Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space ๐’ฒ๐’ฝโ„ด๐“๐“๐“Ž โ„‹โ„ฏ๐’ถ๐“๐“‰๐’ฝ ๐™๐™ค๐™ญ๐™Ž๐™ ๐™ž๐™ฃ ๐˜ฟ๐™š๐™š๐™ฅ hosted by KissMyCarol. Delve into the world of holistic health with @SpacesHost as they guide participants on a journey towards improved well-being through holistic practices. From balancing mind, body, and spirit to emphasizing self-care and community support, this space offers valuable insights on achieving holistic wellness. Explore the benefits of natural remedies, alternative therapies, and mindfulness in nurturing a holistic lifestyle aimed at long-term health maintenance and emotional well-being. Join the discussion to discover the transformative power of holistic living.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: How does holistic health empower individuals?
A: Holistic health empowers individuals by providing a comprehensive approach to well-being, addressing physical, mental, and spiritual aspects.

Q: Why is community support important in holistic health?
A: Community support plays a vital role in the holistic health journey, providing encouragement, shared experiences, and a sense of belonging.

Q: What role do natural remedies play in holistic wellness?
A: Natural remedies play a significant role in holistic wellness, offering alternatives to conventional medicine with potentially fewer side effects.

Q: How can mindfulness contribute to holistic health?
A: Mindfulness is essential in holistic health as it fosters self-awareness, reduces stress, and promotes overall mental well-being.

Q: Why is nutrition crucial in holistic practices?
A: Nutrition plays a key role in holistic practices as it fuels the body, supports overall health, and can prevent chronic diseases.

Q: What are some alternative therapies in holistic approaches?
A: Alternative therapies in holistic approaches include acupuncture, herbal medicine, meditation, and yoga, among others.

Q: How does holistic living benefit mental health?
A: Holistic living promotes mental health by addressing the root causes of stress, offering tools for relaxation, and supporting emotional well-being.

Q: What is the importance of balance in holistic health?
A: Balance is crucial in holistic health as it integrates physical, mental, and spiritual aspects to achieve overall well-being.

Q: How does holistic health emphasize self-care?
A: Holistic health emphasizes self-care practices such as adequate rest, physical activity, and stress management for optimal health outcomes.

Q: Why is emotional well-being important in holistic wellness?
A: Emotional well-being is essential in holistic wellness as it impacts physical health, interpersonal relationships, and overall quality of life.


Time: 00:13:45
Balancing Mind, Body, and Spirit Discussing the significance of achieving harmony in mental, physical, and spiritual aspects for holistic health.

Time: 00:25:21
Community Support in Holistic Practices Exploring the benefits of community engagement and shared experiences in the holistic health journey.

Time: 00:35:52
Nutrition and Wellness Highlighting the role of nutrition in fostering overall wellness and supporting holistic health approaches.

Time: 00:45:17
Mindfulness and Self-Care Understanding the importance of mindfulness and self-care practices in holistic well-being.

Time: 00:55:30
Alternative Therapies for Healing Exploring various alternative therapies and their benefits in holistic healing practices.

Time: 01:05:44
Stress Reduction Through Holistic Living Discussing strategies for stress reduction and mental health improvement in holistic living.

Time: 01:15:18
Emotional Well-Being and Holistic Health Exploring the connection between emotional well-being and physical health within holistic health frameworks.

Time: 01:25:39
Holistic Lifestyle Maintenance Promoting a holistic lifestyle for ongoing health maintenance and well-being.

Time: 01:35:48
Achieving Balance in Holistic Wellness Understanding the importance of balance in physical, mental, and spiritual realms for holistic wellness.

Time: 01:45:55
Self-Care Practices in Holistic Health Highlighting the significance of self-care practices in holistic health for overall well-being.

Key Takeaways

  • Embracing holistic health empowers individuals to take charge of their well-being.
  • The importance of spiritual, mental, and physical balance for overall health.
  • Incorporating natural remedies and practices can enhance health outcomes.
  • The significance of community support and shared experiences in the holistic health journey.
  • Prioritizing self-care and mindfulness for optimal health results.
  • Understanding the role of nutrition and lifestyle choices in holistic wellness.
  • Exploring alternative therapies and holistic approaches for comprehensive healing.
  • The benefits of holistic practices in stress reduction and mental health improvement.
  • Promoting a holistic lifestyle for long-term health maintenance.
  • The connection between emotional well-being and physical health in holistic practices.

Behind the Mic

Emotional Resilience

Tell me how can you stand there with your broken heart? Ashamed of playing one thing can lead to another it doesn't take any sacrifice whoa.

Love and Brotherhood

Father and brother sister and brotherhood if it feels nice don't think twice how would you be for your love with love show them the way that you feel things are gonna work I find you only will do as I change shower me for your love with love show them the way you feel things are gonna be much better if you only will you can run but you cannot hide this is widely known and what you plan to do with your foolish pride when you're all by yourself alone once you tell somebody I think it's true what they say about this sneaky wheel always get in the street I know things are gonna be just fine if you only will what I'd like to do to you shower these people you love with love show them the way you feel things are gonna be much better if you only will way that you be oh, yeah show them your way that you be showing you'll feel better when the last day show them the way that you see they say, shall I?

Affectionate Connection

The rain must fall to me just like I want it rain make it rain love, my love. Well, Holly health, y'all. Happy Sunday to everybody, and happy Labor Day weekend to honor those of us that are in labor. No better laboring the laborers. It's the working man's holiday and working woman. So I'll take it, even though I am actually working this weekend. And that's okay. So I want to say good morning to everyone. I'm start off by saying good morning to my bestie, Doc Martin. How are you this morning? Well, I am as fine as frogs hair. I am just doing great. It's a beautiful day. We are getting some relief from the heat, starting, I think, today and maybe a chance of rain. So God is good and with my favorite peeps. Just saying.

Acknowledgments and Introductions

Sorry, y'all, I got a little technical difficulty on my end. So what I want to do is ask Doc Martin if she'll open us up with a word of prayer. And then I want to introduce our topic before I do that, though, and just say, you know, we've been hearing a lot lately about just the toxins in our food. And yes, we all know that our. That the food supply is not clean, it is not free of chemicals. And it's not just that they're chemicals, it's that these are chemicals that are actually damage our health, damage our bodies. When your body's damaged, your mind's going to get damaged. When your mind's damaged, your spirit's going to get damaged. It's like, you know, everything's just kind of just taking us down slowly and just really, I hate to use the p word, but it's poisoning us. So, you know, what can we do about it? And I don't want anybody to feel powerless. You do have the ability to take control of this stuff. And so that's what today's topic is.

Control Over Choices

If you missed last week, we talked about chemicals that we bring into our homes. Like, we're paying money, okay? We are going to the store, walking through the aisles, making decisions, making selections, putting stuff in our grocery carts, going to the checkout. And we are paying money for poison. So last week we tackled the cleaning products, laundry products, that kind of thing, and the poisons that are in there. And today we're going to look at grooming and hygiene. So I'm going to ask Doc Martin to open this up with a word of prayer while I try to fix my technical difficulties. Go ahead, Doc Martenden. Thank you, Carol. If everybody would just lower their heads and prepare their hearts to enter before the Lord.

Gratitude and Blessings

Our most gracious heavenly Father, we just thank you for getting us up to another beautiful day. God, we just thank you for choosing us to live in this day and time. And, Lord, we just ask that as we go forward, that you bless this information that Carolyn and I are trying to bring to the people so that they can adopt it and use it and spread the word. God, we just ask that you bless our efforts because as Carol was saying, it seems so daunting when we look at everything, all the different ways that we're being poisoned. And it seems daunting to try to do anything about it. God, we just ask that you give us calm and peace as we look at the whole of our strategy to adopt a more healthy lifestyle. And, God, just help us absorb this information and adopt it in our daily lives. It's a blessing.

Preparation and Technical Issues

Lord, we just thank Carol for making herself available to spread this information. And God, we ask that you bless us as we gather today to absorb this. Just help magnify it in our souls. And we ask all of this in your son's most holy name, Jesus Christ. Amen. Thank you, guys. So, and I'm gonna tack on a little something to that prayer and ask God to send me to somebody that's got more technical knowledge than I do. I am like a techno tard, okay? I just don't know what's going on here. I can, like, I've got my volume turned up all the way on my phone. I'm on your own speakerphone. I got. You got everybody on speakerphone. It's not my headset. And I can barely hear what's happening in this space right now.

Troubleshooting Technical Difficulties

So I see some folks down there that I know are smarter than me in the tech world and might be able to troubleshoot. I am on an iPhone. There's something in settings. There has to be something in settings that's turned down. I don't know how that happened. I didn't do it, I promise. I'm not smart enough to do it somebody will shoot me a DM and with some instructions of what I need to be looking at and where I need to go to get this sound thing fixed. Oh, my goodness. So thank you. Okay. Until that happens, Carol, you might want to try using your headset. I hear better with my headset than I do on speaker. Yeah, I thought about doing that, but I'm thinking I need to fix this problem.

Disclaimers and Health Control

You know, I can. I can put the band aid on for now, but at some point, I've got to fix this. I can't be running around with this thing where I can't hear on speakerphone and the volume is jacked all the way up. Like, it is jacked all the way. Okay. And then a quick disclaimer. This space is for educational and entertainment purposes only. I don't know how entertaining it's going to be, but we'll see. Sometimes it gets pretty entertaining when I start, you know, messing up stuff. But it's not for. Meant for any kind of medical advice or, you know, anything like that. This is just information, guys, and I. And the reason I do this is because I want everybody to be empowered to take control of their own health. And you're not going to be able to take control of your health if you keep poisoning yourself.

Tackling Poisoning and Solutions

Okay, that doesn't work that way, just FYI. So let's stop poisoning ourselves. So let's look at how we are poisoning ourselves through our skin. I want Doc Marten to start this just because I wanted to start off on a really great note. And if you guys have not looked in the chat bubble and seen her thread on grooming and hygiene products, you're missing out. It's a beautiful thread. I can tell she really put her heart in this, and it's so informative. And, you know, we can sit here all day long and identify the problems. I can tell you about all the massive chemicals and all of our grooming and hygiene products, how it's poisoning is. I can sit here and tell you we're all gonna die because we're showering and shampooing and shaving and all this stuff.

Identifying Solutions

Stuff, right. But that's not fair. It's not fair to just point out problems with everything. We just point out problems and not offer solutions. So that's what we want to do today. We want to point out that this is a problem, but we want to give you some solutions. So Doc Martens thread is a beautiful way to look for some solutions for yourself. I also put a thread down in there where I point out problems, but I'm offering some solutions. And so there's links in that thread, there's articles in that thread with even more links where you can go and you can do some research.

Encouragement to Research

Yeah, I'm not holding your hat. Okay, we're not. I'm not gonna sit here and baby you, coddle you and tell you what brand to buy. But there's links in there of many brands that are clean. And so as you're looking to make switches just to change over from one area to another, from one brand to another, to maybe stop doing something altogether that you really don't need to be doing anyway. You know, do some research, look at it for yourself, see what's going to work for your household, your family, your budget, and, you know, move in that direction.

DIY and Trip to the Beach

I will say later on this afternoon, I am actually going to be making sunscreen. I'm going to the beach next weekend, y'all. I'm so excited. I'm going to the beach. I'm going to the coast. The Texas coast. Yeah. It's not the most beautiful beaches in the world, so don't make a special trip down here just for that. Okay. But it's a. The closest beach to me, so I'm going down. I'm having a little vacation from work, taking Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Yay. But I need. I do want a little extra protection.

Importance of Extra Skin Protection

The tops of my shoulders and then my nose and cheeks sometimes get a little more red than I like. And I don't really peel and blister and burn and that kind of stuff. But I do like to have a little extra protection. So. So I will be posting the link to the video. It's going to be a video of exactly what I'm going to be doing to make my sunscreen. And I'll be doing that later this afternoon. And then during this space. This is a little bonus for everyone.

One-Step Skincare Routine

During this space, I am going to share with you my skincare. And it is a one step skincare. I don't do, you know, 100 steps like they want you to do with, you know, Esteel Lauder or, I don't know, clinique or, you know, all these skincare lines that I used to do. I used to do them, guys. I even pure. I did pure for years because their ingredients were less toxic than some of the others. And I've stopped all that. I do. I wash my face and then I apply one thing, and I am done with my facial skincare.

Liquid Botox Recipe Reveal

And it is the nickname for it is liquid Botox. So if you guys want some liquid botox, I'm going to be sharing my recipe later on in this space. And the reason I am not going to do that, and I don't want anybody else doing it either. Do not post this down in the chat bubble. I'm not going to do it because if somebody wants my liquid Botox recipe, they should have been here, okay? Or they should go back and listen to the recording, because that's just for you guys.

Note from the Heart

Something special just for y'all. Cause anybody can go in the chat bubble and just, you know, skim and glean information. That's wonderful. I'm so happy that they can do that. They can do their own, you know, web searches. There's a lot of things. But if you want my liquid botox recipe, mm mm. You're gonna have to be here. That's all I'm gonna say about that. So everybody grab a pencil and a paper, pen and paper, you know, a computer.

Preparation to Take Notes

Open up your notes in your computer. Do something. Cause you're gonna wanna take notes this morning. So I'm gonna turn it over to Doc Martin, and I've got Mark Mario in the background trying to help me with my little techno glitch. So he and I are gonna be working on that in the background. Doc Martin, I'm turning it over to you.

Recognition of Involvement

Thanks, Carol. You know, when we. When I first started becoming aware of all the different poisons and things in our homes, it really seemed daunting because I'm a working mother and my kid is grown, but I still like to do things for them. If you hear a dog or a dog toy in the background, I'm sorry, guys. I'm grand dog sitting. And mom and daddy just made pork today, and they're about to be on their way home. So praise God for miracles. I love to see him come, and I love to see him go.

Personal Experiences Shared

I'm just saying, because I have five cats, too. You can imagine what a circus that is. But anyway, you know, when I started. When I started becoming aware, I really wanted to adopt everything at once, and it's just not reasonable. You know, we have to use our discernment and just pray over the difference. And that's what I always do. Y'all probably heard me preach the story a million times, but when I had my daughter, the very first thing I did was start praying that God would make up the difference wherever were short, whether it be physically, emotionally, or spiritually, or whatever the case may be.

Trust in a Higher Power

And he's always been good to do that. And I think we can trust him with our health, our finances, our politics, everything. And so when I. When I really started thinking about it, I thought, you know what? Until I can get a handle on all this, I'm just gonna have to pray over the difference and ask God to keep me safe from all of the toxins and the poisons and the poison darts and the poisonous government that is headed my way. And he's always good to do that. I am alive, and I'm healthy for now.

Health and Lifestyle Choices

My lab rat might be dead, but I'm alive. So there's always hope. But as we look at some of the recipes and the products that we're going to share with you today, remember, if you don't have time, if you work, if you have other things in your life, it's okay to pick and choose which things you're going to adopt and. And try to do for yourself and which things. It's better to just, you know, buy something as long as you have done your research and the ingredients that they're using are clean.

Avoiding Overwhelm

So as we go through all this, don't get overwhelmed with the forest for the tree, because you can piecemeal this until you get it into your routine. So what I have found the best success in is trying to adopt one thing at a time. So, you know, I might start making my own laundry soap, or I might start making my own hand soap. Because if you think about your skin, it's the largest organ that we have, and it absorbs everything, and it goes straight to your liver.

Awareness of Skin Health

So everything that you put on your body has to go through your organs, and that's what you've got to think about. When I. When I started, I thought, okay, what's the thing I do the most? Well, I wash my hands the most. So that is the best prevention method, bar none. And that's keeping your hands washed and keeping your hands off of your eyes, ears, nose, belly button, and really and truly your ears. I mean, people gloss over that all the time, but it is an entry port to your.

Healthy Habits Encouraged

To your body. So think about these things, incorporating these things one at a time. I started with the hand soap, and I need to go and put my thread in the bubble. I'll do that in just a minute. But I did put a. A very simple recipe for hand soap, and I started with that. And I also included a body soap bar. So you've got a couple of choices. Also. If you are busy and working or have other things in your life, you can't do it at home.

Recommendations for Healthy Products

One of the companies that I have started using and have had great results with is van man. And that's v as in victory. A n man. M a n. Apparently he is a man that literally started his company while he was living in his van and has become very successful. And he's got a whole line of different things from tooth powders that are excellent to. Now he is his own soap. And I just bought that. I haven't used it yet, but I have bought it.

Sharing and Spreading Awareness

Before we go any further, though, let me do a little housekeeping and remind you, if you would, so that we can try to spread this good information to as many people as we can. If you would be so good as to share the space. And remember that we usually talk for a few minutes and then we take requests for months. And I can't remember what Carol said that she was doing right now, but if you appreciate the information and you want to share your.

Acknowledgments for Participation

Your appreciation of Carol's time and talents, be sure and buy her a coffee. So, miss Carol, did you. Are you getting your technical things done or do you want me to keep going? I think the decision is that I'm just going to have to limp along with my technical problems until after the space. Which reminds me, this is not a forever space. I do need to put a hard stop on this space at noon.

Time Management and Scheduling

I mean, I'm sorry, at 11:00 a.m. my time, which will give us a full 2 hours. If we can't get this done in 2 hours, well, we probably won't be able to get this done in 2 hours. I always have the best intention to shut my space down on time. Does it work? It never works. But what I do want to do is go ahead right now and invite everyone to put in their mic requests.

Encouraging Audience Participation

Because I know you guys know some things on this topic, and I want to bring you up. What I'm looking for is I want you to be able to share what you do instead of these commercial products. And when I say commercial, I mean, if there's a commercial on tv for a product, guys, it's. It's toxic.

Identifying Commercial Products

I'm sorry. If you find one that's not, let me know, and I'll look at it. Because, you know, I don't watch tv very much, but I've gone through all these commercial brands, the ones that you mostly see when you walk in the store and they're at eye level and they've been around forever that we've been using and using for years and generations and what have you, and they're toxic.

Navigating Healthier Choices

The good stuff is way up higher, way down at the end cap, way down low. Like, all the toxic stuff is right there at eye level in the stores, and it's right there at eye level on your television, in the commercials. So let's have everybody come up with their mic requests. And. And your purpose for speaking in a microphone today is to share with us what you do instead, or maybe something that you have found that you thought was clean, but it's not clean and what you've discovered.

Sharing Experiences and Knowledge

So. So that's what we're looking for. We're looking to educate everybody, every educate ourselves. If you don't have something to that effect, then scoot over, move over for someone that does. Okay, so, let's see. We do have some microquests up, Doc Martin. And again, I want to point everybody down to the chat bubble.

Utilizing the Chat Bubble

You don't have to look there now, but after the spaces is closed, you're going to find some useful information there. That chat bubble is for everybody. Also, if you don't want to take a microphone to share what you know, we'll put it down in the chat bubble so everybody can see it. We can all learn from each other.

Insights for Awareness

Gonna. I'm gonna put some stuff that you're. Y'all are not gonna like about toilet paper and other things that maybe we don't talk about enough, and we probably should. We probably should be talking more about toilet paper, okay. But we're gonna. We am going to look at makeup. And I did put some things down in there.

Discussion on Makeup Products

I will say this, okay, about makeup, while we're waiting for y'all to get your speakers in place. You know, my. I have a daughter who's very kind of fashion conscious, and she's kind of keeps me fashion conscious because I get a little bit lazy about things like fashion and trends and. And hairstyles and all of these things that are, you know, focused on in beauty magazines and there's all these influencers on, I guess, TikTok.

Struggles with Beauty Standards

I don't know. I don't look at TikTok, but in YouTube, like, all these influencers on beauty and stuff like that. And she'll go, well, mom, you know, let's try this, and here's a video, and why don't you watch this? And I have some beauty challenges. Okay. I have a really long list of beauty challenges, you guys, and one of them is crazy.

Personal Beauty Experiences

Yeah. One of this is this crazy hair that I was born with. I used to just hate it, and when I got pregnant with my daughter, I actually shaved my head because I couldn't stand the hair care that it takes to make my hair look like it's not, you know, medusa hair. And I was just too tired. It was the first time I'd ever been pregnant. I was exhausted. I was exhausted 24/7 it didn't matter what I did.

Pregnancy and Personal Changes

I was so tired and messing with my hair. No. So I went and had my head shaved. Like, it had maybe an inch and a half at the top, and that's it. The red all around the ears and the back of the head, I shaved it. I just cannot deal with this hair. It's a pain. And now it's really long, and you're like, but you've grown it really long. Yes.

Insights on Hair Care

Actually easier to take care of long than it is short. I don't know. I know it's crazy, but my daughter put me in touch with all these YouTube influencers, and I tried this and I tried that. It's like, no, I can't do that. It's toxic. No, I'm not using that. It's toxic. No, I'm not going to, you know, so there's all this. But I. Otherwise, I would not pay attention if not for my daughter.

Influences of Beauty Culture

Well, what I have discovered along the way, and she's kind of backed off of me because she knows I'm, like, really picky about what goes in on and around my body. Right. But what I've discovered along the way is that, like, less is more, as in, don't even do it, and you're much better off. So I rare and Covid taught me this also, when Covid rolled in and we started, medical professionals had to start wearing masks.

Transitioning to Minimalism

And I was like, oh, my God, are you kidding me? Do I really? But if that's all that stood between me and my patient was wearing a mask? Oh, hell, yeah. Give me the mask. So what I noticed is I would take my mask off, and there's all this makeup on the inside of the mask. I was like, what am I doing? So I just quit wearing makeup for the longest.

Reflections on Makeup Use

And I really just kind of started back wearing makeup about maybe a year and a half ago, and just. But I'm. And I tried to do that stuff, my videos my daughter sends me. And, you know, you put all this stuff on your face, and you put more stuff on your face, and now you gotta do the contouring with all the dark stuff and the light stuff. And then you do this, and then you do that, and then you start doing the stuff that I used to do, like eyeshadow, mascara, and lipstick.

Critique of Beauty Routines

Right? But no, before you do that, there's all these layers of things you got to do. And I was like, are you kidding me right now? So I started trying all that, and my skin could not breathe. Like, I literally felt like my face was suffocating. And I really tried, you guys, because I thought, oh, this is the way they do makeup now. Okay, let me try that. Oh, no. Waste of money.

Relearning Beauty Standards

Waste of time, waste of everything. Just look, how much makeup do we really need? I mean, come on. So there's a couple of songs at the end of this video that talk a little bit about makeup. So, I mean, at the end of, not video, at the end of the space, there's, you know how I do my little playlist? We have a little music. There's a few in there about makeup, so you might enjoy those.

Awareness on Makeup Choices

So I'm just saying, when it comes to makeup, like, what are we doing? Why are we caking this on layer after layer? We need to stop and take a look at what we're doing. Okay. Sometimes what you're doing is not even necessary. Like, I do not color my hair. I've never colored my hair. I don't care if you do. That's fine. It's just my personal preference.

Personal Hair Preferences

I want my hair to turn white. Like, I'm ready. I'm ready for it to all go silver and white. I'm at that age where let's just go for it. But people, that some people do color your hair, there's some things you need to know about coloring your hair, if you're coloring your hair. So I've got that down in the chat bubble, too. I'm sorry. You can hate me later.

Discussion on Hair Coloring

anyway, that's kind of my little rant on all of this for now. You guys know, I will rant again, but I get tired of hearing myself talk. So I think Waylon had his hand up first. Talk. Martin, am I wrong about that? You know, I don't think so. I believe it is Waylon. And then love my wings. I'm waiting to see what Waylon has to say about makeup.

Following Audience Participation

Go for it, Waylon. Hello, ladies. Hello, everyone. Yes, you hit the nail on the head. I am a dude. What's up, everybody? I do since last week, actually. Good morning, everybody. Since last week, I actually made a change. I don't, I think, I don't know if it's a full step, but it's at least a half step.

Finding Alternatives

I went out and I bought expensively this stuff that you see advertisements from which, like you said, most advertisements are not going to be good. The doctor squatch, has anybody heard or seen these advertisements? Doctor Squatch, I bought the soap and the shampoo and conditioner and I actually have it right here.

Awareness on Ingredients

The ingredients of the soap, SAPnephid oils of sustainable palm, coconut, olive, natural derived fragrance, shea butter, lemon essential oils, pumic powder, annatto powder, kaolin, clay and sea salt. So even when they're natural ingredients, I don't know some of these ingredients. I'm not even saying some of them correctly. So it's even tough for us to do the natural ingredient thing.

Ingredient Safety

And this was just the bar of soap that I read. It's got a summer citrus smell to it. So, I mean, it looks pretty natural to me. What do you think about this, Carol? Yeah, I'm not hearing anything in there. That's, that's bringing up a lot of alarm bells for me. But, guys, if you see something that's an ingredient in anything, your cleaning products, your grooming products, your, I don't know, candles, I don't know, whatever.

Caution in Product Choices

For one thing, they kind of lie to us about a lot of the ingredients. They disguise them as other things. But in this case with Wayland soap, like, you know, and I'm not hearing anything that's setting off alarm bells here, Waylon. But if there's an ingredient and you don't know what it is, like, you've got the answer in the palm of your hand.

Doing Your Research

Just put it in your little search bar and go read about it and some of this stuff. And I'm going to go back to, like, food right now just for a second. Well, no, your cleaning product, your grooming and hygiene products, too. Like some of this stuff, these are big, fat, long, ugly chemical names. And you're like, I can't even say it.

Understanding Ingredient Names

I can't pronounce it. I can't spell it correctly. I know. You might need two devices. One to pull it up on, and the other one so that you can look at it as you're typing it into the search engine in another device, like, because they're really long and they're, you can copy paste or something like that. But look up the ingredient and find out for yourself, what is this?

Ingredients Affects

What's it used in? And be careful, because they'll say, oh, no, this won't hurt you. In small amounts. The EPA, the FDA, everybody says it's okay. Yeah, in that little tiny, small amount, if you do it one time, you might be okay. But time after time after time and little small amounts, little small amount, and all of these many other things that you're putting time and again and time again in little, small amounts, that stuff adds up.

Conscious Consumer Choices

And these are forever chemicals. And our body does not process and excrete this stuff the way that we're told that they will. No, they will pack up. They will accumulate, and your body will create fat cells to protect you from this stuff because your body didn't want this stuff in it, I promise you. So just be really careful. Look it up, figure it out. You guys can do this.

Bodily Protection Mechanisms

That's what I had to do. I mean, I could do that. If I can do it, you guys can, too, because I'm no rocket scientist here, okay? You guys can totally take control of this for yourselves. You can do it. All right, so, Waylon, that's your job, is you look up your ingredients, you figure out what they are, and you make the decision for yourself.

Personal Decision Making

Don't ask apothecary. You make the decision for yourself whether this is something that you want to continue using personally. That one didn't sound too bad to me. But, hey, your mileage may vary. All right, who have we got next?

Thoughts on Product Safety

And thanks for that. Well, because that gives me a perfect example of something that someone's like, well, it looks natural and something else, guys, when it's advertised as all natural ingredients. Yeah, poison ivy is natural, too. You don't want that on your skin. That word natural really doesn't mean anything.

Understanding 'Natural' Labels

There are no guidelines. There are no regulations. There's nothing that kind of. What am I saying? That kind of tells a manufacturer that it's okay or it's not okay to do. When it comes to skincare products and stuff, you would be surprised. You know, once upon a time, it was not just the Food and Drug Administration, it also had cosmetics.

FDA Responsibilities

They were also in charge of cosmetics and they let go of that, okay, which is crazy. Food, drugs and cosmetics all under one umbrella. But anyway, so don't count on them to be watching to make sure things are safe with your grooming and hygiene products. They're not. Nobody's watching these products.

Lack of Regulatory Oversight

These manufacturers are getting away with putting all kinds of stuff in there. There is lead in a lot of commercial brands. Lipstick, lead in your mouth, by your mouth. Okay? They're not regulating this. They're not overseeing it the way that they do medications. So don't think that just because it's on this shelf that it's safe, because it is not.

Awareness of Lipstick Safety

I promise you. Okay. And watch out for that word natural. Who's next there? Doc Martin. Well, as we go to our next speaker, which is love my wings. I just wanted to remind everybody we've got Christmas coming up. So as we talk about all this stuff, if you hear something, jot it down for your Christmas list.

Prepping for the Future

And if you're going to make something, make extra in a cute package of some sort, put some trim on it. You've got a great gift for Christmas. Good morning, Miss Love. And my wings. How are you? Hey, Doc. I'm doing well. Good morning, Carol. Hi, everybody.

Personal Commitment to Health

So three years ago, I made a decision that if I wasn't going to put it in my body, I wasn't going to put it on my body. And now for Doc, you brought up soap. I don't use a lot of soap based products.

Alternative Soap Solutions

What works for me and my body and my skin is I take olive oil. And in the olive oil, I put sugar in it, the brown sugar, the natural sugar, and I use that for scrub. Now, I only take showers three, four times a week because my body will get super dry.

Natural Solutions for Skin Health

So I just tell people, you know, when you are looking for natural things to put on your skin or natural things to eat in your body, you want to really focus on earthly stuff, because a lot of the medicine is right in front of you. And the way you able to create soaps and moisturizers and things that of that nature from natural plants of God, you extract the properties from it. And anything that you see that's not coming from that, be aware of that. Because soap people love smell like they want something to smell like whatever. A natural strawberry peach cream and all this stuff. Don't get me wrong, yeah, it's cool that the soap and the lotion smells good, but that's not natural exfoliation. That's you don't want anything that has some type of scent to it that they had to add to it to say, hey, buy this because it smells like this strawberry raspberry cream or something like that.

Warning against Artificial Products

You got to stay away from stuff like that because it's really not good for your skin overall. And I know the women, hey, I love the woman with the great hygienes, but I know you got a lot of stores you go to and you love the smell and stuff like that. That is not natural. It's not at all. So you got it. You got to be aware just because it smell good. So as you walk in the store and you want to buy it is not great for your skin and you got to protect your pores. But the great thing about the skin, it can always tell you what your problems are. And doctor martyr was right, too, also about delivery. Because when you're not protecting those three main layers of your skin, you're going to start to have issues with your heart, your liver, your kidney and so on. And when you see people that have these issues, it all really starts from the inner layer, which is the hypodermis.

Consequences of Toxins

And those are fat cells, because your body have cells that can fight off the bad when it's trying to attack the body. But if you're putting in so much toxins and you're not flushing out, whether you are, you know, resetting your body or fasting or whatever the case may be, if you're not doing those things on a regular basis, when you come across certain foods and products for the skin or inside the body, those toxins will start to attack and penetrate through each layer of the skin, and then you'll start to see the response on the outside. And this is why we have a lot of common skin problems today in our society, especially in civilization, because a lot of it has to do with all these byproducts. Wonderful. So I want to remind people, as I was listening to always, that you've heard this from me before. And I will repeat myself until, you know, until I'm out of breath forever.

Detoxification and Toxins

But we have several excretory pathways where we, the body naturally detoxifies itself. One of them is through the kidneys. So toxins going through the kidneys. As the kidney is trying to get this stuff out of the body, there can be damage. The liver, same thing. The liver is trying to detoxify your body. It's a filtration system. And just like with any filter, you know, there can be an accumulation. If the liver gets overloaded and cannot get things out, there can be an accumulation there where the liver will just like, oh, man, I can't handle all this. Let me just store it or I'm going to send it out and let the body try to encapsulate it, deal with it, you know, the best it can. But I can only handle so much. Right. And then the breath as we exhale, a lot of times we are exhaling toxic things that the body just can't process any other way.

Toxins in Everyday Environment

Or it's, the body's just, that's where the toxins are. They'll be in the lungs. Just like always was saying. You go into like bath and body works and you're breathing in all these wonderful scents. Well, now all this stuff is trapped up in your respiratory system and your body's going to try to flush that out one way or another to try to get it to, you know, out before it hits your circulatory system, because that's where oxygen goes. It goes straight into your lung and then through the circulatory system. It'll carry toxins with it. If it can't get it out. That's what happens. Like cigarette smoking and different things. We're putting chemicals in to our lungs. It's going to get out into the bloodstream and be carried around the body. Another detoxification pathway is going to be through the saliva and the tears. Okay? So, you know, it'll accumulate in your mouth, it'll come out through your tears, and then the final excretory pathway is through the skin.

Skin as an Excretory Organ

I mean, when the body's like, you know, I don't know what else to do, let's just shove it out through the skin. But like you said, it can get trapped in the various layers of the skin. And now what we're looking and, you know, it'll come out through sweat and that kind of stuff. We can sweat out some toxins, but what we cannot sweat out, what will happen is like a sponge, it'll get trapped in these layers of our skin, and that's when we look at the rashes and acne and boils and, you know, all kinds of nasty skin stuff that happens. A lot of the autoimmune diseases affecting the skin, you'll start seeing these massive wounds open up, and, I mean, it can get really bad. It can get really ugly when there's circulatory problems. You've probably seen people who have, like, a lot of wounds or discoloration or just weirdness on the lower parts of their legs. That's a circulatory problem.

Circulatory Issues and Skin Health

The blood's not circulating well, and a lot of stuff is. Is can't get back up. You know, it goes down because gravity, but then it can't get back up. And a lot of these toxins will trap themselves in the lower legs of the skin, and we get all kinds of weird stuff that happens down there. So, you know, just know what the point is of all of that I just said is our body's trying to get rid of this stuff, but sometimes it's just overwhelmed. So it's our job to take control of this by not introducing toxins into our body. And as much as possible, it's. We can't 100% get rid of toxins in our environment, y'all. We can't. But we can make decisions, good decisions, about what toxins that we can control and do control.

Support for Small Businesses and Health Products

So I'm gonna. I'm gonna lay that right there. And always, yes, put your company link to your website where you sell your products down in the chat bubble, please. I am going to be also bringing in other people companies. You know, these are little mom and pop shops that are. That recognize these problems and have been really good about creating products for us that are clean and that are natural, that are. That are healthy. I'm talking with one right now that we haven't decided to date yet, but once we do, I'm going to have them come in, and what I want, and always, I want you to be there, too, if you can. Once I get a date and a time set up with them is to tell. Is to talk with us about what's the problem?

Understanding Solutions for Health Challenges

Why did they decide to do this? What are they seeing in our products that made them say, no, let's not do this? Let's come up with some solutions for people. You know, what prompted that? And what are those solutions? You know, why did they decide to use these ingredients instead of those ingredients in their products? And then, yeah, you know, if you want to buy from them, great, go buy from them. I mean, I love that. I think everybody who's coming up with solutions to our problems should be supported. So let's just kind of keep you guys keep your eyes out for that when I post that. And we'll try to, I'm going to try to get, if I can, I'm going to also, there's a cosmetic company on Twitter that I would love them to come in and talk about their lipstick and skincare.

Promoting Healthy Choices

I mean, I don't mind promoting good, healthy things, so, and I don't. And I know that some of them might be competing with each other a little bit, but what the point is to get that message of what's going on in our products that's causing problems and what those solutions are. So, Doc Martin. Yeah. My eyes are not on the screen. Who have we got next there? And always, I love you. Thank you for coming in. Thank you. I love you, too. I appreciate it. Yes, thank you. That was fabulous information. I just so appreciate that. Next, we're going to go to african journey. Good morning. How are you? Yes, good morning.

Importance of Skin Care and Health

I ordered some always on Shea butter. I probably see my skin on there. That is actually my skin. That is not a filter picture. But I don't drink, I don't smoke. I don't do a lot of things to create those problems. I spent a lot of time doing sauna and drinking a lot of water, eating foods. I'm glad you brought up foods because that is so important. Our toxicity starts with our gut and what we're ingesting in our bodies. So when I do agree with Fred's space, sometimes it gets a little dicey. But we have some good co hosts in there that police it up to get people to listen and really get some help. Just within the maybe month and a half I've been there, I've been able to take some tools, and I have a vast amount of knowledge in nutrition and food service. And these guys really know what they're talking about. And we need to learn how to help people.

Community and Nutritional Challenges

I really am this country. People are suffering right now, especially like communities I come from in Miami Dade County, a lot of the areas are set up for failure. They don't have any fresh farms or things like that. They have chicken stands and fast food and liquor stores. They don't have a fresh garden that they can go to. And then our education system is not telling our kids what to eat. I would just share it. I personally work side by side with the former first lady, Miss Michelle Obama, on her initiative on the lunch program. And that was one of the things I took from her, that she was very passionate of fixing what our kids are getting in school, the nutrition. Because this, if you even see it now, you see these kids, some of them look like adults because of the hormones and the stuff that is put in these products, these mass products. I think it was the doctor or maybe the whole, a lot of things that are put out there is for mass production so they can get more people to buy it and it can stay longer.

Health Education and Adverse Reactions

But there's a counteractive to doing that. Everything that is in there could be toxin to your body. And we don't want to put toxicity in our body and especially for our kids. I know I'm flying my plane all over the place, but I got invited to the space. I'm going to follow the host and the co host because we need to glean off each other, especially in the time we ingested, to take care of ourselves. And if we have people that are called to. I know for Leon, you, I want to give him some cash out money for the things that he's been able to help me with just in the past couple of weeks. We have people that are doing this for free. And I just think with all of the things that are free that are toxin, if you just turn on your tv, there's a lot of free stuff that's toxin. You know, it's time we even that out with people that are giving blessings to keep us not just surviving, but living.

The Need for Change in Nutrition Education

I know this is about health, but health involves so much more, and we can't educate our kids with bad data. So, miss, that makes sense, missy. Absolutely perfect sense. And what I was, you know, even way before COVID talking about that very thing, how the FDA is not regulating the corporations, that they have been captured by the corporations, that they are funded by the corporations. They want to go work for the corporations, making a lot more than they're making at the FDA. So they have to be nice to the corporations and kiss their corporate butts. When I was talking about this, people like, no, our government would never do that. They would never allow this to happen. You're wrong.

Concerns About Health Data Reliability

But you do what nurses are supposed to do, missy. Educate. That is one of the main things that nurses are supposed to do is to educate their patients. Well. We can step outside of that. We could educate a lot more people. But like you said, if we've got bad information because of these fraudulent studies, what are we teaching people? Look, before I woke up as a nurse, or even after I was awake, what I noticed is that what the. What CMS, you know, Medicare was telling us to teach people about opioids, and this was after the opioid epidemic had exploded. It was all over the news.

Natural Remedies and Health Trends

So Fred, like, kind of flipped the logo and see health wars you know, because that's where the real war is. And that's what people got, understand? It ain't bombs and missiles. It's biochemical. They get putting foreign invaders in your. In your body, in your earth. But I'm a land right there. Thank you. Thank you, Leon, I'm so happy you came in and. Yeah, I do. I remember you from the early days of spaces. Absolutely. I would hang out in Fred's spaces a lot more back then and just hang out and listen, and he would get into stuff like flat earth, and I'm like, what do you mean?

Experiences and Insights on Health

People think they were this flat? I was just like, what? So I learned. I've learned a lot about other topics from Fred, and he's in here. We're going to get to your hand, Fred. Hang out. Well, all I can say to Leon is amen and hallelujah, buddy. Preach it. That was great. And, Fred, I don't know why I follow you, and I repost your stuff all the time, and all of a sudden, it said that I wasn't following you, so I followed you. So I would be honored if you would follow me back. I like your.

Personal Transformations and Reflections

Your things that you put out, and I'll be sure to be looking for your spaces. You know, isn't it neat? Because I can't remember who was talking about it earlier. I think it was African that, you know, we develop communities, and sometimes our communities bump up against each other, but we don't really mix and mingle, and we need to start mixing and mingling anymore. More. More. Excuse me. Can't even speak today. I have a hat that has a flamingo, and it says, let's flamingo.

Summary and Calls to Action

So I think we need to start doing more of that because we all have the same purpose, and that's to educate. And remember, one of the best ways that you can educate people is not only sharing, you know, the spaces and the information you come across, but when you give gifts of what you make or what you buy to people that maybe mock you or not, are open to it or think you wear a temple hat, show them that yours is designer by giving them a gift so that when they try it, they go, oh, wow, this is good. I see a difference.

The Start of Health Conversations

I was in there. You bet. Yeah, we're talking about crazy stuff. But I, you know, all the conspiracies always start from, I've noticed that all conspiracy starts from health first. So you want, you want to have an open eye of anything that you hear. Until you start taking care of your health, that's when you start seeing things clearer and. Yeah, so what I wanted to say was, everything is reversible. Don't, don't let them lie to you and say that these so called quote unquote diseases are nothing. Reversible. That is a lie. You know, just think about it. If everybody's healthy in the world, how can they strive, you know, they live off of this. Doctors live off of this. The two top criminals of the world are the ones that wear the lab suits and the politicians, and that's a fact. The politicians are the ones that are telling us to go get these vaccines and the doctors are there just giving it to us. That's like, you know, that's like drug dealers out in the streets. Everybody, everybody telling somebody else where to go get the better drug at. So there's no difference. Yeah, so everything is reversible.

Fighting Health Issues

I don't healed two people so far. My health journey with type two diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, all of that stems from inflammation in your body. Inflammation starts from the things that you're putting in your body, all this fake food. Sugar, especially sugar. Sugar is one of the main things that put inflammation in your body. And you know, it's not going to happen. You know, year, two years, or three years over the years. If you're consuming these things, your body starts to, you know, your body, you know, it was designed to fight these things, but at some point, it is going to give up if you continue to consume the things that you're consuming. And that's when these diseases start popping up. These diseases just don't pop up. You just don't wake up and have cancer that's been building up from all the years of you consuming this garbage food that, you know, they put in front of our faces. It's just so funny how the creator has created these things. You know, like the creator knew these things will happen, so he created a herb or fruit to combat these diseases. You don't think about that, like every disease is a, this a fruit or a herb that would heal you from that disease. That's not, it didn't just happen like that.

Changing Our Relationship with Food

You know, I'm saying it was created. It was built just the way it was built because the story was written, you know, it was written and this is the way it has to go. So, you guys, the thing is with a lot of people is that people have relationships with these foods. I don't know why. And it's just so hard to tell somebody, oh, you know, this is bad for you. They'll, you know, they'll fight. They fight. They'll fight you for that. No, this is not bad for you. I've been taking it for years. Okay? So, you know, it's just the relationship, same thing with politicians. People have relationships with these politicians. They believe everything they say and everything that they do is going to be good for them. And once they dare, everything turns around. Sour. Never goes the way they say it goes. But health is the number one thing where we're having big health and mental health issue in this world. I want to say in the United States, as we can see, the crazy stuff is going on. All that stems from health and mental health is nothing more, nothing less.

Addressing Mental Health

And once we start attacking that and start fixing that, then everything will be fixed. But if nobody want to attack that and nobody want to try to fix it, then everything's going to be the same, you know, so that's why I started pushing this health thing, you know, further, because I'm into the health thing myself. I'm a certified herbalist, so I really do a lot of research. I really do a lot of work behind just posting and being on Twitter or X, if you want to call it whatever you want to call it. So these are the things that I'm trying to practice. I had a long time friend, actually, he's one of my best friends growing up. He just reached out to me yesterday. He's saying that he was diagnosed with diabetes, and he's getting the worst diabetes because it's messing with his eyes. So his vision, and that's one of the worst diabetes you can get when it starts messing with your vision because you can go totally blind. So, you know, I gave them the blueprint on how to combat against that. You know, it's not really up to me. I can only teach you how to bring you to the water. I can't force you to drink it. You know what I'm saying?

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