Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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This space is hosted by MarioNawfal

Space Summary

The Twitter space delved into a variety of subjects, including world events and social media censorship. Participants shared personal stories and engaged in technical conversations regarding AI and algorithms. The discussions offered diverse viewpoints on global matters and the obstacles of upholding free speech online. This space fits within the lifestyle niche, demonstrating the platform's flexibility in hosting stimulating discussions on various topics. The topics ranged from Alephium, scalability, developers, transparency, community, to decentralization, addressing crypto trilemma and fostering engagement with #CryptoDaily.


Q: How do you define a world war?
A: This was a topic discussed during the Twitter space event.

Q: Can free speech truly exist on social media platforms?
A: Participants engaged in conversations regarding free speech on social media.

Q: How do algorithms handle context in content moderation?
A: Discussions included insights on how algorithms deal with context in content moderation.


Time: 00:01:15
Introduction to Alephium: Overview of the space and initial excitement.

Time: 00:08:21
Alephium's Differentiation: Discussion on what sets Alephium apart from other layer-1 solutions.

Time: 00:14:09
Marketing Strategies: Insights into marketing efforts to attract users to Alephium.

Time: 00:19:21
Developer Focus: Emphasis on attracting and supporting developers within the ecosystem.

Time: 00:29:17
Security and Transparency: Addressing the importance of making smart contracts user-friendly and secure.

Time: 00:34:50
Community Engagement: Highlighting the role of community in Alephium's growth.

Time: 00:48:24
Upcoming Features: Introduction of new tools and features to enhance user experience.

Time: 00:54:09
Future Outlook: Discussion on the long-term vision and potential of Alephium in the crypto industry.

Key Takeaways

  • Diverse range of topics discussed.
  • Insightful perspectives shared by the speakers.
  • Mention of a Chicago company producing international movie films.
  • Personal anecdotes shared by participants.
  • Technical discussions on AI and algorithms.
  • The importance of context in online interactions.

Behind the Mic

ah, welcome. Feel free to share anything you guys called up. I think you guys are trading bot on Alefium, I would assume. Yes. We're at the first trading bot on alethium, and we're really bullish on the. On the allithium ecosystem. So normally, like, smaller layer, one would have to be in the billions market cap to get a trading bar to add them into this service, because a bigger trading bar will always support bigger chains. But we're really impressed with what Kyung Huang and Mao's team is doing in the lithium. So that's why we're building this ecosystem of tools to help people trade faster their right. From telegrams on their phone. So, currently, we have developed the trading function and the sniper function, which got people really excited about. So actually, we got over 100 sniper that sniper Gigacheck launch and really test that our products work, and our product is ready for meme seasons when a lithium become a billion dollar chain. Nice gigachang. You just met your adversary. Well, we have a very good. We have a very good relationship. So were on good terms. Yeah, we're doing a competition together actually soon, so we will announce that also pretty in the coming days. I wanted to add something you were asking about rugs and stuff. I think the community here, the aleffium community, does a really good job, like, doing due diligence and kind of looking into who's building here. And, you know, they do a great job getting behind good projects and stuff like that. So. Yeah, that makes sense. I think, like, what Mod said in terms of, like, being aware that's a thing that you guys will need to increase transparency for users is important in and of itself, because a lot of projects, you know, I'll talk to don't even really consider that, because as a chain becomes big, especially if it has high tps and, like, low gas costs, it attracts malicious actors as well as non malicious actors, because people go where there's money, right. And those people aren't always good. So having, especially if the chain has lots of scalability and cheap grass, because sorry, cheap grass, cheap gas, man, it will attract lots of ad adversaries, but you guys can build, right? Like, I trust you to. And then one more thing I'll add is every time we do an update, if we're able to plan it out ahead of time, I can get top builders and top contributors in our curator down in the audience. Those are all rabbit holes in the vault. But if we have more advanced warning next time, let's say your next call is for weeks. A month away. Like happy to really. All right, so. So we're going to be doing this weekly every weekend, so we figured that, probably want to get as many of the teams that are working on projects to come up weeklies. Probably too much to rotate in other teams and providing you updates. So probably biweekly, we should have teams rotating for sure. Well, we'll have more updates for sure on the weekly ones, but we'll also. The biweekly ones will be joined by other teams or projects. That just means we have more to share. And this is how we hype up the community moving forward, right. Get people involved. So, like, we'll do as best as we can to make the updates dynamic so that people actually benefit a lot from them. And so that people feel that they've learned something and that they've stayed up to date. Out of curiosity. Yeah. Curiosity, right. But so, yesterday it did come up in conversation that there is like a meme coin building on Alefium, right? Like, for people that are kind of looking at those, like, how do you guys think about that? For people considering buying it right. Like, do you have any advice or is it just, like, insights from having seen a lot of projects starting from the ground up? Yeah. I mean, so queen puppy, like, the project itself, they have the benefit because they can reach out to us at the core team and kind of share their thoughts and get, like, our feedback on, you know, like, the legality side of things. Like, what's legal and what isn't legal and what they have to be careful about, stuff like that. And then just kind of, like, yeah, basic advice on, like, what's a good idea and what's not. And then, you know, I think one thing that especially these meme projects have to be careful about is, like, their token allocation and put as much as possible in a lock and have the locks as long as possible. Because, you know, a lot of it is really easy for people just to buy and sell. And, you know, once people see their quick profits, they just kind of dump the token. And, yeah. So I guess that's just kind of something I would suggest if people are out there and want to build minimum projects is just be careful with, like, your token allocations, try to keep most of them locked. And we offer a really great, like, token distribution contract and, you know, the advice we give to all the projects is to use these contracts because, you know, once contracts are up, it's very transparent for everyone to see, not just within the alethium community, everyone to see what was the initial location and how is it getting distributed. And everyone is happy. Right. Cool. OK, so there's, like, a lot of risk when it comes to mean coins as, like, an archetype of project beyond just. Even if they're legally safe, like, so it comes down to trust and oh, sorry. My last advice would be just to stay anonymous. You know, it just kind of takes away that kind of, like, pressure eventually, like, your core team's going to have to do ama's and stuff just so people get to know who are the people behind this gimmicrobial project. So if you go for anonymous, like, it just takes a lot of that pressure away. You just have to trust, like, what is the distribution side of things? And, you know, are there contracts? That's good advice. Thank you. Actually had a quick question on the development side. So you mentioned the alephium GitHub and, like, opening pull requests there. Like, can you talk a little bit about the process for contributing to core alefium? Sure. So basically the wheels are on one repository. That's like kind of in this Alefume organization, and no one can. Anyone can open a pool request. Of course, you're going to have to start by forking the GS repository and then creating a pull request from there. Usually the process is someone from the Alefume core dev team will take a look at it, and then they review it with a couple of internal contributors first. And then I think we go through, like, the review process, and it's just a lot of back and forth in between the contributor and the team. And then from there, like I said, every time something new is added, we do a lot of internal tests to be sure it adheres to like our our checklist of requirements, I would call them, and then if everything's OK, this is more so than likely added to the core. That sounds good. So you guys have like a checklist of requirements in house, but for people that are doing this for the first time, how can they learn more about what's actually required for it to be accepted beyond just looking at other pr's? Sure. So I think I mean, yeah, it's a lot of it is just looking at how Pull requests are done and seeing why something was rejected or what has to be changed. We're working on publishing something eventually, but we're keeping it internally for right now because we're just kind of tuning it up before it can go public. All right. Great. Thanks. And I just wanted to say we see you appearing and then quickly disappearing. So we feel your pain. Mario. I know how difficult it is to be up here as a speaker on space is so. But you know, in case you don't get up, I just wanted to give a quick shoutout that's a Mario's Uniswap Ande builder show. Check out the YouTube channel. There's a great interview given there on Alefuim as well. And also shout out to the Bankless community because we're huge fans of bankless and we're already working on our next bounty right now for that. So shout out to the Bankless forum. Yeah. Yeah, I think, like, something like this is when you're listening to a space like this, right? This is, like, an opportunity to get into something early. Right. You have, like, a single real meme project building there for a chain that's, like, a very good time for you to be paying attention to it. Like, if you look at, like, telegram network, you know, four or five months ago, people were saying, like, oh, everyone uses telegram. Maybe, like, we should start buying coins that are on telegram network, and they all just, like, massively exploded. Right. So it's always, like, a decent. That when you learn about something on, like, a space like this, to take the time, read about it, understand it more from, like, a technical perspective. Like, you don't have to be, like, a savant on the technical side of things and stuff like this, but just really understand, like, the team and, like, where they think the direction of the chain is going, which you can probably discern a lot from this call, and then look into some of the projects that are going there, and it can be worth it to try and either take, like, small bets on them or get involved in their community and see how, like, you can potentially, you know, benefit financially from it and then also just, like, have a good time being a member of a new community that's growing and grow with them. I'll say this. I actually have gone to this website before, which is crazy because I've never heard of it. Okay, perfect. Yeah. Appreciate you guys stopping in. Thank you so much for having the ecosystem of alefium giving it a stage, and I hope people check out Alefium. We have great tech, over 10,000 tps natively on a proof of work l one with smart contract capabilities, great security, an ecosystem, as you can see, that is very motivated in throwing and growing. And so, really, this is a. This is the beginning of something really great, I think, for Alefjum, but for the broader space, I hope Alefjum brings something different to the industry and really helps bring it forward. Yeah. Right on. Thanks, everyone, for joining. Follow all the speakers here to keep on with what's going on with Alefium. All right, guys, I'll catch everyone later. Have a good day. See you, guys. Thank you. Cheers. Thanks.

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