Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space التسويق بكفاءة على سناب شات hosted by zidappcom. The Twitter space focused on efficient marketing strategies on Snapchat for merchants highlighted the importance of utilizing the right platforms, understanding audience demographics, and creating engaging content. Discussions also emphasized collaborations, data analytics, and the significance of brand visibility. Personalization, trend adaptation, and regional marketing insights were key takeaways for merchant success. The space provided valuable tips on optimizing marketing campaigns and targeting the right audience on Snapchat, showcasing the ever-evolving landscape of social media marketing.

For more spaces, visit the Marketing Agency page.


Q: Why is Snapchat considered a powerful platform for marketing?
A: Snapchat offers various features and a wide user base ideal for effective marketing strategies.

Q: How can merchants select the right platforms for marketing campaigns?
A: Merchants should consider their target audience, regional preferences, and platform capabilities.

Q: What role do collaborations play in enhancing marketing efforts on Snapchat?
A: Collaborations can expand audience reach, increase engagement, and bring fresh perspectives to marketing strategies.

Q: Why is content creation crucial for merchants on social media platforms?
A: Engaging content attracts and retains followers, enhancing brand visibility and trust.

Q: How can data analytics improve marketing performance on Snapchat?
A: Data-driven insights help optimize campaigns, measure success, and make informed decisions for better results.

Q: What are the key benefits of personalization in marketing strategies on Snapchat?
A: Personalization improves audience targeting, increases engagement, and drives conversions for merchants.

Q: How important is brand presence for merchant visibility on social media platforms?
A: A strong brand presence builds credibility, fosters trust, and distinguishes merchants in a competitive digital landscape.

Q: What are the advantages of targeting the right audience on Snapchat?
A: Targeted marketing ensures efficient resource allocation, higher conversion rates, and better ROI for merchants.

Q: Why is it essential for merchants to adapt to trends in marketing?
A: Staying updated on trends allows merchants to remain relevant, attract followers, and sustain marketing success.

Q: How can merchants utilize social media for regional marketing purposes?
A: Tailoring marketing strategies to regional preferences and cultural nuances can strengthen connections with local audiences.

Q: What strategies can merchants employ to optimize their marketing campaigns on Snapchat?
A: Testing different approaches, leveraging influencer partnerships, and embracing interactive content can boost marketing effectiveness.


Time: 00:15:42
Snapchat Features for Marketing Success Exploring the diverse tools and functionalities of Snapchat that benefit merchants.

Time: 00:30:19
Regional Marketing Insights Understanding the importance of regional nuances in crafting effective marketing strategies.

Time: 00:45:07
Collaborative Marketing Strategies on Snapchat Discussing the impact of collaborations and partnerships on expanding marketing reach.

Time: 01:00:55
Data Analytics for Marketing Optimization Utilizing data-driven approaches to fine-tune marketing campaigns and improve performance.

Time: 01:15:34
Personalization Techniques for Targeting Audiences Implementing personalized strategies to enhance audience engagement and conversion rates.

Key Takeaways

  • Snapchat is a powerful platform for efficient marketing strategies.
  • Utilizing the right platforms is crucial for successful marketing campaigns.
  • Regional considerations play a significant role in platform selection for merchants.
  • Understanding audience demographics is key to effective marketing on Snapchat.
  • Engaging content creation is essential for merchant success on social media platforms.
  • Collaborations and partnerships can enhance marketing efforts on Snapchat.
  • Keeping up with trends and innovations is important in the ever-evolving marketing landscape.
  • Utilizing analytics and data-driven insights can optimize marketing performance.
  • Building a strong brand presence is vital for merchant visibility on social media.
  • Personalization and targeting are essential for reaching the right audience on Snapchat.

Behind the Mic

Conversation Start

I'm going down. Yes, I'm going. Down I'm going down yes, I. Got my big feet in the window got my head overcome. Let me down well, I'm going back to the. Yes, I got my big feet in. The window I got my head over.

Busy Day and Reflection

All right, all right. Sorry, guys. I'm trying to. There's so many post opinion, Kenny, and I've been ripping and running. I had to go help my sister drop her car off. A lot of stuff happening today. I did the first space today with Ben, which then when I went back and listened to that Bibbles was like brother recording shit. So I'm like listening to it like my voice is fine. I look like a bucket of ass. I need to go run about 100 miles. And then when I got to Ben talking, he forgot, you know, because when we set up in streamyard, we're like backstage. So as we're talking.

Technical Issues During the Show

Oh, two fly. Sorry to send you to ignore, bro. He was trying to call me. And so beforehand, we're in the backstage, like talking to each other and you know what we're going to do and whatnot. And then so it, we have our tabs not muted. And then when we join in and I add him to the stage, he forgot to mute his tab. So every time he was talking, there was an echo that was coming. Yeah, I heard that. I heard that. I came in on the tail end of it, but yeah, every time he was talking, there was a pretty bad echo. Yeah. And I was asking people to like, drop comments, let me know what it was. I had seen somebody say that the audio was not good on the video, but they didn't give me any specifics.

Show Setup Challenges

So it was the first show. I didn't even have like an intro video that would play through the music. I got to get that together and then something for the outro as well for when we're done. But usually like rug radio, he was pretty impressed afterwards. He's like brats crazy. You were able to run off a lot of that while were doing it because, like rug radio, they have like a whole production side or like even other spaces host, they have somebody in the background that are doing all that at the same time. So, yeah, it was pretty interesting to do, but it was fun. And I'm too broke to pay anyone right now to do any of that on the background, but it's all good. I'll get it. I'll get it down pat and be able to figure it out.

Technical Difficulties and Future Plans

Pretty good there, Moonfield. Did you share that to the screen, bro? Share that up there. ten minutes with Omar. I'm. Yeah, it's. For some reason the Ui on mine doesn't. Let me. I got it. I'll get it. Here, hold on. Let me go to moon fuel. Yeah, anytime you got those articles, bro. Just get your ass up here, share them, and then, Yeah, this is pretty good. That's a good picture he chose. I like that. Yeah, it's good. It's unique. Super serious in so many pictures. And, Yeah, yeah. More debate about the picture than we did, actually, about the conversation for everything else.

Plan for Engagement and Community

But listen, I'm ten minutes with Amar. fucking figured. Ten minutes talking, no alpha, and then fucking, 45 minutes on pictures. So, Yeah. And, guys, for those of you that do not know, Moon fuel is now a creator with rug radio, and he will be putting out, these articles. They're. They're ten minutes. He's already done several of them. Make sure you go check out his website. Make sure you're following Moon Fuel. He's got a lot of founders lined up. And let me tell you know, if. If from Rentech was still around and Moon fuel had keys, I'd buy his fucking keys right now because his stock is fucking rising, bro.

Personal Insights and Future Engagement

Yeah, it is. It is. I'm just. Just a fat, flightless bird trying to make his way in the world. That's all it is. Yeah. So this guy doesn't even identify as a lizard anymore. Smart. You're a smart guy, bro. I need to get me a fucking penguin. Maybe I'll get more engagement on my post. Either way, the very first pin tweet. Oh, here, I'll. Before we do that, Kenny, good morning. How you doing? Want to say that? Good. I don't know where the fuck Kyle's at this moment. Turning into the new Kenny Powers, so.

Preparing for Upcoming Spaces

Got some. You did what? I said he's got some big shoes to fill. I'm Kenny fucking Powers. Yeah, I guess so. Yeah. Whatever. Once I get a minute and you start doing the market report, I'm gonna put a tweet out that's going to be about the space on Friday. And I'm excited about it. I'm, you know, kind of on the same level of excitement with the Joe space. But I think this space, for me personally and for a reality check and what I'm trying to do, I think this space is bigger than the overlord space tomorrow. So.

Engagement Request during the Space

But I will put that out and do appreciate any engagement, but let's please make sure we are retweeting the room, sharing the space as well. I asked Shan to come in because I wanted to get some clarification on some stuff going on with PG. So I'm gonna dm him right now and let him know that we are live. But definitely retweet the room. Let's, let's fill this motherfucker up, guys. If you're here for stream drops, I appreciate you coming in, but a retweet drop in a comment would also go a long way.

Introduction of New Game Feature

But stream drop announced if anybody that has been doing this there, the version of game that we've been playing during stream drops is called whack a mole. So it's basically hitting the buttons and you get points. Well, they have a new version out now and I put the tweet at the top. It's called trivia. And there is, see, it's not letting me select a set of questions. I don't understand this. It says so I can change it to trivia. And it says question set and it says select question set but it doesn't let me select anything on the drop down menu.

Troubleshooting the New Feature

Is it possible I can't do any? Could it be user error? No, dude, I tried doing this during the last one. Raven Ravens coming up, so maybe he knows what's up. Bro, you got an idea on this? Yeah. I mean, you do have choice. Like you can go back the same thing you've been doing every day. Or you can have choice on questions. You want to put on. I think I've seen like five questions and then you get a hack, get it right. At least three of them. I couldn't even get it right one man, so.

Describing the Current Scenario

But yeah, you do have to watch. I think you can. Yeah, but the problem is I'm not getting the question. So it, on my end of things, when I go to launch the stream drop, I either select trivia or I select whack a mole and then it says question set. So it allows me to pick, I'm guessing, a couple of different scenarios of what the trivia is about. So it could be sports, it could be like movies. I don't know. But when I drag that down, it's blank.

Deciding on How to Proceed

It's probably, it's probably a box. I just do the walk. Walk a mole. Yeah. That's what I've been doing all the. Because I ran a space for an hour before this. So I'm gonna hit up the team right now, the Animoca team, in telegram, and let them know that I can't see any of the question set. I mean, I heard, like, some listeners, like, their pace was not loading when they did trivia. So I don't know, it worked fine for me.

Final Discussions

Yeah, yeah, well, I mean, bro, this is all buggy. This is all like, weird. I, we launched the myriad platform through rug radio, that is still having bugs worked out, like, all this new technology and even trying to like them, you know, scrape the API to figure out who's in the space and live listeners and all that stuff, is pretty wild. So I'm still, I'm just going to keep doing the whack a mole. I've been talking to Luca all morning, since about 05:00 this morning about a lot of stuff going on.

Engagement and Feedback

so, but I'll just keep doing stream drops. If anyone needs a code, please let me know. I'll be more than happy to hand out a code. I'll give one out. now it's, cheesec, all lowercase, 8873. So, make sure you do that. But they are going to start introducing to where you retweeting, liking and commenting to get extra points. Raven, that is going to end up coming up. So because while I'm doing this to try and, you know, provide some form of utility or rewards back to listeners, you know, us getting retweets and shares in the space is what also gives us, you know, it helps us as creators and it doesn't take away from your points.

Communication with Shan and Community Updates

So you're still going to have your points and they are what they are, but all right, let message shan real quick. Tell him I'm live and see if he wants to come in because he is currently retweeting and if he does come in, we'll just shut down whenever he comes in and we'll get to going what's going on with him. You can join just while you're doing that. I don't know whether you saw, he posted this morning something that whispers about that actually, there are going to be some partner communities which he is going to drip feed and announce about over the next few days.

Partnerships and Community Involvement

And if you hold, I think the idea is if you hold a piece from one of those partner communities, then you also have some access or some exposure to the Jira san ecosystem one way or another, whatever that looks like, whether that's coin token NFTs one way or another, so that's quite exciting. I know he's got that coming up, literally. Well, we've got between now and Sunday. Sunday, yeah, the 15th. Right. So.

Regaining Focus

Yeah. So that was through the redacted. I thought I pinned that, but I pinned the other one up. Yeah. Where was that? No, no, that was Shan's tweet. That's right. So he's teased that's coming. and as you say, we've had whispers of that imminently, I think, you know, that if, knowing Shannon little, I actually genuinely don't know. I mean, I've heard a few whispers, but if I had to guess, I would imagine that it will be a couple of very prominent communities.

Speculating on Future Developments

It might be that they're all very prominent communities and then perhaps some that are less obvious because that's how he rolls based on, you knowing him a little bit. But we'll see. We'll see what happens. Yeah. Why is it not letting me. It's not letting me do that. Son of a bitch. I'm trying to get to the fucking tweet. Like his. He is so shadow. Banned, I think, from retweeting so many people that he, He doesn't show up in search of the home for me either.

Sharing Links and Content

Yeah, yeah. Why. Why did I share the fuck. I didn't mean to share the post with Shan. I meant to share it with fucking. I sent him his own post. Jesus Christ. I just. I just pulled a. Kyle, how about. You take a deep breath? You gotta deal with business. Yeah, I know. I got people. Little penny. I just gave you the fucking code. It's cheese. You hold eight, seven, three. Bro.

Community Engagement and Recognition

You hold him down, bro. Yeah, I mean, he sounds a little overwhelmed right now. A lot going on this morning, so. It'S a big time for cheese. You know, he's banged in a big spot. It's all good. Yeah, so. All right, so I'm being told I'll have to set up the questions from the creator dashboard, so I'll be able to do that. All right, cool. So I can come up with my own questions, huh?

Final Preparations

That's awesome. All right, I will do that. Into a stream of cheese consciousness this morning. Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah, bro, you ought to see me in the morning. I'm just like. I got, like, six cups of coffee. I'm fucking just going back and forth left and right. Yeah, it's. Yeah, it's. It's pretty. Pretty interesting. But anyways, all right, so let's move on from that.

Engagement and Buzz Around the Event

Yeah, the tweet up here. Oh fuck you fly, he said. Just texted me to add to the chaos. So yeah, I did pin the tweet up there at the top. Shan said a percentage of tokens will be reserved to five communities. But here's the twist. Probably this is happening for the first time in web three. Or maybe not all the members of the announced community should hold at least one Jerusalem official.

Community Token Dynamics

For example, 1 million tokens to XYZ NFT holders that hold at least one deer son official. This is apart from the allocations for NFTs on its own, a list of the NFT communities to be announced starting this coming week. Yeah, moon fuel, I agree. I think it's going to end up, I think we're going to end up seeing like pudgy penguin, crypto punks, board apes, maybe even communities that aren't involved yet.

Speculation on Future Community Involvement

You know what I mean? Like creeps are heavily involved within Jira san. Yeah, exactly. I think that makes sense. I mean from a marketing point of view and as an incentive driver you're going to want to tap into communities that are, you know, starting to wander but aren't necessarily fully committed, to be honest. Again, I don't know, but I'll be surprised if creeps aren't involved in that to reward in some way because, you know, we know that us lizards have been very committed and engaged, but we'll see what happens.

Community Dynamics and Involvement

Yeah, I would go ahead and go out on a limb and say that the creeps community is probably outside of the original Jira's on, you know, Pikachor community. We're probably the largest and you know, percentage wise of holders outside of the pg, you know, original 333. Bro. There's a lot of creeps that are in the top 100. Lethemenous go you.

Discussion on Community Trends

There's been an influx for sure. And you know, it's, that's been, it's been nice to see. It's not. What's been really fun about it is it's not felt competitive, you know, or joking aside. I mean clearly ultimately liquidity is liquidity, but it's not felt competitive. It's felt complimentary. People are enjoying the vibes. It doesn't feel like that's throwing any shade.

Community Sentiment

We all still love creeps and Joe and Dom and all of that kind of stuff. It's just, you know, there happens to be another, you know, another game going on at the same time and that's cool. Yeah. Moonfield, I've been told to point you into the direction of a certain group chat that is going on right now in discord. DM's, that you have ignored since 09:45 a.m.

Acknowledging Community Dynamics

this morning. Well, that. That does sound like me. Cheese. You know, I'm not terribly active. Yeah. What the fuck are you talking about? I probably am not in that group. I've left most of them. No, you are in this group. It was created specifically with me and you in it. So you might want to go in there and check that out.

Encouraging Community Engagement

Yeah, discord. Just go to your DM's in discord. Okay. Right. See a bit. Yeah. Yeah, it's. Yeah, it's not much. what else? yeah, we had our first base today though, Kenny. I thought it went really well. We had. I think we had about 101 hundred plus, like in and out live listeners of the space this morning.

Reflecting on Community Engagement

So I thought, yeah, 108 tuned into that and then I don't know how they do the video metrics as far as, you know, what those numbers, you know how they get to that. But I think that was like 300 and 5400, something like that. So pretty. Was pretty excited about 451 views on that video so far. So not too bad. PLA is coming up.

Introduction of New Guests

Look at this dope ass fucking PFP. Jesus Lord. Pla, what's up, bro? How you doing? Good. I'm just hanging out my office and listening in and looking to chime in, see what's going on. Nice. I heard you got a Zagabond space coming up. Is that right?

Community Events and Interest

Yeah. Yeah, I do. October 2? I believe so. Should be blast. Looking forward to it. Yeah. Are you a big zookee holder? I had lots over my time. For sure. Do I hold many now? No, I only got like two. But I'm always a fan, you know, it's definitely a special niche and strong community.

Discussing Future Events

It's, you know, it's really exciting. But I'm also interested to hear what's going on with it. Yeah, what's going on. I mean, so, yeah, I mean, they're doing interesting stuff and their approach on their l two from abstract is completely different. So. Yeah, I'll be in there. Curious to see that.

engagement Promotion

Yeah. If you want. Pin a link up there. Yeah, no, I will, for sure. I think the main thing about it is, like, it's not, you know, all these things aren't really made to be, you know. You know, ama, how'd you know, how'd you grow up with. We kind of really want to dive in and figure out what the fuck's going on?

Insight on Current Dynamics

Right. We want to know, so if we can get some information, figure out what's going on. It's hard to see through the clouds and the smoke sometimes within servers. And, you know, all the fluff that you see online, you know, the opportunity to get the man in front of us.

Connection and Networking

Oh, did I lose him? Kenny? Yep. He gone? Yeah, I think he got booted quick. Yeah. Cause I want to get some information about the circle and some stuff that people may not know over there. Actually joined in yesterday, thanks to you. Moonfield shout out to him.

Missed Connections and Present Opportunities

And he had actually sent me the request once, but I think it was the same day that I was asking people for the Jira discord because I couldn't find it, and. But I. Yeah, so I got all fucked up. Otherwise I would have joined immediately. Yeah. Yeah, let's let PlA talk.

Community Engagement and Generating Interest

He can. He can speak to the circle, obviously. Much better. Yeah, Pla. You. Can you hear us now? He's still showing. It's. He shows a speaker, but he's request. I also still have a request of Kenny. Do you see him? No, he's rugging out pretty hard.

Troubleshooting Technical Issues

Hopefully he doesn't do this with Zag. Let's see what's going on, see if we can get him up. He's got a blue dot next to his name. Kenny, are you there? All right, we got pla. Pla. Are you back? Yep.

Technical Glitches

Yes, sir. Yeah, now, you can always count on twitter to fuck shit up. you know, hopefully it doesn't do that on any of your spaces, but, yeah, the. The circle. Can you give us a rundown on this and what's going on there?

Explaining Community Structure

Yeah, sure. Just give me a sec. Yeah, bro. Oh, he gone again. God damn. Kenny, what the fuck are you doing, bro? Bro, it ain't me, man. Keep kicking people off the stage for.

Community Dynamics Challenge

Negative. We need Shannon to get his ass in here. Yeah, he can't tell me, bro, they took the. They took the downgrade time off these stream drops. Like, normally there's a five minute cooldown period, but I can drop these motherfuckers, like, one after the other, like, bam, bam, bam.

Explaining the New Streaming Feature

Like, there's no cool down anymore. Rapid fire. Huh? I said rapid fire. I don't know what's going on, but I'm a. I'm gonna. I'm gonna. I'm gonna take advantage of this. I hope everyone else is. Max. Max, can you hear us? Yo, what up? Everybody want to see us?

Reflections on Community Connections

Yeah. Fucking. What is going on with Twitter today. Going back. Yeah, but. All right, so the stream drop stuff is, like I said, if you need a code, hit me up. But they are definitely adding more games. There's going to be rewards coming.

Finalizing Details on Upcoming Events

And then also if you have not. How do I not have that up here yet? Let me add the myriad stuff up here as well, if you guys have not tried. Kenny, did you ever get into the early access or. No. For Marriott?

Discussing System Access

For Marriott. What? I haven't received an email back. Okay, well, they're letting people in batches, but soon you'll have a referral code that either I'll have or moon fuel will have and that will give you access into the platform. I think he said this morning it might be like a week out.

Providing Updates on the Access Timeline

Yeah, that's when I was rugging a little bit, so I asked that question. But yeah, I mean, from what we understand, nothing is fixed and exact, but it's all going to happen in fairly swift order. You know, actually the product's great, even though clearly there's some live bug fixing going on.

Current System Usability Issues

There's some sort of ui changes and stuff happening. So, yeah, it's, you know, I'm getting a thumbs down from amusingly yg. Yg. Eat a dick, bro. I don't know. The guy's always so negative. I don't understand them. But the funny thing is my phone's upside down, so it actually looks like thumbs up.

Community Engagement and Interaction

So, yeah, it's like he's got a little bit of iggy rubbing off on him and a little bit of zerk rubbing off on him. And I don't understand what's going on there. But either way, guys, I encourage you to. I put the tweet at the top, go to the myriad markets.

Explaining Market Dynamics

It'll probably give you a link to where you can sign up, get access, and then from there you can, you know, from there, you. Once you'll be able to get access, the platform is so fun. It's engaging and the markets. Kenny, last night, I did one last night, bro.

Sharing Experience with the Market

Let me go back to it here. The one I did last night was Will Kamala. I did one, will Kamala call Trump a felonite? That was one of the ones last night during the debate. And I said no. And I maxed all my points. Only had 185 points.

Reflecting on Betting Predictive Outcomes

But then when I did that, I ended up winning because I figured she wouldn't call him a felon. And so it got close. She. She said, you're convicted. She was talking about something. Yeah, it was all the cases and stuff, everything that he was going through. So, but she didn't call him a felon, so I bet the fucking farm.

Analysis of the Controversial Topics

And I. Yeah, I do x my points. And then. Then I just did another one this morning, was who will win the debate? According to polls? So right now, it's got Kamala at a 76 per chance. 76% chance.

Market Predictions and Analysis

Yes. And there's. There's liquidity pools of points. So right now, there's 8923 points in the liquidity pool. And I bet. I. I don't like Kamala Harris, but I think in the light of, like, the public, I think they views. She won, and so I voted yes, and I maxed the out again another 500 points.

Conclusion of Predictions and Games

So if I. If I can do this, then, yeah, then I'm good to go. And that's the market prediction one that were talking about yesterday. This is myriad. Yeah. So this. And you can. You can wager, like.

Discussion on Predictions and Market Dynamics

Like, what people? I can say this, but Ben can't say this. All right, so the points. The points are going to be towards a future airdrop. Okay. Okay. Ben can't say this. So what you're wagering is essentially your airdrop.

Final Clarification of Procedures

Okay. So your wagering. But. So my question is, like, you. You said you wagered that, you know, that she was not going to call. Can I say, like, you know, like a random ass interview? Like, even if it's sports or something. Like that, then no, it's only prediction markets that are up.

Final Insights and Discussions

So right now. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. Thank you. One says, will base token. Will base release a token in 2024? Oh, yeah, we max it out. My prediction on that, then. Hell yeah, they are.

Concluding Predictions

Yeah. So, well, I mean, it's. No is set at no is winning it right now. So. But there's tons of these different prediction markets that are in here. will bitcoin hit 100k in 2024? when will Solana hit an all time high?

Exploring Market Potential

is it Q four or no, all time high in 2024? So there's different. There's. There's all kinds of different prediction markets, and they drop. They drop according. So, like, if, say, decrypt releases an article, another article today about Trump, usually the AI will pick up immediately, it'll scan the article, and it'll generate a prediction market for it and all the associated quest points that you need.

Engagement Summary

But as you're consuming the things that you do on the daily, reading articles and doing all these things, those points, you'll be able to now go into the market and wager those points to try and get even more points that will eventually turn into rewards down the line as they, you know, in more information on all that, what the points will be will come out soon. But it's literally no different than doing multi farm.

Concluding Thoughts on Engagement and Participation

And right now none of them are active, but they have the USDC right here and the prize is 2000 USDC 20 winners. And you go in there and you take your multi farm points and you pledge x amount of points or raffle to win, to try and win that. So it's. It's a similar thing, just not a prediction market. So I just encourage everyone to go engage with that tweet and try and, you know, do what you can do.

Discussion on Skateboarding and Injuries

Yeah. See, that'd be broken elbow, broken shoulder. Yeah, I would. You big in the skateboard community? Yes and no. I'm 34 now. Okay. Okay. Okay. Understandable. Broke my leg two years ago, and since then, you know, with the family and kids, I was politely asked to retire the deck. But no, I still. I still mountain bike enduro hard. Okay.

Connections in Skateboarding Community

Man, I rolled deep with pharmacy board shop back in the day, you know? Oh, really? Yeah, you know, so you know, if you ever come out here this way, man, let me know. Dude, we got a link up. There's a lot of people actually in that scene in our little network there, so. Yeah, it's a definitely chime in. Yeah, you probably find some connections. Munginator. And a bunch of them, too. Like. Like real ogs. Definitely, bro. Yeah. Yeah, that's, that's wild, bro.

Injuries and Personal Life Changes

Well, yeah. Yeah, so your wife said, nope, no more, and kicked your ass off of it. That was it. Yeah. Yeah, that was the final straw. So it makes sense, right? So, yeah. Oh, my God. Zark. Zark's like, I have ca skate.com available if anybody needs it. This guy's trying to sell fucking domain names for the last year. Yo, I don't mean to cut in on that, but speaking about Zurk, did you see last night about his dog bro, and Antonio Brown? No. What? No, Antonio Brown called Zerk's dog ugly dog, like, he really did.

Antonio Brown's Comment on Zark's Dog

Oh, that's funny. It is ugly. Yeah. So I agree with him. Pla. So what. What's your. How many jiras do you have, bro, besides this dope ass cosmic? I don't know. 69 or something. 70 something? Yeah. Holy shit. How many cosmics do you have? I need a cosmic, bro. Just two right now. I got an extra one. I got an extra cosmic. What color is it? it's dope.

Cosmic Details

green, red bandana, gold grill. It's really. I need a cosmic, Oh, the red bandana. Oh, yeah. You were trying to do the deal with Ygde. What happened there? I just didn't like any of them. Oh, you didn't like any of the ones he had? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, okay. I don't know, like, the stats and stuff, and I don't really know. I know purple and whatever and shit, but there's a part really, you know, I mean, like, I don't like it. You know? I like that jira, so I'm not gonna just toss it away.

Discussing Token Listings

You know, if people want to go by, people get hot and horny on that flight there, you know? I don't mind having that baby listed, so. Yeah. Are you going to be on the flight? Oh, no, Shan. Now? No, I'm not heading up. No, you're not? Nope. I didn't. I didn't apply now. Okay. Yeah, well, I'm sure even if you didn't apply, I'm sure he would say, yeah.

Expectations for Flight and Its Events

Come on, let's go. what do you think this flight's going to do? You think it's going to be a wild, just crazy ass party. I don't know, Shan. Yeah, I know he's coming. Shan. What's up, bro? How you doing? Congratulations. Hey, guys. Hello. How are you? Yeah, good, man. Just reached Dubai today. Nice. Do you feel different as a married man? I don't know, man. I'm probably a little more tired.

Life Changes after Marriage

How heavy is that ball and chain on your leg now? Is it. Is it weighing you down or what? I think I'll start feeling it after, like, few days. I think for now it's kind of like a little bit of face, but I think it's probably going to start soon. Well, I know there's so much happening, so much coming up. You still have, like, tge to get through and, like, it doesn't even stop there.

Future Plans and Expectations

Like, the journey is just now starting, really. But, like, do you see a point here coming up to where you're like, okay, because I know you got a lot of. When you put that comment about you and the team taking, like, a. Like, a break for a day and you had that call with the team not long ago, so that tweet went crazy. Like, do you think shit's going to really hit the fan when you go actually on, like, a true, like, you and your wife getting away for a few days?

Work-Life Balance Concerns

Like, do you see that happening in some point in the next six months or is it just. Is it just balls out, dropping and delivering? Yeah, I think the. I think there's certain things I learned that there's no point in trying to post about because I think people don't understand certain things. Right. I think as long as the work's going on, there's literally no reason to, like, put out about, like, certain things.

The Ineffectiveness of Token Buybacks

One thing we know for sure that does not work is trying to show your revenue and token buybacks. It never works. If you look at roll bit token buybacks, I think they bought out like 50% of the supply or something. The token is not going up. Yolo Games has been, has bought out like 3% of the supply and 30% of the circulating supply. It didn't move up more than like 20 mil FTV at this stage, even after all those buybacks. So because the FDV versus the revenue, it won't match. That's how the space currently is. Right? So it's. I think our focus is going to be on improving the brand value and brand recognition and stuff, more than like trying to just be like, okay, how do we try and control these tokens? How do we try and make sure these holders don't dump? How do we force them to hold these tokens and stuff versus improving the brand value? Like, you see how this creeps guys are like, you know, crazy towards, you know, the entire ecosystem overlords and like, you know, super duper ecosystem where they're like, oh, this next thing is coming up, this is going to be a cook.

Focus on Brand Value and Community Engagement

I don't want to sell it. I'm just holding this. Even if portal as such. I think I remember a little bit that portal allocation, although initially people were a little bit disappointed, but they understood why the allocation percentage was small and whatnot. And they're looking forward to this bunch of other ecosystem products that are coming up. That is brand value there. You know, that's what's making people hold it. So I think we are also working towards that. I think if we hit the brand value and if people believe and trust and have the brand value, I don't think, you know, anything else matters after that. I think that makes a ton of sense, Sean, even though you flooded my rollbit bags. But that's okay. No, I really appreciate the time. I mean, I got a so much fomo just from this conversation about the flight and sort of the future of PG. It's sort of the typical Sean fomo. I got my fourth Jericho and Jericho, wherever you pronounce it. But I'm pumped for revealing that. But thank you for the time. Jesus, thanks for pulling me up, Kenny, thanks for pulling me up. Hope everyone has a good day.

Discussion about Project Development

Shan, another question that was a hot topic and it kind of came up right before your wedding was the different level body types and the mecca possibility of getting that two x. Have you guys given that any more thought? It's been like heavily. I mean, I think the first statement even I made on the tweet was it's not finalized. And I think I like this fact about building in public, to be honest. Right? Getting the public opinion, even what I tweeted about today for the community, so many people dm me about like some suggestions, ideas and stuff. Like we're not like none of us here are like super geniuses and whatnot, to just feel, know exactly what's going to be the best thing or the best way to move forward and stuff. So instead of surprising holders, right, instead of just being like hey, this is a surprise. Here you go. And then the holders looking at it and being like, shit, man. What the heck is this? Like, you know, this is bullshit. I think that's failed many times for many projects.

Community Feedback and Engagement

You know, you think you're doing something to surprise your holders and them getting, like, entirely disappointed and screwed versus testing it out in public or testing it out of the small set of holders and stuff to understand what they're. What they feel like. Imagine, like the Mecca thing, for instance, if I made it as announcement, official announcement from Jeerasan versus testing the waters to see what the community feels. Majority of them are not happy with that kind of booster and whatnot. Because I think the reasons were valid and because we had told early on, even before the merge, that we are not going to be putting out specific value for that and it's going to be on its own. But then when I announced, okay, were thinking of something like this. The thoughts, I think people, even those with meccas, I think a bunch of them felt like. I think it probably should not have, like, booster, at least not two x.

Decision on Token Multipliers and Inclusivity

So I think we haven't decided yet, to be very honest, because I think. I think we. It's a. It's a. How do I say? You know, if you look at certain projects, like Neem land, I think they did it really well where they gave that extra benefits to those sharks or, you know, aliens. But at the same time, we told Yden people before the merge that it's all going to be based on, like, you know, we want to be one. We don't want to differentiate people based on stuff. And, like, let's just, like spirit Azuki. We wanted, like, cosmic to be, you know, having its value on its own and mecca for it to have its value on own. Because even before the announcement of two x and whatnot, Mecca had its own ratio. Right? Nobody. Nobody. Even hoodies, for instance. Hoodies is a. Is a. Hoodies is something we never even spoke about as an option for even a multiplier. And hoodies floor is, of course, a lot higher than even Mecca's, I think, from what I remember.

Market Analysis and Community Expansion

So I think we are just taking a little bit of time to just probably not going to be two x. Maybe it could be some small multiplier or maybe not. But I think we just have to just observe the next few days how things are and then take a decision based on that. Yeah. Yeah. And, I mean, it's a hard decision and it's hard to. It's hard to please everyone in the community I know, even stizzy, I think, was like, that's how cheese has got me, even in Nigeria, was because of the two x that you had shared on x. And while the floor price isn't much different, I do think the meccas are way better. Attractive looking, but, you know, even some of the commons, they look like they should be one ones, you know, so I'm. I'm, you know, really bullish on that.

Exploring Community Dynamics

Somebody's messaging, it's obviously a creep solder. And they're going back to the, you know, being part of the, one of the five communities, and they're saying, what if I only own one jira, but I own 20 creeps? How does the 20% work? Is it based one for one, or is it based one for the 25? Yeah, I think it's like that part again. A little bit of they've taken some snapshots of few communities, almost like having 15 communities we've just taken a snapshot of to just decide we want to pick some communities where there's almost like, no Jeera san to an extent. Like, for instance, like, you know, certain communities where less than, let's say, 10% of holders of that particular NFT wallet are not owning any this strategic as well. Right? Like, for example, if you look at quirkies only recently started connecting with, I think, the web three lead, I think, papi.

Strategic Community Targeting

And when we checked the wallets, very small percentage of the holders actually have a Jeerasan, right? So here we have the potential support of the founder, right? Where. Who can tweet about this, you know that. Okay, quirky. Every quirky that holds one Jira san, it's a limited supplier. Jira san is a limited supplier. Let's not forget that. So it's more like every quirky, every one quirky holds one, Jira san gets this booster, for instance. And if you hold three, it could be three, or it could just be one per wallet or whatnot. That part to be this based on the final numbers, just some simulation that's happening. So our belief here is that, you know, we could attract a new set of audience that have no idea who we are or that had no idea, at least so far.

Anticipating Future Community Growth

So I think the numbers, I think, probably would depend on that. But mostly it's going to be like one is to one per asset. So, meaning that if someone has a pudgy creeps and let's say some other NFT, that's going to be one of the five, and if they hold like three Jira sans. That's going to be a 20% for three of those Jirasan NFTs, like a boost, for instance. Right? This way we do not have to let make people like just, you know, send it to different wallets and stuff. It's just unnecessary, I think, you know, just trying to make people like put it in like multiple different wallets. But for us, if it's a one asset, I think one is to one per qualifying asset, then I think it's probably safe. Plus, it's not like every single person can buy. It will reach a flow price where I think it will be saturated.

Market Dynamics and Community Goals

I think one particular flow price where it gets saturated, where people might feel the risk to reward, does not make sense. Then we have to look at what we can do next. So for now, I think we just seeing the comments, accessing the on chain data, seeing which communities where our presence is almost non existent at the same like, I think two or three communities that support us heavily, that's one of them is creeps. And one or two communities where our presence is almost nil. But the flow price is higher than us. We want to try and get them on board. More the better. I want to reach like 3000 to 3500 holders by end of the year. That's been my goal. Even after redacted TGE, there's a lot more products coming up. Rampex, biptap and a bunch of them that's already active.

Future Product Development and Onboarding

So a lot of products are coming out. A lot of them are going to be having tokens and whatnot. So we're not worried about, okay, redacted is done. There's nothing more to be done, you know, or I agent is done and there's nothing more to done kind of a thing. So, yeah, I mean, just probably the next few, I think in a week or I think after the flight, I think we'll be announcing the communities and the data and metrics, but ideally looking to onboard another 400 fired holders, you know, through this, but not an easy task. But in a market like this, wherever almost, it seems like there's nobody left or anybody who's left. We have captured kind of a feel, but yeah, we got to try and like try and pick every single possible person out. Yeah, but the time those people come in, it's going to be like people that came in late 2022, they're going to be like, damn, I wished I was here when board eight minute.

Speculative Nature of Crypto Markets

Damn, I wished I could have got a punk. You know, I wish like, you know, and they're going to be kind of saying that same thing because of the value you're providing, not only to creeps, because people that are on the fence about, oh, maybe I want to get a creep and, but I have five jira and I have enough exposure here. Well, now maybe they may want to go buy five creeps or one creep. Yeah, exactly. Came from. I think, if I'm not mistaken, it's thanks to PLA and I think JD from creeps community. When I saw the tweet, this idea started coming up. Like, I get nervous when people go heavy into one project. Like, this is not on you guys or anything. This is like my personal thing.

Concerns about Heavy Investment and Market Risks

I appreciate it and I love and I support that people respect and trust us so much, but I just get nervous. I don't know why. It's just probably because I've seen the 2022 NFT crashes and all those kind of things where really good guys, I really love them, they still hold it, but I just wish they had at least sold some of them and took some profits and like, you know, and stuff like that. And not all are like, well off, right? Like, a lot of guys hold like 50 Jira sands and that's probably 80% of their total NFT and crypto portfolio. You can call it conviction, but at the same time, like, I just get a little bit nervous, right. So when I saw this swap thing going on where people are swapping creeps for a cosmic or a one creeps for like two or three jira sands and stuff like that, I wanted to think of something where we can create this move where Jira san holders also start looking into other projects, like some heavy whales in PG community that are only holding PG assets and not looking into any other thing.

Leveraging Project Interactions for Growth

They started looking into creeps. I know at least eight or nine of them, just in the last one week picked up a creeps from the Jira sun community that has their first creeps ever because they're like, oh, shit, something's happening. We have to support. Instead of buying two or three more jira sands from the floor to increase our holdings, they decided to go for a creeps. And I want this to happen amongst like four or five of the strong communities, like a two way street. So I'm hoping some of them, some of the Jirasan holders make some math and they're like, should I go for a 20%? Should I get, should I buy XYZ project for that extra 20% plus gain the benefits of that project also? Thereby I'm supporting my favorite project, but I'm also buying into this new project and getting some benefits there because of this 20% boost versus just going and buying another couple of Jira sans.

Mutual Benefits in Projects

So I think it works both ways, I think, for projects. Yes. Yeah, I see it working both ways. That's what I'm saying. Like, but whether it's creeps, Quirky's, say you go into Azuki or your. Whichever brands you're going at, and it could be some that we don't even expect. It's like, whoa, shit. Didn't expect this. You know, I'm not saying you're going to sub ducts or anything, but, you know, it's. It's providing value to both floors there. So it's. It's really interesting cham, while we've got. I'm just going to shout out, since I've joined the circle, you know, I think those guys. Well, the one thing I tell people about PG group generally, since I've joined, is the network.

Community Networking and Collaboration

And quite apart from everything else and what happens with coin and redacted and the flight and all of that kind of stuff is the people. And I've met some really fantastic people, a lot of which you've introduced me to, and Pla seems one of them. So, you know, I'm just gonna put my hand up and say, I think it would be great to get the circle in there. Oh, Shan dropped down. He's showing his listener for me. No, no, he's the speaker for me. Shane, you still there? yes. Sorry. Sorry. I was. Yeah, yeah. Maybe you rugged out? Yeah, brother, so much coming. I know I agent did their nodes. I think there's 5000 of those. I don't know how many's minted. I think 3000 were already sold in pre sale.

Future Developments in the Ecosystem

And then I think public starts today for that. I, But, like, multi farm will once these, like, I agent, will they continue, these partners, will they continue having things, you know, cycle through multi farm, like, even different activations that could come six months down the road? Yeah, like, yeah, I think my agent, again, I think is super. I mean, like, I don't like to call anything undervalued. I would say certain things in our ecosystem are fairly valued. But my personal, you know, take is that a project, like I agent is super undervalued in a sense, because it's not a joke that they get all the. All the top guys, not just to partner, but actually provide, you know, like in depth partnership.

Industry Insight and Developer Dynamics

Right? Like, for example, gaming. Gladiators the Gaiman, they're providing all the resources for lifelong, you know, GPU, power fry agent. And it's actually solving a real problem. It's into the gaming AI sector. I think probably people have been. I think I told even Jamie, like, Jamie's the co-founder של PG as well. Like, I think as you guys know, we must. We are pretty close. And I haven't told Jamie, I haven't been looking into I agent too much. But what I've been noticing is he shouldn't have probably I told him, like, maybe you shouldn't use the word notes, right? People. People just think nodes are like another way to extract more funds and whatnot without just understanding that it's actually operational.

Understanding Node Functionality

Like, there are some nodes that are not nodes, right? They just. It's a way for token emission. It's not doing anything like a node where you just hold that NFT and it dissipates tokens every month. That is not an actual node, okay? Nodes, where it stabilizes the system, stabilizes the whole, you know, network is what an actual node should do, right. It's almost like eth proof of stake where it's actually stabilizing the system. What I agent is doing, I think. I think what I agent is missing is probably a heavy spokesperson. Jamie is not like the best at speaking, you know, I think he's been behind PG and I've been the spokesperson for PG for almost three years. Jamie's not the best at that, but he's an ex professional gamer.

Continuous Learning and Development

He's a. He's a real builder, you know, that knows what he's doing. Very niche, very, you know, like, into the gaming sector and has pretty much got every single possible person from the gaming world and the AI world to be a part of the agent thing. And it's a product that's actually ready. The MVP has been displayed, I think, at malaysian blockchain week and stuff. So I think, you know, I think PG holders as such, I think we'll be announcing something major for the holders very soon with respect to I agent as well for the holders. But I would. I would say if you're, if you know, if you're a gamer especially, I think to closely follow the entire progress of agent or get on like one of the spaces of our agent to just understand what the product is.

Sustainability in Product Development

I think I'm a non gamer and I myself was able to see the amount of market share that this product could potentially capture, especially having partnerships with the top four esports, all the top four esports teams as well for an AI versus AI showdown powered by agent. So I think I would suggest all the gamers especially to just start taking note of I agent a little bit more. Yes, the nodes are, I think the public sale is live. I haven't been following how many have been sold out or whatnot, but yeah, I think probably not the best time in the market now for nodes, but it's not one of those dummy notes. That much I can say.

Clarifying Node Mechanisms

Yeah, that was a lot of the problem is I even had a few guys in creeps. They were like, I don't even know what the hell an I agent node does. Like, I don't understand it. they could never get much clarification. We were trying to discuss it yesterday, but, yeah, the public sale is lived right now. says whitelist closed remaining nodes rolled into public run nodes and instantly earn agent from 4.4 million agent reward pool. And I had seen somebody say that it's, I think it's a five year distribution timeframe. So, you know, that's a long time to get some drip of Agent Token. So, yeah, I'm excited.

User Experience and Earning Mechanisms

One question I had, I don't know if you know the answer to this. So, like on the multi farm when I'm reviewing and I go and see, so like, I, I won. So three of the events I actually wonde, I won some QBx, some lingo and redacted it. I'm guessing my wallet is just there. And then when those tokens launch, if you win any of this type of stuff, it just, it comes to you, I guess, around those timeframes of TgE. Yeah, I got you. So basically we'll be submitting the ones to the already been submitted, all the winners thing for QBX and Lingo and whatnot.

Distribution Mechanisms for Token Rewards

It's already been submitted to the teams. So it'll be a claim from their website unless otherwise stated. So, you know, it'll be as part of their portal or the claim portal or whether it's an airdrop or whatnot. It'll be handled completely by them. I think nine out of ten projects on multifarm, it's tokens with 100% unlock at TGE. So we are trying not to work with projects that have a long cliff or long distinguishing for the multiform thing. So it's going to be like all those tokens, or at least nine out of ten of those tokens are going to be 100% unlock at TGE. So you know, it's not, you know, you don't have to claim like peanuts for like twelve months, but rather have the entire amount by like, you know, on the day of tea and something.

Future Operations and Platform Utility

Yeah, it, well, and there's a lot of partners that have been announced that guys, if you're fading multi farm, I don't know why you are. There's a lot of projects that have been announced where yeah, you're earning points for it, but even some of the raffles haven't even been included yet. I know, Degen distillery, we just had them on last week. They have a pretty big activation starting up I think, here soon. I think we're going to see more from some of these other partners that are listed, you know, on the platform right now for season three. I'm not sure. Oh, season three has already ended, but I think season four is probably soon to kick off.

Navigating Upcoming Developments

Hopefully. Well, Shan, I'm excited, bro. Yeah, I think we have a bunch, man. Like we have revolving games, we have seed worlds for all the solid guys, like, not some random projects. The problem, the problem is right now nobody wants to TGE. Right. I can't blame them because we are on the same board. The exchanges, the support, the level of support and the kind of, how do I say, like there's no buying demand. Like people think that oh, you have a good product, you shouldn't worry about launching in this market. The problem is cryptos are speculative.

Reflections on Crypto Launch Timing

Market cryptos are entirely speculative. If there is no buy demand for even ETh or even Solana in this kind of market, why the heck would anybody want to buy some random token launching suddenly in this market? So most of the projects are really solid ones. Like seed world I think is a guaranteed TGE. This, I think this month if I'm not mistaken, from what I recollect. So we have them coming up on multifarm as well. So we have revolving games also coming up as well. Revolving games is probably one of the biggest and the best ones that we have onboarded and a lot of projects, lot of mid tier, small, high tier projects as well, but without a clear TGE date or a TGE plan.

Forward Planning for Token Launches

As I said, like I think slight hint of a bull and a slight hint of a Q four change and all these tokens are like literally looking to launch in like, you know, Q four. So we are hoping that, you know, all these partners and stuff, everything starts launching by Q four. But honestly, yeah, it's been a pain even for us. Like, you know, people dm me and they're like, sean, when are you launching redacted? I'm like, guys, just remember this. I can launch it even tomorrow, and I can put it in some exchange and I can launch it even tomorrow. But the point is that, like, what is the gain?

Pragmatism in Product Launch Strategies

What is the benefit? Like, I believe strongly that a little bit of timing matters. No matter what, you can do everything right. You can do amazing. It can be 99% hard work and this 1% luck. Similarly, 99% can be your amazing hard work. But this 1% timing is important. Again, you are scared to buy ETh and Solana in a market like this. Why the heck would you buy redacted? Or why the heck would you buy revolving games tokens in this market? Right? Would you go and buy more and more of these tokens, you know, in a market like this? Probably not. So it's not going to help anybody.

Market Sentiment and Speculation

It's not going to help the community, it's not going to help the project. It's pretty much, it's not going to help anybody. Everybody thought the bull run is going to come in Q two, Q three, and what not including us, but it's not the case. So it's not to state that all these projects are going to take forever to launch. Everyone's got like a max deadline of Q four. We want to see a bunch of token launches in Q four. Either it's going to be the best thing that's going to be happening to us, or the worst possible thing with so many new tokens.

Time Frames and Speculation

That's what I was wondering, bro, because every, like everything within creeps, they're like, Q four. And then when I even joined PG Group as an ambassador and started seeing and Jerusalem talking to you, rumors were flying that it's late September, October. Then we have so mo come in. Like all the ones that I'm invested in my circle, it's all Q four. And I'm like, how in the hell are all these tokens going to launch if nobody's still even here yet? Like, you know, so it's going to be interesting to see how this all rolls out. Markets are crucial to a token launch.

Market Timing and Strategies

I mean, look, like we said, you know, who's going to buy in a down market when they're not even buying majors on a pretty decent discount, you know, you have to have the right temperature in the water. We saw with portal got pushed back a couple months, didn't TG until March. But it just so happened that, you know, bitcoin was running to an all time high. Ethereum was trading at 3500. So market conditions were really good for a freshen, you know, gaming launch. And we saw the, how well portal did off the rip. You know, it was held two, $3 for a while there.

Observations on Successful Launches

However, you know, that's why I think, shan, you're 100% right. I would, I would delay if you have to, just to wait for the right market conditions and opposed to pushing it too early and it being, you know, not going to, you know, your expectations. So I agree with that. Take 100%. Yeah. And not everybody's happy. I mean, trust me, I've had, a lot of us have had money tied up in angel rounds for several things, revolving games. So mo and everybody's like, win token. But if, you know, if it's just gonna drop and there's no sinks for it and no use cases for the coin, it's just going to be a plummet straight downhill.

The Role of Speculation and Utility

See, honestly, guys, sinks and token, you know, sinks and use cases are not going to be the reason for tokens to pump. I can, I can vouch, if anyone wants to commit me at this. I can show all the math, the best of the best product currently in the market, the sinks, and this thing is not going to work. What's going to work is the speculation of the things and the speculation and the trust from the team. And you know that in the future there's going to be a lot more, right? There's not even, Eth does not have enough sinks like eth.

Revenue Insights and Market Predictions

If you guys go and check right now, what is the revenue of ETH? Right? If you check Ethereum's revenue and if you just check, right? Let me, let me check. Right? So ETH revenue is like, I think, what is the revenue for 2023? 2023. The revenue for ETH is like 623 million, right? 623 million was the revenue for ETH, not profits. Okay? Revenue is different from profits. So 623 million as revenue for ETH for a 300 to 400 billion dollar asset. If you think about it, that's almost like 600 million divided by 400 billion.

Understanding Value Dynamics

It's crazy. It's like less than what to say, like 0.2% or something or whatever in terms of value to. So imagine if ETH network is going to be like every year, 100% of our revenue. We're going to keep buying back the tokens. Okay? For 600 million, you're only, you're buying less than 0.22% of the supply every year. Right. So with 600 million. Even though it's 600 million at the 400 bill. Right. So what's driving its value? Is it the token sinks and the use case? It is the speculation that in the future that there is going to be.

Long-term Predictions and Community Trust

That it's going to grow 100 x from where it is now in terms of transaction value or in terms of number of users and whatnot. So similarly, for people for a token to be successful, whether it's portal or somo or redacted or whatnot, it's the belief that, okay, in the next five years, there's going to be hundred projects that are going to be using our tokens, there's going to be 100 x more users that's going to come. And this team will stay for the next five years at least without rugging or slow rugging or running away. Hence it's worth the bet.

Reactions to Market Events

So this is what's my, in my opinion, works more than just token sinks and this thing, because no token sinks ever is going to work for, or even stock buybacks in web two, for stocks like Tesla, trading at like 400 x p ratio is not going to work. Hey, Shane, a question I had in some DM's, and I don't even know if this is public information. You don't have to answer it. You don't want to. Has redacted released any numbers on, like, what they've raised so far, or is that.

Funding and Financial Clarity

Is there going to be a public sale or any. Obviously, we have released about a $10 million race already from Spartan Animoca, you know, Polygon Ventures. I think there was a tweet on redacted. So we exactly did a ten mil race starting this year. And from, I think, you know, it was more. We didn't even announce it was us. Right. It was a pretty much like a very, I mean, slightly inspired by portal to an extent, where we didn't announce it was us and stuff, and it was like just going around.

Community Investments and Fund Allocation

Let me just try to find the tweet. So that's number one. And number two, in terms of opportunity, I think we are looking at definitely, we're looking at like a community round, you know, but community round, not for the sake of just, you know, raising more funds. And literally all the funds from the community race is going to go towards liquidity pool. So 100% into for exchanges and stuff. So it's not for us to have more money. It's like pretty much we'll be going into the LP as such. With probably the best unlocks that if we can't do a best unlock, we might not even do a community sale.

Enhancing Holders' Opportunities

We want to give the best unlocks to the NFT holders through the community sale. If that's not doable that we might rather cancel the community sale than trying to do something because I think we are not having any issues with the funds as such anymore. It's more of, okay, let's see what kind of skin in the game that holders could potentially get access to. So, yeah, I mean, that's pretty much where, you know, redacted things. Yeah.

Value Creation Through Holder Engagement

And I mean, the more rewarding you're, the, you know, the team is, I guess, to the holders, the more they're going to go out and, you know, as Lucas says, proliferate the brand. Yeah, it is a hard. It is definitely a hard one. Right. Like were very intentional. We don't want to raise a dollar from the community. Right. All these races were done through VC's and other kind of like daos and stuff like that. And for example, Spartan is our co lead, Animoca is our co lead.

Transparent Governance and Development

Polygon Ventures. All these guys are from the VC side of things. None of them are forcing us to launch a token. There's a common misconception that VC's screw up project, none of the VC's that we had dealt with, I met every single one of them in person before even taking a single dollar them. Nobody's forcing us. They've been super supportive. They're like, why hasn't it launched? You have to launch by this date. None of those pressures.

Navigating Community Sales

So were very particular that we didn't want to try and extract more from the community just for the sake. If there's significant demand from the community after we dropped nfts and then if people really wanted, then probably something that. An amount that's probably affordable by most, 0.1 ETH or 0.05 ETh per NFT is what was planned. Like $300 per NFT per. You know, per NFT or something is literally what we had planned.

Public Offering Challenges

It depends on a lot of things because exchanges do not like public sales. Some of the exchanges, right. You know, the top two especially, they do not like public sales. And the market is also very different now. So if we do not get their permission to do a public sale, it might not even come in. But you guys, one thing I can tell is that as I mentioned, more than 50% of the tokens have been reserved for the community and NFT holders. It's not 50% entirely for the nfTs.

Membership Benefits and Engagement Opportunities

But if you hold the NFT and you will get exclusive access to perform certain tasks, almost 50% of that is going to come to you. For instance, community also includes Maxis, community includes Bulex, includes possibly I agent, even you guys holding, or even multi farm, for that matter. So passively, let's say you get 10% of the supply, right? Passively, you get 10% of the redacted supply, at least for the NFTs, plus the boosters, top 100 boosters and whatnot.

Engagement Strategies and User Rewards

And apart from that, you holding the NFT and performing one or two tasks, you know, go to maxis, do a NFT raffle, for instance, and you get like $10 worth of tokens. That takes you like 30 seconds or lesser. But like, you know, you accumulate, you know, a bunch of these things. You go to biptab if you're being realistic here, right? $10 is at like $100 million FTV assumption. So if we launch at a higher price, then even better, right?

Simplifying User Tasks and Future Outlook

So the thing is, it's going to be simple tasks for our new ecosystems. But keep that in mind. One thing that people do not fully understand now is the way we work, or the way redacted is going to work. I have to go in like two minutes, but I'll just explain this and probably a leave. The way redacted is going to work. It's going to be very unique. Every single product, every single product of redacted or under redacted, including Rampex, including Maxis, including bittap, multifarm and whatever, all these products will be powered by redacted coin, at least for six months.

Cross-Product Integration and User Dynamics

After the six months, each of these products, which have their own fundraising, which is like Rampix had its own fundraising, Biptap had its own fundraising as a product. After six months, these products will have its own tokens. So you can use stake redacted, and you'll get those tokens once they drop. So imagine Bulex. If Bulex is powered by redacted, for instance, as an example, you are going to get redacted token for using Bulex as a part of the ecosystem play.

Unique Positioning in the Market

But you're also going to be racking up bullets, points, and staking redacted later for Bulex. Biptap. What else is there? Like Rampix and whatnot? So this has never been done before, but inspired by blast. Like this idea, this entire idea was inspired by blast because blast was crazy. Of course, they fumbled a lot of things, but when you think about it, if blast had taken equity in those products that were launched, for instance, in fantasy top, or whether in Yolo games or whatnot.

Creating Value Through Partnerships

And they supported with the blast token for those products, for instance, for kicking off, which is what they did, which is amazing. You not only racked up blast tokens, you also racked up fantasy top tokens. So what if they all belong to one umbrella company? So this was the imagination of Redacted's model, where imagine redacted as the blast token, where you're performing certain tasks in certain products, but you're also racking up points not just for redacted claim, but also the native token of that particular products.

Simulating Ecosystem Interactions

You know, the claim for that. So it might be a little bit confusing, but I think after we launched a couple of products, I think, I mean, the, you know, I mean, we launched a couple of products, but after redacted, token is out. And once you guys see one of those tokens have one of the products have the other token as well, it'll be a lot clearer. So it's more like we are merging all the products under one single ecosystem, but each of those products also will have a token in the future. This includes Maxis, too.

Future Token Launch Structures

Maxis GG. They were supposed to have Maxis token, but now they're under redacted, meaning the entire platform will be powered by redacted. Whatever use cases are planned, where planned for, Maxi's token will be used for redacted. But after few months of stabilized revenue and stabilized user base, Maxis will launch its own token. So the users of Maxis will also get the Maxis token. The reason why this will, why we believe this will be successful, is because most of the products, they want to bring attention to their platform through tokens.

Strategizing Token Launch Outcomes

But what happens is when they start doing that, they get under the pressure of launching the token ASAP, because people want rewards immediately. And that puts a lot of pressure on the teams. Like even Bulex, for example, bullocks is going amazingly well, and people are like, oh, when is token? When is token? And it's a competition between Bulex and Photon right now. Photon is, photon came before Bulex, but they don't want to launch the token because they know if they lost the token, they lose all the attention to Bulex.

Community Management and Market Positioning

And similarly, bullets is also worried if they launch the token first, a lot of them move towards photon for the next set of airdrops. But what if Bulex gets redacted first, right? And rewarding the users first with redacted, but then later when at the convenient time after photon literally launches their token without any stress. Now Bulex token comes out. Just imagine how much of Rev share and the market share that the market. Share you get from photon coming to bullets.

Collaborative Growth and Market Potential

I it makes total sense. I mean, you're using redacted to incubate and support brands. Exactly. That are still building. And then by most people, even with portal right now, we stake our portal and we don't get shit for it, really. And it's like, yeah, you know, if we need something, you know, and you're providing something back for it with the token that's going to come later from the participating brand. Like I, you know, like in regards to photon, look, the partner referral system, Bulex has, blows photon out of the water as far as like return on, you know, using the platform.

Competitive Landscape in Token Ecosystems

So, I mean, I, in all honesty, like, I, I don't think photons big competition for you guys. That's just my personal. I think it's not only that, because they have huge treasuring guys. Like we look at all those things, right? They have $100 million treasury, right? Yes. They didn't give a lot of rewards to the holders and stuff. They've been like, having it for themselves, at least so far. Like, $100 million is not a joke.

Financial Perspectives and Investment Strategies

Many don't even realize that photon has made $100 million. That's insane. When you think about it. If you ask randomly how much you think photons made, people just throw some numbers, like maybe five mil, ten mil. They've accumulated $100 million in pure profits without any ReV shares or any of those kind of things. So with bullets as such, more than 35% is going back to the referees, more than 25% is going to SaFU funds in case of any hacks and stuff to keep aside for that.

Revenue Sharing and Community Security

So, which means only 30% to 40% of the entire fees is actually coming in as a development fees and stuff. So if they make 20 mil, only 30%, that is $6 million is actually into the team treasury for further development, revenue share or listing tokens and whatnot. So, Futon, if we make a bad move with the money that they have, they can screw us. So redacted, as she has mentioned, is literally the incubation tool for our products and products that we have equity in.

Future Sustainability Through Diverse Offerings

And now think about it, how redacted is going to be sustainable is that it's going to have a series of products and a series of products that we are incubating. Plus all these products we have rev shares with to stabilize the redacted token. So, for instance, if you have 25% in Rampex, after Rampex token launches and redacted is pulled out, we don't care anymore. But Rampex making $10 million for $20 million, 25% of that is ours.

Leveraging Investments for Community Rewards

We can stabilize redacted. If Bulex is going to make $20 million, 25% of that is for redacted. Again, we have $5 million from that. Perfect. So we take ten to 50% equity in these products, launch the product with our token, get the rewards and everything out for instant gratification, and then have the main token or a native token of the product come out later. Anyways, I think we'll prove it.

Testing and Feedback for Future Models

When I think one or two products we tested with Bulex and Maxis and stuff, by end of this year, before the end of this year, and then it'll be a lot more clearer and probably then people will understand the potential this has. I'm not saying this is 100% it's going to blow out, but it's more like the potential of this kind of a model. This can only be done in web three.

Strategizing Web3 Innovations

This is the best part. This can only be done in web three. And that's why we call ourselves the web three y combinator. But anyways, I think I have to go, but thanks a lot. I think there was a lot of discussions here, a lot of stuff, and. We got Alpha today. You gave us that. Creeps are going to be one of the five communities, everybody. You know, there's tweets up there galore, you know, with multi farm. Go make sure you sign up.

Wrapping Up the Discussion

I put one up there for the redacted airways quest. That's going to be hype, man. It's going to be such a fun time. It's going to get pretty wild, Shan. And we know your times, you know, short. And we appreciate you spending so much time in here. Max, did you have a question for sham before he's got a bounce. Oh, no, Shan, go ahead. And I appreciate you coming up. I just had a question for you, so. But Shannon, I appreciate you coming up here, sir.

Opening the Portal

I'm going to also open up on the portal because I've been wanting to get on a call with a lot of holders. They've been dming and stuff as well. And it's been really hard to, you know, try and put up a time because of a lot of things happening like wedding and then there's flights and stuff. So through the portal, I think we're also going to be like a calendly to talk with the team or something so that it's easy for holders also to, you know, get on a call with any of the team members at any time, you know, with. Anyways, let's see, like by end of this year, I think a lot of those. So PG, I mean, Jira san portal, I think will be, you know, should be cleared up.

Conversation with Amar

Yeah, here comes your daddy up here. Amar's coming on stage. Hey, real quick though, when you get that database going up, I would love to sign up and add my restaurant in there. I'm in the SoCal area as well, so I would love to. Hello? I can hear them though. Oh, you may not hear Max. No, Max, you might have to round trip. Amar, what's up, bro? How you doing? Hey, guys, I'm good. How are you? Fantastic. Been listening to Shan. Just drop all kinds of alpha and just knowledge and everything going on. Are you already in Dubai? Yeah, I'm already in Dubai. I part time live here, so. Yeah, Sean, I'll probably be seeing it tomorrow, I believe. But he said he had a call, and I was thinking that you were his call, and you were like, why is this dude not getting on the phone? No, I came to congratulate him on his wedding. I haven't. We haven't been able to talk. We're usually talking every other day, but, yeah, it's been a crazy time for us and these guys, for sure.

Excitement and Community Involvement

Yeah. Both of you have so much kicking off. I know. The community's beating down the door, ready for the dashboard to go live, claim their nodes. And, you know, it's exciting. Yeah, it's. It's. It's exciting. Exceptionally busy time for us. I don't think I've had any time. I actually came on this for a break. Sometimes I just listen to your show as a. Literally a radio. Yeah, no, that's not. Yeah, just some. Some other noise in the background besides everybody else. Yeah. You come in and leave, and then you come in, and then I'm like, I mentioned your name, and then all of a sudden you ghost. I'm like, all right, bye. But it's all good. Yeah. What. What's. What's. What's going on? What are we expecting to see from revolving games during the. I don't want to make this show about revolving.

Market Timing and Product Focus

I don't care. Did you just hear. Did you hear what he just said? He said, he. I know. I know he does, but I. Then I'm going to have people up my ass saying, we had them are on stage. Why didn't you ask them at least one thing? So, yeah, that's. That's it. Yeah, I'll say, like, yeah, we're. We were essentially, obviously, the dashboards coming, but we've been working on a few things around game launches and early access, so that's. That's a bit of alpha for you guys. Like, we. There's one big news that's coming up, which is essentially because everything then boiled for us boils down to gaming, to be honest. And that's what we've been really consumed with because I think that's what set us apart from any other project, because the market's just generally been under pressure and I've been very aggressive on, hey, let's be more focused on product than anything else because that's what will set us apart from the craziness that's been going on in the market in general.

Recent Market Events and Updates

And then we had a sad ending to project, sort of not ending. But what happened? I'm not going to name anyone, but that was pretty bad, what happened yesterday. Oh, it was great. Yeah. Well, so having said that, it's a time to really show what we've been building rather than talking. So I've been really consumed with that and I think more and more projects need to do that and founders are really aware of that now. And we all, when we talk, we're talking about product rather than anything else. Marketing needs tone down and I told Callum not to tweet anything. Bullish. Show product. Yeah, yeah, I agree. Look, Amar, let me ask you a question. How much emphasis do you put on timing in the market, like releasing product, like how much do you all pay attention to like market conditions and whatnot, and trying to time things? That's a really good question, man.

Product Timing Challenges

So web three makes you want to time things more because unfortunately a lot of people are just, are expecting miraculously to get some like XYZ. They're thinking of themselves as investors and then if you don't think about them then they obviously become very negative. So you want to avoid that. There are so many other things. But like for instance, in web two, we wouldn't launch a game in December, right, because the marketing costs are ten x more. Unless you're a multi billion dollar company with $100 million marketing budget, then you're thinking differently. So timing does matter. But more and more, as I've been thinking about it, I want to avoid that. And I was just want to be more aggressive on product and then let people believe in the product and let that speak more because I just don't think it's impossible to time it right.

Community Reactions and Market Reactions

A lot of you guys are from the creeps community. Portal didn't time their token, but it was on the best day of the year. I think bitcoin broke its last year's last peaks high that day. So that you, it couldn't have been better than that. I still remember, I think it was the Mario show I was on and it was about portal and they're like, oh shit, bitcoin broke its peak and shit, portal is going to get listed at that time. It was so good, right? No, that just, yeah, it was kismet. It just happened to work out. I messaged Joe at that time. I was like, dude, it couldn't have been better. Timing is like, who knew? Yeah. And the funny thing is it was pushed back due to the finance partnership and that, you know, dotting the I's and crossing the t's. You know, like, so it actually got pushed back because of the partnership with finance.

Exchange Listings and Market Sentiment

Exchange listings are tricky, obviously, and it's very hard to plan time them. And sometimes you have to delay. But everything worked out in that launch for sure. But then other things get delayed. Right. Product gets delayed and things like that. So it's hard. It's hard because it's, you're building in public. If you're not answerable to public, then it becomes much easier to be honest. So do events like yesterday cause harm to projects like revolving when they're trying to get listed on big exchanges and launch from there? That doesn't weigh anywhere. Well, exchanges have their own diligence. They have relatively smart teams. Obviously, sometimes things get slipped. It doesn't affect listing. It affects general public sentiment more.

Investor Sentiment and Market Dynamics

So if you're doing NFT mint or you're launching a token, people might be reluctant in buying it. It can often affect, but people also forget in two days, which is the funny part about general thing. But one thing I have been talking to my team is crypto Twitter is important, but crypto Twitter does. I don't think crypto Twitter can make a product. They can extend the life or give it. It's like a pre party. You can start like, you want some people to come in, have, like, some people kick off the party, but eventually, nobody wants to be the first person at the party. But eventually it's real products, real users that will really make the token do well. Do like the company or the project do well.

Resilience and Market Decisions

Right? That's, that's how I think. So you also have to ignore the positive and the negatives of what's happening on Twitter and just go with it. I think I'm becoming a firm believer of that because were going to launch and we decided to delay things, primarily because of the market. But the market's gotten worse and worse. I'm not going to wait for two years now, right? Yeah. I mean, you can't wait forever. Yeah. And the election is going to set the tone. And now the election is like, I'm not political, and I don't like to make political comments, but it's a really wild time for the world economy and what's happening. And with all the conflicts it does tie into what's happening with the markets and the prices we see.

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