Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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This space is hosted by DaoKwonDo

Space Summary

The Twitter space revolved around playing music, emphasizing emotional and nostalgic lyrics. Participants actively discussed the shared lyrics, conveying their personal emotions influenced by the music. The atmosphere of the space exuded warmth and unity, nurturing emotional bonds among the audience. Themes of creativity and individual expression were prominent, enabling participants to contemplate the poignant emotional significance of the music. This collective experience offered solace and reassurance to the listeners, establishing a space for reminiscing and profound emotional bonds.


Q: What was the primary focus of the Twitter space?
A: Playing music and sharing emotional lyrics.

Q: Were the discussions centered around specific music genres?
A: The discussions involved emotional and nostalgic lyrics.

Q: How did participants engage during the space?
A: Participants shared personal feelings inspired by the music.

Q: What was the overall ambiance of the space like?
A: The space conveyed warmth and fostered connections through music.

Q: What themes were prominent in the shared lyrics?
A: Creativity, personal expression, and emotional depth.

Q: Did the audience actively participate in the space?
A: Yes, listeners engaged by reflecting on the content shared.

Q: In what ways did the space encourage emotional connections?
A: By providing a platform for reminiscing and emotional expression.

Q: What impact did the music have on participants?
A: The music resonated deeply, offering solace and comfort.

Q: How did the space foster creativity among participants?
A: By allowing for personal expression through shared lyrics.

Q: What stood out about the experience shared in the space?
A: The profound emotional connection and nostalgic elements within the music.


Time: 00:00:59
Audio Settings Discussion, Exploration of different sound settings like voice isolation.

Time: 00:12:38
Importance of Social Media Metrics, Emphasis on likes, retweets, and bookmarks for visibility.

Time: 00:44:10
Project ‘Form’ Introduction, Introduction and details about the collaborative project ‘Form’.

Time: 00:47:16
Discussion on Future Impacts, Conversation on how current actions will shape future outcomes.

Time: 00:50:18
Closing Remarks, Concluding thoughts on a specific topic.

Time: 01:09:12
Detailed Project ‘Form’ Discussion, In-depth discussion on the specifics of the project ‘Form’.

Time: 01:27:25
Encouragement for Active Participation, Motivation for active engagement in discussions.

Time: 02:00:59
Focus on Engagement Importance, Stressing the importance of engagement metrics over follower count.

Time: 02:02:07
Handling Constructive Criticism, Insights on effectively dealing with criticism.

Time: 02:08:49
Speculations on Future Implications, Forecast on future impacts of discussed points.

Key Takeaways

  • The space niche is focused on playing music.
  • Sentences shared during the space were emotional and nostalgic.
  • Discussions revolved around the lyrics of the music played.
  • Participation in the space involved sharing personal feelings evoked by the music.
  • The ambiance of the space conveyed a sense of warmth and connection.
  • Listeners engaged actively by reflecting on the shared lyrics.
  • The space provided a platform for listeners to reminisce and connect through music.
  • Creativity and personal expression were key themes of the space.
  • Music played in the space resonated deeply with the audience.
  • Participants found solace and comfort in the musical experience shared.

Behind the Mic

I got to go in a couple of minutes. Okay. I want to get some writing down on paper because like my last week has been hell of work. Sure because we already exported at least two pages and I exported for about three days of work like without content because I have time on Saturday or Friday. So I plan to do things like right now so I have to take care of a couple of things before I actually go to work. Yikes, yeah sure, yeah, that’s no problem. You know I’m like two hours ahead of you. I’d love a write-up by end of the day tonight. Hell yeah. Yeah, I’ll do at least something in that time frame and I can probably do something after work. I’ll see how much I can get done. I might be sent to work a little bit as well but I have a lot of time on Thursday as well. So we got plenty of time. Yeah you know you just don’t, we’ll have to talk later today. Yeah, probably we’ll talk later today you know. Whenever you finish shoot it my way, I’ll have a look at it. We can get some more progress done. I’m in the middle of a few things as well. Okay. Take care and we’ll talk. Alright see you. Next time and as fashionably late as always. Yeah well it constrains items you know otherwise well what can I say. Right? Yeah alright let’s get going. Let’s get going. What do we got? We got a lot to talk about right now. Well, do you want to start with the big issue first or? Yeah let’s talk about it. Are they going to be presidents they don’t like, uh, given G7 summit or what? All presidents. Somebody hit their enemies’ president, I guess, for whatever reason. So Julian Assange President of Iran, Earth. What are we saying? Basically anyone high up in their government. Right? The key is that they know there’s a plane crash and there’s like what? Five people living out of their world, it’s dead. Oh amazing. We’re hearing again, unconfirmed right as of right now, that everyone is deceased within the plane crash. Real funny. But what did I feel? And you said what what was it that led to the plane coming down? Mechanical failure? Well they don’t know yet. They’re still investigating. Man that is insane. They’re getting too much like a movie far for my life. It’s just unfortunate that so many people died in an instant. Like it’s just and. Yeah but hold on, hold on. Before we talk about anything later than the general. Has anybody like bought anything at the moment? Bought aircraft or in the stock market? I guess for right now. Future stocks, have you been buying it? Looking at charts, two things of it. I’m just glad I’m not in Ireland right now but even more funny things that I always know. Tell me all. Tell me all your funny woes. Out of all places, President visited North Korea. I mean come on. Did you hear about the train sabotage all trains are running through in the course? Alright what’s this all about? Well, it’s one of these little second hand SIDE orders I guess. It’s just a weird situation that this is as long as it’s. You know people it’s just kind of funny from a movie standpoint but you know at the same time it’s kind of serious because you know we have a lot of things going on right now but it’s just tied into everything. I know it’s bad to say but at some point even it was they like fixed it, you know. No way it’s yeah it’s true. Kind of what you expect like powing time and just you know I don’t even, I don’t know what to say. Anyhow I guess like, the important thing is just figuring out, right. Like what what exactly happened and like I guess was it actually mechanical? Was there some other shit going on? There’s another aspect to this as well. What what? Well you know the timing so it was either a real bad kind of genuine accident. Bad luck or yeah someone you know kind of took advantage of an opportunity sort of a thing and you know it’s like the ramifications what kind of come out of it. Hopefully they bomb is real. I don’t know. I don’t know. It’s just fucked up. This is fucked up and definitely weird. Like, let’s say books. Let’s say. Let’s say it wasn’t Israel, but they. But they say it was similar to, like, the. The whole shit with, like, when we needed a cop out when George W. Bush was president, and we’re like, yo, 911 was this person. This is why we’re going to attack. Similar to that situation. Give it a reason for, like, to get the country riled up, to get everyone, like, okay, well, this is a valid reason to attack. So then it would mean that it’s possibility that whoever did that to the president is also an enemy of Israel. Right. Because they’re using that. So I think once we get the next move, I think we could come back and we’ll be able to kind of see, okay. We think it’s this person or we might think it’s that. And please feel free at that time if you have done anything uncanny to get support from news media, social media, because this is. Somebody has lots of eyes. There’s no social media in Myanmar. Basically, it an app called bolt after dark. I had one of these shares for both dark and animus. Where do you see the possibility of it? Over 14 million drew this morning. It’s just. But once they get satellites around you, they’ll find him and get there by some other pockets. Did you hear about the bomb today? There’s more bombs. So much is going on at the moment. So they’re in Pakistan. Is that same stash? I think they’re communicating with the president of Iran and stuff like that. I’m sure they’ve heard stuff. I think. Leaders getting taken away from just basically allies to. But the important thing is at least meditation, not plagiarism. Why? Because whatever happens next is the will see. Sure and our boss has taken the appropriate steps to do proper research. Because all these things are only going to get more complicated. Definitely something to worry about. But exactly but I think this morning they’re working on it. I’m pretty excited to kind of hear how they’re approaching this. Completely doing things to like, not escalate it faster but doing things another way to not hurt more people or. But the idea itself was they later like force the station to video when they were already there. So what do you mean later? Well later I think it’s just you know, time compass as I don’t even know where to begin. Do we still have connection with Iran and yeah, again definitely let us know whenever we get more sort of information going and really to kind of see what’s left out, you know, like whatever those news reports because the police like more real about that I don’t know, like social media it’s whatever they feel like they put out and these news teams right now so. Something you know what I’m noticing real quick is that. Showing off some freaky shit. Some of those fake aircrafts right now. So today they’re fake aircrafts you could find fake aircrafts today. Yeah yeah exactly. So someone I don’t think those are no planes right now maybe less fake videos of. I don’t know bro we will see like the original tellers calling. Because it’s true though like, if it’s not the plane something happened at the border with I think like the new thing in certain shit I don’t know the like so I’m not sure if they’re even there on the phone right now because it plays right into that. So they can’t see go back those Marshall laws definitely. One way or another the IRGC corp travels all over the place though so if they’re planning it could be anything I have another definite thing. Imagine our presidents and our allies meeting up or any specific oh they do have but you know I understand it’s kind of difficult for control pod situation but we it kind of we feel like hoping we did well you know they’re really dead and they’re able to eat and the latter on they’re trying to bomb. Honestly these fuck don’t do not happen if it was actually president of us? That’s okay it could be by vision or. Fake videos gone wrong bro for what? Yeah so that’s kind of ins and outs so whatever kind of they handle in their own hands. Both from another country not kind of in their piloted fields, but I mean now they’re saying that you know reporting yep, I got to leave pretty current little unfortunately. Okay explanation is completely different from the way right now still totally happens a lot. True. Yeah I have no idea right now because it’s currently other ways for it but you can hear them but again I couldn’t hear them if they’re on my headphones. So if they’re in that information pit everyone is clear so yeah, same so I’m going to at least see what we pull from this. And what ends up happening we will see first flight goes around the end of this month for them, but we’re going to communicate bro I feel you so I think we don’t have to meet. No more for today. Today listening too so you fix what you need hey family See you later today. Goodbye.

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