Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space 探索RWA赛道新趋势:房地产项目Propy X 预言机Chainlink,将为生态注入怎样的活力? hosted by PANewsCN. In this insightful Twitter space, the focus was on exploring the cutting-edge trends in Real World Asset (RWA) tokenization through the strategic collaboration between Propy and Chainlink. The conversation delved into the transformative potential of this partnership for integrating blockchain technology with real estate projects, enhancing data integrity, and injecting vitality into the ecosystem. Key takeaways highlighted the importance of partnerships, the role of innovative technologies, and the impact on sector-wide growth and adoption. PANewsCN's significant contribution to providing crucial crypto and blockchain insights in Asia was also underscored. The session emphasized the vital role of collaborations in reshaping the landscape of blockchain, driving innovation, and redefining traditional asset tokenization practices.

For more spaces, visit the Innovation page.


Q: What is the significance of Propy and Chainlink collaboration for RWA tokenization?
A: The partnership aims to revolutionize real-world asset tokenization by integrating cutting-edge oracle solutions.

Q: How could this collaboration enhance the ecosystem vitality?
A: By leveraging Chainlink's oracle technology, Propy aims to bring innovative solutions to the real estate sector, injecting dynamism and efficiency.

Q: What role does PANewsCN play in the crypto news landscape?
A: PANewsCN is an essential Asia-based news outlet providing valuable insights and research in the crypto and blockchain sphere since 2018.

Q: Why are partnerships crucial in driving innovation in the blockchain industry?
A: Collaborations like Propy X Chainlink are vital for bringing cutting-edge solutions and fostering growth and adoption within the blockchain sector.

Q: How might the collaboration impact the future integration of blockchain in real estate?
A: The partnership suggests a transformative approach to integrating blockchain solutions with real-world assets, potentially setting new industry standards.

Q: What are the potential benefits of leveraging oracle technology in real estate projects?
A: Integrating oracle solutions like Chainlink can ensure data accuracy, transparency, and efficiency in real estate transactions, enhancing trust and security.

Q: How can collaborations between blockchain projects and oracle solutions drive sector-wide innovation?
A: Partnerships like Propy X Chainlink have the potential to push boundaries, introduce new functionalities, and expand the application of blockchain in diverse industries.

Q: What sets Propy X Chainlink apart in the RWA tokenization landscape?
A: The collaboration showcases a forward-looking approach to bridging real-world assets with blockchain technology, offering unique possibilities for asset tokenization and data integrity.

Q: In what ways can collaborations like Propy X Chainlink shape the future of the RWA sector?
A: Strategic partnerships play a pivotal role in redefining traditional asset tokenization by infusing innovation, efficiency, and security into the RWA ecosystem.

Q: How does PANewsCN contribute to the dissemination of blockchain knowledge in the Asian market?
A: PANewsCN's longstanding presence and commitment to providing accurate and insightful crypto information have positioned it as a key player in fostering blockchain awareness and education in Asia.


Time: 00:15:42
Propy and Chainlink Collaboration Announcement Discover the strategic goals behind the partnership and its potential impact on RWA tokenization.

Time: 00:25:18
Real Estate Integration with Chainlink Oracles Insights into how real estate projects can benefit from Chainlink's oracle solutions for data accuracy and reliability.

Time: 00:35:55
Ecosystem Dynamism through Innovative Partnerships Exploring how collaborations like Propy X Chainlink inject vitality and innovation into the crypto ecosystem.

Time: 00:45:30
Future Landscape of Real Estate and Blockchain Integration Discussion on the transformative potential of Propy X Chainlink partnership for real-world asset tokenization.

Time: 00:55:12
Role of PANewsCN in Asia's Crypto News Sphere Unveiling the contributions of PANewsCN in providing valuable crypto insights and research in the Asian market.

Time: 01:05:48
Innovation Drive in the Blockchain Sector Exploring the importance of collaborations in driving innovation and advancement in the blockchain industry.

Time: 01:15:20
Revolutionizing Real-World Asset Tokenization Insights into how Propy X Chainlink collaboration could revolutionize the tokenization of real-world assets.

Time: 01:25:11
Adoption and Growth in the Blockchain Ecosystem Analyzing the role of strategic partnerships in fostering adoption and sustainable growth in the blockchain sector.

Time: 01:35:45
Implications for the wider Blockchain Community Exploring the potential implications of the Propy X Chainlink collaboration for the broader blockchain community.

Time: 01:45:29
Transformative Approach to Asset Tokenization Discussing how the collaboration sets new standards for integrating blockchain solutions with real-world assets.

Time: 01:55:36
Ensuring Trust and Security in Real Estate Transactions Insights into the benefits of using oracle technology like Chainlink for data accuracy and transparency in real estate projects.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the impact of Propy and Chainlink collaboration on RWA tokenization.
  • Insights into the integration of real estate projects with Chainlink's oracle solutions.
  • Exploring the potential enhancements in ecosystem vitality through this strategic partnership.
  • The significance of the collaboration for the future landscape of real estate and blockchain integration.
  • Insights on the role of cutting-edge technologies in reshaping the RWA sector.
  • The importance of news outlets like PANewsCN in providing valuable crypto and blockchain information in Asia.
  • The value of collaborations in injecting innovation and dynamism into the crypto ecosystem.
  • How Propy and Chainlink partnership could revolutionize real-world asset tokenization.
  • The role of strategic collaborations in driving adoption and growth in the crypto and blockchain space.
  • Potential implications of the Propy X Chainlink collaboration for the wider blockchain community.

Behind the Mic

Initial Greetings

You hello, William. Okay, dialogue and then jabbing as home you aha.

Discussion on Training and Challenges

The Tron and Jamie Hayes the teacher Jinhu Tanzu Rwa SATA Training Jamie Shanghai and Huawei Shaoxiandhe RW Said Rwa Found challenge how Pin J Shao Shatuba. Dajani Propagon Arling it Sin and Kai Judai Kai Fashan Ji Kaifa bin Jansel A woman the Web Sound Fan Changping Tai Jintian Fetang Xiaomanda Gongsu yes Woman Zuiya Mobile game Shun Chang and Kwaijian Dance Shouldangu Jawi Juban Jejong Woman the Webinars Workshops Coinbase Park Juanjia Chukal and Jeglini.

Twitch and Other Programs

Jinya Naia Kwali and Ling Yushangan Woman Twitch will CcIPi Jin bo and Shangha Torja Jisala Mano Hoko. Je gae Sugar but propishimano.

Real Estate and NFTs

Woman propaganda Pink title funds Real estate Digital certificate Fajanda Ganga Womanjohn Suzehanda Cinci Biro Faludo do ji Lu Dai Chukalanja Jamju Kui Trebao Jawida Toming Singh Trebao Ren her NFT Dosa Dinda Fanchan Guanye Bus Real estate Fancy Buffet Gomai Fancand Fractional ownership Fungus Pink Tai Movie Jiang Hua Fandichan Jaoi Liu chan Listing Jonega Fanchang Guapai Dao Zhao Yi Wanchenguachan Woman Baja Guach and Mega Buffet Kuhuda Fang Chan so Yo chan dial Wenjiandeh dance Smart contract Juno Jewel Kan Mose Buddha Namodo Jacob Jamie Prophy Ki Gong Sanga.

Governance and Automation

Xiamen governed profit automation no for Xing now Japanese. Tomi Xing Xiao Liu Bugal da Biru Jiaoi Chandang Minguanjian Liu Cheng Jong Hua Le Suyu Tongjan Jedae Kongdian chain link the centralized network user experience Daiwei who Jean J shop.

Reflections on Automation

Automation Nango said proper boundary Tong yeah. Jiggle don't butcher Higher Nata don't ponder the poop and you got shi cho now.

Cultural Discussions and Automation

Yeah, you know, but like Jesuits don't hua dance and jewish dancing the ego to share jigger Jiggle Jaob and shabbat and so j don't you that shirt now chilling automation leader Hanshu so Jiang Xing Sha Doyo do Shanghai automation only Zhao Yi the yiga chita Manzojian jihad is yeah.

Further Thoughts on Automation

Token jujan automation so automation duty.

Discussion on Liquidity Range

Jiang Tai Sito Rwa gunron Chudao Sangada Crypto David Yu sure so chan the liquidity range you. How the gang mano shinta way finish how? Yeah.

Sharing Information

To sure what JB and way to share Jade Rwankanya way and to shit now can I just leave you the doyle now. Jigger Yun Shibufan now I chan shang yeah D chan xiang yeah, sure. Tongue kwa chi jig shanghai the jig in we Tiger Ting Jigger chilling the jigger Sudan Hua na jigger tsudonghajo kia jigger dada Jiang huai jiho niki the Shi jianba Juno Na Jian Huan and Hua Jigger Jungle Jiao Yi Zhong so xiao the jig Na Jiang kojoho Munchian Zucchini Chomp and Jiang Zhao Yih Nango Pizza Cashier Georgia Tongo Jiggle website don't seem jiggle connection sure Daojinya which were daddy and darling?

Focus on Defi and Properties

The jigger dad be holding Jigger Tongjang takana Jinjong ruler Jigger Defi and so ta bucha kikan tai so jiya so tia died, so Tai Ji shanki and you try now just try defi and jam property to nada artist Showy Zhang D or the phone yeah, so don't see so at the time you found quill jill you. How the sister foundation woman should probably the Manoji woman.

Discussing Digital Contracts

Profit one day woman Digital Fundichang sum smart contracts Biancho fascinating mega Guadia the gujoid Gundoli so Chang Lu Dong Singh Jungle Bandagan Zangyo Bendigan Zoyo Foundichang Jiaoi Gu piao zai shujian Zhong Zhao Huan Yang luhan quat. Mano tiraji Monopoly and we can sure some of the power, yeah Ruben Nishan Dao Jewfen so dialed t shirt but SPV the ego Tongjang now Jaco don't see them naive Tom in Huan and Jerusalem beating Nongo now Jed Bang now Jogua Banshee lens yeah, you jigger Tongzhou golden record Joshua Niwa Jin shi and some Joshua jigger token connection now then jiggle token ashore Jadon and you won can by iga since that is a dosh and now send a canon hua to share India but Tong John so taiyo yeah Ju shao yo na jigger Yo J died don't see muti hamil iga Wang shaniga banfa nanga yo cho nanga Darren kando is yeah nick proof reserve don't you taja Tong shah yo ru shada jiggle so titan don't see what you know you and puti now Shiva Joshua Nango tongue.

Addressing Customer Awareness

Hao Min Jamie training the foyer. Ruho ju shu jong probably JBM manual. Dandanga dancer Nancy woman proppy Junzai Jijong 20 range KYC know your customer.

Discussion of Financial Topics

Amlae anti money laundering and jishu digits and J outd idea jungle water Jerome sun ji banju Fanji chang rwa jingyo. Samuel shindai jiang shae. You should draw. Why Jason, it's a jiang the champion go jump now the designers make a household jazz automation like her and jigga fun China holiday Joe radar Jigger Fan Chan canon fashion now Jogo found the matter piano jigger shoot the connection. Don't you want it? Yeah, that jigger found China manager NFT just in time financing as I mean. So jig just in time jig financing.

Insights on Financing and Transactions

Jesus pay off for the short titanga Najiang song be sure and Xiao Zhang, Ko Kwali and Liu Dong sin the CCIP like the other junk food is. Yeah. chita mano Tida Jewelry control the jiggle transaction now Hogwarts Digital id Sandango Thai wutwanga jida jigger jiang xia nango tonga jihadi nango tiga tomindo yeah, so she had a shi and najian hajak and dada.

Cultural References and Personal Involvement

She's in our japanese Samuel woman led out to Hoiko Sando Jao Jinguan mutian Jung T RW Xiao then Chuan and true. Yeah. Buddha said Donna Fadani Ho Villa Dagger Chico CCD.

Discussion on Various Topics

Woman Dweller champion Gujungishu Ping Gujo Ip such woman Height Rwa D Five Pintang Singh Xiao Birshaw Jupiter Research the Bao Gao Dashwo Dowering Sun Lin Chukwa Leng Ji Mei Chung Bang Rajo Ethereum Jinron the Fanfa Gaucho Shube Ji Shuimotai Quite so woman Shiva Zuja Wang shiva Singh Hui Jin Gupi Pujan chukwe soil told the gun.

Transportation and Locations

Yeah, 20 miles Grandia Rwanda Jacob yeah holder Guanju Hachongo TVR Jiggle launch the show canon Lazy the Jega Juado Namutia Jega Tobias JCA with the I would Japan so you know Jesus Iojig Fancia now Daquan some Ko Chia champion trigger Channel Kona Huta you chief I got Tomindo Chief Nata Jigger John Tasho Jigger champion Nikon said to I got to showing we shall kind of jigger jungle Shu nia kanda jigger Dia Jung CMBs Jiang Xiao Guanju the Jig tongue Jimmy the tier Tia Shamuti now without yeah, try to find out.

Miscellaneous Remarks

Defi Bioshoe is here. Chicken natakana. Who is channel five? Etf etpennae how daja do. Yeah. Black Rocky kind of. Jeg Yun Liu chong yeah. Darika dalika jin ku takana Yika Sanko sang and exit the jewish bell Shiga don't see ni Sandoga belcher Tanika don't pyruvate iota kwan Lee Nasianchi website.

Casual Conversations

So. It would hang out.

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