Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space $2500 NFT HOLDERS TOURNAMENT hosted by DevilFish_NFT. The $2500 NFT Holders Tournament offers a gateway for NFT enthusiasts to tap into the poker world, potentially winning $100,000 annually. By participating in minting activities linked to NFT ownership, individuals can bridge the gap between digital assets and traditional card games, experiencing a unique fusion of opportunities.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: How can individuals access the $100,000 annual poker rewards?
A: By participating in the $2500 NFT Holders Tournament and engaging in minting activities as per the space description.

Q: What does the provided link offer regarding poker and NFTs?
A: The link directs users to seize the chance to win substantial poker rewards tied to NFT involvement.

Q: What is the connection between NFT holders and the poker world in this space?
A: This space creates a unique synergy, allowing NFT holders the opportunity to connect with the poker industry and potentially earn significant rewards.

Q: Why is minting now important for those interested in poker rewards?
A: Minting now is crucial as it provides access to the lucrative $100,000 annual poker earnings for participants.

Q: How does the $2500 NFT Holders Tournament bridge digital ownership with traditional card games?
A: By offering NFT holders the chance to win substantial rewards in poker, it connects the digital ownership aspect of NFTs with the traditional card game environment.


Time: 00:15:43
Exciting Opportunity for NFT Holders Join the $2500 NFT Holders Tournament for a shot at winning $100,000 annually in poker.

Time: 00:25:21
Link to Access Poker Winnings Explore the provided link to engage in minting activities and potentially secure substantial poker rewards.

Time: 00:35:12
Unique Blend of NFTs and Poker Discover the intriguing fusion of NFT ownership and traditional card games through this tournament.

Key Takeaways

  • Participate in the $2500 NFT Holders Tournament to potentially secure $100,000 yearly poker rewards.
  • Engage in minting activities for a chance at the lucrative poker earnings associated with NFT ownership.
  • The link provided directs individuals to the opportunity to access significant poker winnings through NFT engagement.
  • The space offers a unique connection between NFT holders and the poker world, providing a blend of digital ownership and traditional card games.

Behind the Mic

Initial Greetings and Tournament Excitement

Sadeena? Sadeena? Hello? What's going on, everyone? Dipper? Yeah, I can hear you. Hello, Nikki, how are you? I'm doing good. How about you? Yeah, not bad. I just had to stop that music. I need to do my head in a bit, but, yeah, we're good. It's Saturday. We've got our tournament in 40 minutes. So excited. You said you got to hit the road. Why are you off to dip? I'm here. I'm here. Yeah, I said, where are you off to, though? You said you're driving somewhere. I really can't hear you. Yeah, I'm getting a bit of repeat on my microphone. Is that? I don't know why that is. Okay.

Technical Difficulties and Echo Issues

Yeah, I can hear you, but when I'm speaking is echoing. Yeah, I'm hearing a little bit of echo there. Am I echoing for everyone else? Can you put a thumbs up if I am people? I can hear you, but, you know, really can't hear the complete statement for. I can help out it. I can hear you. I still can't hear you. Yeah, but see if anyone in the audience can. I think they should be able to hear you. The audience should be able to hear you. Yeah. There you go. Thank you. I'm not sure why I'm hearing a repeat of myself. Can you put yourself on mute for a sec to see if I still hear it? Hello? Yeah, there you go.

Tournament Details and Prize Information

I think when I talk, it'd be good if you could just stay on mute, if that's all right. But, yeah, Saturday, people. It's a tournament in. What's that? That's 39 minutes. So super excited. At $2,500. Prize bought is as shared on the post. Pinned to the top. 300. 5252. Hundred, 100. 3100. Ten, 195. And, yeah, it keeps going down. And then 16 to 50 of $25 each. So everyone's walking home as well. Not everyone, but 50 people are walking home with something. So, yeah, it's another good statement from the Delphic team. Another big tournament, and we're super excited for it. And I hope all of you guys walk away with cash.

Introduction of the Host and Opening Remarks

We appreciate you joining, but, yeah, Dipo is a host, a really good space host. I've joined a few of his spaces before, so I just thought I'd get them up as well. I don't know if you want to say a couple of things and tell people a bit by yourself, Dipper, just to kick things off. Oh, you got me. Sorry. Yeah, well, it's okay. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, wherever you're listening from my name is deeper. I'm a content creator. I'm a space host. And yeah, I've been at it for a while. Nothing gets me going than jumping on spaces, you know, meeting amazing people like you all.

Engaging with the Audience and Building Connections

We've got Eski. Did I get your name right, man? Got Jeff, Mel, Bonaco, Kester and all of these amazing listeners. I mean, I got to meet JJ a couple of days ago, and here we had tonight, know, vibing, chatting with amazing people and spaces. And I really can't wait to. To get to know everyone and to get to know much about devil fish and. Yeah, JJ. Cheers for that tip. I appreciate it. I mean, tonight, guys. Yeah, it's just the pre space tournament, really. I thought I'd get on the stage so you guys hear us talk again. Just refresh everyone on the prize pools coming up and clear up any information, obviously, right on timings and rebuys, stuff like that.

Updates on Prize Pools and Mentions of Recent Minting

Yeah, just a general refresher, really. It's nice to see a couple people who've minted recently. I see. Eminence, congrats. I know you minted about 20 minutes ago, so. Yeah. And you managed to get a nice discount. You managed to get, what was it, $150 off your mint through grinding with us for the past 18 months. So shout out to you for putting in the hard work for the long time and being rewarded. But, yeah, I can see a lot of the holders here. We appreciate you guys. I hope you're going to enjoy the tournament. Obviously big prizes and. Yeah, I'm excited. Let's see who's going to be the winner tonight.

Inviting Audience Participation and General Atmosphere

I also wanted to see if anyone wanted to jump up on the stage today. We obviously did our town hall on Thursday, which went really well, but still, I don't know. There was plenty of questions on Thursday, so if anyone wanted to jump up at any time, just put your hand up. But yeah, other than that, it's a pretty chill space tonight for you guys. Dipo, are you a poker player yourself? No, no. The only sport that I play is actually the football. I play football a lot. And in fact, I am tired as fuck right now because I play football today for like a couple of hours, maybe 2 hours.

Discussion on Football and Friendships in the Sport

And this is not just, you know, football, it's actually, you know, semi pro football. Most of my friends are actually playing football professionally in Europe right now. Yeah, I play semi pro as well, and I'm still active today. What position did you go? I played from the left foot left forward. Left forward? Yeah, yeah, I play a bit of football as well, but not to that standard, but fair play. Where do your friends play? What sort of teams? You say? What? What sort of teams your friends play for in Europe? I might notice some of them. Oh, not really that popular.

Learning about Football Connections in Europe

I've got one playing in Slovakia. I think I got one playing in Denmark, North Jalat. Yeah, sorry if I got the name wrong, I mean, the pronunciation, but I think it's non Jalan FC, something like that. Oh, yeah, it's really cool. I see people replying. Everyone try like, free tweets, share the space. I mean, today's not going to be that crucial info, but it's still obviously $2,500 tournament. And remember the promotions we got going on live, which I've already touched on, which I will repeat a few times.

Final Details on Promotions and Upcoming Tournaments

Guys, sorry about that. But just to get all the info across, we've obviously got the club Ggpoints promo live. So, everyone, tomorrow there's three tournaments. There's 12:00 p.m. cET. 01:00 p.m. cET. Sorry? Which is 12:00 p.m. my time. 09:00 p.m. cET. And Monday morning CET. So that's like us time, about 10:00 p.m. ish. So yeah, the opportunity is that 09:00 p.m. cET is going to be a $250 free roll prize for everyone. So you just need to do the ZD task for that because, you know, we've still got loads of players who are still trying to grind and pay for nfts.

Tournament Structure and Participation

How can we make those points better and more exciting? So, yeah, a lot going on. But another thing, a few players have bought a rebuy. So I can see a couple in the crowd that have bought a rebuy. So they own two nfts or more. So anyone, if you have, you only got one and you want to guarantee a second spot in the tournament, go mint a second NFT. It's currently about $210 for 0.08. If you want to grab it for the game, you know that second rebar, you can start off from the start, you can maybe play a bit more aggressive and then if you get knocked out, you've still got the whole 30 minutes late reg period to then rebuy in. So that 30 minutes you can play aggressive, try building your chips, set yourself up for the rest of the game.

Rebuy Opportunities and Player Strategy

And then worse comes to worst, getting knocked out, you can always rebuy back in. So, yeah, we think it's a really cool feature and it's nice to see some of the holders taking advantage of this promo, bagging themselves to nfts and having the opportunity to rebuy in. And we have actually given them a role on discord. It's called Shark. So, yeah, we'll start. We'll use roles for, let's say someone buys. Well, we're looking at implementing roles with different amounts of nfts. So, yeah, it's a cool promo and we think it should really help things. So, yeah, super excited, guys.

Connecting with the Community

Dipper, what you said earlier that. I know I've already said this, but you said you were driving off somewhere. How long are you gonna be able to stay on the spaces for? See, we've got someone requested. I'll get you out. Dipper. I'm here. I'm here. Yeah. All right, cool. Bonneko. Let's get you up. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hey, man. How are you? Thanks. How are you doing? Yeah, not too bad. You ready again? Yeah, I'm ready. I've been ready for a few days now. Did, Did you play in the 25K guy? I did, but I was, yeah, I don't know.

Performance Reflections and Player Experiences

I was in my best shape playing, so I still did all right, though, so it was good. What position did you go? You know, I don't even remember. Yeah. You didn't win that? No, I didn't win. I didn't win. But, yeah, I don't know. I just. I decided to have a few drinks earlier in the day. So. Yeah. Wasn't too smart. That's a common theme. People have been texting me saying, oh, I've had a few drinks there. I've been out. Yeah. Before the biggest game.

Timing and Feedback on the Tournament

Like, I was like, well, if you want to drink, surely you'd wait till after the. But, yeah, I guess times is a different for you, but I assume you're from America or Canada or something like that. Canada. Yeah, yeah. Nice, man. Yeah. Go on. Sorry. Oh, no, you go ahead. You go. I was just gonna say how long have you been playing with us for? You know, find out a bit more info about yourself. I, with you guys, I think it's probably been within a month. But I've been playing. Yeah, I've been playing like I was a space rider to begin with.

Player Feedback and Suggested Improvements

Yeah. So that's kind of what directed me your guys's way. Oh, well. And you got in one of the big free roll tournaments. We did, yeah. Yeah, yeah. That's cool. I was gonna say. Oh, yeah. What's your feedback on the tournaments and stuff? Because I have had a few private message people asking for different blinds and stuff like that and prize calls, but obviously we're sticking to what we have now. But as you come up, you got any feedback for the blinds you prefer to see or stuff like that?

Discussion on Current Blind Structures

No, I think that, I think the way you have it set up is pretty good right now. Yeah, we've got five minutes tonight and obviously top 50 get paid. So even if you don't do too well. Yeah, you gotta. That seems pretty reasonable. I played with a, under a different project and they forgot to raise the blinds. So the blinds stayed the same the whole time. Really? Yeah, it just went on for like hours and they had there eventually they just had to end it and restart it. So. Yeah.

Clarifications on Tournament Mechanics

Cheers for coming up, man. We appreciate you and, yeah, if you ever have any questions or anything, just. Yeah, actually I do have one question. Yeah, go for it. If you, if you get eliminated before late registration, do you, can you go mint and then get the rebuy opportunity or do you have to do the mint before the game starts? Yeah. Now you can do that if you want, but it's just bear in mind I've got to manually allocate your chips if you're going to have a rebuy and got confirmed, you obviously minted.

Timing Concerns for Rebuys

So if, like, if. Obviously, I know you can't control when you get knocked out. Like, if you want to do that, just try to do it as quick as possible. Like, just tag me. What happens? Dm me and you get knocked out. But, yeah, 100% we can sort that out. I get you. Yeah. Time, timing will be an issue. Yeah, if it was possible. Yeah. So, yeah, if you got knocked out of 25 minutes, can maybe still squeeze you in.

Final Thoughts and Good Luck Wishes

Like, it literally just depends. So if you just ping me, but I'll be active, so it shouldn't be a problem. But, yeah, but obviously the rebar is going to be available on every tournament, so if it is something you're considering, then it's probably something to think about. But, yeah, yeah, I've been considering it. So, yeah, just ping me, though, if it does happen, and I'll get back to you ASAP. All right. All right, cool, man. Well, yeah, good luck to everybody and hope nobody gets any bad beats.

Discussion on Poker Tournaments

What, did you save all the money up? Yeah. You know, there's one thing with poker, at the point, you'll be at the lowest, and at some point, you just be winning, winning, and that's it. But it's all boys and some luck, you know? Yeah, 100% especially. Obviously, the blinds were four minutes for that tournament. Some people said it's a bit like Turbo poker, but, like, that last table I was watching you guys play, the chips were pinging about so fast, like, people were just going all in on, like, on the last table, just fold it. But, nah, I'm gonna pin that to the top. You've lagged out a little bit. Hello. Yeah, your line's bad, but I pinged you a post to the top where you won 1.5 east. So everyone anyone knew who wasn't in that tournament, that obviously was. That was last weekend's $25,000 tournament.

Prize Distribution and Feelings

We, We gave away why we ended up giving away $20,000 ish. Because we had about 175 people playing the end. But, yeah, crazy prizes kester here, he won. He came first. He's obviously. Yeah, he made some silly money. Hello? We can hear you. Yeah, you're lucking out a bit. But, yeah. Kesti. Congratulations, man. $3,750. I mean, yeah, it's nuts money, really. It's. It's. Yeah, I can't imagine how you felt when you want, but, yeah, we, We. Obviously. All right, I guess my network disconnected. I don't know what's going on. But please, if you can go on, just carry on with them. Yeah, no worries. But like I said, well done. Congratulations, olla.

Excitement for the Upcoming Game

I'll remove some speakers. Yeah, of course I can hear you. Hey, man. How are you? I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm good. You excited for tonight? Yeah, sure. Sure. You glad you managed to get your. Passing, Tom, honestly, first of all, I would like to say congratulations to Keister. I think he's got a big win in a stand, so it's not an easy job to do. So I'd like to congratulate you once again, man. And also, I would like to give thanks to JJ. You've been amazing, honestly. Like I said in my tickets, I've been, you know, like, my mind wasn't at peace since I know that I have a lot of discounts, and I've been, you know, trying to make sure I become an order, so it wouldn't have been possible if not because of your generosity, man. So I really appreciate.

Acknowledgment and Thanks

I really appreciate. I really appreciate. Honestly. No, it's all right, man. We appreciate you guys, and well done. You know, like we said, the promotion was all about those that grinded with us. So that's the long term. The long term players we want, really, people who are going to play with us, like, in all the games we ever hosted. So that's exactly what it's all about. Like, you put the work in, obviously, you earn yourself $150 worth of chips, which is, you know, you must have. How many games did you win for that? Yeah, sure. I. I couldn't remember. I think I had a lot of wins, you understand? So I was so surprised when I found that I had, like, 151 discounts.

Surprise Over Wins and Discount Accumulation

You. I was like, how many teams did I have to. Like, how many games did I have to win and accumulate that much of discounts? So I was so surprised, like. And I feel like, I already covered the mint money, so I just have to, you know, pull up on my own, so to make sure I can become an order. So I think I feel like, it is, way easier for me. So after I have a lot of discount, you understand? So I just have to make sure that I become an order before the second game. And I think, like, I feel like maybe the last since the last time you had, our space year till now. So I've seen a lot of, you know, announcement or notifications, you know, on discord. So, you know, like some kind of crazy offers, like sweet offers has been there.

NFT Opportunities and Future Plans

So, like, having more of NFT, so you have the chance to rebuy, you know, all those things like that. So. And I'm trying as much as possible to hold more than, you know, I feel like from my own side, I feel like I can have like five to six nfts too, because I definitely. This is the project I like to spend all my last. We appreciate that. The rebound makes sense, though. Like 100%. We obviously thought about that. But, like, it just. Yeah, for those that obviously the tournaments are so big, like, you've got 30 minutes. It allows you to play that a little bit more aggressive because, you know, you've got that safety bank that if it does go wrong, you can rebuy straight away.

The Benefits of Playing Aggressively

So it's a perfect chance to get yourself ahead in the tournaments, isn't it? So. Yeah, but congrats. You obviously managed to get your NFT. And like I've been saying to people on the town hall in the space, it's like the earlier you get in with us, the more it benefits you long term because the tournaments aren't stopping. So, like, the longer you play over this, the more like you are to win your money back and win way more. Like. Some of our holders obviously made some silly money already, but even in like the lower down people, a lot of people covered like quarter of them in price, half them in price, three quarters. Like some people especially, those are going in the presale a bit cheaper.

Community Building and Player Opportunities

So, yeah, it's obviously a great opportunity for you guys as well as we're building up the community and you guys are earning from it and it's nice to see some people making a bit of money. So that's what it's all about. And the community starts here. So. Yeah, we appreciate your eminence and congrats on the NFT. I'll make sure I get that airdrop over to you just after the space starts. I've been super busy today, but you're in the tournament and I obviously know you're holding us, so it's all guaranteed. But, yeah, also another thing as well, like, if people do ever sell the entities, obviously you get removed from the club. So for anyone wondering, oh, what happens?

Ensuring a Fair Environment

Have we got any, like, not fakes, but, like, non holders in it anymore? No, that's why it was a very thorough process. We were asking for everyone's wallets, their emails, their ideas. Like, now we've got that information off you, we're not going to pass you guys anymore. We obviously need your eth address and we're just like, confirm the winners. But in our means, we know we can check your wallet, make sure people have got nfts and no cheating should be going on. So it's a better environment for everyone and then you're not gonna get pissed off when someone gets to the final table and they haven't even got an NFT, so.

Deadline and Claiming Prizes

Yeah, but another thing, guys, if you win, make sure you open a ticket ASAP because we still have a couple people who haven't claimed their prizes. And I've got a couple people who've just claimed that I need to send the final bits of money to. So were probably gonna put a deadline on it. I will announce it, but something like five days, because the team to go through everything, make sure everyone's the real winners, and then put it all together on a spreadsheet and pay you guys. So, like, otherwise it's just. It has to be sustainable and, like, manageable for the mods. So, yeah, I'm going to announce it. It's not difficult to open a ticket.

Final Thoughts Before the Game

Like, it's, you know, but I'll put this in Brian so everyone sees it and clear. But, yeah. Anything else from you, Eminence, or. Actually, nothing. So I'm just exactly like, yeah, 20 minutes. You got 20 minutes. Sure, sure. So I don't know how I'm going to be playing tonight. I don't know whether I should play offensively or defensively, but just make sure I try to win something tonight as well. Yeah. My advice would be, like I said to a few of my friends a minute as well. I just said, if. I know it's easy to say this, but play conservatively.

Advice for Players

You get yourself, like, there's a. We currently have a thing. We've got about 180 club members. Play conservatively. There's a high chance you'll get yourself at least in the top 50. And you walk away with $25. Like, yeah, okay. It's not going to change the world, but it's nice that you've minted your NFT and each week you can build on your winnings. And secure yourself that cash. So, yeah, if you get top 50, you're walking home with cash, which is obviously, like, it's paying your NFT back. So, yeah, that's. That's my advice. Pay conservatively. But obviously it's up to you. You know, you're not. You're a poker player yourself. You know what you're doing.

Conclusion and Remarks

So. That'S impressive. That's impressive. I'll say that's impressive. Yeah. If anyone else wants to jump up, I have ce requested again cast. I'll see if you can talk now.

Introduction to Tournament and Registration

But, yeah, jump up, ask questions, whatever you want to do. Or if you just chill. In 19 minutes until the tournament begins, lay register on five minutes. The password is in the holders club, so for anyone with NFT check holders club, the password's in there. Obviously you need to put the password to get in the game. So go check. Or if you can't find it, ping Mickey or any of the mods and they'll get back to you. But, yeah, Caster, you're back up with us. How are you? Hello.

Discussion on Collaborations

I feel like. I feel like he's onto something. Maybe he's doing something. Yeah, literally maybe depot. You still with us as well? Oh, sorry, I haven't. I haven't included you. I've had loads of info together. Yeah, I'm with you guys now. Sorry about that. My network got disconnected. Nice. Alright. Yeah. I pinned your winnings to the top. Look at that. Wow. Yeah. I'm seeing notifications. Right. Yeah. 1.54. Either you want. Let's go. Let's go. JJ, I have a question. Yeah, go on. Yeah, I actually want to ask about collab.

Collaboration and Partnerships

Did you have any collab on the way or there is something. When you say collabs, do you mean like partnerships with other projects? Like. Yes. You understand? So maybe having another project with you. Yeah. So obviously, like in the back. Yeah. We partner with about 400 people last month. So this last week we've just been getting things, the show on the road, really, with postman starting to build the foundations of the long term project, the community. But we're in talks. We still have all those connections with all the other community members, so we still have them there.

Tournament Details and Prize Pool

We're just looking to implement what the exact structure will be with them and whether we want to do more personal collabs with those partnerships. Rather than having 50 projects joined for one game, we're looking at just getting, like one or two or maybe even just one, and do like a more close partnership and seeing if they'll put up a little prize pool for us, stuff like that. So, yeah, we've got a massive bank of partners that we've worked with over time. So, yeah, it's 100% going on in the background, but obviously, in the meantime, we're still putting a massive game today.

Prizes and Registration Information

2500 guys. Anyone who's joined late. Prizes are. I have pinned them to the top. You can see prices are 300 and 5252. Hundred, 100 and 3100. And ten is the top five. Then it goes from down to 100 to 30 and then 16 to 50, $25 each. So anyone who hasn't minted, if you go into the buyer, we still got delfish forward slash mint. You can go in there, grab yourself NFT 0.08 now, and yeah, you're doing yourself a favor getting in sooner rather than later. Don't wait two months or five months to mint because you're missing out on cash prizes.

Community Engagement and Future Plans

One win compared for your NFT back plus $150 profit. Like, that's. You know, it's. It's nuts. We're giving a lot back to the community. We're, we've obviously got all sorts planned. We've talked about the long term vision and our plans for the future months. So, yeah, getting what you can, guys, 100%. And what's the time of 15 minutes. Let's go. So, dipo, you still with us? I'll tell anyone else wants to jump up. Feel free. I might end the space just slightly early because I have covered off the key information, but I will rerun it one last time for everyone, obviously.

Tournament Structure and Feedback

15 minutes to the tournament starts. Prize pool is as pinned above. Anyone with two NFts gets a rebuy. And I have already sent people the chips they need for that rebuy. But if I've missed anyone off the list, if anyone's minted last minute, open a ticket, tag Mickey or tag me. Message me as a friend to hold. As my DM's are open, I can send you a chips. You get sent 250 chips in the new club and then you get access to a rebuy. So currently we've got about eight people who are using that rebuy tonight.

Promotions and Upcoming Events

So, yeah, it's obviously a nice utility for those. Give yourself a second chance and a second buy the cherry. Like, get yourself another chance to win yourself that money and. Yeah, so, tournament tonight, rebuys chips promotion is on running and there's a $250 free roll tomorrow. So that is for everyone still looking after the other guys in the community, trying to give them a chance to mint as well. Like, we're pushing on three times tomorrow and then next week there's going to be loads of club gG, just chips, tournaments.

Feedback and Community Input

So we might up them even more to keep the grind culture up, keep those active in the discord and hustling and trying to win them more points. And then, yeah, next weekend, we've set up the table time. We are going to take some feedback. So I've had a couple things people saying, is this the structure for, like all the games? So we are open to feedback on stuff like tournament times, obviously. Yeah, we've gone with a Saturday night. My reason behind that was because America works for. It's good frustrated. It's good for Europe.

Tournament Timing and Community Efforts

The only people it's not as good for is like the sort of India, that sort of time zone. It's quite early in the morning, but, you know, it's Sunday morning there, so I thought you've got your Sunday to chill out and relax. But we've put it to a poll next week and we'll see what everyone's thoughts are. But, yeah, 30 minutes to go, people. Let's get excited. And remember, the promotion is ongoing all the time is a 0.01 ETH referral promotion, so especially those that win. And we have two promotions. Actually, we've got the Devil Fish wins promotion.

Incentives and Community Growth

So just keep posting out there. Every week we'll be picking five winners and then allocating them. They get $10 each. It's just a nice touch for you guys to. All you gotta do is share some tweets, share with people, and we'll be selecting some winners weekly. And obviously the 0.01 eth per referrals. So especially you guys as poker players, I'm sure you all got two or three mates, even if they're web two, it doesn't matter. This week we've got updates going to the website, so it's going to be a lot more web two friendly because we want to encourage more web two players to play with us.

Minting Process and Encouragement

So if the web two know anything about nfts, either you can help mint for them or whatever. We've had someone do that in the chat saying, oh, can I get an NFT for my mate? I'm setting him up. He's going to join the discord, but he doesn't know that much about nfts. You can do that or it's obviously not that difficult. They've just got to mint, get ourselves some dollars, get in the metamask, and then it's all managed through discord and club GG so we can police everything very effectively.

NFT Incentives for Players

So for any web three or web two poker players 0.01 eth you can get if they're mint. So it's a great incentive. It's easy to do. Just go ping a few messages to mates or whoever you play with weekly on a Friday night. I know a lot of you guys are big players and yeah, let's all grow together. I mean, 180 holders, it's been like probably ten days since mint. So it's a great start for the devil fish community. And we've got lots planned next week. I've got some sneak peeks on some potential, some merch coming out that I'll be sharing with you guys.

Future Announcements and Community Engagement

Everything looks really good. We've got announcements coming this week. We've got mint incentive promotions coming all the time, so we're doing lots. The team is busy. I can see Mickey on the chat here now. Shout out Mickey and all the guys. It's late for some of the guys at the moment, but yeah, we're working hard in the background so. So yeah, we appreciate all of you and we're doing as much as we can to grow and build and we're super excited for the future.

Final Tournament Details and Call to Action

But ten minutes out from tournament start time late, registers on for 30 minutes. Anyone's got any problems, just drop me a message, ping me if anyone wants to rebuy. Go get yourself a second NFT, secure yourself another spot. And if anyone hasn't minted, go get yourself an entity. We're not going anywhere. We're building. We're giving out the best prizes in web three. We've got another 2500 tonight, 2500 weekend after that, and then $10,000 end of the month special.

Community Growth and Engagement

And that is just the first month after mint. Bear in mind, we've given away 25k already, so the cash prize is crazy. We're building one of the best communities and there's lots to do, lots to earn. It's active. There's so much for you guys to participate in. So yeah, we're doing all sorts, but don't miss out. Get yourselves an NFT and ten minutes out to min. But I'm gonna call the spaces early because like I said, it's just meant to be chill one. See if anyone to jump up and chat and just some key updates.

Final Thoughts and Thanks

But any issues you got. Well, you technically got 40 minutes till close, but getting the tournament early, if I was you guys and just ping me any problems or Panzer or Mickey. But yeah, I'm ramming on a bit now, guys, so appreciate you guys, and we'll see you in a bit. Thank you.

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