Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Aligning an interoperable multi-chain future hosted by alignedlayer. The space delved into the advancement of blockchain technology by emphasizing efficient proof verification to accelerate Ethereum’s roadmap. Discussions revolved around the importance of interoperability among blockchain networks, cost-effective verification methods, and strategies to enhance scalability and trust within the ecosystem. Innovative approaches to streamline verification processes and drive adoption were highlighted, showcasing the pivotal role of technological advancements in shaping the future of Ethereum. By focusing on usability, security, and scalability through interoperable solutions, the space explored key avenues for optimizing blockchain performance and fostering innovation.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.


Q: How does efficient proof verification accelerate Ethereum’s roadmap?
A: Efficient proof verification speeds up processes, reduces costs, and enhances overall progress within the Ethereum network.

Q: Why is interoperability crucial for the future of blockchain technology?
A: Interoperability enables seamless communication between different blockchain networks, promoting scalability and efficiency in the ecosystem.

Q: What benefits does cost-effective proof verification bring to blockchain development?
A: Cost-effective proof verification lowers barriers to entry, fosters innovation, and drives broader adoption of blockchain technologies.

Q: How can streamlined verification processes improve trust in blockchain networks?
A: Streamlined verification processes enhance transparency, security, and reliability, bolstering trust within blockchain ecosystems.

Q: What role does scalability play in the optimization of blockchain solutions?
A: Scalability is essential for accommodating growing demands and transactions, ensuring efficient operations and network performance.

Q: How do innovative verification approaches influence the future of Ethereum?
A: Innovative verification approaches pave the way for advancements in Ethereum, driving technological progress and ecosystem development.

Q: What strategies can be implemented to enhance proof verification usability?
A: Implementing user-friendly interfaces, automation, and advanced algorithms can improve the usability and accessibility of proof verification processes.

Q: Why is reducing verification time and costs crucial for blockchain innovation?
A: Reducing verification time and costs promotes efficiency, encourages experimentation, and widens opportunities for pioneering blockchain solutions.

Q: How does proof verification contribute to the security of blockchain networks?
A: Proof verification ensures the integrity of data, prevents fraud, and enhances security measures, safeguarding blockchain networks from malicious activities.

Q: What are the implications of enhanced blockchain scalability through interoperability?
A: Enhanced scalability through interoperability enables seamless transactions, improves network performance, and fosters ecosystem growth and sustainability.


Time: 00:05:42
Accelerating Ethereum’s Roadmap Discussing strategies to expedite Ethereum’s progress through efficient proof verification mechanisms.

Time: 00:15:20
Interoperability in Blockchain Technology Exploring the importance of interoperability in enhancing communication between diverse blockchain networks.

Time: 00:25:45
Cost-Effective Proof Verification Benefits Highlighting the advantages of cost-effective proof verification for driving innovation and adoption in blockchain technology.

Time: 00:35:10
Streamlining Verification Processes Examining evolving approaches to streamline verification processes to ensure trust and security in blockchain ecosystems.

Time: 00:45:30
Scalability and Performance Optimization Delving into the role of scalability in optimizing blockchain solutions for improved efficiency and network performance.

Time: 00:55:15
Innovative Technologies for Ethereum’s Future Showcasing the impact of innovative verification technologies on shaping the future of Ethereum and blockchain development.

Time: 01:05:20
Enhancing Usability of Proof Verification Exploring strategies to enhance the usability and accessibility of proof verification processes for broader adoption and utilization.

Time: 01:15:40
Reducing Time and Costs in Verification Discussing the importance of reducing verification time and costs to drive innovation and efficiency in blockchain solutions.

Time: 01:25:55
Security Measures in Blockchain Networks Highlighting the role of proof verification in maintaining security measures and preventing fraudulent activities in blockchain ecosystems.

Time: 01:35:10
Scalability Impact through Interoperability Examining how enhanced scalability through interoperability promotes seamless transactions, network performance, and ecosystem growth in blockchain technology.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of accelerating Ethereum’s roadmap through efficient proof verification.
  • Increased focus on interoperability among different blockchain chains.
  • The potential cost savings and speed benefits of utilizing proof verification in blockchain technology.
  • Evolving strategies to enhance and streamline the verification process within the Ethereum ecosystem.
  • Critical role of cost-effectiveness in driving innovation and adoption of blockchain technologies.
  • Exploration of multi-chain interoperability to advance blockchain scalability and efficiency.
  • The significance of proof verification in ensuring trust and security within blockchain networks.
  • Opportunities for reducing costs and time in verifying proofs through innovative technological approaches.
  • Enhanced scalability and performance through a focus on interoperable blockchain solutions.
  • Strategies to optimize proof verification processes for broader adoption and usability.
  • Innovative approaches to driving the future of Ethereum through enhanced verification capabilities.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

Hello, everyone. Welcome to this special AMA session hosted by Binstarter. I am Anna, and I’m thrilled to be here today. As we dive into the exciting world of GGem, we have a fantastic lineup of questions to explore, and I’m sure you’re all eager to learn more about what GGM has to offer. So today we are very honored to have a very special guest with us. We have here Nick Distow, the chief operating officer of GGM. I hope that I did not mispronounce your family name, but you can correct me later on. Nick brings a wealth of experience in the crypto and gaming industries, and we’re very excited to hear his insights on GGM and its features. So, Nick, thank you so much for joining us today.

Nick’s Connection and Introduction

Let me find Nick. Nick is now connecting. So welcome, everyone. So thank you for being here with us in this Ama session. Hi, Nick. Hello. Hello. Hello, guys. Yeah, don’t worry. You pronounce my family name pretty well. Don’t worry about that. That’s a relief. Guys, first of all, I would like to give a big shout out for Beanstarter. You know that we connected with Beanstarter and we started to work with Beanstarter when we’re super early stage project, when we’re pre seed, when we’re starting, like, you know, super small scales. And now we’re developing, now we’re growing. But all this way along, Beanstart is helping us so much. And I would say in comparison with a lot of people with a lot of launchpads on the space, Beanstar is helping and providing, like, you know, support and efforts in their projects much more. So I would say my personal thanks because all integrations all work together with Binstarters all the time. Amazing. And I’m not paid for saying that from Beanstarter, it’s just my honest opinion.

Acknowledgment of Binstarter

And, yeah, I’m super happy to be here today to talk with your audience and to tell more about our project. And, yeah, again, thanks a lot for having me today. Thank you. Thank you, Nick. That’s a wonderful speech you got there. So welcome to the bin starter Ama session. But before we dive into our questions, let me share a bit about GjDev. For those who might be just heard about GGEM. So, GGEM is a gaming platform built by gamers who share a common vision to create a space that welcomes game developers and basically bridges the gap to blockchain technology. So I think, or I believe what sets GGM apart is that it’s designed by people who truly understand the perspectives of both gamers and developers alike.

Explaining the GGem Platform

So I think they have removed the hustles they have encountered firsthand because they have been a gamer themselves. And at the same time they have the experience of being a game developer. So it’s making the platform as user friendly as possible for everyone involved. So it will be a good experience for everyone. So I’m really excited to what we have about to learn about GGEm. So without further ado, let’s get started with the q and a round. So let’s kick things off by getting to know you better, Nick. So could you introduce yourself and share your background in both the crypto realm and beyond with the Binstarter community? And we, maybe you can also share with us a bit about your team.

Nick’s Background and Team

Yeah, so first of all, like, you know, I don’t like to speak about myself much. So first I would say about our team, a lot of people from our team came from wargaming. Maybe you’ve heard about that. This is like well known world of tanks, World of warships. So a very big part of design team development team came from wargaming. And one of the best things like, you know what, we got experience from that wargaming by the way, got its own launcher. So like an infrastructure for gaming, for their games to make in one ecosystem. And it’s a very great experience that we are right now applying to ourselves and we’re positive the way how were working before, how the whole team was working and we’re creating also understanding that how games are creating for gamers and how good infrastructures are created for gamers.

Nick’s Gaming Experience and Transition

And in terms of myself, I would say I whole my life also I can see over here. Elja. Eljaboom. Elja. Hello, hello. Happy to see you today. Also we got here today we got podcast when like, you know, a very big speech with me about my past and about how we’re working together. And yeah, I’m a passionate gamer for myself. I’ve been playing games since I was like seven years old. I was starting with mmorpgs like Lionhash two. Yeah, I was playing Korean ones. And yeah, a lot of time was spending over there and home. My wife, I was gaming, but my background was purely financing. I went from traditional finance and was working in financial consulting. And first of all, like it’s always about finance.

Transitioning from Finance to Crypto

I wasn’t traditional one. And I was quite, I would say disappointed with I would say traditional ways how the whole financing is working. And I was exploring the ways how I can go to, like, you know, to make fun of the world, not to be so stuck in traditional formula schemes and all of that. And that’s why when I went to crypto and I started to work with one of the marketing agencies, helping with them with financial part of projects, and then we connected with the rest of the team of GGM, we shared the common idea in the beginning. It was just like, you know, we’re thinking, hey, maybe we’re going to create some guilt, maybe, or something like that. And then in terms of like, you know, we’re talking, talking, understanding the whole way how work and the whole development team got the experience, the whole design team, the background of sea level, we understood, hey, we understand the main problem of their web three gaming right now.

Identifying Problems in Web Three Gaming

We understand how we can make the bridge between these problems to real mass adoption to web three gaming. So why not to start to do that? Because we know how to do that in web two, why not to do it web three, when we know when we’re working also in crypto, we know how crypto is working, what people in crypto are accepting and what they’re waiting for, and we’re thinking, hey, let’s go over there. That’s perfect, Nick. And, wow, that’s quite a journey you have there. So from gaming as a kid to working in finance and now diving into crypto, it sounds like you have been an incredible ride. So I’m sure that it was an interesting, fun journey for you. And it’s impressive how you have transitioned from one passion to another.

Origins of GGM

And here you are bringing us GJde and hearing about the. About your team, the diverse team behind the project. GGM is truly inspiring, and somehow it gives me confidence in its promising future. So, well done on that, Nick. Okay, so, Nick, we’re also curious about the origins of GGM. So could you also share the story behind its creation and maybe provide some insights into the platform itself for those who are not yet, I mean, who have heard G jump first time on Binstarter, Twitter space. Okay, so in terms of, yeah, how were, like, starting all of that, how we’re doing all of that, we’re thinking about that. We, as a little bit mentioned in the previous, my answer that we, like, you know, I was saying, we’re like, you know, we’re thinking at the beginning, hey, maybe creating some guilt, maybe something like that.

Evolution of GGM’s Mission

But then we understood, hey, we want to make solutions for community. We want to understand what the pain points of the community is, what we can do. And on our perspective, guilt is first of all, the market is pretty already tight with the second one is not making a solution for the spectrum of the whole problem going on. The main problem that we see over there in the space right now, it’s two main problems. It’s first one that there is no mass adoption and no way of traditional gamer to count to web three games. Because let’s be honest, the pie of gamers, how were expecting in 2021, not growing so big in web three gaming on desktop yellow windows on macOS. The main problem is because people don’t know how to play these games. Yeah. They need to know everything about crypto just to start to play the game.

Challenges Facing Traditional Gamers

How to make wallets, how to sell by nfts, how to sell by tokens and all kind of this stuff. Yeah, and people don’t want to the time when you were a small kid and you can spend hours just to introduce the game and start to run with your friends. It’s in a very, very big fast right now. People want to have their fun and engagement in a few clicks and people don’t want to spend their time just understanding what’s going on and how they can go for such route. And second problem is that there is a very, I would say, weak motivation for users in terms of when we’re talking about directly pure fun in the game. Yeah. So yeah, we got request system platforms like follow Twitter, follow your discord and all kinds of that.

Motivating Users and Web Three Gaming

But what’s more about that, yeah. How we can make it fun, how we can make it interesting, how we can truly engage the user to play the game. So in this case, we decided we need to create a perfect solution for web three industry, for web three gaming industry. And we’re creating a launcher for web three gaming. So easily saying we’re creating a steam for web three gaming. But the main thing in comparison with existing competitors or who right now in the market, we are creating, not a catalog when you can just click on the game and in terms of again, buy and sell nfts, doing everything with your wallets and so on and so forth, you need to go to all the websites. No, everything you’re going to do in one place, in one platform, in one launcher.

Streamlining the Gaming Experience

If you ever played one time game on Steam, you know how we’re going to be using and how we’re going to play. And this case is the key of doing this mass adoption over here, how we can interact users, how we can bring web to users. Because the main problem we understand that if we’re not bringing users from web two to web three in terms of gaming, there is no future for us. And there is also no infrastructure rules for games. Because games right now web three is kind of wild west. Everybody’s creating what they want. Everybody’s doing like custom launchers, everybody making zip files, links from their websites and good games doing that right now, basically. And this kind of ridiculous, especially when we two K 2024.

Creating a Comprehensive Infrastructure

So yeah, this is what a solution about that, creating a comprehensive infrastructure launcher for running your games, for buying your crypto assets, for having cryptosis on your custodial world and to manage everything how you’re managing in a web two way. That’s great. So that’s why I have mentioned, because we have been working with GGM for quite some time now. So we are pretty much into what they’re doing. So what I can say is they make things easier for the user, for the gamers and the web developers, I mean, game developers who are planning to make their games available in GGen. So the way Nick has answer the question is like they’re tackling some significant challenges in the crypto space, especially around making it easier for people to grow and navigate crypto.

Challenges in the Crypto Space

Because even though crypto blockchain is widespread, not all people are into it at this point. So it’s good that they are in the perfect spot to make things happen. They’re the perfect team to be on this journey, addressing this challenges. So also he mentioned about addressing issues like not knowing how to play the games, sell tokens and manage crypto basically is very crucial. So to make game more engaging and maybe motivate users, I think they have recognized that it is essential to focus on making it not only accessible, but also fun. So I think they have pretty much covered this area. So it’s good that they have, at least early on, they already have envision on what they need to do on their platform to be able to make it interesting, make it more accessible for the target user.

Seamless User Experience with GGM

So Nick, let’s go directly to the third question, which is GGM, as we have been saying. So GGM aims to simplify the transition for the traditional gamers into the web. Three, gaming. So can you walk us through how your platform makes this process seamless and user friendly and easier in general? Yeah, sure. So one of the main things, how we’re creating all this kind of stuff, as I was mentioning, a lot of part of our team was working in wargaming. And we know how this additional web tool launcher is working. Yeah. So because wargaming network of the games is also connected with the launcher, it can help in hosting all these kind of games. And what we’re creating, we are reposing the way how user is usually going and interacting and playing unusual launcher.

Addressing Barriers in Gaming

But we know there is some kind of problems and, you know, barriers when we go for crypto. Yeah. Because there’s a lot of terms of payments, a lot of things, a lot of, in terms of when we keep this asset and so on, so forth. So one of the first decisions we made, we’re creating automatic custodial wallet. So when you register, you got your automatic custodial wallet over there. So when you’re playing through the launcher and you earning your tokens or you earning your nfts, you got already all of that on your custodial wallet over there. So the main reason for that is, first one, because it’s, again, it’s helping us to be with any chain of the game that’s supposed to be on the launcher.

Custodial Wallet Integration

So we don’t care about which chain you are. We’re accepting everyone. And it’s going to be BNB, it can be ethereum, it can be VM based, compatible, no matter what in this case can be in your world and other stuff. What we’re doing is easy in game purchase assets, because how we’re creating, we are doing the same way how it’s working with usual payments. For example, in Steam, when you, we’re making you a fiat card, we got a lot of right now payment partners that we’re going to be integrating on September. And with help with them, you can easily purchase everything how you want. For example, from fiat to crypto, you can purchase from Fiat to NFT, you can go crypto to crypto to NFT.

Payment and Transaction Flexibility

Even if from one of our partners, I would say it’s a feature they don’t have. Even right now in web two launchers, if you are living in European Union, you also can withdraw crypto directly to your cardinal from your GGM wallet. So it also can be possible with the help of one of our payment partners. So it’s kind of what, right now we are really proud in terms of how we’re making payments easier. So in all kind of that, when you’re playing the game on the launcher, everything synchronizing, you got one wallet, you got one account to every game right now, how it’s supposed to be on a real launcher, you got all your payments in one stuff. You got all your parts of crypto assets in one part of, and in this case, you can do whatever you want with them in terms of your keeping them.

Fun and User Experience

You can transfer, of course, them to Tex or Dex in terms of sell them and make profit from your gaming experience. But in terms of that, first of all, the main idea that we got that, first of all, games are for fun. Whenever we’re in a space, people want to make money. People want to get some rewards from playing in Webster games, but it’s also supposed to be a fun game, and this is the main thing. And we, first of all, we want to eliminate the barriers of getting to this fun. Of course, if you want to get your profits, if you want to get something, you can do that immediately. You can transfer to sex or dex to sell everything.

GGM’s Vision for Gamers

But if you just want to play, go on. It’s a whole world for you. There is no barriers for it right now. That’s perfect. It’s great to see how GGM is making it easier for the traditional gamer to step into the web three world. So by making the, I can say, the transition smooth, you have pretty much took care of it, and it’s clear that you have put a lot of thought into it by creating a seamless user experience. So speaking of making things easier, so let’s dive into another aspect of G Jump’s offering. So GGM provides various educational resources for gamers. So maybe can you explain how the learn to earn program works and what kind of skills of knowledge players can gain from it?

The Learn to Earn Program

Because I believe that you have mentioned about earning from Wallace directly, and if they want to transfer it to sex or Dex, they can do that. So maybe we can touch base on this one specifically, the learn to earn program. Yeah. So one of the main aspects that we’re thinking about when we’re talking about the method option is, again, education. Yeah. Because we know that a lot of tapping projects right now, for example, in telegram, they’re doing this education stuff to the people and people right now who never charge the crypto with the help of this airdrop, they know, okay, I can go.

GGM Academy and Educational Resources

I can sell it. How? I can sell it. Hey, I got comprehensive guy, for example. Yeah. So what we’re creating, first of all, DGM Academy. It’s a comprehensive, I would say, hub of articles, guides, videos about, first of all, divide to, I would say, web two and web three audience, because our main idea is to make a united space of gamers. But we have the point where we still need to operate these terms like Web Two, web three gamer, and for current web three gamer, we are creating comprehensive guides and articles about games are coming to the launcher, who are radio on the launcher, who are coming to the launcher, going to be over there, and what tells like, you know, what this project is about, where, for example, how we can monetize the system of the project, how we can, for example, make NFTs, early NFTs and early minting of the project.

Educational Structure of GGM

We can get early tokens of the products and so on, so forth. So in this case, we’re helping to understand how they can make more rewards in terms of some game. In terms of web two, I would say I love this analogy. We kind of like, you know, GGM for traditional web two game where it’s kind of frog pound, where like, you know, it’s a very, very small water and you need to go to a big ocean. And we’re explaining to the user how you can go to a big ocean. We say, hey, hello, you got, for example, you got your tokens. Hey, you’re playing with them. You’re okay with that. And now finally you want to sell them. How you can do that here is on the comprehensive video where we’re explaining how you can do it from our launcher.

Integration of Educational Resources

Hey, I want maybe to transfer one talking to another one, how I can do that. And we’re saying, hey, right now you can go with another video and see how it’s going over there. Plus in terms of that, we also got to integrate quest system also inside of academy. So going to be several, I would say courses, I would say course, maybe courses here because there’s going to be several videos, several articles with the questions and when you’ve finished them, you also get rewards in GGM tokens on your wallet. So it’s also kind of like, you know, we want not only get user to the launcher, but we want also get user to web three. We want to be this gateway for gamers saying, hey, guys, you are playing the games, but you also can be in a crypto world, not only part of the games, but a whole that’s perfect.

Merging Fun and Serious Learning

It’s like you have, you have there the fun and serious stuff in one place. So more like combining work and playing, right? Yeah, exactly. Exactly. And you know, the learn to earn concept, I think it’s such a valuable addition. We have other concepts as well, like move to earn, but this move to earn or other things. So it’s great to see how GGM is not just focus and gameplay, but also on helping gamers grow and learn within the ecosystem. So I think this approach really empowers people, players to develop new skills and earn rewards as they progress. So it’s not like here in GGM, it’s like all you do is play. No.

Expanding Opportunities for Gamers

You also have to, you can also do other things, more serious stuff, which is more beneficial for you in the long run, such aside from of course, earning. Earning some, earning some from GGM. So it’s really nice that you have this concept. So, Nick, building on that, GGM offers some unique opportunities like in game asset renting and winning NFT.

Integrating Fun with Practical Benefits

So how do these features integrate fun with practical benefits? And how do they enhance the overall gaming experience? By combining the elements of work and play. Yes. So in terms of, I would say NFT ranting is a very interesting feature because first of all, I would say I’m going to be like, you know, saying a little bit spicy about it, but we’re going to be first with that. In terms of our competitors, we’re going to only care about that. So NFT ranking is the same that I would say the main problem sometimes with the games right now, especially on web three, that sometimes games have very, at some point in the beginning, in the middle, they got some nfts quite expensive for people. Yeah. For example, medieval empires, great game, amazing guys, really great game. But starting point to start to play a game in terms of buying NFT is pretty expensive.

NFT Renting Concept

What we want to give to users, we want to give them opportunity not to buy this NFT, but to rent NFT because they want to try to understand how the game is working. They want to do the like the game. Maybe in terms of, okay, maybe I can make money over there for people who come in for that in Webster gaming. Yeah. But they’re not quite sure about that. So we’re giving this opportunity to them in order to say, hey guys, you can try it all out. You can see how it’s working. You can see the game is going good. And you right now can, for example, buy as NFT for game developer. It’s also another part of exposure. Plus when a lot of games like a lot of projects right now working in the sense of that with the help of NFT, you also earning tokens to the project.

User Engagement through NFT Renting

In this case, we are going to take a small part of these tokens because if a person is renting NFT and then giving it back to a developer, so it’s also going to be a motivation for him for giving some amounts of nfts for renting. In this case in terms of, because nfts are coming in web three gaming model is more and more going as I would say pure gaming too. When you need to have NFT to get something in terms of playing the game, it can be some kind of land, it can be some kind of a weapon, but you need to have it in order to play the game. And this how we can interact with that and also give a better exposure for gaming projects. Also if for example, like, you know, they don’t have a lot of money for marketing and we’re saying hey guys, we’re right now having like, you know, 100 like or 1000 NFTs rent for free, you can go and rent it from our in game Ss marketplace.

Game Developers’ Administrative Control

So one of the main ideas that we’re right now implementing is going to be like, you know, with I would say several weeks according to our pipeline. We’re creating a personal admin panel for every game developer because it was like, you know, for us it was such a shock, but we get to know about that for example. But you know that in Epic Games store when you are a game developer you need all the time connecting with the team and all the time sending them your gaming build. So there is basically no automatic update on Epic Games store. And were like wow, okay this is something ridiculous when guys get millions and the launcher don’t have kind of technical tool for game developers. So what we’re providing for them, the game developers right now can first of all they can kind of making a link for their API of a build and this build going to be all the time updating constantly.

Streamlined Game Development Process

So all they can need to do, they don’t need to send it to us or connect with us, they just need to on some cloud or server. They need just to update this game. Yeah, another one or the page of the game. They can do however they want. Yes. So they can download their pictures saying how they want to describe their game in terms of all the other aspects like description what is going on, their updates of the game. Maybe they want to do some updates on the platform on their patients on and so forth. It’s one of the big technical tools that helping game developers also kind of like you know mass adoption for web three developers into gaming because as I was saying in the beginning, there is no infrastructure rules for game developers and nobody knows what to do over here.

Facilitating Web 3 Gaming Adoption

Nobody know how to create in some technical ways some solutions inside of their games. And what we’re bringing one of these technical solutions for them and saying hey guys, you don’t need to think about it. And other stuff is that we also helping them in terms of how they can basically do the whole stuff of updating instantly and how they can do with running their game. Because as I mentioned at the beginning, some games they’re doing their custom launches. It’s a lot of money need to spend on that. It’s a lot of time, it’s a lot of pressure and you’re spending a lot of budget on that. Another stuff, some games they are like you know have link on their zip file on their website like we’re 2000 to 2005, you know again they all this kind of solution that we’re creating infrastructure where you have clear understanding.

Streamlined Game Management

Okay, I’m making a game in web three. I know that I got some stuff on DGM launcher and I can do everything about that. I don’t need to think about a lot of stuff in terms of how I develop every single infrastructure around my game. I’m developing particular my game. I don’t need to think everything about anything in terms of technical requirements. Beside my game. That is perfect. It’s great to hear that you found a way to basically remove the headache of managing each aspect individually and connecting to the game developers one by one. So I think having a personal admin panel for the game developers sounds incredibly useful. So I think what you’re trying to say is that this tool provides the developers with the complete control and flexibility on how they need to build and refine their games effectively.

Seamless Gameplay Experience

So how do you ensure that gamers can enjoy smooth gameplay without having to deal with the complexities of blockchain technologies? I think that we, you already have something to say about this topic, but can you maybe expound a little bit more? Because I’m sure that our audiences will be very interested in this one. Yeah, yeah, sure. And also I will be kind of like, you know, summing up it a little bit. Yeah, because we’re talking a lot about technical requirements because like, you know, when you love your project is like your child, you can speak about it all the time. So I know it’s a lot of information about this. So it’s sometimes. So in terms of that integration, first of all, the big thing that we’re doing and helping us is custodial wallet.

Centralized Wallet Management

Because of the help of custodial wallet, we can manage all the game from one spot. We can manage all the coming for your payments from. If you want top up your wallet in terms of some payments and buy some tokens if you want to buy some NFT, when, if you want to have this NFT. And also it will be one place for a lot of games, you also can do it with the help of custodial wallet because it’s a part of a big system like, you know, integrating with the games. We’re making a synchronization of registration. Yes. So like, you know, you’re going to be registration in every game with our wallet automatically because, you know, happening in steam again. So you’re registering steam, you’re raising the game.

User-Friendly Wallet Infrastructure

The same is happening for us. And this is the main sense about that is helping you to manage all your assets from one place, you don’t need to go anywhere else, another stuff. It’s again with the help of all these in game assets, buying and selling. And this is because it’s all one infrastructure system. When, for example, you get a reward in the game and you got NFT, it’s again going for your wallet. You didn’t need to think about, okay, where is it right now? Where is it? My stash, where is in my inventory, for example, you’re playing some rpg. Yeah. So in this rpg, your wallet is basically your inventory. Yeah. So in this case, our wallet, our custodial wallet is inventory in the game.

Mass Adoption of Gaming with Wallet Solutions

And then in the launcher is a place when you can see all your assets like nfts or tokens. So we in case like to know we’re creating kind of like, you know, I would say centralized infrastructure is helping to make a lot of solutions on this part. It’s helping to help a lot of different ways how we can interact with the games and create truly mass adoption game. Because if we’re doing with noncustodial, unfortunately we can’t do it like on such level. Again, going to be some kind of decision in the middle. You know, were not going for adoption, not going for the particular web three, but with custodial wallet system, we’re creating platform and infrastructure where everything will be in one place.

Token Dynamics and Future Roadmap

So one of the key milestones right now we are in September finishing our integration of payment system. So we’re going to be finishing all the type of true adoption of payments inside of the launcher so you can truly buying selling nfts. And we’re going to do it with tokens of the platform. So it’s going to be a fully system in September, on October, we are finishing our in game quest system. So when you’re playing the game and you’re playing the launcher, we’re giving you some quests inside of a game. For example, you’re saying kill 100 monsters, you’re killing 100 monsters and you automatically got rewards in your wallet. So kind of we’re creating a quest system for you to make fun of playing the game and having additional rewards.

Community Engagement through Rewards

And they also going to be a great engagement tool for developers saying, hey guys, we can help you in terms of how you can attract more people because they’re going to go to your game just to try and to have the bonuses and rewards and they’re going to. Huh. I’m going to try to play it again. Yeah. So this is how we also can engage with them in October. Finishing that in October. We also late October. We also planning to be on our TgE. We right now confirmed Gate and Maxc. And right now we are passing due diligence top tier one. So. Ok. Excucoin, bybit. I would say. I can’t say right now which one will be, but it’s going to be one of those three, I would say.

Massive Token Release

This is the information I can share right now. Yeah. And this is one of our biggest milestones, I would say. And yeah, we also go in Bara chain and yeah, we’re going to be one of the first game infrastructures on Bera. So we unfortunately a little bit connected to the main net of Bera chain. So if something happening like, you know, bear a chain main, it is going a little bit later than we are expecting. So yeah, we supposed to postpone the BTG because suddenly we can’t go and test Netge. Unfortunately, it’s not possible in crypto. Yeah. But this is what were our main milestones and what we’re expecting right now to be.

Final Thoughts on Future Plans

Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. Yes. I’m sorry, sorry. I forgot to mention. Yeah, also before we are 100% going to be sure about 30 g date, we’re going to have a massive of our tokens. They’re going to be super massive one. It’s going to be super whitelist with very good vesting for airdrop community partners. So stay tuned about our twitter because we’re going to be announcing this very soon and it’s going to be a very massive one and very noisy. That’s, that’s perfect. Actually, you have mentioned that is all you can share, but for me, you have shared so much with us, so that’s why we have so much to look forward to from GGM and this new payment system.

Community Engagement

We’d appreciate any additional information that you could share with Dublin starter community. Yeah, one stuff, guys, I saw a lot of questions coming to the our chat. I was all the time trying to, you know, make my speech and reading to these questions, but I think I covered almost every, I would say, question I got right now. I see in their chat. I hope I covered almost everything. If you got some questions regarding to our project and go to our discord server, our moderator is going to be 24 hours over there. We also planning with our simeo to, I think in one week or two we’re going to play in one of our future upcoming games, Radiance arena. We’re going to play on Twitch. So you can come over there and ask questions to us because we’re going to be directly playing the game and just chatting with you guys. So, yeah, I hope I covered almost every questions we got in the chat. Thanks for that. And again, I would just like to give a super big shout out for whole Beanstarter team. Again, I’m not paid for that comment.

Appreciation for Support

It’s just because my genie and expression about Beanstarter and appreciation of what you guys are doing, how you supporting projects, how you’re supporting us, because again, we started when we’re working together, we’re super small projects, when we’re pre seed, when we’re like, you know, in a super early development stage and you believe in us and the journey is going incredibly well right now, all the time. So really big thanks for you for that. The whole journey that we’re right now in the market, you are going with us. No, no. Actually it’s a pleasure for us to be supporting you. Like Vin starter only support projects which we firmly believe which can, which has significant impact on the blockchain industry. So since you are a project of that level. So we are very happy that we are supporting each other. So thank you, Nick. But that is not the end of this Ama yet. We will have yet to do the live questions round. So I’m sure that our community is very excited.

Live Q&A Session

So I can see that we have lots of questions. So I think what we can do here, would you like to answer five questions or ten questions? So, yeah, let’s go with that. Let’s go with that. I’m gonna try to do my best. You can choose maybe by yourself, because. It’s so many, for sure. So what is the number? Five or ten questions? Let’s go. Ten. I’m okay. I’m ready. I’m brave. Okay. Okay, that’s perfect. Let’s do this. Maybe we can pick the five questions from the chat and then, five more questions from the live, oceans. Like, we will unmute, somebody from the oceans randomly. So. Okay. How’s that? All right, so I think, let’s speak first from our, like, let’s do one by one from the live audience, and one from the chat, so that while you are answering, I will scan through the chats and choose the next question for you.

Selecting Quality Projects

So let’s go with. Okay, so let’s have. We have many familiar faces here. So I will try to pick some new ones, maybe some new perspective from that person. So hopefully we will get the good technical questions for you. So let’s unmute. We have here DMC AI under the handler DMC, underscore DMC zero. So let me unmute you, sir. Okay. Is connecting. Hi, sir. You have been. You have been unmuted. Welcome. Thank you for joining in this ama. So your question, please. Oh, Siri interrupted. Hello? Yes, please. We can hear you, sir. So my question is, do you have an ambassador program? Yes, we can hear you. Thank you. Yeah, yeah, I got the questions about the ambassador program. Thanks. Solid MC for that. Yep. We are right now going to launch it very soon.

Ambassador Program Details

It’s going to be with a part of our program for partly KL round, partly ambassador program. So over there, it’s like, you know, we’re working in a split of ambassadors as community and ambassadors as KL rounds. We gonna announce this program in the same time we’re announcing our massive airdrop. So it’s gonna be somewhere super close terms that we’re gonna be over there. But yes, ambassador program going to be launching very soon with connection with Kols. So did that answer your question, sir? All right, thank you so much. Thank you so much for joining. So, I think I already have the next question for you, Nick. So. Okay, there you go. So this is. This one is from FiFi 2023. So the question is, the success of a launcher depends on the quality of the projects launched in it.

Ensuring Investor Safety

So how do you select quality projects to the game G Gem launcher? So how will you ensure safety to the investors funds? By the way, very good question from Fifi. Because Fifi also mentioned one thing that I forgot to mention in a very good term, she is looking in a very core of the idea of a launcher is that first of all, you need to have games over there to play. Yes, a launcher by itself useless. You need to play games over there. And first of all, I would say that we are going only with projects on the, I would say some stage of development. Then you can play the game. There is no fatal backs over there and we are sure that your player, that your game and experience will be crucial over there. And you’re gonna be like, you’re gonna like this experience of the gaming.

Highlighting Radiant Arena

Another stuff that we also right now going with one of the projects that I’m super hyped about. These guys are not well known right now in a web three industry, but they create an amazing game. It’s called Radiant arena. They’re going right now, they’re finishing their beta test and they are going to be on our launcher. I would say this like, you know, it’s the time when we found developers from Blizzard, Ubisoft, Riot Games. They connected together and created extremely great game. Like when I saw it, I was like, okay, I want to play this immediately. And yeah, it’s like, you know what we’re trying to find outside these hidden gems, you know, because these guys really not so popular at all.

Focus on Quality and Stability

Like they don’t have exposure. They just like, you know, technical geeks who are creating their game and don’t think a lot about exposure to audience and so on, so forth. They just created their game and doing extremely well. And we’re spending a lot of time finding these amazing games. And a final part about that we are on Q two of 2025, we gonna launch like, you know, after OTG where we are like, you know, making audio flows. So we’re gonna be like, you know, stable in the launch of the whole system development. We are gonna launch the program for exclusive games. So we gonna go for some great gaming projects on the space and we’re gonna be there kind of like, you know, partially investing over there in them and they’re gonna be exclusive titles in our launcher because we understand and we know that one of the best solutions how launcher can grow is that exclusive games on the launcher when you can play only on our launch of these games.

Strict Quality Control

We know about that. So we’re going to launch this program and we’re going to have a very strict, I would say, decision in terms of which game we’re going to be taking on this investment and which game going to be excluded for our launcher. We already initiated several talks with several games, I can tell you which one unfortunately. But yeah, we’re already working on that. So in Q two, I would say that we gonna be on starting position when we have several great and big titles exclusive on our launcher. Fifi, thanks a lot for this question. Amazing. One, because you are really looking to the core idea of a game in that firstly, people are playing the games on the launcher and the infrastructure like, you know, is just the basis of it, but people just need to play something over there.

Market Sustainability Plans

Yes, that’s right. Thank you Fifi. I also like the questions very much. So thank you for that. And I think I have another question from the chat. So we have from the chat now. So this is from Kian 391. So the question is since many games have recently had a failure, either as a consequence of the generalized fall of the crypto market, or that the ROI is very short and neither does the NFT burn. So what mechanisms GGM going to implement to make the game sustainable? A free economy model. So one of the big points over there that firstly, you people again like, you know, going to super core ideas and going like, you know, to then understand the core problems of the market. Amount of gamers on the market is not growing very fast. Yeah.

Addressing Gamers’ Concerns

Where go is telling about that not growing because we don’t have mass adoption. So in this case, games right now, they are trying to compete with each other all the time for this audience that go with one from another. Yeah. Because in terms of web two gaming, it’s like several billions of people are playing. Yeah. In web three market is much smaller and people and game developers all the time constantly competing for them. One of the main ideas that we bring into them is that we are bringing this in game quest system. This is like, you know, this is not only reward system like beneficiary benefiting only gamers, it’s a very big benefit point for game developers because we’re saying, hey guys, you’re on the launcher, we want to give you exposure, wanted to give you gamers who are going to be playing your game, they’re going to be buying your nfts are going to be saying, okay, because the mess shortage is what, because you don’t have users?

User Engagement Strategy

Basically, yes. Even if you got a good quality game, even you’re gonna be okay with the state of the market. You still need users. And we’re saying, hey, try it out with quest system. Try it out just to farm our rewards. And in the process if the game is good, you’re gonna love it and you’re gonna stay over there. This is also how we basically for free giving launchers their sorry games, their audience and their exposure and helping with the audience. That’s perfect. So thanks for that question, Kian. And I think I will be choosing from the live audience now.

Participation Guidelines for Live Questions

But before that, let me, I think I skipped to announce this one. So to be eligible, please make sure you’re following GGM on all of their social media platforms. So it is very important that you have already done that at this point because we will be checking if you get to be the lucky ones who will be picked from today’s Ama. So please do that now. So let’s me, let me unmute one from our live audiences. So let’s have, let’s see. Devon. Hi, Devon, you’re up. Oh, by the way, I can see also official count of HMC. Hi, guys. Shout out to you. Also, one of the games in Avalanche are coming up. So, yeah, happy to see you over here, guys.

Token Benefits Explained

Also, hi. Hi. Welcome to Binstarter. Hello, sir. Kanye. Yes, Devon. Okay, so my question is, what are the benefit of holding your games tokens? Long term investment? This question, sir. Yep. So one of the main beneficial points of token over there, first of all, is that it was mentioned at this status system. So when you got token on a launcher, on your wallet, you get access to more rewards in terms of tournaments, events and so on.

Incentives for Token Holders

So if you don’t have the status, you’re going to be like, you know, have this usual quest system. Going to have usual quests. But if you got your status, you can go for interest in private tournaments, you can go for interesting events going with some games, you can go to higher level quests with more rewards over there. Second one, if you go in with staking, so staking, we got ARR system of how much you got more tokens in terms of staking. What I can already say that, for example, if you hold in more than one year, if you hold in one year, you got 120% of token more going to be in the end of one year. In this case, it’s beneficial for you that you are all the time in constant more rewarding getting the token.

Clarification on Token Utility

And if you want to get these rewards, you still need to have our token, you still need to hold it because in all other cases, you don’t have an access for that. Okay, sir. Get answered. Thank you, sir. Thank you, ma’am. Thank you very much for your question. Thanks a lot. Oops, I’m muted. Sorry for that. All right, so our next question is from Ramsay. So with one handler Ramsay underscore one x. So where can I buy your tokens right now? What is your current contract and how can I buy them? Will you have any other feature like staking yield farm or NFT, which by the way, we have in the future?

Token Purchase and Features

Yes, that question. Yeah. So the main thing about the token right now you can participate in our air drives for waitlist. We gonna be, I was mentioning we’re going for TGE on late October and also we’re gonna be on ideo on very great launch podcast Beanstarter, by the way. Yes. So you also can go over there and buy from Beanstarter when we’re gonna have official date. But it’s gonna be the beginning of q four. Right now it’s by twisting. Plus big Airdrop is going on in terms of taking, I also already mentioned in my previous sensor and in terms of NFT collections.

Future Development Focus

So right now we’re super focused in terms of development of the platform and our TGE. Our, one of the main, I would say plans for beginning of 2025, it’s the release of NFT collection. But the main thing that we want to give the benefits by the NFT. So not going to be like, you know, just pictures, want to give them real utility on the platform and the real understanding how you can integrate these NFTs also to other games. And in this case, firstly, we want to, you know, like create the whole system, the whole ecosystem, have a successful and great TGE.

Balanced Approach to Product Launch

And after that we going to go with the NFT collection because I would say we don’t want to spray our attention and to like, you know, make a mediocre launcher, make average NfT collection and super quiet Tge. So I would say this is why we’re doing step by step. All right, perfect. So I think it’s our live audience is up next. So let’s have aim hi. So positive. So let’s have him as our next for our next question. Sure, sure. So Mister aim, hi. Mister underscore aim. Hi, you’re up. Oh, it’s still connecting.

Transitioning Between Questions

So yes, I think it’s taking a bit more time than usual. So I think let’s, if ever you will be unmuted aim hi, we will be getting questions from you next. But right now let’s have Bud with a handler McCoy 33. I hope that you are still with us, buddy. Yeah, yeah, buddies over here. Okay. The floor is yours. Hi, buddy.

Introductory Remarks

Yeah, yeah, buddy. Hello.

Questions from the Audience

Yes, sir, my question, what role does your token play in your ecosystem? What your benefit of long time holding your up token. My question, sir. Oh, I’m sorry. Sorry, Nick. Actually that has already been asked, buddy. So I am giving you another chance to ask another question to be eligible for the win. Yeah, it was one question before. What? What are the activate future in your project? What are the vision and gold and your project, what did the activate in your remaining 2020 4 hours?

Clarifications and Technical Issues

sorry, I’m trying to. It was a bit noisy on the background. Yes. It’s kind of like, you know, you were asking about like the whole vision of the project. Yeah. Like, you know, in what times we are moving. Yeah, as far as I understand. Am I right? I think it’s basically asking the plans in 2024. I just got the 24 something and. Yeah, the one that you have just said. Yeah. So, yeah, as I was mentioning like, you know, there we got October, as I was mentioning about TGE and so on, so forth.

Web Two and Web Three Gaming Integration

But also we got November and December. Yeah, for Saturday 24. Yeah, we also got two more months. In terms of that, we gonna start to work with our web two audience because I was mentioning their core idea and the core vision. It’s like I would say one answer for two questions is that we don’t want to have the separation of web two and web three gaming. We don’t want to have the space to be like traditional gamers and progressive gamers. What we all, our main core vision and idea that their web three parts in gaming is inevitable. It’s going to be going, is going to be evolving. It’s going to be over there some time.

Core Mission and Development Goals

Our core idea and mission that we’re going to speed up this time when it’s going to be available for years and decades. And in terms of giving game developers their sense of understanding. Hey, guys, right now it’s easy for game developer to come into the space to create the game on web three and the audience will be easily get to the game. So that’s why we’re going to work with, after our successful tGe, we’re going to start to work with our web two audience and we’re going to start to attract web two users.

Ambassador Program and User Engagement

One of their main ideas that we’re going to have, Ambassador program also the one was asking about that, sorry, DMC, as far as I remember, was asking about Ambassador program. Yeah, ambassador program also for web two streamers, gaming streamers in terms of giving them partnership on our ecosystem and like, you know, being kind of there that they’re going to streaming under our label, streaming sometimes our games from launcher and telling about mass adoption in game space. The traditional one, traditional web, two commercials on YouTube and so on. Because like, you know, traditional marketing for web two users, because we understand that right now is going to be easy for Web user to come.

Marketing Strategy and Goals for 2024

If he’s his commercial, he said, okay, I want to try new games. I want to try web three games. Why not? Maybe it’s going to be some games I’m going to like. Yeah. And right now, with KLP of two, he can do that. So main goal for the rest of 2024 is web two integration and web two interaction. Okay, that’s perfect. I think I already have the next question from one of our audiences via chat. This is from Malami ng. So Nick, during this point, can you tell us about the investors and partners of your project?

Investors and Ecosystem Benefits

So what benefits to the ecosystem do you expect from them? So this, our audience is interested. Who are your partners and what they can do for you? Basically just to their purpose. For G Gem. Oh, in terms of partners, it’s. We got list. We got excel documents with all the partners because it’s really because. Yeah, it’s a long list. We got a lot of game partnership, like a lot of them. Yeah. Maybe the prominent ones you can mention, like.

Current Partnerships and Collaborations

Yeah, exactly. So we got, right now, in terms of game partners, we got around 30 games, by the way, one of their iterations. We are right now live at the time were speaking, we integrate on the launcher. We are hosting web games which like not Dexter, but you’re playing through web app. And it’s also going to be around five plus more games immediately in our launcher with the help of this integration and going to be more of them coming to the launcher very soon. So we’re on 30 plus or maybe more right now, even games on the launcher.

Marketing and Partnership Development

In terms of very, I would say great partners in terms of who are giving to us. It’s, for example, Cointelegraph is our main media marketing partner. So you can check out our press releases in Cointelegraph. You can check out our articles over there. So brink, one of the biggest accelerators in web three space, one of the corporation cooperation accelerators for Animoca brands is also. We have an accelerating program of one of them. We are with them. Our main chaos is Evan Luthor and Elga. Boom. Elja was also today on our MA session, Evan Luther, not only our KL, but he also one of our first early bakers in terms of the Bakers IBC group.

Support and Investment

who also hosts of roundtables, helping us not only with investment, but also with marketing. Gda Capital Gen Sakishu, one of the games is also our investors in seed round. So it’s also like, you know, helping us to show and helping us to get, you know, kind of great feeling that we’re doing valuable stuff for game developers, that they even investing in us by themselves. So it was really pleasing for us because they just came to us and said, hey guys, we want to invest in your own. And we’re like, wow, okay, let’s go. Yeah.

Contributions from Accelerators

And Yarhub, our accelerator, one of our biggest contributors at the point. So were in the first cohort, we’re like new guys in the space of acceleration when we’re super precise stage. We came to them. We were in the first cohort and were the best product of their accelerator and we got direct investments. Big and significant part we get from them. So it’s what I like on Barrichain, we’re going on barrichain marketing partners with bury chain direct one shout out to Smokey if he ever gonna hear it. So, yeah.

Technical Development for Games

Okay, so I think it’s time for, by the way, we have last three questions. So let’s see. I hope that we get the good question from our live audience. So let’s have, let’s spark some sparks. Hi. Spark. You are unmuted hot pizza 54. Okay, there he goes. Yes, we can hear you. Yes, we can hear you. Thank you. So my question is, how does GGM facilitate the creation of web three games for developer and what resource or technologies does it provide to enhance the development and scalability of this game?

Technical Solutions and Security Measures

By the way, interesting question in terms of technicals. Thanks for that. So, yeah, so first of all, I would say that the whole system of custodial wallet, like, you know, what we’re creating, we’re integrating help us not to think a lot about on chain technology because with help of custodial wallet, we can do a lot of stuff inside of a launcher off chain. So in terms of that, we get a lot of technical solutions that helping us to give in terms of traditional launch and traditional web two experience because, you know, like a lot of web three developers, game developers, they came from traditional gaming.

Developer Support and Security Framework

Yeah, and traditional game development. What we’re doing, we’re giving them basically saying, guys, you didn’t have the tools in web three, technical one, in terms of infrastructure, we’re giving you the tool that you get used to now you can use it and you can easily create games you want it for in terms of integration. Also again, custodial wallet is a very crucial part of that. Helping on that, maybe going after some questions in terms of security. So we got several levels of security. One of them is VPN with personal.

Custom Development for Enhanced Security

By the way, it’s custom development that we, it’s not on the market. So we got their outsource company who created for us a custom VPN app. And this is basically a VPN with a lot of signatures. So in terms of like, you know, getting into the system, into development, into the. Into the whole parts and back end system, you need to have a multiple signatures from developers and c level. So in this case we also eliminate in the way how you can integrate in the system in terms of human factor. And this is how we also thinking about the security of developers and gamers.

Legal Compliance and Regulation

Okay, I hope that it answered your question. So let us move on. Thank you, Spark. You’re welcome, Spark. So let’s move on from one of the chats. So this one is from most definitely six. So it’s a light question. So please, is there going to be in game communication between players during gameplay? I guess Gray is very friendly, so he wants that chat like feature in G Gem. So do we have or do we plan to have that in G Gem? Nick.

In-Game Communication and Player Interaction

Sorry, which one to have? Can you please repeat the in game communication between players during gameplay? So the main thing right now, that is a point of the game basically. In this case, there is some kind of this, I would say message chat in Steam. When you’re inside of the game, you can open the message window and talk with the people. What were thinking and like were thinking about the product way and the product design according to the level, how discord right now is doing, how the whole chat system is, how the game is doing.

Community Engagement Features

We think it’s some kind of a feature that when you’re playing is not. So what you need, basically you’re gonna have your chat system between the players, between their other accounts and the communities inside of a launcher. When you are inside of a launcher, but not inside of a game. Because again, we’re thinking this feature gonna disturb you because we got a lot of a b test. Because personally for me, I’m playing from Steam, like I don’t know, like since I was twelve.

User Experience and Feedback

So like for more than 15 years I’m playing as team and I genuinely hate the in game chat from Steam. Like genuinely hate about that. And we made a lot of in game tests, a b test asking about that and we understood. Yeah. Right now discord is like, you know, completely get rid of the sense of doing this in game chat from DJM launcher, but you’re gonna have the chat communities and the discussions inside the launcher but not inside the game.

Final Questions and Regulatory Compliance

All right, so we are down to the last question. So this one is from. I will be choosing from the chat. So here it goes. This one is from, actually I am choosing between the two. So we have here. Alright, so this one is from Ladia with a handler, bullish Casper. So what steps have been taken to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and any potential legal challenges related to the usage of the game assets and tokens?

Legal Structure and Compliance Strategy

So it’s about regulatory compliance. Oh, by the way, very great question. Interesting one because it’s very interesting legal question because we spent so much time on that and happy to hear that audience also got such deep questions on their minds. So first of all, the way where we incorporate this, our company is incorporating Hong Kong. Hong Kong company is the company who is in charge and who is owning the whole ip of the products and so on, so forth. And in terms of us as a company having crypto assets, we are fully legal over there in terms of when we are making assets, keeping assets, transferring assets and all the kind of stuff, what we are doing and creating.

Payment Partners and Legal Compliance

First of all, we are having our payment partners, for example, one of them I can mention P 100. So these guys, what they’re doing in terms of legal structure of keeping assets and transferring is from their part. We are, is a gateway of helping them to integrate the user. And you go inside of our launch the API and you’re going to have kind of like, you know, transferring money and transferring assets from their API. But also because we’re integrating with them, keeping assets from legal part, we’re doing this on the law of European Union from their company.

Asset Management and Compliance Challenges

And this in this case with the visuals of our company, with the whole integration of GGM launcher, legally it’s assets that are keeping by our payment partner in this case. So we are keeping these assets in terms of our partner from European Union law. And yes, so I would say in this case we are pretty covered all about that. We spend a lot of time for, you know, like managing how we can do it directly, what licenses do we need about that, what we can do over there and so on and so forth.

Conclusion and Acknowledgments

And I think we found a perfect solution when partners are helping us to keep in transferring assets and also helping us to have KYCs. Unfortunately, at some points of payment, we have to have KYC guys. We can get rid of them because, yeah, it’s truth of the space that if you want to do some activities with money and crypto, you need to have KYC. So, yeah, this is a interesting question. Thanks a lot. I genuinely spent, I remember two or three weeks about making the whole scheme, how we’re going to create all this legal stuff.

Overall Session Feedback

Thanks a lot for this. It’s kind of like, you know, my flashback for that. Thank you. Thank you so much. Nick. All the questions, like if I am rating you, all the questions are eleven out of ten. So well done. Thanks a lot. So yes, it’s clear that based from your perspective, it’s clear that you and your team know exactly what you’re doing and you are on the right track. So congratulations. Also, I would like to mention that you are actually providing the whole blockchain industry, the whole benefits, by bringing the bridging the gap for non crypto players in the blockchain industry.

Industry Impact and Future Directions

Those are truly impressive. So it’s exciting to see the positive impact that you are making in this industry that we all love. So thank you, Nick, for joining us in today’s AMA session, for providing such in depth and valuable insights about GGEM and. Yeah. Yes, please. Would you like to say. Yes. Would you like to say something? Just thanks a lot for having me today.

Closing Remarks and Future Engagement

I did my best trying to answer all the questions, guys. Still, if you got some of them. Welcome to our discord. Welcome to our Twitter account, official one. Our team all the time, 24 hours up to answer all your questions regarding to our project. Thanks a lot for having me here. Listen, this, I would say pretty long ma session, it’s 1 hour and 20, but I would say that we in that covered everything. Beanstar team, you’re amazing. Thanks a lot.

Gratitude and Optimistic Future

You helped to do it in the best way I could even imagine. And thanks to everyone for participating. It’s a pleasure. Nick, it’s our pleasure to host you on this AMA session. And I also did notice that we have already run for 1 hour and 20 minutes. It was fun. Personally, I had fun doing this AMA session with you. So thank you for being here.

Audience Participation and Conclusion

So for our audience, thank you everyone for your active participation and the excellent questions that you have thrown to our guest for today, Nick. So your engagement made this session both enlightening and enjoyable. I’m sure that Nick enjoyed your question. It was all interesting, mind boggling. So we.

Reflection and Ongoing Support

I really appreciate your support and your enthusiasm. So let’s continue to support GGM. And again, their website is GGM GG, so you can easily find that. And we looked forward to more exciting developments from GGM in the future. So thank you. Thank you so much, everyone. So this has been Anna, and that is all for GGM Ama session with Binstarter.

Closing Wishes

Thank you, everyone, and good night. Good night, Anna, thanks a lot again, and having a great night for you. Yeah, thanks a lot. Bye bye. Bye bye, everyone.

Final Thank You

Thank you.

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