A Journey From Zero – Nine Figures‬


Space Summary

The Twitter Space A Journey From Zero – Nine Figures‬ hosted by bledi_gmi. ?Embark on a journey through the DE-FI landscape in 'A Journey From Zero – Nine Figures.' Explore key strategies, insights, and practical advice shared by seasoned experts and strategists. Discover how to navigate the complexities of the DE-FI sector, embrace a hunter mindset, and focus on sustainable growth. Dive into discussions on networking, the role of KOLs, and scalability for long-term success. Join us for a dynamic exploration of achieving financial milestones and building a thriving presence in the DE-FI space.

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Total Listeners: 198


Q: How can individuals strategize for exponential growth in DE-FI?
A: Experts suggest a combination of research, risk management, and seizing opportunities.

Q: What role do KOLs play in influencing the DE-FI sector?
A: Key opinion leaders can shape trends, drive adoption, and provide valuable insights in DE-FI.

Q: Why is network building essential for success in the DE-FI space?
A: Networking expands opportunities, fosters collaborations, and opens doors to new ventures.

Q: How can one maintain a hunter mindset in pursuing financial goals?
A: Staying proactive, focused, and agile is key to approaching opportunities with a hunter mentality.

Q: What are some practical tactics for navigating the complexities of DE-FI?
A: Diversification, due diligence, and continuous learning are vital strategies in the DE-FI landscape.

Q: Why is scalability crucial for long-term success in DE-FI projects?
A: Scalability ensures adaptability, growth potential, and resilience in evolving market conditions.

Q: How does strategic planning contribute to sustainable growth in DE-FI?
A: Planning enables risk mitigation, resource optimization, and goal alignment for sustained growth.

Q: What advice do experienced individuals share for achieving financial milestones?
A: Learnings include perseverance, adaptability, seizing opportunities, and continuous improvement.

Q: What are the key takeaways from real-world experiences in the DE-FI industry?
A: Practical insights emphasize the value of agility, innovation, and strategic partnerships in DE-FI.

Q: How can one approach the DE-FI sector with a focus on long-term value creation?
A: Long-term value stems from sustainable practices, innovation, and community engagement in DE-FI projects.


Time: 12:03:45
Strategies for Exponential Growth Insights on leveraging opportunities and risk management for exponential DE-FI growth.

Time: 12:15:22
The Role of Key Opinion Leaders Discussion on how KOLs influence trends and adoption in the DE-FI space.

Time: 12:25:11
Networking for Success Importance of building strong networks for collaboration and growth in DE-FI.

Time: 12:35:18
Embracing a Hunter Mindset Strategies for staying proactive, agile, and opportunistic in DE-FI endeavors.

Time: 12:45:29
Real-World Experiences Shared Practical insights from experiences applied to navigate the complexities of DE-FI.

Time: 12:55:33
Scalability and Long-Term Value Discussion on scalability strategies for sustainable value creation in DE-FI projects.

Key Takeaways

  • Strategies for exponential growth in the DE-FI sector discussed in-depth.
  • Insights on how to go from zero to nine figures shared by experienced individuals.
  • The importance of strategic planning and execution highlighted for success.
  • Building a strong network and leveraging opportunities crucial for growth.
  • Understanding the role of key opinion leaders (KOLs) in the DE-FI space.
  • Exploring innovative approaches and tactics for achieving significant financial milestones.
  • Tips on navigating the complexities of the DE-FI sector for sustainable growth.
  • Embracing a hunter mindset to seize opportunities and drive success.
  • Real-world experiences shared for practical application in the DE-FI industry.
  • Focus on scalability, sustainability, and long-term value creation in DE-FI projects.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Town Hall

What's going on, everybody? We're back. It's another town hall. It's another day in Thursday, another day in October, and we're live. Thank you all for being here. Thank you so much for joining us. We're gonna get everybody up, play some smooth tunes. In the meantime, in between time, make sure we get Mister Turabo up here. I'm joined by two incredible co hosts, Grant and Torab. Two of the greatest to ever do it. We have some of the greatest teams and projects joining us. I hope you enjoy your day. I hope you're enjoying life. And if you're not yet, you will be now. Welcome to the movement. Let's get it.

Engagement and Energy

We have enough people in here to start this thing out. I'm gonna give it to my co host to take it from here. Turob, how you feeling, Grant, how you feeling? I just feel like I got out. Of the sexiest elevator God ever created with that music. Great. That was very sexy elevator music. I'm feeling great. I have animal crackers and a gogurt. In front of me. Living 1999. All you need is some lunchables. Some lunchables to be that fifth grade dream. You see, Mister Beast is competing with lunchables now. He's got, like, the. The lunchify. It's a. It's a dap that's launching on movement. You see that? You know, everyone was giving to chamath because he was like, all about, like, children's health. But then you can't say no to money.

Overview of Today's Agenda

Okay, let's get into it. Thank you all for joining us. To rob, you want to just, like, give people that are new to the space, kind of the low down, the ones and twos. What this is? Yeah, essentially this is. We try to do it weekly. It's just that we had Korea, then we had Singapore. And so essentially, we want to do this weekly. We are going to do this weekly where essentially we just have the builders come, people from the community, and we just kind of shoot the shit a little bit and talk about the ecosystem, talk about what's going on in crypto. It's just more of a vibe. There's no like, hey, we're going to talk about, you know, AI agents or some crap like that. I mean, we can if you want, but the goal of this is just to give people a voice. I think a lot of people, they're building cool projects, but don't really have a platform to be able to share what they're building, why they're building it what problems they're solving.

Building Connections and Collaboration

And so this is the goal. And then also, it's cool for our builders to meet one another. Obviously we have our move builders chat, but I think it's pretty cool for people to be able to come and talk a little bit about what they're building. So that's the vibe. With that being said, who are we going to start with? Will, you're the boss. You tell us. What are we going to start with? I think. I think, look, I like to look at it in terms of the order and the order that we have it in. On my screen is we have echelon first and foremost. So let's kick it off with echelon.

Introducing Echelon

Good afternoon. How goes it? How dare you not start with g move? You are excommunicado now. You can't say it. What is this good afternoon bullshit? It's unacceptable. You know what's funny? Someone was like, wait, is it g move or gamove? And I was like, I'm about to kick your ass out of the chat for even asking that question. It is g move, by the way, for anyone wondering, it is not gamove. With that being said, sorry. What's up, Glenn? Talk to me, baby. You're muted, by the way. Yeah, yeah. Space is a bit buggy here, but no doing good. Excited for mainnet launch.

Discussion on Predictions and Projects

You know, what's. What's the topic of the day to rob? What do you want to speak about? I think one is just like, obviously you've been on a few of our spaces before, just letting people know, hey, this is our first time. What are you building? Very high level and obviously for you're currently live on Appdos, so people can check you out, even though our main net's not live, but you are in testnet, you know, that type of stuff. Just kind of what you're working on. And then we can kind of go down and through the different teams here. Yep. Awesome. I'm one of the core team members at Echelon. My name is Glenn. We're seeking to build a highly efficient. Money market using the move language.

Explaining the Money Market Concept

Like Gerard mentioned, we've been live with. Atlas for about five months and we'll. Be working closely with movement focused on stablecoins, liquid stake assets, and in the future open to get more into the. RWA space as well and build some. More products, providing basically anybody in the. World access to different yield sources. So for people who are redacted, what does a money market mean? It is a borrowing and lending protocol. Very similar design to compound or Abe, as seen in Ethereum. And it basically revolves around people taking assets as collateral for positions and then. Borrowing against those assets.

Project Insights and Future Plans

Got it. Thank you. Next. Let's go. Okay. I have a different order than you will. Let's go to Jose. What's up, brother? She moves. I'm good. How are you guys doing? Well, man, I saw you're pushing weight. That was the move weight challenge. I saw you in your twitter. Oh, yeah. But those are month ago, man. After all those trips, I'm kind of fat. I gotta get back to it. Well, already started. That's good. Yeah. For everyone who doesn't know the gmove challenge, it's been pretty cool to see, like, what kind of activities people do. Some people run marathons. Some people pick up four plates. Some people judo chop the crap out of people, and flip them on their heads. That's pretty cool, too.

Exploring Associate Projects

but yeah, if you guys haven't done the gmove challenge, if you haven't seen it, then I blame will because I expect everyone on earth have seen the gmove challenge. That's on Twitter. But do you want to tell people what you're building? Yeah, we're just building. We're building a decentralized exchange. So everything from just swapping assets, the special sauces that we have, sandwich resistance, and we also support concentrated liquidity. So you're just going to be one of the liquidity backstops on all the aggregators when you swap to give you guys the best prices. And one really cool thing about Jose and his team is that they actually started on Sui and in order to be able to be ready for Mainnet, they actually rewrote their smart contracts into Aptos move.

Collaboration Highlights and Development

So if there's any sue builders here that are looking to deploy day zero on movement, I think that he is literally the best resource that you guys can have. So open up your DM's, baby. Yeah. It has been a fun Jordan, you know, to learn both move languages. It's pretty fun. I don't know which one I prefer the most. You're going to get a lot of people pissed off at you for making that statement. For the ten people in the world who are maxes of one language over the other, I've seen some spicy takes. Lately on Aptos move versus swimove. And which one is better? To be honest, I write both. I think Aptos movie is more powerful because of the account model itself. You can modify things similar to EVM, but there's still the protection from move.

Comparing Programming Languages

But swing move is easier to read. It's just non developers can just read. Cool, thank you. We're going to come back to you. Let's go to Craig from the bracket. Chihads. How you doing, man? Hey, man. How are you guys doing? As I always say, we are living the dream. We're in a testnet pre main net world right now. The market is nuked politically. The world is going to shit. But you know what? G move. Yeah, g move. I mean, yeah, we can tickle. That sounds so negative, but, yeah, I have, so I'm the co founder here at bracket. We are building production markets, and we have built the first mobile swipe to bet production market.

Innovative Concepts in Betting

so basically we're just trying to, you know, take away, you know, take away the, like the, I guess the notion that operation markets should just be like a copy of, like a trading platform. Like all these ones that I look at now just look like Dexs pretty much. And that's not exactly what we're trying to build. We're trying to build an entertainment platform instead of us, another investment vehicles. So there are binary options. Just swipe yes or no on different events. And this can be from the weather to, like, who you think is going to get dumped in the next reality tv show episode. And, you know, we're gonna have some finance in there as well.

User-Friendly Betting Experience

We're gonna have some election stuff in there as well. But we want to allow people to bet on things they actually believe in and make it affordable for everyone worldwide. So we have bet sizes as small as like ten to $0.25. We're experimenting with that. And yeah, it's been a wild ride so far, and movement's been great in supporting us. So thank you guys for that. Okay, quick question. What is the most interesting prediction market that you've seen or that you want to build that you think is really cool? It's so interesting. So, actually, today's market was one of the most interesting I've seen. So Joseph Eth on Twitter, he actually posted, so he's having a child right now, and he posted a picture of the ultrasound, and he said, I want to protein market on the gender of this baby.

Engaging Market Concepts

So, yeah, we got that up immediately. And that's one of the more interesting ones I've seen. You know, I'm not too psyched about the ones about just natural disasters and elections. I've seen quite a bit on streaming, like esports, but specifically streaming and, like, outcomes of streamers during the very long streams. And then we had also one of our own marketing people today do a stream in our discord, and as she was playing the game, she was doing terribly, but we basically had the odds changing over time. We had a live betting going on, so were creating markets as she was playing, and that got a lot more traction than I expected. So, yeah, and I think you guys had mentioned, and I know we're going to get to everybody, but yet I think there was discussions about, like, if there's, like, a mobile app where I could, for example, in real time, be like, I bet you Jones gets knocked out by where the hell is he?

Real-Time Betting Discussion

Fight. Oh, by stipe, for example, in round two. But you can do it in the middle of the fight. Like, you could potentially make it if they accept. Yeah, absolutely. So that's actually what we are testing. We're doing a lot of testing with that right now. That's also part of the reason why we had that stream earlier, to, like, make live bets as things were happening. It just comes down to transaction speed as well as, like, making it verifiable instantly. There's a very, very short data markets. But, yeah, we've been. We've been doing a lot of work with that, and we have made some headway on that. So there. There is rumors. Rumors that I heard from my own self, that we might have a Warren Buffett type million dollar payout for anyone who gets their sweets, their.

Structure of Upcoming Events

Their March madness bracket. 100% correct. I can either confirm nor deny these allegations, but something we can discuss later. Yeah, of course. We can definitely discuss that. I can either confirm or deny that. Yeah. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Okay, wait, so real quick, Craig, you. Guys are also the name of bracket. I've heard that you're changing or not changing the name, but the app you're launching is called something else. It's hooked, right? Yes. Our mobile app is called hooked brackets. Not going anywhere. We just wanted a more web two looking app that has all the web three features abstracted away. But with bracket and hooked, both the results and everything will be verified on chain.

Innovations in Application Development

So hooked, basically is owned by bracket. Bracket runs hooked, but brackets, not going anywhere. Rad. Very rad. Cool. Thank you. Yeah. Okay, next we're going to go to a new member of this. Of the movement community. We go to Trunda. Please come and introduce yourself. Hey. Hey. Jimmu, y'all. My name is Shinda. I'm one of the co founders of Nucleus. We are folks that love building yield, infra for fun, roll ups and app chains, like, which are building out at movement labs. So, basically, the gist is, we are helping build a supercharged version of move ETH and move BTC, which will allow you to use all of the beautiful protocols we have here in the chat, while earning some main net yield, and yield that's powered from the infrastructure that powers move.

Building Yield Infrastructure through Nucleus

Cool. And so, can you walk us through. I heard a lot of buzzwords, but for me, I'm just a pleb. I'm a smooth brain. So I have, let's say, $1,000 worth of ethical. And I'm on movement. What happens when I put it into nucleus? Yeah, it's as simple as, let's say. You don't even have $1,000 of eth yet. Let's say you just have $1,000 in a bank account somewhere. You can enter into nucleus and just click the move. Click the move option and mint smove e. Then you'll be able to generate yield with your eth on move in one click. That's simple. That is amazing. That is way better than putting my money in my chase bank account and earning .5% over a year.

Accessibility and Participation

I can agree with you there. Okay. And for people that want to learn more about you guys, like, are you guys live yet? Where are you? Who should they follow?

Introduction to Nucleus and Engagement

All that type of stuff would be helpful, I think, for our listeners that are hearing about you for the first time. Yeah. If you guys want to keep up with what we're doing, you can follow us on. I still stick my twitter in a way. Hell, I'm calling it x over my dead body. But you follow us on Twitter, nucleus. Urn. Or you can check us out on our website at nucleusearn IO. You can also see a couple of our network partners that are up right now if you check out the website as well. Yeah. And if you guys actually look inside the attendees here, you can actually see nucleus. Yep. Just click on the nice little. I guess that does look like an x. It's an Adam. Yes. Okay, cool. Thank you. Okay, and again, we're going to come back to everyone, but next, we will go with Razor Dao. What's up, baby?

Engagement with Razor Dao Team

Jimmy, how you doing, man? How's everything? Yeah, I'm good. Do you want to tell people where you're calling in from? So, I'm calling in from Nigeria. Lagos. So, tell us, man, you. You are the first movement native team. How. How has this journey been for you, man? By the way, I've said this before. I remember when you launched, you had not talked to anyone from our team. And rushy ping me was like, wait, who the hell is this? He's like, is that you? I was like, that's not me. He's like, do you know who this is? I was like, no, I don't. And then I reached out to you on Twitter. But, yeah, man, just, I think that'd be cool as, like, the first movement native. Like, that's a thing that no one will ever take away, is like, you were the first movement native team to, you know, commit to deploying.

Journey of Razor Dao Team

But do you mind kind of sharing what the journey's been like from like, zero to one? And, yeah, how have things been for you? Yeah, it's really been an exciting journey. Like, it's literally been a roller coaster because, you know, like you mentioned, we've been here since day one. We've seen like, you know, all the pre parting on hype and everything, but generally it's been awesome. I can lie, it's been very awesome. You know, interfacing with the community, interfacing with other builders in the ecosystem has really been a thrilling experience for both me and my teammates. So it's the no shades of awesome. Okay, so I don't know if you guys have read Dale Carnegie's how to win friends and influence people, but in one of the chapters, he says if you don't toot your own horn, there won't be any music. So, my brother, throw us some metrics, but tell us how many active users wallet downloads get people excited.

Razor Dao Metrics and User Engagement

Tell me a little bit more. All right, so on the wallet side, we have about, nearly, about 400k users. We've had way more downloads, though. I think maybe people install and uninstall, you know? But currently we have about 396k thereabouts. Wallet downloads. On our decks, we have about 1.5 million users with a weekly active user, I think around 220k thereabouts. Then we recorded about 40 million transactions above 40 million transactions since the beginning of Testnet, which is very mind blowing considering that for us and from giving our background, weren't expecting this kind of early success, if I didn't put it that way. We really weren't expecting to grow this week. But, yeah, like I said, it's been exciting. Like, I, almost every day I get shocked by, like, how well we're doing, especially on guessnet.

Non-Western Founders' Challenges and Success

Like, you know, a mind blown, really. That's honestly amazing. And obviously I know a lot of the answers to the questions I'm asking. I just think it's pretty cool to, like, you know, for people to understand, like, the journey, how it's been, especially someone. And again, like this, I'll keep it real. It is difficult to be a non western founder, like if you're not in the US or like in certain parts of Europe, being able to get garner attention, investors, all that type of stuff is really difficult. And so obviously you're one of the teams that's been able to find some success there. So it's been pretty cool to watch. Yeah, yeah. Cool. Okay, next we'll go to the. The. Stable Jack team. Jimmu, everyone. Hope everyone is doing fine.

Introduction to Stable Jack

Stable Jack is a yield volatility and concentrating marketplace for an asset. So we allow investors to access either fixed or leverage yield on any asset, or they can have a leverage long position on any asset without liquidation risk. Like, to make this more concrete, I believe, like, I can say, for example, for LST and LRT protocols, assets like by using stable jack protocol can access either leverage yield or they can have a leveraged long exposure to those LST and LR test assets without liquidation risk. This can be applied for lending markets where users can get fixed or leveraged yield through stable jack, or for Dex LP tokens where users can either get a fixed yield on the LP token or they can have leveraged long position on the LP token without liquidation risk.

Functionality of Stable Jack

And since the LP tokens are like denominated, like a move eat, so they are effectively longing an index token. So these are some of the use cases that we offer. We'll also onboard the rvas, so like pretty exciting stuff. We'll wait for us a moment. I believe that's okay. That's amazing. Again, let's. I'm redacted here, so I don't understand a lot of these terms. Let's just say if I have some move token and I want to stake it, but I want to get better yields, how would I use stable jack? Can you walk me through what that looks like? So, like, firstly, you need to stake your move, and like, assuming you stake your move, you need to deposit into stable Jake.

Using Stable Jack for Yield Enhancements

So you have two options from there. Like you can either get leverage move position without liquidation risk and the leverage is variable, which can change from one x to four x, or you can get leverage yield returns on top of your stable coins in that sense. And like, the yield will depend on like, how much more will yield. For example, currently we live on avalanche and like, we accept stake ours as the collateral asset. Like, just to give you an idea, Sox base APR is 5.5% and currently we provide 17% yield without any incentives so, like, two weeks, three weeks on top of the base. APR is, I believe, like a conservative estimation. Dang.

Access to Competitive Yields with Stability

Okay, so if I'm. If I was supposed to be getting 5% yield, if I use you guys, I can get up to 15% yield. So three, x and I also. Is there a chance of liquidation? No, there's no liquidation risk. And then you'll be all fine. Well, I think we're going to best friends. Thank you. And for everyone who doesn't know, like, if you actually click on this profile, you can see the at Staplejack, underscore XYZ. I definitely recommend, again, for all these teams, like follow. These are like some of the, if not the core movement, Defi and just builders in general. So I really recommend that everyone follow them. Yes. There may or may not be other things that people would be.

Future Engagement Opportunities

How do I say this without getting in trouble? You might be very happy in a few months by following some of these projects and being part of their discords and communities. I'll leave it at that. Next, we'll have move position. What's up, man? What's up, gmove? How's it going? Everything is going well, man. Really excited that we're moving towards Mainnet. Our pickle or our pickleball master has joined. Yeah. I didn't even upload, like, good footage, but it was what I had. Now I'm now motivated to get better footage of pickleball.

Casual Conversations and Interests

You have to get the right. Anybody who ever wants to play pickleball at any of these conferences or anytime in Austin, anytime at one of these conferences. I would love to. I played badminton, actually, at token. It was great. I'd never played badminton before, down to any racket sports. A little known fact, I played varsity badminton. I was the only guy. I was the only guy above 160 pounds. I was also the only guy above 200 pounds on the team. It's so much fun. Yes. To Rob. How did you get into varsity badminton? It's a very specific sport to get into. Yeah.

Reflection on Sports and Interests

Wrestling and badminton. Those are my things, weirdly enough, for sure. The only. Can I think of two more opposites diametrically opposed? Do you still play badminton? No, I don't. But I still do. Like some more physical. Like, I play mostly basketball, I think. You said the thumb sports. I thought it was. Did anyone else dumb sports? No, no. Rob's a big thumb wrestling guy. No, no. We have a guy who, he wrestled d one, and he has a little gym next to where I live. And he's also like a childhood friend. So we go there sometimes a time just to have fun.

Fun and Activities through Sports

Grapple and other men. Yeah, they'll get you. Go. If anyone ever wants to play racket sports, by the way, any. Any sport with a net, I'm game. Anytime, anywhere, any. Let's play. Let's play. Well, I'm doing. We'll make a video. We'll get a camera. Let's do it like we did for the Aptos basketball. Did you see that? MSBN, the game of the millennium. Hold on. Aptis. Yeah. Did you see that? Yeah, I saw. It was great. Not bad, right? Yeah, that was a while ago. You guys need a rematch now, right?

Reminiscing About Past Competitions

Well, according to Twitter, it happened yesterday. Oh, really? Rushy wasn't there, and I confirmed that I was the only member of my team that had picked up a basketball in two years. And I swear to God, that is an actual fact. Okay, that might be true. First of all, I think I hadn't picked up a basketball in over ten years. But the one shot I took, money. That'S all that matters. Also, is it. Is it true that Mo from Aptos is like an actual ball? He's a hooper. Yeah, he's a hooper.

Hoop Dreams and Basketball

Straight hooper. I've heard that. They came to crush us, by the way, for anybody listening, appdos, they. They made it sound like, you know, they were average, sub tier pleb gamers. They came to fucking roast us. It was a Ivan I even drag off Apollo Creed type of situation for anyone who's old enough to understand that reference. But, yes, see, I got Alice sitting. There like those, you know, vibrating machines doing all the training. Wait, did those not work? That's what I use.

Training and Technology

They work. They work. You know, they work. Anyway, all right, move. Position. So we are a money market that is doing basically valuation around collateral and liquidations in a more advanced way than anything else in the entire crypto ecosystem. Basically, the way that most money markets work is there's a set collateral value that you're getting. So let's say you have move and you want to borrow against it. It stands to be seen what those values will be set for, set at. But for ETH, it's usually 80%. It doesn't matter what you're borrowing.

Overview of Money Markets and Offering

That's not how traditional finance works. And, you know, traditional finance has been figuring this out for a long time, figured out what works. Every time something bad happens, they improve their models. So the way that this should work is you should be evaluating an entire portfolio and saying, let's say, for example, you wanted to lever up really highly on staked move, because you like the. You like the yield that you're getting off of one of the staking providers, you should be able to borrow a ton of apt against your, or, sorry, a bunch of move against your St move. Right.

Dynamic Evaluations in Financing

And because those two are extremely correlated. Right. They should be one to one pretty much at all times. And so what our system does is it evaluates all of the different assets and liabilities in your portfolio, and it allows for a lot higher capital efficiency as well as fewer liquidations. The other big difference between us and most lending protocols is we have a dynamic liquidation engine. So if the value of your collateral, what you're borrowing against, went down or the value of what you're borrowing goes up, and, you know, the protocol says, you know, your collateral can no longer support your loan, most lending protocols will take 50% or 100% of your collateral in order to fix your account.

Capital Efficiency and Dynamic Liquidation

And we have a dynamic liquidation engine that actually takes the smallest amount necessary in order to get your portfolio healthy against, rather than just taking 100%. It might take 25%, if that's what it takes. And so, all in all, this means more capital efficiency for users. You can go longer on borrows in a more efficient way and more safety for the ecosystem in general, because we're not as prone to the sort of, like, deep peg, huge liquidation events that you see happening in crypto. Got it.

Conclusion on Financing Mechanisms

So I make more money with less money and money safe. Is that a fair. You should be our marketing guy. Trouble. That's it. More money. Less money. Money. Safer. I just followed the gronk. The gronk philosophy. Yes. That's six words. That's all we needed. No more than three syllables. Yes, exactly. Money. Thank you. Money. Good. All right, go ahead. Will, you want to call up our next speaker? Yeah. Is, aki. Are you here with us?

Introduction and Translation

I was gonna translate for. To Rob. If he couldn't hear you, I was gonna translate your answers, but we'll save that for next time. Glad to be here.

Conversations and Background

Yeah, please. I think what would be really cool, obviously we've had a few conversations. Maybe you can tell people a little bit about yourself. I think this is your first movement, Twitter space. A little about yourself, a little about DLC, BTC, and then kind of why you're building it. What's wrong with today's btcs that we see out in the world and how you guys are approaching the problem?

Personal Background

Yeah, yeah. I appreciate the opportunity. Appreciate you, all that movement. So I guess I'll just give you a quick about me. I've been a developer for almost 30 years. I was a vc in 2011, looking at AI, machine learning, big data. I worked at a database company, and then I started an AI company. I led that for eight years. Basically, I worked with some scientists. I invented a way to optimize content for search for SEO.

Experience and Transition to Crypto

That became the predominant way of doing SEO. I raised over 10 million, built the company, Yada. Anyway, three years ago, I got bored of it because you're working on a problem for like, 810 years, you kind of want to do something different. So I put a CEO in there to kind of like, run the thing, and I came to crypto full time and I wanted to build something that also kind of comes from academia or uses some novel science.

Discovery of DLCs

And I learned, I'm not a cryptographer, so I wasn't able to create anything. But I learned about this thing that had been invented six years ago at MIT by the creator of the Lightning network, this guy Taj, who used to teach the bitcoin course. And he basically created, he invented this concept called dlcs, discrete log contracts, and basically DLC, it's like an if then statement, but on bitcoin.

Building DLC BTC

So you don't have smart contracts on bitcoin, but you do have this kind of like conditional logic. And so I started looking at this, and then dlcs were added into bitcoin three years ago with taproot. And so suddenly anyone could permissionlessly build DLC based applications, and we're like, wow, cool. What could you do? Use, you know, what could you use for this? And we're like, oh, well, we could build a safer wrapped bitcoin.

Importance of Self-Custody

And long story short, we built DLC BTC, which is a fully decentralized wrapped bitcoin that's minted from self custody. So it's basically minted by. You have minters that lock bitcoin with themselves. And the reason this is important is because right now the only way is to, like, wrap bitcoin. One model is to send it to a custodian. But how do you know that the money's there? Like, how do you know the funds are there?

Trust Issues with Custodians

You have to kind of, like, trust them, which you know is fine if you trust coinbase or whatever, but if you don't if you had a huge pile of bitcoin, you might not want to have it. You know, rely on Coinbase or, you know, Coinbase is a legal company. I'm not ripping on Coinbase. Anyone is going to be, you know, have some issues there. And then the other way is to bridge it.

Bridging Bitcoin and Risks

So the other way is like you send your bitcoin to like a bitcoin l two or TBTC or something and they have nodes that are like hold the bitcoin, but if the nodes are hacked, the bitcoin is gone. So basically if you're locking bitcoin with yourself, it can never be stolen because you never. It's been in your custody the whole time. Don't send it to us, don't send it to anyone.

Launch and Future Plans

So anyway, that's what we've implemented and we launched ELcBTC a few months ago. It's now on arbitrum, base op and eth. And then we're bringing it to new chains soon. You guys can guess perhaps what some of those chains are. But one thing that I don't think you mentioned I, and obviously I've spoken to you if you want to just real quickly talk about the whole merchant system and like why that's different and your approach to like making it a usable, like I guess currency, if you want to call it that.

Importance of Merchant System

Yeah, totally. No, it's. It's actually an important part of this story. So usually like in crypto we're used to minting like we as retail can permissionlessly mint stuff. That's kind of what we're used to. This system is different. So here we have institutions that we call merchants. We actually didn't invent this system. WBTC four years ago invented this. They have a set of minters they called merchants.

Merchant Operation

There's 25 of them. They're like Galaxy Amber group, etcetera. And they get a license from the WBTC DAO and they're able to send bitcoin to bitgo and then get back WBTC and then they make money by reselling it. So you and me as retail, let's say we're swapping bitcoin to WBTC on Coinbase or wherever on a Dex or on a sex. Like the liquidity came from one of these 25 merchants.

Centralization Issues

But in that situation you've got bitgo as a centralized custody and you can kind of guess where this is going. If bitgo does a deal with Justin sun and he yanks all the bitcoin, then all the WBTC D pegs and like you'll never get it back kind of thing. But in our system, so we have the same merchants, we have amber and onboarding galaxy and same ones, but in our system there is no bitgo.

Decentralized Merchant Approach

They're just locking with themselves. Each of these merchants is the backer. And basically it's a little bit like USDC, where the banks put up dollars to mint USDC. In our case, the merchants put up bitcoin to mint DLC BTC, then they put it on exchanges and stuff, and then we can use it from there. Got it.

Software Innovations

So essentially people are able to use it without giving up custody and they don't have to trust others as much. Exactly, exactly. And I don't want to get ahead of myself too much, but we're also now looking into software enabled ways where retail could not necessarily mint, but retail could stake. So.

Potential Yield Strategies

So for example, I'll give you some examples. This is pretty cool because so over four years, WBTC did not really like, do too much to further the art and science of wrapping bitcoin. We could say they're mostly custodian company. They didn't really invest into it, but we focus on wrapping bitcoin.

Partnerships and Expanding Functionality

So we, for example, came out with this week, or last week, we announced a partnership with Garden Finance. So now anyone can swap bitcoin from L one into DLC Btc on L two. So that's one thing you can do. Another thing we're looking into is retail could stake their bitcoin to like, let's say you've got a protocol on movement and you want to take native bitcoin deposits and stake and earn a yield.

Future Directions and Additional Features

People like, you could implement our layer. We're calling this like one click yield. So you implement that and then people can stake bitcoin to you and then you can. That turns into DLC BTC, which then can go into a strategy of your choosing and boom, now you're able to take native bitcoin deposits. So that's another thing where. So like, we're kind of like, you know, looking to just add more software ways for retail to also participate in this kind of system.

Collaborative Efforts

Yeah. And we're going to work on some content together and push it out to the community. So stay tuned for that. This is one of those, it's one of those hidden problems that most people don't realize, but I think that once we kind of write out the content from you guys, it'll be really cool to digest, for sure.

Technical Complexity Acknowledged

Yeah, it'd be great. And I appreciate you because obviously, even from my two minutes of talking, this stuff is highly technical, very deep, very kind of opaque for most people. Even the DLC thing, when we came to space, ten people knew about it. It was really obscure. So just helping explain to protocol builders what they could do with this stuff.

Building Together

It's like you don't have to build your own wrapped bitcoin thing. You could just use dlcs and all. Like, there's a lot of, like, a lot of kind of building this out that we could do together. So I'm excited to work with all you guys. Absolutely.

Last Speaker Introduction

Thank you. Okay, cool. And then next, I think, the last speaker. My thing is spazzing out, if I'm saying the name correctly. Demether. Demether. I hardly know her. Sorry.

Demether Introduction

I will always make that. Low hanging Jamu, everyone. What's up, man? Hi there. This is Kartik here, lead contributor at Demeter. Thank you so much for having me on. It's a cold and very early morning here in Sydney, Australia, but I'm super excited to be here.

Kartik's Contributions

Oh, man. Calling from Australia. Okay, well, sorry to keep you waiting, man. Yeah, please tell us a little bit about yourself and then tell us about the Defi shenanigans people can partake in.

Overview of Demether

Absolutely. No, and thank you very much for having me. I don't mind at all. So we're new to the ecosystem. What we're building is helping blockchain ecosystems to attract and retain capital on chain. So, in other words, you could probably paraphrase what we do as tbL, as a service for blockchains.

Business Model

We have a B two B angle, which is to engage with the blockchain ecosystem, do everything we can to onboard new capital and retain it. But we also have a B two C angle where we have a suite of yield bearing tokens, which is very much the core of our business model.

Addressing Capital Retention

And the proposition to the whales, the retail crowd out there. The problem with solving is really capital retention, because chains such as movement are amazing. Incubating communities, nurturing ecosystems, attracting capital and users initially. But it gets really difficult to distinguish who is committed and interesting as a community member from mercenary Capital.

Building Sustainable Ecosystems

So what we do is, you know, help to facilitate bridging campaigns, get the capital on chain, and then have a ratcheting mechanism where we use yield in order to incentivize people to stay. So the longer anybody is holding our tokens on chain in an ecosystem that we've partnered with, the yield starts to go up and eventually, ultimately, it should become a pair of golden handcuffs to really keep them on chain until the ecosystem has a chance to really kind of be nurtured and grow out to something a little bit more organic for people to engage with.

Encouraging Chain Development

We're super bullish on move. I mean, there's been some amazing projects that I've heard the interview of, and I can't wait to kind of reach out to you guys straight after this call. Like echelon move position, nucleus stable Jack, and I'm sure I've missed a whole bunch of others, but, yeah, hopefully that's enough as a starter.

Inclusivity and Next Steps

That's amazing, man. Hold on. I'm going to do a quick ad break to remind everybody that all the speakers and all the teams on the stage are absolutely cracked. So please make sure that you're following all of them, supporting all the different teams, and, you know, sending them words of affirmation and posting about how wonderful that they all are.

Movement Introduction

How did you guys end up, like, coming into the movement was to rob? Did to rob, get into your DM's and, you know, coax you in or how. What was that? What was the introduction to the movement?

Connecting with the Community

Yeah, I think we have a whole bunch of mutual friends and projects that I think we're speaking to on both sides. So, like, call out summer, for example, with whom we've worked with for a long time. So I used to work at Animaka Brands just like six months ago when I founded the project and ran into the chat over there and really wanted to work with them, like, on a continuous basis above and beyond at Animoca.

Partnership Opportunities

So it was like an ideal alliance that we formed and they introduced us to the movement ecosystem. The one we read about what you guys were doing, you guys on socials and watch that community grow. It was an absolute no brainer to get involved. And we're very pleased to be here.

Further Developments

And we're very pleased to have you. And I also think so. We have a exciting development that's happening live on the spaces that I think will ideally be of excitement and benefit to everyone in here.

Live Partnership Campaign

So give me 2 seconds. I'm going to try to make. We're going to see if we have a caller here. Hold on, let me see if this works. Give me a second. Let's see. Can you guys hear this? Can you guys hear the phone? Can I get some.

Caller Interaction

Can I get some emojis in the chat if you guys hear this? Yeah, loud and clear. Okay, I can, yeah. So for people that don't know, I'm on with one of the co founders of the movement himself, the Don. Don of the movement, the godfather, Coop de Vil and Coop, I wanted to do this kind of like a radio show.

Exciting Developments.

I know that you've been working on some things behind the scenes, and we have a development that's happening live on the spaces. Do you want to tell people a little bit about what's happening? Yeah. This is an absolutely massive development.

Partnership with OKX

So we're running a little partnership campaign with one of our biggest partners yet, OKX. So there's a very special opportunity for the next 20 hours only to participate in some special quests that are being run in collaboration by us and for this limited time.

Completing Quests for Rewards

And some of you may have already completed these. If you've completed all of your Parthenon quests, then you've already done it, you're already checked in, but you just need to go now to our galaxy once more and you're going to be able to claim special discord roles that are very limited time.

Limited Edition Commemorative Items

And then once you complete all three of the different quests and claim all three of your roles, you're also going to get a very limited edition commemorative item. And so, yeah, this is going to be major bragging rights.

Displaying Recognition

It symbolizes that you were here and that you truly are a centurion and a part of the movement and get that visibility and recognition at this intersection of our collaboration with OKX. So very special times.

Call to Action

Check out our galaxy, check out the posts that we just made, and come get your special commemorations. That's fucking badass, dude. And what I think is amazing is that all the teams that are live on Parthenon, all the teams that are going to be deploying, this is just another in a series of a flywheel that will, you know, be bringing some attention to these incredible builders that are here on the space.

Final Gratitude

So, coop, thank you so much for doing this. Dude, I know I called you out of the blue and, you know, kind of put you on the spot here, but this is exciting times, man. Thank you so much, daddy.

Technical Issues Acknowledged

I was trying to get in the space. But it rugged. So I don't know if anyone's noted. You might see my alt. You may see the burner in the. In the Twitter listeners.

Banter and Future Plans

Yeah. Okay. Side quest. I was here for the racquetball or the, like, the not cricket badminton banter and all of that fun stuff. Wishing I could talk, but yeah, I got completely rugged by space.

Future Content Initiatives

We're gonna make a badminton banter podcast, Coop and I, soon. And it's. We watch. You'll be the first guest, and it's us watching other people play badminton and we critique them while we talk about crypto.

Community Engagement

also, if you side quest for everybody that's in the spaces right now, if you can justly identify. If you can find and identify Coop's alt dm me, I'll ask him and I'll find out if it's right. We'll come up with some sort of unique.

Identifying Community Members

Unique, merch or something like you can expose coop's alt. All right, man. Well, thank you for coming up, dude. Thank you for sharing.

Farewell and Future Interactions

I'm going to keep going with the speakers, but any words to the movement before you leave us? Hell, yeah. That's what I got for y'all. That's how I'm feeling it.

Closing Remarks

I love you, dude. Thank you for doing this. Yeah. All right, see you, man. Bye. Peace.

Reflections on the Event

That was amazing. That was a first of its kind. If anyone wants to call into the radio show, for future reference, let me know. You can blow me up on telegram.

Transitioning to the Next Speaker

I brought up another one of our amazing teams. Actually, you know what? Give me 2 seconds before I introduce them.

Return to the Discussion

We gotta bring this back around. 5 seconds. 5 seconds. Hold on. Ready? Watch this. Grant, private section.


Watch that. That's a jam. You like that? That's a cheap. That's some. That's a good jam.

Grant's Perspective

Grant, what are we doing here today? What's going on? What is this? Well, will, you know, we're out here working on the movements, throwing the movements, showing off the movement, maybe peacocking the movement, just ever so slightly, but we're.

Community Involvement

Just, you know, we're just having a. Bunch of good projects on here, talking about what they're doing, hanging out, having a good time, learning, educating each other.

Educational Initiatives

Okay. Education, vibes. Rackets, brackets, move positions. All right? Bracket. If you guys don't do an event called rackets with bracket.

Creative Event Ideas

Dude, that some kind of fucking pickleball tournament? Badminton, dude, literally, bro, I was gonna say for the major tennis tournaments, brackets and rackets.

Event Comparisons

It's like Wimbledon. US Open. Like there's so many. This is Crypto's version of Wimbledon.

Highlighting Major Projects

I love that. And speaking of crypto version of Wimbledon, there's some incredible tournament worth glory holding championship level builders in the space. And one of them just joined.

Notable Participants

I'm not talking about to rob, even though he did just rejoin.

Introduction to Podium

I'm talking about podium. I'm talking about Jamari, who's in the app right now. What's going on? Good day. Good day. It is a pleasure. You have Jamari Peterson on with you representing podium, the first web three enabled audio space ever working on the movement testnet currently.

Background of Jamari and Podium

And the man who jumps over cars. I definitely have. I'm not doing it today, though. I definitely have my parkour days where we're definitely some highlights for me. Yes, sir. Tell us a little about podium. If someone, if someone hasn't checked that on Testnet, they should. But tell us about podium and what was the. Obviously you built some stuff before that people may not know. Maybe they've used your dapps before. Do you want to walk people through a little bit about your history in crypto?

Jamari's Journey in the Crypto Space

Yeah, absolutely. So I've been in the space since 2016, but most recently I, before launched podium, I built snowball on avalanche. It was the first auto compounder and venture Dow on avalanche. So we onboard a lot of people in the space, developers as well as users, provide yield opportunities. We had about 300 million under our smart contracts. We deployed about 200 smart contracts. But then I really want to figure out a way of scaling out and having a bigger impact and providing a better onboarding way into the space.

Importance of Community in Podium's Vision

And I believe that social media was the way of doing that. I saw the arena launch on avalanche. I saw friend tech happening on base farcaster start working, and I felt like we was missing that. The fundamental aspect of how do you create a thriving ecosystem around community and providing a way for people to not only monetize, but also value the time that they're spending in this space. So that's where we started working on podium.

Features and Innovations of Podium

We looked at Twitter spaces, and while I like it and it's connected to Twitter, we saw that there wasn't a really way of monetizing and showing that people are kind of meeting your needs when they're talking. It's controlled by the hosts and the audience can do a thumbs up emoji, but everybody might miss that. So I like showtime at the Apollo. So I was like, okay, showtime, Apollo. When people are boring, everybody starts booing them, and then somebody comes out with a big hook and drag them off the stage.

User Empowerment in Podium

And I was like, what about if we implemented that kind of empowerment to users so that they can actually be able to vote on the speakers, give them more time or less time, depending on how engaging that they are, and then create a more dynamic experience. And if you meet that need, then you actually have a real attention market where speakers are now creating value for users. Users are able to bring value back to the speakers.

Technological Underpinnings of Podium

And then you can actually start even doing things where, like when the speaker pays for more time to talk that can get divided between all the listeners and the listeners can then benefit from their time being utilized by a speaker. So really that's the fundamental aspect. And move is really going to help facilitate that for us because we can actually have these high volume type of transactions happening to really support the needs of social media. I hope that was fast enough.

Podium's Technological Features

No, no, that's great. So from the ashes of the arena rises the phoenix of podium is what you're telling me. I mean, the arena exists. I mean, I'm not going like from the ashes of frantic though, for sure. Thank you, man, I appreciate it. And for everyone who doesn't know, you can actually go check it out on testnet. How's the. Is the mobile app alive?

Current Status of Podium's Mobile App

Yeah, the mobile app is live, it's open testing. It runs on Android currently. We, I think we recently announced a partnership with up network. So, so we can make sure that we're one of those applications that can be installed on their phones when people attain them. Up network is also an organization that's we're working with move and they're trying to make sure that they're integrated with the move network when they launch. They're their little Android phones.

Future Plans for Podium

So we're making sure we position there as well, provide as much access. But yeah, no Android. There's links on our page and we are working on iOS. Once we finish full feature completion, we already have all the functionality for scheduling, for creating rooms, for talking, for actually spending move on speakers and get adding and deducting time. So all the pieces are there. We just need you to join.

Participation in the G Move Challenge

And for everyone else will I'll let you walk people through maybe how they can get involved with the G Move campaign and or anything else that is top of mind for you. Oh, I can definitely do that. I'll reiterate to follow all the speakers on stage and to follow all the teams and to definitely participate in doing the quests and navigating these incredible daps. I'll also say that if anybody's looking for how to practice to talk about their project, Jamari is literally one of the greatest, like hype spokespeople for their project.

Building Excitement in Projects

Like the energy level, the excitement. Like if you're trying to get people enthused about a project, like if you show up with enthusiasm yourself, it's contagious. So, I mean, I've always been a big fan of his and the project, but you know, it speaks volumes when you show up excited about what you're building so just for any of the new builders that might be in the audience that are listening, that are, you know, wanting to practice their pitch or I, you know, work on how they present themselves, that was a crash course right there, and how to, you know, build excitement.

Engaging in the G Move Challenge

And another crash course in how to build excitement is the G move challenge. I think a really fun way of exciting people about, you know, rallying behind a cause is just letting them show what they're excited about, giving them the space to just, you know, be themselves. And so we've been working one, one way of doing this. We call it the G Move challenge. Basically, if you think it's a good move, if you think it's a great move, post it, put it online, show the world what you think is unique and what you think is great.

Opportunities and Prizes in the Challenge

It can be a wonderful place in the world. A Narnia esque vision quest that you went on. It could be an incredible game winning buzzer beater that you shot in a game versus aptos, like, to rob and I experienced. It could be you beating the shit out of a bag and showing the strength and your deadliness. As Grant put on his page. It can. It can be the incredible, you know, racket, composure that you have, like, move positions, incredible goat of the tennis sports exhibited.

Contribution to the Future

It's really up to you. Whatever angle you want to take, there's some prizes that can be won. There's a great donation being made to nonprofits supporting the youth in the future of the world. So, you know, make sure that you're participating at your chance to be featured as a G mover. And there's some exciting people. We're going to be participating, too, so keep an eye on the campaign. But there's that.

Open Invitation to Participate

Grant, did you want to say something? I saw your. I saw your. Yeah, I just wanted to say, and you don't need to only submit one G move. You can submit as many G moves. As you want, and, you know, just, like, keep it going. Like, I have a few more that I'm working on that I'm going to throw up there. you know, so just keep them coming. Gangdeh.

Encouragement for Submission

Keep them coming and tag people and challenge them. I forgot to mention that part of this is, after you post it, incentivize your friends, like, put them on the spot. I tagged, like, a majority of the Aptos executive team. Just, you know, get people excited and get them to participate in this, too, because we want to see how people g move. We want to see what gets them moving.

Final Thoughts

And obviously, as I said before, and I'll say again, follow the speakers, follow the projects, follow along. I just crushed a mosquito. I feel bad. I feel bad. I just did something wrong. I'm going to ask for pens, but follow along. And also, obviously, Okx is joining forces, web three is growing, and the movement is expanding. So make sure you're staying tuned and earning those badges, following along with what they're doing.

Closing Remarks

And to rob. Was that good? Did you like that? Should I play some music, too? Should I throw that, a little bit of that on you? You got my thumbs up. Okay. You know, usually we have more time to chit chat. It's just that we have so many builders, which is a good thing. You know, generally, we kind of talk about the worst ice cream flavors, such as mint chocolate chip, or we talk about, you know, different narratives.

Light-Hearted Banter

Yeah. That you have the audacity to even let that thought enter your cognitive space. You can have your colgate ice cream, whatever you want to call it. That's totally fine. That leaves more of the good stuff for the rest of us. So appreciate you eating that. So we get the good stuff. Okay. Okay. Before Torab goes on, his unhinged lunatic rant about whatever butter flavored ice cream is his favorite, I'm gonna have.

Transition to Next Speaker

We have. We have spark coming up to speak for g mover. And we'll have them be our final builder of the night, or the day, wherever you're tuning in from. And then we can. And then we can roast to rob. To infinity and beyond for his horrid taste in savory and sweet affairs.

Final Thoughts on Flavor Choices

But I say real quick, what is. The best ice cream? Greg, you should put up a pool. Or a preference or bet, or however you guys are calling it on bracket. To determine the best ice cream flavor. How do. I. Will. What do you think the best ice cream flavor is? Oh, man. Okay.

Discussion on Ice Cream Preferences

It's like a three way tie. Oh, boo. Okay, fine. It's gotta be somewhere between coffee and mint chip. But I feel weird saying mint chips number one, because, like a coffee, chocolate. Like anakin, look into your heart. You know this to be true.

Concluding the Ice Cream Debate

Like a mocha flavor. Like a mocha flavored ice cream. Or I gotta say Java chino chip. There we go. Oh, coffee with chocolate chip. Maybe like a mint in there. Like, maybe a side mint. I think I'll defer to brackets challenge telling me what it actually is, but I know for damn sure it's not whatever to rob thought it was.

Final Reflections on Ice Cream

First of all, it's not butter. It's butter pecan. Oh, disgusting. The fact that you said that as a joke and it was actually what you said, that's like saying. That's like saying, oh, you like butter? It's peanut butter, bro. Come on.

Addressing the Pecan Controversy

The worst nut. And. Okay, first of all, if it was like peanut butter, it would be pronounced pecan butter. Not butter, pecan. It would be pronounced pecan. Primary ingredient is butter. What are you, from Ohio? Your us. Your us centric syntax is just, I. Want to go to spark because we have more.

Transition to Spark's Presentation

Okay. Yes, yes. Talk about to rob's terrible taste. But if anybody's ever had a pecan, you know how horrible that take is. Okay, we're going to go to spark. Gmar, over. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you. Yeah, g move, everyone.

Introduction of G Move

Can you tell us a little bit about jeep mover? All right, so gmove is a p two e game on the movement ecosystem. We're currently like a game five project, so we're currently much in the building phase right now. We just released our testnet. And basically what you're doing the testnet is you have a piece of land, it's more like a barren land.

Gameplay Mechanics

Then you turn into a fertile land. You, you buy certain nfts, you have the tree nfts, you have the tractor nfts, you know, your related farming materials and you plant them into your land. Then you receive the GMO tokens, the Jimovo tokens as your reward. How did you guys come up with the idea? What was the, what was the catalyst, the game?

Development Team Insights

Okay, so it's just all about farming, right? I'm staying talk with the team. I'm still pretty much into the team. So it's still about farming. Still going to release more info about why we decided on that type of game very much release my info about it. But for now we have our test nets.

Engagement and Community Building

It's something that you can really enjoy. You know, you're buying of nfts and. Yeah, that's pretty much it. Thank you for building on us, man. We're grateful to have you. Thanks for joining. Sorry, the timing was a little bit like route ruckus and you know, obviously I blame to rob for that, but we're really excited about you guys.

Closing Appreciation

Thank you for being here. Thank you very much for bringing me up. And I'm super bullish on the movement ecosystem, super bullish on every builder, on echoes on the ecosystem. Thank you very much. And thank you, man. Will hit us with the outro, man. I know went past the hour. A lot of people have meetings. We don't want to hold them.

Concluding Remarks

Oh, God. See, this is. This is a man who's deflecting his responsibility. Okay, first of all, I want to say I think it's worth noting. Noting. I'm going to be honest here. Okay. A moment of self reflection and vulnerability. I've never tried butter pecan ice cream, so I realized in.

Personal Reflection on Ice Cream

In my. In my lust for winning an argument, I realized I actually shouldn't have an opinion because I've never tried it. So I will, for a g move challenge, try butter pecan and give my genuine, 100% honest opinion, because so far, it's been. I've been lying to you guys.

Commitment to Honest Review

I never actually record yourself the first. Time you eat it. I want your live reaction. No bull crap. I'll do a live. I'll do a live video, maybe in the discord for the movement community to know, what do I actually think about this? One thing I can tell you without a certain.

Positive Outlook on Community

Without a fraction of a shadow of a doubt is that we have the greatest ecosystem in the world. We have some of the greatest builders in the world. I'm such a fan of everyone on the stage and that you can take to the bank. I'm so grateful to all of you for joining us.

Gratitude to Participants

I'm so grateful to my co hosts. I'm grateful for everyone bearing with me through my moment of vulnerability and honesty. I apologize, the creators of butter pecan, because I was too quick on my feet. But at the same time, I think my stance might stand.

Reflection and Gratitude

I may have closed the tab with the music, so at this point, I'm stalling. We're back. I love you all so much. Thank you so much for joining us. We'll be back again next week. Week.

Looking Ahead to Future Engagements

We're back on a regular cadence because we're back in the US. But thank you to everyone in Korea and Singapore for housing us while were offline. We're back online. The movement has just begun.

Closing Call to Action

G move, everybody. Make sure you're hitting that g move challenge. If you're in the space and you're here to stay, making sure you're following all the speakers on all the projects, make sure you're keeping up with the OKX walleth deploying on Parthenon the Dap quest alive. So make sure that you're following up with that.

Wishing Well to the Audience

And I hope that you're all having a wonderful day. But if you're not, you're gonna have a wonderful day, starting right now. I hope you have a wonderful life. I hope everything that you ever dreamed comes true and crush.

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