Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space AI-Powered Horizons: Unveiling StarryNift’s Innovation hosted by HookedProtocol. AI-Powered Horizons: Unveiling StarryNift's Innovation delves into the transformative impact of AI technology on over 10 million users through a pioneering Web3 social learning platform. By integrating Web3 principles and cutting-edge AI, StarryNift redefines traditional e-learning by offering personalized, data-driven, and interactive educational experiences. Community engagement via Discord supports collaboration and networking among users, while StarryNift's vision outlines a future where AI revolutionizes digital education, setting new standards for user-centric learning environments.

For more spaces, visit the AI page.


Q: How does StarryNift utilize AI in its social learning platform?
A: StarryNift leverages AI to enhance user experience, personalize learning paths, and provide intelligent insights to users.

Q: What distinguishes StarryNift's Web3 platform in the education sector?
A: StarryNift's Web3 integration offers decentralized, transparent, and interactive educational experiences for its vast user base.

Q: How large is the user base benefiting from StarryNift's innovative platform?
A: StarryNift impacts over 10,000,000 users, providing them with cutting-edge AI-powered social learning tools.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial for StarryNift's success?
A: Community engagement fosters collaboration, feedback, and continuous improvement in the platform's educational offerings.

Q: In what ways does AI revolutionize traditional e-learning on StarryNift?
A: AI on StarryNift personalizes learning, improves content recommendations, and enhances overall educational outcomes.

Q: How does StarryNift's Discord channel contribute to its user community?
A: StarryNift's Discord serves as a space for discussion, support, updates, and networking among users and the platform's team.

Q: What role do Web3 principles play in StarryNift's social learning approach?
A: Web3 principles ensure transparency, data ownership, and user-centric experiences in StarryNift's educational ecosystem.

Q: How does StarryNift aim to disrupt the e-learning industry with AI technology?
A: StarryNift's innovative use of AI drives efficiency, engagement, and personalized learning experiences, setting new benchmarks in digital education.

Q: What can users expect from the fusion of AI and educational technologies on StarryNift?
A: Users can anticipate tailored learning experiences, data-driven insights, and sophisticated interactive tools that optimize their educational journey.

Q: How does StarryNift pave the way for the future of online education?
A: StarryNift's groundbreaking innovations redefine educational accessibility, engagement, and effectiveness, showcasing the potential of AI-driven learning platforms.


Time: 00:15:42
Introduction of AI in Social Learning Exploring how StarryNift integrates AI to revolutionize educational experiences.

Time: 00:25:18
Web3 Integration for Transparent Education Understanding the impact of decentralized Web3 principles on StarryNift's educational platform.

Time: 00:35:50
Discord Community Engagement The role of Discord in fostering collaboration and discussions among StarryNift users.

Time: 00:45:29
AI's Disruptive Role in E-Learning Examining how AI tools on StarryNift challenge traditional e-learning methods.

Time: 00:55:17
Future of Online Education with AI Predicting how AI advancements on StarryNift shape the future of digital education.

Time: 01:05:42
User-Centric Learning Experiences Exploring how AI customization enhances educational outcomes for StarryNift users.

Time: 01:15:18
StarryNift's Vision for Education Unveiling the long-term goals and impacts of StarryNift's innovative AI technologies.

Time: 01:25:50
AI-Powered Ecosystem Benefits Discussing the advantages and potential disruptions brought by AI in StarryNift's educational ecosystem.

Time: 01:35:29
Data-Driven Education Initiatives Exploring how AI insights drive educational improvements and personalized content recommendations on StarryNift.

Time: 01:45:17
Innovative Learning Tools on StarryNift Discovering the interactive and engaging features that set StarryNift apart in the e-learning landscape.

Key Takeaways

  • StarryNift introduces cutting-edge AI technology to revolutionize social learning on a massive scale.
  • Over 10,000,000 users are benefiting from StarryNift's innovative Web3 platform.
  • The platform merges AI capabilities with social learning, creating a unique educational experience.
  • StarryNift's Discord channel serves as a hub for community engagement and support.
  • Innovative AI tools from StarryNift redefine traditional approaches to digital education.
  • The platform's Web3 integration hints at the future direction of social and educational technology.
  • StarryNift's AI innovations have the potential to disrupt and transform the e-learning industry.
  • Web3 principles play a central role in how StarryNift shapes its social learning ecosystem.
  • The StarryNift platform exemplifies the fusion of artificial intelligence and Web3 technologies.
  • AI-Powered Horizons with StarryNift are paving the way for a new era of online education.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to Host and Guest

Hello everyone. GMGM from wherever you are from the world. Welcome to a new episode of Hooked on Web Three, Mastery Space and I'm Claire, your host for this exciting discussion. If you were here last week, you would know that Hooked has been featured in Korea Blockchain Week. We were super busy attending different events and understanding better about the landscape in Korea. Also, we made a lot of new friends and a lot of exciting news coming up for you for the next week. And today we will have a very amazing partner to join us. You probably have learned the name in the past few days. Introducing Starry Nift so Starry Nift is an AI powered 3d metaverse for game creation and socializing. As we are kicking off, please stay still in your seat, maybe grab your favorite drink, some good snack, and stay tuned because more and more fantastic audience are joining us shortly.

Audience Engagement and Anticipation

If you are a new member here, don't forget to follow hooked and also starry nerves on x and spread the word to your friends. As I commonly told you guys, we read all of the comments. So if you are having any question about specifically AI education and AI or any feature that you are waiting or expecting from starry NiFT, feel free to just comment below. We will read that in the Q and A which will happen later on after the first part of this amae while we are waiting for more audience to grow, let me give you a quick reminder into what Huk 2.0 is. This is a visionary expansion of our current social learning ecosystem with a deeper focus on web three education. Here we introduce you to a more immersive social learning metaverse, an app chain infrastructure powered by hook token and multiple opportunities to generate yields through the hook rewards. I'm sure that for the loyal customers here you have earned a lot of hook token as well as being gifted the rewards from different token of the partners that we have collaborated with for the past month.

Reflecting on Rewards and Experiences

So which is the best project or the best reward that you have ever earned? Feel free to share with us the experience as well. And now let's focus on our current guests in this journey. We are super honored to have the representative from Starryneft here with us. The topic that we are covering today is AI power horizons unveiling starry nerves innovation and I will tell you that AI is definitely coming back with a more trendy approach. I have seen a lot of new invention during Korea Blockchain week and I have all the reason to believe that we will see more inventions in the upcoming blockchain week. Let's say in Defcon, Thailand or also in Singapore to overnight and introducing the representative from Starry Nif Lindes over to you.

Introducing Lindis from StarryNift

It is time to introduce quickly about yourself and the wonderful project that you are building. Okay, thank you Claire. I'm Lindis, CMO of Starknift. Very glad and honored to be here today and thanks Vogt for the invitation. As for Starknift, we are a premier AI powered co creation platform that transforms virtual experience with the EISDK infrastructure. Users can play games, create content, engage in socials, develop, did and even earn rewards immersively in our platform. And regarding to our mission is to push the boundaries of AI infrastructure, define interactive experiences, and also foster a sense of shared value appreciation with the token economy. Yeah, that's a quick overview. Thank you.

Discussing the AI Journey

Thanks Linda. So my first question is, AI should be a very long term fight and this is an uphill battle for any project. Can you share with us when this actually started and why did the core team decided to pursue the passion of implying AI into web three? Okay. Yeah, I think for the inspiration of the creation of Starlift in the AI perspective, we have been inspired by several key challenges in this area, including enhancing the immersion and the intelligence in the social interactions and also tackling fragmented digital identities. Also the data sovereignty issues and improving intelligent data utilization to empower users. So by addressing these areas with AI, we aim to create more immersive, innovative and user driven digital ecosystem.

Addressing Challenges in the Digital Landscape

Yeah. Understood. It is definitely some pain point that I have seen repeating over and over again in this landscape. And it is great that starry NiFT and also other similar projects in this industry is tackling this problem and hopefully the users will be able to inherit the benefits from your invention soon. Speaking of this, we have seen a lot of AI projects in web three already and I can see that you guys have having a lot of different product inside starry NiFt. So what would be the key unique selling point and the product that you are the most proud of to share with the community today? Okay, thanks Claire. I think this is a very good question regarding to our edge and how we differentiate ourselves with other metaverse OI platforms.

Highlighting Unique Selling Points

The first special functionality I think will be our did system which is a very comprehensive digital edge system. So it not only just offer rudimental identity management, but we also offer provide users with the multidimensional digital identities, including not only usernames and avatars, but also encompass a wide range of attributes across the like defy social fi, Gamefi and NFT, even the DAO dimensions. So by including all these dimensions, we want to ensure user to have a more secure and authentic user experience.

Holistic Integration in the Metaverse

And second one will be we are offering a very holistic integration of real life activities. So compared to other platforms which may be just only focused on gaming or only focus on social interactions, we are taking a very groundbreaking approach. Bye. Integrating various aspects of real life activities into our metaverse platform, user can seamlessly transition between work, leisure and entertainment within our starevers platform to create a more immersive and intelligent experience. And the second one, and the third one will be the. I mean we are very focused on the AI technology part. We have made a lot of innovative functions using the AI technologies, from the AI generated content to the AI SDK. And also we have enabled the users personalization with AI as much as possible. So AI has played a very key and central role in our platform.

Empowering Creativity and Economics

And the last one is that we also empower creativity and part for our users. So which means users can also earn rewards through creativity. In styrene, if have provided a very comprehensive suite of creative AI tools and also a robust marketplace which allows the direct trading of the user generated content like by this kind of platform and the tools, the users can have a more like a dynamic economic empowerment. That's all. Thank you. Thank you so much. I heard a lot of the good features, but we will get to that part later. Right now I'm very interested in the starry AI. So from my understanding, it empower users to create and customize their own AI characters and use that in multiple activities within starry nift and also in the real life activities as well.

Understanding Starry AI Functionality

So how does that exactly work? Let's say we are pushing for mass adoption and this can be the key, but how complex that is. As a first time user, what would be the necessary step for a user to approach this technology and use that frequently? Okay, thanks Claire. Regarding to the Starbase AI function, it is our key AI functionality in our platform. It's a very innovative platform which allows users to create, engage with and share customized, trained AI bots. Users can directly craft their own companion bots with various personalities and also can train these bots with their own specialized data. And also they can also embed these chatbots into their own personal space.

Interactive Tools for Enhanced User Experience

So through this kind of tools, users can create bots and also define the boss personalities functionalities to their own preference. And they can also use these chatbots to serve as like personal assistant and entertainment companions or even a digital avatar to represent themselves and also can treat them like the AI MPC. So in all of these parts, it can enrich the social connection and also intelligent entertainment as well. So users can. And from the technical part, we also have provide a lot of, I mean, we also have a lot of resources planned. We have expanded our AI models to the latest GPT and cloud models, including GPT four O LGBT, four mini and cloud three haiku and 3.5 Sonet.

Goals of Improved Interaction

And additionally we have also introduced the support for the synchronized voice interactions with aibos, which means users can converse with this boss in their own space by speaking instead of typing. So all of this, our goal is to empower the community with a more interactive virtual world, so where the AI and human imagination can converge to create a more unparalleled experience. I see. I think this is very intrigue because we are trying to do something that is as interesting and helpful to a user as possible. And I can see that there are a lot of plus points comparing to other AI platforms. But is there any cost to use Diarynift at the moment?

Cost and Pricing Structures

Oh yeah, we have the free versions and paid versions, like if you users can have every day have the ten messages quota for free. And so if they want to upgrade their functionalities or they want to expand their message quota, they can pay some packages. We have different layer of the packages for users to choose from, so it's quite flexible. And if user want to try for free, we also have this kind of trial version to try. Very interesting. So currently for AI, I can see that there are two main strategy when it comes to building a product. The first one is b, two C, which is similar to chat GPT. When they target the main market would be individual users and help them with retail tasks like writing or researching.

Strategies for Product Development

And another strategy is b, two B, which is selling this solution as an infrastructure method for companies or startups to help them improve their performance. What is the current strategy for starting NIFT right now? To the users or to the business? Yeah, so regarding to the business or to the customs, actually our server AI, we have both directions. So for individual users, they can also like, because they don't need to understand any code, they don't need to have the technical knowledge, they can just customize themselves very intuitively because the older steps has been designed very easily to understand.

User Customization and Business Solutions

So user, for the individual users they can, I mean for them, for their own demands like daily work or daily entertainment, they can just create via their own personality prompt, or using their own work or live data to craft their own bots. And for the business side, we have our cyber AI SDK I think SDK is an infrastructure tool. We have launched recently and is more on the business side because it has more enhanced functionalities and also it will have the immersive avatar images for the business user to use. So maybe I explain more. For the starter AI SDK, it can provide streamlined and high performance solution for integrating AI into games or to the virtual environment. So with this customizable moderation, the SDK is designed to handle the large volumes of interactions with low latency and also can be adaptable to various applications and entertainment needs.

Business User Enhancements

So this kind of features will be very suitable to the business needs and for the users they can also enhance for the business user they can also enhance by setting up the both the voice capabilities and the 3d avatar, as I mentioned before. So we also provide a voice library including a rich selection of both male and female voices to choose from. And also we have a library of the avatar options for users to choose directly to customize their appearance by creating these 3d avatars. Like for the business user they can if they have the. I mean maybe they are for they are doing some gaming product or entertainment product, they can just use our SDK to enhance their intelligent NPC's in their product. Yeah. And for actually we also have other kind of functional capabilities like for we can for the business they can also not only for gaming or entertainment, they can also use in the this SDK to create their own virtual assistant which can help the users to answer questions like 24 and seven.

Supporting Social Applications

And they can also use the SDK to support their social applications by allowing users to develop a platform and integrate our SDK and provide their end users with this. With our functionalities. Yeah. And so for, I mean above, also our SDK, our Starry AI collection and also our star AI SDK covers both individual users and business users in the tool in the whole. Yeah. Thanks. I think it is so interesting that all of the products are somehow linked with each other. Like the Starry AI SDK is served the business side more, but it is also integrated into the conversational AI and also assist the 3d avatar enhancement.

Community Benefits and Products

So both the companies and also the retail users can benefit from the product that is provided by starry Network. So I think that in the long run, all of the community here, all of the audience in this space, whether they are a builder, an AI startup, or only just retail customers, they can also have all of the benefits that they need by visiting starry Nift. With that, can you share with us a few stats about the project, like how many users active you guys are having right now how many people are requesting from the AI bot and also the library as well. Okay. Yeah. Regarding to our stats, we have like four connected wallets. I think we have around more than 110, more than 10 million and also we have a citizenship did card.

User Engagement and Functionality

So we have more than, I think also more than 1010 million citizenship has minted our card. So all of them because our system is as a wholesale so the users can, as long as they have our citizenship card they can use our SDK product. And also we have also other kind of functionalities. User can have daily raffle poll to gain our XP points and also they can do the daily streak like to upgrade their citizenship card. And regarding to our cyber AI for the people who are more loyal and more active on our platform they can have a higher level and have more XP points so which enable them to have higher quota and level in the stereo AI platform as well.

Connectivity and Future Growth

Which means they can convert more messages and they can create more chatbot for free in the stereo AI platform. So everything is connected. Thank you. I really like how you call the users the citizen and having the citizenship card with the number of users you are having right now, I can see that you are having a small kingdom of people loving AI and this is very exciting. After this I hope that numbers will go up and up because you have more supporter and I will be one of the first person to claim that card and experiment around with the products that you are having.

Concerns About Security and Privacy

The next question regarding this scale and also the number of products that you guys are having would be the concerns that most people have about AI. Like how you can preserve the security and the privacy of users data. Like if they create a bot and they do some function with that, is that info private to them or it is used to be fed to more AI in the future and how can you make sure that all of the users data is protected? Okay, thanks for this question. So for now we have, I mean all of our users data. We are not saving their data on our own platform.

Data Storage and Future Plans

So every, all the users data will train for their AI product. Their AI chat bot will be stored on the Amazon web server. So which means a third party server which is very secure. And in the future, because we are in the web three and crypto blockchain industry. So we also are planning to use the blockchain security technology to protect users security as well. For example, the zero knowledge proofs and they can roll up those kind of technologies will also be integrated and considered in the future. Thank you.

Concerns and Confidence in Data Privacy

I think that is very well thought of staring if team when you guys are planning everything ahead and with all of the measures and data storage plan inside star Unif product, I believe that we can all be confident to test out the product without the fear that our personal data, our privacy is being usage for another purposes that we didn't consent. And it's been a good talk. My last question here is definitely some question that's been raised in the community for the past few days with all of the awesome features going on. Do you have any plans for the future developments or the features that we can look forward to in the future?

Future Developments and Features

Yeah, definitely. So for our according to our roadmap and we are planning a lot of like very amazing functionalities ahead. The first one will be about the mixed reality framework. So this framework will blend the physical and digital world and we are aiming to create a more immersive and interactive experience that go beyond what's currently possible. So by integrating the virtual reality VR and augmented reality AR technologies, we aim to build a more self evolvable AR avatar system. So whether it's for gaming or for social or for educational purpose, the mixed reality framework will open up a new avenue for the engagement and creativity for user. And the next one we are, the next phase we are aiming for will be more on the technical part.

Technical Advances in Architecture

As I just now also mentioned, it's about ZK draw up layer two. So the implementation of draw layer two technology is our key focus in our architectural evolution. So this kind of, this cutting edge solution will enhance the transaction throughput and while maintaining the security and also decentralization of our platform. So we in this technology, were leveraging the zero knowledge proof and to ensure the transaction data is compressed and also the batch processed leading to the lower gas fee and also faster settlement times. So in this kind of advancement is to prove that our commitment to the scale and efficiency and we want to remain more accessible and user friendly as we grow.

Exciting Upcoming Plans

And the last but most exciting plan is not the technical part, but we are also currently preparing for our TGE and huge air drop will happen in the near future soon. So I think, I hope every old everyone here can stay tuned to our Twitter for our official announcements of the CTE. Thank you everyone for listening today. Wow, this is very exciting and we love that hooked protocol is right on time to be a part of this important improvement. I understand that the ZK one is a super complex technology and it will take a long time, but it will also ensure the users privacy and also improve the performance of the product itself.

Collaboration Opportunities

So wish you the best of luck in building that. And if you ever want to need any help and support, especially in the education sector, hooked protocol is also very happy to join hands with you and to perform another collaboration. The closest one is definitely within this AMA and the next two days from now, which is the 12 September, we will also launch an alumni course about starry NIFT. So if you also have any question or you are a beginner wanting to learn about AI and having your first step securely into this technology, you can also visit our platform and study the course about Starry NIFT.

Engagement and Rewards

Also, if you answer all of the questions correctly, you will also have a chance to win a share of 500 hook token. And because we are running out of time right now, I understand that we also have a lot of questions in the comments below we will have to say goodbye. So before that I would like to give a massive shout out and heartfelt thanks to our incredible guest Lindis from starting if today. I learned a lot about AI today and it is great to expand the horizon of knowledge through your sharing. Before we end this AMA, do you have any sharing or message that you would like to send to our audience?

Final Thoughts and Acknowledgments

Yeah, I think thank you everyone to be here today for the support and thank you Claire for the offering of your technology of the educational part. And we will definitely consider that when we develop our layer two Zkwap layer two in the future. And as I told, but I think the most exciting and users are excited about is the 2d parts and we haven't taken the snapshot yet so everyone will still have a chance. So I hope everyone can join our ecosystem and to be active and try our AI products and try our games and entertainment part to experience.

Call to Action and Encouragement

And also at the same time you can gain our XP points to level up your citizenship card and soon you will have an airdrop soon. Yeah, so that's my, yeah, my welcome. Thank you. Lindis, I think that you just now you just nailed it. It is one of the most exciting close up part that I've ever heard. Like you literally saved the best part for last. So guys, you heard that there's one more reason for you to be more motivated to join star nibs to learn around this system and maybe you earn a slot of their future airdrop as well.

The Importance of AI Technology

But the most important part is you also benefit from AI, which is the technology of the future. And we would love to be the part of the future. Right guys? Right now we are reaching the end of this AMA. And as usual, I'm giving you my promise that next week I'm going to give you more partner, more benefits, and the good rewards. So if you have any question for me and any partner that you would like to work with, feel free to just ping me or comment. We read everything.

Closing Remarks

So goodbye for now and see you next week. Bye, guys. Bye bye.

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