360 Cricket is in Full Swing


Space Summary

The Twitter Space 360 Cricket is in Full Swing hosted by Myria. 360 Cricket's web3 gaming ecosystem thrives with over a million users, featuring rapid game deployment and seamless trading experiences on Myria L2 with zero gas fees. The platform's scalability, innovative technology, and blockchain integration revolutionize user engagement and gameplay. Developers find new creative avenues in web3 gaming, benefiting from efficient transactions, ownership verification, and immersive experiences. By leveraging blockchain, 360 Cricket sets a precedent in the gaming industry, offering transparency, security, and novel gaming possibilities.

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Q: How does 360 Cricket contribute to the web3 gaming ecosystem?
A: 360 Cricket provides a vibrant platform for a large user community, enhancing the web3 gaming experience.

Q: What advantages does Myria L2 offer for gaming transactions?
A: Myria L2 facilitates gas-free trading, making transactions efficient and cost-effective.

Q: Why is fast game deployment essential for blockchain gaming platforms?
A: Quick game launching and scaling are crucial for attracting and retaining players in the competitive gaming industry.

Q: What role does scalability play in the success of web3 gaming platforms?
A: Scalability ensures that platforms like 360 Cricket can accommodate a growing user base without compromising performance.

Q: How does blockchain technology enhance user engagement in web3 gaming?
A: Blockchain features make gameplay more interactive and immersive, increasing user satisfaction.

Q: Why are zero gas fees significant for trading on Myria L2?
A: Eliminating gas fees makes transactions more cost-efficient and user-friendly, encouraging more trading activities.

Q: What opportunities does web3 gaming offer to developers?
A: Web3 gaming presents developers with a chance to explore innovative gameplay mechanics and engage with a tech-savvy audience.

Q: How does the integration of blockchain revolutionize the gaming industry?
A: Blockchain technology brings unprecedented transparency, security, and ownership to the gaming sector, transforming traditional gameplay experiences.

Q: Why is user accessibility crucial for the success of gaming platforms like 360 Cricket?
A: Ensuring ease of access through seamless trading experiences attracts and retains a diverse player base, driving platform growth.

Q: In what ways does 360 Cricket leverage blockchain technology to enhance the gaming experience?
A: 360 Cricket utilizes blockchain for efficient transactions, ownership verification, and secure gameplay, elevating the overall gaming experience for users.


Time: 00:15:47
Massive User Base of 360 Cricket Exploring how 360 Cricket engages over a million users within the web3 gaming ecosystem.

Time: 00:27:30
Efficiency of Myria L2 Transactions Understanding the benefits of gas-free trading on Myria L2 for seamless gameplay experiences.

Time: 00:40:12
Rapid Game Deployment on 360 Cricket Insight into the swift process of launching and scaling blockchain games on the platform.

Time: 00:55:21
Immersive Gameplay with Blockchain Technology Discussing how blockchain enhancements elevate user engagement and game experiences.

Time: 01:05:10
Scalability for Web3 Gaming Platforms The importance of scalability in accommodating growing user demands in platforms like 360 Cricket.

Time: 01:20:45
Zero Gas Fees on Myria L2 Benefits of gas-free transactions on Myria L2, attracting players with cost-effective trading.

Time: 01:35:18
Fast Deployment for Game Growth Examining the role of rapid game deployment in the continuous growth of the web3 gaming ecosystem.

Time: 01:45:09
Enhanced User Accessibility with Myria L2 The accessibility and convenience provided by Myria L2's seamless trading experiences.

Time: 01:55:37
Innovative Opportunities for Developers The creative possibilities web3 gaming offers to developers for crafting unique gameplay elements.

Time: 02:10:02
Blockchain Integration in Gaming Industry The transformative impact of blockchain technology on reshaping the gaming landscape with enhanced security and ownership features.

Key Takeaways

  • 360 Cricket fosters a robust web3 gaming environment for a vast user base.
  • Myria L2 enables gas-free trading experiences, appealing to numerous players.
  • The platform allows rapid launching and scaling of blockchain games, streamlining development processes.
  • Innovative gaming technologies like blockchain enhance user engagement and experiences.
  • Scalability is a key factor in the success of web3 gaming platforms like 360 Cricket.
  • Efficient transaction mechanisms like zero gas fees on Myria L2 attract a significant number of players.
  • Fast deployment of blockchain games contributes to the growth and sustainability of the gaming ecosystem.
  • Seamless trading experiences on Myria L2 provide accessibility and convenience for users.
  • Web3 gaming offers exciting opportunities for developers to create immersive and interactive gameplay.
  • The integration of blockchain technology revolutionizes the gaming industry, offering novel experiences to players.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Overview

Okay, so hello everyone. I'm Ivan Fortunoff and I am the VP of games at Myria. So in a nutshell, I'm overseeing all the game production both internally and with our partners. And this is the case with the game we are going to be discussing today. Mister Cricket is a game that is being developed by Clement and his team at Liboc. And today we're going to be discussing some questions around the development of the game, the current state of prediction and our future plans. And with all that being said, I'll give the word to Clement so he can introduce us to one of the first questions that we have. And this is how much of Abs input has shaped the way of the game and now where the game is being set. Also, to what degree was he evolved into the production and was he very handsome or. It was mostly in the hands of the developers to decide and navigate the game production. Thank you.

Clement's Involvement

Klaus. Do you have the words? Hey, guys. Hello, everybody. I'll just get to the question then. Basically, AB was really involved in the process and on all and every level. I mean, like, his input was priceless. He was the one who was actually there. And I mean, like, this is his memories and war stories and all of them are great. I really enjoyed working with him and I have to say that I really, I'm not really sure if there are many other ips that are so involved in the process of the creation as he was with this project. So, yeah, everything is. The game is derived from the, you know, directly from his output. So he was really, he's really great. So. That sounds like fun.

Representation in the Game

I mean, from my perspective as a game developer myself, it's always a good thing to have the main IP representative involved heavily into the game because in the end of the day, this is what we want to get into the final product, a very good representation of either their life or I. Whatever side of their story we're trying to portray into the game. So, yeah, that's pretty cool. Okay, so next question would be how does the game actually reflect AB's earlier life and other interesting and memorable moments that were central to his success as a cricketing legend? Yes, for everybody that doesn't know, the game follows most of his life. And sure, I mean, it does reflect most of AB's important moments.

AB's Journey

It actually goes from his early age. He was playing in his backyard and all the way being to the prime of his career. And I have to tell you, it's one fascinating story all the way. So it's. That'S great. I had the opportunity to play the game, obviously, as a representative, Miriam, and partially supervising the production as your partner. And I definitely can agree that being familiar with his life and career and having the opportunity to actually participate in simulated representation of those moments into the game and the virtual world of the cricket is something that is pretty cool. Cool.

Game Environment Modeling

So, with that being said, it's not a big secret that the 360 cricket game features many locations that are near and dear to Av. So with that in mind, it's curious and maybe you can tell us a little bit more about how did the team approach the modeling the environment of art? Did you guys utilize pictures that AB himself provided as references, or you had to rely on verbal descriptions or you had to actually go out there yourselves and collected the references from the network? Yes. In the game, there are many locations. I believe there are 14.

Locations in the Game

Some of them are really famous ones, like London, Delhi, Johannesburg, other big cities. But there are also smaller ones and even, like, exotic ones. We've started development with the main ones. And actually there is a lot of work behind each one. But basically, as the game starts, for example, it starts in his backyard when he used to first play when he was a young kid.

The Influence of Memory

For example, I believe under ten years old and where he grew up. So for this specific occasion, there was no any image references. There was only his memories about the surroundings, where he played in the yard and what was the, you know, here and there. So for this case, there was only his memories. But for most of the other cases, we try to kind of go see any kind of pictures, take any references that we could find in the Internet also within these years, because as the story progresses, it goes through mostly all his wife. So basically, we try to find, like, the places, for example, in the nineties or 95 or whatever the case is. But, yeah, so the story goes, and then he grows up going to the high school, and then, you know, it follows his story.

Creating an Authentic Experience

Basically, we try to stay true to the demographics and just made the models for every place differently. For example, let. Let's just say Mumbai. Let's say Mumbai. It's the 13th episode in the game, of course. You know, like, it's really definitive. Look there. You cannot mistake the city by any means or any of the famous places there. We definitely have some good ideas about how to make the atmosphere of each place. For example, for Mumbai, were thinking maybe we are going to introduce NPC's in the game. Definitely. And let's say one of the creative ideas for Mumbai was to let's say, have a. You know, have a cow as an NPC just passing by while the player is playing. It was, you know, kind of funny, at least for me. But yeah, some of those things will be coming into the game in a later stage, though we still don't. Don't have it implemented.

Player Journey and Gameplay

Okay, great. Great. That was a very detailed explanation. I can definitely imagine myself playing around in Mumbai. So you already mentioned episodes and many locations. Would you mind talking us through the player journey? As I know, we currently have like three major chapters and up to 50 plus levels of gameplay. What the players can actually expect to find a into the game. And I think this is mostly regarding the single player experience. Yeah, this is definitely single player. Yeah. As I mentioned earlier, the game follows his wife and we've created four different characters. You know, the main characters. So basically four abs. They're based on his age and the specific location he's in at this time in the game.

Character Evolution and Difficulty

Of course, those are like his as a young kid, a child, and then as a teenager and then young adult and basically him as an adult, which corresponds to the AB being at the peak of his career. Currently, the chapters in the game are like the first one where he is really young, as I've mentioned, you know, the backyard. This is actually the tutorial and where we teach the player how to use the mechanics, how to shoot, how to turn the camera. And then as the game progresses, it's getting harder and harder. And for example, one of the later stages, Mumbai again, is the difficulty there is super high. And actually the gameplay is really evolved. So.

Evolving Gaming Expectations

So you really don't want to make it easy for the players to progress at carry us. But I guess that makes sense because in the end of the day, I think the casual audience of the mobile market has been evolving around years. And in the initial days back when I was still working on Gameloft, I remember that we really had to make the games very accessible and easy in order to introduce those to a bigger audience and to let people get familiar with the gameplay and the different mechanics. But now we are already many years into the casual gaming and people already looking for something that's different, that is more challenging. So, yeah, this gradual progression to the difficulty of the game definitely makes lots of sense.

Game Competitiveness

So the difficulty aside, this is a sports game at the end of the day. And I. What makes it competitive? Yeah, the single player is really challenging so far. Like, regarding what you just said, I completely agree. We're still about to tweak based on the data that we will collect, but this is an ongoing process anyways. We are also about to introduce the competitive side with the PvP multiplayer mode where actually the players are going to be facing each other. There will be also tournaments and the waterboard, and this is not yet implemented, but it will be coming in the next versions of the game, so probably before the end of the year. And I mean, shout out to Mira here for helping out with the SDK. It's really great way to optimize the process of rewarding and also with actual missions, like, it's great feature.

Missions and Future Updates

Thank you. Thank you for this. You mentioned the missions. I know that the game currently has a certain amount of daily quests, but I guess that in the future they're going to be separate game events, like time limited events and so on. But I guess that would happen in a later update. So this is. This is something that would utilize the power of the Mirror SDK, right? Yeah, we plan to also include more of the storyline there. And of course, the SDK will help a lot here because it will save us a lot of time and effort. Okay, great. So how does. Since we are already speaking and referring to the mirror SDK, and in the end of the day, that's something that was designed, especially with the idea in mind, to bridge the web two with web three.

Leveraging Web 3 Technology

So the logical question to follow is how does 360 cricket plan to leverage the web three technology? And maybe here I also be adding some details, but Clement, maybe go first and then I'll add some details. Yeah, yeah, sure. We definitely plan to collaborate into the web three sprays, and we'll probably start with a small NFT collection later this year for the hardcore fans. And at later stage, we will probably link it to the game one way or another. I mean, it really. It's super difficult to say because everything changes and there are constant changes in the app stores and, like, the policies regarding the blockchain technology in general. So it's a bit tricky, but it will probably, it will.

Adapting to Changes

I don't know, what. What can I say? But still, you know, like, we'll try to adopt the web three space and just implement it into the game and keep it all together and balanced at the same time. So you. You can. You can definitely give more details about the spicy spiciness here because, you know, much into what can be said, you know. So. Yeah, I mean, the SDK is capable enough to provide lots of functionalities in that regard, but obviously there isn't much we can do when it comes to the legal side of the story because I mean, we are seeing lots of widespread adoption of the blockchain technology, institutionalizing it and so forth. But those processes, even with the green light that is shining upon technology in the recent years, is still something that would take its time to see the right regulations, acceptance and the actual technical details that will sign off specific features and let them be available for the wider market in data guard.

Future Adoption of Blockchain Technology

I really hope that in the months to come, we'll be seeing lots and higher adoption from both Google and Apple. Because in the end of the day, this is a mobile game. And correct me if I'm wrong here, but it would have initially launched on Google Play for Android and later it will be ported for iOS devices. So I mean, Apple is usually the more strict when it comes to regulations and policies and this is one of the reasons for the game to probably go for Android. It's much easier to try and experiment with certain things. You have more room for error as well. But yes, I mean, it's quite terrible. And in that regard, nobody knows for sure what would happen in the next month when it comes to policies.

Starting with Google Play Store

Yeah, I mean, you're right. Here we are starting with Google Play Store. So for one site especially, what you said is true and for the other reason is that probably most of our audience in the beginning will be, you know, with Android devices. So we'll definitely push.

Understanding the Game's Accessibility

That definitely makes sense. So how, I mean, the game is right now in beta, right? So I guess people can audit even right now for certain locations. So I guess that's mostly India at the moment. But what's, I mean, is there anything out of the ordinary that one needs to do in order to play the game? Or I just go to the Google Play store, search for 360 cricket and if I'm in the right location I can download the beta and just play. The game at the moment.

The Beta Testing Experience

Yeah, we're in beta testing, so it's super easy. Just Google Play Store and then search for the 360 cricket title, download the game and. Yeah, just from there on. Really pretty straightforward. At the moment. It's only available in India, I think, and. But, yeah, but, okay, so it's so. Public version is coming really soon. So it will be probably worldwide when we, when released. When do you guys, if you have any rough estimation, when do you plan to go for the public? For later? Because I guess that's the next step after beta.

Plans for Public Release

Yeah, for now we're looking for the full release public full release as we call it. We are hoping to be able to release it like this month before the end of this month. Of course, it's connected to many other things. Anyways, we are currently in the beta phase collecting metrics and just fine tuning the game by itself. Because all of this is based on the user's feedback. We also continue to update, optimize and just make the game better while actually, of course, yeah, adding new content, locations, items and just, you know, trying to bring more to the storyline, you know, overall experience.

Current Game Development Strategies

Yeah, I guess it's not a big secret that game releases nowadays, and this has been the case actually for quite some time, are not like some final ultimate milestone. They are just, you know, a step towards the life operation phase of the game. And many games are released in semi-beta stage in order for them to not that much go out there as quick as possible, but to become available for wider audience in order for the developers to develop the features further in a way that would reflect in the best way possible user feedback. Therefore, getting the product and the game out there as fast as possible is probably the best way to model the game for it to answer the requirements of the market and target audience.

User Feedback and Game Calibration

So yeah, in short, I guess we are going to see certain policies that would further calibrate the game according to user feedback, whether people prefer the PvP multiplayer mode or they are more into the actual single player campaign. Yeah, I mean you're totally right here. It's only the public version, it's only the, you know, big title every. It's just a small step and we will just open it to a wider audience and from there on we'll just continue tweaking everything because at the end of the day, always data driven and we are striving to make the game better and better.

Final Remarks and Encouragement

So the users are going to be showing us how to basically. Great. Cool. I think those would be my questions for today. I think went through the whole vertical when it comes to the game. Obviously if you guys are really interested into it, you can go and check it out yourself, even if you're not in the right location. As Clement said, we're supposed to be getting this game worldwide in no time. Therefore get yourself ready. And obviously as much as feedback would be very helpful for the developers to be able to fine tune and improve the game.

Closing Thoughts and Thanks

Because in the end of the day, that game is made for the audience which it will be played by and the feedback is invaluable. That's all from my side for today. Kliment, do you have anything to add or we can wrap it up, I. Think just thanks for everybody being around and stay tuned. That's it. Thank you too. And to Miri also and of course ab himself. Yeah. Thank you everyone. Thank you for your time.

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