Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space AI Assistants Take Over: Revolutionizing How We Work and Live hosted by KIPprotocol. The Twitter space delved into the transformative influence of AI assistants on work and daily activities, emphasizing $KIP's groundbreaking innovations and partnerships. Discussions covered AI's broader impact on industries, the significance of user-centered design, Web3's role in advancing AI capabilities, and the evolving functionalities of AI assistants in the future. As AI integration deepens, individuals face opportunities and challenges in adapting to AI-assisted environments, balancing convenience with privacy concerns.

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Total Listeners: 12


Q: How are AI assistants changing daily routines?
A: AI assistants streamline tasks, organize schedules, and offer personalized assistance, shifting how people manage work and lifestyle.

Q: What makes $KIP unique in the AI landscape?
A: $KIP's innovative solutions, industry recognition through awards like the 2023 Chainlink Hackathon win, and strong backing set it apart.

Q: Why are strategic partnerships crucial for AI companies like $KIP?
A: Partnerships with key industry players like @AnimocaVentures and @AnimocaBrands provide credibility, resources, and growth opportunities for $KIP.

Q: How does collaboration with @opencampus_xyz benefit $KIP?
A: @opencampus_xyz partnership enhances visibility, establishes $KIP as a trusted AI partner, and expands its network across educational sectors.

Q: What role does Web3 technology play in AI innovation?
A: Web3 technology enables decentralized, secure data sharing, enhancing AI capabilities, privacy, and advancing the development of AI solutions.

Q: Why is user-centric design important in AI development?
A: User-centric AI design ensures personalized, intuitive interactions that cater to individual needs, enhancing user satisfaction and adoption.

Q: How is AI revolutionizing industries beyond work?
A: AI's impact extends to healthcare, finance, entertainment, and more, transforming how businesses operate, innovate, and deliver services.

Q: What trends signal the future of AI assistants?
A: AI assistants will likely evolve to offer multi-functional support, emotional intelligence, and seamless integration across devices for holistic user experiences.

Q: What challenges do AI assistants pose for privacy and data security?
A: Balancing convenience with data privacy concerns remains a key challenge for AI assistants, prompting the need for robust security measures and ethical considerations.

Q: How can individuals adapt to the increasing presence of AI in daily life?
A: Embracing AI integration, understanding its benefits, staying informed on privacy settings, and engaging with user controls can help individuals navigate AI-assisted environments effectively.


Time: 00:13:45
The Influence of AI on Daily Life Exploring how AI assistants impact work routines, time management, and personal organization.

Time: 00:25:12
$KIP: Innovating AI Experiences Spotlighting $KIP's cutting-edge technology, industry accolades, and strategic partnerships.

Time: 00:34:58
Web3's Role in AI Evolution Discussing the intersection of Web3 technology and AI innovation for enhanced services and user experiences.

Time: 00:45:21
@opencampus_xyz Collaboration Benefits Analyzing the advantages of partnering with @opencampus_xyz for AI advancements in education and skill development.

Time: 00:57:39
Future Trends in AI Assisting Predicting the trajectory of AI assistants towards more sophisticated functionalities and expanded industry applications.

Time: 01:10:05
Privacy Concerns in AI Adoption Delving into the challenges and solutions regarding privacy issues associated with AI integration in daily life.

Time: 01:20:30
AI's Impact Across Industries Examining how AI disrupts and innovates sectors like healthcare, finance, and entertainment beyond traditional work environments.

Time: 01:35:17
Personalized Experiences with AI Highlighting the importance of user-centric design in AI development for tailored, user-friendly interactions.

Time: 01:44:59
Holistic AI Integration Strategies Strategies for seamlessly incorporating AI assistants into various aspects of daily life for enhanced efficiency and convenience.

Time: 01:55:42
Future Challenges and Opportunities in AI Exploring the potential obstacles and advancements in AI technology for continued innovation and societal adaptation.

Key Takeaways

  • AI assistants are reshaping how individuals approach work and lifestyle management.
  • The integration of AI in daily tasks enhances efficiency and productivity.
  • $KIP stands out as a significant player in the AI sector revolutionizing work and living experiences.
  • Strategic partnerships with @AnimocaVentures and @AnimocaBrands boost $KIP's credibility and support its growth.
  • Winning the 2023 Chainlink Hackathon adds to $KIP's reputation and innovation in the AI space.
  • @opencampus_xyz collaboration positions $KIP as an official AI partner, expanding its reach and impact.
  • The discussion highlighted the importance of AI advancements and their transformative effects on various industries.
  • Web3 technology plays a crucial role in shaping the future of AI applications and services.
  • User-centric AI solutions contribute to more personalized and efficient experiences for individuals.
  • Innovation in AI is driving the creation of smarter, more intuitive AI assistants for diverse functionalities.

Behind the Mic

AI Assistance: Introduction

Better, faster, stronger. More than power. Hour never. Ever after work is over. Make it. Do it. Make sense. Other better, faster, stronger. The face that's never. You. Never get. Hour after hour. Never. GM. Gm.

Welcome to the Show

Everybody, welcome back to another banger show with Kip Protocol, web free base layer for AI Kip win of the 2023 Chainlink hackathon backed by Animoca Ventures. We're here today all to talk about AI assistance and the takeover that is currently going on within the business world, revolutionizing how we both work and we live. And we've brought some incredible guest speakers here with us today to talk all about this. We have a number of the KIPP team with us today. From who do we have? We've got Julian with us, the CEO and co founder of Kipp Protocol. We have Doctor Jennifer Dodgson, chief AI officer and co founder of Kipp Protocol. And we have Lisa Zhao with us today, the head of community growth. But we also have some amazing guest speakers. We have Wham. AI with us today, the crypto gaming app with 3.5 million users. We also have, Paul is with us today, marketing at Reform Dow, host of Paul's penthouse Crypto since 2016. And we have Vader with us today, crypto and AI monetize aih dai podcast and web free gaming pod.

Panel Discussion: Excitement for the Show

So look, these are the people we have on today's show. Lisa, you’re, you know, relatively new from the Kip team in respect to these shows. Are you excited for today's show? Yeah, absolutely. Thank you for bringing me on. Nice, 100%. Yeah, nice to meet you, too. And, yeah, I'm really excited for this one. I think, look, we could all do with a little bit more assistance in work, and that's not going anywhere. So having AI support us on this, with its ridiculous memory, etcetera, it's going to be really fun to dive into. Lisa, I'm going to throw this one back to you. Where does your mind initially go when you read the title of today's show, AI assistance takeover? What do you think about this? Have you got any experience in this field?

AI Assistants Impact

Yeah, here and there, I would say. I mean, AI assistants is slowly taking over a lot of part of our lives, but the question is, can we use that to actually revolutionize and change the way we work to streamline the things that we do? Or is it actually a threat? I think that is the controversial topic that's in everybody's minds, and I think we should dive into that a little bit more. I love it. Yeah, definitely agree with that. One, I think, what could some of the threats be? I think that's. That's probably enough of a desk definition to then dive in with our incredible guest speakers and the rest of the panel. But what are some of those, like, potential opportunities, but also those, like real negatives that could come out of all of this?

Data Ownership Concerns

From my personal perspective, I would say, of course, it's our ownership of our data. Right? From right now, as AI progresses, I feel that it's being used effectively in all facets of life, whether it's planning our daily calendars, whether it's scheduling our meetings, whether it's recording and taking notes of that. But then how do we guarantee which part of it do we want to share to the world and which part of it do we keep private? That is always in the back of my mind, because I see increasingly my colleagues, my friends, using it for every single aspect of their life and their planning for their children, for training their employees. Now, how much of that is actually staying within their database, within them? And how much of that is going to be ultimately controlled as a monopoly as this eventually develops?

Exploration of AI Integration

And that's. Yeah, that's a dystopian future right there, right? I think definitely one that a lot of us probably have just done a little bit of a gulp, too, as we're just like, yes, they do have all our data, don't they, when we ask it, all of these different questions. So, look, I really love the road that you've just put out in front of us. I think this is a great start to the conversation, great definition to really dive into. So let's do exactly that. And look, let's bring. Wham, let's bring Vader, let's bring Paulus into the question. Now, let's go for you first, what's your experience with AI assistant at the moment? They've definitely evolved over the last few years. Have you had any direct or indirect experience with this? What impact are they having on your daily life or, you know, on our daily lives?

Personal AI Experiences

Gm, GM. Excited to be here. Thank you for bringing me up. Hi, Vader, Lisa, Paul, Julian, Kip protocol. I'll dive into it. The experience we've had with, first of all, with coding, scraping data that we are interested in and the taking note side. But honestly, that for me personally, is not necessarily the most exciting thing. And what I can say that I see for a future is especially the coding agents and the coding assistants that will definitely enhance the overall product development of any team. So teams that I don't know. Maybe today needs 20 people to do stuff, engineers and whatnot. They will need a lot less. And that means the cost of starting up is going down. But the opportunities to create something meaningful and exciting goes up.

Opportunities vs. Threats

And this is, by the way, an opportunity. I don't see it as a threat because we, as humans, adapt based on the situation. Okay. I love this. I love this. Already diving straight into the meat and bones of this one. Look, for the listeners, if you're excited for this conversation, we genuinely have brought the experts for you today to really elaborate, give you their time, their expertise. So let's get the likes and the retweets out of this space. If you like this sort of conversation, it's a great way to show us a support for, like, bringing these incredible guest speakers up on behalf of Kip, but also to just let us know that, you know, this is content that you like consuming. So we know to do more of this. Let's go over to Vader on this one.

AI Assistance Discussion: Vader's Perspective

Vader, what's your take on AI assistance? Have you got any direct experience, indirect experience, anything that initially, you know, coming to the top of mind when you look at the topic of conversation today? Sure. Do we define AI assistance as something like an LLM that is personalized? I would say so in this context, yes. Okay. I mean, it's an area that's growing. Obviously, more and more people are consuming LLMs, and probably as these chat bots or LLMs or AI assistants are going to be able to interact with environments that are outside of the chat room, when they're going to be able to basically do things on behalf of us.

Practical Use of AI

For example, I don't know, getting out of that chatbot and doing something with an art computer, or going out to social media and pulling up some data or even making some payments on behalf of us, then they're going to be much more helpful. But until then, it's really theoretical, and I don't think we would be seeing any practical examples and use cases. Okay. That's really interesting to me. It's really still at the forefront of all of this stuff and still iterating quite heavily before we see it. Taking assistance jobs, whether that be executive or otherwise. I think from my experience, that's definitely the case right now. I haven't seen anything that can really justify by either the cost of a new product or really succeed in the ways that I would like it to, for whatever cost that might be, even sort of like a free model or an additional model onto something I already am paying for within the AI sphere.

Paul's Perspective on AI Assistance

Paul, what's your take on all this? Would love your take on the conversation so far, the definition of AI assistance to you. Have you had any experience in it and what that experience might be? Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I kind of disagree with it being said, but also I kind of agree of course, but I think it's actually taking over quite a lot already. I think it's going so smooth that a lot of people are noticing how a lot of positions are gone. I mean, every website has their own chatbot now. That actually helps you quite fast. And of course you often end up still talking with a person.

Shifting Paradigms of AI Integration

But how long is it before you're talking with an AI voice instead of a person? Right. You probably won't even notice half of the time when you're talking with an NI or there's a lot of integration already, I think in the backend that people don't notice. And from my personal experience, well, I mean, another thing that went super smooth, but I just realized myself, like I stopped using Google. I used chat GPT, like edit for almost everything. Now instead of asking Google something and get a whole list of random stuff and half of it is crap and even more is bigger crap because it's sponsored and some dude is good with his SEO. I asked chat GPT and it tells me exactly what I need to know.

AI in Daily Life

It gives me sources from exactly the things that I was looking for on that whole big list of Google searches. And yeah, I have a lot of friends of mine that don't work in web three that actually also do this already in their work. And then that combined with what was said already about the whole developer side of it, of course, designer side. I mean our design team is using AI tools that are incredible. It's mind blowing where a year ago you were in need of a motion designer and all these type of people in your design team, and now most of them are not needed anymore because an AI tool can just do it super quickly and quite in good quality. So yeah, I think it's going super fast.

The Advantages of AI

I think we're getting more and more used to it, using it on a daily basis without even being conscious about it and I'm all in for it. I really love it. It makes my life easier, it makes the life of my team easier, the life of the people I work with. So yeah, absolutely all for it. I love it. I love a bit of debate. I think disagreeing without being disagreeable is how we run these shows. I love a little bit of competition, a little bit of difference of opinion. Julian, your hand was raised. So I would love your take on the conversation. So far we've heard from all our incredible guest speakers already and it's already starting to cook.

Julian's Insight

Yeah, it was. I wanted to jump in response to something beta said, which again, one part, and I'd agree. One part, I disagree. But my point was zooming in on coding assistance, right. So I think lifestyle, and, you know, those lifestyle, productivity assistance will continue. I think it's going to be a very crowded space from a business perspective. In fact, I think that was one of the first areas of AI investments. I think from around two years ago we started seeing a lot of that. But I think the one that really blew my mind when the coding assistance came out and, well, from last year they've been.

Impact on Employment and Coding

I mean, with copilot it's been, you know, it's been used, but with Cursor, I think Jan later can speak of some of the really amazing shit she's been working on. But that actually, besides the fact that it impacts the lives of the coder, it actually changes market structures and it changes employment opportunities. And for now, the past, I would say the past six months, right, when friends are asking me whether I had a friend, actually that was her son was going into university and were just chatting about Aih. And I asked her, what did her son want to do, right? She said computer science.

Career Aspirations and AI

Then I made a face and she said, why do you make the face? I was like, because in my opinion, that's going to be the one that is most affected if you see what's been. I mean, if you compare how mid journey might disrupt the jobs or the ways that employment opportunities operate in, let's say, in the illustration space and artistic space. But for coding, this is even more, I would say, impactful in a bad way, because most people don't see the code, but everybody sees the art. So there is a matter of the audience having you like this or you don't like this, but the code is invisible, it's under the hood.

Future of Coding with AI

So I think AI systems, especially in the realm of coding, is going to change a lot of things, like how products are made. And recently I'm thinking that the junior coders or the younger coders of the day who just graduated, who've learned all your python and you're ready to enter the world and your competition might be a twelve year old with cursor. Yeah. So, yeah, honestly, this was something that went through my head immediately when I started using GPT was like, all of these things.

Upskilling and the Need for Coding

I was like, look, I should upskill X, Y and Z. I think coding's always been on a lot of people's minds. Like, you know, you see just how much of an impact it has on the world and it's like, okay, yes, maybe I do need a little bit more of a foundation, for whatever reason. I just, I think it's something maybe I'm projecting here, but it's something that people just, at least in one moment in time, just consider as, like, I should upskill in this area. And since chat GPT, I've been like, actually, I'm not too sure. I'm not sure the functionality is going to be required. A little bit like language learning, I think. Again, that's another thing where it's like, okay, but how quick are computers? How quick is AI going to support that in terms of, unless I'm going to move somewhere, where else, where the, you know, the language isn't X, Y or Z?

Technological Advancements and Its Impact

Like, am I really not going to be able to get by with, like, some of the technical, technological advancements that is currently coming through? And let's go over to Jen. We haven't heard from Jen yet, and you were just sort of called out by Julian for the cool shit that you're building. And then we'll throw the mic over to Paul for the rest of the speakers. At this point, we've heard from all of you. Incredible start to the conversation. We will open this up, we'll get a little organic. So if you want to come in, just give me an emoji, give me a hand raise, as Paul's currently doing, which you can do by just holding the little heart icon. It's the one at the very end. And I will get the mic straight over to you next. But first, Jen, how are you feeling about the conversation so far? How are you feeling about what Julian just mentioned?

Jen's Perspective

Oh, yeah. It's really interesting to see all the different perspectives that people have on this. I guess actually on my side, I'm more like the sort of the tech phobic tech guy who owns like a dot matrix printer and a gun to shoot it with if it starts acting screwy. But yeah, me and Julian were playing around with Cursor just the other day, and I hadn't actually used it until this point, and I managed to sort of code a mobile game in half an hour, which was kind of blew me away because I definitely wouldn't be able to do that without cursor. I guess probably the one place where there will still be jobs and there will still be a certain amount of alpha for humans. Going forward would be connecting up the components built by AI.

Challenges of AI Integration

So the AI is really good at writing stuff that can be contained within a single script. But if you want to attach that to, say, a MySQL database, and then you want to run it on your GCP platform and have a load balancer and so on, the AI is going to have more difficulty advising you to do that. I guess if your kid really wants to do computer science, get them into infrastructure as well. Wow. And realistically, how old would the kid have to be where AI isn't going to just figure out that scenario? It's flawed in currently, jen, like, are we talking five years into the future, ten years into the future? How. How much longevity do you think is in that sort of role?

Future of Computer Science roles

Oh, yeah. Well, it is tricky. I mean, I. I think that what we will need is really high functioning agents if we want them to manage infrastructure effectively and not sort of screw up your whole organization on a whim and coding, making an agent is exponentially more difficult than making a bot. So I think we do have a good few years left. Maybe the five year olds won't make the cut, but I guess probably the 15 year olds might make it through. Yeah. Those ones who are maybe just starting to consider, like, yeah, what is after school? What is after college? I love this. Love this conversation where it's gone already. This is genuinely, honestly, Kip shows are so fantastic for really getting into the nitty gritty of this sort of stuff.

Evolving Landscape of Work

And look, I'm really happy with the hand raisers already, so let's get over to Paul and then wham next. And look, take the conversation wherever you like. Boysenheid. Yeah, I mean, obviously I didn't want to jump into what was said just now, but I think it does align with that as well because my phone is crashing because bitcoin just passed. Sixty five k, and I get like, 20 notifications. I really need to turn that off. It's horrible. Sorry for that.

Importance of AI

But I really think it's important to notice how. How young AI is, right? Like, a year ago, barely anyone was using chat GBT. And if you were using it, half of it was crap and it didn't really help you out, really. It was like, it was more for the geeks and the nerds trying to figure it out and having fun with it. And, like, two years ago, nobody heard about the whole damn company ever, right? Like. And now I'm replacing people in marketing teams myself already because literally they have become, well, not useless because that's a harsh thing to say, but, like, we don't need them anymore.

Impact of AI on Employment

Right. I, as an example, we created an academy at reform where we have 15 chapters where people can learn all about crypto in general market making, about reform as a company, etcetera. And then we needed a quiz. And then after, like, playing around 30 minutes with this, with chat GBT, I made a whole thing where it creates this quiz for me in, like, minutes where one of my team members was working on for, like, half a day before because they were making it way too difficult for themselves. Right. That is happening more and more often. It's just a small example I'm thinking about, but it really makes a lot of work super easy, and it will replace a lot of people, actually.

The Fast-Paced AI Evolution

And I think seeing how quickly it's developing over the last six months and how strong it has become. I'm very. Curious to see where this goes. And you mentioned five to ten years. Let's watch one to two years. This is my brain. This is definitely where my brain is at. If you've been using chat GPT for even, I would say, six months to a year now. Leaps and bounds, this thing has gone on is kind of wild. It has backtracked a bit, though, as of recent. I don't know if you guys have noticed this, and it might be a bit too much of a tangent for this show, but there are questions I asked that used to get more effective answers than I get right now.

Redefining Educational Paths

I feel like there's something going on in the back end there. But anyway, while I'm throwing the mic over to you to come, you know, come to the conversation wherever you like here. The stuff about kids and what. What their career paths are going to be or what should they take up on when they grow up. One thing that I don't think it will go away. You mentioned computer science, so computer science is not the same thing as, okay, I'm just gonna learn to code. I would say these are two different people who just want to learn to code, like everybody. And right now, a lot of people want to learn to code to do something, especially when.

The Necessity of Computer Science Education

When you're not a software engineer. But if you want to be a software engineer, most likely the computer science field will be changed, but at the same time will be required in order for you to understand what the possibilities are. Let me give you a picture. You're a great chef, but you don't know your ingredients. So you have the talent, but you cannot cook properly. So it's the same thing. In order to cook properly, you need to put your tongue in different ingredients and see what that is like. So I see the computer science space or university, the same thing.

Adapting to the Dynamic Future

And I agree with, I think Julian said about one, two years. I don't know if you've guys seen what Sam Altman just posted, that we're entering the intelligence age, right? And that is something that we, right now, no matter how much we talk about it, cannot predict. It's like predicting what the iPhone market or the smartphone market will be in 2007. It's the same thing. People would say that was a threat, by the way, regarding the topic, a threat to desktops. Desktop usage has not gone down, but has not grown like mobile.

Evolution of Workspaces with Smart Technologies

Right. So we have desktops and now smartphones. And with AI, it is going to be the same thing. This is my. That's a great analogy, the mobile phone market. Yeah. I think, you know, without the apps that were built on top and everything else that came with that, you know, it was very much. Yeah, the iPhone market. Sorry. I think, yeah, it was very much unforeseen future that not many people predicted. I think Michael Saylor, ironically, as we're talking about bitcoin and its massive rise right now and the notifications pinging off, he was one of those people who assumed everyone would have one in their pocket and did quite well off that.

Reevaluating Education Structures

But anyway, getting back on track, what really interests me about this in terms of AI assistance, the growth that they're going to see, some of the way we can utilize this in all these different fields and how that is, meaning that the work within those fields is either reducing, scaled or improved, but in a way where you just don't need as many staff, maybe not zero, but definitely not as many people we then mentioned about, like kids and, you know, maybe we're talking 15 year olds right now. Maybe we're talking, you know, 18 year olds just about to go out to college.

AI and the Future of Higher Education

Is college the right path at this point with how quickly AI is adapting is my question, because my expectation is these things, you know, we call them red bricks in the UK and it's because they've basically been around for like over 100 years. I don't know if they have the infrastructure to adapt their education systems quick enough for the growth of AI in literally every field. I don't think we've ever experienced anything like what we're seeing with AI right now on the planet. And I guess my you know, my question to this is college a great idea right now?

Institutional Adaptability

Until these universities, these colleges, these areas actually step up and speed up. And to me, they've predominantly been the exact opposite of that. There have been some of the slowest to adapt in, you know, places on the planet. And you look at, you know, the Internet, boom, you look at anywhere else and you look at, like, how effective that was. I might be out to lunch on this, but I would not be telling my kids to go to college right now. Julian, your hand flew up on that one. And then, Paul, you did as well. So I'll throw this over to both of you.

Perspectives from the Panelists

Yeah, yeah. Quickly, Goldie, because we are, in the last couple of months, we've been on the sales frenzy because a lot of our business is selling to universities. And I would say the response first, okay, we started selling to universities from way back, since Jen founded AI consulting company from back in 2019. But I would say the response in 2022 and response now is wholly different in the sense that in 2022, it's like, what the hell are you trying to sell me? And in 2023 is, I already have chat GBT.

Financing Innovations

Why do I need any other kind of AI build? But now, the last couple of months, they are asking us the questions that, in a way, were trying to get them to ask us to complete their complete deaf years just, I would say, six, seven months ago. Now they're asking us the same questions, which is basically a very nice segue for us to pitch, actually, so. Oh, funny you should ask that. I have a slight just on that. Funny you should ask that. I have a demo just on this point.

Challenges of Educational Institutions

But the thing is, the institutions themselves are definitely extremely. They're not set up to be innovative. Universities are not set up to be innovative. They're set up to be, in a way, custodians or repositories of evergreen knowledge. Right. And I think what it's very clear, first, in terms of how this tech is being integrated in every single stack and how everything in, well, everything in their personal lives, they're starting to find the use cases of AI. And this last thing is, were at a education panel yesterday, and one of the panelists, I learned something from this, because he's an older gentleman.

The Transformation of Learning

So he said, it's been through a time when suddenly before where there were no mobile phones compared to when there were smartphones, and then compared to when the mobile Internet became, you know, the next thing about how students will definitely be interacting with them. And how canva is used in universities now in basically online available software. I mean, canva is widely used in universities now. So it's actually, they're not set up to be innovative, but the changes happening in society actually do get them actually through guys who are pitching them through their own lives, through the tech being integrated, every tech stack therefore affecting their own.

Hope for Innovations in Education

The professor's lives, educators lives, the provost's lives, the dean's lives, but also through us in the tech industry, selling stuff to them and telling them and sharing stuff with them. So, yeah, I think I'm hopeful because even in the last one year, they move faster than I thought they would. That's interesting. Yeah, it's like as long as there's someone there to hold their hands through this and maybe it is Kip, then that is, I guess then the question becomes, okay, how do college students identify the guys that are least open enough to, you know, understand that this isn't their area of expertise, nor has it ever been the genuine area of like, okay, we're going to adapt quickly.

Future Directions for Higher Education

That's just not for universities. But paul. And by the way, julian, I think this might be another topic for another day, but I think this is a really interesting conversation to go down. But paul, your hand was raised, so I'd love your take on all this. Yeah, I mean, I fully agree with julian. I just wanted to ask before I even, and before this whole thing, you, what is college to you? Because that's a different meaning on a lot of places in the world.

Clarifying Higher Education Terms

I have the feeling like, is that high school? Is that like university? University, yeah, university or college? I would say.

The Evolution of Education

Yeah, yeah, fair enough. Because it's like I can see people skipping university because you can learn, like if you go to like a communication bachelor or something, like you can learn all that stuff online in half the time. Right now I'm fully behind that. I think high school is hyper important for everyone. It gets you like a vast, how do you say, common sense of things in the world. It gets you, makes you understand how to socially interact with kids and that's super important, of course. But the funny thing is, my sister is actually the director, like the head of a primary school and they are already teaching kids in the last few, how do you say like classes before you go to high school, how to utilize things like chat GBT, because it's such a standard that they're like, yeah, the kids already work on computers and iPads and stuff, so let's just make sure they understand how AI tools and AI assistants work so they can leverage that. And I think it's super interesting because it does require the school system to change the way how they do things, which is what Julian just mentioning, which they are actually quite quickly adapting to.

Concerns About Traditional Skills

I do think it's also scary because you see, for example, there was a whole research in the Netherlands, I'm based in the Netherlands, where they asked kids to read the clock, not the one on your phone, but the one on the wall, and they couldn't anymore because they never learned how to do that because they see time on their phone instead of with the two legs on the clock. And it's the same with language, right? Like, why would you learn another language? Or why would you learn how to write a specific language in a proper way? When you have your Google or your word document already, making sure your grammar is fine? And now, especially with AI tools and AI overlap, like Grammarly, making sure that it's perfect, why would you learn grammar? But that does concern me a little bit, and I think that's the danger of AI assistance as well, to put the conversation at a different angle, I guess.

The Role of AI in Education

Yeah, that is super interesting. Like, do we continue to use our brains effectively if there's something to do or thinking for us? Like, and especially at that, like, school level, like being taught at primary school, is there actually some sort of duty of care that teachers need to have to say, no, you shouldn't do that? Because, like, cognitively, this, these are our most important years, and if we just let something do the thinking for that, like, that's an AI takeover. I haven't considered where it just does it because. Because it feels like WAll e if anyone's seen Disney, where you have those big chairs and like it just, like, the really obese adults who just literally have think for them, entertain for them, feed them all of those things. So, yeah, that's fascinating. Somewhere we should definitely envision, I'm thinking this is a whole different topic, though, because today we have titled this AI assistance takeover.

Engaging in the Discussion

So I do want to bring that back on track, but I would love to have some of the speakers back today who are passionate about this one and dive into the future for education systems. Lisa, to get us back on track. And maybe before we do that, actually, let's go to the likes and the retweets for the listeners. So if you haven't already and you enjoying the conversation today, let's get the likes and the retweets out here. Definitely follow the people up on stage. These are some of the foremost experts in web three in AI. And they're giving you this experience for free today, every hour. And honestly, this is something we do on the regular, so definitely worth a follow, if you haven't already.

Surprising Uses of AI

But what are. Lisa, what are some of surprising uses of AI assistance that people might not be aware of in this show? Like, are there any areas that are, you know, even made you scratch your head a little bit and go, oh, wow. Like, even though I picked it, AI solving so many things, this wasn't one of them. One that I've recently heard of is that there is AI assistant to identify how cats. It's a cat pain detection kind of AI. So it basically relies on photos of cats where they study like, the whiskers, eyelids, ears and nose, etcetera, and they feed it to a scoring system to measure the differences between healthy cats and I, those suffering in pain. And that also applies to, like, a recent app developed on the same platform that's for, like, penis recognition. So it can also detect health levels of the penis as well.

Humor in AI Discussions

I did not think were going there. I am all for it. I don't know what that says about me, Lisa, but I'm going to keep going down this path. Does that also mean dick pics may be a thing of the past with AI? I feel like it definitely does. That may be. Yeah, like imagination. Yeah. Like, I'm just thinking, look, if it can detect the health of a penis, it most definitely can detect a penis itself. So hopefully this will mean less dick pics in our future, people. I think we're all looking forward to that future. So there is definitely. Oh, my goodness. Like, in terms of how surprised I thought I could be from that question, you really kicked it off. So I just, I want to commend you for that.

Exploring AI Capabilities

You did ask for an unexpected use case of an AI existence. I guess you get what you asked for. You know, Julian, honestly, Kip, have just literally in that moment, become one of my favorite wild cards for questions. I have. Julian, have you got any takes on this? Like, I. Because I know you well enough now, we've been doing shows for a little while where I know you have a one upman within your, like, one upmanship in your cards. So I would love to know how you're going to possibly beat this one. No, I would just say that in our office, we like to test the boundaries of a lot of the models out there. And so far, we have succeeded in test, I mean, Jen's favorite hobby, and she got me onto it was breaking gut rails.

Challenges in AI Development

Right. Because all the centralized models have gut rails. So, like, mid journey wouldn't do certain pictures. Right. And or chat GPT wouldn't say certain things. So one of our favorite, it's that if you're talking of one upmanship, then, yes, that's a very, very healthy activity within our office, in which you said, okay, look, I broke this. You know, it sucks. And then they come up with something better, and then it's all dei now. So it's like, it's kind of hard for it to say politically incorrect stuff. Yeah. But I guess it's, yeah. Lisa has been checking up on the competition. I think she's trying to give one of us an edge in, you know, one ambition, trying to break this thing, trying to get it to do, like, stuff it's not supposed to.

Personal Experiences with AI

Jen, your back. Yeah. I love this. I love that this is part of the culture at Kip as well. Jen, what's the best version of this you've managed to do? How have you broken something for utter hilarity so far where you're just like, oh, I've got to show Julian this right now. This is hilarious. Oh, God. That, that would require things that I would hesitate to describe in public. So one thing that we did find out is you run stable diffusion, it's not great at naked men, and what it puts in the place of the part that it's not allowed to draw is, frankly, horrifying. Hr giger creations.

Nightmares from AI Experimentation

So, yeah, that was my favorite so far. Oh, my God. My brain is absolutely, you know what? To have this conversation a week after Singapore, by the way, where, like, jet lag is probably rife through many of us. My dreams have been very vivid since the jet lag, so I feel like you guys have just given me all sorts of nightmares to look forward tonight. Appreciate that, appreciate that. To maybe get back on track and hopefully, you know, avoid some of the nightmares are there. You know, I think we talked about the challenges earlier and the data access.

Data Privacy Concerns

Lisa, you know, was one point that I found really interesting, actually, something that I, I guess I considered, but I guess I also ignored, purely down to, how do I say this? Without coming across as a bum? I guess just, like, super lazy on my part. You know, I was like, oh, it does have my data, but also it gives me, like, this ability to just be lazier. So I would love to know, and maybe let's get Wham. Involved in this. Let's get Paul involved in this. Also, what do you believe the biggest dangers are to AI assistance in both a professional setting, in a personal setting.

Understanding Dangers of AI

Is there anything that we really should be wary of talking to these AI assistants about or getting sort support in? Or is it really like if you've got nothing to hide, then you can ask this thing anything? So maybe let's go Wham. Let's go Paul. And then we'll go Lisa back on this one. The first thing I would think right now is like assistance will be from a business perspective, would be trained and used for a specific business. Right. In order to get an edge, to get more stuff done, more accurate, to get more insight on the vertical and whatnot.

Potential Risks in AI Usage

There are many use cases. One of the dangers I see is it having access, actually it's the other way around. Bad actors having access to it, to the assistant without the knowledge of the owner, for instance. Owner is nothing the right word because it's not a pet or whatnot. But that is, let's say business sensitive data, also personal data. If you train your assistants, let's say you're working with sensitive data, medical data or financial data, and that gets out. Right. Let's say you've been to, for a while and somebody has access in some sort of way to it and basically steals all your mojo.

Concerns About Data Security

This is the thing that I am mostly thinking about right now, but I'm very curious. What are other speakers? Yeah, no, that makes a lot of sense. I think it's been abundantly clear that even the biggest companies on the planet who, you know, like if you know about security, your protocols, GDPR, these sort of things, like they get huge fines for not getting this right as well. It's not like it's just about, you know, morality when it comes to keeping people's data safe. It's also very much in line with like financial costs, can really honestly bankrupt businesses in the biggest versions of this.

Navigating AI Challenges

And if they can't get this right, I do have those concerns when it comes to security. It comes into those sort of questions and the answers that you come across. Look, people using this stuff to, you know, like basically be an ad hoc psychiatrist and psychologist like this. But so it really, yeah, that's a great take, Paul. Have you got any other takes on this? Are there any areas you're specifically concerned around when all the challenges that are still around AI assistance? It's difficult to say. I don't think necessarily, I mean, obviously I said that the whole educational thing of course is one that's a bit of a downfall.

Conflict Over Data Ownership

I think what was mentioned now with data is always one as well. I mean, for me, data, I do a couple spaces every week and I host some, and it's often a conversation, of course. And I think data is one of these things where I'm a bit conflicted there, because I think, very honestly, looking at the world right now, we are, all of us here right now are already 0.001% of the people that might potentially care and might potentially be interested in some deep in solution where you can actually own your own data, sell it, and it's not like 99% of the people click yes on the cookies without even thinking about it anyway.

Awareness and Regulation

And they will never change because they couldn't care less. Right. So I don't think it's a big risk or it's a big downfall because all of that is already happening anyway. But, yeah, so I'm always a bit torn between those two. Like, is it a problem? Should we make it better? Should we? Of course. I think regulation is good there. What you mentioned, right? Companies getting big fines because they don't get their stuff right. I think that's the only solution that we need to have. And for the rest, yeah. For us who are involved that much and we want to take it in our own hands, fine.

The Future of AI Assistance

But I don't see a lot of people in the world actually doing that. Okay, that is very fair and let's get into the exciting and stuff. And again, listeners, if you haven't shown the support already, this is definitely the big time to get some of your friends in here. So let's get the likes and retweet out the room for one final time. And again, follow those people, if you haven't already up on stage right now, this has been just incredible takes. I've absolutely loved this and really appreciate all the guest speakers and the KIPP team for putting this all together. It's been a great fun.

Exciting Opportunities in AI

Paul, when I say the most exciting thing to talk about, what are the most exciting opportunities on the horizon for all of this? When it comes to AI assistance, AI personal and professional use, is there any area that you're super excited to see develop and improve, especially when we just talked earlier about, you know, really it's a one or two year time horizon, it's not a five to ten year. Well, in general, I'm a very big fan about AIH providing solutions. I'm very curious to find out which personal little problem that we have as people will be easily solved by an AI tool. I think, you know, always if you look at history, the biggest things that, the things that impacted us the most were the things we never saw coming, right.

Rapid Development of Administrative Solutions

Within a year we're all going to be using. It is like a standard which we never thought about before, but I think the development is hyper fast and that's very interesting to see. I think there's a lot coming when it comes to the ease of administrative work, the ease of in general, I would say, doing your taxes and all that. I can see a lot of solutions there. But yeah, I think more in general. I have a couple other examples, but that's more AI in general, not really assistance, I guess. So I don't want to dive into much there, but yeah, I find it hard to say what I'm looking forward to. I'm already using it on a daily basis. I like that a lot. And curious to see how it evolves. Evolves and gets better along the way.

Future of AI in Gaming

I'll stick to the lane that I'm in and that is gaming. And this is where we've been paddling for quite a while. Like how is gaming and especially gaming with blockchain going to be transformed? What is playing games in this area gonna look like? What are the NPC's gonna look like? Is the NPC gonna be my friend, my assistant? Can I send them to do battles for me? Not like the usual bots, like the actual, let's say, thinking machines, right. Or just go round about and walk the digital dog at the same time. How fast will games be developed? What are the. What is the artwork gonna look like? Can I have an indie game studio that is comprised out of assistants? One that codes really well, for instance, a certain type of HTML five games or native games, and the other one just produces the graphics in the right format and in the right sizes after it has been trained, and some other guy already.

AI and Community Feedback

I call them guy, right? Or girl. Right. That figures out the tone of the game, the music and whatnot. Collects feedback from the community and inputs this. I'm a bit excited about what I said I know it's a stretch right now, but a year ago a lot of the things that we have today were a huge stretch. So the advancements and the progress is exponential. And this is what I am most excited about. And by the way, im excited about bitcoin going to 65k. So. Yeah, me too. Me too. I definitely am excited about that last part plus all of the rest of it. The gaming side. We had someone on the show a couple of weeks ago talking about how NPC's are going to develop, how worlds are going to develop and these sort of things.

AI Potential and Human Interaction

It really does feel like AI. No matter what, which way you shape it's got the potential to do some really cool stuff that is really going to change how we live even in that shorter time horizon, that two to five years, I think. Paul, you came off mute maybe for a second there. Did you have any additional. I love the idea of gaming because it's something that a lot of people don't think about. But the ability of AI to hyper quickly basically adjust an NPC based on your personal gaming experience, your cookies, basically. I would love to see that. I think it's amazing because you start shaping your own perfect game in every game you play. Think about a minecraft or something. That's going to be insane.

Concerns of AI Advancements

But at the same time it's going. To be dangerous because why would you ever need PvP? Why would you ever any human interaction or interaction with other humans playing the same game? Because probably the AI is interacting way better than any human would ever be or way better to what you like to see and hear. Right. And so, yeah, I think it also comes with a lot of dangers and it's never really AI, it's never really artificial, that it really lifts or something. But I do think it's so hyper smart and developing itself that. That it's. That it's. Yeah, it can be dangerous as well. Very interesting.

Social Interaction and AI

Very interesting. Yeah, I'm with you on that. I think my hope, and it is pure hope, you, I will admit to this, is that like it will still have a sense of like how important social interaction is for humans. So maybe it will just be able to identify people that it does have conversations with in the gaming world, in the normal world. Whatever it might be like, look, you guys are going to really get on. Let's maybe like set up something where it actually can just identify personalities in a way that it makes it easier for socialization with those actual human beings as well because of the necessity of that thing.

Final Thoughts on AI Development

But as I said I could be pure hopium. Look, guys, this has been an incredible conversation. Really appreciate everybody who's come up today. We only got a couple minutes left of the space, so what I'd love to do. Lisa, I'll throw you the mic. Are there any final thoughts from you on, you know, as AI continues to develop, any really exciting opportunities on the horizon for personal or professional use? And then I will leave it up to you guys to who wants to speak on Kip's behalf to give any milestones, any updates, anything at all, to the end of the show.

Enhancing AI in Education

Yeah, sure. Thank you, Jack. So I just wanted to chime into what Paul saying earlier. An area that I think could really enhance the use of AI is the educational stream that were looking into. A lot of these uses for AI, I feel, is overtaking and streamlining a lot of pieces of life, daily life, that we're used to. But if we enhance the ability for us as humans to learn, I feel like we can actually use the AI to help us improve. That is one way that I feel can continue to develop like the human nature and keep us on the top of the game, per se. So I'm looking forward to ways where I can use the AI to attune to how I learn, how I consume information to help me kind of conform that into bite sized chunks that I can.

Future of AI in Daily Life

I can. That can be of use to me, whether it be in textbooks or lectures and etcetera. So there should be a lot of innovative ways coming down that pipeline. And I really look forward to that. And I'll end my piece by saying that there is a joke I heard that AI will never fully replace humans in a human run society because we will always need someone to go to jail when something goes wrong. Very true. Yeah. Who's that fault? Like, we can't just blame the AI. That would be a weird scenario. AI jail.

Excitement About Upcoming Events

Yeah. And on that note, CZ is coming on in four days. CZ, come save our bags. Yeah, save our bags, Cz. Julian, you've come off mute, so I'm gonna throw the mic over. I just wanted to express my excitement at CZ coming on in four days. That's really. Me too, Hobie. Me too. But because you got to express that excitement, you also get to round off the show. Yeah. Okay. Okay. No, no, I want to give it. Let our guests also, you know, talk about their projects a little bit.

Project Updates and Future Steps

So, anyway, tip is we are going to be launching OCU probably this month. We're going to be in Argentina for tech forum at the Preston Malay supported event. A lot of things are happening in October for us this coming month, including some big launches, possibly the biggest launch yet. So I'll just leave it as that, please. I'd love for guests to round off our space. Thank you. I love that, Julian. That's so nice. So yeah, wham. Let's throw it over to you first and then we'll go to Paul.

Highlights of Upcoming Developments

Any milestones, any updates, anything you'd like our listeners to know about wham before we end the show today? Oh man. Really, really excited. We're going to finish our wham farm, which is our growth tool and we're going to start pushing our vampires collection and AI node assistance. Actually, node assistant is not right. Node validators. So with these, just in a short nutshell, we're going to secure the platform in a way that will allow us to be more autonomous. This is on the roadmap for Q four. We've been cooking all year round.

Future Collaboration Opportunities

Czechos is waited to come out and dust his shoes and pump the bags, but the industry goes on and we're really excited. I love it. I love it. And Paul, same question over to you. I don't know if you want to speak on behalf of reform or on behalf of yourself, but would love to know any updates, any milestones, anything at all that the listeners might want to know before we end the show. Yeah, I'm never a big fan of Schilling in spaces, right. But let me take the opportunity to invite Julian and the rest of the team there to an open conversation to see how we can make Kipp even better.

Networking and Synergy Discussion

Maybe in a form of some sort of a partnership. I love to see if there are synergies going on. I mean, reform is a market maker. We're the one out there who's actually not screwing you over like the other market makers in the space. Yes, I just said that. I know, but yeah, we're out there, so yeah, let's connect and let's see what we can do together. Instead of me promoting reform here, let's do it. And you did a great job of promoting reform here.

Closing Remarks on the Conversation

Yeah. Love it. There we go. Look again. I just want to thank all you guys. It's been an incredible show. I really genuinely have enjoyed it. Always do with Kip, always do with these sort of shows. But wham. Paul, you've been incredible too. And Vader, I know they had to hop off, but they were fantastic. And so thank you so much, kid protocol. Thank you to all of our listeners. Who've tuned in. Thank you to our new guests, Lisa, but also Julian and Jenkin, for always bringing both the education and the humor.

Appreciation and Future Conversations

You know, I always love a comedy nerd. I put myself under that category as well. So really love this. And, yeah, let's continue to just host these incredible shows. Thank you so much, and we'll catch you all next time.

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