Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space explored the dynamic realm of web3 gaming, unveiling upcoming projects and fostering collaborations within the gaming community. The discussion emphasized engaging with the audience, dropping hints about exciting launches, and showcasing the evolving landscape of web3 gaming technology. Participants were encouraged to stay connected across platforms, affirming the continuous growth and innovation potential within the gaming sector. The space concluded by inviting enthusiasts to join future conversations and contribute to the thriving web3 gaming ecosystem. After-Events: Turning Connections into Deals. (?,?), Networking Conferences Web3 Strategy Connections Professional


Q: What were some of the exciting product launches discussed in the space?
A: The space discussed upcoming product launches and project updates within the web3 gaming sector.

Q: How were collaborations and partnerships emphasized during the conversation?
A: Collaborations and partnerships were highlighted as crucial for driving innovation within the gaming space.

Q: Why is community engagement considered crucial for project success?
A: Community engagement is vital for project success as it fosters support, feedback, and a sense of community around the gaming projects.

Q: What type of pre-launch activities and announcements were hinted at during the space?
A: Teasers and hints about pre-launch activities, upcoming announcements, and future collaborations were shared during the conversation.

Q: How was the evolution and future of web3 gaming portrayed in the discussion?
A: The discussion portrayed the evolving nature and future prospects of web3 gaming, showcasing its ongoing development and innovation.

Q: What was the main message regarding the active nature of web3 gaming development?
A: The space emphasized the active and evolving nature of web3 gaming development, indicating continuous growth and advancements.

Q: How can community members stay connected and engaged with the projects?
A: Community members were encouraged to stay engaged and connected through various platforms to remain updated and contribute to the gaming projects.

Q: What sentiments were shared regarding the growth potential of web3 gaming?
A: There was a shared belief in the growth potential and technological advancements within the web3 gaming space, highlighting its promising future.

Q: How was ongoing communication and updates with th…
A: A commitment to ongoing communication and updates with the community was emphasized, ensuring transparency and engagement with the audience.


Time: 00:08:32
Discussion on Turning Connections into Deals, Introduction to the main topic of making the most out of events in Web3.

Time: 00:10:27
Insights from Professional Networkers, Emphasis on the art of navigating events and optimizing time.

Time: 00:18:26
Importance of Recent Valuable Connections, Sharing stories of valuable connections made at recent events.

Time: 00:25:23
Value of Network in Business Development, The significance of a strong network in adding value to jobs.

Time: 00:31:04
Creative Ways to Get Attention, Offering constructive criticism as a way to engage key players.

Time: 00:34:26
Tailoring Pitches for Different Audiences, Importance of knowing your audience and shaping your pitch accordingly.

Time: 00:44:18
Networking Strategy at Events, Discussing the approach of connecting with both new and existing contacts.

Time: 00:49:37
Daily Networking in Virtual Spaces, Encouraging daily networking and treating virtual spaces like ongoing conferences.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights into upcoming product launches and project updates in the web3 gaming sector.
  • Highlighted collaborations and partnerships for driving innovation in gaming.
  • Emphasis on community engagement and feedback for project success.
  • Teasers and hints about pre-launch activities and future announcements.
  • Discussion on the evolution and prospects of web3 gaming for the future.
  • Recognition of the active and evolving nature of web3 gaming development.
  • Encouragement for community members to stay engaged and connected through various platforms.
  • Belief in the growth and potential of web3 gaming technology.
  • Commitment to ongoing communication and updates with the community.
  • Invitation to participate in future discussions and events related to web3 gaming advancements.

Behind the Mic

I want to throw it over to Benjamin and also Jorge or whoever else wants to jump in here on this one. When you guys are going to these type of events, are you prioritizing more connecting with current connections that you have maybe online, and really trying to prioritize meeting those people in person? Or are you putting a little bit more priority on going out and meeting brand new people that you may have no connection with at all and really trying to scale up your database of connections? What do you guys prioritize? Let's throw it over to Benjamin first, and then maybe if Jorge wants to jump in on this. So I have two answers to the question. It depends on what company I'm working with. So now it's obviously my consultancy agency. So it's kind of like a one track mind. So at this point in my life, I would be only focusing on new leads, but also trying to go for like the meeting up at side events with friends and like other people in the industry who I know and like kind of bolstering those relationships. But when it goes to when it comes like going to the event, trying to connect with people in specific, I'm building a strategy for new people. Whereas three months ago, I would be going to an event with a team, so everyone has their part to play at that point. So we would have kind of like top level bd guys going in and trying to find new leads, and then C suite, which would be kind of like me and my co founders. We would be going in and trying to like Bolster and continue relationships with people we already are connected with. Now, if, and I'll use a very specific example, I was supposed to be meeting with the some of the c level guys at Hedera. We didn't have any connection prior, but before meeting with them, I would have done pre meetings, tried to get some alignment on some concepts that we were trying to pitch to them before. Then all teed up, ready to go. So that when we actually have our one on one meeting, I know what I'm talking about. They know what we're talking about. We don't have to spend too much time chatting about stuff that is unnecessary. We can just get straight to the point, have a great meeting, and then continue those conversations afterwards. So for me personally right now, I'm definitely going after new leads, but I'm also trying to bolster those relationships, and that's the biggest value for me at this point. Yeah, thanks, man. Actually, so for us at ancient eight, there's typically always two to three people from our BD team that are going to these events, and I think we prioritize both. Definitely the people that we're talking to online, whether it's on discord and telegram, twitter, et cetera, et cetera, we always try and get them in in person, right? Because nothing really beats having an in person conversation and really giving you more insight, more and more insight on their project, what they're building, how we can help, and what we can do together, right? So definitely prioritizing that. But of course, when we're coming in and we see a big team, you know, we try and build our pipeline of leads, both partners and investors, right? So definitely going about, you know, whether it's side events, networking events, flying to other events or different places to meet with different projects, it's always beneficial for us to build our pipeline. Yeah, I'm a big fan of Twitter DM's. I feel like if we're arriving to an event like a week before, I'm constantly on there, and there's probably like four cold messages that are being sent out a day. And I think the conversion rate on it is actually pretty great. I personally appreciate when partners reach back out and quote, unquote, annoy me a little bit. That is actually super helpful because a lot of the time, like you said, we actually do want to work these partnerships. It's just a matter of timing and how we can get to it. So, you know, that's, that's super helpful. Just be, you know, kind, creative, and reach out. That's awesome. Let me throw in a little bit more for Benjamin. Let's get everyone's opinion here. Uh, when you're at the events, are there any specific tactics or strategies or even activities that you're doing that's helping you prioritize your connections and build new ones? I'll start with Benjamin. Definitely have a strategy, like whoever's set up to go to the event, I mean, we'll have like a shared calendar. So obviously if things overlap, we can improvise, but having a shared calendar and like as we kind of approach the date of the event, making sure that we all have our meetings set up and we don't have too much overlap is very important. For me personally, I'm connecting with either people from Instagram who are in the industry, just being like Hey guys, I'm in this city. Do you know anyone that I can connect with that's relevant to what I'm doing? Twitter, Linkedin, obviously just posting it on stories, people hit up and see the location you're at. So having that visibility is super, super beneficial to me. But I think the strategy is having a clear objective of who you're trying to meet, what you're trying to accomplish at the event and just having visibility throughout your content. And the biggest value that I see is just social media showing people that you're there, acting with the people that are in the room, and trying to scope out how we can better impact and ultimately just execute what you're trying to get out of that event. But yeah, sharing, sharing who's going to be there, making sure who's at what event, and everybody's aligned. Yeah, we have a similar methodology as far as like planning out your kind of like our event strategy or who we're gonna go meet at events, whether it's partners or investors or both. Separately, you know, another thing that we like to do is typically, like Benjamin said, we also have a shared calendar, but for the projects and for the people that we really, really want to engage on a deeper level, we always note down the addresses and locations and things like that of the events that our teammates are going to or that we're going to separately because sometimes at these large scale events, many events are kind of packed into a two day or three day schedule. So you need to make sure you're attending side events and networking events. And you know, typically these events kind of go on from the start of the morning till the wee hours of the night. So definitely trying to prioritize a few things like that. And if our XI labs team goes, for example, they generally make sure that let's say a cold outreach with an investor. We're not sending, we're not all sending cold messages to this investor. Our crypto BD lead, for example, he will be sending out any cold messages to investors where he's the key point to that gate. So that way, there is no overlap and we're making sure we're strategically targeting our key investors and partners and engaging them at these events. So let's go back to nfts a little bit. We've got we've got Lior up here. Lior wanted to weigh in on what you guys are working on over at Hellman's. Yeah, sure. Thanks, Justin. So we're also a gaming company. So I just wanted to follow up on some of the points in the discussion today. First, as a company, we've been working for the last two and a half years. We have eight games which are already live. But for these games, there are already thousands of players every day. They are all free to play, and we're monetizing them based on engagement and based on in game item sales. So that part has been going well. And in the last year and a half, we actually created another set of games which are focused on using in game item ownership through Nfts and in general, trying to see where we can build, generate additional revenue streams for the company. What we've done very recently is actually close a series b investment for the company to try and get more games out and to fund our continued development. The fact that the market has been down has created some interesting challenges, so we essentially had to show a product market fit for free to play gaming, but in addition to that, we continue to progress on more games and primarily creating more relationships with companies such as Mitsubishi, DHL, and other brands that are looking to engage with younger audiences. So that's a very new area for us, just continuing to focus on that. And in the coming months, we're actually going to be launching what I believe is going to be the first insurance game on the blockchain, just as another use case. So we have a very innovative approach to gaming, and we are very happy to be creating new relationships and seeing how other people are building and their insights. So thank you for having me on this space. I'm grateful for it. A real pleasure hearing everything that all of you have been working on, and exciting to see and hear where everybody is at with their developments. Very exciting stuff, especially from everybody here. But that's it for today. Let's keep this conversation going. Keep those requests on stage, ladies and gentlemen. And I'll keep bringing people up. But first of all, we got a lot of more people from the family here on stage. Let's keep the conversation flowing. I know we've got another person from the Helma family up on stage as well. Pete, we'd love to hear some thoughts on this from you too. Yeah, absolutely. Thanks for having me up. And so, yeah, to build on what Ler and Benjamin said, the focus of our innovation right now is really kind of blending in game ownership, to like in game value creation and so what we're kind of focusing with any brand in any company that we're working with is to help them understand how games can be both a way to engage younger users and monetize in a completely different way by helping them own assets that are connected to your company's brand. We're also looking at creating new and innovative partnerships with companies that traditionally wouldn't think of gaming as a way to engage. So we're very excited about the opportunity in gaming right now. All right, let's keep the conversation moving. I want to hear from all the projects on stage here on what you guys are working on. But I also want to make sure that we're keeping this conversation flowing appropriately. So I'm going to throw it over to Jorge to see if he has any thoughts he wants to add here. Jorge, welcome. Yeah, I think the other point as well is, you know, with the market being down, it's been a great opportunity for us to build. Obviously, it's not the best situation to be in now, but it's been a great testing point for us and a great opportunity for us to focus on building, thinking about what happens when the market goes up. So we've essentially been focusing on product market fit and working on things like marketing and post product launch support just to make sure that when things do turn around, we're ready for it. Yeah, I think what you just said there really resonates with me because it's, it's definitely hard to build in a down market. And then and I don't know if everybody on the stage has this experience, but you know, when the market does turn around, it does seem like your level of preparation is going to be what makes all the difference between a successful project and one that may fall short. So let me swing it over to Pete again, because what you're saying is right in line with that. Yeah, I second a lot of those sentiments. Definitely feel like it is a time to build the grind. And it's where you probably end up building a stronger connection with teams as well. Right, and it's great to be in the stage with you all. I think everything has been great points so far. I'll share just a little bit about what we're working on as well. So as an industry leader, we are building new technology to really enhance the user experience for gaming. Our primary focus right now is on building new and engaging gameplays that utilize blockchain technology to create more immersive experiences for players. We're currently developing a new set of games that will allow in game trading and ownership of items through Nfts. These games will provide new revenue streams for gamers, and we are excited to be rolling out these new features in the coming months. We believe that the use of blockchain in gaming is still in its early days, and we're very excited about the potential for growth in this area. So yeah, looking forward to that and seeing how it all unfolds. Awesome stuff. So on that note, I want to take it back to Justin and get some of his insights as well, if you have anything to add here. Thanks for the awesome insights. It's always great to hear different perspectives from everybody involved in the space. But yeah, so on that note, let's keep the conversation going strong. I want to move on to a different topic here. So we've talked about building in the bear market. I want to talk about what's next for all these projects when the market does pick back up. We've already said a bit of it, but I want to get a little deeper into those strategies. Let's go ahead and swing that over to Jorge. So we are focusing a lot on decentralized gaming. We think that blockchain technology and Nfts provide a unique opportunity for gamers to own their in game assets and create real world value from them. So as we move into the next phase of market growth, we are planning to launch multiple new games that leverage these technologies to provide more engaging and rewarding experiences for players. We are also exploring partnerships with major gaming companies to bring more mainstream attention to blockchain gaming and help drive mass adoption. Exciting stuff as always, Jorge. And speaking of partnerships, I know we have some great strategic partnerships coming up as well. So on that note, I want to turn it over to Benjamin to hear about any new partnerships or projects you're excited about. Yes, we're actually working on a very exciting partnership with a major technology company to develop a new set of games that will use advanced AI and machine learning to create more personalized and dynamic gaming experiences. We believe that these new technologies will revolutionize the gaming industry and provide players with more engaging and immersive experiences. So we're really looking forward to sharing more about this in the coming months. Let's go ahead and hear a quick round of news bites from everybody. We'll start with Benjamin then move to Jorge. That all sounds fantastic, Benjamin. We're working on rolling out some new features as well. Namely, we're looking at integrating more AR and VR into our games to create more immersive experiences for our players. So we'll have a few announcements about that in the next few months as well. It's going to be an exciting time for sure. We're really pumped about the future of these technologies in gaming, and we can't wait to see how they evolve. All right, folks, it's been an exciting and insightful conversation. As we wind down, I want to thank our speakers for their valuable insights and participation. Thank you to everyone who joined us today. Let's keep this conversation going on our official channels. Please follow us on social media and stay tuned for more updates and events. We'll be back next month with more exciting news and developments. Until then, keep exploring the future of gaming and blockchain. Have a great day, everyone! Bye.

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