Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space 週末に自分をうんと褒める会 hosted by Kanna_Imfree. Join the engaging session focused on decluttering, personal growth, and mindfulness with a renowned tidying coach. Explore insights on embracing minimalism, overcoming clutter challenges, and transforming spaces to promote mental clarity. Learn about the impact of organized living on mental well-being and productivity. Discover techniques for managing ADHD symptoms through structured environments and self-appreciation practices. Unveil the journey of conquering clutter struggles and adopting a minimalist lifestyle for a balanced and harmonious living experience.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: How can decluttering positively impact mental well-being?
A: Decluttering promotes a sense of calm, reduces anxiety, and enhances focus.

Q: What strategies can help in transitioning to a minimalist lifestyle?
A: Start with small decluttering tasks, prioritize essentials, and embrace a less-is-more mindset.

Q: Why is it essential to address clutter challenges for mental clarity?
A: Clutter can overwhelm the mind, leading to stress, distraction, and decreased productivity.

Q: How can organizing living spaces help individuals with ADHD?
A: Structured environments can assist in minimizing distractions and improving focus for individuals with ADHD.

Q: What role does self-appreciation play in personal growth and decluttering?
A: Self-affirmations and self-love boost motivation, confidence, and the willingness to make positive changes.

Q: How does embracing a minimalist approach contribute to a balanced lifestyle?
A: Minimalism promotes intentional living, reduces excess, and fosters a sense of clarity and purpose.

Q: What benefits can individuals derive from decluttering their physical spaces?
A: A clutter-free environment can reduce stress, enhance creativity, and create a positive living atmosphere.

Q: How can organizing strategies transform a chaotic living space into a serene refuge?
A: Strategic organization methods can turn cluttered spaces into peaceful retreats that promote relaxation and well-being.

Q: What motivates individuals to embark on a decluttering journey?
A: Success stories, improved mental clarity, and the desire for a tranquil living space inspire individuals to start decluttering.

Q: How can individuals maintain the balance between organizing physical spaces and nurturing mental well-being?
A: Regular decluttering routines, mindfulness practices, and self-care rituals are key to sustaining a harmonious living environment.


Time: 00:10:15
Decluttering Tips for Improved Well-Being Expert advice on tidying up for a healthier and more organized lifestyle.

Time: 00:22:45
Embracing Minimalism for Mental Clarity Insights on simplifying surroundings to enhance focus and inner peace.

Time: 00:33:20
Success Story: Conquering a 15-Year Clutter Challenge Inspiring journey of transforming a messy room into a minimalist haven.

Time: 00:45:10
Organizing Strategies for Managing ADHD Tips for creating structured environments to aid individuals with ADHD.

Time: 00:55:30
Self-Appreciation and Personal Growth Exploring the connection between self-love, motivation, and life transformations.

Time: 01:05:20
Benefits of Tidying Up for Mental Well-Being Understanding how decluttering can positively impact mental health and productivity.

Time: 01:15:40
Transforming Chaos into Serenity Techniques for turning cluttered spaces into peaceful sanctuaries for relaxation.

Time: 01:25:55
Motivation for Decluttering and Organizing Discovering sources of inspiration for beginning and maintaining a decluttering journey.

Time: 01:35:10
Balancing Organization and Mental Wellness Tips on harmonizing physical decluttering with mental health practices for a balanced life.

Time: 01:45:30
Creating a Tranquil Home Environment Exploring the benefits of a clutter-free space in fostering a sense of peace and creativity.

Key Takeaways

  • Benefit from decluttering tips to create a harmonious environment for improved well-being.
  • Embrace minimalism to simplify your surroundings and promote mental clarity.
  • Gain inspiration from overcoming clutter struggles and transforming living spaces.
  • Understand the impact of tidiness on mental well-being and productivity.
  • Explore the journey of transitioning from a cluttered space to a minimalist lifestyle.
  • Discover techniques for managing ADHD symptoms through organized living spaces.
  • Learn about the power of positive affirmations and self-appreciation in personal growth.
  • Find motivation in the success story of overcoming a 15-year clutter challenge.
  • Explore the benefits of tidying up for creating a serene and stress-free home environment.
  • Gain insights on the connection between decluttered spaces and a peaceful mind.

Behind the Mic

Introductory Remarks

I'm looking for a roses. Gonna take a whole lot more to pull my focus on my birthday. Custom made. Now he's talking. It's Friday, people. Gm Gm. Oh, I could have played that whole song. But it is five minutes past the hour, so I guess we best get started. We have Metasene today providing us with a banger show. Kol marketing building brands in web free Metasene, the next gen blockchain, MMO RPG, Homeland download now link in the bio.

Show Preview

We have some amazing guest speakers as well today, people really bringing in the value that alpha for. How do you actually build a brand in web three, especially when it rates two kols? Key opinion leaders for those unfamiliar. Basically, it's a word that we decided influencers were getting a bit of a murky undertone to it, so were just going to swift switch it up a little bit, just, you know, change the name and nothing else. We have b ho's with us today. Growth manager at Nifty island. We have game GPT by Prism, AI driven game engine.

Guest Speakers and Projects

We also have Nifty Island's main account where communities play. We have Katana in you with their Qatar token, a battle royale web for PC game with NFT ecosystems. And we have crypto McDuck Bear Market 2021 to 2020 free survivor. Pretty sure they're the only one creator of meme coin. So, look, guys, this is going to be a really fun show today. I can't wait to dive into it. Really passionate about this one and the growth of personal brands and really, you know, seeing the shift between, like, these corporation marketing strategies to really understand and like, look, you need actual human beings behind all of this.

Personal Brand versus Corporation

It's just a way wet. It's just better. It's just a better content strategy. I think. I think I definitely resonate way more with a personal brand than I do with a corporation brand at this point. And I guess the idea is that we have to do both at this point, so can't wait to dive into this one. Henry, are you excited for the conversation today over at Metasene? Hey, guys, how are you doing? Glad to be here hosting with Jack. One more space. Yeah, I think this is a great subject and I'm happy to join and share my ideas and also to hear the ideas from the opinions from the guests that are together with us.

Engagement with the Audience

Yeah, yeah. There's so many different routes we could take this, right. And look for the listeners if you're interested at all being an influencer, kol, like, if, you know, you're looking at ambassadorship programs, those sort of things. I think this show will definitely be for you as well as for the projects themselves, who are really trying to ideate and understand where is the value proposition to all of this. So I think so many people are going to be excited about, you know, being able to get some alpha from real projects building in this space. So super excited.

Introducing New Projects

Welcome to the stage. Grid network, two modular gaming network built by Onekin Labs, backed by Polygon, Solana, Evac, Aptos and more. Really, really excited to dive into. Into this one. Crypto. McDuck, your hand is already raised, so I'm going to throw the mic straight to you. All right. Good evening, good evening, or good morning, everyone. Good evening, wherever you are. I wasn't invited personally. I'm just representing the project Keaton Hamer. And I saw that Kitana Inu is also hosting today.

Acknowledgements and Collaborations

And I just want to say that Kitana Inu, you are amazing team. We are partners. We have collaborations. Kitten is fighting the dog of Katana, you know. So, yeah, this is all I wanted to sell. Katana, you know, is really awesome project. Amazing. And I really like to work with all of you guys. Thanks. Awesome. Thank you so much for hopping up and Katana in you. If you're just gonna plant, like, legends in the stage just to give you guys a bump, then, look, I'm for it.

Personal Branding and Marketing

I think it's great marketing, great personal brand marketing as well. That leads us into the show. So look, guys, now this one is gonna be a fun one. Thank you guys all for joining us. And I think we just go for it. I think we dive in. Henry, I'm going to throw the mic back over to you first. Before we get to all our incredible guest speakers today. What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about Kol marketing?

Thoughts on Kol Marketing

Well, Kol marketing, I think a lot of incomes come to my mind. But as a project, when you only speak to the public using the project image, you're only passing the ideas and the actual project from your site. As a dev. As a marketer, I think it's kind of limited. Right? You're passing it as an official source. So we are building this, and this is what we want to reach. This is our project. But when you have kols that are part of the project ecosystem, when you have kols that are actually playing the project and supporting the project, and not only being people that are shielding the project because they're getting paid for that.

The Role of Kols

You have a lot of people outside of the actual project team that have their own vision and their own way of showing to users, players and everyone else what the project is about. Showing a things that maybe the dev, they can't explain so clearly because we are doing the projects right. So they're able to show the users how to get the best out of the project and how to explore it and so on. So I think that really Kol marketing, for any kind of game, it's web two or web three, it's really important and really good to have different people helping to, you know, puts the projects out there, show their vision, puts their own ideas into explaining and exploring the project.

The Impact of Social Networks

You're minting billionaires from the Kardashian family. It's why the rock has become such an incredible superstar. And. And it's. And really, a lot of it, you know, is just kind of a factor of the fact these social networks like X, Instagram, TikTok, all these different things, they've really empowered the individual creator over the. Over the past decade, and it's really allowed people that have large audiences to directly talk to their followers and their people. And so it really is a very important thing to think of when you're thinking about marketing is just how you're thinking about that overall influencer strategy. I think in the gaming space, you know, you have things like streamers as well as you have, you know, if you're talking about web three gaming, you've got your crypto, Twitter influencers. There's. There's a very big, wide range of what, you know, kind of fits into the Kol spectrum. And so, you know, there are a lot of different strategies along with it, and I'm excited to dig into them with you.

Finding the Right Influencer Strategy

I think I'm not going to try and, you know, overdo my first take here. I think what I'll say is, like, you should really try and think about what, you know, the strategies are right for your game and which influencers and which type of people are going to be the best to represent your brand and who can do it authentically are really big questions, for sure. You know, one of the first things that we did as a network was we wanted to activate more of just like the general community. And we looked for people that were already talking about web three gaming and didn't potentially weren't like the super top tier Kol, but were really passionate about gaming. And we created an ambassador program that allows kind of just, I think we have now, like 150 different ambassadors and they're all just like really great people that are passionate about this space and about what's being built, and we're gonna make them, you know, they post conifer, they create a bunch of stuff, but they're also going to be for the long haul and part of our journey as we, you know, continue to roll out our products and eventually launch our token and all these great things.

Challenges of Influencer Marketing in Web 3

So that's how kind of how we started. But it's, you know, a little bit, maybe more of a spicy tech is that it's a double edged sword. You know, I think in our space as well, you've got a lot of paid chills. You've got a lot of people that are, you know, monetizing those eyeballs that they can drive. And, you know, in the early parts of this year, you know, we, there was a new meta that was kind of coming out. There was the Kol investor round, right? And, and we saw a lot of tokens that were launched, you know, kind of with large KoL influencer support and, you know, some of the inside baseball there that isn't I think, you know, long term, really very beneficial for our industry is like, you know, typically those deals, they would come with what we would call preferential lockup, basically clauses. Right. So this is a little bit of inside baseball, but basically where the influencer that was promoting the project would also basically, as soon as tge happened, they were able to dump a significant amount of tokens.

Consequences of Influencer Promotions

And depending on how much of the supply was sold during that meta, I think it can have a very negative impact on basically how the token will appreciate in price over the long haul and how the launch goes. And so it's not just important to secure kols, it's important to really think through what your long term strategy is of doing it. How is it going to affect multiple aspects of your product in the web three space and, you know, not sacrificing views for kind of the long term, basically goals of your project. I love this take so much. I think there's so much to get into and unpack in this conversation. I do think, you know, these Kol rounds, I obviously was just never big enough to be involved in any of these people because, yeah, not one Kol round came my way. But I will say that, yeah, it just, it was so transparent.

Authenticity and Decision-Making

And honestly, like, you saw the posts from these individuals, I think with authenticity comes this question of, you know, how possibly can you be authentic with a take, when there's so much bias coming from, like, the idea of not just, you know, like it's a creator economy, you know, the, like, the idea, if someone wants to be a full time creator, they have to be able to monetize that. And I don't believe there's anything wrong with that. But the decisions you make about your brand and about the brands that you work with, it's so important. And because otherwise, the sort of followers that you are going to get are not going to be the followers that actually are valuable both to these actual brands, these big brands, but also to your longevity. Because if you are someone who just chills and chills, you're going to get a very specific crowd who are going to follow you.

The Importance of Authentic Followers

And that crowd generally, who are absorbing that sort of chill content are really not going to be that deep into the weeds, because as soon as you start to understand this space, you can spot chill content from a mile off. And they're not going to be the gamers. They're not going to be the holders that you're really want to, you're going to want to cultivate and I think at this point, as grids just mentioned and Jack's just mentioned, the brands themselves are aware of it, that the brands themselves are definitely, in my opinion, becoming way more seduced at not just seeing follow account, but really trying to understand the communities that are involved in that follow account. And yeah, we'll dive into all of this, but that was such a great take, Jack.

Getting the Right Connections in Marketing

I had to wax lyrical a little bit on that too. Devin, I'll throw the mic over to you on this one. What do you look for? Is Kol marketing a part of game GPT's strategy? If it is or if it will be, how are you going about this? What are sort of the main fundamentals you look for from a Kol? Of course. Of course. In GM, everyone. Hope everyone's doing well. Metasene thanks for the invitation. We've talked in a few spaces. It's always a pleasure. Jack, you as well. I don't know how many spaces we've shared over the last two weeks. Hope you're having a Good Friday and you're going to have a good weekend, my friend.

Strategies for Kol Marketing

In terms of Kol marketing and how we're thinking about that, I believe a lot of people on the panel have definitely covered it in a lot of awesome ways. So I'm going to take a little bit of a different angle. It's important, whenever you're thinking about marketing, for brand to ask why. Like what is the intention that you're trying to get at? And whenever you're a brand in web three, there are various things that you may be needing. Number one is, and this is probably the most relevant to koLs, is if you need support in a TGE, or if you need just to raise awareness to your token coming to market, or just like what your token is about its utility. I think kols are probably one of the most prominent mediums in which you're going to use to get that reach out there.

User Acquisition Considerations

If going down another road, if your goal isn't maybe spreading awareness to your token or your tGE, it's instead to get user acquisition, you have more options and you may use KoLs based on what kind of product you are, or you may use other types of ways of getting your message out to people. If you're a game, you have a lot of options. For instance, we have two products. Our first one is already out. It's called Prism challenges. And our second one is game GPT, which is our ar generated game arcade. The first product challenges is effectively a way to do peer to peer skilled based wagering on some of the biggest games in the world, like League of Legends, like Dota, like Counter Strike two, and about six other games.

Evaluating Marketing Channels

Whenever our League of Legends challenges product came out, we tested pretty much everyone from KoLs in web three to native ads on X and Instagram and Facebook and Twitch and literally everywhere, as well as just other places. Our best channel that had the highest conversion rate on user acquisition was actually Instagram. Just native Instagram ads talking about League of Legends and gaming and the peer to peer skilled based wagering product that we provided. So I think it really depends on why. Another reason why and another intention for marketing could be just branding. And if your goal is just for branding, I feel like there's a lot of people in the space who have done it really well.

Branding Success Stories

Where my head goes, when I think of who has really good branding in web three, my mind goes to pudgy penguins. They don't necessarily do ads on Instagram using the native ad platform. They don't necessarily use kols as much. But I thought what really stuck out for them, especially towards their branding, was just organic social media content. I think they really went into overdrive whenever Instagram reels came out in 2022 or 2023, whenever it came out. And I think that virality that it, the high quality content that they made put forth, I think supported them in a lot of ways that made everything else they did a lot better. Another thing, which is, I would say a option, but kind of like an auxiliary option, would be like just getting content.

Leveraging User-Generated Content

And that's when I think Kols, whether they're just on X or Kols that they're streamers or whatever it is, if you wanted to effectively crowdfund or crowd raise a whole bunch of user generated content to post back on your social media, to cut up in different ways to make tutorials on how your product works. All of these things, I think, are another way that you can use KoLs in a meaningful way. One caveat that I like to put forward, though, is depending on what your product is, you may have less options than others. We're a game, so we have a lot of options post and advertise on. But if you're like a Defi product, where most social media like, I guess companies don't like you to make ads like on YouTube or ads on Instagram, just because you can't promote certain crypto projects, you're a little limited.

Constraints for Different Projects

And I think that's when you're going to lean on KWL's a lot more than others. But yeah, I love it. I think it's just one tool in the toolbox, and I think it's becoming more and more prevalent as just society general is looking towards people and content creators to at least bounce ideas off of. Or maybe for some people that we don't recommend actually just get day to day trading advice. That's so fascinating to me. I think definitely another note bait in the brain hole for myself on how to lean into this is not just koLs, but obviously in terms of what web three project you are, if you are a gaming project, how that definitely changes the dynamic of your strategies.

Insights on Gamer Engagement

And honestly, that really surprises me though, because I would think, and this is purely from a gamer standpoint, I almost take all of my gamer advice now from streamers and, like, actual creators as opposed and, you know, like, actual content of them playing through these games than I would like in any other aspect. So that's really interesting to hear how the Instagram side of things really, like, propelled your gamer base there. I would love to understand, like, retention rates and these sort of things as well and how games, like, dissect that thing because, you know, there's two value propositions there, right? It's like bringing these people in and retaining these people and who are the true gamers.

Navigating Community and Engagement

And because I've also seen so much, like, even comedy posts about like, hey, I'm a kol, I'm gonna bring you gamers. And they're like, okay, but, like, how do we know they're not bots? And they'll be like, well, okay, well, retention is okay, but how do we know that, you know, this isn't like a really short thing that. And it's just so much nuance and so much. What's the word? Like, just so much vagueness in, like, how this all works and the value that it brings. It's such a fascinating part of the conversation we'll have today. Katana, Inu, I'll let you round this one off.

Kol Strategies from Katana Inu

What's your take on Kols, especially in, you know, your project? What's, what's been your experience? Thanks. First of all, I would like to, like, thank you to invite. For inviting us to the space today. And also I would like to thank duck for the appreciation we also love, like, working with our partners. And, and it was really overwhelming to hear good things about us. If you talk about kols in web three, I think a lot of people might say that they are, like, making money for themselves or they are like just doing scams or they are like not like very legit.

Value of Kols in the Crypto Space

But I think Dodge wouldn't have been dodge if they didn't get the support from other kols. Sheba, you know, couldn't be Shiba if they didn't get the support from different Kols. For us, Kols are an essential part and we are doing, we are taking one step ahead. So what we are doing is we are getting Kols in life, in our game. So we are creating different characters for Kols. Like we just announced whisk character and that character will be in our game and we can push the product together and we can share revenues that is generated by the game. So there are lot of take that you can take on KLS depending on upon, if you're talking about the token, if you're talking about your game.

Broad Marketing Approaches

We plan to market our game on Twitch, YouTube with streamers, with influencers there as well. So it's a very broad topic. But for us it's like very important to be with Kols so we can have a better reach, better engagement and better visibility of our project too. For us, it like works like the ads that we used to run on tv in early two thousands kols are same for me in today's era. This is fascinating. I love Metasene. Henry, like, thank you so much for putting these guys together because I feel like I'm getting such a deep insight about how projects are currently considering koLs.

Conclusions on Kol Marketing

And my takeaway from this conversation so far, now that we've heard from all of our speakers initially, is there is a lot of uncertainty and definitely a lot more than the surface layer of personal brands are going to really support your project. There's way more nuance to that. So I'd love to dive into that in two ways I think would be really valuable for the listeners today, for our audience, but also for the projects on stage. And I think the two areas I would like to try and dive into a little bit more is how do you start to get a better understanding of the value of, like, individual Kol? Like what are some of the metrics?

Evaluating Kols for Strategic Alignment

What are some of the, what is some of the research that you should do as a project to identify who are the right Kols for your project that you aren't going to get, you know, someone who, especially based on Katana Inu's final statement, but also what Devon said from game DPT, but these projects and these influencers who aren't just like Schillers and therefore, like, you're you know, if you align your project with that person without understanding who you're, for a better phrase, getting into bed with, like, is actually going to be damaging to your reputation, regardless of what, you know, the figures and the stats and the likes and the retweets say. I think that's definitely somewhere we should go.

Building Connections and Opportunities

And then also just tangibly, how should a, you know, a kol that is coming from the right place, like, genuinely coming from a place of. Look, I just love playing these games. I love creating content around these games, and I want to do more of it. And right now I can't because I can't find a way to get in contact with these real projects who I respect, these projects that actually are adding value. And I just. I would love to know how I get my foot in the door to this sort of thing. Listeners, if you're excited about this one as much as I am, I really implore you to get the likes and retweets out, because that's how we know this sort of conversation is a conversation you want to see more on the timeline.

Applause for Builders

So really implore you, if you've liked any of the takes on stage today as well, go follow these guys, because these are real, genuine builders. So definitely going to have a lot touch on in the next segment. Henry, where would you like to start? I'm going to throw the ball in your court on this one, and then maybe if you could also give me a take on where you'd like to start. Do you think it is better to start from how you identify valuable kols? Or do we start on how a kol identifies themselves as a valuable kol? Or maybe we can sort of do this in one. As I'm asking this question, it feels like maybe we can attack both of these questions in a single answer.

Objectives in Projects

Yeah, I think that's the main point here is, first, the project has to understand what's the objective, right? So any project has different areas that they need to push, different periods in the roadmap, right? You have alpha test, you have token launch or NFT launch. So every time it's different. Right. So I think that the main point right in the beginning is you need to define what's the objective from the project, right at this point. Right? So how will the Kols contribute to that? And how can we understand the value that these Kols are bringing? Right. So I'll give a very straightforward example. In our case, we haven't launched our token yet, but we just launched the pre market on my bid today, by the way.

Value from KOL Contributions

So up to this point, all the Kols that have been working with us, they have remaining focused for putting the focus on the game and before maybe on our NFT collections, right, but was mainly on the game. So how can you see the value from that? Right. So you have different objectives, as I said. Right, so for the game, you have like user acquisition or maybe you want Kol to bring more engagement or you want Kol to help, to create like a strategy guide or content to help the players. But I. But in our case, I would say that the most straightforward way, if you want to bring players to the game. What we did before, I have supported many small micro influencers that were playing the game and creating content for the game.

Ambassador Events and KOLs

But then what I did was we created an ambassador event where selected influencers that had, we can see that they're good quality influencers, they could create their own code and then with their code, their fans could use their code to play the game and they would earn points based on the player engagement in the game, plus the player, like certain other aspects in the game. Right. So this, how can we see the value from this one? It's very straightforward, right? The fans from the scale, well, they are using their codes and they're bringing the value directly into the project. And we can see it from the rankings of these events, right. The Kos that are bringing more people or they're bringing more engagement, they're getting more points and then they will get more rewards.

Defining KOL Objectives

So it's a very simple equation, right? But of course you can't put everything that you're doing in a simple way like that. But for a user acquisition specialty perspective, it has been working for us. So this is just one way that I can mention, like how can you directly see the value from the Kol? But of course there are kos that maybe they're not driving user acquisition, but they're helping you with creating valuable content, driving engagement and so on. So what you have to see is that what's the objective for? To push with the Kols, right. If you want to bring awareness, some collection or token launch or something, then of course you're going to consider other types of metrics to understand if that Kol is bringing value or not.

Quality of Content and User Acquisition

Right. Maybe it's the written content, you see that the things that they're creating are available for the project. So maybe he's writing a guide or he's writing something like that. You think it's valuable for the community, maybe it's related to the engagement. But you know, numbers in web three very often are not 100% trustable sometimes, especially for example, on some social media channels. Right? So sometimes the Ko might push something and it might look like the numbers are good, engagement is good, but it's actually nothing. You gotta really take a look at the behind the line, behind the scenes to see if that value is really being brought or is it just like some fake numbers? Right.

KOL Engagement Strategies

And very quickly, about the second question, how the Kols can put a foot in the door. I think that first, find the projects that you're interested in, create the content, play and get involved in the community, I think is the best way. I have brought a lot of Kols to meta scene, that they liked the game, they were not big kols, but they liked the game. They started to create good content. And then I reached out and said, look, I like your content, I like what you're doing, you know, what you need from our side, you need what kind of support you need. And then I brought them in and now they are ambassadors and they're earning, they're going to earn rewards from these events.

Understanding Project Goals

So I think that it's simply in a simple way, in my opinion, it's just like that. Yeah, I think the first point you made is so important for projects because this is something that has caused me so much of a struggle initially as I got into the space. And essentially it is the idea that they do not know what they want from a creator. So they are literally like, for some projects that I've seen enter this space and there's no specifics in terms of like who they are, what they do in terms of other gaming projects or they NFT projects like, it definitively is not a category of project that are doing this worse than another, but this definition of they don't know what they want.

Defining the Audience

And for content creation style, I think there's two specific avenues that you've just leaned into there that I'd like to quickly elaborate on before getting to our amazing speakers. A if it is quality of content and you already have a platform that has reach, and what you need is more personal brand content that you can just retweet on your main account, then make sure that is something that you understand and that is something that is definitively, you know, benchmarked, proven, communicated with the creators for as well. The other side is this idea that, okay, so what we want is user acquisition.

Challenges in User Acquisition

And user acquisition is one of the least understood things that I have found projects actually understand and define correctly. In this space. And I'll give you a really clear example. Do you want gamers or do you want web free gamers? And if your answer to that question is both, how is a creator supposed to follow a content journey with that in mind? Like, how are they supposed to create content on that broad of a topic when you know very well as anyone who's built a game in this space or any space, how introducing gamers to your game and incorporating the word web free to your game is directly going to polarize some of the gamers that you're trying to acquire?

Narrowing the Creator's Focus

So how is a creator supposed to, you know, actually niche into the audience that you want if you don't know who the audience is that you want? I think that's such an important key point that I have seen so many projects make the mistake of. And you ask that question, so who do you want? Do you want gamers? Do you want web free gamers? Do you want web free gamers who like, shoot them up? And it is just, it's all, we want them all. Okay, so I want. So how much content do you want me to create? Oh, just one piece a month.

Understanding Content Requirements

What? Like, you can't do that. You can't. That's honestly impossible. Like you need to understand really granular level who the audience is that you're trying to cultivate, and only then should you be reaching out. In my opinion, that is definitely where I have seen both reciprocated value being at its top. Like the relationships are fantastic. The value because they understand the audience that they're building and therefore how big that audience is and how quickly they're going to grow those sort of things if they're unknowns. And you don't define that as a Kol or the project, don't define that for you.

Friction with Undefined Audiences

That's where you get a real friction with those projects because they expect huge numbers, but they don't actually understand the audience and the volume of the audience and how that grows. So. Yeah, really love that. Take Henry. Jack, you were given a bunch of hundred percent when Henry was talking. So I'll throw the mic over to you and then to the other speakers. Give me an emoji, give me a hand raise if you do want to come in on any of the conversation. We'll make the next 20 minutes segment a little bit more organic, wherever you guys want to go.

Discussion on KOL Performance

Over to you, Jack. Yeah, I think there were some really great points from medicine, right? And I think, you know, like, as well, Jack, you're throwing it out. It's like, you know, there are a lot of different projects that are currently up here on the Deus that do everything from the infrastructure side of games to building the games themselves. And I think that medicine, you know, brought up a really good point of like, you know, I think your question earlier was like, you know, how do you select, like, which kols to work with and how do you evaluate those different pieces?

Understanding KOL Selection

And so, you know, it absolutely depends on, again, the goal of like, you know, what is the attention that you're trying to get, you know, and if you probably, if you're on crypto Twitter, you know, you might remember a couple months ago when a lot of these influencers were creating, you know, the like sab tier rankings of all of the different kols that were kind of going around. Right. You know, this person's s tier, whatever. But I think there's a lot more nuance towards that than just kind of like putting them in, you know, this kind of grading category because of exactly what medicine was talking about where it's like, you know, some kols are extremely technical and they're really great at, you know, creating very technical analysis about your or they, some are great threaders and they're really great about, you know, kind of building, you know, cohesive narrative.

Evaluating KOL Contributions

We're talking about, you know, different pieces. There are ones that specifically create, you know, web three gaming content and they're actually, you know, they have their own twitch streams and they do those different pieces. Right. And so it's, and when you're kind of in our space, right. And when we are like, kind of looking at it and, you know, we support growth for games. We also have built a ton of infrastructure. And so when we're thinking about who we want to engage with, we're really looking at because basically the people that follow those kols are going to care about the topics that they talk about.

Targeting the Right Audience

So if you're trying to reach an infrastructure audience, then you're going to want to go to someone who talks about infrastructure very regularly and who knows it. Again, I think key opinion leader is what does this acronym say? I don't even know if we've super defined that, but, like, what is their opinion on and what makes their opinion valuable? It's because hopefully that they have some level of expertise about what they're talking about. So, you know, if you're, it's really important to kind of basically understand what audience you're going to be reaching and, you know, and you might need a mix of different things depending on, you know, what you're doing.

Tailoring KOL Engagement

If you're launching your game, you're going to want to probably heavy index on the content creator side of that Kol side. You're going to want to get the people where gamers are actually following them, looking for what to play. If you're approaching some kind of a TGE, then you're going to want to reach the speculators in web three. You're going to want to reach the people that will be buying your token potentially. If you're going to basically maybe be doing a node sale, then you're probably going to want more infrastructure heavy type kols.

The Importance of Research

And so there are a lot of ways that this dissects and it is about reading and understanding. Like, hey, read it. Like, experience their content experience. Do your research on these different people and definitely have conversations with them and other people in the industry that have worked with them before. That's, I think, also really critical to understand who you're working with because when you tie your company and your brand with a specific influencer, you're also, you know, there's, it can be a double edged sword.

Risks of Brand Association

We've seen, you know, like basically even on the twitch streaming side where you've had some pretty major blow ups from huge content creators because of their personal actions or different things that kind of come with it. And so it is, it's really important to know who you're getting in bed with because it can be something that is very positive initially and something happens because maybe you didn't understand that person was going to fly off the handle. I had a spicy political take that you weren't sure about and then basically you're going to be, oh, my brand is now associated with XYZ thing that you were not intending it to be.

Concluding Thoughts on Research

So I think research is kind of key at talking to other people in the industry that have worked with them, but understanding what the content they create is really. Jack, again, just waxing lyrical here. My brain is going everywhere but game DPT. Devin, I'll throw the mic over to you to continue on this conversation. Awesome. Thanks, Jack. So my ex was rugging. Everyone was muted, but I could actually hear the last person who was talking.

Building on Ideas

I'm going to bounce some ideas off of what they said. Sorry, I don't know who it was just because my app's being weird, but I definitely agree with a lot of things that were just talked about. The original question, Jack, I believe, was how do you know, based on what Kols you're working with, if they were the most cost effective, the most efficient, the most aligned with your brand?

Understanding Attribution in Marketing

And the word that rings out to me when you say those things is kind of this marketing term known as attribution. Can you attribute these actions to these downstream effects? Does this marketing action produce this many purchases, this many NFTs being bought, this many users signed up or apps installed? That's really, I think, where we're at. And there's a lot of ways to track these things beyond kind of like the branding thing.

Importance of Collaboration

So everything that was just talked about on like if you work with KOLs, you want to make sure that they're aligned with everything that you're doing. They have the same, they're going to be net positive for your credibility and your social proof. I think that's kind of like before you even get started, that always kind of those boxes have to be checked. But once you get through that, then you can really kind of get to my world, which is like the numbers, and the numbers that you can get are going to depend on which channels you're actually using.

Different Channels and Tracking Data

So going back to my original response on each channel has a different way and it can be used for different things. The data can actually be tracked different as well. If you're using a native ad platform like meta or maybe YouTube or Google Search or X or TikTok, all of these ad platforms have billions of dollars, probably hundreds of billions of dollars run through them on annual basis. And the technology that is required to run that much money through it means that the tracking on all user activity, once an ad is actually clicked on that native ad app is very good.

Granular Data Analysis

So it allows you to get very granular data on when people click this ad, what is the cost per click, what is the cost per signup? Meaning how much does it take for someone to put their email in? What is the cost for install? So like how much does it cost for someone to install your app? And if you have the right tracking, what is the cost to get whatever type of dollar purchase amount, whether it's buying something, whether it's a node, whether it's really anything, as long as it's done in a web.

Attribution Methods for KOLs

Two, as a payment rail, you can track those things. So that really is one way that attribution works through kind of like traditional lenses, but going towards like more of like a web three way, you have to get a little bit more creative. And those attribution methods that you use for KOLs or other people have to be a little bit different. I believe Medicine talked about how referral codes are something that they use, and I think that is a good solution to have attribution for KOLs.

User Acquisition Strategies

If your goal is like user acquisition, if you want to get people to sign up for your game, and if you want to try to figure out this KOL brought in these 500 gamers, then having some type of signup code that gives them like a bonus or something that they really want is going to be a good way to attribute, not perfectly, but in a general sense and heuristically a good way to track and give you a comparison on which KOLs are better than others.

Tier Evaluation of KOLs

One thing that, sorry, it escaped me who the speaker was because I couldn't see it, but it was Jack from Grid. Yeah, so yeah, Jack, one thing that I thought was really good about what you said was we've done the math kind of using our KOLs and the tier list that these other content creators are making on like who's S tier and who is A tier and who's B tier. Like, they don't really line up.

Determining Good Attribution

When you look at like, which ones actually have the best attribution and which ones are actually the most cost effective, they're kind of using their own dimensions to evaluate what makes a certain tiered content creator. So you really have to take everyone with a grain of salt. My approach is the numbers don't lie, so you kind of just have to take your own goals there. You just have to take your own perspective there.

Token Launch Attribution Challenges

The only other thing that I would mention is for using KOLs to support a TGE or a token. There is no really good way to have any attribution for that. If you spread out your KOLs like on a daily basis or even on a twelve hour basis, one thing you could do is actually look on chain or look on the centralized exchanges and monitor any influx of buy pressure or buy orders whenever you have KOLs post out.

Final Thoughts on KOL Strategy

And that could be a very rough fundamental type of attribution system, but that is still the Wild West and probably the least accurate way to do things. But whenever you have a big event like a token launch or something, to be honest, you don't even have time to do those types of things. You're talking with launchpads, you're talking with exchanges, you're talking with your own people to create content on your socials, you're trying to get partnerships.

Nifty Island's Organic Attraction of KOLs

You're trying to talk to KOLs as well, so you have so much going on, trying to really get scientific with who is the most efficient KOL or content creator that you're sponsoring. It's probably not the best option. You want to go with more of a shotgun approach, but, yeah, that's my two cents on that. I love it, Devon.

Project Engagement and Building a Community

And yeah, it's really interesting to hear, like, you guys and how you're considering these things. One question that did come to mind, but just noticing how fast this show has went. And thank you speakers for really supporting on that, is this idea that, look, if the, you know, the bigger creators who do in some, at least some sense hold the most respect, say, look, these are the other creators that we believe are in this tier.

Reputational Value and Tangibility

Is there a reputational thing, even if there isn't, like, a cost thing to that, you know, like, is there some sort of reputational value add that might not be direct, you know, bringing in holders, bringing in, like, specific click-through rate, whatever the metric may be. However, when you are connected to that creator who is considered S tier, does that in some other, less tangible way really support you in this space?

Creative Criticism and Self-Identification

That's really interesting to me. Like, really interesting to me because sometimes also, like, just. Just so you know, I'm not necessarily saying this is the case. It's just a good thought experiment for me because almost every creative I know and I speak with actually just take the piss out of that as a metric. So we all call ourselves S tier, tongue-in-cheek KOLs.

Creator Dynamics and Feedback

You know, like, literally, we're like, oh, sorry, guys, I can't get back to you right now. I'm an S tier KOL, so I'll get back to you in 48 to 72 years. It is just one of those things. So it definitely does depend. Look, I would love to bring in B Hos just for one final question before we get this mic back over to Henry.

Attracting KOLs Organically

And then Devin, I did see the hammer, so I'll try and get back to you if we can. And the question is, let's put a reverse on this. And how do you attract the right KOLs without having to do the reach out? Because Nifty are one of the best projects at doing this. I feel like you guys cultivate such a great experience with your project that the KOLs are coming to you.

Creating Engaging Content

So I'd love you to maybe give us a minute or two minute take on how Nifty Island specifically have done that and how other projects could maybe attract those KOLs in a way that is a little bit more organic rather than just the reach outside. Yeah. Thank you for that. Very good to hear that you enjoy the game for us.

Building a Strong Community

I'd say it's super simple. Without outreaching, we usually have. So I'm a growth manager here and I deal with outreach as well. And I have tons of projects that reach out to me. And I think it's just focusing on just creating high-quality content that just naturally catches their audience size and just showcasing the value of the game and the product and what you're doing in the game.

Encouraging User Engagement

What you're doing. Do you have quests? Is there UGC contests? Is there just activities for players being loud on the timeline? And I think with Nifty, we do it very well. We always have quests for valuable NFTs, we always have UGC contests. And I think our community is like super, super talented and loud. So that helps a ton.

Active Participation in the Community

And just participating, actively being loud on the timeline, delivering good content and people see and people reach out and people want to be a part of something great. So yeah, I love the take and yeah, almost like through the quality of your own content, people like, oh, I like. And this is, I think the secret sauce for Nifty.

Project Development and Content Creation

And a lot of projects can learn from the content and the game angle of this is just so easy to create around and especially with how you guys incorporate different NFTs and really go above and beyond on that sense. I think building a game or building a project in a way where the content is just really easy and fun to generate is such a, like unlock.

Building a Creator-Friendly Environment

Like it just like if a creator. Look, creators consistently need to stay on the timeline. Like that's the thing about being a creator. Like KOLs. Yes. You know, like once they get to a certain size, there will be a lot of inbound, but they will only keep that sort of impression of being a top-tier KOL if they create fantastic content.

Importance of Mutual Respect

So if you're a project that just allows for that through how you've built the project, that is honestly just one of the easiest ways to really streamline some of that stuff because also you will get people doing that completely for free. But even the top-tier guys, like they do consider things other than financial, in my opinion.

Collaboration and Community Building

If they're at the top of their field and if they feel like they can work with you just because they know they can create dope content and they love your product. That's it. That's the secret sauce. So yeah, definitely B Hos I love that take your hand is raised.

Closing Thoughts and Insights

I'll throw them back to you for a 60-second take before we get to meet around this one out. Yeah, I'd just like to add another point here in Nifty and in general, just collaborating with projects and influencers, introducing more people in the game, doing collaborations, doing UGC, bringing noise to the timeline, that's something super important.

Collaborative Strategies for Growth

And in IFT, we are always open to collaborate. Always, always open to collaborate with influencers, KOLs projects. So yeah, that's how we draw people in. And you got to be fun. You got to have fun with it.

Delivering Quality Content

So we try to have fun, bring the best product, deliver the best content. Yeah, that's the summary. Love it man. Yeah, really, definitely see that from you guys.

Conversation Insights

Like it's very obvious that you consider that deeply. Henry, this has been such a fun conversation for me, man. How have you found today and have you got any final closing thoughts on the conversation?

Project Updates

Also obviously, any updates, any milestones that are coming up for Metasene that you would like to let the audience know before we run out the show. Yeah guys, great discussion.

Reflection on the Discussion

The time passed so quickly, right? It could be a longer space. Yeah. So I think that Kerala marketing is great, but it's from what everyone is sharing and what I shared earlier.

Understanding Objectives in Marketing

I guess it's very clear that the projects need to understand what's their objective and need to understand also how to track and see regarding the results of what they're pushing. Right. So this is really important for Metasene.

Project Performance and Community Engagement

Yeah. We are glad that Gold Rush is doing very well. It's our fourth alpha. It's live open for everyone. Just go to download Metasene IO. And then today we just launched our pre-market listing of our governance token.

Milestones and Community Involvement

After more than two years developing this game and four tests and with a new play-to-our mechanic in-game, we finally approaching our TGE. So we are on Bytebeat with our premarket listing right now for MIK token so the users they can trade before the actual launch.

Community Engagement and Updates

Yeah, and then we also have a lot of events and things happening for the Gold Rush that I invite the users to go and check it out and follow us on Twitter and join our Discord, join the community to not miss any updates.


Yeah, thanks everyone for joining the guests, the projects sharing a lot of great insights and thanks Jack for hosting this one. Yeah, thanks guys.

Closing Remarks

Awesome Henry. And yeah, definitely huge shout out to Grid, to B Hos, to Game GPT to Nifty Island to Katana Inu for just bringing the fire. Bringing the alpha today.

Appreciation for the Audience

And huge shout out to all of the listeners as well. Thank you guys for tuning in. You guys have just been growing steadily, so really appreciate the, you know, just the support.

Final Thoughts

Like, it means a ton. That's why we do these shows. Final, final ask from me before we run this one out. Make sure you follow these guys.

Supporting Creators

If you've enjoyed the takes today, it's just the best way to show support, but also to get a little bit more alpha on your account. Okay, let's close this one out. I've been feeling pretty low?

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