Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space AI For Organic Growth hosted by Gamegptofficial. The AI For Organic Growth space delved into the transformative impact of AI on the $DUEL game engine, showcasing how AI technology revolutionizes game development processes, enhances player experiences, and drives innovation in the gaming industry. Experts discussed AI's role in optimizing game performance, personalizing player interactions, and continuously evolving game content. The space highlighted the importance of AI adoption for staying competitive, forecasting player behavior, and creating immersive gaming environments. By leveraging AI analytics, dynamic content generation, and innovative monetization strategies, the $DUEL game engine exemplifies the potential of AI-driven advancements in gaming.

For more spaces, visit the AI page.


Q: How does AI improve game development efficiency?
A: AI streamlines processes, enhances automation, and reduces time-to-market for games.

Q: What role does personalization play in user engagement?
A: Tailored experiences increase player satisfaction, loyalty, and overall game enjoyment.

Q: Why are AI analytics crucial for optimizing game performance?
A: Data-driven insights from AI enhance game mechanics, balancing, and overall player experiences.

Q: How does the $DUEL game engine utilize AI for innovation?
A: $DUEL leverages AI for intelligent game design, adaptive challenges, and player-centric features.

Q: In what ways can AI support in-game monetization strategies?
A: AI helps in targeted ads, personalized offers, and optimizing virtual goods sales.

Q: How does AI contribute to creating immersive gaming environments?
A: AI enables dynamic storytelling, adaptive environments, and interactive gameplay elements.

Q: What benefits come from continuously refining AI technology in games?
A: Ongoing AI improvement leads to enhanced player experiences, increased engagement, and evolving game content.

Q: Why is AI adoption important for staying competitive in the gaming industry?
A: Utilizing AI fosters innovation, efficiency, and the ability to meet evolving player demands.

Q: How does AI forecasting help in predicting player behavior?
A: Predictive algorithms aid in understanding player preferences, trends, and in-game decision-making.

Q: What are the advantages of using AI for dynamic content generation?
A: AI-driven content keeps games fresh, offers personalized experiences, and adapts to player actions.


Time: 00:15:42
AI in Game Development Efficiency Experts discuss the impact of AI on accelerating game creation and optimizing resource allocation.

Time: 00:25:19
Personalization for Enhanced User Engagement Insights on how personalized experiences boost player retention and community building.

Time: 00:35:57
AI Analytics for Game Optimization Analyzing the role of AI in improving game mechanics, balancing, and overall player satisfaction.

Time: 00:45:33
$DUEL Game Engine's AI Revolution Exploring how $DUEL integrates AI to pioneer new gaming experiences and challenges.

Time: 00:55:10
Predictive Algorithms for Player Insights Understanding how AI forecasting shapes game development strategies and player interactions.

Time: 01:05:44
Dynamic Content Generation with AI Discovering the use of AI for creating personalized and engaging in-game content.

Time: 01:16:02
AI Monetization Strategies Insights on how AI-driven monetization tactics enhance player spending and engagement.

Time: 01:25:30
Innovation Through AI in Gaming Exploring the inventive ways AI is revolutionizing game design and player experiences.

Time: 01:35:17
Creating Immersive Environments with AI The impact of AI on crafting immersive game worlds and interactive gameplay elements.

Time: 01:45:09
Continuous AI Improvement for Games Discussing the benefits of ongoing AI enhancement in evolving game content and user experiences.

Key Takeaways

  • AI integration enhances game development efficiency and gameplay quality.
  • Personalized player experiences drive user engagement and retention.
  • AI-driven analytics optimize game performance and player interactions.
  • The $DUEL game engine leverages AI to revolutionize gaming dynamics.
  • Predictive algorithms help in forecasting player behavior and trends.
  • AI enables dynamic content generation to keep games fresh and engaging.
  • Utilizing AI can streamline in-game monetization strategies.
  • Embracing AI fosters innovation and competitive advantage in gaming.
  • AI technology empowers developers to create immersive gaming environments.
  • Continuous AI refinement leads to evolving and adaptive game experiences.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Setting the Stage

DJd Sadeena. GM Gm. Ladies and gents, what's going on? How are we all doing? Gonna keep the music volume here in the background. Guys, what's going on? Happy Tuesday. Welcome back to another game GPT space. As usual. I'm your co host NFT boss here. I'm just stoked, man. Stoked to be just back here having another, cycle conversation. Dude, this is probably one of my favorite spaces that I've just learned to love showing up to love co hosting, you know. So shout out to Devin and the team for always allowing me up on stage doing what I got to do. guys, I know the space is just beginning and we're still waiting on a couple of our guests here to join. But in the meantime, if you want to do me a favorite right, interacting with that pin at the very top. Or if you want to make it easier, hit that bottom right button like comment bookmark any show love. That would be absolutely amazing. And that being said, let's just check in with who we, man.

Welcoming Guests and Checking In

I'll go to Devin behind the game bt account. Devin, what's going on, man? How are you doing? What's up, everybody? Sorry for the delay. I'm for I am. It's storming and I'm out of power at the moment. So I'm running on mobile, but I'm happy to be here. I'm excited for the conversation. And yeah, it's a happy Tuesday morning. Looking to get into it where the conversation about AI and organic. So I believe we've had at least one or two of the speakers as a returning guest. So I know that they're going to have great takes and I'm excited for everything we're going to get into. Devin, there's a storm you mentioned, man. First of all, be safe, brother. I hope everybody's all good. But still, this is. You're the definition of a hustler, bro. Even there's a storm outside, you're still showing up on spaces. That's what's up, bro. Respect. Devin, I appreciate you. Look, we also have here and arts and it's really cool to see you again. I believe I forgot what stream it was, but we had you on not too long ago, but. Arzim, what's going on, man?

Guest Introductions and Technical Difficulties

BDM and asset link, how are you doing today? Hello, everyone. Hello, bowser. I'm good. Happy to be here today. And yes, I don't remember exactly which one it was, but we definitely met before. I can't hear. So happy to see you again. Is he speaking? It's probably me. Artem is actually speaking about, so I think you can. Okay, yeah, I hope you can all hear me now. Look, typical x space rugs. Arnold, if you want to do me a favor, literally just drop down from the panel, and I'll put you right back up. This is literally spaces at its finest. I apologize for the tech diff, man, but, yeah, Artem, just drop from the panel, hit request, and I'll bring you right back up, my friend. Don't worry about it. We also have Joshua here on behalf of S. W. G. Joshua, what's going on? How are we doing today?

Updates from Participants on Storms and Situations

Hey, what's up, everybody? Yeah, SWG, saltwater games. I'm actually in the same boat, I think, as Devin. I've got a storm going up. I'm in Scotland right now, just kind of road tripping around, so. But, yeah, excited to be here. Dude, what is up with everyone in storms? I'm, like, having fomo for some reason, even though I shouldn't be. Dude, over here in California, man, we've been suffering from, like, these wild fires as a recent, like, last week. California has been on literally triple digits for, like, whole week straight. And so actually, staying inside has been the alpha, and I'm pretty sure you guys are also doing the same thing, so. But I shouldn't be feeling fomo. Josh, I meet you, my friend.

Transitioning to the Discussion and Topics

Let's check in here with Artem again. Artem, audio check. What's going on, man? How are we doing? Hello? Hello, 123321. Yes. What's going on? Hello, bowser. Pleasure to meet you again. Yes, we did meet before, and I'm excited for the space because I know you know how to do your job well, and you do it well, so should be a very good space today. Good topic. Definitely. Interesting. So I hope we go and get right into it. Excited to see what everyone else going to say. And thanks to everyone who's tuning in today. Absolutely. There you go. Appreciate you, Artem. And we have. Easy here, man. Easy. What's going on, man? How are you doing? Welcome to the panel.

Opening Remarks on the Topic of AI and Organic Growth

Yeah, GMGM Baswa. How you guys doing today? Happy Tuesday. Actually, I'm excited to be on your space. It's actually the first time I'm speaking. I'm actually speaking your space, and I'm very excited for the topic. AI for organic growth. Tonight's topic, and I'm here to learn more. You know. Other friends. I see them in the audience, you know, Marv Kaito, Bucky, Dante, evolved. What's going on? If you guys want to come up on stage, share a, take a few, you know, hit that request button. But look, man, that being said, I'm just about ready to tackle this because it is an interesting one, right? AI for organic growth. I think this is kind of like a new tool, a new concept that we're starting to see, at least from my perspective, right?

Discussion on AI's Role in Organic Growth

I'm starting to see a lot more AI involved in the way that projects, brands, ips are starting to grow and market themselves. And, you know, it's very interesting two concepts here, right? I feel like AI is sometimes looked at as a cheat code, right? I think we talked this in many previous game GPT spaces, right? Where AI is honestly a tool, right? But it really depends on how it's used, right? Because sometimes too much of AI can give off a non human feel here, right? What does that find to look like? What does AI look like in action for organic growth? And you know, I'm really excited to kick this off and maybe we can pass it off here to Devin first. Cause Devin feel like you are the AI master, bro. I don't know what it is. It's just the brand that I built of you in my mind, man.

Opening the Floor for Devin's Insights

But let's just really break this down, man. Is it even possible to achieve organic growth? And maybe we can define what does organic growth even look like in this space, especially where everything is bought it, you know, and whatnot. But Devin, we'd love to hear your thoughts on this. Right? What does. Cool. Okay, I broke out a little bit there, but I think I heard the question basa. So just going to explain it basically, can AI be used for organic growth? I think it definitely can. Depending on how you slice it and depending on how you're thinking about it definitely can be used for organic growth to just define it before we open up the conversation, right?

Defining Organic Growth and Its Methods

There's a lot of definitions. I'm sure I'm coming in more from like a text base or perhaps just a game side of it. Whenever you're acquiring users, there's a way to get it organically through kind of like word of mouth, another kind of like viral sharing features. And there's a way to do it non organic, which is most of the time paid. So whether you're paying for ads, paying for sponsorships, paying for ambassadors, paying for endorsements, these types of things would be more assigned to like paid growth or paid marketing, right? Organic growth has just like paid marketing a ton of ways that users can come to your product or service to play your game or install it or try it out, right? Whether it's making a game that's so fun that their friends tell other friends about it, that's one way that you could do it organic.

The Connection Between AI and Organic Growth

You could also just be really good at making content that doesn't cost anything. Whether it's organic content that you're posting on social media, or whether it's your players actually creating their own content just to share how fun that game is. AI doesn't necessarily have a direct connection that's going to lead to organic growth. But I think AI can implement and it can, I would say like augment what people are doing to grow organically versus not using AI at all. That's kind of how I would open up the conversation and maybe we can just guide it in a direction. I'd love to hear everyone else's take on organic growth in general and then how AI can be used or if they're already using AI, I think that would be amazing for discussion to get started.

Conclusion of the Opening Remarks

But yeah, just going to get going with my end.

Gaming and AI's Impact on Conversations

Basa dropped in and he's coming back up and yeah, I'm sure he can pass it around once we get going. There we go. Check, check. First of all, sorry Devin, had to drop off. Had to make sure the WiFi is all good. But the beauty of it, I did hear 99% of your take, man. And thank you so much for opening up today's conversation. I think one thing I want to highlight just very quickly about what you said, right. Is because of gaming and the narrative and how explosive I feel gaming has grown in the past, honestly, maybe what, two years now? I think it's interesting to use gaming as a case study because with gaming, right, a lot of the emphasis and maybe something the gamers typically request, right, is just, we just want a fun game, right? And we hear that so many times in the space, right, gamers just want to have fun, etcetera, right? But with the help of AI and the way that even NPC's in these games operate, the way that they are coded in the game, sometimes a conversation with these NPC's can feel realistic, right? They can almost feel like you're actually talking to an actual human.

AI Helping in Organic Growth

So curious to see what everyone else thinks, you know, and I'd love to pass it around and maybe we can just, you know, pass it over here to Artem and. Same question and we're just breaking the ice here understanding the definition of what does AI even look like for organic growth. Artem, we'd love to hear from your perspective, man. Please go ahead. Thanks. Bowser. I agree with what just was said. AI can definitely assist in organic growth. One of the main thing I would say hi can assist is helping to create that free, fun, entertainment content much easier than it used to before. Again, once we get to that point where it's easy to create videos and images with AI, then, I mean, we are kind of at that point, but still, not everyone are able to do it with that. You're able to create more content, more engaging content, and it saves you time basically on making that content. Another thing. In the current reality, when you put AI next to something, it instantly boosts engagement from people they want to know what is it? Because it's AI. It's hot right now. So as of now, even putting AI in your slogan, in your name or something like that already boosts that organic growth because someone sees it and then they go to their friend and say, hey, there's this project. They're doing something with AI, blah blah. And this gets carried on so you get more people coming in.

Data Analysis and AI

And another thing I would say how AI could be helping in organic growth is analyzation of the data. So to learn exactly who your customer is, what your customer is looking for, what is their activity online, how are they doing, you know, how they're doing their shopping, how are they doing their browsing and everything. AI can help you with that. We already are doing it without AI. But again, AI saves you time and allows you to do it much faster and more effectively, if I be honest with you. So I think AI will definitely help organic growth if you know how to use it correctly, of course. Dude, I love this, right? And I know we're just breaking down what the, I guess pure definition is, but this is very accurate, right? One thing you said, artem, in the first half, and I think this is something that is still slept on, in my opinion, is, you know, using AI to scale and almost create a system around organic growth, right? Because I think a lot of days, from what we see from marketers and from these agencies, right, sometimes it's just a matter of manually.

Manual Effort vs AI Facilitation

I mean, obviously it's going to require manual effort. But for example, spaces, right? I think spaces is a great example of marketing organic growth. We're having conversations literally right now in this moment. Is this something that AI can replicate? Maybe not. I don't know if I'll ever see a boss of AI one day, you know what I'm saying? So, yeah, we'll pass it on. I see arm throwing, crying emojis. Artem, it's probably an audio issue if you can't hear me, but again, just drop down from the panel. No, no, I can hear, you know, I mean, that's just not going to be. We don't need bowser. We definitely. I'm curious, though, what does AI bosses sound like the end look like? You know? But artem, I appreciate it. Again, passing it over to Joshua here. Joshua, still the same question, my friend. Just breaking the ice here. What does AI for organic growth look like to you? And do you agree with what Devin and Artem has said so far? Josh would love to hear from you, man.

The Future of AI and Organic Growth

Yeah, so I. Yeah, I generally do agree. I think that AI is going to be a big game changer in terms of organic growth. And I think that's the first surge that we're going to see. But just to make the conversation kind of interesting and spice it up a bit, I'm going to push back and say that all of the inorganic growth is also going to benefit from the AI insights. And so there's going to be a lot more targeted efforts on the inorganic side, much as we might not like to see that. And they're going to have data profiles on individual players. You're going to have a lot more sophistication on the, the funnels that you see from the exposure to the product to the actual, playing of the product. so, yeah, I'd push back just a little bit on that, but generally, I agree with everybody else, but I'm curious to hear what everybody else's take on that.

Bots, Inorganic Growth, and Industry Insights

Is Josh just curious from literally what you just said, right. Do you think there's. I mean, maybe it's because of the. The social platform we operate, right? X is a platform. There's so much bots. Do you think right now there is more inorganic growth we're seeing on the timeline compared to organic? What's your thoughts there? I think it honestly depends on the industry. I think that as bots are becoming infused with AI, we're going to see a lot more inorganic growth that way. And there's going to be a constant back and forth. And, you know, I went to a small background, I went to medical school. And this actually reminds me of, like, the dance between viruses and bacteria, in a way. It's like this race of evolution, and it's like, you can have these bots that are inorganic growth, and it's like, okay, let's put AI into the actual product.

Evolving Technologies and Market Dynamics

Let's make it better. Let's have better services. So then you get a one up on the product side, and then, of course, you're seeing these bots being infused with AI or being directed by AI, and it's like they're going to get another step ahead. So I think it's going to be a bit of tit for tat, but my big hope is that this is going to lean heavily into the products and services, and ultimately it's going to drive organic growth. Dude, I love this, man. And maybe this is for a whole entire different conversation in a different space, but I would love to expand on the inorganic side of, honestly, maybe web three in general, you know, and I know we can invite so many brands, I can probably share a take on that, but Josh, dude, appreciate your take. And this is actually a perfect segment on how I want to, I guess, transition from this definition of what is AI for organic growth, and where my mind wants to go to after is if there is this lack of organic growth in this space and if AI is involved, what are some strategies, right?

Implementing AI for Organic Reach

What are the, what are the actual implementations? What does this look like in action? Right? Because I think at the end of the day, if AI is a tool, and it can be involved in almost anything that we do moving forward, the most important thing though, is how do you utilize the tool, right? I think in previous GPT spaces, right? We talked about how I think, Devin, Manny, you actually created a whole thread, and maybe I'll pin it here in just a sec, but you created a whole thread that highlights so many tools. I think that was like last week's space, if I'm not mistaken. Right? But Devin, if you don't mind, man, from what we discussed last week and what we're discussing today, which would you list as like, the most effective in creating and optimizing content for organic reach, right?

Tools for AI and Content Optimization

And it doesn't have to be something that's super streamlined. It can be something that's super rough. Right. But what are some tools that you use that has been so useful for this organic growth? Devin, curious to know from your end. Yeah, so this is interesting. We're getting into like, the experimentation phase a little bit. Obviously, game GPT and our games coming to the app are going to be launched in the next 30 days. So we're very close to doing this organic growth and learning about user acquisition from other games and other projects is something that we're really striving to learn to so that we can implement it as much as possible. But I can talk about just from personal experience and what I've been looking at what AI is doing on the organic growth side.

Condensing Information and AI Use Cases

And that's where kind of, I'll go into conversation bouncing off of Josh, I really do like where you were going with inorganic growth, and maybe we can talk about that after we kind of go around the table just to speak and dive a little bit deeper into, like, what specifics you meant when you talked about inorganic growth. But in terms of maybe just giving two or three use cases on how I think organic growth is helping in general, AI, especially large language models, is really good at condensing information. So one thing that I found really good is condensing maybe like a whole 1 hour forum or 1 hour podcast or a really long blog post into the clips or the snippets that are going to get seen and get heard by the most amount of people due to its controversy, due to its popularity, due to it aligning with something that's already trending in the media.

AI for Content Creation and Engagement

LLM is. LLMs are really good at identifying those things and giving them to you really fast. So one thing that I've been doing just on the podcast side and on the weekly show side is using a tool called Opus. And that tool actually basically takes a whole video podcast or a whole audio podcast. It uses AI to basically filter the entire transcript and then find the clips that it thinks are going to be really good short form content, 15 to 62nd content, and it'll actually edit the video that you give it, whether it's a video face on podcast, or whether it's just an audio podcast that's in a waveform and actually create YouTube short TikTok type content just from like a long form, 1 hour, two hour video.

Content Strategy in the AI Era

That's one thing that I think is just kind of like what I'm saying, being able to repurpose and create organic content easier using AI. Another thing that I found, and this is just for me, kind of going down the rabbit hole on what is happening with content, is I think YouTube channels are shifting from kind of like face. Like a person is like having a camera on them, telling a story, explaining something to a lot of content, being faceless so that it's just like overviewing a certain narrative, overviewing the news, overviewing like a certain story, or whether it's fiction or nonfiction.

AI in YouTube Content Creation

And AI is actually voicing a lot of that content. So having this like, fully kind of like AI YouTube channels, from what I'm seeing is actually really starting to take off, whether it's like, on the fiction side and they're delving into these really big universes, whether it's anime, whether it's fiction books, whether it's video games and telling really deep in detail content about those worlds. Completely with AI, completely using generated content that I'm sure is made with an LLM with a little bit of spice, and then using an automated voice to tell the narrative in that video. That is kind of taken at full force with like, what AI content can be.

AI-Driven Content Creation Tools

But on the nonfiction side, I'm seeing a lot of book summaries and a lot of really, concepts being explained facelessly as well. So that is kind of where my head is at, and that is kind of where I'm going in terms of implementation. There are tools to create an AI voice. I know descript is one of them, and it's what our video editors and audio editors use a lot. And you actually can, using this tool, descript, upload your own voice. And it would ask you to say a certain amount of things and to give it enough data to actually recreate, like, an AI version of your voice. And once it's kind of set up and ready, you can actually say anything that you want with that voice that you've created.

Potential of AI-Generated Voices

So you don't actually have to be here and say on this podcast. You could actually just give it an article or give it a transcript to say, and it would just say it in your voice. Obviously, if there's no video, it's probably not going to be as compelling, depending on the type of content that you're making. But that's where my head goes, and that's what I'm really trying to figure out, what GamegbT can do, not only for marketing content for once the app comes out in all of our games, but potentially for other stuff as well. Whether we can make our games better with it or anything like that. Just a little bit going into my own AI rabbit hole and what people are doing, would love to take it around the table and see what others have to say.

Exploring AI Tools and Their Applications

It's funny because I know in the very beginning, today's space, were literally discussing if an AI boss was in this cohost slot, and you're over here giving the alpha, man. I'm like, yo, I got to try that out. But your first one, dude. Opus, dude. Oh my gosh. I don't know if everyone here has ever messed with Opus before, but that is literally, like, probably one of my favorite tools for chopping up long form video content. Right. I highly recommend checking it out if you haven't already. But one of my favorite features of it is that the software will actually analyze the tone of, like, your voice in a certain part of the conversation, and it will literally, like, give you a scorecard, like, I think out of 100 or something like that. And it'll tell you, like, conversation sounds engaging from this segment to this point.

Engagement Metrics and Audience Understanding

And it'll tell you what the topic is if it's perfect for this type of content that you're pushing. Like, Opus is crazy, right? And that is just one tool out of this large pool that we're discussing today. But no, Devin, I appreciate the alpha. I'm literally taking some notes here. Again, I would love to just pass around and maybe I'll do a slight shift to this question, because for me, can AI understand the audience behavior? I think this is something that great marketers in this space understand, is making sure that you're tapping into the right audience, making sure that you're getting in reach with the right, I guess, communities, the right people that you're trying to get in touch with to represent your brand, whatever it may be.

The Challenge of AI

I think this is probably going to be one of the hardest things and probably a challenge, an obstacle for AI, and I would love to see how it would attack it. Right. But curious from me, I'll pass it to Artem here. Artem, again, maybe you can list some tools that you've messed with, some you dabbled with in the past or are currently using. Right. But do you think AI can also assist in understanding, like behavior, right, audience behavior, to create more of that personalized feel to this organic growth narrative. Right. Artem, what are your thoughts here, man? Go ahead.

User Profiling and Content Generation

Thanks. Bowser. I think I've actually touched on it a little bit, answering the first question. And Josh also tapped into this with AI actually able to make a user profile of everyone who's engaging with you, maybe go a step further of analyzing what they are looking for, what they're interested in, creating that detailed user profile, and then help you analyze all the data that you have on them to then later understand what you should be showing them, what kind of content should be presented to them, maybe what kind of cartoons they watched in the past so that in your content, you make some, you know, how would I say correctly, I don't know, like some remarks to that content that they've seen in their past or some memes from the past that, you know, they like. So AI can definitely help you with that.

Utilization of AI in Video Content

I mean, we tapped into all very good AI's that I've actually used, especially with creating the short clips. And yeah, I've seen a lot of those in YouTube where it's pure AI. The content, the person, the voice, everything is AI generated. Or you even have those YouTube channels where it's purely just Joe Rogan shorts or something from his podcast, and it generates a lot of viewings. And it is easy to make. Well, relatively easy and doesn't take much time. And you have millions of subscribers on those channels. So that definitely is something that's working well. One thing that popped to my mind is when Joshua mentioned about inorganic growth and with bots, you also talked about with bots. And the thing I had in my head is use AI to generate bots.

AI Bots and the Dynamic of Inorganic Growth

Those boards would be AI bots, and they'll pretend to be a real person. You can use them for inorganic growth. But then you also implement an AI that protects and sort, you know, filters through subscribers and checks if they're an AI. So it's kind of a fight between two AIs to figure out who is an AI and who is a human kind of thing. And just the thought I had in my mind, which I think is a whole nother rabbit hole to dive into. But yeah, just a short take from me on this one. That is such an interesting concept, man. And I would love to actually dive into that with you guys here. But before.

Using Tools for Content Creation

So you mentioned again, just using these tools for video content, right? I remember watching this one YouTube video, and I think a lot of people, there's these YouTube gurus that will literally tell, like, teach you like, how to grow 100,000 YouTube channel account with just AI, right? And it's like a whole process. But something that I realized with a lot of the, I guess, newer YouTube channels, this one, especially ones that do more of, like, highlights, they do more like recap videos, right. You'll notice that the person commentating, it's literally sounds like. It sounds like a human voice, don't get me wrong.

The Experience of AI Content

But you can tell it's AI generated just by the flow. That the way that this person is, I guess, narrating or commentating over that video right now to me. Right. I mean, I guess if YouTube is for strictly entertainment purposes, you shouldn't, I guess, be worried too much, right? But because of how much, I guess, more of a, I guess, consecrator, if that's the right way to say it, right? Or just. I paid so much attention to detail those little things sometimes can make me, like, not want to watch that video, because I get. Again, it's like when I come across creators posts here on X, and I can tell that they use chat GPT to write out their content, and they literally just copy and pasted it, like, from chat GBT on and over to an expost, right?

Personal Observations on AI Generated Content

And you can sniff out the AI in it. So there is, again, that's like, this battle, this. This fight. I like how you described it, Artem, especially with your concept, man. And maybe, you know, this is something I would love to dive into. And, Joshua, man, I feel like everyone here is coming back to what you were saying in your first point. Inorganic growth with AI, Artem just literally laid out such an interesting concept, right? Imagine you're. You're using AI bots that act as real humans, right? Which is still so weird to me, right? Because I don't even know if I could coin that as organic growth, right?

AI Bots and the Future of Growth

But then on the other hand of that stick, you have an AI that filters which one is real, which wasn't, which one is aihdenkhdev? Right. I think a good question to ask, and I'll pass it over to Josh here. Josh, with what you were mentioning earlier, what are some specifics to when you say inorganic growth? Is this something that is correlated to the individual user? And is it possible one to create an AI that filters these two different individuals? AI and real humanity? Josh, would love to hear from you, man. Go ahead.

The Future of AI Discussions

Yeah, I think that, actually, we're having a conversation that in a year from now is going to be an outdated conversation. And I think this is level one. And I think that level two conversation is going to be organic, and we're going to have to define it, right. Because organic growth, we're moving in that direction, and soon we're going to come to a fork in the road where traditionally, the way that we've offered goods and services is we say, I've got this thing, and I think that might add value to you. And some people will lean heavily into that.

Engagement Strategies in AI

Some people will lean heavily in a different direction, where they try to hit dopamine circuits, they try to tap into the circuitry of a human that is fear based. Fomo. You got to do this, or you won't be cool or just one more game. It's only 30 seconds. What's it going to hurt? And so far, I don't think that we've been. We've had a high resolution, enough lens to really look at what the difference is between those two things. And so far it's been a bit annoying when you know that somebody's, you know, tapping into that lizard brain of yours, but it hasn't been a huge deal. Right? Like, we've all done doom scrolling before.

Dangers of Engagement-Driven AI

We've all been into a really addictive game. Not a huge deal. But what I see coming down the pike is that we're going to have AI that are sophisticated and so intelligent that if we keep our subjective function purely engagement, we're going to find ourselves one side of that fork in the road. And I think the conversation we're going to have is that we're having AI that are presenting things to us or that are creating things for us. And it could be videos, it could be games, but we're going to realize that either this is truly for my good, it's actually something I want, or it's tapping into something that's actually detrimental to me, and I don't exactly have control over it anymore.

The Evolution of AI

And I think that with AI plugged into this, we're going to see that on levels that we can't even comprehend right now. We might not even be aware of it. It might get that good at it. Dude, dude, Josh, I swear, I feel like you're. You're like, predicting the future. I just had this funny thought right now. Like, imagine if Josh, at the end of today's space is like, I'm not even a real human. This is my AI version of Josh. Like, dude, that would, like, go crazy as an ending for a space, you know what I'm saying? But that would throw me off so hard, bro. I see Devin here with his hand, though.

AI Integration in Gaming

Devin, please go ahead, man. Yeah. To continue that, I feel that this is already happening in certain ways. I know it was a couple of weeks ago, probably three or four weeks ago, we had on a web three project called AI arena. And effectively, their calling card is you can mint an NFT. That is your AI agent. And this AI agent plays in games for you. But other people who are actual people can play against them if they want to.

AI-Assisted Gaming Experiences

So. And in most games, now that I'm learning kind of how this goes, there is kind of some layer of, like, bots or some types of, like, the AI type of opponents that you'll go into in like, PvP or something just to make the experience better. I don't know if you've ever played, like, just a really easy battle royale and you're like a noob account playing like, fortnite or any other kind of battle royale for the first time. Your first games are usually very easy.

AI for User Experience in Gaming

That's because you're playing against other people who are brand new to the game, and you're probably playing against AIh. That is meant to help you have a good first experience, which is important for retention and keeping you in the game, but also to help you learn about what the game is taken to another level. What I. And this, I think, is probably a better continuation on what Josh is talking about. I've actually been reading some research, and I wish I could reference it, but I need to go pull up the paper again where people are actually, like, creating, like, research on, like, political polls and other types of just like, user behavior polls using complete AI.

AI in Political Polling

So they'll say, I want to know what's going to happen in, I'll just name a random state, Minnesota, for these type of policies, for these type of elections. They'll create an AI model that simulates the distribution of people inside the state of Minnesota. Like, these many people believe in these things. These many people believe in these things. These people are influenced by these things primarily. And then they'll run this simulation on what they think the actual results of where people will vote or where people will actually decide on things for policies will actually be.

AI Simulation Accuracy

And that they found out that it's surprisingly not that inaccurate to what the actual results were a few weeks later. And whenever we can effectively use AI to predict outcomes for people, just knowing kind of this high level markers on what they think, who they are, where their thought processes or core values are, I think that really opens up a ton of these things that can happen. Whether it's you talking to people and not knowing whether they're AI or many other things that I'm sure we're going to get into today, I'm going to.

AI's Emerging Role in Decision Making

Pass it right to Artem here. Artem, go ahead, please. I just want to quickly add on top of what was just said, we at Assetlink are actually now developing an AI. Our devs are working on creating an AI that will assist you in making financial decisions in terms of investment in real estate, because we deal with tokenization of real estate, and what we are trying to achieve is have an AI that could potentially predict what is expected in terms of price movements going forward based off the general market condition, prices, what the legal thing is, what is going towards, what the thing that politicians are saying, what does the laws that are coming out?

Financial Decision-Making with AI

Because if there is a law that potentially will come out that will affect, they will say that one person can only own one property, for example, that's something that will affect the price for sure. And we want our AI to be able to make sure it knows it and informs the user of it. Of course, I'm not expecting us to nail it straight away because such an AI would be a game changer, but this is what we are working on. And the thing that was just said, with simulating the state of Arizona and seeing what decisions will be made, this is kind of the thing that we are trying to achieve as well.

Looking Ahead with AI

So I'm excited to see how we are going to do it and maybe it will be a new game changer. We'll see. I feel like I have to check in with you guys a year from now. Kind of like what Josh was saying, but I see Josh as well here with his hand up. Please. Josh, go ahead. Yeah, such an interesting topic. One thing came to mind, which is that our heads right now are really around AI that focus on subjective functions.

Shifting Perspectives on AI Functions

In other words, they converge to some kind of a value, be it a prediction or something like that. And that's really where AI has trained its sites for quite a while. Predicting the next word, predicting the next image, predicting game, etcetera. And this is brand new stuff, so to speak. But I think what we're going to end up seeing is a change from convergent AI to divergent AIh. And what I mean by that is that instead of having something that is trying to optimize for one specific thing, and this is incredibly relevant for game GPT, by the way, I think, Devin, if you're into it, I'd love to have this conversation with you at some other point, but there's a group that we're working with at Oxford and then conscium as well on this divergent algorithm where you have an AI that is essentially creating, and it could certainly be a game, but they've done research on images where an individual simply picks an image that is most interesting to them, and then the AI's job is to generate more in an evolutionary type manner, and you can actually narrow in on exactly what that person, that individual finds most interesting.

Exploring Divergent AI

And that way you're getting an AI that starts with one thing, but then diverges and comes up with dozens or hundreds of the most optimal solutions based on everybody else. And they're stable, which is the sticking point on this big topic, but it's super interesting. Dude, I'm over here like stuck in my thoughts, like, dude, what is this going to look like? What is that going to look like? We got to run this back in a different space one more time. Artem, I see your hand went right back up, my friend. Please, go ahead.

Questioning Reality with AI

Just one thing that popped to my mind. A question. How likely do you think everyone on the panel that we are right now in an AI simulation? So I'm an assimilation? Well, I'm an AI. Bowser's an AI.

Introduction to AI and Simulation

Joshua is an AI. We're all in AI. In a simulation. How likely is that, do you think? Because Elon Musk did say that he believes that we're all in simulation, and we are talking about AI. So, technically, this is linked to our topic here today. So what's your take on it, guys? Because I am a little bit of a believer in that sense.

Reflections on AI in Media

You ever seen the old Will Smith film called iRobot? Sometimes, like, I feel like I'm in that film, but I see Josh unmuted. Josh, what do you think, man? I was just going to say, we already know that I'm an AI, so. I'm telling you, that's going to be the biggest thing ever to end on his face with. First of all, gents, I didn't even realize, right, the 45 minutes mark here, man. Just straight conversations around AI. Honestly, a lot of this, like, information is new to me that I'm hearing today.

Thoughts on the Advancement of Society

And that's why I feel like I'm so stuck in my thoughts just as I'm listening to you guys, because I'm like, dude, this sounds insane. Like, I never thought we would reach this part of society, and here we are, right? And just for, like, bringing up a crazy history back, like, just about around 50 years ago, we just figured out, like, how humans can fly planes and whatnot, right? Yet alone. I like. Yeah. Just building that whole entire concept that 50 years later, we're bringing, leveraging this AI tech to then do the most craziest jobs for us. It's just crazy when you put things on a time and perspective, man.

Appreciation for Participant Engagement

But look, I appreciate everyone here as well in the audience. I see where we're growing in numbers. I appreciate everyone here just showing up, showing some love. You guys want to do me a favor, man? First of all, follow chat game. I was about to say chatty bt follow game. GBT for more AI related spaces. And second, shoot my amazing panelists here, Artem, Joshua, even the asset link account and a follow as well. That would be much appreciated.

Looking Ahead to AI's Future

Look, for the last, I guess now 13 minutes for today's space, I do just want to talk about the various industries and how the future of AI is going to be implemented within them, because you guys are highlighting so many different concepts here. And Joshua, I'd love to go for you, to you for this one. Right. And I already kind of said the question, but how do you personally envision the future of AI? I guess in the perspective of driving organic growth across many other industries, I think we're talking a lot about gaming so far, but are you looking at other studies right now where maybe it's medical involved or maybe more finance involved?

Perspectives on Gaming and AI

Yeah, so I'm in the gaming space right now, so my mind naturally goes there. I think that when we encounter that fork in the road that I spoke about earlier, and it's a matter of whether we're exploiting each other by tapping into those areas that essentially manipulate each other based on the vast amounts of data that we can get versus delivering a really good product or service, I think it's going to come down to data sovereignty, which I think that web three is uniquely positioned to handle pretty well.

Data Sovereignty and Privacy

And what I mean by that is if other people have access to your data, and right now, chat GPT has, we could say, the top soil of all the data. It's gone through all the Internet. It's scraped everything, and it knows each of us pretty well. I'm sure that we've all heard the Google, that Google has x amount of gigabytes on every person, and they can use that profile to understand things about you that you don't even know. But I think that in the coming years, what's really going to drive this is drilling down into ever more personal kinds of data.

The Future of Gaming Data

And I think that we're going to see, especially in the gaming world, I think we're going to start to treat games like simulations of real life, and I think that we're going to take gaming data a lot more seriously. Rather than scraping the Internet for speech and text, which is important, I think we're actually getting closer to each of our source code when we analyze how each of us plays games and how we interact in these, what are essentially simulations. So that's the direction I see it going. And I think that data sovereignty is going to be absolutely critical for us ending up at a utopia versus dystopia.

Questions on AI and Technology

Josh, just. Just for a quick follow up. Right. Like, do you think we're. I think we're so close, but I'm curious to know how you feel right where, like, I remember, or I don't even want to say remember. Like, I feel like Google, like, whenever we have questions about the world or anything, it's like, oh, just google it, right? Do you think we're now a step closer to where we don't even have to look things up anymore and it's more so of AI, literally almost like reading our minds, in a sense.

The Potential of Predictive AI

And the moment that we have a thought, we have a question, right? Let's say our devices pick up on it, right? And they already know what we're thinking. do you think we're at a point like that with technology, considering what. Where we are today? What are your thoughts here? I actually think that it's going to go one step further, and instead of predicting the answers to our questions, as you said, maybe it could also predict what questions we're going to ask, I think it's going to go a step further, and it's going to be able to move us in a way that we ask the questions that it wants us to ask, and it's gonna close the loop.

Business Implications of AI Strategies

One more question. One more question, I promise, is do you think in the future that businesses can essentially, and maybe, I don't know if this is the right word, but, like, quote unquote, future proof their AI strategies to, I guess, sustain organic growth, especially amidst one of the biggest technological advancements that we're about to see in this world. Right. Do you think businesses could future proof their AI strategy? What are your thoughts here, Josh? Future proof their AI strategy?

Ethical Considerations in AI

I think it's just going to come down to a choice of which strategy you want to choose. Is it going to be one where you are respecting the sovereignty of the individual and you are focusing on your product or service, or are you willing to go into the other play on the other side of the court, so to speak, and start to go in the, I'll say, inorganic side and start to tap into what is it that makes these people tick? What is it that makes them click? What does it make? View one more thing. And so I guess I'm seeing this less as a business survival situation and more of, like, respecting the consumer and.

Closing Remarks and Reflections

Oh, dude, that makes lots of bro, by the way, Josh, like, I just tell, man, you are one smart MFR, bro, just literally, just by hearing the way that you speak and stuff. Like, bro, this guy is Giga Chad brained, 100,000 IQ. Josh, we got to have you back on a future space, my friend. And I appreciate your time, Artem. I'm going to pass it to you, my friend. I'm going to backtrack a little bit because I want to know what you think. How do you envision the future of AI just across various industries? Curious to know what you're looking at. Arn, please go ahead.

Perspectives from Panelists

Thanks. Bowser, definitely agree with you that Joshua is the Giga brain. The way he speaks, the way he references their studies. I mean, I'm flattered, not gonna lie. So definitely would want to see him on spaces more often, for sure. Regarding what I'm looking into, well, for me, it's mainly the financial sector and especially real estate, because this is where our company is based and this is the AI that we are working on right now, which will be the part of the platform we're developing, which we want, as I mentioned previously, be able to give advice to the clients who, users of the platform who will make investment in real estate on what to expect, what the returns might be.

Future of Financial AI

Maybe there's high risk of investment in this country due to ABC reasons. So I'm looking into this kind of sector, and we already have most of the trading daily trading is done by computers, by AI's, and that's not a secret. Eventually, I think there's no going to be room for humans in trading crypto stocks, no matter because the human will always lose to AI. When we talk about numbers, I don't think there is any way human could win AI with maths. So I'm looking into the financial sector, and ideally what I'm looking for is an AI that can earn you money.

Dreams of Automated Earnings

That's the dream of every person. Potentially just an AI that you tell, hey, I want to make $1,000 and we'll go ahead and make video content on YouTube, run YouTube ads, get more engagement, and just get money for you. But then we run into a problem where everyone has AI's that make the money and whoever is, whoever's AI is better, then they will be the one who's getting the money. And it's another rabbit hole I'm not going to dive into because not enough time for it today, unfortunately.

AI's Impact on Financial Markets

But I say financial sector is one I'm looking at closely, because once AI take it over, we'll see big changes in the game for sure. I think that's like one panelist I would love to get on a space is like someone who's created one of these trading bots that are just understanding the marks, analyzing the markets, and just I want to see that in action. I know there's plenty of YouTube videos out there, but I'm like, dude, I want to see it in person, because imagine, like, a meme coin ticker that, like, releases, and you, if the bot apes in, like, I don't know, 10% your portfolio, and then immediately just moons to the freaking, you know, sky, and all of a sudden, you're up like, bro, that AI trading bot is absolutely goaded.

Closing Thoughts on AI Discussions

but no, artemn, that is definitely an interesting one. I would love to follow up with you on that. look, five minutes left. I'm going to pass it over here to Devin here for some closing thoughts on behalf of game GPT. Again, just a massive thank you to Artem and Njosh for being the two amazing panelists today. We got to run this back. I personally enjoy this today. I learned a lot just by listening and sitting here listening to you guys. So I appreciate it.

Reflections and Future Insights

Devin, if you don't mind, man, would love to hear your thoughts as well on just, you know, the future of AI across various industries. What? Well, aside from gaming, what else are you paying attention to? And then right after, if you have any alpha, any announcements for game GBT, would love to hear from you. And please, Devin, go ahead.

Optimism for the Future of AI

Yeah, we covered a lot of topics today. I really like the breadth on kind of starting out with organic growth and then going into kind of where the discussion was most interesting. I always enjoy those spaces way more than trying to nail down a certain topic and going over things that have already been said or maybe can be said another way, but are just slight variations of what was the initial consensus take. I think AI is something and just blockchain tech in general, that there are so many perspectives, there's so much about the future that I'm optimistic on, and I can't wait to live in that future.

Engagement and Collective Knowledge

And so sharing kind of like this, brainstorming, sharing the collective knowledge with some panelists, like we do every week, but especially with Artem and Josh, like we had today, is always a pleasure for me. Definitely have them again, like you said, Basa, and we'll see what next conversations we have. But overall, super bullish on AI. I think everyone knows that as a techno optimist on all these spaces, whether it's our own or other ones that I'm a guest on, I think we are in for.

AI's Transformative Power

In ways that we cannot predict. AI to change everything. What's crazy. And I kind of made this. I kind of made this connection, like, halfway through the conversation, but it's almost like in the very beginning, I come from the tech scene before I got into crypto. And so one of the biggest origin stories is from Alhanian at Reddit and the story at Reddit Washington, that in the very beginning, before Reddit was anything and, you know, millions, if not hundreds of millions of users, it was Alexis and his two co founders actually faking all of the posts on Reddit.

The Journey of Reddit

They had, like, I think, ten or 15 accounts collectively, and they would, from different account each time, just put news from different accounts to look like, you know, it was buzzing, was creative, and a lot of things were getting shared and give it two or six months in, they were, I think, vacation or someone had something going on and they couldn't post for that day. And then lo and behold, they check in the next morning to see if what was going on. And it turns out other people, without them knowing that they didn't expect to post, kind of like posted all of the news and kind of like started this growth, I guess you could say that led into what Reddit is now.

AI's Role in Innovation

I think that's definitely what, in the beginning, it's just, and before AI, it was just the hustle of like three startup founders. Right. But I think AI would be able to simulate this for a lot of different things, whether it be, I'm excited for all the good intentions that it can be for. I think this ability now that AI has to, at least if you have an optimistic light, because I do think in general, I think humans have good intentions on net, way more positive than negative.

The Democratization of AI

I think AI is going to be used for the best. What's important is just to have it in a democratized way. You don't want centralized information in the hands of very few people so that AI kind of up for what those people have in their best interests. It's better to democratize in a centralized way, like we've talked about multiple times on these spaces and other spaces that I've been a guest on to make sure that everyone kind of understands AI at a level to, if they disagree with how it's being done, to be able to fork it and kind of divergently, a call back to the things that were talked about today, do it in the way that they see fit and is the right future that they envisioned.

Final Words and Appreciation

Devin, man love, honestly, there's like a few people in space that I can just listen to a monologue for. And Devin, you are one of them. I appreciate it. Guys, I will say one more time, please follow the game. GPT account for more AI related spaces. And of course, again, please shoot a fall to Artem here. Asset link and Josh on the behalf of SWG Saltwater games, thank you guys to the massive audience here for tuning in today's episode. We run this back every single week, so if you miss out, if you join late today, don't worry, there's going to be more spaces in the near future.

Conclusion of the Session

But look, that being said, this will be the official wrap up for today's episode. Again, if you enjoyed it, I hope to see you guys in the next week's episode, and I wish you all a beautiful rest of your day night, and I will see you guys next time.

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