Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space 0xVM x HuntersofWeb3 AMA hosted by HuntersofWeb3. Delve into the world of Web3 innovations and professional sector solutions through the 0xVM x HuntersofWeb3 AMA. Gain valuable insights on consultancy services, community engagement, and collaboration opportunities in the Alpha discord community. Stay updated on the latest trends and developments, and explore the growth potentials within the Web3 sector. Join the conversation to be part of the evolving landscape of Web3 technologies and business solutions.

For more spaces, visit the Alpha Group page.


Q: What are the key topics discussed in the 0xVM x HuntersofWeb3 AMA?
A: The discussions cover Web3 innovations, professional sector solutions, and consultancy services.

Q: How does community engagement play a role in the Alpha discord community?
A: Community engagement is vital for networking, sharing knowledge, and fostering collaboration.

Q: What opportunities do consultancy services provide for Web3 adoption?
A: Consultancy services offer guidance, strategies, and insights for businesses venturing into the Web3 space.

Q: Why is it important to keep updated on Web3 developments?
A: Staying informed helps individuals and businesses adapt to the evolving landscape of Web3 technologies.

Q: How can businesses benefit from collaborating with others in the Web3 sector?
A: Collaboration opens doors to new projects, innovations, and growth opportunities in the Web3 industry.


Time: 00:15:42
Innovations in Web3 Technologies Exploring the latest advancements and trends reshaping the Web3 landscape.

Time: 00:25:18
Professional Sector Solutions Insights into how businesses can leverage Web3 for tailored industry solutions.

Time: 00:35:56
Consultancy Services Impact Understanding the role of consultancy in driving Web3 adoption and success.

Time: 00:45:30
Networking in Alpha Discord Tips on effective networking within the Alpha discord community for Web3 enthusiasts.

Time: 00:55:42
Opportunities for Collaboration Exploring collaboration potentials among businesses in the Web3 space.

Time: 01:05:20
Growth Prospects in Web3 Discussing growth opportunities and future prospects within the Web3 sector.

Key Takeaways

  • Discussions on Web3 innovations and blockchain technologies
  • Insights into professional sector solutions for businesses
  • Consultancy services impact on Web3 adoption
  • Community engagement strategies in Alpha discord
  • Networking opportunities for Web3 enthusiasts
  • Importance of staying updated on Web3 developments
  • Tips for navigating the complexities of the Web3 space
  • Exploration of innovative projects and technologies
  • Collaboration potentials for Web3 businesses
  • Opportunities for growth in the Web3 sector

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Mic Test

We're having another lava Ema with the OEM. Before we start, Bjorn, can we have a quick mic test from you? Yeah, absolutely. I hope everyone can hear me well, and, yeah, super nice to be here tonight. Thank you very much. That pleasure certainly belongs to us, as I mentioned. Hello, everyone. Today we're having a nice LMA with Aux VM. Also, our founder, Skyline, is their ambassador. So I'm quite excited for what they are bringing to space today. But before we get into that part, Bjorn, can we have a self introduction from you for our lovely community to know more about you? Thank you. Yeah, absolutely. And thanks for organizing. We have quite a turnout tonight, so I'm super excited for that. Yes. So I'm Bjorn. I'm one of the founders and also the CEO of Xerox VM.

Background of Bjorn and Xerox VM

So before Xerox VM, I was actually in the venture capital world as a partner in Antler Singapore. And during my time in Antler, we invested in more than 100 companies across Southeast Asia. And we also raised two funds. Before Antler, I held various engineering and CTO roles around engineering leader and CTO roles, I should say, around Southeast Asia and Europe. And now, as you know, I'm building Xerox VM to make sure that bitcoin can be all that it can be that we want it to be as well. Thank you very much. First of all, that's a really cool background. Another part, like, when we look at your, even on your personal twitter, we have this sentence that it means the fastest modular execution layer for the bitcoin. I mean, anybody who have used here bitcoin so far in their life at least once, right? And we all have this problem where the blocks have to pass and there has to be, like some huge fees based on the time. So what do you take upon the current station of the bitcoin transactions?

Current Challenges with Bitcoin Transactions

Yeah, no, that's a good question. I mean, we all know that bitcoin, as far as networks go, is unfortunately quite slow. Right? And we have seen many l two s built recently, and of course, they have a great way of increasing TPS for everyone so that we see scalable transactions happening on the bitcoin network. We're taking a bit of a hybrid approach to this, we could say. Actually, our default state, we will still be seeing the bitcoin type settlement times in zero XVM. And I can explain later on in detail how that works. But as a step two, we're planning to build in rollups and even our own l two to further increase the potential to of our network. Right. But I think the initial use cases that we focus on won't require that tremendous type of transaction capacity. So we will start easy, I guess you could say, for ourselves here.

Exploring the Execution Layer

Thank you very much for the lovely introduction. It's like a motto for you guys right now. Everyone that has been speaking about Ox VMdez is talking about this execution layer you guys have been talking about. So you would love to get in deep detail for that. But before we get into that part, we want to know about the background of the project. Like, how did you guys meet as a team and, like, decided that you need to do this, or how did you have a vision and how did it turn out to ox VM today? Yeah, absolutely. So Kelvin, my co founder, who unfortunately couldn't make it today, a very experienced web three entrepreneur, and I, on the other hand, I'm a very experienced, you could call it platform entrepreneur.

Collaboration and Vision Behind Ox VM

You can probably see from my job experience that I have built, I mean, investment platforms like Antler, where you invest in that. We invested, as I said, in hundreds of companies across Southeast Asia. As a CTO, I have also built an application development platform in a previous life. So I think if there's one thing I understand very well, it's to build platform businesses. And Kelvin's experience is very much on the web three side. So, I mean, simply put, we have met before and we racked our hopefully averagely brilliant minds together and we decided to build this. And of course, the question is also, I mean, there's many ways you could decide to scale bitcoin. So why this particular way? Right? And I think for us, what makes zero XVM really special is that in zero XVM, every transaction is ultimately a bitcoin transaction, because we know how, I guess you could say particular.

Understanding Value in Bitcoin with Xerox VM

The bitcoin community is, or the bitcoin max is out there as well. Right? There's more than $1.2 trillion locked up in bitcoin today, and a lot of that value sits there pretty much untouched. Right? So. Or I should say, doesn't move around much, right? So to enable that in a way that they appreciate, because again, in Xerox VM, since every transaction is a bitcoin transaction, you could, for example, transparently inspect your transactions using BTC scan, which, of course, wouldn't be possible if we had decided to go down the l two route, for example. So, yeah, I hope that provides a little bit of context around what we're doing. For sure. For sure. Like the term of layer, I'm sure it's not like unfamiliar with anybody here so far because we have seen many successful layers, especially in the Ethereum chain and even right now many people are using it for many reasons, even launching their projects on the second layers of some even making a project and launching it as their own layer.

The Scale and Safety of Bitcoin

So with the case with bitcoin though, it's much more bigger scale. Like right now, if you ask about even the big names such as the governments are investing in the bitcoin and for them the stability and for them the safety is the two important factor if they want to invest on the bitcoin. So with that being said, I'm sure with experienced team you guys have can make a better difference. But I want to ask you one special question. So far it is as you mentioned, we have seen some attempts similar to what you guys have been building so far. So what makes you guys different, unique or better in your perspective compared to the other modules that are trying to similar what you guys want to accomplish? I love this question and by the way, I'm also super happy that you share the sentiment.

The Opportunities Ahead

The opportunity is tremendously huge.

Bitcoin Scalability Issues

It's exceptionally huge. And a number that I love to quote when I think about the current stage of the bitcoin scalability issues is if you look on Ethereum and Altus today, around 10% of the value of anything and everything on Ethereum is locked up in Altoos. That same value on the bitcoin network. Despite Merlin, despite everything we have seen launched in the last while. You want to guess what that number is? That number is 0.1% for bitcoin. In other words, there is a ridiculously big headroom to grow something truly tremendous here, which it's both exciting and scary that it seems like no one before us has managed to crack that nut. But I, I do think with our ingredients and how we're thinking about it, we stand a good chance of doing that. And even if we take only a small part of that potential, this is still a massive success. So I think, yeah, the future is definitely very exciting.

Comparative Differences

But to your question on what we're doing different from the other ones, right, so if we compare to, for example, the l two s out there. Yeah, I mean the fundamental difference is essentially what I highlighted earlier. So if you are an l two, you're essentially relying on the security and consensus mechanism of a foreign network. And sometimes you have cross chain bridge issues which has some centralization concerns, et cetera. So you have these choke points that are not necessarily maybe to the full benefit of the community. I mean, also add to that, again, the bitcoin community is a relatively fickle one. They have viewed bitcoin as a store of value for a really long time. So I think we have to be very delicate in what we bring to them and how we bring it to them. And that's, again, why in Xerox VM, every transaction is a bitcoin transaction, so your assets never leave the network. And security and consensus is also done on the bitcoin network. So you don't need to worry about where your assets end up or if the network is safe or not.

Execution Layer

And that's the benefit of our approach. Right. And that's the benefit of building an execution layer which is separate. So we're not actually building a blockchain. Even though it's easy to look at our website and assume that we're building an l two or building a full fledged blockchain, we're actually not. We're strictly building the mechanism that has the execution logic to bring smart contracts directly to bitcoin. L one. That's what we're doing. So that's compared to l two s. And this actually brings up another very interesting point as well. So even though l two s in some essence are our competitors, they're also potential partners of ours. Because any l two that would like to be able to natively settle their transactions on the bitcoin network, well, guess what? We have built a framework that allows for just that, right? So if you're an l two operator and you want to say, build a roll up mechanism and have your transaction settled and BTC, then that's something that we can help them with as well.

Next Generation Approach

So for us, NL two is not only a competitor, they're also a potential partner. Wow, that's really what would you call a next generation approach. And by next generation, I mean it's something that is ahead of the. What others try to accomplish or already, like, dreaming about. And you guys are already taking a. But we're super excited ourselves. Thank you very much. I have been on the space for three years and I always enjoy the projects that are leading and shaping the future of web three in their own way. And I think you guys are one of the prime examples in bitcoin. And, you know, when the term of bitcoin comes, I think everybody here have to admit, like, people invest on the bitcoin are the long term people. And those people, as I mentioned previously, like such as governments or like big investment places.

Stability and Trust

And for them, if you want to attract them, you need to have a stability and a really nice system. It is, as you mentioned, like if you make a layer two for them, it will be much more information, much more untrust issues and many problems that may occur to them. But when you make a system like yours, it's much more stability and much more trust. That can happen with the big term investors as well, because people that invest in the bitcoin is such an interesting trivia. I want to give is most of the people right now are not fully into web three. What I mean by this, those big investors are investing in many of the things. So a strong model like what you guys are building can be a huge opportunity to give more trust and attract these people as well.

NFT Collection and Community Building

But I want to talk about the community part right now, you know, because we have listeners here, we have all kinds of people, and you guys are fairly soon to launch one of your upcoming NFT collection. So when you're making a module like what you guys are doing, you want to attract as many people as possible. So what is the main reason do you guys launch an NFT collection on very small splice size when your aim is to make everyone connected with your project okay? I mean, I think it serves for us multiple purposes. So first off, and by the way, I wish my marketing team was here now that has advised us and ultimately fueled these efforts. But I think the thinking is we don't want to be about the NFT collection as a project, right? We're not a project that exists to build an NFT collection and launch an NFT collection.

Utilizing NFTs for Community Growth

The NFT collection is a tool for us to build early supporters around our product. It's a way to reward Kols and those that have closely aligned with us from the beginning. So we want to use these nfts. That's why our NFT will have utilities. Of course, you can stake your NFT to get future airdrops. You stake your nfts to get future benefits in zero XVM. We view this more as sort of, I guess, a signal that you are someone that has stood with us and been with us since the early days, right? So we want to really use these nfts and give them out to those that have helped us build our community and are going to help us get those critical initial users onto our platform. So that's how I view the NFT collection. And that's also why it's relatively limited in size.

Selective Distribution of NFTs

We just thought it would be more manageable that way. Right? Instead of having, say, a mint of 10,000, we have a smaller one. So we can kind of be selective in who receives it. And we can also, you know, treat them well and make sure that those that receive it get the benefits and the attention that they deserve. Thank you very much. And you guys have run a very nice marketing, which, like, scribbling our pfps.

Personal Experience and Enjoyment in Interaction

I was also part of it personally. I really enjoyed it. Like, I like these kind of interaction. What makes web three more essential, you know, because I personally believe that web three is, should be a place where anybody can enjoy and be themselves. That's really good. And about the project you guys are making, can we talk about your roadmap so far? Like, what have you guys accomplished so far? And about the percentage wise, how ready is your module? Do you personally see, and what can we see from you guys in your roadmap?

Project Roadmap and Achievements

Okay, yeah, let's do this. Like history and roadmap, right? So the basics are, I mean, not talking about the technical side, but the basics are, of course, that Xerox VM brings gaming demi memes, ultimately, any Dapp enabled solution to the bitcoin network. And what we have accomplished so far since we flicked on marketing just a few months ago, we have built a community online over our two Twitter accounts of 160,000 followers. We have also closed healthy seed round of $5.2 million from investors such as racers Jump, UOB, Signum Capital and others. We have secured agreements with launch partners, and I'm not going to say more than that today because we'll reserve that for a future AMA. But super excited to talk about that.

Community Engagement and Programs

And many of you would also know that we have launched a tap to earn game that ultimately is a way for us to recognize those that strongly believe and are excited about what we're bringing to the ecosystem. We have an honor program. We also have discord ambassador program that we can talk about a little bit later. And we have a strong pool that we have built up over the last few months. Influencers and supporters all around the globe that are standing by us and are ready to support Xerox VM in our future events and announcements and product efforts. So that's a bit of what we have done so far. But if we look down the roadmap of what comes next, we of course, have the NFT mint, which will happen very soon. We will, in conjunction with that, also launch our NFT staking program, which I mentioned a little bit earlier.

Exciting Developments Ahead

And then there's another point here that I'm also super excited to talk about. And our product has now reached a stage of maturity that makes it possible for us to run full fledged nodes on our network. So we're also soon announcing a node sale for Xerox VM nodes and we will see more information about that announced very soon. But for those of you that would potentially be interested in running a Xerox VM nodes, and of course as early adopters see very healthy rewards in association with that, I would suggest that you follow our social channels closely. We will talk much more about that there. But yeah, so that's. And of course after that we are looking at our token launch. So as you can imagine, the team on my side, we are super busy in preparation for all of these things. And yeah, it's just an exciting time, honestly.

Community Interaction and Future Opportunities

Wow, that's a really nice alpha about like the notes and everything. I'm sure people are really excited about it. I personally haven't been an expert in the technical part, but I have seen my fair bit of share and how things move on. So I hope that will be a nice part of experience as well. Another question that came from the community part so far is that so far there's gonna be an NFT collection which a limited supply. And let's say that I'm a listener of this space and I just learned about your project. What are the ways I can connect with the project so far by being a community member? And since it's a web three project, how does the community affect the project? Like what is the role of the community in your project in the long term? Thank you very much.

Engaging with the Community as a Member

Okay, excellent question. So let's talk first about what you can do now then, as community member, we actually have quite a few ways that we can engage with our community and also that our community engages with us. And I love the fact that even though we recently started, we have a very healthy dialogue going back and forth with our community member. But to be concrete about it. So we have a tap to earn game that we launched a while ago. I think last time I looked at the number, there was around. Yeah, it's quite a large number of players on this game. And in the game you can buy in game boosters that you can use to speed up and increase your earning potential in the game. And of course all the in game activity is tracked and your performance is tracked. And eventually this will result in airdrops and other rewards that you would be eligible to.

Programs for Community Participation

So that's one way that's of course a very passive engagement, you could say. Right. From a community perspective, we also have an honor program similarly, where you can complete tasks for points which ultimately lead to future airdrops as well. We also have, which I'm very excited about, we have a discord ambassador program. So. And as a member there, you get a stronger standing in the Xerox VM community. And your standing is initially determined by your personal exposure to the crypto space, your reach, your telegram and honor game scores. And this also improves your chances to profit from future XVM airdrops. But other benefits you get which are not necessarily airdrops related.

Discord Ambassador Program and Its Benefits

By being a big part of our discord community and being a discord ambassador, you also get an honorary member status, so you get a stronger standing within the Xerox VM community. You get early access and knowledge of Xerox VM launches, rewards and perks that we announce you also get, which maybe to me as an engineer myself, I'm the most excited about. You also get influence. Your suggestions and improvements will ultimately help to shape how Xerox VM is built out over time, and it means that your contributions could have a long lasting impact on not only Xerox VM, but if we are successful, which I think we will be, also the bitcoin ecosystem as a whole. So the Discord ambassador program is exciting to participate in as well.

The Importance of Community in Web Three

Thank you. I think personally, any project that is like web three basis should be moving forward to community. And I'm really happy that you guys are looking positive side on this as well. Another aspect that people always like to talk about and ask is that the future of AI? And what do you guys think about a team that is making a project about the AI? And do you have any plans to make any integration with your project about AI? Thank you.

Current Status of AI Projects

Haha. Okay, that's another nice question. I think we're probably at the peak, or we have passed the peak of the hype wave on AI related projects right now, right?

AI Projects and Hype Waves

I mean, we saw over the last six months, I don't know how many AI related projects have launched, how many AI related networks have launched. I think what we need to be careful with, honestly, any project that operates in a hype wave, we're not building zero XVM to make a quick buck. We're not building it to turn a quick profit. So we have deliberately not positioned ourselves with the hype waves, if you can say that. Right, but we're building ourselves for longer term success for the network, and ultimately also for the community.

Execution Layer and AI Integration

But to answer your question a bit more directly, so one perk about zero X VM is that yes, we are an execution layer. This execution layer will initially be an EVM execution layer and we do this to maximize developer reach. For developers that are familiar with building for Ethereum, for example, then this would be an easy way for them to start building applications for the bitcoin network as well. However, we can actually switch out the VM type in zero X VM. This means that we don't only necessarily need to support EVM. So if you want to do something more AI related, let's say we want to support an execution methodology or VM type that is more AI native, then we can do that as well. So that's definitely a possibility.

Guiding Community Demand

And I have to say we haven't explored concrete AI projects to launch yet, but I think we will let the community guide us. And if there's a strong demand to building AI oriented solutions on top of zero X VM, we will ensure that we have an execution engine that can support that and let the community build the next generation of AI driven apps that way. Thank you very much. I believe that satisfies the people answer as well. I personally always enjoy the AI aspect. I heavily invested in it in the history. But something people need to understand, that AI that people see on many projects are not even real AI, and they need to focus on what real AI is for sure if they're really interested in this topic, definitely.

Partnerships and Value Beyond Money

And since you only have a very strong background from the investment side, what can you say about your current partnerships and how do they affect your project? Do they just simply invest or do they have any more deep partnership with you guys in any way? That's a good question. So actually right now, as I mentioned earlier, we have closed our seed round effectively and we're happy we have the cash that we need to expand. So we're not sort of hungry for money from our partners. We're actually looking specifically for those that can bring value above and beyond money. But it's healthy though, too. If you have an investor relationship, it's important that you ask for money from them still, because you want them to have skin in the game, you want them to have something on the line, because that's the way you can be certain that they're going to help you out when you really need it, right? So I think right now we're kind of hunting for value adding investors, if you will, on the investment side.

Exploring Web Three Gaming Partnerships

But if we look at existing partnerships that we have acquired so far, I mean, yeah, we have some pretty solid ones. So one avenue that we're looking to explore once our main net is live in a few months would be, for example, to explore some of the deeper web three gaming partnerships that we have already established. So actually, kudos to my brilliant co founder Kelvin. Through his network and prior engagements, we have managed to secure some pretty exciting opportunities in the web three gaming space that we think could be very exciting to launch as projects on top of Zero X VM eventually. I can't share too much about that right now because we want to announce that at the right time and use that to hype up and excite the community.

Community Engagement and Future Plans

But we have some pretty exciting things down the line that we're exploring. So as an engineer and a product builder myself, I can't wait for our network to be live so we can start realizing some of these dreams that we have that we want to build on top of the network, ultimately. Thank you for the honest answer. And hype is something very double sided, like double edged blade, that people should be careful. I personally believe, because if you create like overhype, it can also reduce the hype like expectation people have towards you. But at the same time, if you control it very well, it can make the project go long term very nicely. So I hope that people will be able to control their hype towards your project.

Communication and Community Growth

And it will go in a very nice state, because time on Webtree moves really fast. These are the questions and aspects that I wanted to share with you and our community today from gathered by their questions as well. Is there any other topic or any alpha special to our listeners here that you would like to share at this time? Oh my God. I mean, okay, there is so much I would love to talk about, but yeah, I think my marketing team, or a marketing team will never forgive me if I overshare. So on the alpha side, I will bite my tongue.

Node Sale and Community Participation

What I can say though, is that, and I have already said this earlier, is that, and again, I'm very excited about this personally. Our node sale is not far away. And of course, for those of you that have participated in any node sales and node operations before, you know the game, right? The earlier you're in, the more you stand to profit personally. So those of you that would be interested in that, I would suggest again that you keep your eyes peeled on our social channels every day, so that when the day that it's launched, you can secure an early spot to operate the node on our network.

Gratitude and Community Connection

Well, okay, so that's on the alpha side. Other than that, I just wanted to thank you for having me here. I mean, it's been amazing to chat for a little while and I love your community. Big fan. So it's been great to, yeah, great to hang out for a little bit. And of course, again, for anyone else out there, if you search for Xeroxvm on Twitter, you will find us. And I think we also even linked in the description for this event. So hope to see many of you on discord and hope to see many of you also become discord ambassadors so we can work more closely together in the future.

Future Connections and Community Engagement

Well, thank you very much for the kind words and the pleasure belongs to us. We hunters web three are the biggest fighters, at least in the web three. We have so many people and they were really excited about this partnership, especially after our founders skyline being you guys ambassador. So I'm personally happy to be able to host this as well. And one thing I can definitely say to our community and to you as well, like, since you guys are going to be on the long term, we will definitely have more connections.

Stability and Future Plans

And by I mean we will have more spaces in the future and more alpha as you guys update so we can share with our community as well. But guys, I personally know their marketing team as well, so I highly advise you guys to check in their socials, at least what they're building with your own size as well, because a good project can never be covered in a single EMA. So you may find something you personally like, who knows? Well, thanks everyone for attending today, and thanks Bjorn, especially for taking his lovely time to explain this project personally.

Closing Remarks

Like, we have seen many layer two attempts, but an execution like this can be much more stable and good. So I really wish my personal best on them as well. With that being said, guys, we'll be coming close to this, today's EMA, but we'll be bringing much more this month and upcoming times as usual as well. We love you all. Thanks all. You're growing big as a family and I wish you all a happy day, happy night or happy no morning based on your time zone until the next TMA, stay safe. Bye bye. Awesome. Have a nice day, everyone.

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