukes all around the fucking world.

Philosophical Considerations

I guess the bootom can be fucking delayed or postponed or something, but at that point, if there will be a nuclear war or something like that, I think the last of your problem will be your crypto portfolio, I guess. So. Nothing to worry about, right, Greg? Yeah, I'm trying to tweet this. Oh, you're trying to find a me?

Cryptocurrency as a Concept

Want to get. No, I got it. I just got a pin. I just pinned it to the top. That's us. Right now. This is literally just wi fi money. That's all we do. Ha ha. Do we want me to quickly go through the BTC chart real quick?

Chart Analysis

Will I share something the other day where I highlighted, like. Yeah, forget my jokes. Let's go through your tweets, everyone. Go click on Kirtanagato's profile. Run them up. Run them up. And, yeah, let me. Let me get the. You want to do the three scenarios? Yeah, that one will be nice.

Market Scenarios Explained

So we can. Nagato's got three scenarios, guys. Up, sideways, or down. Yeah, right. Let's fucking go. No, basically, like, I'll pin it and. You go ahead and break it. Like, the first week of September, when we got, like, the most recent shakeout, BTC went to, like, 52k, when everybody else was screaming like, oh, my God, it's over.

Understanding Market Reactions

We're gonna go to 40k, blah, blah. I just tweeted something like that. Resemble, like a fucking cup and all, or bull flag or whatever. No, and I said that in my opinion, that was the bottom. Okay.

Market Analysis Overview

The macro bottom for now. And, yeah, back then I highlighted the scenario number. Hey. No, not number a. What the fuck scenario. Hey. And basically now it seems like it's playing out, but we will. We won't know. You know, we have to wait a little bit for a few confirmations. But basically as you can see from the picture there are three scenario possible in my opinion. Scenario number, sorry. Scenario a is the blue one, is the one that I just said like I drew back then. And is it still in play? I guess absolutely. Just because we are at resistance right now, it doesn't mean that we cannot break it. I know that some indicators like open interest blah blah are overcooked. But maybe we can break this structure and then correct a bit higher so we can reset all those indicators so we can see a push to maybe like 69k, little correction to 66 and then finally break this structure and BTc new all time ions start skyrocketing higher and then we can reset oi and other stuff like later.

Scenario Analysis

Scenario B, which is the red one, which is the one that I probably like the most because it makes a lot of sense to me, would be a local top for BTC at around like 67k. So maybe we could have like we could have already reached it yesterday, but I don't know. Then this top will be followed by a sharp retracement to like a zone that I really like will between like 62 five k and think that zone is juicy because it has a lot of confluences. There is a big weekly fair value gap and also it's between the 50 and 61.8 Fibonacci retracement. And then after the BTC price will go to this zone we can see a push higher. And this push higher will actually be the one that will help us break the structure. So BTC will go to a new all time high, blah blah. This scenario will be much healthier than scenario A because it would allow us for more powerful reset of some overcooked matrix like I said, which would be open interest, funding rate, blah blah.

Exploring Possible Futures

So scenario B will be the healthiest one in my opinion. But also scenario a is still in play. Then there is the other scenario which is scenario C. And I saw many people that in my opinion are overly bearish tweeting about this scenario. And this will be basically another retest of the flag or the handle. If you consider this formation a bull flag, it will be a retest of the flag. If you consider this formation a cup and handle would be the retest of the handle. So basically would mean bitcoin go back to like 50k with a possible fake out even lower to like forty five k. And then as soon as we tap in that zone there will be another grab of liquidity. So then after we tap into that zone we can see the price skyrocketing, breaking in an explosive upside, move this formation and go higher and blah, blah. So I don't really think that this scenario will be possible.

Assessing Bearish Potential

I mean, anything is possible in crypto, but this is highly unlikely to me because I've seen like too many bears that are sidelined at the moment. So I imagine that if we even have a little dip, which will be around like fifty nine k at max, 57k maybe at max. I imagine that a lot of bears will flip bullish and just Max bet. So I don't really see the price going that low. But, you know, anything can happen. But, you know, the beauty is that all those scenarios have the same outcome, which will be the break of the, or the, of the bull flag or capenendo formation to the outs to the upside. So in some ways, all of them are bullish. There is just like the extremely bullish case, the middle case, and the short term bearish but long term bullish case.

Market Strategies

So, I mean, nothing to worry about. If we get that fucking a massive pullback that a lot of people, even some people I respect, they're respecting, I think all you have to do is sit on your bags, do fucking nothing, and you can either DCA more, so increase your positions if we, if you have this shakeout. Or you can simply use like leverage trading, use another like, trading account of some sort to like, trade this move. So you're bullish with your main bags because it makes sense to stay bullish here. And then you can take advantage of the downtrend by actually shorting it if you want. So you can edging. But yeah, I guess, like, the outcomes are all fucking bullish. So nothing to worry about.

Discussion on Leverage Trading

No, Greg, so after all that, your advice is that you should start leverage trading on the shorts? That's what I heard at the end there. No, basically I said like, that the best thing for people to play the bull market right now would be having a spot back that you don't want to fucking try to flip. Okay? You don't want to, like, after a 5% upside move, you don't want to fucking take profit. Do something. You don't want to do fucking anything because you want, you are here to actually take advantage of the bulk of the move, you know, and during a fucking alt season or bull run or whatever you want to call it, okay? Especially the last phase, in my opinion, will be extremely parabolic.

Engagement in Market Trends

So you want to be in the market, okay, when that move comes. So with your spot bag, you don't want to do fucking anything. The only thing that you can do is if we get a correction here, would be to increase your positions if you want to increase them. Otherwise, do fucking nothing. And on the other hand, if you want to play on the short term volatility, if you want to take advantage of the short term volatility, you can have a separate trading account and you can trade those fucking short term moves, you know? So like, even if you're bullish, you can say, okay, the market. I think the market will correct a little bit.

Anticipation of Market Movements

I don't want to time the market with my main bags because maybe I'm wrong and there will be a fucking green candle, like directly from sixty five k to one hundred k. But I want to try to play the volatility with my fucking trading portfolio. So if I'm wrong, I will simply get stopped out and it's fine. You know, that's. That's what I was trying to say. I didn't say like, go on 100 x leverage and like blow your fucking account. You know? Sorry, you cut out there. I heard go on 100 x leverage and blow your account.

Market Sentiment and Contrarian Thinking

Yeah, okay. Got it. But before doing that, you have to also take a loan. Yes, yes. Do it with someone else's money that you owe back with interest. Exactly. Then take 100 x. Okay. Got it. Yeah. That sounds like a winning playbook. So basically, no matter what happens, you're bullish as all hell. And it's just, do we just like how far do we retrace? And that's always basically been the question. I think the. So the bearish case is basically, again, just your emotional management and patience, right? Yeah. It's not necessarily bearish on price.

Navigating Market Emotions

I mean, yeah, it goes down a little bit further, but it's more about bearish on, like, are you gonna react to a pullback in price or not? Like the bearish cases, you getting tricked to shorten your position to all buy back lower. One of those things I'll sell here and buy back lower. Becoming a, you know, falling victim to the market, playing around with you and acting like an NPC and either selling or selling with the intention to buy back lower or taking profits on a little bounce or whatever. Like small thinking, small minded bullshit you're on at like the ultimate crowd.

Realizing Market Dynamics

Like, dude, imagine selling right now. Imagine selling right now. You are a fucking. A bit retarded. Yeah. Not a bit retarded. Fucking lot retarded. But you know what? Like, I've seen many bears, let me call them bears, okay. They want to play, like, the contrarian game. You know? They say, oh, I see everybody else in the market is bullish right now. So I will be a contrarian, and I will short the market because it will go down because everybody is bullish. And I'm like, are you fucking stupid or what?

Market Participation Trends

Like, are you fucking stupid or what? Like, we have been. We just went through, like, six, seven, eight months of fucking disgusting price action. Like, most coins were down, like, 95%, 90%. So all the people who wanted to leave the market, they already fucking left. So it's fucking normal that the last five, fucking ten people in the market, they are all bullish. It's like, fucking, like, it's not something that's difficult to, like, understand. It's normal that everybody else left in the market, at least the majority of the people in the market right now, they are bullish because they have been fucking bullish the whole time.

Sustained Market Presence

Those are people that you won't be able to shake out anymore. If after those six months of disgusting price action, those people are still here, they will be here basically forever, as long as it takes. Of course they are bullish if they see bullish price action. Basically what I said, I tweeted something that I think you just share. I think it's fucking retarded, because when you zoom out from the crypto, x, whatever you want to call it, echo chamber, eco chamber, and look at the bigger picture, like, most people, they don't even know what the fuck crypto is. They're not interested at the moment.

Observing Market Behavior

Like, how can you say that? Everybody is fucking bullish. Everybody's not paying attention. There are a few fucking nerds like us that are paying attention, and yes, we are bullish, but, I mean, it's like, me, you, 110 people listening to wifi, money, space, and that's it. You know? So that's like, I did something that was, like, by still being involved in this industry after so many months of dreadful price action, you are already acting as a fucking contrarian. So there is no need to be a contrarian of the contrarians, you know, that's completely based.

Concluding Remarks

Yeah, that's stupid. No. I'm saying you're based. That was. That was a good. I was a good one liner. If you're still in the market right now, you are a contrarian. So if you try to outsmart yourself, like, you played it this well thus far, that you're involved, you're keeping up, you have a bag, you have a plan, you're in Wi Fi money, every Saturday. And then you try to get super smart. Oh, look, my whole timeline. Everyone's bullish. I should play the other side, because when things happen that everyone's expecting, it normally goes the other way.

Understanding Market Signals

But who's everyone? Everyone is fucking the twelve people you follow, right? And all the people, all the bots in the comments section go outside, bro. Touch grass, look around. You know how many people are thinking are bullish about crypto right now? No one gives a fuck. I'm literally walking right now, and as Nagato is saying that I'm, like, looking at these people and I'm like, they don't know shit. So, like, if you've ever been in a bull market before, these are the people, these same people I'm looking at right now getting in this car that have no fucking clue what's going on with crypto.

Recognizing Market Phases

Those are the same people who are texting each other. Yo, did you get on Robin Hood? Blah, blah, like straight up NPC type shit at the top? That's when you go contrarian and everyone's getting in, and CNBC is showing you how to trade ripple and every single website, and you got, you know, get into Uber. Yo, did you hear about Comerocket? That's when you fucking go contrarian. And your timeline is going to be lit then, too. Don't get me wrong. And it will be hard because the timeline does make it hard because all the same people that are bullish right now, most of them are still going to be bullish at the top.

Future Market Predictions

That's just facts. Like, people are emotional beings and they get caught up in the wave. And some people are just permeables. And we're going to be here through every step of the way with you guys. But that is when it's going to take a little bit of, you know, balls to kind of make that sell, make that big move and change your life and have to go against the grain. But for now, there's no grain to go against, dude. Like, don't overthink this. That's really what it comes down to, is don't overthink this.

Market Trends and Coinbase

No, yeah, absolutely. You want to take a few hands here, or do you want to. Do you want to talk about. I know you had a couple other tweets maybe you want to jump into. I don't know. There was something you wanted to talk about regarding those tweets I sent you. I liked the ones we talked about. I mean, there's like, some general news, just like the Coinbase thing. Like, it jumped 100 spots in the app store this week. That's something we want to watch for. It's still pretty low. Number 400.

Investing Insights

Yeah, something like that. But that's something we want to watch because in the bull market, and it won't just be Coinbase this time, it'll be Robin Hood. There'll probably be a new player that pops up. But when those start taking in, like, top ten spots in the app store, that's just another signal. Hey. Okay. We probably have another month or two tops, and so, yeah, it's just good to see that going the right direction now.

Responses to Market Movements

And then C Z got out of jail. He tweeted the most popular GM of all time yesterday. I think it's like 6 million views. G m, dude. Good morning, kingdom. So he's back. That's nice. What do you think? You a cz fan or. No, I mean, I've been in crypto since 2017, so of course I'm a cz fan. You know, I don't really give a fuck in all honesty, but, you know, I'm a bit a cz fan. You know, like, pretty much everybody I know from like, the 2017 class, they like cz.

Reflecting on Market Figures

You know, I think. I think seven. Sorry, I messed up. Seven and a half million views in 14 hours. So he's like, on pace with a normal legato tweet. Yeah, pretty much. Pretty much, brother. Oh, CZ. Maybe. Maybe to mark the top of the. Of the bull market. Ok. Who knows? Yeah, this is. That's a tight. What a top signal, dude. This is a top. Yeah, top signal.

Contrarian Perspectives

Top signal. No, I'm gonna be a contrarian. There were actually people tweeting that like, oh, CZ is our top signal. Bye. It's done. PG. I was like, yeah, you're fucking retarded. You're bit retarded. Bit retarded. A bit retarded. Well, there was another tweet regarding altseason, but I mean, people can go. Can go and just read it. So maybe we can take some questions now.

Question and Answer Engagement

Should I read the one from the person you don't like? I won't even say who it is. I'm just gonna read it. Hold on. Bitcoin is having its best September in history. China is printing feds cutting rates. Stocks are all time highs. Unemployment is falling. Yet some people say it's time to bearish. Block them. Preach. Yeah, preach. Lady. Lady of Scammiers. Yeah, but here's the time she's right. This time she's right.

Market Trends Analysis

If someone has more followers than Nagato, they're automatically a scammer. That's. No, no, no. I saw Zack XBT's investigation. Like, she's a fucking. No, I'm just kidding. I don't know anything about her. She's a fucking scammer. But anyway. Yeah, she's right here. She's right. All right. Nagato agrees with scammers, you guys. Wow. That's fucked up.

Community Engagement and Questions

Sorry, guys. Mute your mic, bro. All right, if you guys want to get up here on the bottom left, see a little microphone? Come tell us why you're bullish. Come tell us why you're bearish. We're not doing the fucking 15 minutes monologue type shit. Have a comment. Have a question. Get up here. Let's talk about it.

Conclusion and Open Floor

But, yeah, all right. We got. We got a couple hands. We can go. We can get this shit kicked off here. Come get some followers, guys. Let's go. Get up here. You automatically get followers when you get on the Wi Fi money stage. You know how it is. I hp supreme. What's up, my guy? What's going on, fellas? Yeah, I appreciate it, man.

Continuing the Conversation

Sometimes I. I get caught up on my day to, you know, on a Saturday to catch up, I was like, oh, you know what? Let me catch up with you guys now. But you guys. I'm always speaking facts, and you guys are funny, but, yeah, that was. I was gonna say that, too, about the coinbase.

Market Insights and Preparedness

Like, this is gonna be my third bull market because I got in 2000. Yeah. Like, around. Around the 2018. So it's gonna be my third one. So all the lessons that Nagato says, I'm definitely 100%, like, ready for that. And then, you know, I like you, Greg, too, because, you know, we. We like quant, you know, all the legacy coins and stuff like that. So it's definitely dope.

Looking Ahead

But, yeah, the coinbase thing is something to pay attention to because that's something that I didn't realize. But someone just mentioned it was, like, at 500, and I was down a 410 on the list. So as soon as that gets down, that's another point. But, what I was going to mention also is, to Nagato, you guys. I think, I think we're definitely going to be bullish in 24, but I definitely think the super peak is going to be around for my experience and having.

Anticipating Future Peaks

And just stuff like that. And. Because that's what I'm taking it because I'm not. I know the charts a little bit, but not, you know, not crazy good, but I think the peak will be around 25 for sure. So even if I think we do go high on 24 because of the elections and blah, blah, all those stuff, but I think the peak is going to be around 25. What do you guys think about that?

Engaging Opinions

You want to. You want to answer, Greg? Because I think you have a similar scenario in mind. You take it. Some guy just stopped me on the road, and I had to answer his question, so I kind of missed the last 10 seconds. Okay, so, basically, you know, anything can happen in this market, as I said, like, a billion times. I think that the top of this bull market will be either q 420 24 or q 125 25 at max.

Market Strategy and Flexibility

Doesn't align with my thesis. But we got to be flexible. We got to take the market level by level. And, you know, I have some targets, and when those targets are reached, I'm out. Now, I don't give a fuck if it's in. You know, like, yeah, I don't care if it's tomorrow, in two months, three months, four months, like, I will try to spot the signs. When I see massive euphoria, when I see everybody else talking about crypto, I'm out. Like, I don't care. Even if it's not, like, the. The peak, the market keep going higher for a little bit. I don't care. You know, I will look at the signs, and I have my targets, and I combine those two to know to actually, like, exit the market. You know, I agree with you.

Market Projections and Targets

Yeah. Now, the only reason why I think it could maybe be quarter to quarter three only because in history, the bull runs, I think they get longer. The percentages, from what I know, don't go as crazy high as other ones. But I've seen that. Another thing since me and you almost have the same projections. And like you said, when you say two or 3 trillion, are you referring to bitcoins market cap, or. Yeah, I assume because the whole. I think the whole total market cap, because that's what I'm looking at, also is gonna top around seven to 10 trillion. So that will probably make it the same thing for. For also kind of bitcoin. Right? Because you were saying two to 3 trillion market cap for bitcoin and negato. Actually, I never. I never said. I just said, like, 120K is my main target for BTC.

Clarifying Projections

I don't know what would be the market cap with BTC with that price honestly, I didn't do the math, but my overall projection for the market cap of the old crypto space will between, like, five and 7 trillion. So I got you. Oh, yeah. So, yeah. So we're around there. I say around seven to ten, but it's around there, too. I'm definitely gonna take. That's my lat. My last thing before somebody else wants to talk is, I know we have all different rules this. I know there's not financial advice, but how are you selling your bags? I mean, everybody has, like, a different method. Like, right now, what I'm doing, and you, and not to switch this topic, but you guys are right. Anybody who's been in crypto is long already.

Selling Strategies

It's kind of stupid for you to sell. I mean, if you're just getting in. Go aggressive, I would say not financial advice, but if I. If you've been in waiting for a whole year, ready, like, you shouldn't even sell at this point. Like, you know, waited for so long. So I just been. Dollar cost averaging on the week on the coins I like, and. And that's it. And then when the time is right, how I'm going to sell is probably, I think about 60% of my bags, I would say. And then I'm going to probably sell 20% if it goes crazy top. But then I'm going to stay probably with 20% of coins that I like, and then I'll just average into them. What's your strategy? Nagato or Greg?

Financial Advice Request

Hold up. HP. I'm gonna need you to. I'm gonna need you to man up and actually give some financial advice. No more of this, man. This is. This is. This is your show right here. I'm gonna violate like that. You know? I don't know. No, come on. You got. Yo, you just got the hall pass. Let's go. Financial advice, go. You want your financial advice? Official financial. My financial advice to people is, like, definite, because when I got in not knowing shit. Like, it was my choice to learn this.

Learning Process in Crypto

I was gonna get into equities or I was gonna get it. Hey, this has gotta be, like, a headline, not. Not a fucking novel. I didn't know. I didn't know what I was getting into. So I seen $10,000 go to a hundred thousand, and then it went right back down. So then I just studied it, learned it, and then at that point, it's kind of like what you guys talk about. Just don't. I said, what's your financial advice? You said, well, listen, it all started back in 1980. Listen, man, you putting me on the spot, you know what I'm saying? Like, look, at the end of the day, like I said, like, just diversify yourself, you know?

Diversification Strategy

Diversify yourself. I tell people, and, you know, put your, you know, put your money on legacy coins. Put yourself on meme coins. Not too much, but just diversify yourself. I tell people the time, do not put all your eggs in one basket. Because every market bull run, what I've learned is different. And usually the gains go less and less. And you always got to also put your money in new coins that never had that exposure in bull runs because those are the ones usually getting to do the 50 x 100 x. And if that shit does happen, 100% take profit because that's really lucky. So that's all I could say for that.

Handling Market Conditions

All right, good man. Good man. Thank you for the comments. I always appreciate you. Let's toss it over. Let's toss it over to Mar. What's up, man? Welcome back. Greg Mercado. Thank you for having me up, by. The way, my favorite thing is how you always raise your hand when you get on stage. Like, we're not going to call. I'm used to it, man. I'm used to it. Yeah, you know what? I'm just gonna. I'm. It's tough, man.

Insights from Industry Experience

I, you know, I've been talking. I've been speaking to ogs from 2012, and they're confused as hell with this bull market. And it all comes down to Blackrock and these institutions controlling bitcoin and etherium. You know, they're there and everything that's happened, things are happening so fast. And, you know, I had a friend, actually, a few friends that went token 49, and they were like, this time they were blown out. Like all, you know, all the tech that's coming. And they saw, like, a lot of projects concentrating more on bringing in, you know, investors retail easily into web three, more easy, like in a, you know, a click of a button, boom, you're in web three.

Market Changes and Predictions

You know, just making it easier. But. And I want to say what's holding them back? You know, not now, but I want to. I'll say this after. But I agree. I think five. I think 7 trillion will be like, I will get on my knees. If we get on seven trillions. If we hit 7 trillion, it will be amazing. Yeah. And get on your knees on Greg. Thank you, man. This man just said he get. Thank you. Thank you for 7 trillion. I don't think I will be. We will hit 10 trillion if it wasn't for what I'm going to mention.

Market Regulations Impact

But for me, the massive bull run is. It's a few, like at least two, three years or more ahead. I think this bear, whenever we hit a bear market, it's not going to be as bad, as lethal as the bear that went through, you know, with the FTX, this last pair, I say 7 trillion max, just because of regulations, man. Regulations are holding this market back big time. And I truly believe it. If it was regulated already with this, with web three and all these tabs, you know, being able to, you know, that you could use them easier.

Challenges Focused on Regulations

And just because that's what's holding web three, the regulations these guys are building, but then they get stopped. Oh, no, you cannot. This apple, all these bullshit, you know? And I truly believe that if we don't have a 20 or even a $15 trillion bull run in 2025, it's because of, you know, regulations and a few other things that I don't like what I'm seeing in the world. But I go back to regulations, man. I don't know what you think of what you guys think about this, but it's been holding back web three, you know, and that's why I think maybe men, 5 trillion, I will be happy.

Future Outlook

I hope I'm wrong. I hope I'm wrong. And, but I'm just getting a. I'm, I'm bullish in November and October, maybe at the beginning of the year, too. But it's, I don't think it's. I'll tell you what, we're gonna hit 7 trillion. If we hit 7 trillion around, let's say, march or April of 2025. You. Won'T even notice it was a bull market. You won't even notice it. There's so many projects out there that you. What happened? It won't be like 2021 that every fucking coin was pumping, you know, it won't be.

Project Evaluation

I think that a lot of people will question what happened to the bull market. It never happened. And I think that's gonna. Because there's just so many projects out there, man. And, and again, I repeat it like 20 times, regulations, this was holding back this industry. And we know that a lot of us are ignoring that. And I see, and my friends are, man, like these projects and on all, you know, other conventions he goes to, I don't know if you guys have visited any of those and they're just being held back, you know, because of this reason they got the tech, you know, it's just the government that's.

Global Regulatory Challenges

And not just in the US, also in Europe, you know, but, yeah, I'll say, you know, five, 7 trillion again, I'll be, like, beyond happy with that. I mean, 10 trillion will be like, holy shit. But, but, yeah, and I'm super bullish in October. I did have a friend of mine that he was a little concerned with September. I'm like, what the fuck you talking about with? He goes, man, it's just too good to be true. September was too good. September, we're supposed to hit the forties, and then it was too good.

Market Potential and Institutional Influence

And I truly believe it's blackrock and all these institutions controlling, you know, the price action on bitcoin and ethereum. There's a reason why they gave the ETF to those top two coins, you know, that they control, like, what is it, like 70% of the whole crypto market, captain? So, yeah, I just, I'm still. And I'll land the plane with this. I'm still fucking struggling. People that are interested in crypto, bringing them in through web three, they're still.

Easier Access and Future Improvements

It's hard for them. It's not that it's hard. They got it. You know, it should be easier. And hopefully with regulations in the years to come, it becomes. It will, you know, it's gonna become way easier for guys because a lot of these people, they work, man. They got their job and they're not going to come into, I want to make millions. They want to do a little investment, make 2030 grand, five grand, 100 grand, whatever it is.

Investment Perspectives

And they don't want to make it a job. They want to press two buttons, invest and be done with it. You know. Let'S fucking go. I think regulations is a good point that could, depending on the timing of when, like, those doors open, let's say that could be like an interesting top signal. Not like, literally marks the top, but you could be like, oh, finally, paradigm shift.

Regulation Impact Discussion

You know what I mean? And those are the type of things where it's like, finally now all these tokens can truly be unleashed. And then there's a little bit of a pump, and then that's kind of like the moment. I could see that the ETF was a little different. It didn't mark a topic. It kind of let us run from, like 40 to 70, basically. but that's because it's, like, directly correlated to, like, money going up.

Trends and Market Movements

But again, that it gave us, like a couple of months, and then we kind of stalled out. Right. And then we kind of went sideways for the whole summer. that could happen again, I think with something like regulations where it's like, oh, okay. We're finally, like, the floodgates, and then a month or two of, like, up, and then everyone's like, oh, okay. Pure euphoria.

Anticipating Market Dynamics

Like, all new market entrants, all these new, all coins, all these new consumers new apps, and then kind of shits the bed. So that's interesting. Definitely something we should keep an eye on. You have any thoughts on that? Negato on the regulation front. So in my opinion, I don't really agree with something that mayor said. He said that the next bear market won't be as brutal as the one we just went through.

Bear Market Perspectives

I don't really agree with that, because if you actually look at the projects that we have in the market right now, we have 3.5 million projects, and basically 98% of them are basically crap. If you pair that thing with regulations, I guess there will be an extremely fucking massive scale purge in this market. So I really see, like, 98% of the projects fucking exploding. So I really believe that regulation would be extremely bearish in the short term.

Long-Term Market Utility

But then, of course, in the long term, like, with all the utility projects, blah, they would be extremely bullish, you know, because actually it would be when those utility tokens will actually fucking start to thrive, you know, and their price will be not just driven by speculation, but also by, like, real world utility, you know? But to say that you expect regulation to come, but you expect, like, the bull market, like, the next bear market to be less bearish.

Final Thoughts on Market Dynamics

I don't think, I don't really think that those two things will go any, you know, maybe the bear market won't be as brutal for Ethereum and BTC, maybe. But if we're talking about, like, most of the alcohol inside, I really see them go back to the fucking, like, to the fucking floor, you know? Yeah, real quick, when I said that's exactly what I was thinking. Like, the blue chips, like the, it won't be as brutal for the blue chips, of course, you know, we know how it goes.

Gas Fees as Bull Market Indicators

But one last question for you, Nagaro, because me and my friends were talking about this. We saw eth gas go up. Is that a sign of bull market because it's been so down, seeing the gas from eve going up, is that a sign of, like, we're entering a good run for the next few months? I mean, usually, like, the Ethereum network congestions are usually bullish because they always happen when the market is going crazy. But I think what we have seen in the past few days was just like a little push higher from the Ethereum BTC dominance chart and also a little push lower on the BTC dominance chart.

Market Behavior Observation

So actually, altcoins over performed BTC a little bit. So this is nothing to do with the bull market. Nothing to do with fucking alt season. This is nothing. Okay. It can be the pre pump of the pre pump. So it's completely like nothing. When we actually entered the fucking Al season, you will see what's gonna happen to those two indexes, you know, but yeah, also like ethereum gas fees can be like a nice metric to spot when euphoria is. Is a thing.

Euphoria Metrics

But I mean, not one of the most effective ones, in my opinion. But you can also look at the. Okay, you know what else, Nagato? We can add an extra data point to our euphoria. Tracking is the number of people who come into Wi Fi money, and not just the total number of listeners, but the people that are in here at any given time. I'm dead serious, by the way, we've been watching the attendance metrics.

Attendance Metrics

Like, when we started back in whatever it was, March, and were having, you know, that's when prices were starting to run and were getting a certain amount of people. And then it kind of, in the summer, the average listeners went down. And then even just like the last couple weeks, we, instead of averaging, like, I don't know, we probably had like 70 to 80 concurrent. And now last week and this week, we're getting more like 100 to 120 concurrent.

Correlation to Market Prices

You guys are going to see, you're going to watch. It's going to directly correlate to the prices and to the euphoria. So when Wi Fi money starts getting up around like 300, 400 people in here at any given time, like, you know, we're getting, you know, that's when we're starting to bring people back. We're starting to get new influx of normies, and we're going to tell all them too. It's going to be disappointing.

Selling Signals

Hey, all you guys coming to wifi money for the first time, I just sold, so thanks for the indicator, but, yeah, that's going to be a nice bro. Another data point to add. I guess we have to create some, like, fucking code language that we can use because, like, those people that are you guys that are in wifi money now, you are the ogs, and we have to actually use the new one to dump our backs on them.

Insider Language

So we have to use our specific language, Greg. You know, we have to fake being extremely bullish at the top so everybody else is buying and. Oh, Jesus. Fucking selling. We need that sili. Pity. No. Yeah. What we're gonna. What you're gonna say is as soon as you publicly proclaim that you are officially riding with crypto negato handle forever. That's how we know.

Identity and Signals

I don't know if you guys realize this. I've told the story a couple of times. Nagato wants to change his handle from crypto Nagato. And he's been saying this to me for a year, maybe longer. He's like, dude, I hate having crypto in front. I want to end up making my brand, like, a lot more, blah, blah. And he just never changes it. Like, it. Literally, all he has to do is go to his settings and change it, and he never changes it.

The Name Change Impulse

And so now. But. But it will happen, and he hates it. He doesn't let me call him crypto Nagato anymore. So now if he announces that crypto Negato is his official name forever, that's the code, guys. That's the safe word. That means. That means we're out. We're getting out.

Concluding Comments

I didn't get anything, but. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay, Greg, you're funny. Give us the signal, Nagata. We're all fine waiting, bro. I will keep. We can't do anything without you. We need the signal. So I have to say that we keep this name forever. Yes. You're gonna keep the name as soon as you announce you're keeping the name forever, because we know you're not.

The Code and Signal

That's the code word. But can I just fucking switch my name? Like, the day is which. My name, it means I sold them. Please, please switch it. Oh, so you're saying that should be the signal is the day you actually switch it? Yeah, the day I remove crypto from my name. Hey, guys, my new name is. I don't know.

Name Suggestions

What's your new name gonna be? What's it gonna be, guys, we need in the comments, can we get some suggestions, please? That's what we need. We need people at. And he needs to include negato in it. Yeah. So it needs to be, like, at retard negativity or something. Yeah, we need. Is a bit retarded beat.

Retarded Name Idea

Retarded. Yeah. I can. I can try that.

Discussion on Crypto Insights and Comments

Maybe it's already taken. I don't know. All right. Yeah. So, okay. We'll look forward to your guys, comments in there? We're going to review them. We're coming up on an hour here, bro. I'm a little gassed. What do you think? Should we call it up to you, brother? I like to decide. Well, we got no hands. Yeah. And I got no ideas. And I'm kind of getting tired of your accent. Oh, yeah? My mexican accent. Like, someone told me. Oh, you sound like a fucking Mexican. I'm like, what the fuck are you saying? I'm italian. Who said that last time? That was hilarious. Like, Mexican is not like this. Like, they are more like Spanish. You know, like, I don't know.

Sharing a Conversation about Accents

Do your mexican accent. I was waiting for it. Fucking Mexican. My fucking mexican accent. I mean, I would love to have a mexican accent, but I fucking have an italian accent. Can. Are you gonna do one or. No? I don't really know how Mexican speaks in English. Okay. Mama sita. That's not fucking English. Yeah, I think I can. Yeah, that's good. That's how accents work. That's how accents work. If you just speak in the other language, automatically have the accent. Mamacita. That's it. At Mamacita. Nagato. At Nagato. Mamacita. I actually know some things in Spanish, but it's better if I don't.

On Family Friendly Content

Don't say them because they are, like, not family friendly. Don't say it. Our family friendly show. Yeah. Habit, Rita, but still family friendly. All right, we'll go one more hand here. What's up, man? Oh, yeah. A couple of questions, Nagato. Like, what would you like to expand your personal brand to? Anything I like gym or. No, he's setting you up, bro. Come on. No, I won't. I won't become. I don't want to become, like, a fitness influencer or, like, stuff like that, but I would simply expand, like, the. Like, because, like, in my life, there is not only crypto, even at the moment, but I'm mainly talking about crypto because, like, I'm fully invested in this market, and I'm investing a lot of time in this market, so it makes sense for me to talk about crypto.

Future Plans and Lifestyle Considerations

But in the coming years, after I basically, like, sell all my. Probably, like, 95% of my holdings, I won't be involved in this space as much as I'm involved now. So I will just simply live my life and document my life as I've been doing for the past few years. But crypto won't just be the main topic. I will still talk about crypto here and there, but not only about crypto you know, I will talk about, like, wi fi, money, being a digital nomad, traveling around the world, like, anything I like, basically. Okay. Like more personal for your lifestyle, let's say, sharing your lifestyle and the things you do.

Brand Development and Audience Connection

Okay. Yeah, no, I'm like, I've been having this brand since like, 2018, so now I'm like, I think I won't really be able to live without it, without the connection I made with my. With my audience. Like, all the friends I have, like, oh, they have a brand, so makes sense for me to continue it. And let's see. Let's see, like, what happens. You know, we've got some suggestions. We got some suggestions in the comments. So we've got baby oil nagato. Oh, I like it. Which I think that's pretty good. We've got. Spell it backwards. So the bhidden Otagon. Ooh, amazing.

Exploring Creative Name Ideas

Yeah, Otagon. We've got ninja Nagato. Ninja nagato. I think I see that the iq of people, like, in those spaces fucking. That have ninja. Okay, so that. And then you've got no grip, though. I don't know what that means. Does that mean you're not a grifter or does that mean that you don't have that grippy grit? I don't know. I don't know what that means. And then, I know, I know travel anyway, I can. Real, real creative here. Very creative here from WoJ. I was thinking every time nagato flies, the market tanks, so.

Humor Amidst Serious Discussions

Oh, this. So the signal could be when you change it to travel. Negato. Because that means we're going down. Very nice. I knew that you guys couldn't help me. Oh, come on, dude. I knew that you can't even help yourself. You can't expect that anyway, bro. Kim, you said that you had two questions, so you can go ahead with the second. Oh, yeah, second question. Let's say hypothetically that after this bull market, I have like hundred k liquid. Okay, what then there is the next question, the next problem. What to do with that money, where to put it, where to invest it to keep growing and. Yeah, maybe mentors, network or real estate or start a business or wait for the bear market.

Exploring Investment Strategies

All on red. Put it all on red. All on red. I guess. No, I mean, if you have one hundred k, I guess the best option for you will be set. Set like a portion of that aside. And then the other money you have, I really think you should invest it in yourself and maybe start a business in like an industry that you love, you enjoy doing, you know? I guess it's the best way, in my opinion.

Personal Choices and Philosophy on Employment

Greg, you have something to say related to this topic? No, it's very personal, you know, but I agree. The general philosophy is, like, you know, something that we always preach is not focusing purely on crypto in general in your life. So ideally, even at this time, like, yes, this is a crypto show. Yes, on Saturday mornings, we spend an hour and a half talking about crypto. But Nagato and I are also, like, turning away on other things that are larger or at least complementary. Right.

The Reality of Financial Dependency

And so everybody, if you're just like, I'm not trying to judge, but I'm just, like, trying to be objective. Like, if you just have a job that you do and you don't like it, and then you have crypto and this is like your lottery ticket to get out, I just don't think that's a great plan. Like, could you make some money doing crypto? Yeah, I think you can make some money, but, like, that's not a life plan, do you know what I'm saying? And I. I think you know that, too.

Building a Sustainable Future

Like, people that are doing that, as I say it, you're like, yeah, that's kind of like you. You're giving away your power, and you're assuming that the market is going to take care of you and someone's going to come save you. Blackrock's going to come save you. You know what I mean? Like, so you should, what I'm saying is you should be churning away and building things, or at least like, attempting to build things, trying to surround yourself with people who are building things they're interested in, like, making efforts every day to move your life forward in a way that you have control.

Effective Use of Crypto Profits

And when you get these crypto profits, bro, then you know what to do with it. Because maybe you're like, you've been investing, like, your time in trying to find out where to buy properties, and you've been traveling a little bit, or you've been researching and watching Nomad capitalist, or maybe you've been starting up a little side project, and now it's like, finally, okay, now I have an extra 2030, 5000 grand to pour into this, or, you know, maybe hire a designer to do this or that. Like, you have things that are going on that you can use that money for.

Focus on Personal Growth

So my suggestion would be instead of trying to figure out what am I going to spend it on, try to figure out what you can do today and tomorrow and this week to become better and become more well versed. And give yourself more options, learn more about yourself, and therefore you'll learn more about what you want to do. Like, you will tap into something that's deeper, and when you have the money from crypto, you'll know what to do with it. So I'd say focus on now versus, like, trying to think of, like, what am I going to do in the future?

Practical Advice on Financial Decisions

Don't worry about the how or the when that. Just execute now and then it'll be obvious when everything comes together. Yeah, that makes sense. Real quick, Greg, that's a tough question to answer, but it's probably, you know, a great question because a lot of people that got made money even in crypt in 2021, and, you know, they just got some, a lot of them got lucky. They didn't even have that much of a plan. And it's almost like winning a lottery. They blew it all fast.

Navigating Investment Options

And. Yeah, what are you going to do when, you know, if you make a nice chunk of money, you know, at least for me, you know, I'm going to keep it in crypto. I'm going to wait for the bear market or buy projects that I believe in. I'm also a freak of land. I'm from Florida. I buy land. I love buying land. I'm not a big real estate guy when it comes to, like, owning the actual building of the house. It stresses me out. But I love buying land near majors like that.

The Value of Land Investments

The city's moving towards connecting towards that land, and basically that's probably going to be more for my daughter, you know, but I love, like, I have lots in west of West Palm beach where now the city is starting to get there, you know, and those lots are gaining more. You know, they're gaining more value in time. So, yes, I love buying land. I've bought land for like $5,000, and now they're worth like 11,000, $12,000. But the most important thing, and I want to say this, you know, for long term investors, for me, the most important thing, when you invest, you learn how to hold during the market because you see all these dumps and you'll get stronger.

Emphasizing the Importance of Financial Discipline

It's not falling into debt like me holding this land. I got to make sure that I don't fall into debt and I don't have to sell my investments, my assets. That's why Greg says, don't leave your job if you have a nice job and, you know, or a business that you're making, but don't leave it because you're basically the stock market or the crypto market. You. You got to wait for it to go up, and you don't know what could happen, world War three, anything.

Caution in Financial Independence

So, yeah, don't leave your job unless, you know, you have enough money where you feel it's. It's secure. And you can make that decision on your own that you. Because you know, you're the only one that could make that decision because maybe you like going out and buying Tom Ford, Louis Vuitton Ferraris. You know, other people might have the same amount of money you have, but they're happy driving a Camry, you know, and it all depends. But, yeah, that's a. That's a great question, man.

Financial Literacy and Guidance

And it's the one that. It scares me so much for people. They make money that they don't have the right person next to them, teaching them and telling them, you know, hey, look, do this. I recommend you doing this. You know, that's why you see a lot of sports athletes losing all their money right after they retire, because they're not educated, you know, but, yeah. Let me add something here, Kim.

Advice for New Investors

Like, I answer to you, but I think my answer was a bit too superficial. So let me do it again. Honestly, you told me, like, oh, let's say I will make 100 grand, blah, blah, what should I do? I mean, I don't know where you're from, so I don't know, like, how much is under grand, but, you know, under grand is not really life changing money. So if you have a nice job, if you're doing something you like, I would say, like, just act like if you didn't fucking make any money in the market, save that money, okay?

Strategy for Sustaining Wealth

Keep working, wait for the market to go down again, wait for regulations, buy utility projects, and then repeat what you did this time, you know, because as I said, like many times, like, people, they are simply treating crypto like a lottery ticket, which is not the way you want to treat crypto. You know, they try to invest, let's say, two k in the market. They want to make 1 million in just one run. You know, it's not something that's sustainable. It's not something that happened frequently. You know, like, you see some isolated cases, but most of them are just bullshit.

The Journey to Financial Growth

So it's not something you can do, but you can become wealthy with crypto if you play your cards correctly during multiple cycles. So you make money during one cycle. You don't waste that money. You keep it. You wait for the market to go down, you buy it again. Wait. You ride another cycle and repeat it, and repeat it. Like, the more times you do that, the easier you can become if you play the market correctly. Don't do dumb shit.

Final Words of Wisdom

The only advice I can give you, regardless of your situation, is don't do dumb shit with that money. Don't pop bottles anywhere. Don't buy dumb things to impress, like, people you don't even like. Who gives a fuck about them? Save that money and wait for another opportunity to invest them again. It doesn't have to be the crypto market. It can be, like, a business idea, blah, blah, whatever. But, yeah, I mean, it's. They say that the first 100K are really difficult to make, but once you make them, it's actually easier to get more money from them, you know?

Earning the First $100K

So 100k will be your first step, but then you have to play your cards correctly to multiply that money over time and everything. So, I mean, just don't do dumb shit, man. That's exactly what I wanted to do. I was planning to rent Lambos and champagne now. Thank you. I don't know, guys. If you saw the scammer, basically, like, it was like, I think, a week ago or something, there was.

Scams and Cautionary Tales

There was, like, a group of people. A group. A group of young people. They basically act with some phishing scam, like a fucking BTC whale. They basically were able to steal, like, $230 million worth of BTC. And basically, as soon as they stole them, they basically went to a fucking club in Miami. They bought, like, birkin bags, gave them two fucking hoes. They fucking bought a Lamborghini. They pop, like, 500k in bottles. Like, fucking stupid.

Consequences of Poor Decisions

Like, are you fucking dumb or what? And then they got caught, and they are in jail now. So. Yeah, they're. They're from my city. Yeah, that's. That's fucking crazy, bro. All right, let's go to our last hand here, and then we're going to wrap it up for the day. 21. What's up, bro? Hey, Greg, thanks for giving me an opportunity here.

Final Questions and Advice

Nagato, I had a quick question for you, if you can help me out here. Wait, brother. I know you're trying to. Are you a savage? Oh, no. Greg, did you get this joke or no? Nope. Oh, 21. Savage. Wow. Guys, everyone give it up for at comedy. Nagato. Oh, my God. No. Sorry, brother. Keep. Keep going.

Discussion on UAE Tax Benefits

Yeah, ignore him. Just go ahead. Yes, thanks. so, Nagato, I see that you are in the UAE because you're getting a tax benefit. You don't have to pay tax. I do want to move to the UAE in the long term so that, you know, I don't have to pay any taxes in my own country. So the way I researched it, I got some information as to either I need to invest in real estate in the UAE, or I need to start a company in the UAE, or I need to have a work visa to go to the UAE and work and then, of course, sell my crypto and, you know, and cash it.

Visa Questions and Financial Planning

So I do want to understand what visa is you on, or what's the best visa to get into the UAE and then, like, stay there and cash out. I'm on a freelance visa, but I don't really want to answer to your question right now because I'm actually. Okay, let me spoil this. So, basically, I'm actually in talks with my financial advisor or accountant, whatever you want to call it, in the UAE.

Planning for the Future

And we basically will do, like, I think, a space just with him. We'll be like. Basically, we'll talk about all the process, like, all the different options that you can utilize to become a resident in the UAE. And also, there will be a live Q and a with him. So it's coming soon. I will go back to Bangkok next week. Give me a little bit of time to set up there, and then we will have that fucking space.

Concluding Remarks

I'm already in contact with him, so it will be really easy to set up. So all your questions will be. I mean, all your answers will be. No, fuck all. Your question will be answered then. You're gonna want it from someone else, not from Nagato. He doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. No, I know that, but what? Like, what better person than my fucking financial advisor? The guy that took care of everything for me in Dubai?

Wrapping Up

What I'm saying, bro. That's what I'm telling. Dumbest. I'm telling 21. I'm not going to want to hear that. Negato's opinion anyway, so this works out. Yeah. That's fucking good. I bet. Okay. I hope you guys enjoyed this. If you are not following me in the Gato, you're going to want to do that. See Greg, lunt, and Nagato up at the top? Yeah. Tap on those.

Final Encouragement

Tap follow. Tap on us. Tap, follow, wi fi money every Saturday. We're gonna keep you guys in the loop. Keep your emotions in check. Don't do anything stupid. All right, while we're gone, can we leave you guys alone for seven days and not have you fucking sell? Can you hold on for seven more? Days. See you next Saturday. Nagato. You want to drop some knowledge to end this bitch? No.

Final Words

Already enough. Bye.

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