Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space ‪A Journey From Zero – Nine Figures ‬ hosted by bledi_gmi. Embark on a journey from zero to nine figures in the dynamic world of DeFi. Discover the importance of strategic frameworks, honing hunting skills, and becoming a Key Opinion Leader (KOL) in the DeFi space. Learn how precision in strategy and continuous learning are vital for achieving financial success in the ever-evolving DeFi landscape. Navigate the DeFi ecosystem with expert insights on risk management, market dynamics, and the power of adaptation. Explore the art of accumulating wealth through knowledge, determination, and strategic decision-making in DeFi.

For more spaces, visit the DeFi page.


Q: How important are strategic frameworks in the DeFi industry?
A: Strategic frameworks lay the foundation for successful DeFi ventures, guiding decision-making and risk management.

Q: What role do KOL strategies play in the DeFi space?
A: Key Opinion Leader (KOL) strategies can influence market perceptions, partnerships, and the overall success of DeFi projects.

Q: Why are hunting skills crucial in DeFi?
A: Hunting skills help identify undervalued assets, opportunities for yield farming, and potential lucrative investments in DeFi.

Q: What does it take to journey from zero to nine figures in DeFi?
A: Achieving nine figures in DeFi requires a combination of knowledge, risk-taking, consistent growth strategies, and market awareness.

Q: How can precision in strategy benefit DeFi enthusiasts?
A: Precise strategies increase the likelihood of profitable outcomes, sustainable growth, and wealth accumulation in the DeFi sector.

Q: What advantages come with being a KOL in the DeFi world?
A: Being a Key Opinion Leader offers networking opportunities, influence over market trends, and potential collaborations with prominent players in DeFi.

Q: Why is deep understanding of market dynamics important in DeFi?
A: Market dynamics influence investment decisions, risk assessments, and the overall performance of assets in the DeFi environment.

Q: How does risk management contribute to financial success in DeFi?
A: Effective risk management mitigates potential losses, preserves capital, and enhances the profitability of DeFi ventures.

Q: Why is continuous learning vital for DeFi enthusiasts?
A: Continuous learning allows individuals to adapt to changes, seize new opportunities, and maintain a competitive edge in the dynamic DeFi landscape.

Q: What is the significance of adaptation in the DeFi industry?
A: Adaptation enables DeFi participants to pivot strategies, embrace innovations, and thrive in the ever-changing DeFi sector.


Time: 00:15:27
Strategic Frameworks for DeFi Success Understanding the importance of strategic planning and frameworks in the DeFi industry.

Time: 00:30:45
Key Opinion Leader (KOL) Strategies Exploring the impact of KOL strategies and influence in shaping DeFi projects.

Time: 00:45:12
The Art of Hunting in DeFi Unveiling the art of identifying profitable opportunities and assets in the DeFi space.

Time: 01:00:20
Journey from Zero to Nine Figures Insights on the path to accumulating substantial wealth from scratch in the DeFi sector.

Time: 01:15:34
Precision in DeFi Strategy Delving into the importance of precision and calculated moves in DeFi strategies.

Time: 01:30:52
Benefits of Being a DeFi KOL Exploring the advantages and opportunities that come with being a Key Opinion Leader in the DeFi world.

Time: 01:45:18
Mastering Market Dynamics in DeFi Insight into understanding market dynamics and leveraging them for profitable DeFi investments.

Time: 02:00:25
Risk Management in DeFi Ventures Discussing the significance of risk assessment and management for financial success in DeFi.

Time: 02:15:40
Continuous Learning in the DeFi Space Emphasizing the importance of ongoing learning and adaptation for sustained success in DeFi.

Time: 02:30:55
The Power of Adaptation in DeFi Highlighting the role of adaptation in seizing new opportunities and staying ahead in the DeFi landscape.

Key Takeaways

  • Building strategic frameworks is crucial for success in the DeFi industry.
  • Understanding key opinion leader (KOL) strategies can significantly impact DeFi ventures.
  • Honing hunting skills is essential for identifying profitable DeFi opportunities.
  • The journey from zero to nine figures in DeFi requires determination, knowledge, and risk management.
  • Strategizing with precision can lead to significant financial gains in the DeFi space.
  • Expertise in building and hunting strategies can pave the way for substantial wealth accumulation in DeFi.
  • Being a KOL in the DeFi world can open doors to lucrative opportunities and partnerships.
  • Successfully navigating the DeFi ecosystem demands a deep understanding of market dynamics and trends.
  • Risk assessment and management play a pivotal role in achieving financial success in DeFi.
  • Continuous learning and adaptation are key to staying relevant and profitable in the fast-evolving DeFi landscape.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to Moment of Clarity

Okay, welcome to moment of clarity. And we'll be starting 80 five. So we're just waiting for the speaker to join us, right? Yeah. Gm. Gm. Okay, good. Yeah, glad to have you guys. sorry, it's six minutes already and we are still waiting for our speaker. he's gonna be here real soon. I don't know, let's just give him, like, few minutes to come in. One will be very fast today. Okay, our speaker said he's going to be here in the next few minutes, so let's do a little introduction and recap while working for him.

Hosts' Introduction

So, as you all know, guys, I am. My name is Blady. I have been your host for, like, six weeks now. Yep. Where we talk about journey from zero to nine figures. And here is my co host, the Nutella king. Nutella, please tell us your name again and give us a recap of the previous space while wait for our speaker.

Nutella's Introduction

Thank you. All right, thank you so much, Bledy. Okay, Gm. Gm. Guys, again, my name is Nutella or Nutella King. Right. I'm a multi chain content creator and I'm also a content manager. What do I do? Okay. I contribute three projects and brands with my unique perspective to content creation. That's what I do again for tonight's piece or today's space.

What is Moment of Clarity?

So what is moment of clarity? Moment of clarity. From zero to nine figures, moment of clarity is an interactive weekly space series. So we come here every Thursday, 07:00 p.m. uTC. One to listen and learn from the experiences of legends on the space while they take us through their journey. How they were able to scale up their portfolio and, you know, become who they are. Right?

Technical Issues and Awaiting the Speaker

Hello? Guys, I don't know if I'm actually logging because when Nutella was speaking, I couldn't hear her, even though I used my second phone and I was hearing her. Claire. So, someone should give me a thumbs up, please, if you can hear me, clear. Someone should. Please give me a thumbs up if you can hear me, clear. Okay. Okay. Okay. Thank you, guys. That means Nutella is. I don't know. Our speaker is yet to show up. Let me ping him again.

Making Sure Everyone Can Hear

Can you guys hear me? I don't know if you. Yes, I can. I can. I can hear you. Come on. What's happening? What's happening? Yes, I can hear you. Okay, very good. I don't know. Our speaker is yet to come. I don't know. Did you finish your summary, Nutella, before you got rubbed? Okay, so I don't know where neto cuts me off. but I did. I think I did. I gave. Did you guys hear me?

Clarification of Speaking Matters

Did you guys hear everything I was saying? I didn't hear it. No, I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about the listeners. Please, if you had what I said earlier, just give me a thumbs up or something. So no one hugged me. Oh, my God. Okay, do you guys want me to introduce myself all over again? Yeah, I guess so.

Recap and Welcome of the Speaker

You should do that and do it first. We have our speaker here, so we can kick off right away. All right. Okay, so I'm your co host, Nutella, right. And I'm a multi chain content creator and a content manager. And what is moment of clarity? Moment of Clarity is an interactive weekly space series where we come together to host legends as they take us on their journey from zero to nine figures.

Sharing Successful Stories

Or how they're able to scale up their portfolio. Right? And we come here every Thursday, 07:00 p.m. uTC. One to learn. And, you know, get alphas from this legend. Right? We have had. This is our 6th episode of this space, so we have had five other speakers, from Jana to Mickey of Arcadia, to crypto mama to Yasmina, and even NFT Balsa. Right? yes. So this is a summary of what moment of clarity is.

Upcoming Giveaway and Welcome

And we also host a giveaway every. Every space series. So we are also hosting a giveaway for this space. So stay tuned. Welcome. Welcome, smartec. Hello. Can you guys hear me? Yeah. Yes, yes. Okay. Welcome to night of Clarity. It's a pleasure to have you here. Yeah, I'm happy to be here. Like, sorry. Sorry for being late.

Apologies and Next Steps

I mean, should I have been here since eight? But I. I took permission from lady, told him that I just needed to. I needed time, so. Yeah, thank God I'm free now. No problem. That's fine. We forgive you. All right, so let's get started. Bledy. Okay. Welcome. Welcome again, my brother, smart tech. Vitamix.

Beginning the Q&A Session

Yeah. To kick off, let's, we give you, ask ten questions from the co host and I the host. Then, we move to the listeners. So, we also be fast about that. Since we've missed around 15 minutes, we should still end this space once it's nine. Okay, so, the first question, can you share a bit about your background and how you got on board? Chris, please.

Chris's Background and Experience

Okay. how I got on board. It. Well, it was, That was in 20. Although I. I started learning about cryptocurrencies in 2017, 2018. But just like every other person, the only thing I knew then was, buying and selling of bitcoin and ethereum. So I didn't. I didn't do much then, so. But in. In 2020, yeah, in 2020, I now took it more serious, and then the person that actually onboarded me was.

Introduction to Defi and Community Building

Was a foreigner. Yeah. A and a woman. One woman like that from America. I. We met each other in one of these Facebook groups where they used to promote all these. All these Ponzi platforms. Like, I've forgotten the name, many of them then. So I met her there. So I was now asking, what do you know about cryptocurrencies? And stuff like that? So she. She was the one that introduced me to defi, the defi aspect of crypto then.

Uniswap Airdrop Motivations

It was very early. I think that was. I think it was within that period that Uniswap. Uniswap did its airdrop and stuff like that. So it was, in fact, Uniswap Airdrop was among the stuff that motivated me to join the space, like, full time. So she taught me a lot of things, and then I started from there. So, to cut the long story short, I had my own group, WhatsApp group, where I referred people that I knew.

Support from Community and Growth

Okay? These guys, they are like minded individuals that want to grow. I look for them on Facebook, gathered them together, and then we started sharing alpha amongst ourselves in that WhatsApp group. So most of them now, like, they are already big. So these guys, it's. I would just say that they helped me a lot. So from there, I started creating content on Twitter. From creating content on Twitter, I found out that, oh, a lot of people actually love my content.

Journey of Content Creation

And then I continued, you know, started by the sharing alphas. I'm someone that loves to do research very much. And, yeah, that is how the name smarte Vitaly just came up and then started getting followers, started attending Twitter space, you know, engaging with so many people, meeting new people.

Building a Brand

It took me, like, almost two years before I even started, you know, if I started attending spaces like that frequently. Like, before I started speaking on spaces, I used to attend, but I was not really speaking on spaces. So that was when I connected with the nigerian influencers and so many of them. Back then, a lot of people thought that, oh, man, this guy is a foreigner.

Challenges Faced by Chris

So, yeah, and just like that, I managed to build a brand, and now I have this account that I have today. So, yeah, the journey has actually been interesting, but I also like to add one story that, okay, maybe we'll still get there. What was my, what my turning point looked like? What motivated me most to, like, take, to take this very serious here.

Turning Point During the 2021 Bull Market

I think that was during the 2021 bull market. That was during the 2021 bull market. So it was doing that. I don't know if any of you remember the period when board Apiad Club, Yugalabs not Bode Piat Club, when Yugalabs launched a particular NFT that they called the other side. So that particular NFT, I managed to fill in.

An NFT Milestone

There was a form, like a website that they created. And then they were like, oh, just go there, put in your address and, you know, and just sign. You'll be whitelisted. So I did it before they closed the portal. So I got whitelisted, but I did not have money to, you know, to meet the NFT. I, in fact, back then, I was almost like I had, I didn't have much.

Financial Support to Acquire NFT

I didn't have much at all. So I reached out to somebody, a chinese guy that connected me to, you know, to another foreigner that funded that particular people that participated. Then they will understand that the gas fee then was like around 2.5 eats to even mint the NFT itself because gas fee was like very high.

Minting Two NFTs

So this guy funded it and I minted two nfts that day. In the morning, the floor price was like around seven point something each. And I, I got one. The guy gave me one NFT. I was surprised. I thought he was going to say, oh, just take this small money and go.

Turning Profits from NFTs

So he gave me one NFT and took one. So I sold one and I reimbursed him the extra 2.5 eats that he paid for gas. And my profit then was five eats. And in fact, that was how I started. And that was like the boost I needed. Since then till dates.

Continuous Growth

Yeah, I've never stopped growing. Like, the growth has been crazy. Like crazy. So, yeah. Thank you so much, smart tech, for sharing your onboarding story. You actually had a pretty nice onboarding story because I know a lot of people that were on boarded on the space through. Maybe they were scammed or maybe it was through a Ponzi scheme or some people even got on boarded through athletes marketing.

Addressing Challenges and Overcoming them

And, you know, the people have had rough experiences. But I really like your story. Okay, over to the next question. I would like to know your major challenges. The major challenges you had when you started, right when you started your journey and how were you able to overcome these challenges? Okay.

Confronting Initial Skepticism

I would say that I faced a lot of challenges, like, crazy. But, you know, everyone's story is different, but mine is actually very, the challenges I faced was this. When I, when I started with the fact that I am in Nigeria, you know, coming from a nigerian background, like my family. Then everybody was like, what are you even doing?

Perseverance Against Doubt

You're always on your phone, you know, you're not serious with your life, stuff like that. So, yeah, they didn't really, I came from this kind of family that did it. They did not really believe that, you know, that there is legit money in this Internet stuff since back then, it was just all about Yahoo boys and the rest of them. So it was difficult to actually convince my parents that, okay, yeah, this crypto is actually genuine.

Stubbornness and Continued Pursuit

However, this kind of person that I'm very stubborn. Despite everything. I kept on pushing until I got the desired results. That was one that, okay, that's, that is like, that's one challenge. Second challenge, I faced Washington. When I, when I started, you know, when I started this Twitter stuff, when I created an account on Twitter and started creating content, I was really bad.

Negative Feedback and Resilience

Like, very bad at it. Back then, a lot of people kept on, should I say, negative comments, like, a lot of negative comments. And I'm this kind of person that I am too real. I don't even know how to, like, you know, to pay to pet stuff. Like, I don't know how to pamper stuff. I just come out and just say the way it is.

Being Genuine and Finding Community

I don't care what anybody thinks. So that's, that particular behavior kind of affected me a lot. And I will just say this. If you're starting, just be genuine. Like, just be you. You understand? I just continue doing what I know how to do best. And funny enough, at the end of the day, this is what everyone now knows me for.

Building an Engaged Following

Like, people actually love this type that, my type of content. At the end of the day, a lot of people started following me because, yeah, when a project, you know, tries to, like, you know, the community to some extent, when nobody talks about it, you see people telling me, oh, Smarteg, why are you, why are you not talking about this project?

Engaging with Community Concerns

Why are you not talking about it? We are waiting for you to say something like, these guys, they are trying to do this, do that. So, you know, I started doing that and I also started, in fact, I even went as far as exposing some people back then. When people will come to me and report to me, they'll be like, oh, I lost my money.

Initial Growth and Challenges

I did that back then, and I think there was a particular influencer that I exposed back then that, and this stuff, like, it blew up. Everybody was just talking about it. So that's my type of content, became what everybody loved. Like, everybody loved it. People were like, yeah, just keep it up. So that one, that was also part of the challenges when I started, I was criticized. A lot of people criticized me, but I just continued to be me. And yes, till today, I still have not changed. So that was also part of the challenges I faced. And the other challenge I. I would say that I faced initially was I was really finding it difficult to research when I started, I found it very difficult to research.

Researching and Building Identity

And I was this kind of person that I don't like. Like, I don't want somebody to be feeding me with alphas. I wanted to be the alpha, you understand? I wanted to be the alpha. So I was finding it difficult back then. And the first decision that was very difficult that I took was to leave the WhatsApp group I created initially when I started, because, you know, I had a little bit of issues there, and I just left that particular group, created this Twitter, focused on Twitter. I went into what they call a period of hibernation. I started watching different YouTube videos. Always. In fact, I subscribed to so many. Like, there's this guy they call Chico crypto. Some of you might know the guy. I started following Chico crypto back then.

Research and Connections

I was watching every single video that he drops. From there. I started doing the research myself, and I started getting this information. These days now, it's very easy. It's no longer hard anymore for me, and I started making connections with people. So, yeah, it's, it's a roller coaster. Like the. It's not. It's not funny, but it's not easy, too, especially when another issue I also experienced was the issue of content creation. When I was creating content, I can spend like 3 hours or even 5 hours to research on a particular project, and then I'll come out and write a trade or make a tweet about that project, and I'll get two likes. It was that bad. But I did not stop. I continued.

Persistence in Content Creation

I kept on doing what I know how to do best. Countless hours of research. I post no comments, no likes, nothing. No engagements. But after some time, I started getting noticed. I wonder. I will not forget what this guy did for me. was his name crypto coach? At some point when my account I had like, see, 2500 followers, then he post, he tweeted about my account and told people like, this guys, this account is actually a small account that is posting quality content. You guys should give him a follow. And I think that day alone, I got like almost extra, you know, extra 4000 followers. And from there everything became history. So, yeah, that's my journey.

Becoming an Alpha and Research Process

Okay, basically the easiest way to do that is to look where others are nothing and to filter quality information out of the noise. And, yeah, also be someone that reads in between the lines is very important. Like that one. So now what I did first was this. I, I looked for accounts that I knew that, okay, these guys, they have quality alpha, quality information. Some of them were big accounts, some were smaller accounts back then. But there was something that I, I took very serious. I started following whoever they were following. I mean, I just felt like, okay, these guys, they are probably getting this information from somewhere. And I can be able to get access to a large percentage of the information they get access to.

Building Networks and Friendships

If I follow the kind of people they follow that way, you know, there's a way Twitter algorithm works that way. I'll be seeing tweets from these accounts that they get alpha from. And then I started doing that from there. I also started checking, okay, this account, they look like as if they are in the same group. How can I get access to this group? Sometimes I reach out to them. I'm this kind of person. I don't care if you will reply my message or not. I will message many of them and some will see my message and they will reply and I'll tell them that, oh, see, I'm not joining your group just because I want to come and get alphas. I'm joining because I know how to research, too.

Community Engagement and Value Contribution

So just allow me to join. If I join, I'm definitely going to contribute. So, you know, I was offering something back then. I was, I will tell some of them I'm on, I'm an on chain analyst. I can research a lot. So just put me on and leave. The rest. So some of them, they added me to their groups and that was how I was able to join some of these, you know, good groups that I joined. And there I started getting information first, I would be like, oh, this kind of information, you won't even see it on Twitter. I'm telling you for a fact, the real alpha, nobody's talking about it on the timeline. That's actually the sad reality.

Exclusive Information Access

Nobody's talking about it. And for you to get access to these informations, you have to be in this circle where they get the information firsthand. So I got access to some groups that use what they call scrapers. These scrapers will find an account even like few hours after the account was created. So I was getting information so early. And like that, just like that, I started making friends. Friends, like, very important. I made a lot of friends, these friends. Sometimes, even if I didn't see the information on time, they will send it to me. And that way everybody grows. So I will also say that don't be that kind of person that doesn't want to make friends in this industry.

Importance of Networking

It is very necessary. In fact, there is one particular whitelist spot that you'll be grinding. But if you know somebody that knows somebody, you will get it. Just like in real life. It's just, it's simple. So it's very necessary to make friends. Like, not just friends. Make friends with people that know more than you, people that know what you don't know, people that have access to information that you don't have access to. And find a way to provide value. Find a way to provide value. Don't be the type of person that just wants to siphon every value that you can get without giving back.

Providing Value in Networking

No, you have to be ready to actually put in that work. And the best way to do that is if they have added you to these groups, sometimes they will have so many alphas there and they don't even know how to keep up with it. You can use your hand, start to go through these alphas during your free time and pick out important details from some unique project and still come back to that group and share it with you, with the audience. You'll be surprised. A lot of people don't have time to read. You think all of us here are serious. Many people don't even have time. If you start to read docs, when you see a good project, it's not Basin Alpha.

Researching Projects and Building Connections

When you see it, look for the website, enter that website, look for the docs, read up the documents, you will see Alpha there, join their discord, start conversing with them. You will see Alpha there. Sometimes when you join that discord early, you can even get that. Get, get OG rows. People used to ignore that part a lot. In fact, you will make more money from discord rules than farming some projects. Let me be honest with you. You make a lot of money just because you have that title, Ogden. So these are the things I didn't joke with. And it made my work a lot, like, a lot more easier for me.

Never Underestimate Early Access

Yeah. Okay. Thank you so much, smartek. You came loaded to this space today, and I am ready because I'm in my book and my pen, taking down everything you're saying. Over to the next question. So you have angel investor on your bayou and would like to know, how do you approach projects as angel investor? What you look out for? Okay, well, before I put that angel investor on my bio, there were certain things I've done already. And this is, it's difficult to get a particular deal if you have nothing.

Becoming an Angel Investor

If you don't, if you've not invested in other projects, it's difficult to start saying, oh, I'm angel investor, because they'll be like, oh, you're angel investor. So which project have you invested? You understand? So, but, yeah, to become angel investor, this is something that, it doesn't happen overnight. You will start with, you start by being a very good researcher. That's why I always used to make emphasis on that. Everybody should, you know, learn that culture of research, start researching, you understand? Because let's say you find a project in its early stage, like, very early stage, you can reach out to the founder and just boldly ask them, are you guys raising?

Early-Stage Investment Opportunities

You understand? Are you guys raising? And they will tell you if they are raising or not. Sometimes it is easier to invest in a project when you find it doing that. They are at that very early stage. When I'm talking about early stage, I'm not saying when everybody, I'm talking about them on Twitter. No, I'm talking about when they have maybe 30 followers on Twitter, 15 followers on Twitter, 50 followers on Twitter, you can start dming the founder. That's if you're interested investing in that project. Because to get. To get that seed round allocation as angel investor is not something, there's a reason why it is gated.

Navigating Investment Opportunities

It's not something that anybody can access. So maybe when you give it a shot a few times and you get to invest into some projects. You can use that now as your own portfolio. And when you want to reach out to a project now, you can just send them a DM, even. Even if that project is already big, and tell them that, oh, you're angel investor, you want to invest into this project. And they'll be like, which project have you invested in before? You give them examples of projects where you've invested in one. And secondly, another way to become angel investor very easy is by becoming a key opinion leader.

Creating Value and Building Influence

Yes. Akol, the idolo that all of you used to drag. If you want to become angel investor, find a way to grow your account, create content, be a person of value, grow your account and become popular. You will actually get access to us to be very easy serve for you. As easy as. Because the project will be looking at what they will gain from you. And because if you invest in that project, you definitely talk about it. You want to talk about your bags. So it is a plus for the team to have you on board as an investor.

Influencer Advantage in Investing

So it is necessary for you to build your account and become an influencer too. You should tell everybody it's necessary if you want to get influencers used to get undue, should I say unfair advantage? Yes. And that is because they are influencers. And it's not easy to become an influencer. That's the fact. And at the end of the day, that influencer is somebody that has value. If the person is not someone of value, you will not become an influencer. So it's when you are an influencer, you can easily get access to all of that.

Utilizing Platforms for Angel Investing

I invested in a lot of projects like last year, stroke this year, so many. And there is something that I would also like to share with us now that has made the whole angel investing stuff very easy and equally available to anybody, no matter your status. There is this platform called Echo. Echo Xyz. It was built by Kobe. Everybody knows who Kobe is. So find a way to, you know, to look for people that have invite, invite links to join Echo. It is actually gated.

Joining Exclusive Investment Platforms

Currently, access to Echo is gated like very well. You cannot just access Echo like that now. Even if you sign up, it will take you probably like a month or so before they will approve you know, to join the platform. But if you want to join, like today you need to look for someone that has invite links. I know some. There are. There are some small accounts that have joined. All they had to do was, you know, register, sign up. I shared this, like about. I don't know, maybe two months ago or so.

Accessing Investment Opportunities

And recently I did a giveaway and gave about. They gave me only three invite codes. I invited about three people. All of them were newbies. They are not influencers. In fact, one of them had less than 100 followers. But inside Echo, you will get access to that same seed round, that same private sale. In fact, you will even get access to quality ones. There are so many big projects that you guys are farming the airdrop. Now, you guys are looking forward to get airdrop of the project that they have already.

Exploring New Investment Avenues

They've already completed their seed round in Eco. And that newbie that is inside Echo, he's done an indian investor. So you guys should check it out and sign up if you can and probably wait till you get approved or look for someone that has already signed up and has invite links or white codes available so that they will put you on. Okay, thanks, man. That's really cool. Okay, this echo, maybe later I'll come to a DM.

Conclusion and Closing Remarks

All right. To be more faster. Okay, before we move on, I think we've asked like five questions. Please, guys, let's follow smartec, our speaker. Follow me, your host. Follow our co host, Nutella King. As we rounding off, before we listen to questions from our listeners, smartek, you've always been ahead of the curve. I know you talked about this when you started the space earlier, but how do you spot trends before they blow up?

Spotting Trends and Investments

Is it like instinct data or a mix of the boat? Like, how do you spot strengths before they blow up? You talk about getting these projects at when they have less than 100 followers. How do you spot them? Okay, I already said this. I said that. I mean, some groups, you know, some close groups that have what we call scrapers, that scrape some, you know, Twitter accounts that are crypto related, like few hours after it was launched.

Accessing Information Networks

Okay, well, how. How do you get to this group? Is it like they came to you or you found, you researched on them, you, like, how you, like, get them? Someone can just go enter the office. No, I joined some of them. Like, I joined some of them very easily and then that was like years ago, not even now. And that, like, let's say like about one year and, yeah, some months ago.

Joining Exclusive Groups

And some of them requires you to hold a particular NFT to be able to use their products. I can recommend one, the floor price, that is around 1.8798 or so. Get money if you know, get money. Get money. So if you buy the NFT, you have access to all of these stuff, you can see them. So, but let me also be very clear. Seeing this information, seeing this account early is not even the main thing.

Importance of Due Diligence

You will get overwhelmed. The main work is seeing it and actually carrying out your own personal due diligence. Diligence like carrying out your own research on this project. Because in a day you can see up to like 20 Twitter accounts, but you still need to filter it one after the other. People create tons of meme coins every day. People create tons of useless vaporware projects every day. You still need to filter it at the end of the day to find out a project that is actually going to be doing something reasonable, you understand?

Spotting Upcoming Trends

And then when it comes to spotting trends and knowing what is going to like the next, you know, the next trend, it's all about your circle. You understand your circle. When you see, you will be like, what are VC's investing in right now? What is smart money putting their money in right now? You understand what is in before. Before that narrative even starts to end, you will find out that VC's have already invested in so many projects that are building on that particular narrative.

Current Investment Trends

For example, now we are seeing, you know, we are seeing VC's investing so much money in AI right now. If you want to understand what I'm talking about, we are see, okay, you'll see. This is investing in AI, investing in, deep in, you know, deep in the RWA right now, that is real world as a trader that are building anything that has to do with these three narrative. So you have seen VC's throwing so much money in there and again, they are investing a lot in security too, you understand?

Evaluating Funded Projects

Then the next thing you go and check have they raised any money? So at the end of the day, in a week, you'll be like, okay, I found like ten solid projects this week that has raised new, that has been funded just newly, you understand? Then check inside that ten projects. What narrative did like the, this is fund the most. So from there you can actually, you know, pick the best, pick the ones that were funded the most. And personally these days, I don't even like projects that have too much funding. But you can go for the ones that have moderate funding, but they are still building something real, like something useful. So it's not something that is easy, honestly speaking. But it's something that one has to experiment theirselves, and then they will get better at it in the long term as they keep on. It's something that you get better every day. It's not something you just learn from listening to me on the Twitter space. You have to go out there and start trying these stuff out yourself, and then you learn as time goes on.

Engaging with the Community

Thank you so much, smartech. My head is hot. You have said it lots. In case you guys missed it, AI deep in RWA and have an inner circle, you know, with like minded people that are locked into the grind. Right. It's about this time where we announce our giveaway. But tonight's giveaway is going to take a different twist because we already have the winners. So immediately, the space started. we picked the first five people to join the space. And, at the end of this space, we're going to, tag them to the comment section. Yeah. over to the next question. there's a lot going on in this space. Like, there's a lot of things before you could. You can hold on to this alpha. There's another alpha that, or there's another trend that is happening now. we want to know, how do you follow up? Yes, you can get started on something. Okay, we are looking at. We said, okay, we want to focus on AI now.

Strategies for Following Up

And then they are telling you, oh, this is now the narrative that people are making the most from. We saw Tron, we saw Don. How do you follow up with each and every alpha that you're involved in actively? Honestly, I'll say this. I'm a crazy person. It's not easy to keep up with all of these stuff. But then whenever I follow a project example, the first thing I do is I make sure that I turn on the notifications button. I don't just follow. When I follow, I make sure that notification button is on so that anytime they make a tweet, I'll definitely see it. And whenever I'm on, whenever I'm using Twitter, I rarely use the for you page. I'm always under, the following, section, because that way, I'll be seeing tweets from accounts that I am following.

Daily Commitment and Social Media Activity

And I do this, like, every day. I'll be scrolling. I'm refreshing. Two, four, seven. I mean, the discord, grinding, looking forward to, like, any announcement that will come from any channel that, I mean, in discord, on telegram, the same thing. I juggle every single thing. Like, my work rate is mad. So, yeah, it's not easy to keep up, but when you're very active, if I tell you guys when I used to sleep, I'm not advising anybody to do that shit. Please. It's not, it's not a financial advice, but sometimes I go to bed as late as 05:00 a.m. so that's how bad it is. And I'm not recommending anybody to do that. Just follow account that used to share Alpha and get Alpha from there. If you want to be the alpha yourself, you go crazy.

Maintaining Focus and Prioritizing Projects

Because to keep up with all of these stuff, it's nothing easy. So just make sure that you turn the notifications button on. That way you will see the tweets from that project, from the project that you are following. And if you're following useless accounts, please unfollow them. Unfollow some account that will be distracting you so that you will only be seeing tweets from these valuable accounts that you are following so that you'll be able to be up, you'll be up to date. I only use my for you page, like, let's say an hour in a day. I'll just switch to that for you page and just scroll and scroll. If I, if I don't like it anymore, I'll just go back to my, to the normal page. I've been using the following page. That way, I will be following up on everything.

Documenting Projects Effectively

Whenever that project makes it with, I will see it. The same thing with my notifications are always on Telegram discord. I follow up steady. But my phone. My phone used to overwork itself. So it's something that is time consuming, to be very honest. And secondly, you can, if you think that you're going to forget, if you're the type that you don't want to forget, everybody should even have this something that we want. You're supposed to know this. Everybody's supposed to have a book that they write down this project. When you interact or you're trying, you're planning to research on a particular project and you don't want to forget. You just write it down on a piece of paper, write the names down, and every day when you wake up, you open it and check.

Setting Up Notifications and Event Tracking

Have I checked this project? Okay. If there's any important events that you want to keep track of and you have the data ready, you set it up and keep checking it. That way you will not miss out. Since you have a lot of stuff to, you know, to check, to monitor to make it a lot more easier for you. So. But you should have what we call scale of preference, too. The most important project should take more of your time, and don't invest too much energy in the. The ones that you don't understand. Thank you.

Important Insights on Investment Trends

Okay, thanks, man. Thanks, man. I was second to the last question. Okay. can you tell us one trend or narrative you think everyone should be paying attention to right now and in the future? well, I don't even know. Someone like me that. That follows so many narratives. It's difficult to say. Oh, just follow this particular one. This one is going to be the future. I'll be very honest with you. Nobody knows anything in this industry. Like, nobody knows the actor. should I say. But you can get hints of. You know, you can get hints, but I will just say this here.

The Imperative of AI and RWA

I feel like AI should be something that we all take very seriously. AI starts researching about AI. AI in crypto. Precisely. Very, very necessary. Many, many projects that I have seen recently, if you are in my telegram, you will understand what I am saying. Most of the projects I share with my community, they have one thing or the other to do with AI. And when I'm. When I'm talking about funding, I mean, like, real funding, like, projects that have solid, you know, solid backings. AI and deep in narrative in one. AI and gaming in one. Wherever you see, don't play with it.

Identifying Key Investment Opportunities

These are the narratives that we like. They will pay a big time. You can see, I don't know if you guys saw Sahara. Sahara labs, Sahara AI that I shared one time like that. That's. That is the type of project you don't ignore. You need to pay attention to that type of project. Very necessary. So there are so many of them like that. So I would say AI is one narrative that you will. It's not even just crypto. The entire world is paying so much attention there. And the second on my list, wake me up anytime, any day. RWA real world assets.

Driving Value through Real-World Applications

Any project that is building, that is providing any tangible solution or any. That is building any valuable. Any founder, anything that's building any valuable project that is building on top of that particular narrative. Don't joke with it. We can see Blackrock has been given signals, you know, from the way, I think, they invested in ondo finance or something at some. At some point. So these are the kind of, narratives you don't joke with, because when the time is right, when the whole. When the market will start to do its magic.

Adapting to Market Changes

They will definitely get their attention. So, yeah. Thank you so much, Smatek. So this would be, like, the final question of the space. This is even the reason why a lot of people are on this space. And you've probably answered, you've said a lot from the beginning of this space till now and would like to know how you are able to scale your portfolio from zero to nine figures, in a nutshell. Oh, well, I have shared a lot already. I have shared a lot already. So I feel like if you just.

Building Relationships in the Industry

If you just follow the whole stuff that I've listed today, which is the first things first, make connections. Like make friends in the industry. Friends. Not just friends. Friends with people that know what you don't know, because the. What is standing in between you and the next five or six figure, you know, opportunity is information that you don't have, and that is the fact. So. And the world has been designed in a way that nothing goes for nothing.

Valuing Skills and Contributions

All right? So, first of all, be a person of value. And I have already shared steps on how to become a person of value. You understand, there are so many stuff you can offer a particular. You know, you can be a graphic designer, and you tell the team, oh, I know how to create graphics. I know how to do this. They will onboard you. You'll be doing their handling. Anything that has the graphics. You can go there and say, oh, I'm a good on chain analyst.

Providing Value through Research

I can help you guys to, you know, to track important wallets and, you know, keep that, get valuable information on time by tracking smart money and the rest of that. Or you can go and say, I'm a good researcher. I know how to research. I can assist in researching, and I will bring value to this particular group. And then you will get picked and you become a member of that circle. Or better still, we now have accounts that are extremely valuable in the industry right now.

Learning from Influential Sources

Follow these guys. Like, those accounts that, you know, they always get information firsthand. Follow them, learn from them. Following them is not just, waiting for them to drop off, and then you just act on it without even making your own research about that with. Because this is part of the problems we're having right now. If people don't research and when it doesn't go the way they kind of, you know, want, they start to. To complain or start to say, oh, it is the fault of the influencer that shared it.

Cultivating Research Habits

You understand? So it is very necessary that you cultivate that habit of research is very important. In fact, if you know how to research, you know how to find alpha, you know how to separate, sheep from goods, you know, you know how to pick valuable information out of the junks out there. I can guarantee you that you'll be ahead of everybody else because you will always be positioned at the end of the day before, even before that's even start talking about it, you're already there.

Spotting Early Opportunities

There are so many projects right now that are giving out OG rows, and they are still in their early stage, like very early stage, but nobody's talking about it yet. So if you're someone that does research, you will see this. You will be early. You will join on time. You want to know how valuable OG rows are? Ask people that joined a monarch discord on time, and they have been active to date. Ask them. They will tell you how much they've made of airdrops alone.

Monetizing Early Engagement

They've made like five ticks in airdrops just because they have that title OG. And there is this particular platform that I feel like the Ojiro will be very valuable to anybody that knows, story protocol. They have a role they call programmable Ogden. It's a platform that raised over $100 million. A lot of us know about story protocol already. You're busy doing the social fi tasks right now, but the most valuable task is to join that discord, to join their discord and assist people that are joining newly in answering questions.

Engaging Effectively in the Community

And how do you do that? You go and read up what story protocol does, study it. They have their documents out there, learn everything there, then come back to that discord and start educating others that are joining. You will get noticed in less than a week if you do it very well. And you'll be given the programmable OG, which is going to be the most valuable role in story protocol discord. So, yeah, if you do that constantly, imagine when you have, when you are positioning yourself in like 200 projects, 150 projects, it's more like placing yourself on a payroll.

The Future of Airdrops and Investment Strategies

They will keep paying you. You understand? And airdrops are changing. Like, airdrops are changing right now. It's no longer the way it was back then. If you are the type of person that doesn't know how to gamble or meme coins, this particular stuff I'm saying to I'm teaching today will help you a lot. You will make a lot of money, too. For example, there is this project that is called Eta Vista. You know, whenever I say stuff, I always back it up with examples.

Exploring Successful Projects

This project that is called Eta Vista, when they had like sub 200 followers. I retweeted the project on my timeline. I didn't even say anything, just, and they, when I made that retreat, they were giving what they call white paper rule to people that retweeted that particular tweets that I retweeted. And I retweeted it on purpose so that people will see it and then retweet. And I think they picked the first, is it first one k that receded and then they reached out to them.

Understanding Market Dynamics

So that very project they launched. And when they learned, they launched at a market cap of around, like, the market cap was around thirty k. I mean, 40k or so. It pumped and pumped to as high as $35 million few days later. So you do the math. That's, that is how much you can make from being early and spotting gems early. So, yeah, I, if you just follow the whole strategy I've shared today, and it's not something that happens overnight, I have to be very honest.

The Journey of Learning and Improvement

You don't make, you don't make that. You don't hit that level of win in just one day. It's a gradual process. And that is why I said it's something that you keep learning as you, the more you experiment, the more you learn, the more you do it, the more you learn, the more you continue to grow. And over time, one year, two years, you get the desired result that you want. I'm not saying you will not start making 5ft now. I'm just telling you I started doing this since 2021.

Importance of Research

I've already answered all of this before, so just pick the one that is very important to you. The one that is most important to me is that I'm much interested in being a researcher as part of a matter of research. And I enter into web three. So what methodology, what tools can you recommend that will be very helpful in this journey as a researcher since that is the way out of the whole thing happening in the web? Because you cannot really compare everything. So you have to research on your own, focus on the real one that, you know, that reward. So what do you recommend?

Recommendations for Research Methodology

Okay, I'll just say it again. First of all, your follow is the account you follow, you need to filter them and start following accounts that provide value. And when you cite this account, that, when you cite a particular account that is very, always very early on trends, the first thing you're supposed to do is to follow whoever that person is following. That is one. Secondly, I didn't mention this before. Find the top, you know, the top VC's in the industry. And look for the members, people that are inside of that VC. For example, if it is a 16 z you want to track, you look for a 16 z crypto account. Look for account that affiliated with assisting Z.

Tracking Projects and Valued Accounts

Crypto account which are people that are inside of assisting Z. Their workers followed their handles. Also, when you follow this account, when you see a particular project, for example, and any of these guys you're following, if they are following that particular project, that alone is the first signal you need. Then you follow a lot of VC's, like a lot of smart money, you know, when you follow a lot of them and follow a lot of valuable accounts, whenever you see a particular project and you have no clue where to start from, the first thing you check who is following this particular project. Do I have mutuals with them? Suddenly mutual, so not anyhow mutual. That's why I say you need to work on the people you are following.

Evaluation of Projects Based on Followership

The accounts you're following, it has to be valuable accounts. So when you see these valuable accounts following that project, like sometimes I used to cite a project with just 100 followers. And have you seen some members, you know, some members in a 16 Z group following this particular project? I'll see like about three or four, but they just have 30 followers. What does that mean? It means that it is either a 16 z is about to invest in them or they have already invested in them. That is just it. That's the fact. And nine out of ten times how I'm always correct. So that way you'll be able to know that this one is alpha. So you will know that you're supposed to put more attention on this particular project.

Filtering Out Valuable Opportunities

So you now be able to, you'll be able to separate the, you know, the ones that are not important and just that are important. That way you can easily filter like, it's the easiest way. Because those guys, you will assume that they've probably done 90% of the research you want to do. Because yes, they are researchers. So seeing them there means, okay, they've already researched on this particular project. And yes, this is what they are following. And another thing, if the VC hand itself is also following that project, that one also, that is also alpha itself.

Joining Research Circles and Platforms

For example, we can see researchers that are people that are the ones in charge of researching for binance labs. I follow almost all of them. So these researchers, they are the ones that we follow projects that binance lab want to invest in before binance lab doesn't think of investing in those projects. So you start to follow them, start to track the project they are tracking. That way you will even position yourself, you will before binance labs position their safe. So yes, that is also one of the strategy. And I mentioned these Twitter scrapers that there are groups you join or there are platforms that you can go to.

Using NFTs for Research and Networking

They have nfts that they are selling. When you have nfts that you can own, and if you own that particular NFT, you will have access to their scraper software that scrapes accounts that has something to do with crypto on Twitter. This. What the AI does is to filter accounts that had. That are related to crypto that we just created that day. That way, you gather all these accounts and now start doing this research one by one in each of those projects. Then you now select the ones that are. That are more important and keep them separate. So, yeah, that's just. That's just it.

Developing Research Skills Over Time

There are so many skills, but you have to start. When you start, you develop your skills over time. Thank you, Smartec, for the breakdown. Edwin, GMI, please. You're the next speaker. Okay. thank you, smartek. That was a long one, though. I think. Whosoever is repeating questions, the person should listen to this, please. Edwin, please. If you have any new question, you can ask.

Advice on Diversification and Content Creation

Jam. Jam, everyone. James, ablating and Natella. James, the speaker. quick one, please. The question I want to ask is, how are you able to, like, diversify, like, fight this battle? Because I know that it might be a battle for most people, like me, maybe. Let me say you are trying to, like, get yourself on so many mitches, and you want to do this, do this how you, like, get your hand on a particular one you want to do and, like, start putting it out as a content on this piece and trying to, like, get rid of other ones.

Managing the Overwhelm of Research and Content

You know, that it might be good in all of them. If you are. If you're a kind of person that, like, combine all of them together to, like, give it out, how do you do it? Like, how do you put it up? Because I know there are so many things on the timeline that you have to, like, attend to, but in. In the sense of you not to, like, try to outwork yourself, which I know is. Is actually necessary, but for you to, like, overdo things, how do you, like, put it in place for yourself to do?

Streamlining Research and Content Workflow

Oh, well, that's, That is what I've been saying. It is very easy when you filter the ones that. That you feel like they are the best. When you're done with your research, you filter out these ones that you feel like they're the best, and then you write them down. If you have. If you can't, if you're somebody that easily forgets, I recommend you write them down. Me, I don't write anything, and I don't forget. I'll still. You know, I'll still meet up.

Exhaustion from Research and Content Creation

And, I always. In fact, it was recently, and I'll tell you, it is actually tiring. Like, it's exhausted. You get tired to put. Because I know this question you're asking now. You are asking from the point of view of the content creator. You want to be putting the content out there. By the time you are done doing this research, you filter out the ones that you like. So you start from. That's why I said you must have a skill of preference.

Creating and Scheduling Content Efficiently

You start working with the ones that are more important, start creating content of the most important ones, and leave the ones that are less important. Then when you are done getting all these content, you can start posting them one by one. Like now, I have more than ten content I've not even put out safe. So that's just how it is. Just, you write them, put them down, save them in your draft, and then you start.

Gradual Progress and Maintaining Momentum

Start posting it one by one. Then, if you don't want to forget, you can also write down, so that when you go, when you open that your book and check, you will now find out the ones that you've not attended to and the ones that you have already attended to. That way, you will not be, you will not overwork yourself so much. But if you're talking about there's no way that you will even do this, that you will not overwork yourself.

The Necessity of Persistence in Research

At some point, you will still have to overwork yourself so long as you want to, you know, you want to maintain that momentum. Because the truth is, if you leave it for one month, it will leave you for three months. You leave it for. For six months to leave you for a long time. So you have to. It's something you have to be doing all the time. I made mention of this. I said it is time consuming.

Strategies to Minimize the Stress of Research

It is the price you pay to. To get these stuff done. So. Yeah, it's not. It's not really easy, but then we can still find a way to minimize the stress. Yeah. All right. Okay, thanks, man. Emmanuel. Emmanuel. Please have the mic. Jam, everyone. Gems.

Clarifying the Question about Project Opportunities

Gems. No. Please speak up. Please speak up. Game. Everyone can hear me. My thing is wrong. I can't hear you clearly. Okay, go and ask your question. Okay, my question is, why is it difficult to see offers on the timeline, and where can I actually help on them? Okay, I've answered that question before, so you just.

Advice for Newbies in the Space

Just go back to the other. Listen to this music, and I think it's on record, so you can always go back and start, maybe start from the beginning. You hear everything? Thank you, Phoenix. Please go ahead then, Ade. Okay, mister Smart tech. I have just one question to ask you. It's not like a question, but the thing is, I would want you to tell us what you would have told your newbie self, like what you thought you would have done rightly, or an advice.

Valuable Advice for Newcomers

You can give your new self to the space as somebody who wants, like someone who is veteran into researching, who wants to take research and content writing as their needs. Like, what would you tell, what would you have told your new self before entering the space? That's all. Thank you. The advice I would give my new self is, don't do it alone. You cannot do it alone.

Working as a Team for Greater Success

You will grow faster. If you work with people, you will grow faster, and it should be a lot more easier for you when you have, you know, when you're, when you have a lot of people that you're working with, because you cannot have eyes everywhere. It's not possible. However, if you're in a circle, a very good circle that everybody has this, in fact, you guys can even form a group with one particular motive, and everybody is working to achieve a particular goal.

The Importance of a Supportive Network

That way, if I miss something, the other person, the other guy will not miss out on that stuff. He will see it. If you don't see the other person, we see it. So it's necessary to work with a team, have a, like, work amongst like minded individuals. If you are in a group now that they are nothing, doing these stuff, you have to leave that particular group, you have to change that circle.

Learning from Others and Avoiding Mistakes

You have to enter into another circle that is more serious, you know, that is more goal oriented, that has plans. So that way you should make works a lot more easier. But for me, when I started, because when I started, I was doing everything all in. I was just, I was making mistakes and correcting the mistake myself. Nobody was there to, like, tell me, okay, do this, do that.

Continuing to Learn from Others

So it's necessary to join a group. And like I've always said, look, for people that have been there before you, they will help you a lot so that you will not make some mistakes. I mean, if I had known what I know today before, I wouldn't have made some mistakes I need. So. But because of the circle that, I mean, right now, we all provide ourselves with valuable information and we all learn from each other.

The Journey of Continuous Improvement

In fact, tomorrow, I'm still, there are still some people that I am learning from, which is why I always, even now, I'm still fighting to enter some. Some circles. There are still some circles I have not entered yet, and I still need to access those, that particular circle. So it's something like that. Like I said before, something that, it doesn't happen overnight.

Emphasizing the Need for Consistent Efforts

You have to start from somewhere. Then gradually, as time goes on, you continue to get better at your craft. Yeah. All right. Thank you so much, smartek. Ade, please, you can ask your question. Good evening, everyone. I'd like to commend them, lady and Nutella for always hosting this space regularly.

Acknowledging Supportive Community

It's really helpful and educative and helping people scale through their success in web three. Phoenix already asked something similar, so I was going to say, I was going to ask, for someone who's new to web three, you mentioned, investing in the right things like AI, the pin security, but someone who has nothing, like someone starting with zero, like what would you say is the best way to scale yourself upwards?

Challenges of Onboarding into Web Three

Because onboarding into web three during the 2021 season was actually quite easy because you just grind for whitelist. Most NFTs then were really doing well, but now you barely see NFTs do well and you want to go into crypto, you have to have like a form of financial backing where you can use to invest. So what would you say is the best way for a newbie to scale upwards?

Strategies for Newbies to Overcome Barriers

Okay. I will even say that it is even much easier now compared to that time self because now we now have people who are, there are some informations now that everybody gets it, that's like at a platter of good. Back then, this type of fi, they were getting it like mad. You wouldn't have access. You don't even see it on the timeline.

Utilizing Available Resources and Opportunities

But these days we have people like myself and a lot of smaller accounts that have access to quality information that are working so hard and bringing it out here to share with everybody our advice, that you take advantage of opportunities that do not require you to invest any money. What am I trying to say? Take advantage of zero dollar airdrops or zero dollar opportunities?

Engaging in Zero-Cost Opportunities

Let me put it that way. I made mention of joining some project discord early and getting their early rows. It does not cost you money to do that. It only costs you time. And when you get these rules, you make money off of it. Secondly, I have been sharing some projects recently. Some project, they will come out, they will be like, we are giving out early access right now.

Involvement in Early Access Projects

You can fill those early access forms, get to interact with that project in its early stage and get rewarded for that. And there are so many testnet opportunities too. You can also get involved with that. And by the, at the end of the day, when you have interacted with like 10, 15, 20 projects that cost you nothing apart from your time, and they all pay you already have the capital you need to be very honest.

Developing Capital through Engagement

You already have that capital that you're looking for. I can start giving you examples of this type of airdrops today. Many of them, you know, aside from these telegram stops these days, those ones are also paying. But apart from that, these ones that I'm giving you, these examples I'm giving you right now, does not require referrals or whatever. Early access opportunities, some of them, all you have to do is just to fill a form before they close it.

Highlighting Recent Valuable Projects

Recently, there is this project that is backed by Nier blockchain called Nofutam. They brought out a list of tasks that people can do to get some role in their discord and also get what they call the citizenship role, which is equivalent to OG row. That project is a project that is very valuable, that's a very big project like that. And they have these opportunities out there.

Sharing Knowledge and Resources

In fact, I wrote a long trade covering about ten projects that, you know, that will cost you nothing apart from your time to get involved in. And I shared it, that shared the steps, outlined every step, everything. And it's still on my page. And unfortunately, it's just a few people that has the strengths, or should I say the time to read. If you go to that tweet, you see maybe just the first tweet that had thousands of views, the rest on that thread had just a few views, just hundreds of views.

Observing Trends in Engagement and Interest

So that is to tell you how, you know, how lazy everybody is. So basically, to stay ahead of everybody, just work hard, be smarter, and the more effort than the average annual out there, you will outperform them. You outperform 90%, because I can tell you for the fact 90% are just lazy. They don't even read.

Staying Ahead through Diligence

So if you can read and take advantage of these opportunities, you'll be ahead of them. You don't need to invest your money, I'm telling you. In fact, if I have shared 20 project recently, 19 cost 00:19 will cost you zero dollar to take part in it. That's just, it's not something that's that hard. You don't need capital.

Capital-less Entry into Crypto

You don't need to start looking for capital out there. As far as crypto has designed, has been designed in a way that many of us that came into this industry, we came with nothing and we made everything from this particular industry. I already shared my story here when I started when we started this course.

Encouragement for New Participants

So, yeah, take advantage of those $0 opportunities you get there. Okay? Thank you so, so much, smartec. I really appreciate, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what to say was. Thanks, man. You've really done a very, very good favor to all of us.

Conclusion and Final Acknowledgments

So, I think we call litegest day here. Who saver that. want a recap? Come. it's a recorded space. Yeah. So you can extend to the space. And, those of you have questions, I think you should keep it for next space. Or maybe you can listen to the space again, because I know, maybe you don't get whatever he said at the start. He talked about a lot. I don't even know what you want to ask again, with what you've said, you are made for real. So thanks again, Smartec. Thanks, guys, for attending.

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