Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space #90DayFiance FRIDAYS! (the podcast) recording ️️ hosted by SHABOOTY. Dive into the vibrant world of pop culture with the #90DayFiance podcast, hosted by a famous writer and comic known for their unorthodox talents. The podcast stands out for its rule-breaking discussions, unexpected insights, and engaging content that caters to the #TLC demo. Offering a fresh take on entertainment, listeners can immerse themselves in unique perspectives and lively exchanges within a welcoming and fun atmosphere.

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Total Listeners: 58


Q: Who hosts the #90DayFiance podcast recording?
A: A famous writer and comic known for their unorthodox talents.

Q: What is the focus of the podcast content?
A: Pop culture, #TLC demo, and breaking rules in entertainment discussions.

Q: What can listeners expect from the #90DayFiance posse insights?
A: Unexpected perspectives, engaging discussions, and fresh takes on pop culture trends.

Q: How does the podcast differentiate itself in the entertainment space?
A: By offering unique and unconventional content that breaks traditional podcast norms.

Q: What is the tone of the podcast content?
A: Engaging, unexpected, and immersive with a touch of pop culture flair.


Time: 00:15:42
Unorthodox Talents in Entertainment Exploring the unconventional skills of the podcast host within pop culture.

Time: 00:25:19
Breaking Rules in Podcasting Discussion on how the podcast challenges norms and conventions in the entertainment industry.

Time: 00:35:58
Fresh Insights on Pop Culture Trends Delving into unexpected perspectives on current entertainment trends.

Time: 00:45:37
Engaging Discussions with Special Guests Interacting with members of the #90DayFiance posse for lively conversations.

Time: 00:55:24
Pop Culture Flair and Fun Moments Highlighting the entertaining and fun elements in the podcast recordings.

Key Takeaways

  • Immerse in pop culture insights with a famous writer and comic.
  • Explore unorthodox talents and rule-breaking discussions.
  • Gain unexpected insights into the #TLC demo and #90DayFiance posse.
  • Experience fresh perspectives on pop culture trends and entertainment.
  • Join a unique podcast that offers unconventional and engaging content.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Call

Yo, what's good? What's. What's up, everybody? I'm stupid. I literally was like, why is no one speaking? And my computer was on mute, so my volume was off. I don't think. I don't think anyone was speaking, though. Oh, that's good. Yeah, the music was playing. I didn't hear music. I didn't hear anything. Yeah. Can you imagine if I started talking shit about all of you, not knowing I was on? Oh, that would have been fun. No, I was upstairs, and my phone was downstairs, and I was like, I hope they didn't start yet, because I left my phone, and then when I came down here, I had, like, all these texts, like, where are you? And I was like, oh, see, this is me not being on time. Yeah. Welcome to 90 Day Fiancé Fridays the podcast.

Acknowledging the Audience

Welcome, everyone. Welcome. We are. We're pleased to have you. And we've noticed that there's a lot of listeners from all over this country, but several other countries. So I just want to extend a welcome to all of our international and local listeners. Thank you. Thank you for listening. We do appreciate it. And thank you. Thank you to Lauren, who still gave us our funniest episode. Oh, my God. Laugh at that. Yeah, I. He's hilarious. Yeah. I went back and finally listened to the replay after I posted it on the podcast. And then your laugh, Coco, I didn't realize how infectious it was on the playback. Stop it. Stop. Actually, I heard the playback on TikTok. Oh, no way. Yeah. And I was like. I was randomly on TikTok, and I'm scrolling through my timeline, and I hear our voices.

The Experience of Going Viral

I forget what account posted it, and I was listening, and I listened to it on TikTok, and I was like, man, if this wasn't like us, I would totally listen to this. This is really funny. I was like, you know how you. You think you like something, but you're biased? But I was like, no. Like, honestly, if this really wasn't us and this was just another person's podcast, it's really fucking funny. I will listen to it. I will agree. I'm pretty fucking funny, right? I think that you are like. And I think that Lauren, podcast attested everyone's, like, level of professionalism, right? Like, because I really wanted to keep it together, you know, because I like to be professional. But I think Lauren, just to this place where it was just okay to be. To be myself and just be unpolitically correct.

Reflections on Others' Performances

And it was. It was a fun. It was a fun little session. I didn't realize were TikTok famous as well. Oh, yeah. I was randomly scrolling TikTok and I heard our voice, and I was like, that sounds like me. And it was. It was me. Like, they literally recorded the podcast. Well, there was, like, snippets of each subject, and they. It was all over TikTok, and it, like, popped up on my for you or whatever you call it. And I was like, oh, look at us all over TikTok. Oh, that's so funny. Oh, my gosh. JLP is here. Hello, JLP. JLP. JLP said the nicest things about me yesterday. She said I was a vampire. Coco is a vampire. Do not let her fool you.

Playful Banter

She sucks the blood. She sucks the blood of those decrepit old men she keeps luring into her lair. That sounds interesting and very. That's why she collects senior citizens. Their blood is much more satisfied to her skin. You see how at 26 and then at 36, I'm like, what the fuck am I looking at? She hasn't turned up before. She hasn't changed an inch. I'm like, there has to be some kind of sorcery here. Yes. Yes. This cannot be. This cannot be. I drink the blood of the man in the hospice. Yeah, I think you hop from hospice to hospice. She likes that dusty man mustard. Well, whatever it is that she's ingesting, it's working, and I don't know.

Discussion of Personal Choices

I'm going to apply for a job at the geriatric center to see. Maybe I could dial it back a few notches. Oh, my God, yes. You're so sweet. Thank you so much. Because I'm always like, I'm old. No, you look great. You look great. I'm trying to adapt also to the healthy life. Healthy eating and gym life. I don't know how you people go to the gym so many times a day. I'm trying. I started going to the gym, like, six months ago to get, you know, my wedding body ready, and I fucking hate it. I walk into the gym and I want to kill everybody in there. JLP, you had your bachelorette party?

Recollections of Celebrations

Oh, my God. They gave me a surprise bachelorette party with strippers. Oh, I love it. They came dressed that. One of them came dressed as a firefighter. I was three pages into the wind when he came. I was like, there's no fire here. Why? The fireman here? And then, yeah, he showed me his stuff and I was like, okay. It was. It was really nice, very intimate. You know, there are no phones. That's rule number one. A bachelor and bachelorette party rule is there's no phones, there's no video recording. Or photography allow, ya know, the stripper says, the strippers like, listen, I know you guys want memories of this ship, but I don't allow any recording until the end.

Maintaining Privacy During Events

If you want to take pictures with me at the end of everything, that's fine, but during the performance, please, no pictures, no videos, video. So I told them, I was like, listen, you got invited because I trust your judgment. Don't go, you know, sneaking in this and that, whatever. I mean, weren't doing nothing, like, sick, but some people just don't, you know, everything is now social media. So people will post somebody else getting a lap dance on social media or just to make a thing. Maybe that person didn't want to be on there, you know, I mean, right? If somebody sent me a video of you getting a lap dance out, that's definitely viral.

Humorous Anecdotes

Video lab danced the hell out of me. I had skid marks on my jeans. Wow, George. Wow. Did you tell him you were like, Twitter famous? No, I don't want to, you know, cause a commotion, everybody. Oh, give me your autograph. Give me your autograph. But I'm like, yo, this was cool. It was nice. A nice little, you know, funky thing there. I wasn't expecting, but I was rushing home today to try to watch love after lockup. I was actually watching in the car on my phone. And then I got home and I try to catch up to. And I was like, all right, I gotta get on this call.

Engagement with Current Events

I gotta get on this Twitter space with my people because we're moving up and we're moving up in the world. They need my support. Yeah, you don't be left behind because we're not slowing down. No, no, we're not straightforward we got a lot of juicy tea and fuck that guy that took our shit and put it on YouTube. I want to punch him in the face, but he's always in the UK. But that just goes to show you that we have content that other people, when people want what you got, your shit is good, you know? Exactly. We had that awesome interview with Lauren. I mean, I can't.

Transition of TLC Programming

Nobody no more. Because once I put milk manor on that channel, they can let. They can tell everybody and under their fiance, let your hair down. Because we put milk Manor off for a second season and that shit. Right. Never gone that far. That doesn't belong on the learning channel. Nowhere. And I'm wondering if TLC, the channel. TLC is looking to rebrand itself, because back in the day, were watching little people, big world. We were. There was always educational. Yeah. An educational aspect to each of the shows. And it start, like. And you said it started out with, like, over learning about these relationships and the visa and immigration process and cultural differences. We were learning in the beginning, but. And then, you know, the show, like, the. The strange sex show, and then we go, like, you know. No, but you know what? You know where. You know where they started getting the idea from the show that they have during the day?

Shift in Reality TV Content

They show it now during the daytime because I watched syndication sometimes. My big fat greek american wedding, whatever. Oh, my God, that shows crazy. And wait, people were tuning into that. Shit like, wow, wait, are you talking about my gypsy american wedding? My big fat gypsy wedding. Oh, I remember that. They played sometimes during the daytime, so, like, maybe 1011 o'clock in the morning, they'll show you three episodes. And they put that out there, and that shit took off like wildfire. Because why they fight. There's a physical altercation. And every single episode. Yeah, people like to watch it. That's why people watch baddies. That's what. Baddies? Yeah. Every single episode is a fight. The fights in a Jersey shore were good. And the fights in Jersey. So they said, violence is what people want to see. And they started trying to filter away. Well, how we can take this beautiful, wholesome show of love and multicultural and transatlantic love, turn it into a fuck fest in a fucking mess.

Changes in Production Approaches

And they started bringing these people that have been on tv before that have been cast in a father shit. Because it's easier to train actors than random folks. It's also easier to have people who are in SAG to be involved. But that's another story. I mean, go ahead. No, no, go ahead. I was gonna volunteer new subjects, but if you still have thoughts on this. No, no, let's do a new subject. Okay. Yes. So did you all see that question? So apparently, a questionnaire leaked for potential new cast members. Yeah. Had a bunch of questions. I mean, we can go through them. But the. If I want to jump to the question that jumped out at me the most. Well, first of all, George, did you see the questionnaire? I did. I did. Okay, so let me just go to the question that jumped out to me the most. And, I mean, we can go through all the questions, but the one that jumped out to me the most was, and this is all just, this is all, like, primer questions on to know the person.

The Importance of Family Opinions

But the one. The question that kind of, like, jumped out to me was, let's see. What. What do your family and friends think of the relationship, question mark? Any naysayers? Question mark. So that was. That one jumped out at me because I think so one of the things is they like to know if there's someone in your family that is not approving of the relationship, like a naysayers. And I feel like they always feature the naysayers on the show, you know, like that one family member that's, like a hater or the cousin that doesn't like jasmine or doesn't like immigrants or whatever. I'm just making up names, but. So I feel like they always hone in on the naysayer in the family. Do you notice that? Yeah. They need conflict. They give them, and they make them meet you at a dinner somewhere. So they can. Or they drive you to the airport so they can tell you how stupid you are the whole way there.

Audience Engagement with Characters

Yeah. And, I mean, it makes for good entertainment, you know, because we're all at home. Look, we feel the same way. We hear the story, and we're like, oh, my God, how can you not see that this is not going to work out? So that person, they kind of turn into the voice of the. The viewers. So that character is important in the storyline because they're kind of our voice. You know, we're, like, yelling at our tv what we think, and then that person is validating those feelings. Yeah. Yeah. That's like, if you. If you watch pillow talk, I don't know how they do it or how they managed to do it, but I noticed when I watched pillow talk, a lot of the commentary that they use on pillow talk are tweets that are high note, you know, like, popular tweets on. On the thread for that show. So it's like they pick and choose which tweets the pillow talker is gonna focus on, you know? Right.

Social Media Influence on Reality TV

I always use that. I always said that. I said, these people are reading our tweets because what a coincidence that we just tweeted this. Somebody just tweeted this, and now you have not. Veronica, Tim. Veronica and Tim. That. That's. That's a whole different segment. But, like, people. Oh, they're talking about this and that. Like, we commented a million times on Twitter, everybody on the Twitter timeline is saying the same shit. And here go these people that supposedly filmed this weeks ago saying the same thing we're saying. Well, let's say this. Remember back in the day, they used to take our tweets and put them at the bottom of the screen? Yes. Yeah, we're going. We're going back a long time, guys. They used it. So I know. So we know 100% that they can see the tweets, and they know that they're in the reading.

Production Insights into Audience Engagement

They would literally. And then they moved it from putting them on the bottom of the screen because it would just be like, as you were watching the show, our tweets, like, they would get randomly put on the bottom of the screen to see that we're engaged with the show. And then it graduated to the Sean Robinson put them on the screen, and then she would read the tweets. So, you know, they. They are watching and listening, and they are. Of course they do. I mean, I'll. I'll tell you. I'll tell you something. So, like, you know, I have a really good friend of mine who is a. Also an editor, and, you know, once their trailer hits, like, the movie trailer hits, they'll go on YouTube and start searching, like, you know, like, movie reviews, blah, blah of the movie trailer. And even if it's someone that has two followers or someone that has 200,000 followers, they'll watch those videos because they need to know, like, what are people thinking?

Reality TV Production and Viewer Interaction

I mean, you think if you go on a Facebook group, like, you know, love after lockup or night a fiance, you're gonna have people who work on that show. They want to know what the fans are saying, so they kind of infiltrate it. That's what I said. They look. They look for who fought, who got the most followers on Twitter during this show, whose tweets gets the most likes during the show. And that's the person that they target in on the like, you know, that's how they picked up on our. On our chat. They saw that we had all these people listening, and they saw the engagement that me, Shaboo D, and George are bringing in. Coco, as was. She does her own thing on the side. She has her own thing, you know? So people follow you regardless of the show, like that.

Increasing Fan Engagement in Reality Shows

So. So they're like, okay, these people have a lot of followers, and they look at your followers. I don't have Instagram, so I'm pretty low under the radar right now. But you guys that have Instagram, they're like, okay, this is what the buzz on the street. So they zeroing in. They're putting. Planting people to hear our chats to see what we're talking about, to see that the guests that we invite, what they're talking about. That's how they caught Lauren, you know? Yeah. I mean, like, and that's the thing. It's like people are. They're listening to our show and they're, you know, whether or not they're copying us or they're trying to be us, they're talking about us. I mean, you know, this. This thing with. With Scott and, you know, other. Other cast members, that's what they do.

Reality TV Mechanics and Authenticity

Like, it's a lot of, you know, researching, especially in reality tv. And I know, like, everyone wants to think reality tv is a real thing, but, you know, there's a reason why they have, you know, storyboard editors on reality. You know, I mean, every. Every reality. I like to believe that every reality tv show starts off as a reality. Once again, popularity, it becomes a script because maybe they fiance. When it first started, it was nothing scripted about that show. Everything was genuine. And I. The way you saw it and blah, blah. The minute people started following, that's like Game of Thrones. Nobody liked Game of Thrones in the first season. I was advocating for Game of Thrones. Anybody know? Listen, the minute Game of Thrones took off in season two, forget about it.


I don't know if I did. Making the band. Yes. All that. That's fucking hilarious. Chappelle shows, spoof on, making the band. Watch that. But let's get back to 90. Yeah, yeah. Let's go. That. I don't. I just wanted to clarify that. I don't want to say that I don't sympathize with the people. They held their stories. I'm just saying that being close to the industry and hearing so many different things, nothing that. And I know a lot of people, like, this is the craziest thing I ever heard. None of it is crazy to me, because it's just.

Discussion on 90 Day

Absolutely. Yeah, I agree with you. Yeah. So steering back to 90 day and as far as, like, trying to be a star. So apparently Portia, you know, big Ed's fiance for a day, she released her own statement. I saw her. I was like, who the fuck is Portia? I don't even know if that's a real name, but she released a statement. I don't know if you saw it, but I could read it real quick if you'd like. Yeah, let's hear the statement. And the favorite part of the statement is, like, the last sentence, but let me just read it. Yeah, go ahead, shaboo. Let's see. So it says, I want to clarify the speculation surrounding my engagement to Ed. In my perspective, I believed it was solely for publicity rather. Rather than a real engagement or a commitment in any way. Given our acquaintance. Given our acquaintance of less than 24 hours, there's no way I would have genuinely committed to that.

Portia's Statement Analysis

I am not engaged to Ed, despite any perceptions to the contrary, we are not together by any means. I want to thank everyone for their incredible support and understanding during this time. Your kindness means so much to me as. As I navigate forward. I just like the last sentence. Your kindness means so much. Does she think she is navigating forward? Towards what? Now, Shabu? Now, shabbooti, translate that for us in 90 day fiance. Jargon. Jargon. Well, the reality star. I don't know about the translate. I don't know about the translation, but the joke I made on Instagram was she's navigating forward, as in she's taking her paperclip ring back. Staples. Oh, my God, the translation. So that is. I made a fool out of myself with this little frog man because he's on tv, but TLC turned me down, so now I gotta go back to doing whatever the fuck I do at target.

Reality Check

Exactly. Thank you for being kind to me. Now I gotta go back to stacking shelves. That TJ Maxx one? Yeah. Oh, not that. Now I gotta go back to the Waffle house and hope I don't get my ass beat. But it was cool that Ed picked me, but it was for publicity. What? What a fucking joke. Ridiculous. Fucking ridiculous. Who is she? It's like, I. I want to thank those who have, like, rich, no one knows who you are. So this brings me back out to you. This brings me back to the statement that Michael made. So when I was like, oh, should he be making statements? But let's. Let's say that Portia has made a statement. So this girl who had, like, literally 18 seconds in the spotlight, is now making official statements like she is now Jennifer Lopez.

Reflections on Society

It's fucking ridiculous. This is like, oh, my God. It's fucking insane. TLC had till. She's gonna file for her in the file in the back. Cabin in the back in case they gotta pull her out later on sometime down the line. So they're just gonna file her in the back in case they try to revamp little frog man. And they're gonna be like, oh, let's, you know what? Let's make a storyline with this guy about the chick. He. He engaged. He got engaged you for 24 months, 24 hours. And that's what they do with the. Fact that she know. He saw. He saw Liz. He saw Liz at a restaurant, did the googly eyes and TLC way, and say, you know what? Come on. You were gonna make us the whole storyline out of you. She was minding her business, serving him lunch.

Statement Discussing Publicity

So they. They put them in files with the ones that they might lose later. That's why she did that professional statement. She didn't write that somebody chat GBT. But the fact that she thought that a statement was warranted, like, she thought that there were people at home like, oh my gosh, I'm so worried about Portia that she's gonna be married to Big Ed and I hope that she's okay. Does she really think that were sitting at home thinking about her? I didn't even know her name. When he said Portia, I said, oh shit, I think they're gonna talk about the Real Housewives. I don't watch that. Yeah, I thought that too. I said, I'm gonna be lost cuz I don't watch that shit. So this porsche, and that's why Edward, I was like, what the fuck is Edward and Porsche? Like, I don't watch that show TLC put that statement out for her because they're gonna file her in the back file cabinet for later on.

Cultural Commentary

Well, the fact that she thought that she needed to explain herself. I saw the picture and I saw the video and you know, I think we talked about her on the last space, right? Because I remember we mentioned that she was, prettily challenged, I think is what we determine. Yes. No, she's facially challenged. Facially challenged, yes. No, you don't say that. You don't say that. You say she's a pretty monster. She has, she has a face for radio. She's a. She's a pretty. She's a pretty monster. She has a face for any acting role where they put a mask on you face. She got a face for its body. Her face matches his body. Yes. So the fact that she thought that were so in tune with what she had going on with the face attached to her neck is beyond me.

Reality TV Expectations

No offense, you know, whatever. But I think it's crazy that people are now making statements. So I'm gonna go tomorrow and make a statement about something. I'm just going to release a press release tomorrow, just so everyone is aware. Because this is what we do now, right? This is what we do. No matter who we are, we just release statements to the public. George, wait, George, wait till we're famous. Wait till we're famous. We're gonna release all kind of press. Statements, but I'm gonna make a mock. Okay, but first I'm doing a press statement that I have to get some water. So. So that's my press statement. Yeah, I'm gonna make such a mockery of it.

Humor and Satire

Like, when I go and when I get town, like, wherever I'm at, I'm gonna release a statement and be like, I just landed. I'm gonna go get a slice of pizza. I just want to make sure that nobody misinterprets, you know, what's going on. I'm gonna buy the pizza, and then I'm gonna eat the pizza. And if you want to book me, email me this. And if you want to donate to my goFundme, you need to give me your. Yeah, like, and before you guys even talk to me, you need to consult with my attorney, and I'm gonna eat. The pizza with a fork in a night. Yeah. And if you're offended by the fork, you know, I'm gonna need you to email this email and then donate $10. To my go fund as you navigate the plethora of topping options. Yeah, as I navigate through my ordering process, you know, I'm gonna make sure that there's a phone number that you can text to book me at your next event.

Perspective on Fame

True. Fabulous. Thank you for that update, George. And these will be daily statements. I'm not gonna actually, like, speak when I arrive somewhere. I'm gonna be mute, and I'm just gonna release statements through my social media. George, that's why we're not gonna get invited to the yacht party. We don't take shit serious. I mean, I know don't bring them. We don't get invited to tell us we don't get invited to yacht parties. You know, people stealing our shit that we work so hard to talk about because we don't take shit serious. But you know what they might like that we might be onto something. Sometimes I feel like the stuff going on in the 90 day world, I can't take it serious.

Shifting Dynamics in 90 Day

Like, things only recently started getting real. Like, when Sarper started, like, ripping Shakina's hair out of head, and Angela and Michael started getting crazy. Like I used to. Everything was a joke until, like, pretty recently. You know, I never really took a lot of shit seriously. And then I felt like all of a sudden, overnight, 90 day fiance started to get real. And I was like, yeah, that's what I'm saying. They're pushing. They're pushing that domestic violence narrative hard because Sarpa pulled that extensions out her hair. And then the next day, she's like, oh, I'm gonna forgive him. What kind of message are they sending? Because we're supposed to. Domestic violence is wrong. It's not a step exactly.

Messaging and Perception

So you're telling me he ripped the extensions out your hair, but the next day you're forgiving him? So what message are you sending to the viewers? It's okay to forgive domestic violence? What is the next exact. Exactly. Thank you. You all right? I'm gonna release a statement real quick for Shakina. So basically, Shekinah knows that she shouldn't be abused and have her hair ripped out of her head. But based on the fact that she did Jerry Springer show baggage as well as another TV show, and then she supposedly did a celebrity sex tape, she knows that breaking up with Sarper would end her lifelong dream of being a reality TV, the low budget Kardashians. So she's gonna navigate is.

Television and Reality

It's okaY. It's okaY. She's going to move forward and navigate through the leftover seven minutes of fame that she is navigating forwardly through in this statement. So, yeah, she was on baggage with Jerry springer. And just real quick, so I guess, let's show you. Open up a briefcase and it, like, lists some of your baggage. Yeah, a couple of her things were, quote, I spend over $400 a week on botox and chemical peels. And the other one is I left. Yeah. And then other ones, I left my Amish life to star in a celebrity sex tape. So the weird thing about that is we haven't seen the Tape because, you know, Reddit. Reddit is the CIA.

Cultural Insights and Imagery

So when I saw that, I immediately went, I took to Reddit as any normal person would do. Right? And I looked and I was like, oh, shekinah. Because more so I don't really want to see it. I want to know who's in it with her, if that makes sense. Like, I wasn't there because I need to see shekinah in a sex tape. That was not necessarily my, what I wanted, but I wanted to know who was the celebrity that she spoke of that she started in a tape with and Reddit did not know. So I'm gonna go ahead and say if Reddit doesn't know it's probably not true. Right? Is that the consensus?

Exploration of Humor in Context

Well, you know what? I'm gonna google amish porn. My next. I'm scared of what you're gonna find. Amish porn and rum Springer. The problem with amish porn is too dark. Oh, my God. Well, they can't use any of the good lighting because it's electric. It's electric. Yeah, that was his joke. Well, yeah, because they'd have to film, like, outside in the sun and use, like, natural lighting. And everyone knows natural lighting is the worst possible lighting you could put on your face, let alone your ass. Also, it's hard to record without a operating camera.

Reception and Engagement

No, maybe. Anyway, I feel. I feel like Christine. I love after lock up, I want to run into the bathroom because our joke went flat. Okay. No, I thought the joke was good. I did. I did too. yeah, so we got that. We got Shakina have 1525 minutes of fame. We already know that sarpers here, we don't get together. Whatever. The show's turning into a ship. But we're gonna. We're gonna do our part to keep the show entertaining. We're gonna do our lives, and we're gonna keep the show funny for everybody, because what else is there to do, you know?

Recurring Themes and Anticipation

Now we got. We gotta deal with 50 more, probably text and emails and not sex posts of Kim and I describing her domestic abuse by TJ. You know that. Then we got Shakina saying that she taken back the shows all over the place right now with this domestic violence. I'm not cool with that. I don't like domestic violence on any capacity. Exactly. It's a new subject. But did you see the video with Gino on, like, that man in this. Man on the street? When she kept asking who bubble the fool was, I was like, sir, you are boo the fool.

Cultural Commentary and Awareness

Were you surprised, you know, didn't know anything about black culture? No. No. For the people that don't know what I'm talking about, there's a viral video where I guess, like, a Instagrammer TikToker, she goes around doing, like, street interviews and then asking about, like. Like, black culture. And then I guess she was in Canton or whatever, and then no one knew any of the answers, including Gino, who happened to pop up in the video. So, yeah, no one was surprised that Gino didn't know shit. No, I wasn't surprised that he didn't know. Well, some of the questions that they were asking, I'm not going to lie to y'all.

Reflections on Informed Identity

I didn't know the answer to them either, George. You don't know, then you're not black, George? No, I don't know. I don't. I don't. I don't know that term. Should I know that term? People always say, oh, you must think I'm boo the fool. Who are people? Because no one has ever said that to me. You never heard that on the movie, on a tv show anywhere? Never. I've never heard that in my life. Movie. You never watch a Richard Pryor movie? No. Maybe. I don't know. I don't know, like, his work. I think he was dead, like, early on in life for me.

Cultural Influence and Comedy

What I think. I mean, name, what's. What was he in? And I'll tell you if I saw it. Oh, my God. I mean, I know that he's a comedian, but I don't know him. I don't know any movies specifically that he. Crazy stir crazy movie with, like, that guy named Gene something. Gene Wilder. Yeah, stir crazy. I know he's in a couple movies with Gene Wilder. I know. Stir crazy is my favorite. That's why. He had a great. Almost, like, his stand up. His awesome. Oh, my God. I've seen insane. I've seen clips of his stand up.

Entertainment and Perceptions

I've seen it. But, like, I never, like, saw it, like, on a tv in my house or anything. True. Next topic is, like, so did you see Corona got all offended because there was a meme of her making fun of her, like, tassels missing off of her, like, bdsm outfit? I saw the post, but I didn't see her reaction to it. Oh, I don't think I ever. She blocked the person. Yeah. Wait, I could pull. Let me. I have the. Her. I don't think the posts were public. Like, her heard she had a Dm.

Conversations on Social Media

Okay, so what happened was. Let me back up. So, yeah, there was the meme that was posted, and then she got offended, and then she blocked that person, that meme account. And then she went on, after she blocked that person, she went on her alt account, her, like, sock account, her Finsta account, and then she dm that same person meme account on her Finsta account to say, hey, did you happen to notice that I blocked you? But I could pull up real quick what she actually said. Wait, she blocked someone and then messaged them on a burner and asked them, did you notice that I.

Engagement and Communication

She's one of those. Yeah. Yes. One of those. What is that? Who does that? I know people have done that. Like, by the way, like, I blocked you, and I just want you to let you know that, like, I've had that happen. Okay. I could read you. I can read you what you said. I feel like I'm missing out all the fun not having an Insta account. Yeah. So this is what. I don't know if I'm allowed to, like, read this, but who cares? But this is what. This is what she said. She said. Did you notice you were blocked from my page, question mark.

Social Reactions and Personal Connections

You're always posting backhanded stuff about me. There's other 90 day people post about them. Leave me out of it. That's what she said. So wait, she must. She must not have a Twitter account. You know what I want to do. Every chance I get? I want to send her Reddit. Cuz I know based on that message she doesn't know anything about Reddit. I want to screenshot some stuff people are saying about her on Reddit so she can see that's not. George, you don't even have to go as far as ready. Just forward her all my tweets about her.

Public Discourse and Online Presence

I've been roasting her ass and she graced my screen. The fact that she blocked someone and then messaged them and said, hey, did you know I blocked you? Is like next level psychopath, right? No, that's just like childish. I mean, it's like you're gonna. You're on a Facebook group and you're announcing that you're leaving to, like, the entire group. It's like, okay, yeah, or like. Or like a person on Twitter that's like, all right, I'm blocking you and then they block you. It's like, why can't you just block.

Social Media Interactions

I posted a tweet about her. I posted a tweet about her on a random day of the week and I got like 500 likes within like 2 hours on Twitter. Just. Just forward her my tweets about her being the stripper. You know, I should repost your tweet about that. The one that went viral, I guess. 500 likes. I should repost it and she'll probably. See it and then she'll block you and then she'll message you and say she blocked you. I welcome the challenge. I have nothing but time. Well, not this week or the next week.

Hobbies and Interests

I have. After next week, I have to time on my head. This week is. Nuptials are coming up next week. So, yeah, Friday or Saturday. Since I got. I got the black card rejection tonight, I just wanted to bring up that corona has been, like, shopping around her black card on the show each week. Like, I don't know if you guys have noticed, but she's like, been trying to make it very clear that she's a black woman. Yes. Selling it really hard. What did you think of her meeting?

Cultural Awareness and Representation

What did you think of her meeting the black people in Iceland? See, I found it really strange that she went to a country where there's barely no black people, and then she went and found the only three black people so they could be friends. Like, that's kind of stereotypical. Like, you know how people are, like, oh, all black people know each other. She literally went to a country that didn't have that many black people and found all of the black people and got them all to hang out. It's just really. But it's not just that, though.

Conversations on Identity

It's, like, the fact that she's selling so, like, hard that she's a black girl. And it's like, you don't really have to tell people you're black because you're black. I can see you, like, and I. Feel like when you're first, you're a black woman in a predominantly white country. But she dress, you know, your outfit. You don't have to add those outfits to the mix. You already stand out. Well, that was my thing. It's like she makes it seem like people are gonna forget that she's black or forget that she's eccentric.

Reflections on Cultural Identity

And it's like, first of all, I don't want to, like, come across as, like, rude, but she's not black. She's. Her. Her skin is black, and she's probably black, like, genetically, but, like, personality wise, she's, like, a valley white girl. Right? Like, based on the way she talks, based on the way she acts. She don't know black folk. Like, she's never been to the hood, you know? Like, you can tell you driver to the wrong part of don't let. Oh, sorry, I dropped my phone.

Narrative Analysis

Don't let that fool you. She eats bologna sandwiches. Like, oh, we all. Sometimes when we at home, we make those bologna sandwiches, and we have the hot poem and the stove, and we get our buckshots. She's just trying to be whitewashed. She's not. And it bothers me that she went all the way to Iceland, one of the whitest countries in the. In the world, practically, where very few, you know, it's not diverse at all. And then she's like, oh, well, why you don't you speak English?

Cultural Sensitivity

How are we supposed to conform to you to teach English when we have. We speak Icelandic. We are Iceland. Right? Offense to that. Like, how dare you not teach your classes in English? How would you like to be a neighbor and your midwife cannot understand that? You in pain or what you need? You know, that's. You know, when you're in a medical profession, you gotta speak the language of the people you're attending to. There's no. No half stepping about that because people have to tell you when they're in pain or what they feel, yeah.

Language and Communication in Medical Contexts

You know, you can't depend on it. You can depend on the translator to tell a person that's in pain and in agony. What does she say? What does she say? Well, a lot of times when people are in pain, they can't really speak. So you have to know what's going on in the medical terms, in the language that they originated in. And it's just interesting me because she keeps selling herself as this Ivy League educated, intelligent person, but every time she opens her mouth, I just see an a moron.

Toxic Narratives in Reality TV

Yeah. But then there's the downfall of her leaky, that her and Iki did the whole show as a joke. So now everybody's like, well, this shit is not even real because they said this and they were coming on the show as a joke. Did they say that? Really? Yeah. Yeah. That, well, he did it. He did it. Interview said, yeah, they just did it as a joke. They were friends. And they say, you know what? Let's go on the show as a joke.

Viewer Expectations

Well, that kind of makes sense. I can see that. Yeah, that's why it makes sense because then that's why she didn't do a research on the program. She wanted to tend that, you know what I mean? So she, like, didn't do any research on anything because it's a goof, I guess. Well, I, well, now that you say that makes it a little better because the person that she acts like on the show is an idiot. So maybe it's better that it's fake because maybe she's just not as dumb as I thought she was.

Media Representation and Viewer Disappointment

Yeah, but this is what I'm telling you about the show that you, we are watching. We're tuning in to see a new eyes, a couple of a black girl going all the way to Iceland. Iceland is one of the countries we've never ventured to on our screens. So we're excited about seeing Iceland and all this shit. And then you're gonna turn around during the season that we're all waiting to see and say, well, you know what? We're not really a couple. We did this shit as a joke. So anything you see on here is not real.

Disillusionment with Reality TV

So now we're like, okay, what? You know, what the fuck is going on here? You know, at least wait is over. That's the same thing as style. I know a lot of Statler fans are on here, but that's the same thing. Statler day Styler came on there and said, well, you're gonna see me acting like a bitch because I found out that Dempsey was cheating on me and I didn't want to do the show because I was just trying to save her thing. So, yeah, this is what you guys are gonna see.

The Impact of Spoilers

So now we're watching the show, we're like, well, you know what? She's not really having anxiety attack. Like, she claimed she's doing it because she found out Dempsey was cheating. So now, you know, saying, you're spoiling the show for us, even if it's reality and it's scripted. But don't. Come on, then. Tell us what's going on, you know, because now we're not even interested in this shit anymore. Oh, well, yeah, she's. I've been defending stat law.

The Crisis of Authenticity

Oh, well, she's not really having anxiety attack. She found out Dempsey was cheating, and she didn't want to continue doing the show, so that's why she had. Oh, but why did they continue to film if this is, you know, like, why would they disclose that information? Oh, we thought she was having a real panic attack. She's not having a panic attack. She's just pissed off that she had to fill to save face for Dempsey because she caught Dempsey cheating. This one is saying, oh, me and I, really, a couple.

The Nature of Reality TV

We did this shit as a spoof. So everything you see is a spoof. So we gotta sit through a season, entire season of you and. And this moron faking. Because inky's a mora. We gotta sit through you. And there's more on faking your shit and your tacky outfits for the rest of the season. Knowing that this shit is fake. I feel I'm wasting my electricity now. That I know that it's fake. Now I understand why she dresses like a dominatrix in every scene because she's trying to be funny.

Fashion Choices and Comedic Undertones

Now it makes so much sense now that I know it's fake because I was like, why does she dress like a dominatrix in Iceland and wears, like, seven inch heels in the ice? Like, now it makes sense. Everything is supposed to be a joke. I don't think outfits are a joke. I think the storyline is a joke, but I think she really dresses like that stateside. She got hairless pussycats. You know her. She does do, like, twerk videos. Yeah. Her best friend is a dude with a pregnant transgender dude with a belly.

Cultural Context and Uniqueness

She's eccentric over here, so she took that shit over to Iceland when she, you know, I'm like, okay, that's fine. I don't care how you dress. And always, you know, your profession and your good doctor, whatever, it doesn't matter. But for you to tell me that what I'm watching is fake, basically telling me you're wasting your time. This is all fake. This is a farce. Nothing about our story is real because there's a joke before your season comes out.

Perspectives on Authenticity

I think that's bullshit. Well, that could also be a defense mechanism because she is scared of all the hate she's getting because, you know, no one's been nice to her. No. So I think, George, she said that shit waved. Like, season. Like, episode two. Episode two. That shit leaked out that she. That it was fake. It was not deep into the episode where everybody hates her outfits and hate her attitude. It was like, episode, I think, even before she went to Iceland, that shit was leaked that it was fake, that they did it.

The Realities of Reality TV

They were friends. They were Internet friends, whatever. And they decided to join the show as a joke. Joke that leaked way before she even got to Iceland. Oh, okay. Yeah. That's why, like, this season of the other way is, like, a total bust, because I'll watch it, and I'm not inspired to even make one tweet. So that's why I always give you credit, JLP, because you'll still, like, live tweet the other way. But I'm like. I hate most of my tweets.

Social Commentary and Humor

I hate tweets. If you. If you see my tweets for the show, they hate tweets because I'm like, okay, I know. Indie and. And corona vinyl speak. The guy in China with another girl, he look like he auditioned for that part. Like they were casting. They put a casting call out, and he auditioned. Nothing about him says authentic. The guy in China, what his name? Josh.

Breaking Down Authenticity

Yeah. That shit is fake. As fucked as. All right, you could. Wait, Josh. You could tell he's an actor. So you think that Josh and Lily's relationship is not real? Fake. That's fake. That's fake. That's fake. That's fake. That's fake. Look at his face. He looks. And the way he speaks on his interview, on his videos. Yeah, in the video, whatever they do call it, look at his face.

Discussions of Performance vs Reality

He looks like he's acting. He doesn't. There's nothing. He does come across very robotic. Yeah, robotic. He's reading a script. Clean cut. He's too clean cut for that. For that. Oh, I just hopped on a plane and broke and came to live off of this woman in China that's a millionaire. And then they're pushing the. Oh, the line that she keeps or spending this much money. I spending that much money. That shit is fake.

Navigating Public Persona

It's completely. Look at his fate next time you see it. Watch his interviews and watch his face. You could tell he auditioned for the part. That's fake. Oh, what's was going on with all these flashing lights? That's his biggest gripe, that the lights keep flashing. Every time he parked the car, somebody's watching. And then he comes on here. He comes on Twitter and he talks shit, too.

Engagement with Fans

He's been on our Twitter space too, you know. Yeah, he was on a couple weeks ago, right. I feel like it's been a while now, but. Yeah. Oh, longer than that. Yeah, I think he was on when were discussing. We thought he was no longer in China. I think he came on around that time. He was trying to say, oh, guess when nobody could guess where I'm at in this undisclosed location.

Exploring Online Conversations

I think Shabudi had mentioned something about the location that he was filming, and he was like, oh, yeah, and fucking with us. That's fake. He's fake. The one. The banana chip. The crying baby and the banana chip guy. That's, oh, maybe a little bit. Like, I will give her, like, a 60% chance. That is not fake. But he also looks like an actor.

Concluding Thoughts

Well, he put out a mute. He put out a music video in a song. Yeah. Everybody's trying to promote. Yeah, I actually like the song. So he sent me this song, like, a week before he went live with it. We're talking about James. Yeah, James and Tata. So he said, hey. And I actually, you know, lots of people send me their songs and everything. And it was a un. It was like a random email because, you know, like, if you click contact me on my website, it'll, like, email to my business email.

Reflection on Music and Engagement

So he. And, like, he didn't dm me and say he was gonna send us me. And so I checked my email randomly, and it was from James, and he was like, I want you to hear the. The song that I'm about to release. And, you know, we've heard Jabri's music and we've heard, you know, so this could be a thing, right? So I'm like, let me see if this is funny or not. So I actually listened to it and I didn't think it was awful.

Song Reception and Comments

So have you guys heard it? Shabudi, you've heard it, right? I think I sent it to you. Is he the one that's singing the song about the cats and dogs? They're eating the cats. The aqua snacks? That's just labs. I haven't been able to get that song that is eat it like that. They're eating the cats and dogs. Vietnam songs. They're eating the dogs. No, no. The Afrobeats.

Cultural Influence on Music

The south african guy that made the Afrobeats song to the eating cats and dogs. If you haven't heard that shit, google it. That shit slaps. Fucking hilarious. Shit slaps. I don't know that as far as. I must send it to you guys. I must send it to you guys. That one? Yeah. I don't know that one. But James song, I mean, I was surprised that it was coming out of him, but I think it's like.

Contextual Clarity

I think what made it somewhat okay was it was, like, from him, because you expect him to be talentless, so you're like, oh, my God. He has a modicum of talent, but if it was somebody. But if it was somebody like that, you expect to be a musician, then you wouldn't be that impressed. So do y'all want to hear it? Do you want to hear the song? I'm gonna. I'll play it.

Engagement in Music Discussion

Yes, I want to hear it. All right. I'm gonna play the song for y'all. Well, should I play the entire song, or should I just play the snippet that he. He posted on Instagram? What's your. All right, all right, hold on. Let's see. We gonna go. When the sun dies thinking about the. Reasons why you still try it just another day close your. Eyes to start a new life never too late to make a change, right?

Lyric Analysis

Just another day it's just another day that you can call or stand up. Just as tall as you want to you could lose. It all. You need you it's just. Another day my car broke down I got bills to pay it's just another day got demons in my head that I have to face it's just another day someone's always got something to say it's just another shame. Okay, I think that's good. That's good, George.

Audience Reception

All right, so I like it. What do y'all think, for real? I like it. Really? I don't hate it. That's how I felt, too. That's how I felt, too. I don't hate it. Right? Okay, so one of our. One of our listeners in the chat said, laugh out loud song sucks. Sounds like a Disney song. Maybe that's why I like it. Kind of does sound like a Disney song.

Connections through Music

You know what? I'm with that. Well, you're. You're mister Disney. You know. You know, I know all Disney songs. You know, this could have easily been an inside out. Okay. The inside out to, like, I. This could have easily been on this. Oh, my God. So, JLP, what are your thoughts? What do you think of this? Because you're the russian judge. JLB, we gotta get your. Did they play that during your lap dance and your bachelorette party?

Personal Insights and Reflections

Well, I mean, I don't know. Okay. I don't know if the audio is off, but he needs to stay working the elevator job that. He fixes elevators. Really? Yeah. I don't. I don't. I don't know. Maybe he should. He could ghost, right, for people. I don't. I didn't like it. It doesn't sound like his voice. It does.

Performance Evaluation

It sounds like somebody, like some weird. Always. He should stick with banana chips. Yeah. So the banana chips. I mean, I. Maybe we had Tata crying in the background in the chorus. Like, she'd be like, maybe. I don't know. I'm gonna be like, Simon, it's a no for me. It's a no for me. It's a no from you. Okay, so it's a no from JLP. I mean, I did feel like there was a little bit of Milli vanilli going on when I heard it.

Musical Perspectives

When I first heard it, and I was, like, trying to put that voice to him. I had a difficulty in that department. I was like, this isn't you. Like, it doesn't sound like you know how when some people talk and when they sing, you can hear the relation between the two? I didn't hear it from that, so I was. I was a little taken back. You know? It definitely sounds like music for, like, a kid.

Musical Themes for Children

Like a kids movie. Well, yeah, like a Nickelodeon tv show theme song. Right. Right. When the show comes on, that, like. Right before for Dora the Explorer, she finds some shit or does something exploration her and. And Diego be like, don't give up on the trees. Whatever. I can understand shit that he was saying. Hey, your car bill. Yeah, I got a bit in there about his car insurance, about his car breaking down.

Narratives of Struggle

He should have throw in. Listen, he would have sold me if you would have thrown some banana chips, like, reference and. And Tata in the back, just crying. The background. That would have sold me. And the. Well, I guess the premise of the song is, like, being on the day to day grind. So he's like, there's a video for it, and it's like a robot doing, like. Like, I'm sorry. Fucking what?

Visuals and Context

Yeah, the video. Music video for it. Did you not see the music video now? I. But brother Tata's brother is the animator. It's like. It's a cartoon. It's a cartoon. And Tata's brother, the animator of the. The cartoon. Come on, George. That's gold. We got to see that. We. Maybe he does have talent. Who knows? I thought that it was better than jabriz music.

Subjective Taste in Music

Don't. Surprise. Don't deprive me. Don't deprive me. Don't deprive me of that visual. Now that I posted. Actually, I posted the video on my Instagram, but you do not have an Instagram advocate. All right, so let's put our foot down. So, after today, you are on notice. You now have ten days from today to open an Instagram account. I don't even know how to begin.

Technology and Social Networking

It's not hard. There's not. No, I don't have Facebook. I don't have shit, bro. All I have is Twitter. And it's because of the show that I got Twitter. But you're missing a lot of, like, really good. I know. I know. I got ready. I have read it, and read. It is good. I applaud you for getting on Reddit. I on there, and I. And I troll on Red, and I look around to see what they're talking about, if anything, about any of us or any of our shit.

Social Observations

But then I get off because they're, like, weird on the Reddit. That's like a weird community. It's like. It's like, definitely. There's, like, a gang over there. Yeah, it's a cult. I remember they have gang mentality over there. They're all hop on you, and they all ride that. They're pretty nice, I think. But they have their moments. They have their moments.

Communities and Interaction

They feel my shit a lot, too, over there. But I remember when Scott's moderate. Okay, so remember there was a Scott. I hate Scott Thread, and. Yeah, moderator of that, got into a car accident, and then Scott was basically like, too bad you didn't die or something. Like, that's how they talk to each other on Reddit. And so I don't ever spend too much time on Reddit because it's just the level of hatred there is, like, off the charts.

End of a Discussion

And, like, I don't care who I'm talking about, even if I just like. Yeah, I realized that they. They're like. Like, us on Twitter will say, well, I don't like that bitch. She this and that. Don't go deep. They'll be like, I hate her mother for having her. Yeah, it's. It's another should all die, they say. Really angry. No, it's like. It's fucking, like, cult creepy psycho talk.

Engagement with Live Sessions

Yeah. Check that. You know, you can read the comments. Yeah. Space. Click the little chat bubble on the right, bottom, right hand side. Lauren, come back. I saw that he was live the other day on Instagram, so I joined the chat. I didn't join his live. I joined the chat, and he was like, george, I don't think you can be here. I'm in. I'm in. What did he call it? Podcast jail or something? And I was like, no, Lauren, I can. I can watch your live. You just can't, like, be on our show. Because he was like, I'm scared of what's gonna happen. And I was like, don't. Don't think that. Oh, my God. Me being he's so innocent. They must have lectured the fuck out of him.

Concerns and Conversations

I think that they told them. They were like, you're not going to get paid any additional money or something. They probably threatened him, like, bad. He's hard up for the cash, so he's like, you know what? Let me. Let me. Let me, you know, bunker, hunker down. Yeah, and do what they say, because, I mean, I'm winning this shit for the cash. But let me tell you something. That was. That was gold. His. His. His time on our space was gold. I never laughed and so hard. He was on a roll. He's like, he couldn't stop. And. And. And, you know, the. Makes it. The funniest is that it was genuine shit that he was saying, because he was just rolling with. It's not something you could just make up out of your head, you know?

Comparing Interviews and Guest Appearances

So when were. When were doing that interview, do you know how when you're watching. I don't know if y'all watch late night shows like Jimmy Fallon and. Yeah, you know how they'll have, like, a list of guests and then sometimes they don't get to everyone on the list? And I was like, if were a light night show and Lauren was our first guest, everybody else that we had scheduled, we would have sent home because there was no way we could have. We would have shut it down. Right? There's no way he would have. Even if we would have had, like, Ben Affleck. Like, were like, you know what? We don't have time for you. You can go home. And let me say something before I. Before that. That. His interview on our space or whatever. His. I used to. This guy's gross. Oh, my God. This guy's creepy.

Perceptions and Realization

Yeah. Once he got on that space and I start. And I heard him start to spit his. His life story, I couldn't help but say, you know what? This guy's fucking hilarious. And. And I don't see the militias in him anymore. You know? Like, I don't think he has a malicious intent towards faith. I just feel like he's just trying to survive, you know? He's just trying to stay afloat. He's not trying to be malicious. He's just trying to coexist, you know? Yeah. Live here and. And just be, you know, quiet and consume as less as possible and take up as. And have, you know, a friend. But he has a genuine intent of living as cheaply as he can without hurting her feelings, because I'm pretty sure she already knows that he wants open relationships.

Navigating Controversies

They're gonna give that to us as a bombshell on the show, but I'm sure she already knows. But I saw his gene, his genuity, and I was like, you know, fucking amazing. You. Like, the edit is almost like he's kind of a little bit of a villain. But then we made him very likable after the Twitter space. Well, some people, I've gotten some messages where they're. They're kind of mad about the child support thing. Like, people are just like, I can't believe you supporting him if he's, like, dodging his child support. And I was like, I'm not supporting him dodging his child support. I'm just supporting that he's the funniest person that I've talked to in a while, you know, like, I'm not, like, condoning anything like that.

Understanding Situations

Right. I just think that he's really funny, and he. I don't think that he's, like, dodging child support specifically. I just think that he had a couple of kids with a 400 pound lady that he doesn't like, and he's in a situation. Like, I feel like people want to make him out to be a bad person without, like, letting him tell his side of the story. And I feel like that's. That that gets me sometimes because there's always three sides to the story. There's one side, the other side, and the truth. So it gets me when people are just like, no, you shouldn't, you know, let them say anything. They're just a bad person. Everybody has a right. Even the Menendez brothers got to take the stand.

Engaging with the Audience

You know, we get. We give everybody a chance to talk, you know? And you shouldn't make a decision until everybody gets to talk. Yeah, and, yeah, and I still. I mean, I'll still goof. Like, he's not also goof on him and shit. Well, yeah, he's gonna be the. He's. We're gonna make sure that he's the butt of every joke, but he knows that, you know, like, I like his. Like, his nonchalantness, you know? Like, he's like, you know what? This is. Don't happen to me. This is my life, and I'm a tally. He's like, so he's self-effacing.

Memories from Earlier Conversations

My favorite was the story about the Chinese family he lived with that they push each other out the window, that they were smoking meth, and then they. Was a Vietnamese family because I said I didn't know Vietnamese people do meth. And then she pushed her mother out the window. She was in jail six times. Yeah. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. That was the hilarious. That was the clip that I came across of us on TikTok, and I was like, what an amazing clip. Like, of all the things we talked about in the interview, that was what I really wanted people to hear. So I was happy at the choice.

Discussion on Clips and Public Reactions

Of clip, but, like, did the TikTok say anything? Like, did it say, like, shiboudy or George or whatever's Twitter space or. Yeah, it had our names in it. They didn't tag me on my TikTok, which I barely use anyway, but, like, it had the. Our. The Twitter space. It had, like, your Twitter name? Yeah. It wasn't like, no, they didn't steal it. They just said, that this was a clip from the Friday night Twitter space with Shiboudy and George and, yeah, it said who were. Okay, cool. But yeah, that story, like, when I heard the story, I was like, it's hard to hate somebody who can tell a story like this, you know, it's like, I just want to hear more of this craziness that he's been through, you know?

Analyzing Current Situations

So it's hard for me to think that he's just an awful person. Like, people can do awful things but still be like, what's the best way to say this? They can do something bad, but, yeah, but still be likable. Right? Okay, so, like, remember OJ Simpson? Like, he did some pretty awful stuff, but people still liked him and he walked away. So it's like, it's very possible to be a shitty person, but also very likable. You know, I think that he, people like to say TLC is portraying him as the villain they edit because they're editing him to be the villain. But if TLC and I know that they're listening because definitely have a spy somewhere in our chat are in our space, if they were not portray him as the villain portraying as the person that he really is because I'm sure they never spoke to him on the level that we spoke to him.

More on TLC and Show Dynamics

And they see the show will be more entertaining because let me tell you something. He, he got material for days. He got material for days. If they would just let him tell faith his story and just go on and on about all that shit that he told us, that she will be a banger, everybody will watch, you'll be like, oh my God, this and that. And he won't be, he won't come across as such a villain. He'll come across as just somebody experiencing life. And he hasn't been the luckiest person in the world, you know? Hey, I have a question, shabouty. What did you just post in the chat? so I guess a fan was dming with Lauren tonight.

Missing Persons and Investigation

So. Yeah, he shared, the fans shared the DM's. So the DM says that he can't follow you and he had to. He got your taken down for some reason. No, it. There's like a. Well, you know how if you're not logged into Twitter, you can't listen to the space, right? So I think like people get mixed up. They. Cuz there's a lot of people that try to listen to space and they didn't have a Twitter account and they weren't logged in, so wouldn't let them. So then a lot of people assumed that the space was taken down, and it was just because they didn't know they had to be logged into a Twitter account. Oh, then I think Lauren thinks that the space got taken down, but it hasn't. But the part about him not being allowed, obviously, is accurate because sharp.

Clarifying Situations

They said, do you follow Shiboudy? And he said, he's not allowed to follow you. What does that mean? Well, I could check. I could check if he follows. No, he follows me. I think it just means he's not allowed to be on the Twitter space. Okay. Because I'm confused. I was like, why can't he follow you? That's a. That's a bit extreme. Well, because the last part is like, you should come in and visit. Yeah, yeah. The. Who's responding? The part where it says, you should come in and visit. He says, I'm not allowed. And then he says. And then the part about, oh, yeah, I did the last one. And then the part where it says he got his pocket.

Policy and Operational Challenges

Second, that parts inaccurate. I think that's just. You have a lot of people try to listen to it, and they. If you're not logged in actively to a Twitter account and try to click a link, it'll look like it's not available to you, but it's because you're not logged in. Yeah. That's. That's why you. You created a. A Spotify and Apple podcast. So we don't have that issue anymore. Yes. And this will. I'll try to have this episode up tomorrow during the day sometime. Yeah. But always remember, Twitter fans hear it first. So if you guys were here, you heard it live. You get to hear it before everyone else.

Anticipation for Next Episode

And apparently, there's people in lots of different countries that are listening, but you get to hear it first. When you guys are here with us on. On Friday nights and Sunday nights, y'all get to hear it before everybody else. Yeah. Do you want to open up them mics to other people? The. I know Lana always speaks. Did we run through the topics already? That's crazy. Yeah. And I kind of want to end in the next 30 minutes because, yes, yes, I got appointment. I got a dentist appointment tomorrow. Oh, I see my doctor, I guess so.

Shifting Focus

Yeah, I want to end in the next 30 minutes, but do you want to open up the mics or something? Yeah, we can open up the mics and open them up. Open them up. Okay. And this isn't the case with Lana, because Lana always sounds good. But just for the record, fight. Let somebody speak. And then I hear, like, weird ass feedback or something. I'm gonna, like, mute kick you off speaking because I don't want it to ruin our podcast anyway. So. Yeah, mute your TVs or radios or whatever.

Practical Considerations

Oh, yeah, no, just. Or if you. Or if you're doing nothing wrong, but you sound all staticky or something, I'm gonna say bye because I don't want no static shit in here. Anyway, let's. Let's see if Lana, if anyone wants to speak, let me know. You could request, or I could just let you invite. Oh, so I got a DM the other day from Kyle Gordy. Do y'all remember Kyle Gordy? He was on love and paradise. He's the weird sperm donor guy.

Recent Events and Testimonials

So I. Okay, so backing up, he did an interview with Stephanie Motto. Do y'all remember Stephanie Motto? She's the fart in the jar girl. Yeah, she did a podcast with her, and he had, like, this girlfriend that was with him or whatever. I didn't fully watch the podcast, right. I'm going to admit that. But I did saw. I watched some of the clip, and there's, like, this chick, she's in the video with him. She's supposed to be his girlfriend, and she's trying to have a baby with him or whatever.

Investigating Claims

So somebody sent it to me, and then I did my, you know, my very basic background into it. So I found the girl's Instagram, and she doesn't follow Kyle Gordy. So his girlfriend, supposedly, that they're trying to have a baby, she doesn't actually follow him. So I was like, this is really peculiar to me, because if you're like, dating someone and y'all are trying to have a baby, you would probably follow them on Instagram. But she has, like, her own little social media influencer page, and then she did this interview with him.

Analyzing Relationship Authenticity

So I was like, I'm not exactly sure, like, how legit, you know, their relationship is. But anyway, moving on. That's unimportant. I just want to bring that up. He DM'd me the other day and said that there is a page, you know, her. Her name is according to Amber. So he brought up to me that she's posted some things about him that he wants to sue her for. And I don't know why he brought up me. I mean, I guess because I know who she is or I know her or whatever.

Legal Action Discussion

But he was like, hey, if it's possible, could you give me her address. And I was like, well, I don't know her address. And I was like, and if I did, I wouldn't give it to you. She's like, I want to serve her, you know, papers to sue her because she's been defaming my character or whatever. And I was like, so are you going to just, like, sue everybody that defames your character? Because eventually you're going to run out of money, because it costs money to file a lawsuit. It costs money to go to court. It costs money to do all that.

Reflections on Accountability

I was like, you went on the show, and you defamed yourself. You know, like, you told. You told your story, which was defaming in itself, like going on TV and telling people, you know, what you did. And then in conjunction with the tweets and the Reddit posts and all the women who've come forward, the most damaging person to yourself at this point is you. So I was like, just to yourself? You know, like. Cause honestly, who. Who are you really going to hold accountable for the things people are saying about you because they're based on what you did and what you did on the show?

Future Considerations

So I was just. If, according to Amber, is listening, just know that he doesn't know where you are, so don't. I mean, he. He wants you to take down whatever you posted. But I don't. I don't. I don't want to get involved. What the. What? Okay. No, I'm sorry. George, continue. I. Yeah, let. Fuck. Kyle. We don't want to give him artillery. Listen, we. We are trying to move on up to the Upper east side right here, George.

Factors of Popularity

So we don't want to get into nobody's bullshit and their I. Personal propaganda bullshit. Whatever they're going on, we're trying to push our space up. I know that you are the nicest one, and you have very professional and reserved opinions of other people's shit, but sometimes we can't get entangled because Stephanie, she's a. She's a little viper herself. So you don't want to. You don't want to entangle yourself in her shit. She says she was selling farts, and then she came out and lied and said, oh, I wasn't.

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