Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space 暴落相場勉強会 hosted by trader_hashang. Delve into the world of investment strategies and stock market analysis with ???????. This space offers valuable insights into charting techniques, theoretical stock prices, and the contributions of Vtuber and IT engineer investors. Attendees benefit from monthly webinars, beginner's stock guides, and expert advice on navigating the stock market. Explore the intersection of technology and finance while honing your investment skills through practical applications and real-world examples. For more information, contact hashang@gmail.com.

For more spaces, visit the Trading page.

Space Statistics

For more stats visit the full Live report

Total Listeners: 93


Q: What topics are covered in the monthly webinars?
A: The monthly webinars delve into investment strategies, market analysis, and charting techniques.

Q: How do Vtuber investors contribute to the space?
A: Vtuber investors offer unique perspectives on investment and engage with audiences in the stock market realm.

Q: Why are theoretical stock prices important for investors?
A: Understanding theoretical prices helps investors assess stock valuation and make informed decisions.

Q: Who can benefit from the beginner's stock guidebooks?
A: Novice investors can gain foundational knowledge and insights from the beginner's stock guidebooks authored by the expert.

Q: What role do IT engineer investors play in the stock market?
A: IT engineer investors bring technological expertise to investment strategies and analysis, enriching the space with innovation.

Q: How can investors improve their charting techniques?
A: Investors can enhance their charting skills by learning from professionals, attending webinars, and utilizing technical analysis tools.

Q: How can individuals access the ??????? resources?
A: Interested individuals can reach out via email to hashang@gmail.com for more information on the investment content and educational resources available.

Q: Why is it beneficial to engage with investment experts in the space?
A: Interacting with investment experts provides valuable insights, tips, and guidance for navigating the stock market effectively.

Q: What distinguishes the charting techniques discussed in the space?
A: The charting techniques focus on practical applications, real-world examples, and hands-on exercises to improve stock analysis proficiency.

Q: How can attendees apply the knowledge from the webinars in their investment strategies?
A: Attendees can leverage the knowledge gained from the webinars to enhance their investment decision-making, analyze market trends effectively, and improve their portfolio management.

Q: In what ways do Vtubers contribute to the investment discussions?
A: Vtubers bring a fresh perspective to investment dialogues, engage with diverse audiences, and create engaging content around stock market topics.


Time: 00:15:42
Exploring Investment Strategies Insights on effective investment approaches and risk management.

Time: 00:25:11
Charting Techniques for Stock Analysis Learning how to interpret stock charts and technical indicators.

Time: 00:35:30
Vtubers in the Stock Market Understanding the role of Vtuber content creators in investment discussions.

Time: 00:45:18
IT Engineers as Investors Exploring how IT professionals apply technical knowledge to stock market analysis.

Time: 00:55:27
Authoring Stock Guidebooks Insights into writing educational material for beginner investors.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights on investment strategies and stock market analysis.
  • Understanding theoretical stock prices and monthly webinars.
  • Importance of charting techniques in stock market analysis.
  • Roles of Vtuber and IT engineer investors in the stock market.
  • Authoring beginner's stock guidebooks for over 10,000 copies.
  • Email hashang@gmail.com for more information on 暴落相場勉強会.
  • Exploring the intersection of technology, Vtubers, and investment.
  • In-depth discussions on stock market fundamentals and trend analysis.
  • Value of monthly webinars for educating investors on market trends.
  • Enhancing stock analysis skills through charting and technical tools.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Message

Kumawa hashandes kono raibua kugatuniju hatinichi no borax mato kai sai sate master kiridamo mamir sama doyobi we are done. This never kick one of sagittata magaruka konoma maikoto isai mas they were the snake maniki masna kuniju and Katachini Monode miruto or someone nana sang yonaju it mason there madani saying you have minus rokupa granas.

Discussion on Content

And I can atomos get all kupa koita kuruto mosen nari masan and so you cannot say ariyoto. You go to this nematodo in aikanato hi commentary dymas and so stay hayash kazesan sakurano YouTube. YouTube mommy not the masander my space and hold them on my cure. What is name? They are the commento YouTube. My YouTube ninga machoto magic to imagine.

Further Thoughts

But I hand okay but kabuka chato natama scared more mahatika tunnel nikkagu chika kumai sang arimas and carry tore sagita sagi mashta yasna masama goju roku desk sangha madiaga nipa viago sato you took someone to somebody say onaji sweet mother nibanzokoga kimash de nibanzo kuga saman roxane Digressaman oxenai Mother Tato Makon majimin dono sonos and marimasaki mukai dashu yokara makoni kohana takai sangha katzon and so news to kaka data oitomoski dot this name so no mamoto moto no whether sanga yeah gay but kaifukuto mama hobo yoma gunji madam ariki ma chotone makitai sanko de agitate and kanataine etokarima so regama kita hasan grey kanato masked no children makono atari nana sand I know mama sagiru kano sega aruto nakatari masande masagi naru kano say galimas you no more.

Reflection and Denial

But dekidai was tony height denying. Hi mata commento fukasang irashema say hi fukasang imasana meta nights konagai ma wakanda my pascus no yoing arunade mayapa ichiban kihonarunova kawasi no bora konoki kagata nichigi no diagido do america go past and image chibanju yona tokoro no mango my yoso matada say kito kunohova infidel tuski takes hakeru tamini ari masked on and so you destiny and so you joki to shannon.

Closing Remarks

Joking you joky so no influence not shigen kakakuka mask so you know my nikonagatari to gatunesayama daikono kanato you to sneak on a cytone like it my shibasanga, you can come. Yeah. Nagata worry and changa jaman and ode keshimas kane chuto matrion jump to kora takana to kurikana gi chakana jaminto so size and masonde skiddo so sai sangati joker nandana jimin toga so sai sango nestru hameri natanokato you tokuru masorega desna makotini nagasna kisida shokin my kisha sandesky but higher mind jimintoya not the udoma kisha san no shijiri no thank you.

Final Appreciation

Madame know so size and ni to you go to the Emma matsugino rita ni maka seroto you ho. Thank you. The jimin to God so you kitsudango you koto snare the koreama kisasan no sugar moyatamasiane sugar jamon.

Introduction to Discussions

Yeah. Tagatomas and sugar snake to butch night. You and eschedo they makisha samosasan mama kojin taking a showcase, you know mamoto atoni naranaito sadamara naito monsieur she's like thank you yarino shima short to koroka sona kanji maxan no kataka sneha also konsunika get agape sangha sanga keko stikitan makonokatan Abhisan noma kokeshamida Madochi or you know, katana mayaskuni jinjanja manijunin so not just mountain kanji mado abes and no kokesha abyss and no worry son of a mat.

Continuing Thoughts

They are the most jun and gura yatan tokanever. Not the smart data don't so homemade bank your state chanto or debate tonight demo take the night. Moto moto candy ganai mascomi niki maso natama kanji makono sanga masmato. You can snare and skiddo masono jo kyoto shut his name. My apart is named hyo gin ho and Nanaju Tatum skiddo. But telepito damage my harris name.

Elaborate Narration

Roxkato the ema koisumi sanuria skiddo nema ishibasano mako nandanakati thank you mad jose moika uragana said and sell they ma so you moika so you hanashi mo t and nkyo otos has a ted snake gardenikasangayamaru neskara thank you nikasa mini dosangara thank you mama katananti natanzanai kanati masona kanzako NATO shirot you know kai sakunama jimin dot size and no send but sonani varu kata skunai so coronari mascara I told you to coroni narimaskara sneha donut and ishbashoku ni natas nay so mamo gaming modesto oma joko don't I guess again no that they go to my hari kanka mondeskonoma Sunday my ma keko nikazi shihon shaki say to boom by tokati masa manga sanghaniki saikai fukimo there masama saying yang sagati gura you know kabuka girakun nata masio to you to koro so I sang atanoga nishu kunichni sorida jino yokanano there emma so karazuto sagatz kaka sagittamas to you kanji matua but I showed snatchini modoshimas toddis nay mahano koka kishashokunas nengura tami shatan mako t me agarida stanwa corona koruni kosha guy hangura kuni kisa shokuno sambanyanga corona coroni benji so KK gamora nihonidasundani honkyo no and yes so samagari masha turnago jindari masanda mama dotoma kija sangaja jin toshkyo timing my ipod sonok Katosi sne mazani nagara choto mother as Sangari son and schedule but so no kogama kiki on a simple akuma kenkai but kishanto onajka nine ishibasante banga kishi sanya salani majiminto matoma thank you.

Cultural Insights

The custom in you are mahotani kyoto mosul say sako nine giga de karak karino dankai naruto madhavaji thank you. The Kastokayarunyamo Ishiba Sanchana Joka Juni Dekiro Masai Kara Naruto Kangai Kanato Monode Makariga Mutka Shinjana Makorana Commentos and Mioxa in the show Correga Arukarane Sakimonanga Sakit Sakata Ima Jimin Donakarandana Soria Dekina Yoto Basokoma kanga kai sakuni Korean and yes, and some of the guys and there's a shijo ga nikita Mikiri Hashade Agatan oga Hagarita Hakarita Motor Motono startled samba Kujukuni so notorious Antono Kanki Master Narina and nichigi no makanji nano there kokua hokaga nichigging no man yarikataga ma choto matakadato yokatana oiso tokataramaki more mature photo jitsugatakai sandosagan in and commando desna your kita you know hantino kangai snake jitsu gansta akuzaikana patan to serve so stay in Akuza nominal borac so stay Akuza konokumiyas and narandasai donor don and the scat table snare but Kinono Yoruna America Shijo Sagittan Manihon Chikan the Katani and NASA Kwari Sagita Maskedo dao Haiki and Sandozekai dojika kataniku tene so ishibasanga jimintono on a so signing nahu kano sagar the day to Steva Chodone kisses Asanga and Satokino kisses ankaridosokne kochika hakono sangha Masari Kong hate but then stay oppositionokato nichigi matai masonde but just signing my cure for the sagittarius mandakarama but judge signing mother Diman brothers then he honey but Jisani Konotoki Koji Mascarana Ken said to kane daroto Santa Kanji Nanodes but Jitsug Masom Justin Americano Tosang was the conden Sabu primrom sorry mother hoka a not sabha nata Masio Madakara naga beta okay so nayez you kill mother who cut the night to kini joky nagabi Tato Corona so Masori Mahontani Sagani Hakshaga Sangatoni hakit Masimira ken sangha to Kamako Irima sakiri tomorrow kasoko kinisagita waking nina just nay sinuse Manoka Namokunasini Madoya Suhakumano joki manan tokate and know but mama tori influenza to kaga sote sarate and scared more kiki nadu yona monosugoi desna Corona tayyaku asayakunandago Mama mother Mashida mean not so it and sagittario Matada snake makunito kunino senso matashikani birunito masoto natero that tande kangai masono maverez oh man.

Concluding Remarks

King and Ima sagato. You took impact more. But Konama killer. Don't don this nakabuka mother. He's only called corona.

Technical and Home Setup

Toka makunka makokiyota skedo brakumande nanimonaku Technical akutaidh kono sagira sakito casano so makotirano home is nikkyo. Thank you.

Reflections on Position and Capability

Masakio saga hi duto manita gar and jana cannot, you know, say must got you know me as not kind of position. Nantes kanyama congo. Madison as handle the kurukara each outran. But that's not kaimo tamatirukano. So you start to take a uranite naru matokuni shiny otori kinama sasukani my. Someone go saying someone rocks and grace.

Thoughts on Choices and Mechanisms

Yeah, someone go saying that, you know, chosen or mashed no me as cannot show no sama isema sagiru captain I cannot think I said any ankari tori dot you know noga up there mananiga okotakati mechanism kutani masala kyoto saga America dana Johnny Bora Kush America saga so America sagiru know that images so Naruto America gasagi koyoto kega garden or the choice like this one.

Navigating Challenges

So there ganto sagittari stanho de mumia terutokini America ganta sagiruto nibanzoko Miniko kano said mango sangato mahato at this nay. So you must haku and sketo maneuver kuruto narima so kuma de kuruto is named Sagani Americani to sneakato kendra nikki sanwa kai guy. Okay.

The Importance of Connection

And so mega moshka kaho me had a kanka. Yes. Manihojiga was shinjo nan deskedoma so haku and keiko choking atomato hakitas to go and mana you know how moisha sangiba ma joho shoes and yo jar.

Maintaining Clarity in Communication

And so nakanji matada tinika hosu say any and I keto matto nobishiro and akunaru marino there masuko and I could so no nepar makunsanoamo nakunatakanato. You know, I mean.

Introduction to the Discussion

Sankara kokura master benky Osiko makono kuroka orita karamanekyo degimasani yamana. I can give you and Ikura chancellor kuni and Yasnhoe and Pagara Kamasir. And I say yoritzuki masan kirito.

Contextual Remarks

Jiminy. Quite a mina santo joho kyo. You state the snake and welcome Isamochika boyask. Take him. Bye.

Technical Challenges and Solutions

Oisho segue doto desktop but kai tito konkai yara position pampanda Korea with a titus can I don't kai hiko tori like it's challenges and arigato. I got a site higawari there fuxo toka kawtoka kawari on in Arimas image.

AI and Image Handling

AI assistant God so no images and kankana harasses tokonoji the mahato non kaika sne no sono naka did this nema to show kai noga emma kaimas and kung kaimo kaimes and Nanskero Kaimas and Hyrule.

Closure and Next Steps

Bye. A bay kokuga cookie. Tara. So now we there be kokuga Shibara chopra. Okay, guys. And sorry.

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