Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space AI+Web3: Infrastructure vs Multi-Chain Applications hosted by PredX_AI. The AI+Web3 Twitter Space delved deep into the fusion of AI and Web3 technologies, focusing on Infrastructure versus Multi-Chain Applications within an AI-driven multichain prediction market powered by @AimeliaNetwork. Discussions revolved around the transformative role of AI in revolutionizing Web3 landscapes, the crucial importance of infrastructure for multi-chain efficiency, and AimeliaNetwork's pivotal contribution to empowering AI-driven solutions. Attendees gained insights into the potential of AI in optimizing decision-making processes, forecasting outcomes, and enhancing decentralized applications within Web3 ecosystems.

For more spaces, visit the AI page.


Q: How is AI transforming Web3 technologies?
A: AI is enhancing data analysis, predictive modeling, and decision-making processes in Web3 applications.

Q: Why is infrastructure crucial for multi-chain applications?
A: Infrastructure ensures scalability, security, and efficiency in handling transactions across diverse blockchain networks.

Q: What role does AimeliaNetwork play in AI-driven multichain solutions?
A: AimeliaNetwork provides the technological backbone for AI integration, supporting prediction markets and data analytics.

Q: Why is AI integration important for prediction markets?
A: AI brings advanced data processing capabilities, enhancing accuracy, speed, and efficiency in forecasting outcomes.

Q: How does AI optimize decision-making in multi-chain environments?
A: AI algorithms analyze data across multiple chains to provide insights for effective decision-making and operations.

Q: What are the benefits of AI and Web3 collaboration for decentralized applications?
A: The synergy of AI and Web3 technologies boosts automation, analytics, and customization, improving user experiences.

Q: In what ways can AI enhance blockchain network functionalities?
A: AI optimizes transaction processing, security protocols, and smart contract executions, enhancing overall network efficiency.

Q: How does AI contribute to the evolution of technology integration in Web3 ecosystems?
A: AI drives innovation by enabling dynamic adaptability, cross-chain compatibility, and intelligent automation within Web3 platforms.

Q: What are the key challenges in integrating AI into multi-chain environments?
A: Ensuring data privacy, interoperability, and algorithmic transparency are critical challenges in AI integration across diverse blockchain networks.

Q: What future trends can we expect in AI-driven prediction markets within Web3?
A: The future holds advancements in AI-driven analytics, decentralized governance models, and enhanced market prediction accuracy in Web3 ecosystems.


Time: 00:15:43
AI Revolutionizing Web3 Landscape Exploring the transformative impact of AI on decentralized applications and blockchain networks.

Time: 00:29:18
Infrastructure Key to Multi-Chain Efficiency Understanding the critical role of infrastructure in optimizing multi-chain operations and transactions.

Time: 00:45:02
AimeliaNetwork Empowering AI-driven Solutions Insights into how AimeliaNetwork drives AI integration for predictive analytics in multichain environments.

Time: 01:03:29
AI Predictive Modeling in Web3 Discovering the power of AI-driven predictive models for accurate forecasting in decentralized prediction markets.

Time: 01:17:55
Web3 Innovation through AI Integration Exploring how AI enhances innovation, automation, and efficiency in Web3 applications and blockchain functionalities.

Time: 01:29:40
Challenges and Opportunities in AI-Web3 Integration Navigating the complexities of integrating AI into multi-chain environments while unlocking new possibilities for decentralized technologies.

Time: 01:45:12
Future Trends in AI-driven Prediction Markets Predicting advancements in AI analytics, governance models, and predictive accuracy shaping the future of Web3 prediction markets.

Key Takeaways

  • AI is revolutionizing Web3 technologies and applications.
  • The importance of infrastructure in supporting multi-chain applications.
  • AI-driven prediction markets offer innovative ways for data analysis and forecasting.
  • AimeliaNetwork plays a significant role in powering AI-driven multichain solutions.
  • Understanding the significance of Web3 and AI collaboration in prediction markets.
  • The potential of AI to optimize multi-chain operations and decision-making processes.
  • The role of data analytics and machine learning in enhancing Web3 functionality.
  • Exploring the possibilities of integrating AI into diverse blockchain networks.
  • The evolving landscape of technology integration in AI and Web3 ecosystems.
  • The impact of AI on decentralized applications and prediction market platforms.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Event

Okay, it's time. Good morning, good afternoon and good evening everyone and welcome to products AI weekly Xbase. I'm your host and today we're going to talk about AI plus web three infrastructure versus multi chain application with two amazing guests. First, let me introduce our co host for today, our CEO, Raydhe.

Meet the Guests

Hey guys. Hi Steve. Yeah, see. Go ahead. Yeah, please. How's my network? Is it all right? Sorry David, we haven't started. We actually. We just talking about ourselves right now. Yeah. Yeah. So in fact, do you want to talk about yourself a little more? Sorry, sorry for my poor network. So shall I make us a little introduction of myself or. Yes, and your products please.

Introducing David's Assistant

Okay, so yeah, this is actually, I'm not David himself, this is architecture assistant. You know I'm David Assistant. He is so busy with conferences today and so today I'm going to speak on his behalf. So influx AI is a cross chain, cross ecosystem AI web three security platform we are going to use as power to ensure the safety of users in our smart contract interaction and also the investment. Our team members are from UK, America, India and Nigeria. And our careers concludes Polygon guide, OpenAI, Blackrock and also Polygon labs.

Co-Host Introduction and Interaction

Okay, thank you so much. And how should we call you? Mister Davis assistant? I don't know your name. I don't know how to call you. Hello friend. Okay, I may. Okay. Yeah, so you first. I think Mister assistant is a good name. Mister assistant. Nice. Okay. That's really special. Okay. Sorry. Just for bazinga, you can I go by call up? You can, you can call me call up Cola. Is that the beverage? Coca Cola. Okay, that's the same today. Oh, nice to meet you Mister Cola. And okay, so rain, do you want to give a introduction about yourself and predex?

Ray's Introduction to Predex

Yeah. So Predex is AI power prediction market. We integrated with AI mini technology. What we want to build is most engaging and informative prediction market in the world. So. And as you know, prediction market is very hot topics this year. And polymarket actually get a lot of eyeballs. And the prediction market is a way that you can trade on the probability of things happening. You can trade down who is the president, you can trade on whether there's a game release, you can trade on whatever things you want to do.

Understanding Prediction Market

Yeah, but we figure out that prediction market is actually just a junior version of information market in a sense that like they provide the question that people to express their opinions. But as for information marketplace, right. We really need someone to propose the questions. Someone need to get reasonings someone collecting information and someone get a conclusion. Yeah, so prediction market, we think it's a junior version or we're beginning the first version of the information market. So we are building up the toward the end goal for market.

Building an Information Market

Basically we want to build a permissionless, rewardable information market. So that means that we are providing not only the questions, the people's voting, but the information related to the question as well as the reasoning pass that generated by people and AI so that you can come to our information market, have full assess to from the question itself to the end, conclusion, end to end. So that is some experience that we want to build. It's basically end to end informal information market and we have AI technology which can help us to digest information, integrate information and the reasoning. We also ask people to give feedbacks and get rewards and the products.

Launch and Outlook

Recently is going to launch our news aggregation tools as well as AI information engine. And we just started our odyssey yesterday and please visit our website to know more. And thank you so much for the help. Thank you. And I think Oddsy is still something we haven't told everybody yet. We are going to announce very soon. So guys, you know the firsthand information now. And every week Corrine shows up with the real excitement to chat with everybody in Predex community and he really wants to connect with you guys all.

Appreciation to the Community

We really appreciate the community, Credex community for always tuning in to listen to us. And of course a big thanks to our special guests for being here today. And since we have already Cola, yes, thank you Cola for taking the time to join us on our xbase. And next we have Calvin, the CTO of gameplass. Hey Kevin, tell us who you are and what is gameplus.

Calvin's Introduction

Thank you. Hey, thank you for having me. My name is Calvin, I'm the CTO of game plus. Game plus is aiming to provide tools for indie developers, game developers with AI and blockchain powering the infrastructure. So a little bit background about myself. I'm a developer. I graduated in computer science and I started my career actually in the traditional finance and afterwards I had a gaming startup.

Gaming Startup Journey

I built a studio from zero to 50 people and we accumulated over 12 million users. And afterwards I've been really interested in the web three infrastructure. I started building an NFT marketplace back in 2018 on Gamefi we collaborated with some of the OG like Axie back. Nobody know what NFT was but it was really fun journey and then I was also involved in building DeFi protocols on Solana. So I was working with some of the Solana team members, very infamous people from that era. And then afterwards I started doing AI because I joined a company that started looking at a professional way of analyzing the crypto market.

AI in Gaming Market

So there's a lot of trading AI, but it's very different from what game plus is doing. I think game plus focus more on the infrastructure. How do we empower indie gamers? A lot of the quality of AI really depend on data and your gpu power. In the gaming world, I think data is not really public available compared to the large gaming studios. So how do we aggregate? Actually, the indie market actually has a huge market share for gaming. So we're trying to tackle this. I can go into more detail later.

Gaming Discussion

Yeah. Thank you. I used to want to play, you know, the same game with my indian friends that somehow we just not, you know, play together a server or something else. Actually, gameplus, I met your CEO, Alan previously actually in New York City. I'm not sure, like, Alan check, right? Yes, that's right. Yep. Me too. Here. Yeah. Awesome. Since we mentioned about games, I really, I can't help to ask, like, has anyone here, like, bought black meat Wukong on Steam? It feels like everyone around the world is playing it.

Game Popularity

You guys know that game? Oh, yeah. I mean, this is basically what everybody's talking about. People talk about the history about the game as well. Like the creator. I think the most impressive part of the game is really the artwork. The design was amazing and then it kind of the storytelling. It's very hard to build a kind of like a standalone game, right. Without any kind of like massive online appeal.

Immersive Experience

And it's kind of like immersive experience that you enjoyed during this whole journey. And it's amazing to see like the aaa quality of this game. And then also the story about, you know, how the team build this game. It's just like, that's basically everyone's talking about in my network. But have you tried it, Calvin? Have you like, played by yourself and try it? No, unfortunately. I mean, like, you know, be busy building the inferences in the agentic workflow.

Watching Gameplay

So I had a chance to watch a lot of people play like, you know, in the background. It's just amazing. I think the trailer came out like last year and then we see more like early this year and it's just amazing. Yeah, it's really amazing. I remember the last game I enjoy, like this a lot is the cyberpunk. And now because I'm chinese, you know, it feels like different.

Cultural References in Gaming

Like it's the Chinese Cyberpunk 2077. Yeah. There's a lot of talk about, you know, the cultural reference. Right. I think a lot of people know about Wukong probably through Dragon Ball, right. A lot of people thought it's coming from Japan. Japanese, yes. Anime. Yeah. But I think this is amazing seeing a team from China being able to create a triple equality. And then this is not just tailored for chinese players.

Exporting Culture through Gaming

It ran number two in global players. So it's just great that it's almost like exporting your culture, right. And not only through the k pop, right, or those like pop music, but you're now exporting culture through gaming. And gaming is, to me, it's more kind of like intimate because you are interacting with the characters. It's not just like a passive thing that you solve and watch other things happening. So I hope this would be a great start for all the studios in China, in Asia and globally.

Celebration of Culture

I think every culture should be celebrated. And then the more we learn, the more globalized that we are. It's better for ecosystem. Oh my God. I really appreciate your compliment, actually. By the way, you can also join our event production on Project's website. We have, we have this projection.

Interactive Event Invitation

How many positive reviews will blackmail Wukong get on Steam by August 30, 31st? And I just want to invite everybody to join. If you guessed correctly, you could win a share of USDC price pool. So guys, feel free to have a try and good luck. Okay, so let's get to the point. Okay.

AI Technology Interaction

The first question of today is, with the interaction of AI technology, what changes have occurred in Webster infrastructure? What benefits can this bring to AI developers? I think maybe, Calvin, you can take this question first because you are more focused on the infrastructure, right? Oh, definitely.

AI as a Trojan Horse for Blockchain

It's a interesting word I heard a lot of people say. They said AI is the trojan horse for blockchain. Because when you talk about blockchain to a lot of enterprises or even governments, they become kind of like they give a pause because they don't really understand the technology and why do we want it. Blockchain is amazing in the fact that it solves the double pay problem. It provides you programmable money.

Infrastructure Needs

And then infrastructure wise, it's a distributed database that on a trustless infrastructure. So there are a lot of use cases that could be applicable from finance to gaming to a lot of different things, including prediction market. But a lot of people just don't have the expertise to understand why should they do the infrastructure move. However, once AI become popular, since Chuck GPD 3.5, every enterprise is already talking about incorporating because they don't want to be left behind if their competitors are getting a ten x boost on their productivity.

Challenges and Opportunities

Why am I left behind? So everyone's very eager to use AI, but AI comes with a lot of inherent challenges as well. Recently anthropic is being sued because they train on the copyrighted books. So there's a lot of attribution, financialization questions. I think blockchain is the perfect infrastructure to solve. So a lot of times I hear people started using agentic workflow, using AI inferences, training their model.

Web 3 Projects and Infrastructure

But then a lot of web three project from the infrastructure level creep into package and then being sold to the enterprises, being recognized. So it's a really exciting moment, especially for people who involve in web three.

Introduction and Initial Thoughts

Yes. Thank you, David. Somehow I don't know why, like I feel like you're like a poet. How do you say that? The word like someone who write the poetry? Like a poem. A poet, yeah. Poets, like every sentence, everywhere is like an art I can never repeat. Like it's really like in deep, you. Know, it's really, I think gaming is about storytelling and I hope that, you know, you guys can do a good job in storytelling on the technology as well. I mean, I'm a geek just trying to use commonplace, like, you know, natural language to describe the technology. Sometimes it's hard, it's really easy to understand. Somehow I feel so stressful because today our topic is a little bit, you know, like, you know, higher than what I understand, but somehow I feel like I definitely 100% understand and I feel it's really interesting. And also I appreciate your contribution to the AI building and the infrastructure building. And also ray, I think where we are also building like aihdem, you know, AI media about our infrastructure. So can you tell us more about it?

AI's Perspective and Contributions

Because I always want to learn more. Yeah. Happy to share. So in our perspective. So this time the AI wave come from two angles, generative AI and our language models. Right. So in essence, the most important thing that has been revoluted is how you generating different news and how you're going to generate code. So that is very practical usage. And there's another one generate images and videos, right. But like let's say like more relevant thing. So AI, how they reshaped this revolution. So we feel like firstly the infrastructure level. Yeah, of course people can write the code faster, can achieve something with a much shorter time step. Like. So for example, the Wukong game, right? So this is the triple a. I mean, I really like Kevin's compliment about like it's actually exporting cultures but in the future, right? So if you have AI's the time that you're developing this kind of games might be shortened a lot.

Impact on the Market and Development Processes

So in that sense like there's much more like startup or kind of company don't have so much money they can develop something similar, right? So in that sense actually that can really bring out the unit economy down and then improving this ROI a lot. So that on the infrastructure general level this both impact the web three field and all the traditional field. But for specifically for british market, right? So prediction market, we feel like the most important thing is how we aggregating knowledge in this british market. So in terms of firstly if you're generating topics previously, it really takes you a lot of time to find out what are the interesting news is what are the things that people interest to trade. But right now with AI we can very easily digest so many information and get the event that people are very interested in automatically. So every single day we have more than 100 event generated in our system and then we can basically ship this news for people to rating them and find listing our platform.

The Role of AI in Reasoning and Decision Making

So that process is much easier. The second thing AI can help us do is basically help us reasoning, right? So the AI can help us digesting all these news and specifically give us some conclusion on what events will happen. So that part answer is not very accurate, but at least they will help us to extracting the most important dividends from all this swarm of information so that it can help us make faster reasoning. We actually will, based on AI and meanness technology, we will basically put all these reasoning process on chain and on our website so that people can see all the reasoning and evidences on our platforms. Not only the questions, but all the solutions, possible solutions, I could say. So our platform will help you to make informed decisions. The third thing is very important from our perspective that the AI can help us recommend the right events to you, right?

Recommendations and Enhancements Through AI

So like TikTok, this is traditional AI. It's really about understand your interest and also to do this event recommendation. But in our sense, like we need to have one more staff goes further. It's basically we're doing this on your phone. So we have a telegram bot which can you can just play as TikTok, right? But we automatically recommend these things to you that also empowered by our Amelia infrastructure, this recommendation engine. So in summarization, so right in prediction market, there's three things we can revolution based on AI. Firstly, topic generation. Secondly, AI's players, they can help the reasoning. And third, AI is recommendation engine. So that is all happened in our platform. So we are truly trying to bring out the prediction market into the next wave and next generation and we call like a general information market.

Community Engagement and Feedback

Yeah. Thank you host. Thank you. Also we will come, we have to admit like AI is a very useful tool, but we have, but we do want our community to build with us. So guys, if you tried our product, tried our like event protection and you do want to give us some feedback, then please feel free to, you know, share your ideas in our community. We are really looking forward to your feedbacks. And also. Yeah. Next we have Mister Cola. Hi Cola. Like how? Yeah, what's your ideas about our first question? I'm speaking, right? Yeah, yeah, it's your turn.

Discussion on AI Industry and Market Insights

Yeah. You know, every time I want to speak, you know, the network will get poor. I don't know why, but never mind. Thank you. You know, just as the entire, just as the entire AI industries profits are currently concentrated in some you know, who chip companies, you know, the market value of AI web three is also concentrated in the infrastructure layer and the midweer layer. You know, as you dive into the coin market cap and have a look at all the AI projects in ranking top 100, we could find that they're all about infrastructure layer. Like fetch AI. Fetch fetch AI, b tensor and render and the middle way earlier like vertcoin. I know, I think it's transparent that it gonna change, you know.

Changes and Trends in AI and Web Three

As for the changes AI brought to the web three infra from demand aspects, many projects providing distributed computer power solutions have successfully found their PNMF. But from the application aspect, there are tons of projects engaged in AI analysis that transform their services into web three info bring with progress to the entire industry. You know, for example, one of our efflux AR product metrics is a security SDK for developers. This product called Smart detector is a dead. It's dedicated infra for developer. It can perform real time code security checking during development. So we believe it can increase development speed by over 4000. Sorry, 40%. Yeah, that's all.

Further Discussions and Questions

Oh, okay. Sorry. I wish to hear more, you know, 40% and sorry about that. Sorry, not 4100, that's too much. Yeah, I'm just figuring like, okay, 40%, 400 and yeah, I'm just trying to hear more from you, but it's fine. We have more questions and we can discuss more. So. Okay, I'll just bring out our second question for today. So as an AI application or infrastructure, okay, what factors do you generally consider when choosing the infrastructure, for example about us predex, we used to choose to build on say.

Infrastructure Selection Process

So. Yeah, because at that time I didn't join the team. So Ray, what were the reason for selecting say as our first blockchain to build on? And what is the reason we choose build on another chain like base linea and other chains? Yeah, what was the reason? Yeah, good question. So actually when we select an infrastructure or we ourselves become infrastructure, there's a lot of things we need to take consider, right? So firstly, we're beginning like where we want to be in term of the ecosystem. Second, is that good for fundraising or not? Is that good to raise money? Certainly what we can serving to our community and all the others. So actually we need to thinking about this problem, right.

Understanding Market Narratives

So in Bapstrade, a little bit like a bottom up. Sorry, top down. Right. So previously in web two, we really talked to our users questions a lot of things. But in web three, right, they're really narrative driving. So users actually they help us to reshape the narratives. But at some times, you know, you need to think from a top down structure. So from general perspective, say during that time was have the narrative of parallel. this still does. But very beginning you really need to look at the narrative, right. So which narrative is biggest actually good and also operating, emerging.

Navigating Development Stages and Future Plans

So that is actually the time we actually say it can really skyrocket. And we still do think that. But actually the thing is that like we in the current stage, we already developed it, right? Very beginning. We are very young and incubated level. So we actually really need to have a very good narrative. I mean we can basically rely on dependent. Right now we are in the middle of development, right. We already have like a lot of users, 200k users. So that's actually little bit changing our situations. So we are moving from application a little bit around the middle where. So that time we will think it's a time we're going to multi chain or at the time we become a layer two ourselves, right?

Deciding on Multi-Chain Strategy

So this is something like an infrastructure versus multichain problem we want to discuss. So, so that's why we need to make decision that we do multi channel that. Firstly, we feel that there are so many layer two layer ones, we don't need to become one. The second thing that is, that's something we want to serve our clients, right. That's something like we have a unique advantage with serving our clients. We, as our team. I do think like we have the blockchain technology, but not good as like layer two. Like they are pure like blockchain engineers, right.

Challenges and Considerations for Infrastructure

Most of our kind of team members from AI background like me or my co founder, right? So in essence we feel like it's really hard for us in both compete with layer two. Second is not necessary because there's so many of them. And then you consider the valuation. Right now it's pretty high for layer two. Like those things, they cast a listing of their tokens with such high valuation. But during that time we don't know. But we actually. The first and second thing is something we consider that why we decided to be a multi chain application or million where so that we can be friends with all the layer one, layer two.

Collaborations and User Growth

But at the same time we offer the benefits from them so that we can growing our user base with a low cost, right? So if you raise 10 million, 20 million, you can directly tell the Qls, right? You can. But for us actually it's good to collaborate with others, with other resources. And that's also something we need to consider, right. So why we want to build up multi chain applications and for infrastructure. Infrastructure, actually this one have a lot of like different explanations.

Defining Infrastructure and Future Directions

Like what is infrastructure? Is that from, I mean from the positioning level or it's from your technology level. Right. So that different things. But what we take infrastructure is really about like do you want to become another blockchain? Yeah. So do you want to become a layer one or layer two? Yeah, in that sense, like we decided we're not. So we are trying instead of becoming layer one, layer two, we more interested become layer zero.

Mission and Objectives

And we are trying to become a cross chain communication protocols that connect to an AI project. Let them to onboard it, but also connecting to the real user where they are. For example in Tom ecosystem base in Solana. Right. So we can connect with them. Bye. Giving them the AI capabilities and by retraining AI agents, the data availability layers from different blockchains and give them to the untrue blockchain, the people who don't have it. So that is the mission we want to build.

Providing Value and Services

At the same time we are prediction market people like to come to us and trade so that we can attract them but providing more service add on with all the AI capability that given by other blockchains and given by us. So that is the positional problem that like why we not become like layer two or layer one, but become a multi chain middleware. Yeah. So that is a lot of things you want to do.

Understanding Ecosystem Benefits

Yeah. From where you started, where you can benefit the most benefit. I mean, your ecosystem, most benefits people who want to, I mean, hold the tokens or holding your different kind of scores the most. Yeah. So that is all different sauce. But somehow we converge to the current moment. I think we are optimized basically based on the current environment. This is the best thing we can do. Yeah.

Conclusion and Acknowledgements

Thank you, Ray. Actually, one of my favorite about Predex is the multi chain because I, I know a lot of our users are, you know, making their production on base. I know that. But I don't have money on base. So basically I will change into binance, smart chain or miniature to make my prediction because I have money on the other two chains. So that's one thing I like about our platform and.

Introduction to Insights on Security Infrastructure

Yeah, I just want you to know that. Yeah. And next, let's have Kola to, yeah, maybe share some insights about our question too. Okay, thank you. You know, a nice topic. You know, actually we are exactly aiming to become a security infra and you know, finally to build a developer's ecosystem for all chains. You know, for example, we are providing a set guard for users through smart trade audits across all chains as well as conducting audits for all chains. You know, for every safety company, it must audit any chains. You know, it can only audit some given chain. So from this aspect, I think this kind of AI analysis infra needs to, they all need to go cross chain sooner or later. And the reason we start with base, you know, the first chain we are going to launch is base.

Ecosystem Support and Expectations

And it's because there's a higher expectation of receiving ecosystem support like grants from base. And additionally we think biz has so much mean and infi ecosystem and they can bring with a larger user base, we suppose. Yeah, that's all. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. It gets like, everybody likes bass, but I don't have money on base. I'm not a bass lover. Sorry about that. And hey, Calvin, actually I learned that Polygon Ventures may invest it like to gameplus. Right. So I assume that maybe you chose to build on Polygon first. So wait for the public announcement. I'm more focused on the tech. So I let my team talk about investment and everything. But the question is very interesting. You brought out a lot of different perspective from different projects for us.

Support for Indie Gamers

Our narrative and our story is about helping indie gamers. So if you play Wukong, you play on, most people play on Steam. Steam has about 40% of revenue is actually generated by indie gamers. We know it's very hard to compete against big studios with all the resources. So gaming itself, it's chain agnostic. The challenge here is the beginning of the journey is really if you want to build a better game, you need a better analytics to understand how your game is performing and you need a benchmark to compare how your game is performing against other games, right? This is kind of like the journey for any individual or indie game developer to learn. So this is a very important tool to begin with. And then the data right now is either they use a third party plugin, it's not owned by you, right?

Privacy Concerns in AI Integration

And then the data privacy is also another concern. Like, you know, if, with AI these days, right, people have crazy conversation with NPC's, but those kind of data is first of all, it's not public, so it's not being recycled or reused to enhance the experience for others. If you want to build a recommendation engine, you need more data to understand the behavior. So we try to solve from the privacy layer so that people feel comfortable sharing their data. So once they share the data, how do we train the data? And then is it going to be very expensive? You know, you need tons of like, you know, I think Elon Musk owns like one hundred k, one hundred thousand h, one hundred to train the Grok. How much money is there? We want to make sure that, you know, AI assets democratized by all people.

Technological Breakthroughs and Gaming Applications

So we use decentralized infrastructure to try to allow access. And there's been major breakthrough in technology as well. People are no longer bound by GPU with projects like Lama, CPP, Lama files. And also Microsoft came out with I think TMac, which is like a Windows based solution which can run a lot of inferences using CPU instead of GPU. So there's a lot of technology shift happening. So we want to make it simple for game developers and handle all these challenges. But ultimately, when you contribute to the success of other gaming projects, other developers, you should get a share of the incentive, whatever financial incentive in the future. And that's where blockchain comes in. I think blockchain is a perfect infrastructure for doing financialization.

Tokenomics and its Importance

Attribution, distributed, token. And that's why tokenomics has a new meaning. A lot of projects, unless it has very solid business model, the tokenomics becomes a hype. But with AI and the gaming developer, you contributing a IP, you're contributing your data, then you are contributing value to the ecosystem and everything that we use from your contribution, you should get rewarded. And that's what we put on top for using the blockchain for distribution of financial incentives. And this is kind of like our use. So it's very chain agnostic. We did look at a polygon because the reason is that l one, you're competing with other Defi projects, other like all sorts of projects. So the gas will always become like more expensive.

Challenges and Innovations in Game Development

Right. The reason people use l two is that for scalability and lower cost and then they just like eventually roll up. Ethereum itself, for example, has made a lot of great kind of technology advancement. Like I think Vitaly announced during aircondition. Like there's going to be a more efficient way to write the roll up back to the main ethereum mainnet. So there will be a lot of competition on l two and on all those different chain. But for us, I consider ourselves kind of like a app chain. We can think about chain link. Chain is chaining on chain is on everything, all different chains because they run the decentralized node and everything to provide the service, the Oracle service, we are providing this for gaming. So it's similar that for us it doesn't really matter if we do it on a base or BNB, but it's probably easier if we can just construct a chain where the cost would be very low and then it will be under a kind of like a really fast execution.

Gameplay and User Experience

So we are very open right now. It's very chain agnostic approach, but definitely we can collaborate with any chain just like chungling. Thank you Carl. I'm just curious, you know when you mentioned that users like game players, they love to talk with NPC, I am one of the people, as you said. So memory bring me back to the time I play cyberpunk. It's like when I choose the different answer to the NPC, the whole coming story will come to the whole different results. So I'm just guessing. Like did they also use AI to train their large model language? Because, you know, they are, I think they are earlier than the OpenAI or chat cpts live. So yeah, just curious about that.

Challenges in NPC Conversations

Yeah, let me share with you. Like I don't know if you're familiar with character AI. If you go to any kind of AI project that's trying to give you a conversation, it's very challenging, right? If you, if you go ask Chachi VT four o, I'm having a headache. You know, give me a, like, you know, what should I do? It will give you a list of things. It's never conversational, right? Conversation actually by a lot of technology like you know, from state management to dialogue planning. Right. So in the traditional NPC, this is totally done by the traditional, even if it's AI, it's traditional using heuristics. So meaning that you lay out all the possibilities and then you build a decision tree and then how the conversation is going to navigate towards. But with LLM it becomes more intriguing.

Privacy and User Experience in AI

So now you have a more like a intelligent response and the developer doesn't need to set the boundary as strict as before. So it gives more fun and interaction to the user. But also there's privacy concern. Like I'm talking, I'm kind of in love with this NPC. I've been talking crazy things with A, with NPC. I want to make sure that, you know, it doesn't get published on my Twitter flow somewhere. Right. So that's why it's very important that we want to preserve the privacy, but at the same time we want to enable fun experiences for gamers, for people who play games.

The Future of Gaming and AI Development

Yeah. Thank you. That's really good answer. I feel like it's really interesting, but somehow it's not what I can do about it. So I will just like thank you to all the AI developers to give us better games to play in the future. Okay, let me bring out the third question for today. So within the advent of AI technology, we are seeing many combinations of AI with various sectors such as AI plus DPD, AI plus gamefi, and AI prediction markets. Right? So what advantage does AI bring to predef to influx AI to gameplus? How about. Let's start with Cola. So what advantages does AI bring to influx AI?

Data Aggregation in AI Applications

Hello, Cola, you there? Okay, I don't think last year. So how about, Ray, what advantage does AI bring to us. In general or like specifically so like. So that we are in question three or question two? Questions three. Come on. Okay, so, okay. Got you. So, yeah, I shouldn't tell you I have a script. I shouldn't tell you that. You should, you should. Yeah. So actually sometimes I got lost like in the question. So, yeah. Okay. So in very general way what we can do, I think I already generally explained. So let me be more concrete.

Improving User Experience through AI

Let me be more concrete this time. Yeah. So I think AI this time specific for prediction market, the most available thing we feel it can do is help us doing the data aggregation among all the three application, right. Event generation data aggregation as well as the recommendation why we think that it is very important for the data aggregation is because people is always tired of doing this searching or context switching across different websites. Because like if you want to get the key information, right? It's really hard for you to browsing a lot of websites and extracting them among the coordinates of advertisement, all the distraction links and all the bias information, right? So I really want to know the fact and unbiased truth if I want to search in something.

Historical Data Retrieval Challenges

So in that sense we don't have a very good tool for us to do this. Even though I know perplexity AI OpenAI they have this website connection, they are stepping into this domain we are really far from to building up something complete and satisfy. Why firstly give example when I want to searching somehow like a go to market straight in a poly market. So I really want to understand how they actually growing this big. None of this website give us something I want because they only consulting most recent information like in the past one year. But most important thing about market when they grow up is something happened before 2024.

Addressing the Gaps in Market Information

So for them it's really hard for them to retrieve some historical data from the human knowledge and extracting the most valuable information, right? So they are really waiting more on the recent data but light slightly forget what happened previously. Actually they can talk a little bit general on what happened. They do for example they do mostly bets, they actually bet on Covid but it's hard for them to from our strategy can really suggesting people how to moving next, right? So this kind of historical partner problems or this we're also considering about some reasoning, basically reasoning how they grow big.

Building AI Reasoning and Decision Frameworks

All these kind of things combined together. We feel there's a long way for AI to go. So, so that why we want to build up this kind of AI reasoning process or decision tree in our platforms. So that like we don't want to visualize what happening under the hood, what happened for AI to make their decision based on all the evidences. The evidence can be long time ago, can be provided by our data vendors or they can be catch up or scripted on the Internet. But general idea that the AI need to help people aggregate information and then reasoning in a correct way, right?

Enhancing AI Performance through User Interaction

Showing up the logic flow of this information, showing up how the evidence connecting each other show the how the confidence changing along the process of the AI make decision what kind of evidence or credibility each evidence that can add on to our decision making process. So that is something we really want to have AI to help us. But right now AI may not able to help us out. So that is where we want to using the cross sourcing capability to improve AI reasoning in our prediction market. So we also helping the AI to reshape themselves.

Feedback Loop for AI Improvement

We want to AI to get better in terms of the feedbacks we collected. And we also help people evaluating the AI engines using our AME infrastructure, but at the same time providing the prediction market experience. So we always feel that like if you want to build an information market, right, we need to starting with the customer questions problems and then we end up with solutions, general aggregation tools, as well as our final conclusions. So we need to come up with a question, a unique question of the user first.

Understanding User Needs in AI Development

Now come up with the tool first. So that's why we actually go a little bit different route. Like, instead of like develop a tool saying that we are very good at AI, but we are saying that we are very good at collecting user problems. And then we doing the reasoning on these problems and collecting the feedback so that we can provide a complete information loop. We close the loop and then we give revolves to each part is in the loop so that how we actually think web three can help in AI and AI can also somehow improve the real usability of web three.

The Role of AI in User Experience

Yeah, so we'll say, because I do feel like AI is a tool to solve the user's problem, that solve the pain points so it can help us to, you know, make a better user friendly project for us. And Kola, I think maybe you hear me this time. I don't know. Hello. Yeah, of course, yeah, you're back. Welcome back. Thank you. Yeah. So can you please tell us like what advantage AI brings to flux AI? Yeah, sure.

Heating the AI Narrative

You know, somehow I have to say that many projects are currently just literally integrating AI into their narratives. You know, such as some deep things like air ther and our.net and yeah, there's no doubt that they have achieved some significant success. But however, I don't think this contains to a strong product market PMF because AI often feels like an added layer to the existing narrative. So actually when we design our product metrics, we are targeting areas that traditional web three security companies cannot cover, such as users at God and real time smart contractor for developers, and also the security audits for small business.

Achieving Product-Market Fit with AI

You know, these are literally the scenarios where traditional services for short and where AI fits perfectly. So yeah, I believe we can. We have achieved a solid PMF with AI. We can provide automated smart contract auditing services and I set protection for users and for the projects and programming assistance for developers. So finally we could address in the essential needs the other non AI product cannot achieve it in the market. Yeah, that's all.

The Early Stages of Game Development

They're still at very early stage so yeah. Do you want to know with the game plus help will there be another three a games in web three? Because I really want to, you know I spend my time on game so with the blockchain technology everyone's in crypto. I do want to, you know, also make money from it. I spent my time. So do you want me to answer your question first or the question number three? I don't know. As you like, I will answer your question first. Right. Because, because I think you make a very valid point.

Controversies Surrounding Web Three in Gaming

Web three is kind of like a very controversial in gaming because like even play to earn a lot of people playing games is purely for joy, for enjoying the experience, you know the gamification setup and everything. Just, just know when to hit out dopamine and make you very happy. Once you make it a chore where you can earn token it becomes kind of like a different purpose, right? And that's why like the whole experience even you playing the same game when there's a money involved then you're playing for a tournament then you'll care more. But at the same time you know, your entire experience is different. Right?

Financial Incentives and Game Experience

So, so there are great, most weaponry games are financially incentivized, right? Versus like you know a more like exploratory like you know there is a very famous game doctor Forest, right? It builds a unknown world where everything's built on the blockchain and then you have zero knowledge proof to kind of hide the obvious like you know opponents move so you can have a better experience. So that was actually one of the game that achieved like playability like on web three. And then also there are different ways you look at it. There are like NFT battle power like for first person shooters you can enter arena and then also there are for prediction markets for example, right?

Engagement through Prediction Markets

You, there are gameplays like you know tournaments where you can predict, right. It gives you kind of like a engagement with the players and then you put money where your mouth is, right. So there are a lot of different ways you can put web three to enhance the experience of game instead of vice versa. You use web three to build a game. So once you change the narrative, change your approach, then you notice web three is actually very fun in gaming. And there are a lot of ways you can incorporate web three.

AI's Role in Enhancing Gameplay

So going back to question number three, is that why AI is helpful, how we use AI in gameplay? I agree with all two other guest speakers. Number one is that you have to identify the pain point. You're not just pushing AI into people's life. The pain point for indie developers, first of all, you're competing against 100 engineering team versus your weekend project. How can you outperform them? So I think AI is kind of like a leveling the playground for different players right now. With a lot of creativity being trained inside a model, you can generate a pixel art in a very short time.

Creating Fair Competition with AI

You can still have your own opinion in your design and your gameplay, which is the key to success, right? And this one is fair to everyone. This is kind of like the comparison in the real world, right? You know, we talk about an uneven distribution of wealth in the society, right? You have rich people and then they seem to be able to like, you know, do whatever they want on the Instagram, right? Versus we guys are grinding every day. But there is a leveling factor in life as well. Like time. Everyone is having like 24 hours a day, right? This is fair no matter how your economic status or your social status is.

Importance of Game Mechanics

So we're trying to do the same thing, right. In game design, the most important part is like your game mechanics. And then how do you design these mechanics? And it doesn't matter if you're AAA studio versus indie, if you have a perspective, you can become very popular. Like, you know, I think when, even when Wukong started, right, they're very small and they didn't even have money, right? They have to do the trailer to raise more money, right? Yeah. I never heard of the office or the company.

The Role of AI in Game Development

I never heard of your name. They were actually very famous people behind it. Well, well, not famous. You know, it's a comparative turning, right. But anyways, so what I'm trying to say is like AI is empowering you, right? If you don't have, you know, each second when Tencent generate the trailer where the wukong like founders was working on, they spent eight figure in chinese yuan, right, for a like two minute trailer. So now you can do that with AI, right? With relatively low cost, you still can manipulate the outcome.

Tools for Indie Developers

You can fine tune the outcome and compete with the big studio. And that's how AI will help us like game plus we try to give the tools and make it easier for indie developers to compete against large studio or just make their idea better. So with our products like procedural map, asset generator, story designer right now you get access to all the human intelligence to help you to find what is your next path, next game. And I think that is the key that we really think that the key pain point that we are trying to solve.

Measuring Product Market Fit

And then also I think a caller mentioned about product market fit. So there's a very good test about product market fit. It's called Sean Ellis test. Is that if your, let's say if Predex, right, Predex is no longer here, if there are 40% of people will feel really sad. They will think that, you know, if products is no longer here, I'll be very, you know, I don't have fun in my life anymore. Right. Then you find a product market fit, it's the same thing for game plus we trying to use this as a measuring stick.

Engaging with Indie Developers

So we constantly reach out to indie developer saying like okay, without this asset generation tool, what would you do? And luckily like we hear a lot of people saying like oh, it would be hell for me. I don't want to go back to the old days. Right. So this is kind of how you achieve product market bid and that's kind of like, you know, we follow the market. I think AI can be used in various ways but we want to make sure that our product is catered, designed for solving the pain point where the market needs and then yeah, we try our best.

Web Three Success and Quality Aspirations

Well, thank you. Thank you so much. I just feel like, you know, web three make a lot of, you know, game projects successful even if their game, the quality. I don't know, if I ask my friends who, you know, play League of Legends with me for over ten years, I ask them to play some games in Web street, they will say what's so interesting about them? But somehow you feel like okay, even though their game is like that, but people are also enthusiastic about them because maybe they have really good tokenomics and incentives.

AI, GameFi, and User Engagement

I just feel sad when I know some of they gamefi projects, they are really dedicated to the quality of their game. Like they really want to make three a games by their users. Not that to the expectation. I just, maybe this is some pinpoint to them who really wants to build a good game. But I think this is the beauty of the AI and maybe gamefi with blockchain because yeah, people are more care about their incentives or tokenomics, something like that. So they make a lot of projects successful.

Collaboration in AI Projects

I agree. Okay, so finally, since we are all gathered here, so why not take this opportunity to talk about our collaboration? And now that we've gotten to know each other, right, are there any maybe aspects, areas where we could work together? I think our community is also interested in exploring how AI forges might collaborate. So yeah, maybe we can start with Cola, what's your ideas on this? huh.

Opportunities for Collaboration

Okay, so actually I believe that most direct form of the collaboration between AI projects are somehow like, you know, to utilize each other's infrastructure and also to integrate into each other's ecosystem to drive mutual growth. In today's AR market, I think the most significant gap is the lack of real world users. For example, for example, we see that none of the top 100 projects are application layer projects. Everyone knows that application layer projects are bound to become the market leader eventually.

Narratives in Application Layer Projects

And you know, there are three kinds of narratives in application layer which are AIGC, AI agent hub and also AI analysis. And yeah, somehow as an infrastructure provider we're looking forward to such projects benefiting from the fundamental support provided by our ecosystem. You know, we can speed up the developing speed for 4100. Just kidding. 40%.

Product Integration and Marketplace

Thank you. Yeah, thank you so much. I do agree that we should more focus on the collaborations in the deep, maybe more focus on the infrastructure side. We always looking forward to the deep long term collaboration instead of just announcing partnership then nothing else. We are always looking forward to the next step. So just keep in touch with us and maybe we can discuss more and. Okay, I will give the mic to Raydhe.

Exploring Collaborative Opportunities

Ray. Hello Ray. Yeah, yeah, there's a lot of like things we can collaborating, right? So like the AI, I mean so that's kind of a very broad field. Like we definitely can do a lot of things. Like in general I feel that like the most direct thing we can do on product level is basically we can listing some events that's a really good community really cares about in our platform. Right.

Community Engagement through Events

So we already started kind of collaborating collaboration with another project we drawn our last time AMA basically going to have a special column for one of the projects. You for example, if you want to listen your own events in series and you want to improving your community engagement, we can really definitely help you with this. And we can also use AI to probably creating something automatically from your community and basically retracting the twitters or tracking some news you guys have.

Enhancing Community Interaction

Right. So we can create some events and for you automatically so that like your community will come and start trading and basically we're sharing all the commission fee with you and basically improving the company engagement level based on your need. So that is I think the most an easy thing we can do. But if like you want to collaborating on the AI part, we also have opened this AI marketplace.

Market Fit and Future Collaboration

Basically all these agents can be integrated and make reasonings in our prediction market. So whichever basically won the price and they will be used by more people. So actually that is a model market phase, right? So we talk about product market fees. This will be a kind of like a model market Fitzhen. So basically model is a product and we are very welcome to basically have all these models compete with each other.

Details of Collaboration Offerings

Yeah. So that is something we also build up right now. And for other type of collaborations we definitely can do is basically a deeper level if you like the vision. We can swap our tokens somehow like token swap. So previously the company have equity Swap, we can do a token swap. So that is somehow like deeper kind of collaborations. Yeah.

Strategic Collaborations and Partnerships

And also we can do potentially strong to me and basically let our engineers explore some topics together. For example like how improving their AI reasoning, how improving somehow like the design for example game design or somehow like interesting but by different parties. Now one more thing is that we are probably going to listen some esports events after Wukong events happening because the delta, those are two actually the world competition world champion probably happened in September.

Closing Thoughts and Future Engagement

So there will be much more like game events in our platform. Stay tuned. We do hope to bring out a lot of community members from the game industry into our platform. So that particularly can also be somehow interchangeable users. Yeah, we can do a lot of things just to name a few. Yeah, happy to talk more offline.

Final Words

Yeah, yeah. I will just follow up and let's keep in touch and let's have further discussion. So Calvin, what about you? Because we are for the moment we're not gamify developers. So what about us? Yeah, I mean let's talk about collaboration between all the parties that speaking today, right? All the projects like. So we work with prediction market, especially in gaming.

Opportunities in Tournament Collaborations

If you have a tournament, I think Ren just mentioned Dota or Wukong. Well Wukong is not like it's a single player game, right? But the thing is like, you know, you can predict, right? You know, how soon can you go to this level, right? So that's a huge collaboration like between game and prediction market because we work with esports now's esports team as well.

The Nature of Web Three Collaborations

So we work with different projects and then also I think just like influx, Carla was saying, a lot of smaller developers can benefit from using their tools. So it's not just like a standalone platform. Web three is very collaborated by nature. So is the indie gamer developer network. So this is kind of like from the project level, from the technology level, which I'm really passionate about is I really believe the agent workflow, how you orchestrate agents together.

Future Agent Collaborative Efforts

Right. Everything that we do right now is wrapped around an agent so the agents can collaborate. You know, just imagine like in your life, you can have a personal assistant to help you on all different things, including your MPC, relationship management, or anything that makes you feel passionate, and then it will become part of your life and part of your superpower in the future. And also, I really think for all the projects here, the best way for the audience to collaborate is to buy our tokens so we can enjoy and share our success.

Engagement Strategies

And this is the most direct way of engaging with us. If you are a developer, please check with me. We will help you to find tools to make your life easier if you're just a player, right? We can build like a prediction market with rain. So there are a lot of things, I know we're already over time, so I'm going to shut up and give the time back to you.

Closing the Discussion

Oh, okay. I was about to close in, so. All right then. Okay. So today we have, you know, it's been a fantastic discussion about the intersection of AI and web three and we highlighted how AI is reshaping infrastructure and opening new innovation, collaboration. And a big thank you to our ray, to Cola, to Calvin for sharing their insights and experts with us today.

Community Appreciation

And thank you to all of our community for joining us at our weekly expase. I know some of you are giving me the reaction, but we are going to select winners for today. As long as you are here. I already took some screenshots and leave your address in the comment please. And we're gonna announce the, you know, the lucky audience today, soon later in the space.

Looking Ahead

So stay tuned for more engaging discussion and updates from us. Okay, so guys, it's pretty much of it today. So until next time, take care, guys. Thank you so much. See you. Thank you. Thank you for being here. See you guys. Bye. Cheers.

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