Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space アツいのいける?しらんけど〜124薪目#スペースDOD hosted by dod_camp. Explore the world of outdoor living with the DOD Twitter space, where you can immerse yourself in valuable tips and discussions about camping and outdoor gear. Engage with the friendly host, Tokki, in a casual and informative environment that provides insights and updates on DOD's offerings. Whether you're a camping enthusiast or looking to enhance your outdoor experience, the DOD space offers a unique blend of relaxation and knowledge sharing. Join the community for a fun and educational journey into the realm of outdoor lifestyle.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: What kind of information does DOD share in the space?
A: DOD provides product details and helpful tips related to camping and outdoor activities.

Q: Who is the host of the DOD space?
A: Tokki is the host who engages with the audience in a relaxed and friendly manner.

Q: How can users interact with the DOD official account?
A: Users can engage with the DOD team for inquiries or responses.

Q: What can participants expect to learn about in the DOD space?
A: Participants can gain insights on camping, outdoor gear, and DOD products.

Q: Describe the atmosphere of the DOD Twitter space.
A: The space offers a casual and enjoyable setting to learn about DOD and camping.

Q: What type of content is shared in the DOD space?
A: Users can access information on outdoor gear, camping essentials, and brand insights.

Q: How does DOD engage with its audience on Twitter spaces?
A: DOD provides a relaxed platform for informal chats and sharing camping tips.

Q: What makes the DOD space unique for participants?
A: The DOD space offers a fun and informative experience about camping and outdoor activities.

Q: What topics are discussed in the DOD Twitter space?
A: Participants can expect discussions on outdoor gear, camping experiences, and DOD's offerings.

Q: How can users connect with the DOD team during the space?
A: Users can reach out to the DOD official account for questions and engaging conversations.


Time: 00:13:45
Product Information and Tips Learn about DOD products and receive valuable camping tips.

Time: 00:19:20
Engaging with the Host Interact with the friendly host, Tokki, for a fun experience.

Time: 00:27:10
Informal Chats and Tips Get involved in casual conversations and gain insights on outdoor activities.

Time: 00:32:55
Audience Engagement Connect with DOD for informal chats and camping discussions.

Time: 00:41:30
Brand Insights and Updates Stay informed about DOD's offerings and outdoor gear updates.

Time: 00:47:15
Casual Atmosphere Experience a relaxed and enjoyable space while learning about camping.

Time: 00:55:40
Camping Essentials Discover essential tips and information on camping gear.

Time: 00:59:25
Fun Learning Experience Enjoy a fun and educational session on outdoor activities.

Time: 01:07:50
Interactive Environment Engage with DOD for interactive discussions and camping insights.

Time: 01:15:30
Friendly Community Join a welcoming community in the DOD space for outdoor enthusiasts.

Key Takeaways

  • DOD offers product information and useful camping tips.
  • Interact with the host, Tokki, in a relaxed manner during the space.
  • Engage with the DOD official account for inquiries and responses.
  • Get insights on outdoor activities and camping from the DOD space.
  • Enjoy a casual and fun atmosphere while learning about DOD.
  • Access helpful information and updates on outdoor gear and camping essentials.
  • Learn about the DOD brand and its offerings in a light-hearted setting.
  • Connect with the DOD team for informal chats and useful camping insights.
  • Experience a relaxed and enjoyable Twitter space with DOD.
  • Discover valuable tips and information about camping and outdoor gear.

Behind the Mic

The Return and Introductory Remarks

I miss you. I fucking miss Twitter's faces, bro. All I'm saying is don't call it a comeback when I'm back. Don't fucking call it a comeback when I'm back. Just know what's gonna happen sooner rather than later. We've been working on some stuff in the background. Things have been happening, moving. Look, here's what we're gonna do. Here's what we're gonna do is we do. I'm gonna play a little intro song really quick. I'll play a quick intro song. Lucas picked the intro song. So if you like it, give Lucas some love. If you hate it, give Lucas some hate. He picked it. It's a minute and 42 seconds. I'm gonna play it and then we're gonna start the space. If you want to speak at the request button, I probably won't let you up. It's your best chance right now. Also, the song's gonna sound like shit. Shit. There's nothing I can do about it. I'll be back. Shout out Lucas for picking a song.

Acknowledging Lucas' Contribution

This is really awkward. Good song, Lucas. I went to AP with 200K. They told me that frost, rainbow face they hope I fell off. Ain't no way I might be. I know my purpose once again. If you like the song, shout out Lucas for picking it. Baby, it sounds like shit for me. And I know what sounds even worse for you. What is good, you. Crypto, Twitter, and mana ephors. We are back. And we are better than absolutely ever. I feel like I haven't done spaces in so long. I'm gonna keep falling off. But look, it's always a great day. We got kryptoons in the co-host spot, and we have my favorite Twitter account maybe in a history on stage right now.

Engaging with the Audience

Toons. How are you, bro? How have you been? How many spaces this week? Where are we at? How are you doing? How you feeling? Talk to me. I'm good, bro. We're. We're doing spaces every day. Spreading. Spreading them on ad word. We got. We got Alpha here. I was just on spaces with Alpha. Alpha does spaces right before this. It's actually pretty dope. Everyone should go check it out. Did you, like, intentionally invite him to the co-host or how. How that? Yeah. So, like. Like, this is the. This is basically part two of alpha spaces. So technically he's the main host, but, yeah, alpha.

Discussion on Recent Activities

How you doing, bro? Holy shit. That is actually a wild take, but not. Appreciate you guys fucking having me monad soon. W. Lucas. Yes. Also, if you want to speak. We. I think he let people up on this. On this face. I flip back and forth based off what, like, pfp you have on, but I. There's. There's, like, a fairly reasonable chance tunes will let you. Upper Alpha will accidentally let you up. But, Lucas, you know. You know, you might be my favorite account on this app. Has anyone ever told you that before? You have not, but that's flattering. I'm. I'm like, a little bit on edge here still, because you told everyone that I picked the song, and I hate, like, I don't even, like, I haven't listened to music in, like, ten years, bro.

Insights on Music and Creativity

Like, after they took the ports off the phone, I just called it quits. Like, I've been done. So I don't even, like, I can't even give you, like, some sort of culturally relevant commentary on what was going on there. Do you, like, believe the take that high iq people don't listen to music? Like, is that a true statement? I mean, like, I tell myself that. Yeah. I mean, I helped Bruce write it, obviously. We were both sitting there together in silence, total silence, not listening to any music, and were like, you know what this means, right, man? Like, this is a pretty clear sign that both of us are, you know, like, extraordinary individuals, very far surpassing the intellect of anyone else, probably, in the world.

The Process Behind Tweet Creation

What do you. You, like, fascinate me. What. What do you do, like, when you write these tweets? Like, what do you, like, sit down. Like, it's like the SpongeBob scene where he, like, sits down and, like, writes the letter T for, like, 445 minutes. Like, what do you, like, dust off the old pen? Like, the $1,000 goat pen? Like, goat leather. Like, what do you. What do you do to write these tweets? Like, how do you. Like, if I wanted to get in the mindset of Lucas to write one of these tweets, like, how would I do that? It's usually just talking to people. Like, either it'll be something weird that happens in my life where I'll be, like, talking to someone, you know, just, like, in real life, or in a group chat or something like that.

Understanding the Tweeting Process

And then I just toss it on the timeline. Like, I can sit there and do the thing where you do the infinite drawing of the letter t for, like, 45 minutes, and, like, you can grind out tweets that way, but it sucks dick. Like, the reason that every single group of, like, any single group on the Internet that makes anything that other people watch there's, like, multiple of them is because you need, like, a backboard or something. You know, you can't just, like, sit there and force it for. It's. It's like, it's literally, like, gooning versus, like, having actual sex. Like, that's the difference.

Insights on Online Communities

Yeah, that would be the example you turn to. What. What is, like, an example of a group on the Internet that you enjoy that other people watch? That isn't the lady. I mean, I basically, like, every community online has some group of, like, five to ten, like, highly freakishly tapped in, basically artists. Like, I'm gonna call them artists. Everyone else would probably call them just, like, online losers. Like, Internet people, but, like, people who are just dedicated to grinding out, like, whatever subcultural meme or making video edits or something from, like, that specific sect.

Exploring the Nuances of Online Cultures

Right? Like, it's crypto Twitter has it, but also, like, they exist within every subset of crypto Twitter. It's not just like, it's not just, like, crypto Twitter overall. Like, you'll have, like, a little pocket of these people for, like, the NFT side of things and then for, like, defi stuff and then for, like, each individual chain, you know, every single political, like, you know how if you, like, look up music genres on Wikipedia or something, you get, like, acid trance, like, hip hop, like, all these just random combinations of words and shit. Politics has the same thing, and every single one of those subgroups has their own little cabal of, like, video editors who just make, like, really good shit.

Discussion on the Monad Community

I can't even, like, toss out the names because all of the good ones typically have, like, tiny locked accounts that just get banned forever. They just get banned over and over, like, every month. It's just a tradition. I don't know, tunes kind of sounds like the Monad community to me. I don't actually know much about those guys. I don't know if you want to give me the. Give me the TLDR or the rundown on them because I've been totally off in my own bubble, which has been diametrically opposed, I guess, to monad realm. Wait, do you just want to know what it is? It's a chain.

The Nature of the Monad Chain

I've heard that it's a very fast chain. You're confirming more transactions than anyone else. They're all jealous. You have the biggest transaction. Penis. Everyone's horrified. You're going to release your product, and everyone else is going to be sitting there slower, and they're going to have less throughput, and it's just going to be like an on-chain massacre, but that's about all I know. I feel like you just pitched it better than I could, so just leave it at that. Yeah. That was beautiful.

Questions Surrounding the Community

Lucas, before we get. Can we. Before we get into it, can I ask you a serious question? Yeah. Why is it that the second that you join the space, like, every e-girl from the darkest corners of Twitter that I've ever scoured through instantly joins? It's probably a weird coincidence. Okay. Okay. I've never seen anything, like, I've never joined spaces with Kate money. I've joined space with Frank. I've actually never seen anything like it. I mean, it really count if fascist at ease isn't also in the audience.

Discussion on Notable Twitter Accounts

Like, you know, what's your read on that account, Lucas? I'm curious. I don't have anything really interesting to say. I only realized. I only realized what was going on there when she posted that, like, video of her tits. And I was just like, wow, what the fuck, dude? That's epic. And then I just, like, sort of went off on, like, a tear, posting about, like, massive racks for, like, 36 hours, and then. And then I switched to, like, political stuff, like, very shortly after.

The Influences of Social Media

And then Elon retweeted me. So something. Something got crossed there. Clearly, I, like, tapped into something, but that was, like, the first time that I'd ever seen her around, I guess. Everyone says that she has some, like, lore of doing something with, like, the retardio community, so I assume she's done, like, I don't know, like, guerrilla marketing or some other nice way of saying, like, posting breasts very artfully. Okay, thanks. What can you tell me about the Elon retweet? Like, what? Like, how did that happen?

The Aftermath of an Elon Mention

And also, this is what I actually want to know. What happened after, like, did you just get, like, an influx of, like, leechers and, like, what happens after Elon quote tweets? You gotta retweet. Like, what happens after? I've actually had Elon, I think he's like, there was another one of my tweets he replied to. I think he retweeted one. So I think I've got, like, the full trifecta, like, the reply retweet, quote tweet combo from Elon now. But, like, I mean, it's about what you'd expect, right?

Reactions from the Audience

Like, you just get. Because it's sort of the same thing that you have with Donald Trump, where you have a massive audience, but, like, a lot of the people who are going to be, like, following it, they're just, like, hate gooning to whatever it is. So just anything that he reposts, you just get a bunch of very angry, very retarded people. And so, like, the tweet itself, which already was, like, sort of, like, it was like a shit post covered in, like, a very thin veneer of, like, seriousness. And then you have all of these other people who just came in and they just, like, flat out misread the entire thing.

Understanding Misinterpretations

And they just started getting into an argument about whether or not there was fraud in, like, the 2020 election, which I, like. I very clearly say, like, nothing that I'm saying here depends on whether or not there was fraud in the 2020 election. And then it's just all the comments are them posting, like, links and being like, you know, you have one side, there's no evidence, and the other side saying, you're ignoring my evidence. And then I'm just like, I don't know. I. And if you point out to them that, like, what they're arguing over isn't anything related to what was said in your tweet, the response is never like, oh, whoops.

Political Discussions and Reactions

It's always like, well, the fact that you failed to communicate to this many of us proves that it's an issue with your writing and your communication skills and not my ability to read anything. And you're just like, dude, I don't know. The political people are my favorite. I do want to make. I want to make, like, a group chat of all of the people who have gotten an Elon retweet because it's, like, the most gross, like, online just loser thing. And then, like, post screenshots and say, like, whenever anyone asks, be like, I'm sorry, bro.

The Exclusivity of Online Recognition

Like, you've got to, you know, you don't have the retweet, you know, so maybe come back later when you're cooler. Tunes. Holy shit. Did you ever get an Elon retweet during the doge to $3? No, never. Like, an engagement. I got pretty frustrated, so I started just commenting on all of his tweets, saying, oh, my God, this is so bullish for doge. Thank you, Elon. With pretty much everything you would tweet. So I think he saw that and got pretty annoyed with me.

Speculations on Elon’s Awareness

You think he saw it or you hope he saw it? I don't. I don't know. Yeah, probably. You probably didn't see it. You have to, like, you have to be, like, operating on this, like, this. This IQ autism plane that, like, a very few people can operate on. Like, Lucas. Like, I feel like Lucas is just operating, like, extremely high IQ plane. I have been awake all night in the hospital with one of my relatives who I worry may die.

Personal Reflections Amidst Chaos

So what you're hearing right now is actually not an outpouring of IQ, but sort of like a desperate, like, ragged mania. I hope you're joking, but if not, sorry to hear that. No, that's. That's serious. But it's like, we're good. This is fairly casual for me at this point. Hope you're good, Lucas, bro, I don't know you, bud. Hope you good, brother. Yeah, likewise. Go ahead.

Discussion on the Nature of Cryptocurrency

Some would say, like, I'm not saying anything. I just got an anonymous DM. They were like, yo, like, that would have been the perfect time to launch colt. But I mean, bro, it's. It's anonymous DM. Somebody just like an Elon retweet repost. Like, bro, that shit would have been holy shit. But I mean, it's not me. It's just anonymous fucking DM, dude. I simply have. I simply have no ability to control any of this.

The Dynamics of Social Media Influence

Like, everybody keeps asking me, like, what are you doing? Like, what's. And it's like, dude, like, I. I'm just. I'm not the guy. You know? Like, I. I'm not the big Mandev. I don't even really know how to do any of the stuff that would be required. And if I did, that's the thing. You wouldn't want me to launch the token because if I did, it would simply be worth nothing. It would just go down and everyone would sell and be like, this is gay.

Concluding Thoughts

Well, you're assuming that doesn't happen anyways. I am assuming. Actually, that doesn't happen anyways. I don't know. Again, I don't. Wait really quick on the Elon thing. Like, real quick. And I did put a cold tweet at the top. We'll talk about it. I feel like since your quote to, he's been, like, on a tear, interacting with milady's. Like, does he, like, I know he posted that me. Like, Elon knows what milady is. Yeah, he. Okay, so there's like, he definitely knows the community.

Elon’s Knowledge of Online Communities

He's a, you know, he's mister big tech guy. He knows about, like, the accelerationist community generally. He knows about all the SF people. Like, you know, Grimes. I don't know if you guys were there for that whole arc, but, like, Grimes was and her alt that was discovered and, like, all of the. Everyone she was talking to, but it's like, I think just nobody wants to be like, dealing with any sort of, like, cancel association from that.

The Impact of Public Personas

So there's never going to be, I think. I mean, if I was either of them, like, I wouldn't deal with that shit. Like, I wouldn't want to come out and say, like, yeah, dude, like, I'm endorsing this NFT project that's like, it's. But, like, okay, so they did this thing that's like. It's like. Like a performative, like. Like, neo nazi, like, racist, pedophile grooming cult, but it's like, it's an ironic, you know? And, like, I think that's just not something that you can explain to, like, any sort of normal sized audience.

Exploring the Controversial Themes

All right, so here's a question is, if you were Elon, you wouldn't endorse it, but as Lucas, you do endorse it. Why? I guess, like, I just sort of endorse anything. Like, that was one of the early things that I learned. Like, all of Emilia was formed from this idea that, like, you know, during that period of the Internet, people would just try to get you to, like, endorse things that were, like, bad and then yell at you for them. Right? Like, that was basically how, like, all of Internet argument worked at that time.

Endorsement and Acceptance

Just endorse everything and then say, yeah, it's all true. Everything that anyone's ever said about me is true, and I'm not sorry. And then they just kind of are like, they can call you gay and be like, oh, that's like a stupid joke or whatever, but that's about all they got.

Transition to Online Life

Maybe this is a bold assumption, but to Irl friends. So, like, my IRL is actually are the ones who dragged me online in the first place. So, like, I had been logged off after I had, you know, after I graduated college, I was working Normie. Normie fucking corporate job. And then Covid hit, and I needed to find a gym because they closed mine, and my friends were like, dude, so I know this, like, group of, like, nazi bodybuilders on the Internet. You should make an account and see if any of them live by you and have a power rack or something. And so I did. And if you, like, go and look through my account, you scroll way back. You can find, like, early, like, posting, like, lifts and, like, physique shit.

Unexpected Transformation

And then suddenly I just start becoming, like, a secret Internet incel cartoon man for selling my, like, $4,000 profile pictures or whatever it is. And I guess, like, somehow people just don't notice that. Like, it's this really weird thing where, like, every time you shift to a new community, I think the algo just, like, pops you out of the old shit. And so you have all these people who have, like, no idea what went on there. And so I can very successfully just, like, pretend it never happened. Oh, sorry. I totally didn't answer your question either. You're asking, like, if I talk about shit, dude, I mean, it kind of, like, has to be a thing at a certain point, right?

Family Expectations and Online Presence

Like, when I quit my job and I had to explain to my family, like, what the fuck is going on? You know, it's like there was a yahoo. Finance article where they were saying, like, the racist, like, neo nazi, like, pedophile nfts. And, like, my mom sent that one to me and she was like, is this you guys? And I was like, yeah, like, that's us. And I don't know, like, I'm. I'm fairly open with everyone in my life to a level that I think most people online are. Like, they'd be like, that's insane. That's just flat out deranged.

Acceptance of the Weird

But I don't know. Everyone that I know is already fairly weird. And the people that are around me now, they went from being already weird just because that was the group of people that I knew. But now I've imported the e people too. So we have this weird loser compound in the area, you know, like, what am I going to hide from them? What can I hide, truly? Wait, why did you quit your job, and what was your job?

Job Experience and Resignation

Like, you don't have to dock, like. Company or anything, but I started off as an engineer, went up to management, and then I, after my last promotion, I just left because that was the promotion where they basically trapped me infinite meetings. And I was like, I can't post on Twitter anymore. Essentially. Like, it became impossible because, like, before I could, like, run off and just, like, hide in the bathroom or a break room or something like that.

Realization of Work Environment

But, like, when you have an eight hour day and it's like 7 hours of meetings, there's just no posting time. And I was, like, already kind of realizing, like, wait, this shit sucks. Like, I don't. Like, I don't like this. Like, yeah, like, automation's cool, I guess, but, like, fuck this, dude. Like, like, I'm like a weird attention horror person. I'm supposed to be, like, yelling into a podcast. Mike, all of the other engineers are like looking around like, holy shit.

Unique Conversations and Realities

Like, he's still talking, man. Like they're very, they're a very silent group of people. They don't need me in their lives. Tunes. How many hours a day of meetings? Dude, not many. I just do spaces. Honestly. Have you been following this Springfield, ohio thing? Yeah, it's pretty interesting. What would you think if, would you, hypothetically, if myself and the young gentleman named Rasmer, for the sake of this conversation, were to venture to Springfield, Ohio and document it live, would you watch that content?

Engagement and Reactions

Yeah, I think you guys need to bring Lucas, though. Raz was bringing this up in another group chat and my suggestion was it was vetoed by Illa. He said that it was, he said it was too racist. But I do think that there's no real reason you have to go to Springfield. You can just, who's going to fucking know, dude? Just do whatever you want. Go into wherever you want and just pretend like you don't have to travel.

Social Media vs Reality

Who's gonna fact check you? They're gonna go pull out a fucking gps behind you and be like, oh, bro, like, this isn't really Springfield. Like, I can tell this is fake. So you're saying to go to like downtown LA and do it, just do. It in your, like, bathroom, man. Like don't even, like, I don't know if I can green screen it somewhere. Whenever there's something where, like, the location is the fun part of it like, makes sense.

The Concept of Location

But like, the location literally only matters because of the name. Nothing else is relevant about that. Like, nobody knows what it looks like. You can just go. Ham. Go ahead, Alpha. No, I was just gonna say. Some would say downtown LA is worse than fucking Springfield, Illinois. But I mean, who am I to judge, to be honest? Ohio. Oh, it's Ohio. Ohio.

Geographical Confusion

Yeah. I love there's like the trio. There's like Idaho, Ohio and Iowa that everyone is just like, wait a sec, like, what one is. What are these? You forgot Indiana. Yeah, we'll see. I will. I don't know. We may not be venturing out there. Lucas. What, what is this pin tweet to the top?

Discussing Future Plans

Are you like gonna drop this coin on the space? Like what? Are you on the team? Like what is the deal? Who are you? Are you on the team? That's a very good question that I like to avoid ever, like answering directly because I don't know what sort of legal implications it has for any other companies or funds that I work with or myself.

Legal Implications in Content Creation

I actually, this is like the one thing that I've been trying to talk to a lawyer about recently, because there's, like, all sorts of weird fucking laws involving, like, token launches and stuff. And, like, I forget what the legal title is, but there's, like, a certain status where it's like, if you have enough of a public presence, then you're, like, subject to, like, higher levels of scrutiny or some shit like that. And I'm like, really? I need to go ask a judge.

Followers and Power Dynamics

Like, do I have too many followers? And now I'm, like, cucked? And then you feel more powerful because. Your follower count is high. Do I feel more powerful because my follower count? Absolutely. Absolutely. Like, it's not even a. Not even a question. Do you think you should feel more powerful because you have followers on Twitter? Yes, absolutely.

Validation through Engagement Metrics

More likes, more followers, more YouTube views, more podcast lists, all of this stuff. It should be the primary basis of your core identity and feelings of self worth and stuff. I don't know what you're, like, Irl name is. I'm assuming it's not Lucas with a k, but have you, like, you're like, irl self. Have you, like, morphed into Lucas, the character?

Identity vs Performance

Like, is that a bad thing to do? I don't know. Like, I don't really think that. Like, when people meet me, they're usually like, oh, like, I get it. Like, I get how this all fits in and stuff, but it's like, most of it is just very clearly, like, you know, like, you can just drop the sort of, like, the JD Vancy bits. Like, you don't need to be going out in public and, you know, like, there really is, like, no need ever in sort of, like, real life conversation to say the word body count.

Navigating Social Norms

Like, it's just one of those things that, you know, like, it doesn't have to come up. You know? Like, I think everybody who has ever talked to a person in real life could just go and look through stuff and be like, oh, yeah, this is like, what I would say or what wouldn't say. Or, like, I can imagine that this wouldn't be said. Like, at a, you know, like, you go to fucking, like, a formal dinner, there's a banquet.

Inappropriate Topics

You're talking to sponsors or, like, other people on, like, a cap table, and they're not going to be, like, really that interested in, like, you know, like a racially adjusted body count index or anything. Yeah, speak for your fucking self. Here's a question I want to ask us the tunes first.

Reactions in Social Situations

Toons. When somebody like, okay, you go to, like, a wedding. I've actually never been to a wedding, but say you, like, went to a wedding with, like, your IRl friends and some, you know, like, your. Your old homies, like, dad, you haven't seen, like, ten years, is like, oh, krypton's. What. What have you been up to? What do you tell him that you do?

Crafting Responses

Oh, my. That's such a good question. I. I feel like I just try to avoid it completely. Like, someone's like, oh, what do you do? I'd be like, oh, yeah. I just do, like, marketing. I literally says, do marketing. Is that what do you do? I say the same thing, but I sound like such a.

Brief Encounters and Small Talk

But, like, even in Uber driver, like, so, you know, you called an Uber black. What do you do? And I'm like, you know, I, like, do marketing for, like, a tech company. You look like that, though. It's like, instant conversation. Like, it's over after that, he's just like, oh. And he goes quiet.

Avoiding Depth in Conversations

But that's what you want, dude. You can't, like, capitulate people. You can't, like, onboard Uber drivers at the height of. I mean, you could actually. Actually. Is this the mass adoption? I mean, Lucas, are you, like, shilling malady war when somebody asks you what you do Irl?

Self-identity in Communication

No, I say, I'm a podcaster. Like, do, but. Okay. But then they ask, what's your podcast? And what do you say? They just don't ask that, man. Like, boring people. That's the thing. Hey, guy, what company you working at? You know, hey, what do you do with bad brother?

Sharing Passion Projects

You want to listen to my three hour podcast? Please support, dude. Come on. Yeah, like, that's the thing, is it's the perfect response for, like, real life and for conferences, because, like, it. Conferences, it instantly filters out. Like, if somebody is trying to get something from you, like, they just leave.

Concluding Thoughts

They don't even make an excuse. Like, if you say that, they, like, you know, when everyone's going around doing the, like, what do you do? Thing, and it's like, I could, like, list off, like, a name. Like, you know, like, I can, like, list off, like, four companies I work with. I can start talking about, like, the, like, tech industry people that I work with. I can start saying, like, whatever fucking fun shit.

Authenticity and Connections

And it's just like, you just become. I don't know, like, I just feel like a loser if I ever do that. And if I say I have a podcast, it's like, if they like me, you know, for me, they'll stick around, and if they don't, then they wander off, and that's the way she goes. And it's the same thing too with relatives, bro.

Family Conversations

Like, relatives. You tell them you got a podcast. Like, they're gonna be like, the fuck happened, man? Like, you were, like, really, like, you were really one. You were really, like, making us all proud, and then it's a podcast. What the fuck?

Sensitive Topics with Family

Do you not, like, feel the shame in their reaction when you answer? No. Like, you definitely feel like they're not, like, super happy or whatever. If it's someone who, like, I. You know, like, my parents, close family, like, they know pretty much everything that I do, I guess. You know, like, my mom and dad have my twitter.

Navigating Familial Relationships

They see everything but you know, if it's like an uncle or something, like, it's just like, I don't. I don't see this guy enough that it makes sense trying to, like, because you get it, right? Like, you have to convey, like, the whole context around any of this and explain, like, how any of the market even exists, like, how it came to be in the first place, why anyone would, like, transact in this way.

Effort vs Frequency

And that's just a lot of effort for someone that you only see, like, two times a year. So, yeah. I think that was a pretty good take. Let me ask you this. Is there any scenario, any universe in which the podcast gets so big or, like, the Lucas character gets so big that you would feel inclined to docs, like, hard docs?

Level of Privacy

I like, I mean, the. The secret answer, basically is that, like, I'm already doxxed, but, like, I just, like, you know, like, I don't, like, post it, but, like, it's not like a. You know, it's not the most secret of secrets. I guess maybe instead of docs, like, camera on podcast.

The Collection of Experiences

Yeah, I really should be doing that, actually. You don't realize, man. You really don't realize, like, when you're in, like, crypto Twitter, a non bullshit all day, like, how fucking weird normal people think all the anon shit is. And like, especially because, like, I. Like, if I'm talking to, like, tech or, like, trad five people and you have to, like, explain all of this shit.

Difficult Conversations

Like, it's just like, you're so fucked, man. Like, there's simply no way that you can do it. And especially if it's, like, something for Melia, right? Like, I. I was at a meeting one time, and I called Charlie instead of his name in front of a bunch of fucking 60 year old tech guys. And then they were like, wait, why'd you say that?

Awkward Moments

And then someone else in his family goes, oh, it's short for Charlotte Fang. And I was like, God, man, I did not think it was going to get worse, but truly. So now you have to explain why. Why your buddy is a fucking, like, chinese woman and had it, like, you can spin it however you want, but I don't think there's any way that you can successfully convince them it has nothing to do with weird sex shit.

Family Engagements

Yeah, they're gonna think you're a weirdo, dude. Thanksgivings will become weirder next year. Your uncle doesn't show up after you told them all this shit, cuz. Just a weird environment. And they do a little digging, they get. They get a little bit more accustomed to this.

The Change of Relationships

Then they start asking you questions. I'm like, yo, how can I invest into crypto? They invest at the top. Then you become the evilst fucking nephew on earth, brother, for the rest of your life. Dude. Dude. So I actually, like, I played it totally perfectly with the crypto stuff with my relatives.

Historical Context

I, like, I talked about it all the time in like, 2017. It was my first cycle. I was so excited. I was shilling them all the fucking time. In 2020, 2021, I said nothing. I said absolutely because I remembered what happened to me in 2017. And I remembered the brutal shame of being extremely proud that I had basically generated two houses and then sending it to fucking zero as all of them continued to ask me for updates on a fairly daily basis.

Investment Lessons

For those of you who are not there in 2017, that was actually, like, that crash was really fucking bad, man. Alts actually went down 99.99%. Luna was bad, but it was like everything got lunaed. Every single token across the board got Luna. So, yeah, deep shame and humiliation, more than I usually generate in my life, probably acclimated me to a lot of what I do now on the Internet, actually, but went through and just ignored everything for the next cycle.

Understanding and Guidance

And then this last bear market, it, like, my mom came to me and was like, okay, I think that crypto is going to stick around. It seems you've been, like, fucking around with this stuff. I've been looking into it some. Like, what would you recommend that I buy if I get in right now? And I was like, fucking like, I don't know, man.

Maternal Investment Choices

Like bitcoin, maybe ethereum or like, solana, if you're really fucking risky. And she goes like, I'm only doing this because I, like, I'm only investing in crypto because I want to be risky. So I'm putting it all in Solana. And I was like. And this was when Solana was, like, $17, dude.

Unexpected Outcomes

And I was like, oh, no. And she, like, she put a very sizable chunk in there and actually wound up selling, like, half at, like, 186. Like, anyway, her one trade has outperformed everything I've done in my entire life in crypto. She literally traded everyone, 95% of people in a cycle.

Mother's Trading Success

I think your mom's master. Wait, is that. That's a true story, that guy? Yeah. Well, no, my mom, like, mogged me horribly. It's really fucking embarrassing. And the worst part is, like, so she asked me recently, she was like, okay, Lucas, so, like, what's your podcast?

Maternal Interest

Because she's been, like, watching my twitter ship, but she's now, like, I don't know. I think she, like, offloaded some part of her business to something else, and so she has more free time. And she was like, I want to start listening to your podcast.

Concerns About Public Image

And I was like, and that's just humiliating now, because no matter which of my seven podcasts it is, like, in all of them, she's just going to see me performing with lower roi than her one fucking trade ever. And I don't know, that was the one thing I was like, I don't.

Seeking Boundaries

I don't want to fucking give her this. Like, so I did, actually. That's, like, the one thing that I walled off. I asked my mom, like, please just don't, like, listen to my podcast, mom. But no, that's respectable, dude. That's respectable.

Podcasting Goals

Obviously, I haven't told my parents about any of the no face shenanigans because. They shall know what's the goal with the podcast? Like, you do it because you enjoy it. You do it for to, like, be bigger than Joe Rogan. Like, you do it to, like, push narratives.

Goals and Insights on the Podcast

What's the goal with the pot? Do you have a goal with the podcast? I listened to it, by the way. I listen. I've probably listened to the Charlotte Fang episode, like, five times, frank. Like, I tap in hundred percent. So there's. There's the one with, sue and Kyle and those guys. And that one is like, that one's just because, like, they. They like talking to fun people. They actually want to run some fun stuff. And we're gonna spin that one up, I guess, again, pretty decently here. But, like, my other ones are mostly, like, me just talking to my friends. Like, me, the one with me and verse is just like, we kind of just would, like, shoot the shit in calls and stuff, and were like, might as well fucking record this shit, I guess. And then it kind of became, like, a log of what were doing and just, like, filling each other in on shit.

Promotion Challenges and Personal Goals

And then people started, like, asking us a bunch of shit, and it became, like, a weird consulting funnel and, like, I don't know. I don't really ever have, like, a super goal with my own personal podcasts, really. Like, I honestly, like, now that I'm saying this, I should go and, like, up. We have all these clips and these things I have to do to promote it, but, like, you know how it is promoting stuff. Like, it just feels like dog shit when you have to go and, like, post and retweet your own things and, oh, like, everybody, like, and subscribe and go over to this account and stuff. It just feels bad. You feel like a fucking dumpster person. Wait, tunes. What about you? Because you've been on a fucking tear with the spaces. The pot? Like, with the spaces in particular. Like, what. What is your, like, long. Do you have, like, a long term plan with it, or do you just, like, fire from the hit when you want to?

Responses to Long-Term Plans and Popularity

Honestly, I saw you doing a bunch of spaces, and then I was like, I want to be like, thread guy. So I've just been doing that ever since. It's like one sentence no one has ever said ever. Great guy. Did you, did you figure out who you bring in that dinner? You bring a ma. Who you bring in? I don't know, actually. I was thinking, like, a girlfriend, and I realized that I have to acquire one first, so I'm maybe gonna fly solo to the drum dinner. I do want to ask, though, lucas. Some not me, but some would say it's maybe a weird position to be the third in the trio of suzu and kyle. The third arrow. Third arrow, if you will. Yeah. Yeah, the third. What the fuck, dude? They rock, man.

Questions on Connections and Experiences

I don't know. I get a lot of questions about a lot of different things about that, but just people have various curiosities about how the fuck did they even find you guys? A lot of it was through Bruce, too, but it was basically around blow up time of everything when everything in the market exploded and we had the cascade of 27 bankruptcies in a row that sent everything to zero. I wound up messaging all of the guys and just being like, hello, everyone says that you're an evil demon. And I found that when crypto Twitter all says this about people, they're usually, like, extremely maladjusted and wrong about their, you know, like, all of these people wound, even with SPF. Like, I'm gonna wind up doing some disgusting, like, spf apologism here. But, like, he is, like. Like, he was effectively groomed by his parents, and he just, like, was put in a room with people who knew how to structure things that were able to, like, fuck him.

Analyzing the Impact of Personal Choices

And, like, he was bad. He definitely, like, fucked a lot of people, but, like, it was more of, like, a sort of childish, like, stumbling into accidentally killing everyone in the universe than it was, like, a malicious, like, actively stabbing them with a dagger type thing. Right, and were you working with him too? No, I actually, like, I think everyone I've ever worked with hates him, and they fucking hate when I do that bit. They're like, can you just, like, not, like, soft defend? Like, as, like, why are you doing this? Why do you feel the need to do that? But, like, I. It just is, like, the level of evil that people think that he is. He's, like, too naive to. And it's like, yeah, I get that.

Taking Stock of Self-Descriptions

He was trying to be, like, lay epic, like, machiavellian mastermind Guy and stuff, and he, like, he, like, tried to pull that off. But, like, you can still be, like, an autistic redditor trying to do, like, machiavellian manipulation and, like, failing. Right? Like, it's. Most people who describe themselves as being machiavellian actually. Actually are that exact archetype. I would say most of the people in, like, the Bay Area tech scene, that's a descriptor of them, right? Oh, I'm very pragmatic. Have you ever self described yourself as machiavellian? No.

Reflections on Perception and Character

Ever self describing yourself as, like, you know, sociopathic or machiavelli? It's like, that's not something that you're, like, you're not supposed to do it, bro. You're just. It's. It's off limits. It's. It's cringe. Like, it's Tumblr 2007. Shit. Mandy. So how do you describe yourself? Retarded. I I tell people I'm normal and well-adjusted. dude, I. On a serious note, though. What. What's good with this cold thing? Like, what? I sent money. This pre sale, 45 days turned, like, dude, I. Like, I fully understand.

Navigating Through Experiences and Understanding

I literally did the same. I burned, like, a $1,000 in gas. I wound up fucking not getting my shit in until, like, three and a half x off the floor. I was sitting there, seething in a space. There's a recorded space somewhere out there of me, just, like, fucking cursing at, like, contract devs. I, like, I really. I really truly, if I had more that I could, like, give you here, like, if this is just not my thing, and, like, it's a very heavily, like, walled off, like, region of things because all of the legalities around launching tokens when you're, like, a doxxed person and they're kind of scary, you know?

Concerns on Market Dynamics and Legal Implications

Like, I guess a funny way to think about this is, like, if ethereum drops out of the top ten, top 20. Vitalik. Vitalik. I don't know how to pronounce his name, frankly, but he will become basically do Kwan in terms of how evil he is. Like, he will. He will go to jail, right? Like, if ethereum goes down enough, he goes to jail. Really? Like, just because of public, like, some country will say, like, oh, you violated whatever security law. Basically. If he fucks over enough of their citizens by, like, destroying enough of their capital, like, he just becomes illegal now.

Understanding the Complexities of Legal Systems

Right? And that same thing is true of, like, any token, you know, like, it's. It's actually kind of dangerous to do this shit if you're doxed and, like, not have your shit figured out legally. I, like, what are you referencing for that? Like, what? Like, what's a case of that you've seen? There's no case of anyone turning into do kwan two. That is entirely me repeating what maybe sue said this morning in another space, but it does sound real to me. Yeah, but that just sounds like sue trying to make an argument that equates an algo stablecoin ponzi imploding and destroying $40 billion of value with just a layer one blockchain going down because people are selling it.

Exploring Market Dynamics and Reactions

It's completely different. But, like, I get what. No, no. I think the hard fork with Eth actually did introduce a lot of, like, that wasn't something that you would want to have to, like, explain legally in court. You know, like, the whole, like, hard forking and saying, oh, yeah, we're overruling all of this, and redis, like, that's like, that's tricky. I get what you're saying. That if somehow there was a death spiral because of the mechanism, if they fucked up the mechanism, but if the price just goes down because people sell, I don't think there's any sort of, like, lie there.

Seeking Clarity in Price Movements

Well, why is it going down? I feel like it is inherently tied to the mechanism. After the 2.0 update and the fact that you could string them up for it would have gone up if you hadn't have offloaded all of the fees to the l two s, and now there's no token accrual or there's no value accrual to the token or something like that. If I wanted to really, like, dig my flaws in. I'm on your side with all that. I'm just saying, like, you have to. You have to, like, bro, look up the Luna chart.

The State of Investment and Market Reactions

It's a straight. It went from. It went from $77 to one 100th of a penny in three days. Like, that's different than, like, eth BTC just being caught. I'm very aware of what happened in Luna. That's how I blew my asshole out last entire. That was how I lost probably 99% of my net worth. And it was like, I will say it was actually sad. Argument by Suzu is him trying to justify and be like, that this shit just happens. Like, it's not my fault that Luna imploded and, like, we got blew up in this trade.

Reflections on Asset Management

It's like, that's just wet. Like, Vitalik would not go to prison if he just keeps bleeding forever. He's just like, he'll walk away. Like, I don't know. I just had to say that because I feel like you're just wrong. That's fine. I'm not super heavily invested in it. I do think that basically any of the big cryptos that have people publicly associated with them, especially the Dow shit, especially. It's just all of this stuff was done before there were any laws or regulations.

Navigating Market Regulations

And now all of the laws or regulations that have come out pretty definitively say that what happened and what happens during a hard fork is, like, it's like, banned. You know, like, maybe if you have, like, an l two or something, but I don't know. Again, I'm. Wait, what don't you have? Aren't you, like, full ported eth Lucas? No. So eventually, for those of you who don't know, like, my. My, like, retard investment lore, it was basically that, like, I wound up being, like, a majority ether.

Investment Journey Reflections

A little bitcoin, little bit Solana in the bear. Like, that was how I poured it in. So I was very happy with the Solana part. Did really good. Bitcoin did great eth. It's like, nice. Like, nice. It's like a fucking, like, I don't know, like a 2.2 x or some awesome shit like that. And I was just, like, sitting there watching Solana go up, like, infinitely every single day. And I'd recorded a bunch of, like, stuff with Ansem, with verse, talking about how, like, yeah, like, I'm all in on Solana.

Confronting Hesitations and Decisions

I think it's gonna be really fucking good. Like, Solana phone, where would, like, everyone buy whenever it goes under $20? And I wound up just like, being, I don't know, too much of a pussy to want to sell my eth into Solana. Like, I told myself all these excuses about taxes or whatever, and eventually I was like, okay, like, fuck this, dude. I'm just going to take loans out on my eth and I'm just going to start taking the stables. I get from that and just going and, like, longing Solana and bitcoin.

Current Perspectives on NFTs and Market Trends

And so now I've been doing that for long enough that, like, ETh isn't actually my primary hold anymore because it just, like, it just got outperformed by every single other asset that I bought with anything. So, I don't know, like, I still hold eth because it's like, you need it if you do defi really, right? Like, you can't, like, you can't do any of this shit with bitcoin. It would be great. Like, if I could just only hold bitcoin as the collateral, I would absolutely do that.

Analyzing the Current State of NFTs

But, like, you just can't get good, like, loans from Aave or something like that. What is your thought on the state of nfts right now? Are we cooked, like, entirely, or are we on. On a resurgence? The fact that gas fees are going up at all is making me think that it has to go up at some point. But, like, my thesis on Eth, which is, like, again, this, like, this is totally just copied from other people around me. I don't have. There's no reason that I would have independently, like, derived this on my own.

Market Predictions and Future Considerations

But it's like, every time eth pumps versus bitcoin, there's like a two week period that it happens, right? So I'm assuming that happens again. When we get the eth pump, it's going to be like two weeks, which is also why I'm, like, scared to just outright dump it, because I assume I miss, like, half of that. And it's like, if I held through the infinite down of all of this only to miss, like, the pump at the end, it's just like, oh, my God, like, really? This is bad. But I think it's going to be like a two week pump, and I think it's going to be relatively close to the end of the cycle.

Hoping for a Shift in Market Trends

So I don't think that it's going to be, like, now. I hope not. Like, if it's now, then, like, we're, like, I'm thinking it's not great, right? Because if we get an e fled pump now I'm shorting the fuck out of that, man. Like, I am scared. Imagine the one that you short is, like, the actual one that sustains. So do you remember, like, the ETF candle? Like, I was. I was talking to Anson with that one because, like, I actually did add more to my short, like, right fucking before that candle, and it went up, and I was just sitting there looking at it, like, oh, my God.

LIVE Trading Experiences and Outcomes

Like, holy fuck. Because that was like, nearly like a full portfolio position. So I was looking at, like, a very big red number there. And I wound up basically, like, holding it out because I was like, I actually, like, I actually agree with Ansem. Like, I think this shit is like, fuck eth, dude. And I just held. It's like, it went down. It wasn't even that long. It took like a month. Retrace the whole thing. And I was sitting there just like, absolutely euphoric. Like, holy shit. ETH is the worst asset.

Reflection on Market Experiences and Trends

And again, like, tune is like, this is probably, like, another part of the reason why I think that he should just be in prison is because, like, I was sitting there and I watched it just lose, like, 50% of its value over the course of a month after it got an ETF. And I was just like, holy shit, man. Jail. Like, absolute jail. Have you ever had discord, like, conversation with Vitalik? No, I think I've not been super nice to him.

Reluctance to Engage with Certain Figures

I've done a very autistic thing where I've sort of treated him like a character in a tv show or something like that. And it's like, I wouldn't want to talk to him. Cause, like, I have been, like, a huge asshole in that way, and it would make me have to, like, confront that fact. Wait, do you think people treat you like a character in a tv? Yeah, like, all. Anyone who has, like, more than, like, 5000 followers.

Public Perception and Identity Dynamics

You're like a dancing monkey on a stage. Like, you're not, like, you know, this was another thing that you realized with all the bankruptcies last year. Like, the image that everybody had of, like, sue and Kyle and SBF and do Kwan. Like, it wasn't of something that could actually exist as a real person in real life. It was like this caricature that could only ever be, like, some sort of, like anime character in like autistic people's heads on the Internet who pretend to be like anonymous cartoons, right? Wait, so if you know, like, if you go into it knowing that people think of you as this like dancing character on stage, how do you like, playdead into, do you knowingly consciously play into that and like create it into something more?

Self-Reflection on Performance and Identity

I think kind of everybody does now to some extent. Like, I think cell phones sort of unlocked this thing in human brains where like there's this, like everybody has like an awareness of like what they might look like from some external point of view when they're doing anything. There's some guys who will just say, no, I don't get this at all. It's a very girl thing. Like, every girl, I think, has a sense of this pretty much all the time. But when you're talking to anyone, if you've been on the Internet for long enough, yeah, I do think it just becomes like you're doing things performatively, right?

The Nature of Online Engagement

Like the Internet exists as a performative outlet. Like, you are all sort of theater kids or you are all sort of looking for information. Those are like the only two states that things can really exist in. So, yeah, I mean, like it's annoying. Like ever roll back? Like, does that ever roll back or is it forever accelerate? I mean, I'm sure there's a way to roll it back, but it's one of those like autist, like nuclear bomb back to the Stone Ages type situations that I just think is really not super likely.

Implications of Online Exposure

I don't know, like the, I think everybody, every guy after they've been on the Internet for long enough, like it will never matter if my DM's are leaked, right? Like maybe if I like, send someone my credit card or something so we can like sign up, I'll be like kind of pissed off, like, hey, why did you fucking leak my credit card? But like, it's not like if I have like a conversation with someone, you're going to have some, like, oh, like, I never would have guessed that like, lucas is behaving this way. Like, it will all be very congruent.

Growing Acceptance of Online Behavior

And I think most guys past like the age of 13 sort of get towards this, you know, like when I was younger, there was this trend of guys getting like their screenshots posted saying like weird shit to women or whatever. And it doesn't really happen as much anymore. It still does, but it doesn't happen in the same way. You don't have that ultra gay, super whiny bitch shit that guys will do, they'll still be weird. But the millennial slop that they would send to women when they were having these emotional moments was really something that can't be.

Shifts in Communication Styles

Can't be put into words. Wait, give me an example. I'm not following. Like, okay, so the. The average guy who doesn't have, like, great friends, I think, goes and he finds, like, some woman, like, once a month in his life, and he just goes and vents about how, like, lonely he is and how he doesn't have anyone and stuff, you know? Yeah, yeah. And so, like, the way that they used to do this used to be so much worse, man. Like, it used to just be horrifying, and now, like, I.

Reflections on Emotional Interactions

They'll still be kind of, like, pathetic in a way that makes the girl, like, hate them and, like, the girl, like, guys, if there's a guy in the audience, like, listening and you do this, you should probably. I get that women say, no, I want to help, but they do. Usually. It's fucking annoying to them, man. They don't want to have to deal with this three hour therapy thing for some guy that isn't. Just be respectful about it.

Final Thoughts on Interaction Dynamics

Don't be weird. Yeah, there's. There's still some that goes on. I guess. I will say, lucas, save your breath. That he isn't in this space. Is he, like, doing a joke? Like, he really. I've heard that he's, like, normal enough in real life, and then he'll say some really fucking whacked out shit in these group chats. And I was like, you know, you're, like, laughing, crying, reacting it, and then, like, at some point, like, it's been, like, three weeks of this thing and.

Exploring the Dissonance of Online Characters

And you're like, fuck, man. Like, is this a bit, like, am I just being an asshole? Like, is he, like, expressing genuine sentiments and I'm just, like, laughing at it for the most part. Eddie's a great dude. Great dude. Love Eddie. But, yeah, he's got some comments. Yeah, I guess on that last take, I have some personal reflecting to do. Thanks, Lucas. I do have a question for you, though.

NFT Format and Future Predictions

Complete, like, 180 pivot. If NFTs have, like, a resurgence in 2024, 2025, do you think it's going to be with a similar format of, like, malady, NFT and, like, Colt token? Like, is every successful NFT bound to this idea that you have to have, like, a ERc 20 token to trade? I think that, like, first off, no, I don't necessarily think that I think that things get really tricky. Like, this is, it's a very complicated process when you're trying to tie liquidity of two assets in any way that isn't like, just like totally unattached and say, oh, they're loosely associated.

Challenges with Token and NFT Interactions

And I think it's something that, like, probably shouldn't be attempted if you're going to not like, really think about how. Because, like, so much of what goes on chain is like basically like botnet farms, like, arbing stuff out. And if you have like, you know, some way that you can. Some way that you can arb, like the uni pool or like the uni v three pool versus a uni v two pool or like, versus like an exchange that has like their spread set high. Like, you can really get fucked in a lot of ways that, like, they just don't happen with nfts, right? Like, tokens open up the gate to a lot of very sneaky, like, weasel shit that NFT people have never had to deal with at all and don't want to.

NFT vs. Token Dynamics

Like, you really don't want to have to figure out what they can do to you on the backend of token shit. It's like a big nuke. I definitely think we do get another NFT run, though. I just, I just see no way that we don't. Maybe I'm coping in the same way that I am with Eth, but I think if we get an eth pump, we have to have an EtH NFT pump. Do you think it looks different this time if we do get an ethnic pump? Like, is it old shit coming back from the dead? Or is there like a new unlock with a new wave?

Changes in NFT Market Dynamics

I think there's always going to be like a handful of the old stuff, but I think for the most part, people are fully in the camp of like, I want new shit, right? I think it might actually be different on the NFT side because nfts have like a sort of stickiness because the pictures, like, they do, like, weird pair bonding with you. Like, you look into their eyes and like, you start developing some sort of like a weird relationship with these pictures in your phone that you don't really get with tokens as much. So it does seem that like, this is a lot of why I think NFT volatility is just lower overall is because, like, people are, they're a little attached, man.

Emotional Attachments to NFTs

You know? Like people had the strategy of buying two of any NFT they got because then they can sell one and still have this other one, you know, like who does that with tokens? It doesn't happen. So if you were gonna create and like launch an NFT right now in 2024 and have it be successful like what would you do differently currently? That's a horrible question given that I haven't ever created or launched anything successfully. Not a horrible question by you. It was a great question by you.

User Interface in NFT Ecosystem

It's a horrible question to be asked as me, but I don't know, like I really think that we have to do something about the fact that all of this shit is just like gross to any normal person. Like we have NFTs and you mint theme and like you transact them on these like market. Like all of this shit is just like it's unusable. Like I can't show it to my mom. I can, I have again. But it's not something that she like looks at it and she's like, this is like this is a gimmick, right? Like she just instantly susses it out and says like this is like silly and it is and it really just needs to be like I think the actual image itself could basically be anything you want.

Challenges With Current NFT Presentation

I don't think that a, a profile picture. I mean I guess you could do it again. We've done it billions of times. Maybe it works for the 5000th time but I think it really does just come down to the way that you present and package it and give it a user interface and you almost need to do your own block explorer for it because relying on getting a bunch of normal people to use Etherscan to go look at this shit to like, you know, like have you done it? Like, have you showed a normal person etherscan? It's like why even try?

Improvements Needed for Blockchain Explorers

Yeah, like it's totally busted. And that's something that actually like it's like heinously unusable. Like the format of like block explorers could be so, so much better and it would make the entire industry so much more usable. Like not just on like the Normie facing side but like devs want information and it's like it would be really fucking cool if they could get, wait. Why has no one built that? I don't know. I always ask this question in crypto.

Opportunities for Improvement in Crypto Products

I don't know if you remember but Charlie had an article where he basically laid out blur as a product and said you could do this and vampire attack opensea and they won't be able to do anything about it because they're the world's slowest actors, and they don't care. Also. They just won't, you know, they have no defense against it. And then that article was out for, like, a really fucking long time. Like, I think years, and then, like, eventually blur happened. But it's just like, that sort of thing always happens in crypto.

Wallet Enhancements and User Accessibility

Like, people have been asking, why don't we have, like, a wallet that you remember, like, when metamask was the only wallet that didn't require you or, sorry, the only wallet. And, like, you. You had to, like, go and confirm that you were switching chains, and it, like, it still to this day, does not have, like, all of the chains that you need built in. It's insane. Like, you download it on every new computer, new phone, whatever the fuck, and you go.

Improvements Suggestions for Wallet Management

And you're like, oh, right, I have to go to chain list now so I can add, like, the 72 different, like, blockchains because they don't build it in. So you saying that for my first code boot camp project, I should be working on a block explorer and Orlando an improved version of metamask? Yeah. I'm saying that the optimal situation for you as a fledgling founder is to approach the wallet scene. You got to come out strong, hit the security related things where.

Focus on Security in Crypto

Where they hurt, man. People don't come to crypto. You know, they don't come to crypto for reasons relating to, like, low risk. You know, nothing about this is low risk. So just. You're a young guy. You got a podcast. I'm sure you know a lot about security, right? Yeah. Hey, would you ever come on said podcasts? You know, we kind of just did one.

Talking About Personal Interests and Engagement

Yeah, I like podcasts. I'm a big podcast guy. That'd be sick. I want to fight myself to yours. I got, like, two more questions for you. Cause that I did tell you I would let you, like, I would free you in an hour. I know you're, like, busy irl. What. What do you, like, read? Like, where do you, like, for, like, maybe even, like, how do you form these, like, thoughts? Like, it's kind of fascinating to me, like, the things that come out of your mouth or, I guess, from your hands.

Sources of Inspiration and Reading Habits

Like, what do you, like, read. Do you, like, read Charlotte Fang writings all day? Like, what? No, I actually like. I very rarely read any of Charlie's stuff unless he sent it to me and said, like, hey, like, look at this. This is what I'm thinking about for this. Or take, like, you know, if it's getting worked into, like, a product or a deal or something, then I do.

Personal Engagement Over Consumption

But, like, I generally don't read a. Anything. Like, I don't, like, listen to music. I don't, like, watch tv or, like, movies or shit. I generally just like talking to people. I find that's, like, I don't know, like, have you. I don't know how. I actually have no idea how it is over for the Bay Area Zoomers now that I'm thinking about this. But I like philosophy as, like, a meme is definitely, like, something that, when I was growing up, like, it was the, like, oh, like, I'm going to be sophisticated and flex my big.

Philosophy and Cultural Perception

Like, I've read all of these things and blah, blah. And, like, it became very clear that it was, like, lsd in the sense that, like, people would read the philosophy books, and then they would talk about how it, like, changed their lives. But, like, the only way in which it meaningfully changed their lives is now they talk about how it changed their lives all the time. There's, like, nothing that actually went on differently. And you just started categorizing all the philosophers based on the demographic of people who would tell you that they read their book, right?

Aesthetic Preferences and Cultural Trends

So you don't think of whatever, sort of, like, things the philosopher said. You just think, like, whatever it is, it aesthetically attracts this group of people, right? It's like with sports, where everybody basically picked it purely based on what they think looks or sounds cool. Like, nobody has, like, an inherent, like, super preference for, like, basketball over, like, hockey over tennis over baseball, really. Like, it's all just, what do you like?

Identifying Trends Through Aesthetic Preferences

So I think you can basically draw out the important parts of what people care about or do from, like, you know, shit like that. Like, what do they. What do they choose to align themselves with? So you don't read none, bro. Like, have you read my posts? My. My Lexile score is down there at, like, a fucking 300, man. It's in the gutter.

Reflections on Reading and Writing

I don't even know what that means. I guess, like, difficulty rating for the average word. Like, my shit can be read by, like, a genuine seven year old. They might not, like, understand the meaning of the words pieced together, but they will, like, be able to say, I know every fucking word in this sentence. Isn't it, like, the goal to be able to write something complex that a seven year old can read? Yeah, like, I like writing at a level that, like, absolutely retarded people can read.

Simple Language and Communication Style

I I’m not, like, the type of person, you know, like, I'm never going to be, like, a Charlie fang, type writer, where I go out and I do, like, a bunch of big words and say fancy things and, like, flex a big iq. It. But, like, what's the point of that? Like, do we need to do that? I think. I think it is good that people do that, right?

The Necessity of Different Writing Styles

Like, I think, first of all, I think that's something that, like, needs to exist because people need to align themselves with it as, like, a show of, like, sophistication, right? Like, there's just a type of person that likes to, like, flex their, like, you know, nuanced big brain takes and, like, how good they are at stuff. And I think it's good. Like, I think it's good that elitists exist in some capacity.

Different Writing Styles and Their Importance

They sort of, like, they give people, like, a high target to strive for, you know, like an unimaginable moonshot type thing, like an unfathomable IQ. It's just like, it's not my style. Right? Like, I like working with these people because then we cover both the retard and the non retard angles. But I'm not gonna do it very well myself.

Personal Reflections on Intellectual Engagement

I mean, you guys have been listening to me for God knows how long now, an hour or whatever. You know that I'm not here pitching you my iq. Really? If I buy it? If you were selling it. Speaking of writing toons, what do you drop it? What? Oh, that's not. I wrote an article, but it's for people doing nfts on Monad.

NFT Writing and Collaboration

So, Lucas, if you want to do nft collection, let me know. Me specifically, or, like, is it like a. Is Romelia invited? Yeah, do. I mean, there have been a lot of psyops from Milady's about Monad, so, yeah, I mean, if you guys want to talk, hit me up. Yeah, there's a lot of these. I think I never should have, like, used the word psyop ever.

Concept of Psyops in Conversation

I think I like, you know, like, every time I hear something described as a psyop and then I see it, I'm usually like, this is just. This was just lying to. And it's like, I don't know. It's not like lying, I guess, is, like, still amusing in principle, in some way, but there's a lot of times where it's like, I'm just doing something that is not what it would be expected to be.

Understanding Liabilities and Expectations

But there's not like a. It might not have a punchline. It's just like, I'm tricking you. You're like, I guess I was tricked. I. Yeah. Do you think the idea of a psyop is a psyop? The idea of a psy? Yeah. Like, I mean, even the existence of, like, oh, like, we're gonna be, like, psyopping everything.

Reflections on Perception and Reality

Like, it's all, like, you know, like, how much can I really be doing, dude? Like, you guys see my podcast. If I'm uploading 16 hours of podcasts every fucking day, like, how much psyopping could really be going on? You know, it's all. The psyop is. The psyop itself. Lucas, tell the miladys to tell Charlotte to hit me up.

Final Thoughts and Reflections

Yeah, the miladys should tell Charlie to hit you up. I guess I just repeated that without even thinking it. I didn't even, like, really analyze what you said. I just instinctively. So I guess it's fine. It wasn't like you had me say anything weird or bad, but that could have been really bad. Does that mean that the miladys are getting Monad Airdrop?

Humor in the Crypto Space

Is that what I just heard tunes? Like, where I heard it? Yeah, that was his last. Last run. I co host toons. That's on you, bro. I understand now. Like, I no longer laugh when I hear the airdrop jokes. Like, it was funny when I didn't have people doing them to me. And now that I've had them, like, pointed at me, I'm like, God, dude, like, I don't want to fucking go to jail.

Concerns About Legal Issues and Jokes

Like, why are you doing this? Like, why would you do this to me? The fuck is wrong with you? All right, Lucas, last thing I know, you have a life. I don't be on Twitter still. What? Is there anything you're working on? Like, anything cool that you're working on or excited about that you want to talk? Like, chill or call out before we. Before we wrap?

Sharing Work and Thoughts

There are a few things, but some of the people in the speaker panel, I don't think might like. Some of the guys I don't want to, like, cross too many wires, you know? Like, we like to be a. As respectable a house guest as we can be. I don't like to come in and shit on your carpet any more than I have to, but I will say that everyone that I work with, I love deeply.

Expressions of Gratitude

I think they're all great people, better at whatever they do than whatever I do. And, yeah. Hey, give me one thing to go read right now, though. Like, seriously, that isn't. Isn't philosophy that I'm gonna warp change my life? Like, give me one thing that isn't. Okay, so I'm gonna I'm just gonna. This is gonna be horrible.

Reading Preferences and Leisure Activities

This is gonna be so gross. I. When I do read, it's basically just fiction. That's the only thing that I care about. Reading nonfiction is, like, you know, it's like, if you're gonna read fucking philosophy, you're basically, like, I don't even think it makes sense to read philosophy also, like, at, like, under. Like, 45. Like, under 45 years old, because you're basically, like, reading somebody's interpretation of the world and, like, their own personal development.

Philosophy and its Interpretations

And, like, philosophy can be thought of as, like, a cope, right? Like, it's, like, your way that you cope the world into something that you can, like, understand and feel, like, feel good about your place in, right? So you. If you do. And, like, admittedly, like, as a kid, I did read some philosophy before I got black pilled out of it.

Coping Mechanisms Through Philosophy

But it's basically just the same thing of watching somebody develop their. Their, like, hope their adult level cope as they go through life. And I think that doing that when you're 25 and don't really know what the fuck is going on in your own life, it doesn't really make any sense. You're trying to download an operating system onto hardware that doesn't. It's, like, the wrong os for.

Awareness of Personal Growth

It's like an arm 64 versus an x 86 type fuck up thing and never fucked with that. History has been boring because I just, like, it's all fake in my head. At least I'm sure some of it is real. But during the COVID vaccine thing, where you just got to watch, it came from here. Now it's here, or it's good or it was bad.

Perceptions of Reality Through Current Events

Just depending on who was in office. The vaccine instantly flipped polarity. And all of this stuff, like, reality just, like, would be instantly, like, sign waving around all the time. And I was going through that just thinking, like, this isn't, like, unique, right? Like, this isn't, like, the only time that, like, shit has been this sort of, like, based on, like, any one person's interpretation.

Contextualizing Current Events

So presumably every other part is that way also. And then I was like, okay, well, then it just doesn't matter. I'm not gonna read it. And the creative stuff is fun because any sort of, like, fiction work is somebody. I don't know. Like, in a sense, it's like getting to make your own religion. You get to, like, make your own ground up framework for, like, whatever the fuck you want.

Creativity in Fiction and Interpretation

Like, a world. Like, all of these people put it together in some way that is, like, appealing to you. Because it's different. And so, like, a type of brain that I really don't understand at all is, like, very technical, linear, thought based programmers and a very king of the racist, incel woman hater guys on Twitter. Zero.

Diversity in Creative Perspectives

HP, lovecraft. I love his fiction because it's just coming from a thought mode that I don't have at all. I'm very fragmented. Anything that I say, there's eight different conversational threads that it could go off of, and I jump between them all. Whereas, like, I read his stuff, and it's just. It was clearly, like, laid out so systemically and in a very organized way.

Emulating Different Thought Processes

it's, like, cool. It's cool. You get to, like, emulate a totally different brain for a while. Yeah, that was kind of beautiful. You, do you, like, print out and frame your best tweets? I should do that and take pictures of it and pretend like it's something that I do, because it would be another one of those just, like, disgustingly, like, online loser things.

Engaging with Digital Culture

But no, most of my tweets are, like, there's a very big disparity between, like, the tweets that I find funny and the tweets that, like, other fine, other people find funny also, because, like, most of the things that I find funny are, like. Like, I'm remembering why I, like, made the tweet. And, like, usually, you know, the funniest things in your life are very rarely the funniest tweets, you know?

Personal Humor and Digital Engagement

Yeah, I think that's real. Lucas, you're an interesting character, man. Hey, thanks for pulling up, though. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope everything is well. Yeah, absolutely. Thanks for having me. And we can do some, like, podcast cross contamination if you're ever feeling, like, a little fruity about it in the future.

Future Collaboration Opportunities

I'm down for whatever. Very open mind. Thanks for the. Thanks for the Monad hard show as well. Was been had to love you. Yeah, I think, actually, the fucking. now that I'm thinking about this, I think the Korea rave was sponsored with bear chain, too. So it's like, this is. I'm now, like, oh, God.

Final Words and Acknowledgements

Yeah, right. Right where you're supposed to be, baby. Shout out to you, Lucas tunes kryptoons the man, the middle legend. Any final thoughts before I pull the shout out, Lucas? Appreciate you. Shout out, Lucas.

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