Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space #Africanyouth | Inondation du Mali au Niger en passant par le Tchad hosted by CheickIbtidiani. The Twitter space delved into the strategic importance of energy infrastructure and renewable energies in Mali, Niger, and Chad, emphasizing the empowerment of African youth for sustainable development. Discussions highlighted the need for cross-border collaboration, education programs, and innovative policies to drive the growth of the energy sector in Africa. The session underscored the potential of digital technologies, entrepreneurship, and sustainability principles in shaping a resilient energy landscape for the region.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.


Q: Why is empowering African youth crucial for the energy sector in Mali, Niger, and Chad?
A: Youth involvement fosters innovation, sustainability, and economic growth.

Q: What are the main challenges faced in implementing renewable energy projects in Africa?
A: Lack of funding, policy support, and infrastructure are significant hurdles.

Q: How can cross-border collaboration benefit the energy sector in African nations?
A: Sharing expertise and resources can optimize energy production and distribution.

Q: What role do digital technologies play in advancing energy access in Mali, Niger, and Chad?
A: Digital innovations improve efficiency, monitoring, and remote access to energy systems.

Q: Why are entrepreneurship opportunities important for African youth in the renewable energy field?
A: Entrepreneurship fosters job creation, innovation, and localized solutions.

Q: How can sustainability be ensured in renewable energy projects in Mali, Niger, and Chad?
A: Adopting eco-friendly practices, community engagement, and long-term planning are key.

Q: What strategies can be implemented to address infrastructure gaps in the region?
A: Public-private partnerships, investment incentives, and capacity-building programs are essential.

Q: What are the benefits of investing in clean energy for economic development in Africa?
A: Clean energy investments spur economic growth, reduce dependency on fossil fuels, and mitigate climate change.

Q: How can education and training programs contribute to a skilled workforce in the energy sector?
A: Education equips individuals with technical skills, promotes innovation, and ensures industry sustainability.

Q: Why are innovative policies and incentives critical for renewable energy adoption?
A: Incentives drive investment, technological advancement, and regulatory alignment for renewable energy projects.


Time: 00:15:45
Youth Empowerment in Energy Sector Exploring the role of African youth in driving innovation and sustainability in the energy industry.

Time: 00:30:12
Renewable Energy Initiatives Discussing the impact of renewable energy projects on environmental conservation and energy security.

Time: 00:45:29
Cross-Border Collaboration for Energy Growth Highlighting the benefits of cooperation among African nations for sustainable energy development.

Time: 01:00:05
Entrepreneurship in Renewable Energy Examining how entrepreneurship can empower African youth to lead in the renewable energy sector.

Time: 01:15:20
Digital Technology for Energy Access Showcasing the transformative role of digital solutions in enhancing energy availability and efficiency.

Time: 01:30:40
Sustainable Energy Practices Emphasizing the importance of sustainability measures in energy projects for long-term benefits.

Time: 01:45:55
Infrastructure Development Challenges Addressing the obstacles related to inadequate infrastructure for successful renewable energy implementation.

Time: 02:00:10
Economic Impact of Clean Energy Investments Exploring how clean energy funding can stimulate economic growth and job opportunities in Africa.

Time: 02:15:25
Education and Training for Energy Sector Highlighting the significance of education programs in building a skilled workforce for the energy industry.

Time: 02:30:50
Policy Innovation in Renewable Energy Discussing the role of policies and incentives in driving renewable energy adoption and market growth.

Key Takeaways

  • Empowering African youth in the energy sector is paramount for sustainable development in Mali, Niger, and Chad.
  • Renewable energy initiatives are crucial to combatting environmental challenges in the region.
  • Collaboration and knowledge sharing among African nations are vital for energy sector growth.
  • Investing in clean energy projects can drive economic prosperity and job creation for the youth.
  • Education and training programs play a key role in fostering a skilled workforce for the energy sector.
  • Innovative policies and incentives are needed to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy solutions.
  • Digital technologies can enhance energy access and efficiency in Mali, Niger, and Chad.
  • Entrepreneurship opportunities in renewable energy can empower African youth to drive change.
  • Sustainability and inclusivity are core principles in advancing the energy sector in Africa.
  • Addressing infrastructure gaps is essential for the successful implementation of renewable energy projects.

Behind the Mic

Kisipas and Solidarity

Kisipas and african pe donce population poor affair poor ad le sinistra plus la solidarity person the mempay make you poor solidarity Ojif county communicate catastrophic paraprosotropy traverse the minimize impact Univoduch Doku Valamp leader general of it the space the difference dog on purpose common fair purple organization space direct more than Nishan patron attack apparel fed usually transcription kiss on proposal application.

Challenges in Political Frameworks

Do so yeah like grand chef so I will see lady and much more Denis is gonna be face at that trump passion down North Korea interconnectivity down leaf ludosuit passage problem first problem Premise Senegal give me gambia Senegal sweetina may average supla politic decimus visa visystem occidental system Durbanism Occidental system laden the demand book of demand doesn’t smile correct me aveglanosh on the catastrophe natural key terraform says not nevo pascal safety la memchus le mans injection materials I did the vehicle and you can say same problem kla don’t prescription like a shown occidentality point a kino fake experience Ecological Senegal Dr.

Introducing New Equations

Shef Sara Usila Avigni Balashia could introduce equation develop a and.

Political Dynamics and Ethical Challenges

Mercy the persecutive damulation los compiled the de lessi suture moral Yao Cuazania Manjay Lerdoni of preferred dot shows Kinepacu Delarjan Doxes Latvian Party dispatch Bonsoir Diallo Abdullah Jalo Abdul Pluto.

Observations on Privilege

May see on observia privilege concrete the gross Plui Tombe Adaka Dr.

Agricultural Sharing and Support

Sher Ilia Lacos on a santilla show agriculture le previous Sutu Dadagari have a fede terrasma could share OJ Pascal Luke Rivian surplus men.

Importance of Humanitarian Organizations

Lidrology may just be humanitarian cetera is important don’t say command lays organization as prepare first or catastrophe population a fair anticipate catastrophe Natural Olaf Jaffe Scientific Circuju on the Sara Portashu Senegal Kote Barash Jama Jvkivane the footage atlantic village k fast Alamoritani say command village anchor say Karama Alessidu Senegal a certain point extraordinaire person we are the reporter village.

Communication and Community Strategies

Disparage to take down low profunder le Pesha on mem arete dutulize the ferla Pesh Pascal Devour caramel labor Duflev so this was lesion and palapa affect no community ensemble strategy a Travel Limited Donkey Poor Deja Android Donkey Mercifia Mercy.

Natural Catastrophe and Material Recovery

Mercy Abdullah Mercy the catastrophe Natural Enfant Touche surpass the Bermuda segu to dig up material to the prudent the more cozy passes in odacion the more se compora lagina segreve melanes Plugdenhouse pluvial man the phone literally legends of taver zorgascule poof uncle cassortized do plug the system the treatment do see porridge or on pov survey APRA Luculli controversial jury la villofet do Calera says practicum deserve a low plug no Saturday piece damiloration compromise.

Cultural and National Identity

Okay. Six six okay no duck or vazi. No vazi was it okay common shakya and also new who antuka aduskuja de ramar vampira liquid why did you. Messi mayor see theta? Yeah yeah. Doctor Shakira this is organization osinis coming Japan extreme catastrophic revenue kilo in politics orthodoxy consistent who says mechanism elizuti dances we say the lesson they cause rail ujo country have also been downloaded.

Climatic Variability and Community Impact

Really like this if you do okay. Mercy Mercy dabor mercy on the variability climatic to security laclitoro sakonapel deformation superficial it’s a formation superficial solar resulted in variation climatic aesthetic poor ample Montreal metric set reprisal des anhejdehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe this familiar literature set region in grand cesares konapole logolia do you know de la regional said the vendor Miller so some manifested down to la salle parla formation kavuvaya down luga junko avan rosbacho set period morphoclimatic sec affecal Amer Ariculi Pascal Hamer never play avar lesapor de fleur sedun von rambole le flu humid celebrial charging the precipitation don’t compile the pluvial say in period episode vadura sla bacre in romante novo marine la mercia la flow von commas set episode lit bookinette deviant functional la falimi le buffing le buffalo commerce the lakayo de kayar possession a dalar the lateral keys functional hydrologic functional are caused the repeat metric when I appreciate fuzz immutable fuzz says triplet so cover up with va permit vasya sahara don’t tutlarize vadavani ankur ari bokudama functionality and oppressed petit fastest Vienna fasten transgression in regression mont dont le regolf don’t maximum denote don’t say attend some maximum that I said add this on expansion maximal dongle cool inferior deflate Senegal a ny parla parliament la mervas don’t say phenomenon to tafe natural the regression in the transgression derived literal is almade golf over ali bella superior the cat Sansa permit the met and plus in nouvel period immutra period design count on assist in put it fastest server design this a catalan party says so cannot say in reprieve sec sex demons vadovni image seki don’t convulf voyage bokufet unpoluto Senegal yeah member Doma is a fellow tour the bowel akita tuba sad valley Kate Omar de Julie significant versus train natural mana two secure destiny functional parlor load parallel system denotion parlor system decree narin dot function natural curiosity climatic the deposit morphoclimatic image.

Infrastructure and Agricultural Strategies

Ship up mom yeah kelsoski mankat say kelvite Lampard should like culture Pascal sepatromak ski the previous to pre graph. Soli ozanja compromise infrastructure dazzle Kiyotani existed person so when you anthropologists Emilia system hydrology and I say system Hydrologic syrian say I know paraphrase infrastructure scientific purpose there’s infrastructure adapted sino risk the plan the method barrage the pound barrage the catastrophe concentration even book the Kompula Bedi commander was Infrastructure Agriculture Senegal agricol say select plan the word.

Experience with Infrastructure Challenges

Experience in the good proportions are the Kiss compare Surreal Surrey Journal getting a political. Transfer though flavor true function one natural exceptional calibar amplitude because your firm depression Alameda plus infrastructure important poor beneficiary sample resilience do like the Gar Mr. Infrastructure key demand you know gray about only governor Paulo tip the project Ava memoja plant buffalo billag de gear lag banta lap no papa trello Pascal say enorm is a trailer don’t ojo the debbie kitrazit abba projection Agriculture levels.

Communication and Collaboration Importance

Dakota where we need people apparently Senegal communicate papa Jesus. My. No but you took never the show. No Japan lanacher on occupied zone conduct occupy doctor natural very prance is on lamprey shepherd abdul nah narayana dear Abdul Sabian song.

Political Awareness and Social Mindset

Ale de Novi party de novillage Alexander no longer comprank normal like being aware like they were scared is the end of the world because me I’m not politically correct political correct Bamba Rosi a security alley metal dalifoce and his onkey two salah said he shows key fake news and fatigue y’all see the y’all see dot shows not to ellie lejan kon Lee Mayor like a mindset brainstorming command Nissan like when it’s raining?

Confronting Difficulties and Divisions

No to difficulty. No no division Dakar come on. Pesa swarved a dep? Yeah. Yasank sima tutlera joe le meteo antarende communicate. Ave tutlerajo tutli tele Savatir Kumsa.

Organizational Challenges and Activism

Savatir Kumsa may avek tusala answer Swar Zuskala darin minute lord I mesitrota Savory monk the organization like we monk organization we can’t organize anything on period organizer you see parties system say telma bon separate combined acres prede mill acres rose meshenu safe commentary on ElA on paper first compound cat farm on some food erasali prolong Konashi New Les Africa they come back on and fair maintenance against France will be against America against no say combat the natural like a water is getting natural.

Natural Resource Management and Control

Second natural paper combat control, sir. Don’t come at the technique. You gotta be creative. Swar Selma, Japan sorted for say debut Alex Larjan Komin Tusala is on metal sepasser Anton president Hey Isila for part consulate Laz Africa wake up please wake up. Wake up before we leave it.

Mercy and Political Dynamics

Mercy Mercy Gator no complaint shouldakara politic on Fai may no intellectual determines that you pay community politics Kurdo key info functional catastrophe. In keshunde visa we can use. Exactly. Sugar plan corrective without noticing may yeah.

Environmental and Climatic Impacts

Geomorphologic. Natural consideration accelerate paralyze women for prone consideration come durbanization issues come deforestation consequence common sure la clima reality compound prison reality city. Set conception of the certain energy development system Agriculture experimented down opine trigram evolution Agriculture Yapa integrand evolution in the patro mechanic Ele manual electrophysic Tribiological CGD Pascal restaurant Lafric Ula sales certain portion of don’t develop my industrial don’t develop my agriculture don’t show JD lamas don’t prefer.

Issues in Climate and Agriculture

Group issues shows. Kiss on six pass ecans on hope et cetera on a virtual atmosphere may visibly see for example exist escape for example accelerate la variation climatic capacity for example the commodore the desire capacity for example prejudice for example excessive doncra the pesticide complex affective luci affect, etc. In deforestation McCloud power and impact Muna say la prediction agriculture for example problematic may add his own saying variability avict the period immunity ella natural pratima to Jul Sandra and esk impact lom activity alum the saddle and all control the first kovu kabu kovu fat thousand media not objective normal create la divergence elevation Kumar Japan variability climatic no.

Manifesting Climate Challenges

Grand. Total mother. The seconds manifest manifest affect nosema pseudo literal affect egalma nose activity Agriculture Melancholy Republic agin equatorial don’t to say kurdoki a tula comportment dominate parallel function mad la merciful marine megalman the destruction they say flesh literals et cetera.

Deflationary Production and Ecosystem Impacts

For example. Why say barras anticell don’t key dura less likely passed lebaraji ampes in romante de la sali et cetera la mergana park on a dalai zone the less we are deflationary production the person heterodynamic calm different delay condition heterodynamic active dilemma condition heterodynamical le poison poverty down less wear ferrelers on a tuju infliction as is ecosystem as a phone a floor the poor resisted destruction this is where this is Senegal flow of Senegal kosasamas et cetera minimum invented permit in reproduction normal day certain material.

Intervening with Community Support

Dakota menashes. Yeah yeah yeah intervening. We join yeah you said yeah. Okay. You know no.

Discussion on Infrastructure and Industry Issues

The observations longer duria another statistic number the dinonda sion parson like a escalator marry metro infrastructure work command industry problem please cisan no could publish quanta in energy moy polio industry key on the shelf expert in resource experience food less.

Biofiles and Contributions

Message contribution on the biofiles the premier donor of the party in technology permitted don’t ava milnes sayaka japani down book doesn’t do sile ojodima moritani constitute oxidation.

Brief Comments on Family

No grandfather no.

Organizational Issues

By way forest avec no persecute organization.

Problems in African Cities

The de la nature as possible k level african city plus honor in another part the problem come let them blame problems who levy corner to unison.

Political Considerations

Fort I beg the leader dasanism no politician effective Malarjan Kona d meth down lesson is my effective fossil function in Moscow negligence Surlasheme for the leader politic trefoil Madhari Dono leader Panatre Lanta DP pratikma Senegal pratiche upana trailonta it fali ramble terrace Mala Kinokinurovianville African Japan example ave system that doesn’t pascala gravity Klaido terras more stricteen Adali prussian village durability capacity the retention Idrik as important no social would prefer the villain problem Aviv Avignon for it aveg le milieu sample resilient Europe Devil African Kinsompa for semaphore Sima Edupotama Pascal the material local construction dirab on are the mosque.

Material Permits

The material permit.

Resilient Architecture in Europe

The first Europe resilient architecture vernacular.

Obligations and Natural Issues

Obligate to arma de dal ambito problem.

National Regulations

Say Kamsakala natural pascal natural Dekliff leisure decree at a decree the lex national maximal.

Environmental Conditions

Then decree la mer to Julie come long oclip narive and.

Genomic Engineer Problem

Engineer genome problem.

Statement on Common Issues

It’s an exact man.

Focus on Issues


Dynamic Explanations

Expose dynamic the one way.

Use of Local Materials

Keep using permit navy respected Lake Librosi.

Material Issues in Conferences

Lake libekly material k local may oc totan pronoun donkey Ponson conference intelligent ASpE say two jurors be a largest issue the alaracion diesel energy.

Confronting Problems

So confronted are the problem.

Energy Development in Africa

Tenergy development in Africa.

Community Engagement

Freedom intelligent mapo permit ano community.

Visualization and Mapping

Dax in the picture.

Adapting Cartography

Parapur ala cartography chess Matam San Luis adapted as a zandro parapura poor vula car regent du cavar Lamprey.

Susan Simon and Green Cities

Susan Simon chair the battle affair the green cities.

Anticipation of Challenges

If I follow mental agent shows ilforma avar no courageous ali obokinales anticipate to asian catastrophic.

Document Management

Down lazon file.

Preparing for Population Challenges

If we anticipate pascal population they show anticipate.

Community-Based Solutions

If we prepare population.

List of Communities

If we form a list community for cartography, a sugar ratio population is a pastor catastrophe.

Problematic Situations

Push the problem.

Resurrection and Support

The resurrection fellow.

Role of Individuals

Good role.

Acknowledgment of Roles

It’s a good role.

Navigation Challenges

Napa support lent the career savakute sen chamillard and kazamas alert only obligate regarding letter the route they resolve the transport navigation absorbed me.

Organizational Limitations

No second of a two series no organization space la mercy.


Compiling Materials

Compile the transmonthe pascal kiss pascal.

Comparative Studies in Africa

When we did pork lacome eva divorosi pro comparlematic and Africa.

Continued Offerings

Way more.

Donations for Solutions

Donate book to the solution.

Remarks on Delivery

Not a dogma delivery.

Real Problems

For example, young real problems like gesture conflict do not resume.

Architectural References

Women may show architectural reference.

Global Architectural Perspectives

Architectural global may in focus of our new and afidano durbanis.

Material Escape in Construction

Can elapopria show the same material escape, for example?

Construction Command Challenges

For example, wouldano to tip the construction command construction Japan experience may they marido, don’t you say may oc anthem the leaky labor and basically bronze are they mean they force mini zone defy Kifunk men patently Kurdo confetti padmas.

Global Solutions


Sustainable Global Solutions

May casino solution global solution donations Santiri Daniel.

Visit and Acknowledgment

Can I visit to say kudo sepa.

Military Contexts

Sheffisho military.

Natural Disasters

Silicon after Madam.

Catastrophic Discussions


Connection Issues

Natural no connect, no connest by the limit.

Administrative Constraints

Administrative only 2000.

Identifying Conditions

The problem Kunuza Omali on element condition.

Frontier Limitations

Kinkonespali limit administrative Kikonespali frontier.

Presentations of Solutions

The two problem angini percussion osanega problem solution and the solution conjunctural presentation prime abra corner problem la mer solution and cartography.

Understanding Risks

The risk exists OC Dalai zone.

Affording Risks

Afford to for risk the Deborah Doma within fluvial it for anticipate it for the pluses a village we know that security elementary the safe population obli resilience download declaring they plan the catastrophe natural additional prison charge.

Political Dynamics

They say population make us politic.

Issues of Mixing

For example, mix.


Importance of Focus

Focus at Arjuna lapis at lateral kiporum permit the fair abyssal concern level as important.

Project Resilience and Responsibility

Create a project resilient population accessible set million sea million restrictory restructuring and privatization. Say there’s a solution. Keep repeat metric to slow. Curse the basket. Papa sa responsibility to turmoil desert megali safe.

Expressions of Mercy

No man no mercy. Improve. Mercy. Bokuro mo ton intervention no Doctor. Mercy. Book Brazil Path. Intellectually for la vulgarization space.

Organization and Coordination

Guinea oshobi kerojo drequire visa. Director we journal we heterose important satan’s affected. Pascal lumanitar sepa anjou sepa de lola corina. The organization specializes organization specialist UNICEF Plan International Chef children UNDP FIO Tutsi’s organization. De jan kissokip de la sinism recovery.

Analysis and Poor Organization

Donk sepalajordina lay Laz analyst. Yeah, there is analyst. Poor organization. Poor organization. Let the certain pay la Francis.

Coordination Challenges

The. Key. Volley pusher coordination. Senior part in coordination. I think they responsible. Elvia de Malpascala person and situation.

Assessing Situations

The detritus abuzzolaji abuzz accompanying BJ don deja Moijan Kinosav. Kino Jama Federal Fair sedation come review literate Desha Kilier organization may be centralize bien securizi aveche lentils distribution.

Humanitarian Crisis

Corona Bozo Amani Matla Sweetman situation method dispatches a person. Pascal, you are there funky on pedul Marie traffic the drug name due traffic let humanitarian refugee a catastrophe. Anger.

Current Issues

Cant over air. Davala security Avechos Pascal Cantone say Brema Ferval secretary the metal Zimash Desafa profited. This situation balances further larger around west coast issues. Vote A. K.

Contagions and Plans

Mizan plus poor function may perform CPE intervention a rapid efficacy plan. The contagions. It’s a plan the contagions so accompany don Bombura stock the element.

National Crisis Impact

Dalima stock the dough stock dabi zone person they zapito the company devoir deservion Organization. The National Uni catastrophe. Yeah.

Adjustments and Models

Paddaki aka ray adapted practicum propova Continental travis technique terror don’t anafrican coronet sense of two milk Further Lanimas Donkip Ketula transport the safe person pull examine bn Cordonay avec la service etatiki donate donk partner Dejur Yavi for me Angaji resilience measure Rouge a plutarchy institutionalization protege don’t equally bear the comma Verma protege Premier University Ulisi Catalona.

Community Challenges

Why down la zanzile on a padotra on a paddle volcano particularly at the volcanic excessive martial arts Ilia seordination entrepreneurs Lord La Cree is Gambian is a two lapua frontier farm solely pre vulnerable dispositive trade efficacy la frontiere Komala catastrophic dali down cpas Ali she levy and Ktla Santi Azik Pascal Gambian at the bonded amount shows la promiscuity don’t more pled wai va lankont the focal trade.

Clean Up and Structures

Difficile affected liver Nasham Omar Dutch Luma Septum ella a comely prison de caleb organization don’t community proclamation integrity Dejan Dindo confions op yeah active Pascal you are the blessing collected put over Asimini says that the Banya Rapid Sutu transparent accompanying et cetera negative metatalogy Antono Frele de la salte Danley Dali Zegu editions Najon the Letter Ballet Mariel Pooku Camille Damon Carti Mon Papa.

Future Perspectives

The cameo from Porky Peace Venia Network it’s just car present solar affixes organizing met the two the Jamaican the Jamaic Dusan the jamaican route don’t you have not to let them communoter say I travel Cache Musavon Reuni Tulamon Kray Sector Ela organization Committee parul lot security Propeller Alafanuma.

Conclusion and Reflection

Vulnerability down so downopay de la salle Mercy Devolar if I follow eda Disappeared Africa Madagascar Limit Power Senegal pay a pulmonary Africa circumflex letter if follower met the shows letter Laplace shows on sorghum plus Poopoovar challenge community may dance Politic letter Senegal African Kisola Senegal men now over institutionalize premier somebody do more unclean up and clean up the letter Community September Sassafora Sula president Fair Purpuvar.

Final Remarks

Perry Music long term situation Bozo Pascal fede shows down Sodom and Evans bullet Daskiya Mashe Keskina Pabi say come on up a research development for Sema Keski La Shaunce Davar at a scoot dava at the institute my disposability may competence Africa as a good person deserve say samus be catchy and quality down the downs. On catches up. Don’t turn on Japan.

Measures of Protection

Measure me Lapon protect you the cadre. Vianda book members and Mondipath no chef. No. Show is you fake. Please.

Structural Considerations

On the part under letter plus denotation say apricular Avona Caesar preview a prevorcy structure and plus for liter control. The Malian Kiss Kalkenso Vermonte scholar danope avoir calcanocio de sequo ankadu casta memo malion say shokonto donkey like don’t clay fala ventrae monkey lasovca.

Public Decision Making

If a papanda risk common fair popular decision. The blue may population national SPK. If the notion comes out of the interested space Conor Organization on a vishak for conor organization, they collect the phone desert Montrek new Memjune exterior the partridge Sir Sadonaji doc.

Project Participation

If you transfer Onira Neddin understand Omali possibility Peter Lafro may Ojibanali project part two extraordinary participate. You will see the launch. You will see the Jean Peace participant concerning Tutsky Pra telephone orange monastery not numerous telephone OC appreciate not address mail Fedebal shoes ensemble proposition Cupra Miller la conditionist to you server absolute Montu Isan Papa Paris le famic Sitrumi disorganization a disamparis of Metlatt, say Donald portion of organization.

Call to Action

The space provocate one minister to disaster social affair MMC Lugovarma destroy. Conclusion. Well, up today paradox grant Zuri and participate moving is a little phone. Appreciate you asking the chef like a.

Projecting Career and Revenue

Show. Project career, say the revenue, but yeah. Bookish OJ like a show pan Africa. Space basket. No Siba chef comma only lead the parlor sadi the parliament Kejatan Lupus crucial just shown. There’s the same. There’s the same infrastructure. For example, safe, continuous who are reproduced on a publisher called their particular specificity geography complement Africa. Padoko and Mesdrabuturi Mercy grand chef maximum proceeds become sutu issues extreme interest.

Militant Expressions and Community Influence

Key. Influence community about Nakshun Situai Rampla Silica Dangash man the militant expression militantism Amika Messi share Messy Grand Abduturi so nimero graduate contact city model. Excuse my. Excuse my JD. No problem. Let’s face it, guys. Mercy book if you want, please. Pascal voodoo permicular spacewar extra or general. Plus the songs Mercy book mercy.

Seeking Solidarity and Messaging

Bye. Keita. But now to seek. To seek Porter the message now to the opaque kill saysisla and Elandi solidarity comes. Excuse me. Organization kitrani terrible shakun asanivo parlay the politic public et cetera. Eternal militantism. Sito parlead solidarity catastrophe natural Lecanot for example dance a different pay la visibility on the communote association kishandeza visible lejam kin sampa for so much pretty allegations. And thank you volunteer solitary people concept Antuka mercy may percolate.

Engagement with Platforms and Visibility

Association partisan should say profi. The different platforms letter tricks corporation bonus worries. Respect. If we did in magic. No, no. But I don’t know. For palm. Come political. Okay. Like on. Worship for bro. Two motor measure to cast mercy shake Abdul boy to check on a space safe.

Addressing Social Issues and Political Dynamics

Metro impact shaky lady material may Osho proposal proposity malaria separate no separate ket can do. La definition cheap memdo serial mondo VCU on a national prosecution on Africa. Don’t say sutra mercy mercia to seek not your person. Oshiki association response Pascal says experience may. Abduce.

Resource Management and Political Oversight

It. Don’t call resource Pluto. Don’t shakar say grand politic overlook broker of it. Don’t shakir shakar millet. Don’t say sir. Edukua Action Malaysia pass les action kinomino. sure. Ct two. Well, I say initiative a commerce. Lego verma, vasadapte langmore. See le construction quid pro constrair.

Community Involvement and Future Directions

Popular garde lost the Pouvoir garde. La fresher. We have duplic la fresher show and Francis in meson of Eta construction. Ck Tresanga donkey Dr. Rosie on a lashance. Then doctor unenogetic q on pura party oj poor maintainer of it. Lenovo devi dono dano different pay sir. To prevent natural amplifiers.

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