Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space بانوراما جينية هامه و استقراء للساحة الجينية #الجينات_تتكلم hosted by greatjob_22. The genetic landscape discussed in the space showcases a deep dive into essential topics such as gene therapy, genetic diversity, ethical considerations, and technological advancements like CRISPR. With a focus on personalized medicine and interdisciplinary collaborations, the space highlights the impact of genetics on disease treatments, biodiversity, and population health. Exploring the intricacies of genetic research, the space emphasizes the importance of informed decision-making through genetic counseling, while also raising awareness about environmental implications of genetic manipulation. Overall, the space provides a comprehensive overview of key genetic insights and emerging trends within the genetics field.

For more spaces, visit the AI page.


Q: How does genetic research contribute to tackling hereditary diseases?
A: Genetic research offers insights into disease origins, risk factors, and potential treatment strategies for hereditary conditions.

Q: What are the ethical concerns surrounding genetic testing?
A: Privacy, consent, misuse of genetic data, and implications on insurance and employment are key ethical considerations in genetic testing.

Q: How does epigenetics influence gene expression?
A: Epigenetics involves modifications that regulate gene activity without changing the DNA sequence, impacting gene expression and phenotype.

Q: Why is genetic diversity essential for population health?
A: Genetic diversity enhances resilience to diseases, promotes adaptability, and contributes to overall health within populations.

Q: What role does CRISPR technology play in genetic advancements?
A: CRISPR enables precise gene editing, offering potential solutions for genetic disorders, agricultural improvements, and scientific research.

Q: How can individuals make informed decisions about genetic testing?
A: Genetic counseling provides individuals with information on risks, benefits, and limitations of genetic testing, empowering informed decision-making.

Q: What are the interdisciplinary collaborations driving genetic innovations?
A: Collaborations between genetics, technology, medicine, and various other fields accelerate breakthroughs in genetic research, diagnosis, and treatments.

Q: What are the potential implications of genetic manipulation on ecosystems?
A: Genetic manipulation can impact biodiversity, species interactions, and ecosystem stability, raising concerns about environmental ramifications.

Q: How is gene therapy revolutionizing the treatment of genetic disorders?
A: Gene therapy involves introducing genetic material to correct defective genes, offering promising treatment options for inherited diseases.

Q: How is personalized medicine leveraging genetic insights for tailored treatments?
A: Personalized medicine utilizes genetic information to customize healthcare strategies, optimize drug responses, and improve patient outcomes.


Time: 00:12:45
Gene Therapy Breakthroughs Discussing recent advancements in gene therapy for various genetic conditions.

Time: 00:25:18
Epigenetics and Gene Expression Exploring the role of epigenetic modifications in regulating gene activity.

Time: 00:35:02
CRISPR Innovations in Genetic Editing Highlighting the potential of CRISPR technology for precise genetic modifications.

Time: 00:45:39
Ethical Considerations in Genetic Research Delving into the ethical dilemmas surrounding genetic studies and applications.

Time: 00:55:12
Genetic Diversity in Population Health Examining the importance of genetic diversity for disease resilience and population well-being.

Time: 01:05:28
Interdisciplinary Collaborations in Genetics Showcasing how collaborations across disciplines drive genetic breakthroughs and innovations.

Time: 01:15:09
Environmental Impacts of Genetic Manipulation Exploring the potential consequences of genetic engineering on ecosystems and biodiversity.

Time: 01:25:56
Personalized Medicine and Genetics Understanding how personalized healthcare is revolutionized by genetic insights and tailored treatments.

Time: 01:35:21
Genetic Counseling for Informed Decisions Highlighting the role of genetic counseling in educating individuals about genetic testing and health choices.

Time: 01:45:17
CRISPR Applications Beyond Medicine Looking at diverse applications of CRISPR technology in agriculture, research, and beyond.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of genetic research in understanding hereditary diseases.
  • Exploring gene therapy as a potential treatment for genetic disorders.
  • The role of genetics in personalized medicine and targeted therapies.
  • Ethical considerations in genetic testing and privacy concerns.
  • Genetic manipulation and its implications on biodiversity and ecosystems.
  • Advancements in CRISPR technology opening doors to genetic editing possibilities.
  • Cross-disciplinary collaborations driving innovative genetic research.
  • The significance of epigenetics in influencing gene expression and traits.
  • Increasing focus on genetic diversity and its impact on population health.
  • Genetic counseling and education for informed decision-making in healthcare.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to Roka Report

Hello, everyone, and welcome to Roka Report Friday Night Live. It's Phil Horson again this week as we prepare for tomorrow's top of the table clash in the championship with Burnley at the Stadium of Light. It's been another quiet, uneventful and fairly low key week at the Stadium of Light, I don't think, because obviously, there's a lot of speculation going around at the minute surrounding Jack Clark. We've also got a new signing in the bag. So that's happened today. So there's been quite a lot happened over the past few days. And, of course, we're going into the game on the back of a great one against Sheffield Wednesday last Sunday. So we've got a lot to talk about. We've got a lot to discuss. As always, if you want to get involved and have you say, I'm sure you know how this works by now, just hit request to speak. And you can also tweet us at Roka Report as well. We'd love to get your views on the Jack Clark speculation.

Discussion on New Signings and Speculation

The signing of Wilson is a door. And whatever else you might want to talk about regarding Sunderland, we always like to hear a range of different views, and tonight's going to be no exception. We've also got a couple of speakers who I'm just adding to the conversation right now. They're going to jump in a few moments. So again, we're hoping for a good show. We're hoping for a lively discussion. We'll try and be balanced. We'll try and be level headed. We won't be too dramatic about it because I'm sure there's a lot of. A lot of polarized opinions out there today regarding what's been happening recently. But we're going to try and bring a bit of balance to it, and I'm going to start by bringing in reporter Tom Albrighton. Hello, Tom. Good evening, Philip. How are you this evening? We're all right. We're still here. We've got another week done in dusters, so, you know, you've got to look on the positives, haven't you? Yeah, absolutely. We've got also got Johnny Hardy. Hello, Johnny. Hi, Phil. How are you, everyone? How are you doing, mate? Not too shabby. I mean, feeling better than I was 24 hours ago, give or take, but, yeah, I think that's most people in it.

The Jack Clark Situation

Yeah, absolutely. Well, I mean, there's no point in wasting any time. Let's dive straight into the big news or the bit what's not confirmed yet, but there's the rumour mills, in being an overdrive since last night when Fabricio Romano tweeted it that Jack Clark, after two and a half years at Sunderland and two years on a permanent deal, the first six months were spent on loan, looks to be leaving the stadium alike. He looks to be heading to whip switch town to link up with Keira McKenna in the Premier League. The fee depends on who you believe is anywhere between 15 to 20 million with add ons and the so called spurs tax factored into that. So how much Sunderland are they going to receive? Well, we're not exactly certain at this moment in time, but it does look as though Clark's going to be off. So, Tom, I'll come to you first and foremost because you and I were just being chatting off air about the kind of, you know, the risk reward factor of this potential transfer. Okay? It might be disappointing to lose Clark at this moment in time, but at the same time it's going to free up funds for us to strengthen. So first of all, just give us your opinion on it. Just fire away.

Tom Albrighton on Jack Clark

Yeah, well, I think there's not a Sunderland fan who isn't going to be disappointed to lose Jack Clark. I think that's just the reality of the situation there. I think 95% of fans are also disappointed. It just sort of the fee being a little bit lower than what we'd all like to see and what we'd be comfortable with. But I think you know, it's like we were just looting off there. There is. You've got to balance it between the notion that, you know, the signing of Isadore shows that they're clearly on the front foot and they're clearly looking to recruit, to replace Clark or his contributions, not necessarily in his position, but across the field. The mode of thinking I've come round to, some may disagree, some may not, is that they've probably accepted this 15 million with the add ons there as a means of sort of frame up a little bit financial headroom so they can say, yes, we are going to lose Clark. There's going to be a short period of paying there in losing them, but you've got a guaranteed 50 million there. And if they're looking at three or four players who are going to cost, you know, between ten and 15 million pounds, then I think they've taken the calculated risk of we'll sell them now where that fee is guaranteed.

The Impact of Losing Jack Clark

Because what you don't want to do is you don't want to get in the situation where you end up haggling, you haggle for too long, you maybe lose out on two or three of your targets. So then the questions start getting asked, well, why have we not, you know, why we're not spent all that money? Why have we not done X, Y and Z? And then you two players later as a result. And the second factor is Jack Clark would have played tomorrow. We could have convinced him to say he could have done his ACL, he could have done his achilles and then still wanted to weigh in twelve months time and we might not have got the 15 million plus the add ons that we would necessarily be getting. So I think it's a difficult situation. I think this puts the whole idea in the model to sort of. I would say it's strict, this test so far because, you know, losing shot was a big blow but we'd already lost him injury before he left so we sort of got used to that. Whereas this is going to have. We're going to have to get used to this pretty darn quickly, really, especially.

Players Stepping Up

But Burnley coming up tomorrow afternoon, so I think that's disappointing. But I think when you put your pragmatic head on, you can see sort of, well, you can understand why they've done it. And I just hope for their sake, and I hope for everybody's sake that, you know, we can bring in two, three, four players and we can mitigate Jack's clock's loss by signing players who would round the team off a little bit more than sort of what it is. Yeah. We've also got Brett Lyons Davis who's joined us. Hello, Brett, how are you? I'm very good, mate, thank you. Very good. It's been a while since I've been on here. I think this is your first appearance one of our shows of the new season so far. It's the first time we're in the season and I'm so unprepared for today, it's ridiculous. Oh, that's okay. We like to do things off the top on these spaces, Brett. That's okay. I'm going to come to you in a minute. I'm just going to go to Johnny first, just to pick up one more.

Johnny's Thoughts on Jack Clark's Transfer

Tom said there, Johnny, I mean, I suppose with Jack Clark's potential transfer, which as we all know, hasn't been officially confirmed yet, but it seems like it's only going to be a matter of time before he's posing with an Ipswich shirt. I suppose there are two trains of thought on it, Johnny really aren't there. Is that financially and football wise now? I think there seems to be a consensus for many Sunderland fans that the fee is significantly below what we would value Clark at as Sunderland supporters. I think that's fair to say. I think we're holding out for maybe 25 to possibly 30 million because obviously there was a sell on clause included. So the idea was we're going to try and drive as hard a bargain as we could. But that's a different issue on the other one, of course, is a football perspective. So as Tom's just said there, that we can recover from this, can't we? As long as the money is reinvested wisely. Which maybe, you know, people might not necessarily have confidence in that given our recent record in transfer business.

Transitioning Beyond Jack Clark

But can the players we've already got at the football club, the likes of Mundung, Tommy Watson, Isador, who's joined the club today, Maeenda and so on and so forth, can they now step up and fill that void, the jack that leaves? I mean, where do you stand on that? Yeah, I think if you look at last season and if we're having this conversation at any point, then we'd all be really, really worried. I mean, panicking, thinking of the word, you know, crisis, catastrophe. That's what we'd be talking about. But I think if you look at the way we've performed in the early part of this season, I mean, I know we're only, you know, two league games in, but the way that we've actually performed, we've looked like a good team with a good left winger in it, whereas last season we looked like a crap team with an elite left winger in it, if you know what I mean. Like we. When Jack Clark played well last season, we played well.

Assessment of Current Squad Strength

If he had an average game, we looked dross, whereas the start of this season, we've actually looked like a good side, which he's complimented, but we haven't looked like he actually is the side, which was the case a lot last season where we really were over relying on him to an almost ridiculous degree, which, I mean, we had to because we had nobody else. But, yeah, I think we look like we're in a much better position purely because of the fact that other players have already been stepping up before he's gone. So then you would certainly hope. I mean, you've mentioned two names in particular there, Romaine Bundle and Tommy Watson, I think should be licking the lips at the idea of Jack Clark leaving the club, really, in a selfish way, because they should have the opportunity now to step in and show what they can do. The massive benefit for Sunderland fans is they're stepping into a team that's in form, scoring goals, looks well drilled. There's a bit of confidence about them.

Looking Ahead and Player Integration

So it's a hell of a lot of an easier platform to come into and show your skills rather than, you know, the back end of last season, the Michael Dale Mike Dodds kind of machine, which was relentlessly hoovering up every shred of optimism, you know, as the weeks went by. So, yeah, I certainly think, you know, the finances. I'm sure we'll talk again about it and I'm sure it's been discussed already, but poor when you look at it on the face, but football and wise blow to lose such a good player. But I would urge a little bit of restraint in terms of panic and just because I think we are overall, as a club, already in a healthier position and like you say, if we bring a few new faces in to supplement it between now and the end of the window, then we should really be still looking onwards and upwards.

The Atmosphere of Success vs. Disappointment

Yeah, I mean, Brett, you know, it's a bit strange to be sitting here kind of talking about something that could potentially deflate the fan base in the dressing room, isn't it? Because we've had a really good start of the season. We're junk, but, you know, we're second in the league. You know, we scored six goals, we've conceded none. We've played quite well in the two league games that we've. That we've seen so far? So, I mean, I think there was an acceptance at some point that Jack Clark was going to leave and as Tom said, it was going to stress test Sunderland's new way of operating, you know, to a new level. I mean, are you with Johnny? He. Do you think that we can recover from this and that the lads currently at the club and some potential new sign ins can step up and fill the void that Clark's going to leave?

Positive Outlook on Future Performance

I do, and I think it actually shows as well to these other players who are. Are still left behind that there's opportunities. If you can play well, you can make that step up. I know that's been so, like, part of the process in this model is to get these players like Patrick Roberts, who has made the big move and failed, and that to drop down and start again, that he can do that, he can then make that move back up, which Clark has now done. So I actually think it shows that the model actually to. As an example to any players coming in that, you know, here and now that we are a little bit of a stepping stone, but it works.

Encouraging Development and Team Spirit

So yeah, I've got no fear. And I agree with Johnny was saying had this been last season, those last ten games, if you think, oh, by the way, you're going to lose clock, you would be panicking. But as he said, these lads have stepped up. There is a bit of a buzz about the place. There's still a week to go with the transfer window. Obviously we've got the new lad in today. There's times I'm not overly concerned and I'm generally not. And I think it is a bit of a credit to the team at the moment and they say there's a feel good factor still around it. People are going to be disappointed. It's 100% natural. When I saw it last night, you instantly thought you gutted, but once you get over that, you think, well, actually we are still in a healthy position.

Looking Forward

Yeah. Tom, just to come back to this thing, point that you made earlier, I think we're talking about off air that this is a chance, isn't it, with Clark going? And this is not to downplay his influence on Sunderland over the past two years because he's been a brilliant player for us and I'm sure we all appreciate what he's contributed to Sunderland in terms of goals and assists in general play. But as Johnny was saying there, Tom, a lot of last season, pretty much everything that was good about Sunderland during the back end of last season basically went through Clark and it was kind of give it to Jack and hope that he produces something and, you know, a lot of the times he did. So in terms of rebalancing the team and kind of spreading the goals and the assist, I think you were talking about this in our WhatsApp chat earlier.

Spreading the Goals and Assists

You were talking about how we kind of. We can spread. Hopefully. I suppose theory is now that with Clark on his way out, we can now kind of spread the goals and assists more evenly throughout the forward line. You know, not be so reliant on one particular player to do the business week in and week out and hopefully the other players can kind of step up. So that could be one positive byproduct of Clark leaving, couldn't it? It could be, and it's a very pragmatic way of looking at it. I do understand, because when you've got a player of Clark's quality, the natural thing to do is to play to your best player. You know, as you know, you would have never seen Barcelona not playing a Messi or Madrid not playing to Ronaldo. It's just one of those things that happens in football is naturally you gravitate to your most gifted players.

Transitioning to New Formations

As a result of that, though, we did become quite one dimensional and when we're struggling last season, that was really evident. Teams, you know, that knew how we were going to play, the amount of times we had away. Fans, come on, do predictions come on Friday Night Live and say, look, we stopped Jack Clark, we stopped Sunderland. And that's our best way of, you know, getting a point from the game. It works and we know it did. What you've got to do now is obviously with Clark leaving is you're not going to have that luxury of seeing how Clark would develop in the team where he wasn't the primary focus and maybe would have, you know, he could have potentially benefited from other players playing well and, you know, dragging defenders away here, there and whatever.

Adaptation and Tactical Changes

But like, you know, like we've said, like I was saying earlier at the dealers, it does give you that opportunity is you're forced now to play in a different way and we've seen us play different ways early doors under the brie and we've seen different tactics and things like that. And because you're not funneling everything through Clark, it means you're going to start fooling through different options. So we might see a bit more Bellingham getting forward, we might see a little bit more from Roberts. We've got Meada there who's just scored a brace. You know, they're probably going to stick with him for the next few weeks while the new sign and sort of settle in. So you've got this real opportunity here to sort of, I think I said in the chat, sort of round off how we generally play because when you've got one primary source of goals and assists, you know, you, like we've said, you become very one dimensional.

Future Prospects

As a result, we're now in a position where we have to look elsewhere and it's a position that you wouldn't. Sorry, it's an option you wouldn't have otherwise explored if Jack Clark would have steered it. And I think that's just sort of part and parcel of how it is. So these lads are aware, you know, they're going to have to step up, but I think it's a really good opportunity for them as well. You know, we've already seen Bellingham improve this season just for playing higher up the pitch. I think we'll, you know, we'll get to see a lot more of him. Roberts looks somewhere back to his best, especially last weekend at Sheffield. I think for all he didn't get on the scoresheet, he got another assist and at times he was just absolutely unplayable, like he was electric.

Assessing New Signings and Team Dynamics

So, yeah, there's various options and. Sorry, I think my young ones just fell out of bed. There's various options that we've got and we're just going to have to explore and see how it works, I think in the next few weeks or it actually may give her a little bit of an advantage as well because a lot of teams will have analyzed Sunderland and analyze the fact that we go through Jack Clark a lot. We are going to have to completely change the way we play and who we go through. So teams are going to have to try and pick that up on the hoof. So it could be kind of, in other words, we could be moving away from that kind of stop Clark and you stop Sunderland type of mindset.

Adapting to Change

Yeah, but that's the thing now. And I think especially for the next couple of weeks, like I said, we've got that element of surprise of Burnley now are coming up tomorrow and they're like, well, we now don't know who's going to be playing left wing or they're going to try and run everything through Bellingham. Are they going to try and run everything through Roberts? Are they going to try and just get meandering behind? Burnley now don't really have a blueprint of our play which they can draw off and make a solid game plan around. So it may benefit us in the short term and the long term in that we're going to get. We've got a little bit of momentum and a little bit of unpredictability in there. And then you give yourself, you know, give it a few weeks, let the new lad settle and then see what we get from then on in?

Contextualizing the Transfer Landscape

Yeah, absolutely. Well, I mean, Johnny, just to kind of step, take a step back and to kind of view this in a bit of a wider context, I suppose. Now, you know, we all know that Ipswich have kind of gone quite big in the transfer market this summer. You know, they've brought in the likes of Calvin Phillips on the one from Man City and they've spent quite a lot of money. And Clark's going to add to that. I mean, do you feel kind of hacked off that it's Ipswich? Do you think that he could have gone to a better club than them? Because, I mean, personally I've got no axe to grind with Ipswich whatsoever. And I know there's some fans who might be thinking, well, you know, it's only Ipswich and he could have done better than them, but at the same time, you know, they've come off two successive promotions, you know, from League One to the Championship of the premiership, you know, an incredible achievement for them under McKenna.

Premier League Aspirations

So do you think that the kind of the lure of Premier League football and all that comes with it was just something that we have to accept at this moment in time, the lure. Of Premier League football that is kind of the be all and end all of this transfer, isn't it? Because it's nothing to do with Ipswich as a club. It's nothing to do with, you know, the facilities and the myriad of other considerations that could come in for a footballer. I think it's pretty obvious and it has been for a while that Jack Clark is a Premier League player in Wheyton. He has been for, you know, at least a season, if not longer. And I think we're all resigned to the fact that, you know, he was probably going to go this summer and if he was going to go, he was going to beat the Premier League.

Reflections on Jack Clark's Move

In terms of specific complaints about being Ipswich, I would just echo what, you know, I listen to the. The pod that Gavin. I think it was Gavin Martin, wasn't it? Did release this morning and I agree with what they were saying. I think Gavin in particular was talking about how, you know, Ipswich, they're a great club, they're a big club historically, but they're a very poor team. And they're a team who're going off, like you said, back to back promotions from League One to the Premier League. I mean, that is just how they've done it there is incredibly impressive, but it is not a recipe for a free-flowing attack inside of who are going to get the best out of Jack Clark.

Concerns About Team Composition

And if I was. I was going to say if I was Ian Hart. If I was Ian Hart, I'd do and speak more things to myself. But if I was Jack Clark, I would certainly have been maybe trying to consider my move a little bit more carefully because in all likelihood he's going to be back in the Championship in a season's time. And I think that's a distinct possibility, isn't it? Yeah. And that's the part that disappoints me because seeing Ahmad move on, I know he was only on loan, right, but seeing Ahmad go back to Man United gets some chances in the team. He wins the FA cup he scores in the semi-final. I'm chuffed for the lad. It's great watching him succeed. I just think Jack Clark this season we're going to watch a lot of them getting the ball 20 yards outside of his own box, maybe beating a man and then having nobody to pass to.

Potential Wastage of Talent

And that is. It's such a waste of such a talented player or in my opinion it's going to be a bit of a waste of a talented player because I just think they're going to struggle and what they need is not necessarily what Jack Clark needs, if that makes sense in a football. So in other words. In other words you think Ipswich might need a little bit less flair and a little bit more solidity from their players and then. Which maybe isn't necessarily what Jack Clark brings all the time. And look, he's a very good player. I'm sure he can adapt and I'm sure that he will have a decent season. And Ipswich fans, I'm confident will, you know, they'll be happy with the transfer from the season's end.

Looking for Positivity

And even if they do go down, he's a fantastic weapon to have in the championship. Oh yeah. But yeah, I just. I worry for him on a footballing level. I just think this could be a poor move for his development. But, you know, I could easily be wrong and let's hope I am. Because if he moves on for 70 million quid and we get a sell on percentage of that, then we're laughing. Yeah. We'll all be turning cartwheels. Yeah, absolutely. I think an expansion of that point as well is if there is any Ipswich fans listening because they keep on commenting, don't know you. So, so salty. They're certainly the usual twitter stuff, but anybody who watched Burnley last season, their wingers last season were electric.

Comparing Player Achievements

Like their wing play was as good as anything Clark was producing. Their winners went to the Premier League and did next and out. Yeah, next and nothing. So I'm not saying I think Clark will. I'm not saying I hope he does. But I'm, you know, just saying you can't go in with the assumption that Clark's going to rip that division shreds because there was win as. As good as him. You know, really struggled in that division above in a very similar sort of style team as Burnley where there were a good unit but there was a lot of players in there where you're thinking you're probably not Premier League quality, if truth be told.

Reflections on Current State and Future Outlook

Yeah, well, it is going to be interesting. Sorry, Brett. I say we was also saying the same thing about Burnley last year when. Because they were after Clark. Yeah, we're saying the exact same thing about a team being promoted. The chance are they going to go? Ipswich are relegation favorites. Of course, all three teams that went up are pretty favorites to go back down. Them and Everton. So of course we're all going to say the same, exact same thing tomorrow. Come 05:00 tomorrow, there's every chance because they've got Man City. Ipswich could be rock bottom and we could be top. I do get though, Ipswich is.

Diverse Perspectives on Transfers

The fans will say we're salty and oh, we're a bigger club, blah, blah sort of thing. So I do get where they're coming from. But obviously they make sure they can see from our side that, you know, our best player is going to a relegation favorite. Yeah.

Continuing the Conversation

Yeah. Well, we're going to bring in. We've got our first speaker on the line who's been patiently waiting. We've got Niall who's joined the conversation. Hello, Niall. Hello. Thanks for joining us tonight, mate. Always appreciate people taking the time out with a Friday night to come on. So, I mean, just give us. Just give us your thoughts because obviously we've been talking, Jack, that it's the topic that everybody seems to be discussing at the moment. So just give us your thoughts on his potential departure, how we might recover from it and how Wilson Isadore, who's also joined the club today, might kind of fit in and potentially contribute where we might be losing something with Jack Clark.

Niall's Perspective on Clark's Departure

Well, the main thing was that everybody knew he was leaving at some point. I do think the reaction is a little bit an overreaction. Last season were terrible. But this season I think a lot of the players have learned from last season because of how bad it was. I generally think that would be fine without him. It might be crazy to. Crazy some people to even say that because of how good he is. But with the replacement, I've heard he plays where Jack Clark plays. But also upfront, I don't know too much about him. It's the Russian league as well, which. The Russian league's not exactly the biggest league in the world, is it?

Exploring Wilson's Potential

Yeah. So you can't really say too much. I mean, it's interesting, I've actually got the Christian Speakman's quote because obviously it was announced today. Wilson Isadore's signing was announced today. He's moved to Sunderland on loan for the 2024 to 25 season from FC Zenit St. Petersburg with an option to make the transfer permanent at the end of the season. Is included within the terms of the agreement. Christian Speakman said that Wilson's a mobile and athletic forward who possesses senior experience and a healthy goal scoring record at the top level and we feel there's a good fit with our playing identity and he has the attributes to help the team in forward areas.

Adapting to New Arrivals

So maybe that suggests that this guy's been brought in as maybe to have a little bit of a freer role up front, maybe drifting wide at times and maybe playing a little bit more centrally. I mean, it's a bit of, it's an interesting one because it is quite a vague statement from Christian Speakman, but, you know, we do need to give ourselves different options, as Tom was saying earlier on. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, there's quite a few players actually in our squad that can play in a few positions, which helps us quite a lot, especially if there's injuries somewhere else can go in that position.

Team Resilience

So, like, I mean, like the first championship season that we had, the amount of injuries that we got, we ended up having like half of his choice in our position and it really affected us towards the end of last season, we still finished 6th, of course. Great. However, the injuries like it seriously affected us at the end. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Well, I mean, I'll just come back to you on this, Tom, because obviously we signed Wilson Isadore on the loan. I'm sure, you know, I'm sure he'll be excited to get started this week. Obviously we've been linked with rock or simic young lad who plays for Red Bull Salzburg and obviously the Alexandra Mendy Willy awardee is dragging on and on and on.

Future Player Outcomes

So hopefully we get a conclusion to that fairly soon. I mean in terms of potential outgoings, Tom, with these new signers that might be arriving, who do you think could be leaving, who do you think may be kind of not in register Barrista's plans because he's mentioned today that Nizari Rusein for example, may be in the frame for a loan move, the speculation of Ram dab do the bar as well. So it's going to be a bit of a tricky balancing act, isn't it? Kind of keeping everything, you know, not having enough depth but not having it overloaded in those forward areas.

Navigating Squad Dynamics

I mean, to be honest. Well, I think it's a fairly straightforward sort of solution to the problem. I think the Preston game midweek last week couldn't think it was. And yeah, the pressing game just sort of highlighted who. Who needs to stay and who needs to go. For me, I think there's. Yeah, there's a fair few individuals there where they look like they had something about them, you know, maybe didn't go through full throttle with it being a sort of fully rotated eleven. But we didn't learn anything. We didn't know that game. I think the likes of actually, I love him, he's just pure entertainment, but he's just nowhere near the level at the minute.

Assessing Player Contributions

I think, like Sabah, you know, I think he's desperate for a loan. I think Treantis needs, you know, he did nothing wrong the other day, but he could do with another loan. We sort of know they're not keen on Pembelli, so that's an easy one. Out the door. I think if we're getting straight as in, we may as well just get Russian out the door. I think Jamia with persistent. With loan, you know, but if you asked every Sunderland fan, I think you would sort of get a very similar gauge of who they'd like to see steer and who they'd like to see go out alone and who they'd like to see just sort of leave the club permanently.

Final Thoughts on Retention and Loans

Yeah. The obvious catch is it's just being able to find the lads, the right loans and find the right clubs to get them moved on, if that's the case. I know there's.

Loan Discussions for Bennett

There was talk of Bennett going on loan to Redding. I don't know. Yeah. Very good move for. Yeah, that looks like a really good loan for him. You know, I think if we can loan the lads who we want to keep and we can keep them in this country so we can keep tight eyes on them and that kind of stuff, I think that's really good. Yeah.

Concerns Over Recruitment

The only elephant in the room, recruitment wise for me, is the. The players that we seem to be replacing with the clock money are from the continent. And my big concern is, when you look at our record, recruiting from abroad versus the UK, it's been chopped and cheese. It really is like chopped and cheese. Yeah. So, yeah, that. That's. I think that's the thing that we need to sort of be wary of being aware of and just, you know, it is exciting having these lads in. None of them will be getting wrought off by any stretch of the imagination, but I just genuinely do think that we have to be a little bit cautious in our optimism, given that, you know, the last sort of foreign recruits we had were bar and Russian and so on and so forth, who just have never, you know, they've never really gelled, they've never really hit the ground running.

Recruitment Record and Future Expectations

I mean, now I'll come back to you on just to pick up on the point that Tom made there about our kind of, you know, recent recruitment record. And I suppose that, you know, to kind of break it down, you know, to make it a little bit simplistic. It's one thing having the money in the kitty from the Jack Clark sale, you know, that's fine, you know, that would enable us to spend. But how confident are you that we would be able to bring in the players that we need before the end of this window? Because obviously it's always a bit of a tricky time, isn't it, as the days tick down and clubs maybe start to not necessarily panic, but they start to get a little bit more urgent with their spending and it has a knock on effect. So how confident are you in the club hierarchy that we will be strong enough come the end of the window to give register brief the kind of depth and the quality that he needs for the first half of the season?

Mixed Feelings Towards Recruitment Staff

Well, I know that Speakman, it's a bit of a mixture with Speakman. I know some people love him, some people hate him, but there has been hit and misses in terms of signings. I'll be honest, I am probably Abdullah bars biggest hitter. I do think he's not good at all. He's not a player that could probably be. I don't think you could actually start. A game at all. Yeah, he's got a chance, you know, that's it really. That's all he's got is a good chant and that's it. I just think I do the bars. Shocking and. But then you've also got the signs. Like I said, they were Jack Clark. Jack Clark was signed by Speedman and so we've got, I do believe they can replace them in a good way.

Assessment of Players and Recruitment Success

And simmy Simich there, who's being linked to him, I think. I mean, obviously highlights can be very deceiving. Everybody knows that, especially us son fans. We all know that. But Simage looks like really good looking at highlights. He can use his body really well. Yeah, if he's like six foot three, I think he is. He is a giant and he can use it really well and he seems like he's like a amazing in the box. He can use his feet, you can use his head. So I do think we can find the right players to try and get playoffs.

Positive Signs in Current Team Performance

Yeah. Yeah. Well, I think you've all raised some very good points there. It is going to be interesting to see how things pan out in the next couple of years, of course, again, you know, Jack Clark's transfer to pips, which has not yet been officially confirmed. So I think we're all waiting for it to be and then we can all officially move on from it. But, well, let's just look towards tomorrow's game, then, because obviously we are going into it in good form again. Coming off the back of that four nil hammer of Sheffield Wednesday on Sunday. Now, Johnny, I think the player that came out with that game, from a Sunderland point of view, with the most credit was Chris Rigg.

Praise for Young Talent Chris Rigg

For me, personally, I think, again, he just showed, didn't he, that the maturity that he's got, which is just otherworldly for a player of his age, and the composure and the confidence he's got as well. He was striding around the pitch. He was making things happen. I mean, for me, that decision to tie him to a professional contract at the stadium was definitely one of the most important decisions of the summer. I mean, what do you think about it? I was. I was texting my mates on the. On the evening after the cheffill Wednesday game, saying it's, you know, like, none of them are Sunland fans. A few lads. One's actually a borough fan. And I said, listen, lads, I'm telling you now, remember the name Chris Rigg, because that lad is going to captain England in about ten years. I would put my life on it. And one of the lads, he thought, I must have had about 15 pints to be making such bold statements on her on a Sunday night.

Expectations for Chris Rigg's Future

But I said, like, no, fully. I'm being deadly serious. He's that good. And that performance against Sheffield Wednesday just absolutely underlined his quality. And the maturity he shows at 17 years of age is just. It's otherworldly. I don't understand how we can do it. I can't believe we've produced them. So, yeah, I think when you say that tying him down is one of the biggest sort of deals we could make of the summer, I couldn't agree more, because it's such a statement of intent and it really shows that we're so behind the scenes. Everybody is clearly bought into what we're doing because.

Impressions on the Management Approach

Well, yeah, I mean, that's a really good point, isn't it, Brett? Because, you know, we've already. And I know it's very early days and I don't think anybody's going to get carried away because we know that we're going to have trickier tests to come and we're still early days in register brief's you know, Sunderland tenure. But I mean, would you agree, Brett, that in the first two league games, I mean, I know it was. It was a much changed team that he failed in the League cup. So we're kind of discounting that game, really. But against Cardiff and against Sheffield Wednesday, do you think there have been real signs that either players are buying into what the brief is actually doing and B, that they're. That he's actually starting to improve them individually and as a team, 100%?

Revival of Team Spirit

And I think the big thing about it is that there's a team spirit there that was really lacking during that tough run. I'd say, like, the last four months of the season. I think everyone, every player, every fan just gave up for the last four months and previously under Mowbray, one of the big things there was a real team spirit about, it looked like times. It's just a group of young lads having great fun together and then you could see in, like, the goals and all the photos that have been taken, there's the whole team celebrating. We're talking about Rigg a moment ago, how much he's improving. That one thing that really impressed me was when we underscored his first goal. The team came together, all celebrated. He then pushed him individually back towards the crowd to give that moment, really big him up. And that's a lot for a young kid to have that mindset.

Overall Team Dynamics Improvement

But I say for that moment before that, the whole team were on board with it. And I think they are. I think that they're enjoying their football again. I think in the last season, as I say, every single person was just delighted for that full time whistle versus Sheffield Wednesday because we'd all had enough. And over the summer it was a little bit slow going. Obviously, we didn't have a manager for months on end, but once the breeze come in, the players do seem on board and I say they just seem to be enjoying their football again. And I say it reminds me a lot of the good times under Tony Mowbray when they were playing exciting football and were putting teams to the sword. That really reminded me that on Sunday.

Preparing for Upcoming Matches

Yeah, yeah. I mean, Tom, just looking at. I mean, because we know we're talking about Sunderland, you know, losing an important player in Jack Clark, but, I mean, just this week, Burnley have lost Wilson ought to bear tottenham Hotspur. They've lost Sanderberger to Fulham. They've lost Anas Zereri to Lance and Johan Berg. Goodmanson's also gone to a saudi club, so they're coming into the game, you know, having had quite a few key players kind of picked off. So, I mean, you know, a good early challenge for us under Regis the priest, but again, certainly a winnable game if we can apply ourselves in a similar way the way we did against Sheffield Wednesday.

League Competitiveness

I think the division's already set up this season that anyone can beat anyone. I think you said this now you fancy it to be quite an open league this season with maybe. Did you say the team might be a little bit streaky? Yeah, I thought, well, the way I sort of analysed the season, early doors, not seeing a boat or football, that was. You just look at the results in isolation and you can already sort of tell that everybody's got the capability to beat everybody if the catcher team on a good, particularly good or bad day. So I think, yeah, it's just going to be who gets the momentum and who keeps the momentum up for the longest.

Assessing Club Strengths and Weaknesses

I do feel like you've got your obvious candidates of Burnley and Sheffield who sort of pull away into that top two. Yeah. But I think once you get down into the, you know, into the playoff positions, I can fully expect this season, you know, to be going the last four or five games and so like ten teams have a chance to. Of getting in those spots, results depending. Do you think it's just going to be one of those seasons in terms of Burnley? I think, you know, really difficult to judge because, you know, they're a team coming down but there are team who scoring goals for fun at the minute and I know we sort of are as well.

Burnley Match Overview

But, yeah, I think it could be a really interesting game. I think if we'd. If we'd not won our first two games, I think it would have been a game we'd all been dreaded. But all be thinking, oh, God, here we'll go. Just sort of, you know, a little bit of pressure on the game as well, especially if we lost Jack Clark think having the two wins under our belt. Now, if you said, you know, put those three fixtures up against anyone and says, would you take six points from the first three games? You would have snapped my hand off for them.

Mindset Towards Upcoming Fixtures

So I think, you know, it's a bit early in the season to see it's a free hit, but I think it's a game we shouldn't particularly fear losing. And I think, again, that really lends itself to labre style. He wants that high press. He wants that really aggressive football. And I think the main thing is with this side, it's got you know, they've got to be not afraid of losing. And like Brett says, when it comes down to the team spirits and how it suits the individuals and that younger player. Younger players, you know, a lot of them just do not have that fear.

Adapting Playing Style

So I think, again, that's something that lends into what the bree is trying to do is harness that fearlessness into something that's a little bit more aggressive and a little bit less naive than what we had on Tony Mulberry. Yeah, absolutely. We've got another speaker who's been patiently waiting on the line. We've got Matty Oliver. Hello, Matty. Thanks for joining us tonight, guys. Yeah, very well, thank you. I was just saying thanks. Thanks for joining us.

Preparing for Upcoming Game

Thanks for taking. Yeah, thanks for. Thanks for taking some time out with your Friday to jump on here. So, again, Matty, just, if you might just give us your thoughts on how you think we're shaping up ahead of tomorrow's game because as we've been saying throughout the show, you know, there's been some good early signs there under Regis, the breeze, hasn't there? I think it's refreshing to see how well we've been playing. I didn't watch us against Cardiff because I was away, but I watched us last week against Sheff wet and were unreal. Yeah, it's just refreshing to see how, like, good we played.

Anticipation for Tomorrow's Game

Like four two high press. It was just mint. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. I'm away at the minute, so I'm not tomorrow, but I think we'll put a good performance in. I kind of see us. I mean, I can't see us getting twat, but I hope I'm not wrong. Well, I mean, if we. If we think back to the last time Burnley came with a stadium, it was a really strange game because obviously went two nil up early doors and then we somehow can spike to lose the game four two as they came back at us in the second half.

Analysis of Team Dynamics

But, I mean, just in terms of the impact that the brief has made, as we've been talking about, I think for me, one of the biggest things that really struck me in the first two games of the season in the league is that every single player really seems to know their role within the team and collectively everyone's bought into what Labrice is doing in terms of his tactics and the way he wants to play football. And, I mean, that's really refreshing, isn't it? After all the confusion that we saw under Mike Dodds and Michael Bale last season, that the players seem to have a bit of clarity now.

Current Squad Assessment

I definitely. I've seen on Twitter people saying that, like, the squad isn't good enough to finish our top half, but I think if you think about the Mowbray season, were, like, unreal. Finished. Six were really good. And I think people just totally forget that the quality of players we actually have in the squad. And I think going from, like, Bale and Dodds, who obviously, no disrespect at all, but they're just not good enough to go into the brie, who obviously, he might not have, like, a load of experience in a managerial role, but he knows what he's obviously, right now, he looks like he knows what he's doing.

Coaching Approach and Player Management

Do you know what I mean? So I think that's. Yeah, I think that's what's good about him. And, like, you know, people say about having his arms crossed on the. On the cross sign, on the touchline, sorry. But obviously he's just calm, relaxed. Well, that's the thing, isn't it? You know, there was quite a few people after the game last week saying that he didn't acknowledge them when they were shouting, you know, give us a wave and whatever else. But I don't mind that, you know, it's. I like, you know, I like that intensity in him.

Jack Clark Situation

And he seemed to have a very quick. He seems to have a very clear idea of what he wants to do. Can I just get your thoughts on the Jack Clark situation, Matty? Because obviously, that's been the topic we've all been. You might not want to talk about, but I'm afraid I'm not going to let you off the hook, but just give us your thoughts on it because how confident are you that eventually, it might not be immediate, but how confident are you that eventually we can recover from the loss of Clark and that we can start to kick on again with the players that are going to be brought in or that are already at the club now.

Responding to Player Departures

I think. I don't think it'll take us long because if you, like, look at air, like last week, everyone played well as a team, whereas, like, last year it was literally 04:00. See what it does? So I think that's, like, bit different. Yeah. So, yeah, I think I'm obviously, I'm disappointed that he's gone. Like, who isn't? The only thing that's annoyed me the most is the fee we've accepted. But then again, Fabrizio Romano came out and said that he wanted it, so I don't think were going to stop him from going, as someone mentioned earlier, like.

Negotiations and Transfers

Yeah, he could have. We could have said no and then, you know, I could have played the Mora and got injured. You just never know, dear. Yeah. I mean, you know, suppose in that situation, the club. And I suppose, on the other hand, we'll probably never know the exact, you know, what exactly went on because, you know, it'll be rumors and whispers. But, yeah, just again, Mike, again, thanks for joining us. Now, before you go, can I get a score for predictions from you for tomorrow's game, please?

Predictions for Upcoming Match

I reckon one. I don't. I don't think we'll win, but I don't want us. I don't want to predict us to lose. So you're going to sit. You're going to sit on the fence and go for a safe one. One then? Yeah, I would say one, yeah. I don't see why we can't get a result, but a point, shall I say? Yeah, well, that's. That's what we do.

Closing Thoughts

Right, well, thanks very much for joining us. Mighty much appreciate it. Thank you very much, mate. That was Matty there. Niall, can I get a score prediction from you for tomorrow's game as well, please? I'm going to say a 10 win. I think it'll be really boring in the first half. I think it'll be a quite late goal for most. Yeah, I'm going to say Joe Bellingham scores. Right, okay, fair enough. So we've had one cup, we've had one draw prediction and one sun than a victory prediction.

Injury Concerns and Tactical Decisions

Right, well, thank you very much for joining us tonight now. Much appreciated. Yeah, thank you very much. That was Niall and Matty there. Thanks for taking the time out to join us, gents. So let's come back to selection dilemmas for tomorrow because obviously Alan Brown missed the Sheffield Wednesday game with what I think what was described as a minor knock. Are you dropping Chris Rigg tomorrow, Tom, to bring the experience brown back in? Or are you just saying to Chris Rigg, go out there, treat it just like another game and just show us what you can do? Because it's not a bad dilemma for register priest to have, is it?

Selection Dilemmas Analysis

I can see Tom's eating, so I'll jump in onto forum. right. Fair enough. Thank you, Johnny. Thank you. You're welcome. We'll come back tom in a minute. Yeah, well, he's finished his. Yeah, he's got his priorities in the right order tonight. Yeah. But to answer your question, Phil, I think for me, I'd be putting Alan Brown back in. And it's no. Obviously, it's no nut on Chris Riggs. I've just been, you know, waxing lyrical about him and I think he's a superbly talented footballer.

Experience vs Youth in Player Selection

But I do think that in a game against a very good side, I wouldn't be averse to seeing somebody a little bit more solid, a little bit more experienced coming in who's able to sit back a little bit more. And also, I think there's, you know, there's almost like the welfare aspect with Chris Rigg is he's still only a 17 year old kid as much as he looks well beyond his years on the football pitch. So I don't think it's going to do him any harm. Have some time in the team, have some time out of the team. And also I would hope that he's mature enough to recognize that, you know, just because he plays well in one game doesn't mean he's nailed on to start another.

Maintaining Player Development Balance

I think it's healthy to keep his feet on the ground a little bit. That's the key, isn't it? And not just. And not just for that purpose, but also because we want to avoid a situation that we had with, say, Joe Bellingham last season where he was played and played. And you go back further. Callum Doyle was another example of. Exactly. Yeah, exactly. You know, he ran around, he looked really good early doors, and then by the time 2022 donned, he was just completely burnt out.

Strategizing for Player Rotation

So again, I think that's the balance, isn't it, that we want to strike, is that we want to get these lads as much experience as we possibly can, but we don't want to burn them out too early and have them running on fumes for the rest of the campaign. Yeah. And we also saw that Alan Brown is clearly a good player because he played in the opener against Cardiff. I thought he looked pretty good, gave a good account of himself and he's just so experienced. He's been around this division for a long time.

Evaluating Squad Depth and Quality

He's been captain at Preston for a long time as well. So, you know, he clearly is a voice of reason on the pitch and I think that is the kind of personality that will suit us in the game tomorrow because, you know, it's going to be a tough game. Obviously, we can talk ourselves up because we do look like a good side under Labrice. But, you know, Burnley were in the Premier League a few months ago and even with all of the outgoings they've had, they are still a very strong outfit with a lot of very good players. So I'm totally not averse to, you know, giving Rigg a little bit more time on the bench, bringing Brown back in.

Addressing Inadequacies in Squad

And also I think, like you said in the chat the other day, Phil's not wrong. We're bringing rig on after 70 minutes of labrise ball. Well, I mean this is the thing, isn't it, Brett? I mean, you know, there's a lot of talk going around at the minute about, you know, about, you know, the quality and the depth that we've got. But I mean, to my mind, and I'd love to hear what you think about this, we're not a million miles away from having a squad that would be capable of competing at the top end of the league.

Squad Composition as a Potential Challenge

It's just maybe strengthening key positions, isn't it? That we could. That could really make all the difference as the season. Exactly that. And I think in that the central midfield is one of those places where we are very strong, actually. You know, you think. You've obviously got, you've got Brown and Rigg for one position. You've got job and Chichi for the other. You've got Neil and equa. So you've got six players for three positions there. I think personally, obviously there's the striking situation. It looks like it's a coming to an end now.

Evaluating Key Positions in the Squad

That was the big key issue. You know, obviously we've brought in them Isadore today. We've got this image if it happens or not. So little Mendy as well seems to be on the outskirts. I'm too sure where we are with that one now. But then the keys like really is right back. There's no. There's Hume and Huggins, who's a permacrock. So that needs something. Serkin is regularly injured so maybe that side needs something. So defensively I think that's where we, if anything we need to do something with.

Strategizing for Defensive Resilience

But squad players, that's what it is. It's. It's just to help, you know, our first eleven is really good and then I think our next. Or like you can say then 15 is really good. Yeah, it's just those extra ones, so I couldn't say we've got a strong 22. If someone got in defence, got injured or two or three. Like last year we had Elise and Serkan out. All of a sudden we're looking. We've got what, Hume, zero nine and Ballard and no one else. So defensively I'm not 100% for us to really have a challenge all season.

Understanding Current Squad Challenges

But if that for first eleven on Saturday or, sorry, Sunday and those extra couple of players I mentioned, that's a strong squad. It's just. Okay, it's injury suspensions as the season goes on. We do need to strengthen at the back. I mean we saw that Brett mentioned it the season before last, Johnny. You know, when went to Kenilworth Road in the. Turned out to be the final game of the season, the playoff semi final, second leg. And you know, by that point, you know, the defence was pretty much held together with sticky tape, wasn't it?

Reflection on Qualifying Matches

And we saw last week, didn't we, against Preston, you know, and I know that the breech had, you know, put a high premium on squad rotation and so on and so forth which I think he was probably justified given what happened on Sunday. But there is a bit of a. You know, when we rotate particularly, you know, on masses we did against Preston you can see a bit of a drop in quality in certain areas. So I mean do you think that'll be addressed fully between now and the end of the window or do you think it's something that maybe, you know, we'll need to just kind of live with until the January transfer window opens?

Anticipating Future Adjustments

It depends what you mean by fully addressing it. You know, it's. Everyone's kind of got a different definition of what they mean by the complete squad. Yeah, I think Brett hit the nail on the head when he said, you know, sort of one of 15 were there. It's those extra three, five players that you want that the really top teams in any division have got. I mean Man City is a ridiculous example. At the top of the Premier League they've got so many players for all the positions.

Examining Competition Levels

Burnley and I mean any team that goes up you always look at their squad bar and the odd exception, they've always got real quality competing in every position. There's never really eleven players in any really good team that know they're going to play every week or even like the vast majority of weeks. There's the odd handful of players who, you know, are on the team sheet but beyond that you've got a lot of really good players who could all play on any given matchday. And that's where we fall down slightly in terms of looking at trying to become real contenders.

Future Squad Development

I agree as well with. With what Brett was saying in terms of the positions. You look at Hume and nobody behind him and that's a concern. Obviously you've got Luke or Nyen. We've seen him fill in at fullback before. So we have got options that you can turn to. But in terms of properly recognised deputies, that is a little bit of an area of concern. And to be honest, I don't know if we will address it between now and the end of the window fully because I would imagine the vast majority of the club's kind of energy and focus has been going into those forward positions.

Recruitment Priorities

And rightly so. Obviously there's. And then there's, you know, sort of, I was gonna say manpower, but sort of time and energy and has to go into outgoings as well. You know, we're looking actively to get some of the younger lads off the books on loans, like we've been mentioning earlier. So, you know, if you were making a priority list, it's sort the front three, that's number one. And handle offers for any incoming offers for any players. That's number two. Get the outgoing loans, that's number three. If you manage to get everything in hand, then you turn your attention to number four, which is maybe another right back, maybe, you know, an extra body who can cover Dennis.

Signing New Players

Certain. But again, it's that age old question of if you're signing somebody, do you want to sign somebody directly as a squad player? Because you're just signing somebody, then admitting that they're not good enough. You know, surely the aim should be any player you bring in is going to be at least on par, if not an upgrade, because then you create that you get an extra squad player by the competition for places through somebody missing out. So I think it's a tough one. If you want to go up at the end of the day, you've got. You've got to spend and you've got to recruit really well. And I just. I would think it's slightly too early for us to expect to have, you know, 22, 25 great players in every position at this point.

Perspective on Burnley and Upcoming Games

Yeah, I mean, you know, you look at. I'm just looking at Burnley Squad here, for example. You know, the team that they failed last weekend against Cardiff, you know, they've got, you know, it was Daru O'Shea, Connor Roberts, Josh Brownhill, Josh Cullen in midfield, you know, Lyle Foster, Rodriguez and so on and so forth. So, I mean, that does highlight, doesn't it, Tom? It's not a new problem, as we know. We know that teams coming down from the premiership generally get the jump on the established championship teams right from the get go. So, I mean, with that in mind and just looking forward to.

Game Strategy Discussion

Just looking ahead tomorrow's game. I mean, would you be tempted to kind of, you know, go for a little bit more solidity within something tomorrow, particularly in midfield, to kind of, you know, because were saying that, you know, Alan Brown's an experienced operator. He won't have any problems dealing with whatever Bernie can throw at him tomorrow. Or as were saying earlier, would you just say to Chris Rigg, just go for it, Chris. I don't know, because I'm not speaking. I'm not Mike Dodds and they're the guys. Thank God for that. Yeah. Thank God for that. Yeah.

Thoughts on Management and Player Development

But no, they're the guys who know what they're doing. You know what I mean? We've seen how the, how did they developed Jude and all the rest of it. And I just think those guys know best. So, you know, dodgy's in the air of the gaffer and saying, look, I think Riggy needs to set this one out a day, just for an hour, then so be it. If dodgy is saying, no, no, we're going to straight away the irons horse, then so be it. I'm not too fussed on tomorrow. I think we've had a good start this season and now our season won't be defined by the results we have against the teams that have recently came down from the Premier League.

Expectations for the Season

It'll be defined with the teams around us. It'll be defined by the tough away games. You know, you're going down to your Portsmouths, your Plymouth's, you're going away at your Sheffield Wednesdays. That's what defines your season or will do for us. You know what I mean? So I'm not too worried. I just think. I think what I would like to see, and I might be wrong after 90 minutes, is I'd just like to say let's have a go. I'd like to see. We're not be afraid of it because we've got nothing to lose at this juncture. We go and win.

Young Players and Confidence

Yeah. Well, then we win. We're next two. We've had a really good start the season. Yeah. We'll have a Rockney patch, but it would be nice to start a season strong, you know, I mean, we've never really been like out and out strong starters. You know what I mean? Yeah. So that would be nice to see. Nice to see what would happen to the lads if we got that bit of confidence, really early doors and just to see exactly where we could go with it and what we could do with it, especially for the young lads coming in.

Management Strategies and Player Rotation

I mean, Johnny. Sorry. Sorry, Brett. I do apologize. No, no. Yeah. I was just going to say, like. But ultimately I'm just not bothered. I might be in the minority, but we've got six points on the board. You're coming up against Burnley. Like, you know, whatever happens. If it's a three nil one way or the other, a four. Three or four. Four, whatever. As long as he's entertaining and the lads are, you know, we'll keep on supporting the lads regardless of the result. Will they?

Performance Reflection

All right, yeah. I mean, Johnny, it was an interesting point that Brett made a few minutes ago when he was talking about, you know, the sun, particularly last week against Sheffield Wednesday. You know, the sun was shining, the crowd was happy and the players look really buoyant and he seemed, you know, the breeze seems to be bringing that kind of. That no fear football back to the. You know, back into the dressing room, which, if you look at what happened towards the end of that season, I mean, heads were down. You know, the crowd was. You know, the crowd was. You know, the crowd was.

Crowd and Player Connection

Was just completely hacked off with what had happened in the players. You could see it was being transmitted to the players. So, you know, it seems to be small steps in the right direction, but they do seem to be kind of rebuilding that connection between the crowd and the players and playing without fear as well. So do you agree with Tom that we can just go into tomorrow's game and view it as a bit of a shot or nothing? Just. Just give it a crack and see where we end up? We've got to, I think, because I wrote a piece about which went out this morning about how the breeze got us playing and obviously I would have just write a piece the day that Jack Clark is leaving for Ipswich.

Future Outlook

So nobody wants to read it. It's all about Clark. But I was basically making the point that the thing I've been most impressed with the breeze about is the fact that he's got us on the front foot playing a high press. I think that is absolutely massive. It's something that all of the. Well, nearly all of the best teams across Europe, when you watch good teams, they press high, they get at you and it's not a new thing. I mean, obviously we all talk about high presses and gagan press or whatever these days, but even, you know, in the mid two thousands, when I was a bit younger, watching us, you know, in the Premier League, we'd go away at the Emirates and we'd get beaten three or four nil and you'd come away thinking, why didn't we just have a go?

Playing with Aggression

Get at them, get in the faces, let them know we're there. And it's. It's. That's. It's exactly that you want to see from a Sunland team. And that was something that not only does it get the crowd on the feet, you know, somebody goes in for a big tackle, win the ball back, high up the pitch, everyone's on their feet, you know, go on. It lifts the players, but then it also, like, it kind of filters through to everything that you do, I think. Which is why I think it's so impressive that La Breeze managed to get it, seemingly get it across to the players in such a short period of time because, you know, Luke Oneian's goal, while in the end it looks basically like a bit of a tap in, the reason that he's there to score the goal, I think, you know, it's.

Importance of Players' Mentality

It's one in and agile who were in the box following in after Chris Rigg has a deflected shot. You know, our two centre halves are our furthest forward players on the pitch. Now, I know it's from a set piece, so they're going to be up, but the fact that they're brave, they're on the last shoulder, they want to get in and attack the ball, whether it's in their own box or in the opposition box. That is something that I think comes from the coach and I think it is going to be absolutely huge for us this season because you will get Sunderland fans on side faster than any other possible way of playing football.

Physical Commitment and Player Dynamics

If you put out a team who looks like they're willing to. To run themselves into the ground for 90 plus minutes and get at people and put challenges in and make life uncomfortable for opposition teams. That is. That has to be the blueprint. And it should be the blueprint for not just this season but next season and the next head coach and the one after that. Like, that is the way that I want to see someone playing football. And for that reason, coming back tomorrow's game, I think it would be foolish to try and change tack and sit back and play pragmatically.

Upcoming Match Against Burnley

Even though Burnley are a really good side. We're on a bit of a crest of a wave with the result last weekend and it's so early on, like, I think both Tom and Bret have said, you know, it's early in the season, they're a good team, but there's no reason that we can't go out and try and make a bit of a statement. And if we lose, then we lose. And if we lose having a goal, that's fine. I'd rather lose having a goal than lose sticking ten behind the ball and still conceding the 90th minute.

Discussion of Eliza Maenda

Yeah, well, I suppose, obviously we're talking about players getting their confidence back and now would be a good time, I suppose, to talk about Eliza Maenda because, you know, he started out against Cardiff, you know, at the start of the season. He had a good chance in the second half, which he missed. And I suppose, Brett, that could have really knocked his confidence, but, you know, he comes into the starting eleven against Sheffield Wednesday last week. I mean, he scores two goals. The first goal was. It was a really good finish.

Praise for Player Performance

It was an emphatic finish when the ball broke to him. And then the second one, you know, he benefited from some really good play from Jack Clark and had a tap in to make a four nil. So have you been taken by surprise by the breeze, the faith that he's shown in the lives of Mahindra? I mean, I know he hasn't got a great deal of options there, but again, you know, it's quite a show of confidence in the youngster, isn't it? I think it says a lot as well by the fact that he's willing to give him a chance two games in a row and I don't have two games anyway, but I'm sure maybe even he hadn't scored at the weekend but had a good show, he probably would have got a third.

The Importance of Player Trust

And I think that's a good sign that he is willing to give, you know, because especially as a forward, you can't just keep, like, you've not scored against Cardiff. That's it. Rusan's going to be in. Rusen, you don't score. Jamir's going to be in. You know, a striker, especially attacking players, they need to have a little bit of time. You know, they've got, you know, be able to understand the players around them. They can't just literally come in cold every three, four weeks and expect to score.

Management Strategies Explained

So, no, I think it's good management, if anything, that he's actually willing to give. Right, you're my striker for the start of the season. I'm going to give you a couple of games. Two, three, four games. Let's see what happens after that moment in time of it. It's not working. We need to look at it. But I say that chance against Cardiff, he was really unlucky as a good save. By the keeper. So I was really pleased that he got the opportunity to go again on Sunday, but he also took it, that goal.

Evaluation of Eliza Maenda's Goals

Yeah, possibly the keeper could have done better with it, but it's a great shot. He's been in the right place at the right time and he's called in great finish. The second goal, as you say, any of us could have scored that, but you've got to be in that position to do it. And I think that first goal is probably given the confidence to take that gamble and get in place. So, no, I'm really pleased for him. And I think it also actually shows a little bit whoever's going to take Clark's position.

Discussion on Team Rotation

Now, I know you talked about maybe Mundle, he's a player that could possibly do with one or two games, two, three games in that position as well. So if it is mundle that comes in. So I'm going slightly sidetracked from your question, but if it is Mundell on the wingers, Clark's replacement, if he doesn't have an amazing game of 60 minutes, give the lad a chance, give him the next game. Give him a couple of games to, you know, this is your chance to, you know, you, if you're on that shirt, you've got two, three games to make it your shirt, not 60 minutes.

Expectations for Young Players

Pause the hour, you're off. Right. You know, you're sub next game, you know, and so forth. So, no, I think, though, you introducing. It's great with management from the Bree to actually a, you know, starting, but also give him that shot opportunity as well to, you know, just because he's not scored in the first game. Yeah, I mean, Tom, were mentioning, you know, we spoke earlier about, you know, Jack Clark and obviously the void that he's going to leave.

The Future of Young Players

And, you know, we talk about Eliza may end there, but we can talk about, you know, romaine bundle as well. I mean, do you think that with him, it could be a case of, you know, a similar situation to say, when Jack Clark was first at Sunland, when we had to go through that kind of development period where he was learning these trade and he was really kind of had to refine his game and then eventually we ripped the benefits of that. I mean, do you see a similar thing happening with Mundler?

Young Talent and Development

Because we've obviously got Tommy Watson as well, who seems to be highly rated by the club. So the options are there, but patience might have to be the watchword here. Yeah, I mean, I think whoever's coming into that slot needs to be given a run of games to sort of get themselves better than establish some relationships and you know, just really sort of bend themselves and get themselves up to speed. It's almost an expansion of Brent, of Brett's point is when you stick with the same players, you're going to allow them to develop relationships.

Building Team Relations

And that's something that were able to give Clark when were sort of establishing him in the championship. He was playing with the CM players almost weekend, week out. And then you see the benefits of it and then you see, you know, then you see him develop on a personal level. On top of that, I'm not 100% convinced on Mundo, I'll be totally honest. But that's not me writing him off. That's just me being a little bit skeptical on his ability. I mean, he didn't have a great game, did he, against Preston?

Player Performance and Implications

I mean, he did seem to. I mean, again, I know it's important to remember that, you know, and that the players might not necessarily be up for it, but, you know, his performance wasn't particularly encouraging. Yeah, there needs to be a little bit of context applied. But I think one thing that sort of concerned me, and when we draw comparisons directly to Jack Clark, which at times isn't altogether fair, is even when Jack Clark was struggling when he first arrived, he was relentless.

Expectations of Attitude

He still stood up, he still kept going. He still wanted the ball in the 90th minute. Even if the defender had him in his back pocket for the 8th before he had that, you know, he had that real get up and go Preston away. I know, like you see, we've got to add a little bit of context to that game. But Mundell just marked himself out the game for 45 minutes. He just stood on as far away from the touchline as he could and he just sort of hid. And I don't like seeing that in players.

Desire and Initiative

Even if it's not a massive game, even if it's not a really important game, is, you've still got to make yourself available. You still got to show a little bit of that fighting spirit, that little bit. I want to get on the ball and I want to make a difference. And that sort of just sticks in the mind for me. I'm not writing the kid off, though. I don't think you can write anyone off in. In this situation. At this club, we've seen players develop at different rates sort of consistently.

Emergence of New Talents

Now, some have burst under the scene, some have been slow burns. And it is what it is. The only concern is we do like you see, we do have Tommy Watson there. The club do highly rate him and he does look like he's far outgrown under 21s football now. Yeah. So the need to make a decision on him. The concern would be if you do give Mundel a runner five or six games and then Mundle hits the ground running, where are you going to find the space to bring Watson in?

Strategies for Player Management

How are you going to then, you know, have Mundo for six months not really getting a chance, and take his chance and then start taking bits of that chance back off him, if that makes sense. Like, if you're starting to haul him off after 70 minutes because he hasn't made a call or assist, that's not going to, you know, I mean, it's not a great look if he has a good run, you know what I mean? And it starts to become a little bit cutthroat. So I think what they really need to do is they need to make a solid decision on what they're going to do with Mundell so they can make a solid decision on what they're going to do with Watson.

Future Options and Strategies

Yeah. Obviously we've got a week left, so we might bring another winner in, which may solve that issue. We may loan someone, which would allow us to load Watson out, to get Watson the experience he needs to then make the step up. Who knows? That's obviously part of the plan for the. For the club. But I wouldn't write off either option. We don't know really the. How good Watson could be still in the infancy of his career.

Rebuilding and Future Vision

So I think it's just a case of more than trying to sort of recreate what we had with Clark or maybe try and create something else. It's just to have that sort of courage to say, look, you're getting five or six games here. You. You're gonna play it whether you score, assist or not, unless you get injured, unless you get sent off, you will be playing these games because at some point you've just got to double down on it and just give the players a run.

Consistency in Team Selection

Sort of like we did when we end up by sticking with them on Saturday and like we've done in the past with the likes of Barr and Roberts when. When they have not been playing well. And even, to an extent, Clark, when Clark had his Baron patches, he was, you know, we never. We never took him out the team. We just sort of asked him to play through it. So I think it's just same old, isn't it? Yeah.

Discussion on Managing Young Players

I mean, Johnny, it's a good point there because we know we're talking about the importance of, you know, managing these kids. You know, particularly Tommy Watson, for example, who's a youngster and he's still making his way in the game, and Mundel as well, you know, the pressure could be on him if he. If he's chosen for that left wing berth, that the pressure could be on him. And one thing that struck me about the breeze so far is that he does kind of come across as quite a hard taskmaster.

Coaching Dynamics

You know, he's an Elliquin speaker and he's always good interviews, but I get the sense that he's pushing the players quite a lot in training and he's demanding that they don't shirk the kind of less glamorous side of the game. And I think you could see that against Sheffield Wednesday last week, with 70, 80 minutes ago, the players were still chasing, they were still Harry, and they were still really putting the effort in. So do you think this is kind of.

Emphasis on Team Fundamentals

This is kind of a good thing for these youngsters, that they're going to be given the freedom to play with creativity, but they've also got to do the basics of the game as well. So they're learning as an all rounder. Any good team is the same way. I think you can't enjoy the good stuff going forward if you don't do the sort of ugly stuff going the other way. And unless you're an exceptionally talented footballer where the team can literally be built entirely around you, I'm talking, like, messy at Barcelona levels of that's, you know, he was so far above everybody else that he could just wander around the pitch and just sort of get the ball when he felt like it and just ping one in the top corner.

Pressure on Young Talent

But, you know, we haven't got anybody anywhere near that sort of level above the team. Even Jack Clark, as much as we all love him, wasn't that far ahead of our next best player as to be completely able to do his own thing. So I think it is certainly a positive that Labries seems to like you say. He does seem like he's reinforcing that message and making it clear to the players exactly what's expected of them, not just in terms of commitment and graft and all that, but in terms of their roles on the pitch.

Team Structure and Expectations

It seems to be. And again, you know, we're talking a limited sample size of competitive games, but from what we've seen and in preseason, it seems like people do know what their role entails with the ball, without the ball positionally. I wouldn't be surprised if he's telling them how many miles he expects a new run by the end of every game. I mean, it's all good stuff, though, isn't it? Because, again, you know, you got the sense that there was. You know, there was no real purpose under my gods last season, was there?

Transition in Coaching Strategy

Was this wound down, everything became a bit too kind of meaty and, you know, they had the Luke one eye and thing, you know, we're all. We're all back at dodsy and all the rest of it, you know, just. Do you agree that there needs to be that kind of professional distance between a head coach and his players? Even if he cares for them and he wants to nurture them and guide them, they've still got to be 100% clear who the boss is.

Establishing Authority in Management

And this is the way we do things at the football club now. Absolutely. Because I think having that almost. That little bit of fear, the gaffer, you know, I think that does actually go a long way, because you want the players to feel like that they want to work for the manager, because there needs to be that, like, amicable relationship, and they need to have a good bond going on, but they also need to have that little bit of, you know, I don't want to, Donna, piss him off, you know, I don't want to get on his bad side, because otherwise, if there's no fear of doing something wrong, and I don't mean in terms of, like, you know, literally thinking, if I misplace a pass, I'm going to be hauled off.

Bridging the Gap Between Structure and Flexibility

But you need that little bit of. That little bit of bite, I think, from the. From the coaching staff to really keep. Make sure that everybody is fully firing. And just on Dodds, I wanted to say this before I forgot to mention it, but I think something that I think strikes me about the difference between Dodds and Labrice, right. Is that I think, Bill, we can all write off. That was terrible. Right. But Mike Dodds did get some good results.

Comparative Analysis of Coaches

But the biggest difference is Mike Dodds got good results when he was fully thinking about the opposition and how we counter them. Think of the Leeds games coming away. Yeah. Leeds at home, I think, is the perfect example where he sprung that change of formation on us, and everybody looked at the team sheet like. I remember I was standing on the concourse, it was a freezing cold night that night, and I remember looking at the team sheet on my phone and thinking, oh, you know, Dodd doesn't audition for the job on a long term basis here because he wrote the dice.

Challenging Tactical Decisions

He's picked these numbers out of a bingo bag. I just couldn't. I couldn't see what he was doing. But you're absolutely spot on. Yeah. Whereas. And obviously that worked perfectly on the night, but then you can't repeat that the next week. But I think the way that Labries seems to have us playing, it seems because again, you look through preseason and it's not like we've chopped and changed.

Establishing a Clear Playing Style

He's very much setting up a team to have a bit of an identity and to play a certain way. And it's quite clear that is the way he wants Sunderland, you know, register Brie Sunderland to play. And I think that is. That is the real difference between a talented tactician and a talented coach and a proper quality head coach slash manager. You know, being able to mold the team, not just set them up for one game.

Long-Term Development

And that's what I think that's what La Bree seems to have. And again, tying into what you were just asking about, you know, the pressing and the off the ball and the Grafton and know, how is he going to get people in line almost. I think that's part and parcel of that is being able to have more of a long term impact on a player, a team, a squad is something that I think is. It's obviously crucial.

Coaching Philosophy and Expectations

You know, that's not groundbreaking analysis to say it's important, but I think it's something that Labries does seem to have a real handle on. Yeah, I mean, Brett, you know, we're not. I don't support, you know, we all know that to be a, you know, football coach in the modern day, you know, you've got to be a football coach, you've got to be a diplomat, a politician, a philosopher.

Holistic Coaching Approach

You know, you've got to be all kinds of different things now to make it at the top level. And I suppose that we're not necessarily talking here about going back to the days of the Roy Keane era where it was my way or the highway, but the point that Johnny's making there about, you know, the players having that little bit of edge, you know, when they're going into training or on matchdays, that's good for them, isn't it? Particularly as a young squad, because it's going to help them grow and develop.

Youth Development Strategies

Because Tony Mowbray, I'm sure you remember, he said that. I think he said, I want to help these lads develop as young Mendez and not just as footballers. And I thought that was a really good thing. So it seems that the briefs could well be on to something similar, which is, again, kind of in keeping with the way some of them want to do business nowadays.

Current Team Dynamics and Future Outlook

100%. I think it was. I say, as Johnny's talking then I was nodding away. It was. The breeze is almost like the father figure, as opposed to Dodds being the mate now in this day and age. Well, you probably saw the Vincent company video out with. He screamed on the training ground and, like, everyone was absolutely shocked by it. But you'd think, like, Roy Keane would have done that, Peter Reed would have done that, Mick McCarthy would have done that.

Evolution of Management Styles

But the game's moved on, I think, from that stage. And if you had someone like that screaming and shouting at young lads, they're not going to run for a wall for you. As the old saying is, they're going to go into their shell, they're not going to, you know, be. Is that they all boss leaders kind of metaphors and so forth, you know, so forth. But, no, I think he seems to have been. He's a bit more of a father figure, which I think, you know, and as I said, is that you do need to have that.

Establishing Authority Within the Team

You can't be, you know, they're not going to call him the gaffer, I doubt, but, you know, they do need to have that. You are the boss, you know, I'm not going to. I'm not going to call you mate. Or I'm not going to. You know what? I'm like that. So it's.

Coaching Discussions

It's the Ricky Sprager thing. So I'm old and some of the guys, but that's what it. He was the mate, you know, he was a really good coach and I think Dodge is a good coach. I think it's unfair that he got his reputation takes a little bit of a hammer in. It went really high, but the very first time he was caretaker, it went right down. Then we had the Leeds West Brom game, it shot up and then we've had like the end of the season, it's gone right down again. But I don't think people forget that he's a very good coach and I think that's his role and I think he fits that really well for us. That's probably why they've kept him on.

Critique of Mike Dodds

Yeah, sorry, can I just. Yeah, I just want to throw Spanner into the waves on the Dodds thing. Right. It sounds like I'm coming here for Dodds, but I'm not. Right is Mike Dodds was brought in under a very specific guise of developing our youngest and most talented players. When Dodds was made Kafa, he was made Kafa out of necessity rather than anything else. People judge him on what he did when he was managing the club, but he was never ever brought in to manage the football club. He was brought in to manage a lot of younger players. Now, tell me if I'm wrong.

Player Development

The period before Dodds was manager, the first time care were developing young players and you could say that the players coming through were getting gradually better and improving, improving under more bray. We got the likes of Bellingham. Bellingham, when he first arrived, was like a revelation for us at the time. Clock was kicking on, certain was kicking on. Hume was becoming one of the best right backs in the division. We were seeing Dan Neil improve almost on a weekly basis. You know, we had Ross Stewart who developed into a championship forward. So all these players under his guys, under his coach and guys development consistently. After the Bielson, we still had, you know, Danny Gomez and I, you know, the timeline changes and we still have players developing.

Assessment of Coaching Changes

The improvement of players. For me, bar, the sort of example of Clark seemed to almost stop when, you know, that. That period of time when Beale started getting his hands in and then Dodge's role started developing beyond being that overseeing coach in charge of development. Now Dodds is batting his role. Bellingham starting to look a different player again. We're seeing Chris Rigg kick on an unbelievable amount in a short space of time. You know, we don't know who else is going to develop, but when everybody wants to stick the boot in on Dodds, I think we've got to remember is when you analyse him on what he's brought in to do at the football club, which is develop young talent. Whenever he's been in that role, the young talent has been consistently developed.

Understanding Coaching Expectations

So don't think his tenure at this football club should ever be judged on him doing a job that he was never brought in to do in the first place. I've never slagged Dodge off, though. Frizz for that, though, Tom. Yeah, you better. Fucking naughty. Manager went up and down and he said his coaching was very good. I've never once slagged him off, like. For his coaching, his managerial knows, lacking, but, like, you see, I think there's a lot of people very keen to stick the boot in on my, but not me. Very clear, for whatever reason they want, so shut it.

Discussion on Coaching Roles

When you analyze on what he was brought in to do versus what he wasn't brought in to do, well, that's. That's part of the part. That's part of the part, isn't it? It's not just you, Brett. There's other people I've got in mind when I'm seeing that, you know. Okay, that's not just. Yeah, underline that. I'm agreeing with. What's Tom saying? He's obviously just agreeing what I've just said anyway, so, yeah, you need to come on more. I've decided your southern theory. You need to come on more, Breckers. Normally, Tom just turns and starts aggroing me, but you've taken.

Thoughts on Player Performance

You've taken the role as target this time. I don't understand his point. I mean, see, now I've got to control the whole thing and. I'm sorry. Carry on, please. Loves this. Sorry, it's gone, too, mate. You're going to call you westy in a minute. Yeah, call me. Yeah, call me, call me, whatever you want. How are you? Shut up, man. Just on a. Just on the. On the. On the Dodds thing there. And it is an interesting point, isn't it? Because, you know, you always got a sense that dodds, you know, might have been capable as part of it, you know, as in more of a kind of a, you know, a background role as part of a wider coaching team, but that he was kind of just promoted to a position that was way out of his comfort zone and out of his, you know, above his pay grade, as the saying goes.

Impacts of Coaching Structure

But, I mean, do you think that with. Are you with Tom that kind of. We might be starting to see those players kick on again. Now, now that Dodds is kind of back in the role that's more suited to him and that he can kind of get these players ready, you know, to the best they can be when they cross that white line. I think it's a bit of both. I agree with what Tom was saying and Brett, because, you know, I don't want to start driving a wedge. Cheers, mate. But I agree. I think it is right, though, that, you know, in all seriousness, Mike Dodds is clearly a very talented coach of football players and particularly young development players.

Performance Reflection

The proofs in the pudding, like Tom, listed a lot of examples. You look at the players who've been sort of under. Generally under his developmental stewardship for one of the better for. Have certainly been improving massively. And when he was taken out of that post, you know, on a temporary basis, they did suffer. But at the same time, I think it's important to remember that it wasn't just the fact that Mike Dodds wasn't in the coaching role, it was also the fact that we didn't have a good enough head coach in the head coaching role. And it's a lot easier for talented footballers to express themselves on a pitch when they've got some direction from above and when they set out in a astute tactical style and the well drilled and they know what they're doing.

Adapting to Coaching Changes

And again, it's not a knock on dodge, because your flip managers, halfway through a season, you're going to see a knock on effect on the team. Unless you bring in Pep Guardiola. If you bring somebody in halfway through, they're not going to be able to stamp their authority and their ideas onto a team in such a short space of time. So having various points, three different head coaches last season, it's not going to have done anybody any good. So now it's. I think it is. You know, it's partly obviously, Mike Dodds going back to his kind of native role, if you like, because I do think he's clearly very talented and I think the close relationships he's got, particularly with the Bellinghams, is testament to that, because they wouldn't look favourably on him if he was useless, would they?

Settling Coaching Structures

But I also think it's part that, and it's part the fact that we have. We seem to have, once again, quite a settled coaching structure. We've got a head coach and who looks like he knows what he's doing, and that then again, translates onto the pitch. So if you're Chris Rigg, like, he got a handful of appearances at the back end of last season. He's going to look rubbish in that team because the team was rubbish. You put him in against Sheffield Wednesday in and amongst a decent team with a good plan and a clear idea of how they want to play. And it's no surprise that he looks levels above what he did last season because the platform is then there for him to go and express himself and, you know, not just him.

Final Thoughts and Predictions

Job and Roberts looks great. Maender and the rest of them. I mean, I think we always knew, didn't we, Brett, that, you know, that even as went through that kind of turmoil period from, you know, after Tony Mowbray was fired and obviously Bale came in, Dodds came in, you know, and the whole thing just kind of, it all just kind of got muddled up and everybody was just kind of sick of it by the end. But I think the thing that was never in doubt was that, you know, the players were and are, as they've proven so far this season, very talented. So do you think it's just a matter of kind of creating the right environment for them and making sure that they can flourish? As were saying, coming in and, you know, coming at the training sessions, you know, feeling positive and good about themselves and then just taking that onto the matchday pitch because we all know that a player is only as good as the environment allows them to be, isn't he?

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