Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Advocacy for LGBTQ+ Rights in Different Cultural Contexts hosted by TheSafecityApp. The Twitter Space focused on advocating for LGBTQ+ rights in diverse cultural contexts sheds light on the critical role of data collection, collaboration, and understanding cultural nuances in creating safer spaces globally. With insights into challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals and the importance of community support networks, the discussion emphasized the need for inclusive policies, privacy protection, and education to advance LGBTQ+ advocacy. By highlighting the multifaceted approach required and showcasing the impact of legal frameworks and social norms on LGBTQ+ rights initiatives, the Space aims to foster empathy, awareness, and acceptance for LGBTQ+ individuals worldwide.

For more spaces, visit the Alpha Group page.

Space Statistics

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Total Listeners: 4


Q: Why is data collection essential in LGBTQ+ advocacy efforts?
A: Data helps identify rights violations, understand trends, and tailor interventions to create safer spaces.

Q: How do cultural nuances affect LGBTQ+ advocacy strategies?
A: Cultural differences influence the approach, messaging, and acceptance of LGBTQ+ rights initiatives.

Q: What role does collaboration play in effective LGBTQ+ advocacy?
A: Collaboration fosters shared knowledge, resources, and strategies for more impactful advocacy work.

Q: Why is privacy vital in reporting sexual and gender-based violence?
A: Privacy ensures safety for survivors and encourages them to share their experiences without fear of retribution.

Q: How can community support networks benefit LGBTQ+ individuals?
A: Support networks provide a sense of belonging, protection, and resources for those facing discrimination.

Q: Why is education crucial in promoting LGBTQ+ acceptance?
A: Education eliminates misconceptions, fosters empathy, and encourages tolerance towards LGBTQ+ individuals.


Time: 12:05:29
Importance of Data in LGBTQ+ Advocacy Experts delve into the significance of data collection in addressing LGBTQ+ rights violations.

Time: 12:15:17
Cultural Nuances and LGBTQ+ Advocacy Exploring how cultural differences shape LGBTQ+ advocacy strategies and approaches.

Time: 12:25:40
Collaborative Approaches for LGBTQ+ Advocacy Highlighting the role of collaboration in advancing LGBTQ+ rights worldwide.

Key Takeaways

  • Data collection is crucial for addressing LGBTQ+ rights violations and creating safer environments.
  • Cultural nuances greatly influence LGBTQ+ advocacy strategies and challenges.
  • Intersectionality is key in understanding the varied experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals across different cultural backgrounds.
  • Collaboration between citizens, researchers, and policymakers is essential for effective LGBTQ+ advocacy.
  • Privacy and anonymity play a significant role in encouraging individuals to share their experiences of sexual and gender-based violence.
  • Empathy and understanding are vital in fostering a supportive environment for LGBTQ+ individuals facing discrimination.
  • Legal frameworks and social norms impact the implementation of LGBTQ+ inclusive policies worldwide.
  • Education and awareness programs are necessary to combat prejudices and promote LGBTQ+ acceptance.
  • Community support networks help create safe spaces for LGBTQ+ individuals in regions where discrimination is prevalent.
  • The fight for LGBTQ+ rights requires a multifaceted approach that considers the unique challenges faced by different cultural groups.

Behind the Mic

Opening Remarks

Hello everyone. Sorry for the delay, it was on my side. We'll be starting, I'll be giving access to Smurfy and he will be taking it from here in just a bit. Alrighty. Sweet. Good morning, good afternoon and good evening to everyone tuning in from wherever you may be. We do apologize for the slight delay. It just happens that we forgot to really start the space on time. But we do appreciate everyone showing up and still ready for the lovely discussion we're going to be having. I think, you know, just briefly before I do really kick off the space. It's been crazy actually. The last week a couple of us were over at Token 2049 and Solana breakpoint and we saw a lot of interesting things. And one of the most prominent industries and sectors really that's drawing a lot of attention is deepen and real world assets. And so we're very happy and honored to have with us four incredible guests today who are all involved in the Deepin sector within Cardano because that's evidently what's bringing a lot of attention from both retail as well as institutional investors that are looking to join the space.

Guest Introductions

Before I do begin though, I am just going to check in with everybody once go around the room, starting with my incredible co host, Ramik. So Ramik, how are we doing today, man? Hope you've been keeping well. Hey man, thank you. I'm good, I'm good. Just was logging into Minswap because we forgot to do some stuff. My bad on that. But yeah, other than that, really excited for this space, excited to have all the guests together. I think they all are up here already now. So happy for that. How are you? Yeah, I'm doing great, man. It's been crazy just catching up to speed from the last week, but yeah, it's been incredible and going great. I'm just going to keep going really quickly. We have, I believe, Doctor Dhaliwal behind Iogon. So doctor, how are we doing today? I hope you're keeping well too.

Discussion on Iagon's Updates

Hey guys, I'm doing well, thanks. Thanks for having me. Lovely, mate, lovely checking sync AI. Can we just get to know who's behind the project so going forward? I know who it is I'm speaking with. Hey, smurfy. I'm not here. Thank you so much for hosting this space. I'm doing great. How are you guys? Lovely, lovely stuff. We're all doing great, man. Great to hear. You had a fantastic setup with Travolta and Cardano projects where they're representing and engaging in the discussion. So great to have you up in the space as well, man. And with DDM, can we just get to know who's behind the microphone and of course. How are you doing? Yeah, g'day. It's Ashley here from DDM. Just to check, is this definitely recording? Yep, it is recording this space in house joke. In house joke for our community. Brilliant. Yeah. Great to be here and alongside such good company. Lovely, lovely to have you today, Ashley, and lovely to hear you well.

House of Titans Introduction

And House of Titans, I see we have a couple people up, so I hope you're all doing well. Is it everyone's going to be speaking from House of Titans, or is there one dedicated speaker? Hey, how's it going? So it's apex here. I'm the CEO of the House of Titans. Also with us we have is also part of the core team. So, you know, all of us will kind of like, chip in here and there. Lovely, lovely stuff. Mabe. Well, glad to have all of you and lovely to hear you well, but I'm going to kick the space off without much of a further ado. You know, we have quite a lot to get through, a lot of projects. It's a packed agenda. And so I'd like to begin really with Iagon. You know, I gone.

Updates from Iagon

We've been seeing there's a lot of movement, especially on the secondary market. I've been seeing a lot in the timeline about, you know, the updates with regards to the storage aspect as well as some on the computing side of things. So just take us through a quick top down about what's the recent updates with Iagon, and, you know, what should the community be aware of that's been coming so far? Yeah, sure. First of all, thanks again, and, you know, say hi to all the guests here as well. Speaking of, we have obviously a lot of updates coming up, and we've been actually, the main thing that people are kind of focused right now on is the pilot, and that's kind of our concentration as well. We're just trying to focus on the code base, reviewing everything to make sure there's a smooth onboarding process for the pilot. So there are some things that we've kind of not prioritized right now, but there are a lot of things that are working parallel.

Continued Developments and Projects

Like, we have single asset staking, which is delegated staking, similar to the Cardano model and liquid at the same time. TX pipe is currently auditing it. The audit should be done by this end of this month, and once that's done, we actually wanted to upgrade it to v three, so we'll be upgrading it before releasing that as well, because that was a recommendation. Bye. One of the key smart contract developers that is working with us. So the other things that we're working on obviously is the QS Pro, which is a Cyclone devices QS Pro and Qs, which is basically a plug and play node in a box, if you will, for storage, compute. And also the QS Pro can also run a cardano node. So that one we're working on in terms of packaging, we're working in terms of getting all the hardware installed and software installed properly to make sure when we ship out that it ships out nicely and professionally.

Further Technical Developments

We have also the compute side, so there's a lot of things going on with compute side. We have cpu coming out soon. It's in closed beta right now. Mainnet is actually very close. But I. Again, since the pilot, we've kind of prioritized other things right now. So we haven't fully released that. We want to actually do audit through that before we release. Yeah. And there's obviously a lot of other apps that we're working on. And the UI revamp that we're working on for our storage. UI revamped we're working on for login. So there's a lot of things that we're kind of making sure that our smoothen before we get. Even though there's a lot of attention already.

Preparing for Increased Traffic

Before we get much more attention on Igon, we want to make sure that we're traffic ready. So that's where we're at right now. Lovely. I know that's an extensive list. I was just thinking it all down as you're going through it. With regard to the pilot that's specifically on the storage side. Opening it up for larger clients to access. Just in case anyone doesn't know what the pilot actually is. Well, we haven't released any details yet. So the pilot is with a large web two enterprise company. And there's a few angles that we're looking at for this pilot. It's specifically focused on storage first. Later it could also focus on compute if all goes well. Brilliant.

Insights on Storage and Computing

And great to hear that. I mean, yeah, as I mentioned at the start, it's deep in storage. And computing, I suppose, is one of the major aspects of. Of where institutional capital is looking and interest per se. So it's great to hear that's coming home to Cardano through Iogon. I also remember just you mentioned real quickly on the cyclone side of things. Obviously that's plug and play. No device, I suppose primarily storage, but also compute. Actually, yes, I do remember it is also compute. What's the update on that regarding the distribution? Because so far it was just a pre order list. Correct?

Distribution Updates

Correct. Right now it's just a pre order, kind of like a kickstarter if you will. So we're trying to get as many eyes on it, but right now we haven't fully marketed it yet and currently the pre order page is actually on maintenance. So we should have it up and running again on Friday. And later we're going to be implementing referral codes as well, which will hopefully drive a little bit more sales for the cyclone. But yes, it is a storage compute node but also can run Cardano node on top.

Introduction and Fund Twelve Update

Beautiful, man, beautiful. Last question I really have for Iagon and it's regarding fund twelve. So you definitely did have some very interesting proposals from what I remember, and I believe on the follow up I think both of them got funded, if I'm remembering right. Is there any status update? I mean like, I'm not going to put you on the spot, I know catalyst process is quite bureaucratic, but is there any status update on that front?

Approval of Proposals and Upcoming Payment

Yeah, yeah, sure. There was three proposals, actually two of them went through. One of them is a reputation system called stature that's got approved and also our network Explorer got approved as well. That's for indexing and you know, just making sure that we have something like CDN spots basically allow distribution of data more readily. So that will also allow us to do database hosting which will allow all cardano projects to potentially use igon as a layer, infrastructure layer. So we're at currently we've got approved for everything. We haven't received the first payment yet, so we haven't kicked off everything yet, but once we get the payment we're ready to go. So I think it should come this week by the 30th. I haven't checked if we received it or not yet, but I think they said it should arrive this week.

Exciting Developments at DDM

Lovely. Well that's another set of great news. I mean it's going to just expand the capabilities of IOGon and attract possibly more users and clients at the end of the day, which is beneficial for both Iogon and Cordano. So great to hear that. Thank you very much doctor Dalibal, I do appreciate your time. Do stick around. We might have some time for a group discussion at the end but I'm just going to keep the conversation rolling. Beautiful. So next guest we have up on the agenda is DDM. So Ashley, lovely to have you back with us and run us through some recent updates of what's been happening with DDM.

Recap of DDM's Recent Announcements

You know you had a massive client with Leonardo, but let's just see your mom and newbie. Run me through what DDM is going to go through. Yeah, a lot of things and you can probably tell the pace that things are moving is certainly very quick. So the main developments over the last few days, let's just go for the last few days first of all. And we can kind of recap on the project as a whole perhaps. So the last few days we've had a significant announcement which I know we'll discuss in a little bit more detail. But one of the main highlights is that we've been listed on Coinmarketcap. So that's a huge milestone for any project in the Cardano space.

Visibility and Community Growth

But it's a, a kind of real effort from the team to get us noticed and significant part of that is that we'll be noticed by not just the Cardano space but the whole crypto world as it were. So that's about visibility for us. So we're building the trust and the transparency to grow our community but also reach potential investors. And yes they tend to look at these sort of platforms. So it's a significant update from that side of things. And right now we're trying to help other Cardano projects navigate that process to get listed as well. So we've been able to talk to the team at CMC directly and we've been able to get involved with them getting this underway.

Supporting Other Cardano Projects

So that update is this week. So it's live and it's ever changing and we're trying to help as many other Cardano projects get on board as we can. Love to hear that. Firstly like yeah, I'm just going to come and chip in. That's a massive achievement which I don't think a lot of people just appreciate. Right. Especially as you said in the Cardano space, Dexcreener was a big deal. Youre also helping out with the more retail oriented platform being coinmarketcap. So hats off to you, Ashley. Thank you. For sure. Thats massive.

Client Relationship and Project Development

Yeah, certainly is. And walk me through a bit about whats happening on the business front with regards to you have an existing client if I remember right, Leonardo, which is an AI image generation tool. What's the other updates with regards to DDM on the more client business oriented side of it? That's right, yeah. So Leonardo is our kind of headline client as it were. And that's our main focus, always has been. So to get ourselves from a token launch and sale to this point, bringing on clients, significant clients like that, they're not a pilot client. They are a real world signed contract client with needs that we have to fulfill.

Commitment to Client Needs

So we've made a significant commitment to them, which is why we've built so quickly and we've, you know, the team have had their heads down, just kind of cracked on with everything. You know, there's some days where there's no sleep involved and believe me, that's very, very hard on everybody, but the morale is high. We've worked really hard on this project. So Leonardo, yes, is a real world client. We've had. Our commitment to them is to grow our stock of GPU's and nodes to meet their needs. And so far everything's going really well. And that's credit to the work that's been done behind the scenes.

Feedback and Future Projects

And Leonardo chose DDM because we can offer a scalable and a flexible solution for them and they've provided us with some really good feedback that's useful for us in the real world, managing their client, but also bringing on new clients as well. So we've helped streamline Leonardo's performance computing needs for training of their aih and rendering. So we're really excited about that. And beyond that, in fact, we've got a pilot underway with a very large company which is in its early stages and I can't share the name yet and I know that the audience will be chomping at the bit for a name, but things are moving forward quickly, trust me.

Community Engagement and Potential Contracts

And one thing that the community, certainly the DDM community, will understand is that our CEO is very quick to get things moving with partnerships and agreements and, you know, myself and the rest of the team back him up where we can and bring new leads through. So one of the things that we're expecting to do very soon is announce that contract. So it isn't just going to be about Leonardo AI, our headline, it's going to be about bringing more businesses in, more users, and that will continue to drive the growth that we've experienced so far.

Technology Feedback and Improvements

Great, man. Absolutely great. Yeah. It's already an existing client that has obviously business expectations. So being able to meet that is obviously a master and of its own. Sorry, that sometimes gets unnoticed. Indeed. Yeah. Another exciting step just to sort of add. I think it's important to mention that we've got a partnership with midnight and right now we're looking to build a sort of communication platform with them.

Grant Process and Future Plans

So we're currently in the process of going through the grant process with them as well. So there'll be some other things that have got, that we've got planned that will be released in more detail very soon. So, yeah, lots going on, as you would expect with DDM at the moment. No, that's great. One thing I'm just going to probe you on, given you have a client that's already using your services, is have they ever sort of commented as to the technology?

Client Trust and Technology Interaction

This is something that we see around on the timeline where people go, Cardano is better for XYZ technical reasons, Alana is better for ABC reasons. What's their feedback been with regards to interacting with the technology that you're providing, or is that something you don't even notice? They put their trust in our hands and I don't think they've really. I haven't spoken to their technical teams in terms of how they analyze it, but it hasn't been anything other than straightforward and pretty flexible for them.

User Experience and Future Enhancements

So they're very happy with the way things have gone. It's the access and the ability for them to use this very quickly, and it's quite simple and straightforward. Our platform is going through its stages of kind of fine tuning. We did a stealth launch of our own, you know, main platform, DDM.com. and, you know, this, the version two coming out will make it even easier for people to get involved in it and log in with Gmail and use credit cards and so on.

Overall Performance and Stability

So in terms of the tech and everything else behind the scenes, it's. It's been Touchwood, as we say in Great Britain. It's been pretty good going so far. Lovely, mate. That's good to hear because obviously that is a concern, I suppose, for clients when they do come in. But hearing that has been handled professionally by yourselves, by DDM, is almost establishing the standard through which businesses would look to interacting with blockchain based technical solutions.

Continued Improvements and Community Engagement

At the end of the day, that's all it is, really. It's a tech stack. Great to hear that, mate. Thank you very much. I don't really have any other question for you, so I am going to say just is there anything you would like to share regarding coming up? I know you said a new client, not sure if you can share the name, but anything else beyond that, just as we wrap up here?

Pipeline of Exciting Developments

Yeah, I mean, I can't share a name, unfortunately, but they are significant and someone we know well, and we will release more info on that when we can. But we've gotten a lot of exciting developments in the pipeline. You know, our GP rental service has been a success, generating over $6,000 in a few weeks, or just over a couple of weeks, and that's just the beginning.

Strategic Growth and Future Prospects

So we're underway on that side. And our goal, just to reassure everybody, is to scale that side of things by focusing on b, two b contracts, larger contracts that we can bring in the room with us and sit them down and talk about stability and profitability of their projects, and our own will be as a result. So we are continuously looking to expand our GPU network to meet the growing needs of those businesses and the clients like Leonardo AI.

Future Collaborations

And we're currently in talks with other AI firms, universities, and even some government agencies as well, about how we can fulfill their needs. So yeah, that's interesting and really important for us as we talk about it a lot. But on the other side, the tech side, we are working on that version two of DDM.com, which makes it much easier for retail users to get involved by adding credit card payments and so on.

Token Stability and Community Engagement

So there's real world fiat money going in, and that just really solidifies the security around our own token. And one thing that we did write an article on, and I would push people to go onto our Twitter page and have a read of the article, is how we've protected the liquidity and the strength of our own token, which I think is good play. I don't know if you've read any of that so far, but it's a good read and certainly breaks down how this is a stable project as we move forward.

Addressing Market Concerns

Nothing, just dependent on crypto prices and the market in crypto. Yep, now, great man. Lovely to hear that. I would say to people listening in, if you are interested, go read the article Ashley is referencing to look further into it. But no, Ashley, thank you very much for those updates, I do appreciate that. Sounds like exciting stuff is coming and I guess the only thing we can do is wait to see it unfold.

Conclusion and Gratitude

Yeah, lovely. Thanks ever so much. Absolutely, mate. Well, before I do continue with the space, I do want to say we have reached the halfway mark to anyone listening in.

Introduction to Community Questions

If you do wish to have a. If you do, sorry, have a question for any of the products up here, just feel free to request, you know, after 15 minutes or so and we start bringing you up, I think we might have some time for community questions. You know, this isn't necessarily an interview, but it's always good to just touch base with the project, such as we actually, you know, understand what is happening just before probing them, you know, this what we want. So yeah, request if you wish to come up and we'll bring you up towards the tail, 15 to 20 minutes.

Introduction of Adnan from SyncMate

But moving along, Adnan, from sync mate, you are still a relatively new project to the Cardano ecosystem. So before we even get into what it is you're doing from a deepen aspect in particular, would you just want to share a few words about what it is sync AI is in case anyone is unaware? Yeah, sure. Thanks, Murphy. So before I dive deep into the sync network, just want to share a quick intro about myself for people who or who don't know me. I have around like four years of experience in blockchain cardinal space working as a product architect for various web three startups, including Newcast Revolt. Previously, I also served as a research partner at a web three focused venture capital firm and accelerator.

Adnan's Experience and Motivation Behind Sync

I was one of the core user experience research contributors at Dydx and which, so, you know, like most of my career, has been revolving around user experience and that's where my motivation behind starting sync comes from. So I hope that sets like a context. Now, coming to the sync network, basically we are building a super app that simplifies your entire web three experience, which is powered by an off chain and trustless deep in network that is compatible with a lot of different chains including Cardano, bitcoin, EVM, SVM ecosystems. So what I mean by super app here is that as a vetric.

Technical Difficulties in Discussion

Did we happen to lose him or was it just me that can't hear Adnan? I can't hear him either. All right, I think it's. It's not me. I will reach out to him in the DM's and we'll get him back up as soon as possible. But I'm just going to keep the space rolling in the meantime. So next up we have House of Titans. So, apex, firstly, hope you're keeping well again, mate, and walk us through what it is House of Titans is doing such that you're entering the realm of defi. Because, you know, from what I remember, I think you guys are an NFT project.

Introduction to House of Titans

So what's the next step as to this progression into the deep in space? Sorry, not Defi. Yeah, for sure. I can probably just give you like a quick rundown of what's been going on and how we've ended up here. So we started as an NFT project. You know, we released our kind of like the profile picture mint about a year ago now. Built a community around the profile pictures because like one of the most important aspects in web three is like the community. And if you have a really strong community, you know, then you can kind of like build other things. Even before we had the profit picture mint, we kind of like knew that our second product would have to be some kind of like revenue rewarding assets because, you know, people are kind of like moving away from the speculative side of NFT investments.

Stronghold NFTs and Investments

So then we released something called stronghold NFTs. So the idea behind the stronghold NFT is that, you know, we raised funds. Then those funds we invested into various different investments, mainly into bitcoin and then into our Iogon partnership. So were actually, I think we're the first project to reach out to Iogon regarding kind of like running their nodes. And that was quite interesting because like after we got into that partnership, then I think it was kind of like a green light for a lot of other projects too, to approach them and start a similar kind of like venture. So actually our stronghold nfts are already kind of like in that deep in sphere because one of our investments is also not only to us, but we set up like a pilot node, not node, sorry, pilot GPU with dedium as well.

Clarification and Earnings from Investments

Yeah, we've kind of had various different things going on with stronghold nfts. Right. Okay, perfect. So then. Yeah, now I can hear you. I can hear you. I was just gonna ask, so what was the strategy or, you know, thought process behind saying, okay, cool, we're gonna have an NFT mint. And what we're gonna do with the funds is just invest it into other projects. Like, like where did that sort of thought process come from to begin with? Yes. The idea behind the stronghold NFT was that we're the best 90% of funds into like different investments. So the first investment was into kind of like bitcoin mining miners. And the idea behind that is, you know, to kind of like produce steady and more reliable rewards.

Explosive Earning Potential in Investments

And then on the other hand, you have like these various kind of like DeFi DP investments that are more kind of like, you have like more explosive earning potential over time. So that's kind of like the idea in a nutshell. Now where the titan token comes from is that we kind of like, after we launched the strongholds and that was a success, we kind of started seeing a lot of similar kind of like tokens popping up. And then it was kind of like, okay, it's kind of like a natural scaling mechanism for us to release a token. Especially because like our community has been asking for a token from day one, but we never wanted to release anything. Kind of like aka shit token that has no value. If you release a token that has value from day one and also retains that value and has the possibility to kind of like scale on the value itself over time, well, you know, that's kind of like a no brainer thing.

Token Strategy and Community Engagement

So that's where the whole Titan token idea came from. And right here tomorrow is the pre launch. No? Lovely, man. Yeah, that's great to hear that. It's so close to the pre launch, but I'm just going to probe you a little bit. You know, I, I guess I can. So I'm going to, but with regards to the token. So your community has been asking for a token. What's the idea behind now you have a PFP collection, you have a stronghold NFT collection, and now you have a token as well. So where does the token come independent of those other two assets that you already have? So the idea of the token is kind of like to break into a brand new market into kind of like the Defi sphere, right?

Integration of Token with Existing Assets

But we also want to kind of like add value to our existing products, the NFTs. So a certain percentage of the token itself will be released through the NFTs over a 24 month period. So let's say if the token is highly successful, then, you know, kind of like in theory, the NFTs will also increase in value because there's just so much more money liquidity going in the Defi sphere. And once new people enter the project, which we have seen happening, it's a natural thing to grab a few pfps as well. I think everyone here is familiar with the ape Society project that's on base now, unfortunately. But one of the reasons why they became so successful was that they had a token that managed to attract the whole kind of like Defi investor.

Comparison to Ape Society Project

The Defi investor, you know, for him, you know, it's kind of like normal to trade, invest in like 510 20k ADA, whereas an NFT investor, you know, they tend to kind of like flip 410 20 at a profits and you know, that's not very good. So ape society managed to kind of like attract all these people and tie the whole talk into the existing ecosystem and they became like really successful on both the Defi and the NFT sphere. So we're probably looking to achieve something similar to that. Because if the token is successful, then as I said, you know, it's in theory, the NFT should also be more, even more successful than they currently are.

Long-term Vision and Cash Flow

Right, I see. Okay, gotcha. Yeah. Now I'm understanding the picture with regards to sort of the expansion into parallel market of traders almost at the end of the day to attract attention from there. So with regards to the token, you said there's going to be an allocation for the NFT holders or it's going to be released. Sorry, should I say rather over 24 months per NFT? So is this something you're seeing like a 404 token that's backed by the NFT? Something like jelly cubes did? I don't think there's many other projects that did it on Cardano. And if yes, then the follow up question is where is the value add from the entire deep and investment aspect coming from?

Value Add from Investments

Is it going to the nfTs? And thus the token. Is it going directly to the token? What's the long term vision with regards to the cash flow from within your economy? Yeah, so basically tomorrow we're going to have the Titan token pre sell and then the majority of those funds are going to be invested into different kind of like investments. 15% of the. So that's kind of like the starting value for the coin. You know, that it has all these different revenue streams up and running. 15% of the Titan token supply is going to be held by the project treasury. And the idea there is to liquidate that over time to kind of like scale your investment.

Mechanism of Scaling Investments

So if something new comes along or if you want to scale on our existing investments, you know, we can successfully do that. Which kind of like creates a funny mechanism where we sell Titan token to increase the value of the Titan token. So, yeah, so we have the pre sale funds, plus we have the Titan token treasury percentage available for scaling the investments over time. Sorry. And you had the question about fractionalizing the nfTs. Something about delicate. I didn't fully understand that first question.

NFTs and Staking Mechanism

Yeah, yeah. So, okay, now I'm getting you now with regards to where the tokens coming in, the funds from the tokenization and sale are going to be put towards investing in deepen projects, and the revenue flow from that is going to be rewarded back into the token and NFT holders. I was just questioning regarding the breakdown of the NFT into the token. Is that something like people would have to lock up their NFTs to receive that? Is that a reversible sort of switch that people can have? Or is it that once they're in the token, they're locked in the token and almost like buy by NFT?

Non-Custodial Staking Mechanism

So basically how it works is that our staking mechanism will be non custodial. So currently we already have kind of like staking mechanism for NFTs. And we're going to utilize that same technology, which is like a non custodial staking. So basically just plug and kind of like, earn the rewards based on like a snapshot, you know, 30 days, let's say. So the NFTs will just earn a certain amount of the tokenization over the 24 month period. NFTs have like, different kind of like classes. And then based on your class, you know, you kind of like, get more rewards.

CJ's Role and Contribution

CJ, you're the product designer actually, who designed the whole system. Maybe you could give smarty a more detail. Yeah, of course. So first of all, nice to meet you. Nice to house the space and all that. I'm CJ. I'm the product designer for House of Titans. I've been working on this since pretty much the PFP release. I don't think we can hear you. I think you're having. Am I quiet, X again? No, no, we can hear me.

Discussion on Staking and Reward Distribution

Just hold it. Don't stress about that. Cool. Okay. I can't for some reason. Oh, so it's not me. Okay, fantastic. So, yeah, so in essence, the question being, like, how are the PFPs related to the Titan token launch? So Apex has done a really good job illustrating what the. I like the difference in separation of the NFTs versus the Titan token is. And just to double down on that, the revenue that we generated from, like, our stronghold mint and our other NFT mints have only have stabilized us to build the structure that we can then use for the Titan launch itself. So the funds received from the Titan launch will be reinvested into various projects. So we even have some of our collaborators here, like Iagon and Dedium. And we also are planning to. To invest in other high potential defi or deep end projects around Cardano or potentially other blockchains. So the rewards garnered from those investments will be then distributed at a rate of 60% of the amount that we earn will be distributed directly to holders of Titan, with 25% being reserved for the treasury to make more targeted investments guided by the governance of holders. And then 15% is held for maintenance and upkeep of these transactions, making sure that all the systems work, of course.

Process for Staking and Tracking Rewards

So the. The way it will be done is that once we have our staking portal up, all you need to do is connect your wallet to our account. All you need to do is connect your wallet to our website and doing so will just automatically track the amount of Titan in your wallet or wallets because you can connect multiple to the website. And then the amount that you have connected through our portal will determine the percentage of the rewards that you'll be earning and will just be taking snapshots like Apex was saying, at a set interval. And those will be distributed out. Lovely. Sounds great, Manuel. A lot of exciting things coming. I guess if anyone is interested in the audience to keep an eye on high self titans, then if you are interested in something like that, almost as a passive revenue model for anyone interested for stacking rewards continuously. So Apex and Gringold, thank you very much for sharing that with us and I wish you best of luck with your sale tomorrow.

Introduction to Sync AI and User Interaction

I see Adnan, you have joined back up. We have still 1520 minutes in the docket, so appreciate you for coming back, man. You are speaking about the sync AI network? Yeah, apologies, some issue with the app, but yeah. Am I audible now? Yep, we can still hear you. Okay, awesome. So yeah, so what is sync AI? So we are building a super app that simplifies entire web experience. And this whole application, which is it will be powered by an off chain and restless network that is compatible with a lot of different chains, including Cardano, bitcoin, EVM and SVM ecosystems. So what I mean by Superdap here is as a web three consumer in your daily life, you are interacting with like ten different applications over like three different blockchain networks, you know, having different wallets and, you know, different trades and different interactions.

Consolidating Blockchain Activity

So what sync does is it consolidates all of these tabs and all of your blockchain activity into one single user interface. So that's what a super app is and that's what we are building. Let me show you an example how it will actually work in reality. So imagine like one fine day that you are, you know, you have just opened like a long position on a perpetual platform on some chain. And you're not aware there's no infrastructure at the moment, web three, that can actually notify you about what's happening with that trade. You know, you might have closed that. And you're not aware that if it's reaching near liquidation or you know what's happening with your trade, with sync, you will be able to get notified about all of your on chain actions. Suppose in this case, you know, like, your position is about to get liquidated directly in your mobile phone through sync application.

Intelligent Actions and Use Cases

And not only that, it also includes an intelligent action button, right? There, which is generated by our fine tuned AI model that allows you to take actions with one click. So, you know, in this case the action can be, you know, close the trade or put a stop loss or put more liquidity. So basically this is what we are building at sync. And this is just one example from the wide use cases. So essentially we are solving three key problems. So the first issue that we are solving is of connectivity. Basically we are creating a bridge between users, web two and web three identities in a completely private manner, which is powered by MPC and CKD for a more efficient user experience.

Understanding On-chain Interactions

Second, we are allowing users to know that what is actually happening on chain interactions. And third, we are allowing them to take instant one click actions that is powered by our a model. So, you know, you can receive notifications from your favorite apps to your mobile app, you send payments to a WhatsApp number, you send Ada or any token to a WhatsApp number, Telegram ID instead of any blockchain address, and communicate with different blockchain networks in natural language. Like for example, you can just time a swap, hey, just swap my thousand Ada to eigen if the price reaches xYz. So all of this will be done within single user interface, which is like in a grandma compatible UI.

Simplifying User Experience

So extremely easy to use. Lovely. Absolutely. No, great to hear that, man. You basically, I guess, recreating the portal through which users interact with web three applications that to, you know, as a cross chain platform. So it's not limited to one blockchain interaction only. So that's really great to hear. I am looking forward to testing it. But you know, I did notice that this is something you're going to be delegating throughout. You mentioned, I believe, nodes, not now, but I've seen you somewhere in your documentation. What's, what's with that? Why is this, you know, entering into, you're delegating the way it runs through nodes and thus entering the deep in space.

Infrastructure and Handling Sensitive Data

What's the logic behind that? Yeah, so when you're building an application that is, you know, bridging people's web two and web three identities, of course it's like sensitive data and of course you want to, you know, build it through an industry grade infrastructure to deliver notifications, messages or compute with AI and build transactions all securely and efficiently because, you know, people will be relying on these notifications to take actions and on and you know, like you want to make sure that these notifications are actually coming from a valid source. Coming and are valid and are, you know, delivering to the right, sync id or the person who is actually interacting with.

Architectural Design for Security

And when you're dealing with like sensitive data like this, you don't want to rely on a centralized network, which is like the single point of failure. That's why from like an architectural design perspective, distributed off chain network which can compute, store, validate and deliver while maintaining the consensus and security is very crucial. So that's the reason, you know, we are choosing like deep into as like an underlying infrastructure. Perfect. No, just that sounds great. Like sharing the responsibility of protecting the data and the functionality of the DAP itself.

Tokenomics and Economics of the Network

Before I do pitch my last sort of two questions that I wanted to ask just to understand more about sync AI to anyone listening into the audience. We are approaching the last ten minutes, so if you do wish to have a question. Sorry, if you do wish to ask a question for any of the projects up here, please feel free to request and we'll bring you right on up. Yeah, it's really just an open room. You don't have much of a stringency there. And with that for sync, one of my last questions, really one of the last two, should I say rather, is I suppose there's going to be some sort of token to help incentivize people to run nodes.

Revenue Generation and Future Plans

I suppose there's going to be an internal economy that's planned such that people are actually interested in partaking in sync. From a back end perspective, is there any details you can share with us as of now, or is this something you first want to focus on, the front end UI and then move forward with those details? Yeah. So of course there will be a token and the sale announcement will be coming soon and I can't share much details about the tokenomics yet. My marketing team would kill me. But, you know, I can say that we have put a lot of thought into the tokenomics, into the economy of the network. The network has been in research since Q four of last year, and best assured it will be very rock solid and very sustainable in terms of how it will evolve.

User Experience and Network Growth

So, you know, our strategy for the rollout will be, you know, focusing on the user experience, first releasing the mobile application and then acquiring a significant user base across multiple blockchain networks. So initially we will only be running the nodes to power up the network. And as we release the application, as the network activity grows, we will gradually open up slots for a limited number of nodes based on this activity. So, you know, this step by step process ensures that we build something like truly sustainable. And on the revenue generation sides, we have like a multitude of revenue generation models that will be incorporated into the network like network as a service.

Engagement with Applications and User Base

We are talking with a lot of different apps that are very interested in using sync as a base layer on multiple blockchains via APIs. So that's one part. And for the users there will be premium features similar to very web, two apps like Telegram Premium. And of course there will be transaction fees that we will be charging for building the transactions that will be going through the sync mobile app. So these revenues will be used to reward node operators and sync token holders who stake in the network. So you know, this is just like, you know, the surface level details, you know, a lot of more information will be upcoming new to our token launch.

Future Developments and Upcoming Announcements

So yeah guys, just stay tuned like we have a lot to unpack and pretty excited for it. Lovely, man. That definitely does sound like the smart business approach. And obviously start slow, have your paddings on, your guardrails on. Sorry. And ensure something that's profitable and sustainable and then start easing it out. So. Okay, cool. No, I was just probing a little bit to see the glimpse of how involved we can get already as users in the space. But adan, thank you very much for sharing that about sync. Is there anything upcoming in the short term that we should be keeping an eye on or is this just keep an eye on the Twitter and everything will be released from there.

Sneak Peeks and Future Mobile App Launch

So yeah, week we will be releasing like the first sneak peek of how the user experience will actually look like when the users will be using the sync mobile application. So you know, that's something which we are looking really looking forward to. So please keep an eye on that. And our sale announcement will be going live soon with a lot of different details around our tokenomics and discord launch will be coming soon, so there are quite different things that are upcoming in the short term and so yeah, and then long term, you know, after the token sale we will be focusing on releasing our mobile app in Q one Q four or Q one of next year. And then moving forward we'll be releasing the main net and opening up the notes.

Closing Remarks

Lovely, beautiful stuff. Thank you very much Adnan. I do appreciate you sharing that with us and the audience. I do also see we don't have any requests to come on up to speak, so I am going to start closing it out firstly with Iagon and dedium and House of Titans and sync AI. Thank you very much for sharing more about your projects and the recent updates that have been happening behind the scenes. I think spaces like these just help as a touch base point, you know, we don't need to ramble forever. And of course, to Ramik and Minswap for helping host this as well. Thank you very much. And to the audience. Lastly, I hope you did learn something. You know, that is sort of the goal with these spaces, is we come together as a community and actually keep touch with our projects on what's happening.

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