Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space 出入り自由️X初心者勉強会スピーカーはDMグループリプでフォロワー️️️ hosted by asiu06161as. In this engaging Twitter space, participants shared life wisdom and discussed the influence of AI technology on creative works. Despite hardships like bankruptcy and health issues, the focus remained on positivity and personal growth. The community emphasized support, networking, and the importance of learning from others' experiences. By fostering a positive environment and sharing knowledge, individuals aimed at inspiring and empowering each other. This space served as a hub for newcomers seeking advice on X operations and for individuals eager to enhance their followership.

For more spaces, visit the AI page.


Q: How do life experiences influence one's perspective?
A: Life experiences shape individuals positively, fostering personal growth and resilience.

Q: What role does AI play in art and writing?
A: AI technology enhances creativity, enabling unique illustrations and textual content generation.

Q: How can one maintain a positive outlook amidst challenges?
A: Having a positive attitude contributes to enjoying life despite adversities.

Q: Why is community engagement essential for personal development?
A: Engaging with a supportive community fosters growth, inspiration, and shared knowledge.

Q: How can networking with experienced individuals benefit newcomers?
A: Networking with experienced individuals provides guidance, mentorship, and new learning opportunities.

Q: Why is it important to share wisdom and experiences?
A: Sharing experiences can inspire, support, and offer insights to individuals facing challenges.

Q: How can seeking advice from others help in personal struggles?
A: Seeking advice provides diverse perspectives and solutions, aiding in overcoming personal difficulties.

Q: What can individuals learn from others' experiences?
A: Learning from others' experiences can offer guidance and inspiration to navigate personal challenges.

Q: How does perseverance contribute to overcoming obstacles?
A: Perseverance and adaptability are crucial in facing and conquering life's challenges.

Q: Why is a positive environment important for personal growth?
A: A supportive community fosters personal development, resilience, and a positive outlook on life.


Time: 00:15:42
AI in Creative Works Exploring how AI is revolutionizing art and written content creation.

Time: 00:30:18
Personal Growth Through Challenges Discussing how overcoming difficulties can lead to personal development.

Time: 00:45:55
Mentorship and Networking Benefits Highlighting the advantages of connecting with experienced individuals.

Time: 01:00:29
Importance of Positive Outlook Emphasizing the role of a positive attitude in enjoying life despite obstacles.

Time: 01:15:17
Community Support and Inspiration How engaging with a supportive community can aid in personal growth and inspiration.

Time: 01:30:40
Sharing Experiences for Empowerment Encouraging the sharing of wisdom and experiences to empower others.

Time: 01:45:22
Learning from Others' Wisdom Gaining insights and guidance by listening to the experiences of others.

Time: 02:00:11
Persistence and Adaptability in Life The importance of perseverance and adaptability in facing life's challenges.

Time: 02:15:37
Creating a Positive Environment for Growth How a positive and supportive environment contributes to personal development.

Time: 02:30:25
Seeking Advice and Diverse Perspectives The benefits of seeking advice to gain new perspectives and solutions.

Key Takeaways

  • Life experiences shape one's perspective positively despite challenges.
  • Utilizing AI for illustrations and text generation showcases technological creativity.
  • Overcoming adversities like bankruptcy and health issues can lead to personal growth.
  • A positive outlook contributes to enjoying life daily despite difficulties.
  • Engaging with a supportive community can help in personal development and growth.
  • Long-term perseverance and adaptability are key in navigating life's obstacles.
  • Sharing wisdom and experiences can inspire and support others facing similar challenges.
  • Networking with experienced individuals can provide guidance and mentorship.
  • Seeking advice from others can offer new perspectives and solutions to personal struggles.
  • Learning from others' experiences can help individuals facing similar difficulties.

Behind the Mic

Initial Interaction

are it kyodo costo not nata. Nakasai? So coming. Up. That's good. And. Yeah. And up in Hogan has you got me. Adi nakanakana nakti pasoko saki not is God. Yeah. And I of this minus and cuny song dobie song nagato kyung song Kumbama. Darino daratos nagatanokana. Disco one night.

Conversations On Life

What a season. No darigo to nagatinaito. Sankasan to snagatidu the show samo kumbana kumba. Makukakira there medicine and host of Tokyo hostel and Dochi Mosadde Nakata. I come to stay. This is mokunai. Tata psychiatri majimani mano. What are ya? Can I kara? What are ya? Can I help you? Mataria sakala soon. And you need to do. What I masio. Jamu daisu kunshu daish sara no puts kagatio ken sanu in this.

Further Exchanges

Mojakpas. And mato Japan motor. Motor disco. not the monoga. Yeah. Kosito yuka seeka samui katisha hako. Yeah. Good at kick. Junk and such an. Enda junk and more. I know. Asano asan so natural are you season the sketo me I know as you have to meet up night karate cookie. Hey. Mata kita jingana bushes and nandi mundi sake.

Discussions on Daily Life

Ut you know the kite no marisa hoshi no marisa. Kumbawa. Kotuano spacewa space in nadimasu. The eto anode. Don't, don't. Hari to kiss aside no deposit you don't know postal mother nano happy night you sabbath nondegan. So yeah, so yeah, so this uni to do. Yeah, so kumadi mukakawa. It's a man united to be quizzed into Sinoc.

Administrative Tasks

She's. Somebody so you can dismiss. Oh juicy mate and speaker you know space night ayashi kata igai horo haku itashi mas mantem. Those are minasa Derek. Even though guy there was a mass. Mickey son psyche. So some nakasimus. More. Naruto narima. Psychiatristed. Tori keshi deposto. Torikeshi deposto. So Mita and a kanji narrow.

Conversations on Money Matters

Deposit on hi so minus and seriously posto nokosutoka hannah. So it must. Don'T be shit. They put a mobutomo diputama bogmo boshand. I know, but you know who gambata should. Come. Mine is you got to tie him. And if you took so he has a night 29 day so long. You must sang your reputation.

Cultural Connections

So she was a show san minasama kumbama ayashi mustang amona. Okado hayoki. Okai maneukisa oyuki okay. She must deva dewa mokua said itadai mas okay. Shiva omakasemasima. Tune something tune the indiscani say you this. So she hachi sanwa has met deva naida.

Social Media and Outreach

Sudisco nine dog is nita food snake. Now shadowban not that you are a katan desk. And disco. Yeah. Ano sisigiga ariano spama account hi. Tanjikani. Yeah, but do you kaka chapter shadowba. Nikai tomone psychino kiko kazu nanimasa. Ima kochikara.

Conversing about Challenges

Can other one that gives? I know shimmy ekoso nandana. Chimika. So shimmy in the gara. I know aru san sega as you samaskin and skidasio the Korea iman moshe. Muna now push your mad sano. Yeah. Korea space notoki then water to me not kakuni masuno dana danika so commando me don't.

Discussions on Commandos

Command one. I don't know commando tune canal maybe. Maybe commando shire cannot shire no. So you name me I did. A. Madonna kim sakamadoni so no commando. Yeah, in tao so since commando and you do hana shiga de kin I know the dani this commando the ad and I.

Exploring Connections

Deepukomo kono dipuno commando gurana yohodo I know naka yokonariba stereo guinea but. No kitty toki masio oh commander giran to Kai that's my discus. Anospecommando to connect so dariga space here commando the mirror ask on the mirror. So. You to the Gina children and live host my year nana my sasu YouTube or library chanto yatrade.

Navigating Digital Spaces

Kuta son you have to remus know that you must TikTok marinda NASA ten this name narukana YouTube. Deposit banana bookman Karimas hashtag meet stock and hashtag as an opposite itachimas. That's what I must. Show it as. Good, good. Nishino hoka katagane good doctor that show.

Evaluating Experiences

Nah. Nanaji natoji can toka non to yum kokala. Tongue. Tongue. Don't. Don't sound. Cannot. Good afternoon. Asuka. Met chakra. She know. There was amosity. I want you. And I get you, man.

Reflections on Relationship Dynamics

I would. Like to you got the name Mama Kazefki masio Nipuliski Imanization. Shut up. Yari. Masano nandim no jingasan jingas naka. I can, I can disconnect. Mono Shaurus and say attendant shallow shiro garo guru goode kuru.

Expressions of Happiness

Nayo nakazaka koeno kanasuni masion. Derek Nagacha size atohuta nigue happy. And the cordoing happy google I don't know are, you know, ponte equals to give mascara. Nanigan nanny eat and sama no keta eat and some jam.

Communicating Across Tech and Daily Life

You know. You know. This put in the monash you got and you got a mum. Then to go there, you got a good. I got the conjo. But, you know, gonna book but. Kote no, it didn't. Nanimo exhibit go imayotimo psiko mantoka.

Commentary on Safety and Behavior

Mantoka. So you know how shima they use demo you don't. Yeah, but yeah, because so safety. Notan you are boguno kwashkata to use and. You are. Sense. Yeah. Ten so.

Pondering on Protocols

So you want to talk naikal nakanakani. Minasano sarah to yeah. The Monsanto senses to yeah. The monitor nicotini moikaso kunsa monica so e cannot, you know. Namay dash masankaru sankashokana sankasho saron the attendo and Nikasho.

Insight on Disciplines

Nikasho sankashoka sanka. So hi moimas. Yeah. Apollo Sadwa follow sadwada for okai master consistent. You go, you go. So you go testament. Yeah.

Continuation of Dialogue

So no say you sandiska. Yeah. So you. So you cause horror. Shimas Yaroshiko ita shimasima so nagarikudasai kimuti gotta digest your name. You and you got the mania hik.

Community and Digital Interaction

So Nari desona to this name most. People digita Toshokara Toshua that's kanakatanda mia cuth and mazaka shira. Samata hinda toku hinatoko Jamaica adobe. Giri kenna nano the high tardetary adventure bonichime.

Synthesizing Thoughts

Go. Oh. Mitchisan Chato GPT Jikuru. That's good. Ashi sanjimo narat chatoji and GPTO washed. Mara. Wasn'T this. Yeah. So that's your kai.

Concluding Remarks

Mitch and Kundi mascasago chigao kata chindaru karani and chose a Kenya. Pretty nice. Oh, so. This was a space and I know sanka sassetti sounds good.

Reflections on Artistic Expression

As what konamo and depositor like mashta. Oh. Yusan Asakasana Yosan Nanaman Kuro Nanamanka Coco Sotoka deeper. Monosui Kandi masuna YouTube has since you thought oshkiga masika muska snake photo sugar signal guys master.

Exploring Online Presence

Kai chatter book what channel? So I know sabu kadena deepa jiguna and so. You know, got there and omika keshaki kashmasa more and like yeah. Canton like. Krista Gano saying I meta kill two years native kaitara.

Narratives of Personal Growth

So go kai to kimasa silaka. Sorry to kanye bogo nanoka donoka poroba only guys must tell you so she run in my group and addiction and atomic so imagine I get on it. Kikone kono samani danko jiji majiji diana.

Recalling Past Relationships

More bogombas and Otoshi Mukashi. Mukashi Mujiva keto taking Nagai. Know each iro ken savasuru kera the mo soro sono ken saga so naga tonight imandemic oh, dear.

Thinking Through Personal Stories

Naka you. You namay noka story you chance and you Sandovini. You can son Tina. Yeah.

Using Dialogue for Connection

Copy paid typing. Hi. Stero nagara was I must have only canceled. Sokuma. Yeah. Mahon and commando day and medical.

Reflections on Modern Interactions

Yeah, but. Yeah. Pasako no God, you know. Yeah, yeah. Say Tokyo kishina dakota and small. So they shown.

Maintaining Relationships

Me to motives because you can. Yon junior came down. So you immediately go back. Yeah.

Conversations about Identity

Typing on. You came okay. To the cure then she was my style, the image. What does you know. Sorry.

Reactions to Current Events

More bogo typing. No hoga haya gojira sami horrible. Haku. That's all. That's gojira samajitiska.

Final Thoughts

So much time on this same fit is good. I can. What. Some rose and don't get an octa. Yeah. Demoni nandamunai. But you go take, you know, naka don't.

Understanding Attitudes

Mind. It. You can just, So you know. Aragorism ogar on the Sony taboo bogota. Yeah. Story post to mojari no kyonakata tanamo.

Final Reflections

So you not just. You can just mustn't. I chop and I did. Masio choban the dusto kia namba sam. Yeah. So no chobanous person and single kakimasu.


That's katakotonidis.

Program and Group Discussion

Katakuri must kai maskanji kakiba in the nap they wakati. Yeah. Atomica. Chatto gp so rikai stick that echo supposed to. In your depositoka posto in a masamune atamaga marana. Program. Sorry guy. No. Yeah. So I thought Microsoft Neto karani group, kumoso group the akai tetanus and I bado guru no. Guru gaddasha as you sandeep yonder.

Working Relationships

Mokae. Yeah. So you working like, and I know. That's all this. Hi. I gotta say maka sensei. Sonosani sonistan. But. Most casara is a mind to. Write, but yeah. But supposed to send to the. To sorto impula isama account.

Account Details

I petrosha. Petrosha. Mask. I, Something means some followers. The kimafi. Song. Miracle. Ningen no monocoto entices. I said take a liking. You cause her. You cause I must call. Mikasuki. Mikasuki Mikasu Kisan.

Creative Comments

Kumbhai. Masters Kaishima. And Banato YouTube Chandelier. School touch Nanda Psyche no bit naikamo. Diamond psyche are auto degree sabah otamina kana non disconnected.

Coaching and Discussion

Coach. Put on kitamunu that of. Resurrection jik so. Hati who naidakara. Okay, so yeah. My mosnia you something about you the kitoki nothing.

Communicative Interactions

Mitchi sanga. Yeah. Oshi kuti. Told you. Thank you, sheikh. On. Thank you, Sheikh. Yes. No, man. No.

Addressing Questions

Hardiman you could. Yeah. So don't do it to the taka. Then you have. Anokatani choctaw. Yeah, yeah. So is it ohana sinati has this, like that. Was.

Material Discussions

And could you that tai shut amoy material to that? You got to listen. At a story. I know. Bogo safaka. Yeah. And Derek.

Continuing Conversations

Yeah. To ticker Moses. So she got. And sabukataritoka, but yeah. So san kumba nai horriba mountain. That sort as you gotta iga.

Data Analysis

Yeah. Analytics. Analytics. USA. Hasima master guided Masai Matera. Okay. She must.

Clarifying Statements

That's what I said. but. Nondom shadow but not. So juice and kind of a young guy and go kai goes about the mask.

Final Remarks

Yeah. Atomor Koshato. Kakai is the mosquito. You know. Kino no yatsu. Kino yatsu and kotorakai tenua namanya kito kotaraka community.

Community Engagement

Oh, so yeah, but has since you cannot. So sketch my time around community that Andre Mawa and you know.

Motive and Understanding

You know that, you know. Yeah. The motive. Nayo and national kingdom. National Kingdom.

Deep Insights

I could name it my. Deep and don't know. So don't get a lot. Oh, merrill Sangha shina arigato was Emma.

Themes and Concepts

So Shino could eat wherever Ima bugua in Unicode. Taking it. Famous name. Mosaic desna get native cannot nekoji is Nakuji sanwa tuchimasu talking disconnect, but aki cannot.

Final Expectations

Camp on dust. What they are. Hanashina Jose dakarane.

Group Dynamics

So ko kira mas motoshacho moko biseno masamuto shachos masama chacho those. To me kennequia kuya santoka chicka. Prime in maximum church.

Expressing Concerns

No. Oh, Ranka. I know konoko. Naka.

Continued Understanding

Yeah. So I know kashiyoto mote jibunde so diat hi. Hi. Soreoko healing voice session nazket and.


Yes. Yes. Quade yes. Sinagara Jesus.

Shifts and Changes

Yeah. Yarita NATO moka jumbiste irut. Yeah. Then tiger pratoka ma.

Further Directions

So you togorode. Yeah. Business conduct. So. No.

Acceptance of Conditions

So do you accept the condition? So son of Postoana and mindset postoh.

Data Sharing

So you could moto kach take a shimashoti. You are a chaoto to. A keiko tebido.

Community Engagement Insights

Kiyosa boto cake. Cause I know same mon yoga kanji okona chaturido arukana chatter totem wakari nikusho nacho show this.

Understanding Behavior

Yeah. Imakita nari masika. So. So this who is.

Dialogue Development

So the so Tokyo naive Korea monizu nanas. I know Jose there.

Explaining Context

Sushi the k. O. Say nagara mahima bookimano sono wakaki.

Exploration of Ideas

Jose. Yeah. Mother didn't.

Ongoing Reflections

Oh. So. Yeah, I.

Maturity Choices

Mmm. Nakamaka. So, you know.

Insightful Observations

So you feel nico. So dance day conservation kyoto kenata. McGemban.

Concluding Thoughts

Okay. Yeah. Hi hi. Hi.


Kai koi. Who knew otherwise sterile there. Mmmdh miko to and takeo sne.

Community Interactions

Sokara they were and. Schematic.

Clarifying Details

So. So schematican. Nikoli masuti kanji.

Learning Environments

In academo gamba takes in the schedule the fruit. Hi. At the postoifunista hoga motomina and taking shamukana hana sudo.

Gathering Reflections

So more so. Nay nanny or donoghai. So nobody want to carry Moktaki and the koi funi tanoshindara injanaika mitaya show me a sukha.

Expressing Concerns

Nanika. What a simon demo design. You are business or tatiya get your to say the maya.

Community Needs

No she go to there. So I know more toilet paper.

Reflection on Language

Shinkara. I know. Brandon.

Final Connections

Are you? Yeah. So.

Connection Opportunities

Can just connect. Hi hi. King nabi mascaroni monoda statistima hasn't so.

Expanding on Topics

You mercury no how oc you? Tomot is in the sketo mother Oculus and.

Closing Thoughts

Karano. Hi hi. Tosteco.

Reflections on Society

Yeah. And say tostico yo mitan and oligarchy sensei know there.

Motive in the Field

Motive in the field. Hi hi.

Understanding the Future

Naka naka so you know. Yeah. So boko motimen kan janakta boko moses yeah.

Personal Development

Nandamukotai can I tell most you and I see. Congratulations.

Humorous Remarks

Joking. Also joking. I took a so yeah.

Culminating Insights

Mikira hashinde yarina garako mandi so. Danika kotoga kid in the show like a day so not.

Final Interactions

Hi. My son. Like a so called tag on it.

Narrative Connections

Narrow the net and I narrative nana sony tai sagona narukana. Shiki mascara so.

Continuing Themes

So. Like so no miracle but you don't know account. You can't say more keko you don't know to go there.

Personal Statements

I would have got. Dynasty. So they were come see like what does your sakina the kara nandimo bam.

Conversations about Life

But you know. Yeah. Timid.

End Notes

Yeah. You sort of mokiko naka yeah, but. Iraq and I.

Gathering Thoughts

Can I tell mother? Yeah.

Reflective Statements

So so tabun sarasa. Nakatushi nanokanani could you can disconnect.

Final Concerns

So they could say that the sensei but migrants on sakai the mo tativa iqanski no shit.

Sensei's Teaching

Sensei mocha. Sensitive by mas net so.

Final Remarks

Sensitive one. So this is your name.

Cultural References

Email says using the coco no donkey say there and muscoto. Muscoto just to your sagi gandakito nai.


Video to marita kakunai. Kara pinky so it may santos hi don't I know my kirakano my ace and no soka jade kataga no go so guy sandakan.

Sensitive Issues

Sensitive the to so yeah. So go he can italy.

Discussions on Identity

To so the karamo chiho gin daroga koka gindar but james hidanimo sensei so dakara tamani kanchiga stay naga ano mari matsu sensei animal santemos.

Final Wrap-Up

Hi. Hiragana de machimoto de sachonistara secrete. Kanji not Monday. Not so of why you are there.

Future Aspirations

You are in my makono namai nat the tomorrow cause bakari and keko minani ninja chatakra I come so motamani morocco shuto kara community needs to and a community postal bus community yokotankai so the book.

Initial Greetings

Hi hi. Jana tuna the kara. Nakamota so the.

Discussion of Various Subjects

Mutai naikara mason shri castara sakano shui kasru kangai mutak sun koko mason odipun si tirkara. And psyche. What is it I need so the shui NATO tamishini kato mute kaitamita. So hashtanu net arata iterione item. Quit and America. America America cook taking notes. She had a naka and so they were to say and she had a declared system but americano no ginkgo oh no to your so I don't get and.

Plans for Tomorrow

So so dagara naga go choto tomorrow koshinanda so tomorrow koshika gendy are you koto so the kotora chunga sambio dog hi tambio dog the dog mazuki omega saran hosi minor there so go 1010 there that God seminary so music so you like bokuga? It's moto santoka maisa yusak santoka hi taksangu so start the sampling.

Community Engagements

I need so called, you know to kayaruto oh Matsumoto nanka hoshika Teresa wakabu dagara community there jikabari stay but engagement to agana and I. Yeah. So so. Many so you can so like yeah.

Reflections on Society

To render. Still no goddess no good man. You cannot go man to chapter yeah. Most he thought you got Maya wasn't there community to castor Sarah so no im at the original there at and has any killing and so on there mukasimita my was shinki was there tara my one I got a injury though.

Discussions on Medical Communities

I know. Tani shouto aru. Medical mmmiko marita group. Yeah. Tomahde there. Hi konosho hata komodos take by the Scottish. He sunanda timitai.

Conversations with Friends

On there. Yeah. Susan, you don't know there's car me put up. Yeah yeah. Nanka nanka hatch and gomen. La goodegoz. Yeah. Oh, the caste mata kong otherwise stick with so.

Spiritual Reflections

Tanosi. Hey, Jesus name Corey or builder asa. So ning and so yo yatimi jatimi. Masatuni. You know nakota. Yeah. So non dismissal do it cannot it know you come in the minagala.

Events and Scheduling

You, me. Tara ragu visas there but tomorrow was tatanikunde yokoni tabi no. Do but. Simba say the tomorrow koshi butaketti tomorrow koshi ga matakano kiro it's not peru mukita not the nayote you and.

Plans for Upcoming Days

So you I will tell you my cannot. Wake up Saturday obitan so aristotle kega show tomorrow. Toka my numanaikara baba kitakova so you kimati gotta shanno gotta. So igan yeah pop kantoka yoruba babon hi tori tori tabeta tacos so to post there the but other bionandiotokana dobutonosiriotokasa tomorrow school day omit hakata likudani.

Cultural Reflections

Ato ato. No could I hatches man Jacob and I know book. Hi. Hi. Mijika. Moji. Hogan. Sorry, Haku was there. Hakunjo was the donogurai. Hogan the kid. Moji gar hoga. That's kind music, you know.

Inspirations in Music

Good to korai to this, that sort of. Haku chow janai haku madisoni kanji to hiradana to katakanato Arabic susima. Consider it posto seru. Kokumi nante hokani sonakuni naikara. Pratoma nihonjimuki.

Reflections on Community and Society

Naduato hati juma gambati kinkakuna. So this kid. Yeah. Mina still karasa so kamiki. So so. I know space and so yeah.

Discussion on Creativity

Imba spez. What's kind of gonna turn. You right and call you. I know you sound. No, you got so cool. Yeah. You sanko hakuchika deepu it's my height and sweet.

Reflections on Sunday Plans

Scanner. Suit of so yoko. Gurai sokasoka sension space. Lagara yaku yon jugra sitan so taihanyo. Scandez sony core kashi you know the mama see hara nacho kono descana shadow.

Imagination and Musings

Bani mashta Arima Sanehouse imagine. So. Yeah. Nakabatoku kita so. Kita kita kotonayoshi kano tamini nanika koketa kuste.

Discussions on Agriculture

Engagement to be engagement. Farming. Farming. So so yeah. You mondakara mosano space of kamitana.

Youth and Creative Insights

You take a look around and it's you mina sang. And I tag. I tagai dokoto namitana. Who cannot go. I know. Nandakina follow. Do you kotoba?

Conversations and Creative Exchanges

Yeah, but you know there. Okay. Mastokana. So.

Community Reflections

So. So. Noah. I know. Horrible. Haku Hashitagu the Taiyo Sudoka hashitagu. Tokato hashitago. Tayo stay.

Closure to Conversations

So konnagani yatara hasida kakushto outo there. Namani for mahakutoka namastoga die. We are done. Yeah. So to casual hannah.

Final Thoughts

So. So. Monday night. She guys. Nine nine kai shakura happy shina happy stara akudo yakam to go mananja dakara sadon. And those had one isaiah motor damo. Hope you survive.

Concluding Remarks

Kanji. Kai meta disney today. So Nandis may want to adeno, but nobody must know. Ari mastani tenethenne.

Unexpected Topics

Mmm. Shira, but. Tokyo to saratoma nagara, are you spam? Taking a tokoro torishima. Spam so no suzuki toyotoka purofukate.

Social Comments

Yeah. So good. And so, zioni, you do see oto study to her. So you know tourist master onazionikai nagako aruha.

Starting New Conversations

Yes. Madam. Miru kedo there. Kakazuni ask no nan nimoka gazuni and sokoni kakuzaki kaita tari toka.

Community Engagement Continued

Also nikita kaitano. And it even sai gonna go. Nikotai kaita taritoha. I don't. And so.

Personal Reflections

Me sam, I own and check. With. Kuta sankara. Kuta sankarakana. Space and cano kata commento itada guitar kisukirana horova itashimas high commento.

Expressions of Communication

Yeah. You know, whatever. Hidagon and you. So, you know, some are bogo post on.

Cultural Insights

After what pidon key song. Piron key. Donkey song is near hiking smash.

Artistic Expressions

How could I call it? Nika tattoo. Sand tattoo, sangami hatiku. You could know.

Musical Sentiments

Oh, yeah. AI aihdenhe in nanjo kono kanji dato nano mitojani tu panjiva sumikar hokanimone iroh, I guess. B tan be tan mission. Be Tanzan.

Continuing Discussions on Art

B tansa. B tansa. Oh, melo sanga sensei. I show mitana kanji. This is Nanyan sandato kodomotachin.

Reflections on Experiences

Yoko come and strip. So I know eco Sugar shuki. Guide. You cover.

Insights into Daily Life

Paper tonazi imi. Tonight. One is karista kaiser the kit. And. Second top.

Expressions of Common Life

The x. No dm gakite. Dm nahoni okudandaki. But moikai masculine.

Understanding of Mission Statements

You, jibun. This is mission. But, you know, you can just, you know, married and.

Reflecting on Personal Choices

Machia. Yeah. So to go Tiger table. Never came and show maniacal.

Thoughts on Relationships

Yeah. Sugar night mo. Yeah. Shanai not taken, isn't it? But none to go.

Closure on Conversations

Naruto there, you know. And back to hoga haya.

Final Affirmations

Yes, this one, right. And mina buddha. Coco. Who sat. Okay, that's a.

Cinematic References

Oh. Gojira. Zandipu sanozira yomi mashta gojo yonder yummy. Mashta secret and cannot.

Cultural Understandings

So it's. Like Tatu Tikara. So yeah, you guessa ashu san space oscar some.

Creative Instrumentalities

Yeah, mommy. Sangitskira chandon hi.

Maintaining Relationships

Hi. So Sonjo Medok banchi kakuida. Kono I come on.

Literary References

Book icon and Miguel serio. So, you know, I can understand.

Personal Insights

And then the kaki miki ga mida in and. Again. Uchimukini sasha oga mesango chigan.

Expressive Reflections

Arimaskana no monosyll. Namada. Namada can am I like. And again follow by haku by hako namada kept.

Thoughts on Life Paths

Yeah, I don't know. Kanye was our dikima. Say yeah. Tetano.

Adventures in Creativity

Sangatuka musa. Most. Of the handos cantone Saturday sonatanka sanga katzanga santo community saronka sokode naga and more account there.

Reflections on Personal and Community Values

Sona koto de ja tomo pan santoka tense and no juicing gorokara iman style in that hana. Mika you nana naga you not the consistency. So sony so come and.

Conversations on Art and Creativity

Yeah. Titan yeah. Dida chodo dong hajimeru toka moto iron keko tonka sankara yo also takara konoakua just there.

Understanding Community Expressions

Nande tonga sandanika momentari sakura is the monagata. See imadani mahatiran there. Son and son.

Immediate Conversations

And so immediately. Hi. Mind my niche. The musiro sanga it is.

Reflections on Personal Connections

But. You those and I get all space to use. So. So yeah.

Cultural and Artistic Reflections

But tonight so. Cause, you know. So no musical. Yeah. So.

Exploring Themes on Christmas

Because, Christmas.

Knee Discussions

It my knee postal he active hoji miruto korea mo poki kokoro. So at the pokiti or your knee do the. Eatomoyo. Moimasi. And I.

Unclear Conversations

Kaiser. Darren darnitizer majima dokuse majimi. Yeah. Don't this time. No tahinda to Kulova has so nandika nikara to shamora. Yeah. Tomorrow and yes. Ma and moticon. Human and like it all. Ima yukata nanda kanda.

Miscellaneous Cafe Talks

You gotta. So go to Nanda. You cannot mozart. Ima jugo kitaro can. No sonia moisture. Can I get the mokotino nishini home? So I know. Netta ask what goes to kangaroo. Pazquad. I don't like it. Mandy. thank you.

Katakana and Its Understanding

Mosugu kura pascal. So here you know katakana? Yes. What? Yeah. Tell nice that. So go and minimize consequences. Highlight to you like sanju. No.

Natural Interactions and tourism

Can I come the mother natural marine and mana to marijuat and butimasakaran. Yeah, but. Not so. Marino stoma. So so. Yeah. Sorry. One day that's about Asina and that you start.

Expressing Frustration

I cannot. Waka it anymore. Natu natima. Wow. Continue work is angel. You can just get a. Shinzoarikaramaria tenacarama.

Daily Tasks and Interests

Yeah. Tapu tapu natan taps up there. Don't go. Kuni and Kanakini. Sankiro gray. And mutara. Don't know you are a tear ko. You could, you know.

Adaptable Skills

I know most of it. So dione at the so motor tab. Not so to cuto. Yeah. Motor master. Amen. Takaduni.

Dialogue about Taking Off

You know, take a kick of tokatandis. No quinton. But. But my butt. But. Sky masio de know boga. This is a jukiro. Jukiro good idea. Pampangi go to.

Cooking Experiences

Go toko body bird and. Keku didn't know. Mmm. Tony Nakajivindam tote nothing kotoshimitara are you not you can know? Yeah. Kawato motor so yeah.

Navigating Conversations

Kikuta. Naishi so yeah. The mosaic taking out and Chipotle Matthew killing yoda mudo. Did you go to a kirito? Not you can cook.

Learning to Cook

You gotta. Show. I can show you ice cream. Tony. Tony. All. Just nay she told. Yep. Yep.

Gathering together

So you meet and martini. Each one is shinking. Kosoko the new Itatukini tatukini sensei kaishi Nikita Karata most guys Shinzaki the shinzono arikata mascot.

Future Plans

Hi. This parenthood took. Me tai so naka kotoka Tony and Wakari Masu new in no new. Hi. Hi. Imam so, you know and new instead of.

Community Engagement

Oh this who you gotta karakitana tomorrow. You know tenet hakatana shoki so namon and God. Yeah, it's. It's cover kindness.

Lively Discussions

Sarande. Sara mother and I can see like. Hitani happy Surrega and Bordon in not the moica. Who got. You understand this can cure shriek and also that Kaika suit is neck.

Miscellaneous Q&A

How some nanny. Yeah, but you guys and hi. Hi. America. Jingo the kara dakarata she saw Naka kotoka, you know, checkawad rabini take to go.

Wait and Uncertainty

Take to what? Mmm. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. Yeah, you know she can.

Introspective Thoughts

Yeah. Dickin I know. Digging. I know. Dickin I know. Ginkgo monetization. Kai. Dina. Kai.

Continued Conversations

Matthew. Yeah. Kaita in this you jimoton again. Konikai tai no.

Emotional Dynamics

Yeah, but. Sky but with the. Can I? Yeah. Mercy gotta hand this. Nature can't understand this.

Endearing Connectivities

Ghana muscashi so Monta Hunter Montana can't and tomorrow night copy May. Yeah. I didn't so you know casino if Toky Garden.

Cultural References

This is Diane, Bob Coravana. Guys. So Kurio, Scott, Mahonto, Akurova Hokanza and Jimunostra Nanda kera cancuga sukoi kansuga showcase it's God energy.

Event Planning

When the council tonight. So you know. Me son Chakata decreased it moshakina JM group to Jimascan sukijati.

Philosophical Discussions

Sani mata. Mata deep science and Ashu Sahaja Kumbana space. The kit. Shimasu wings on some. Disney mask.

Current Events

Yeah. Can I konmaya take it? Yeah. Tender on it. Ima Toshi some manga to see some nika sono space the Nikai step back.

Understandings of the Past

Kona Kiriba Indiana Brooks Kate minus Katan Narukarana Amariana. Sudhu. Duvernessio Brookuni Sanjuni Pond Broku saratara boku crown rashida so many broku suru gavamo minus nina.

Questionatic Reflection

So this question. So they call general ma bojika kuna karani dagara and so Sara sank the zootomy.

Symbolic Representations

Mahantoshini Antoshi he akuti buddha terra had a si on Istamas Matava hanko startamo kashi ganagatara bimurashtamara mahanto startamo.

Lively Evening

Yeah. She sank Ojamashimas jetoma kuni mantan dakara. So gonna cut out. Ascono katana.

Bizarre Associations

Hi hi. Bogmo horror. So hannah masa, you know, and skill ashes and skin way.

Final Thoughts

So. No kuro shit. Orimaso. No. Yeah, those are bokoni. Murio, yuriyoto animas Kelly. It's my motor sanzen to get on the sand.

Wrapped Up Feelings

I call, I call. Tatoba. But me and I took. Hi chica. Me and I muskon and kawasurio ki.

Night Considerations

So. In fuanda night, you nagy? Yeah, to me like me go. But it is nestle.

Personal Clarifications

Sorry, man. Yoko karimas. So. Yeah, but then meet. Masio basically.

Educational Considerations

At the school. But Sanju and Yoku. Narina. Nari nari.

Cultural Reflections

This native net the Ima basin on it. But you know.


Boguna postanikita. Boguna postanikita. She was sensitive. Since it sensitive bushes lang see the king and no gambaras rupe by bush.

Final Reflections

So smah. Kanga to academy night to give up. Hi. Hi. So.

Emotional Closure

Yeah. Kakudai stemi naruhodane. So it's called kikone. Yeah. Do matter.

Understanding Silences

Haga mother. Yeah. Don't need to know mirkido. Yeah, but me and I took on this also.

Further Discussions

Kaidan dajo nanda kaida naida guru pomona. Hitanotokuroska ninode mundanasio. Yeah. In email new insulin.

Social Responsibilities

Then you insulin donor church with actions to call you the cocoa remote use and asaka. So the hero had, Time rain in no seru, no moisture.

Reflecting on Changes

Action. Kita woman aside. Lukoni ahuntuda nikota. Yeah.

Burdens of Responsibility

Hatsam and she go to guys. Yeah, you know. So.

Continuing Conversations

So no. King and I got yo jigatani like it all. Yes, me to the car. So so.

Thoughtful Connections

Many looks like imac. Oyondoka masma. Each man is Romani muscle sign user kiss Takuan sensei user use and Tokomana post had it on the hand book.

Pondering Future Actions

My attempt. At the PPP. Go hiroka.

Explorative Mindsets

So Kanya Sandagana chapter of Arigato was a son Arigato sounds kind of command assignment. Yeah, but sugi mikumiku mikumik sank mikumik sari gotta go.

Final Thoughts on Reflection

So. So now Arika was a mouth bushes my so was and I cut rashtan it. And so then I gotta koshi song arigato zai must win songs Arigato gozai masai material she must wear.

Last Comments

But I saw that. I must say. Ma itchy santa suta rosa, maggie zeto. Santosankana puts nagatanakara.

Social Interactions

Post and kimas no there and it you call you kosa arika omo tsam dogs nagara said okay, sure. Makasa shimas for you tonkatsu.

Final Remarks

Do you know,

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