Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space دومین برنامهٔ آینده و جوانان در افغانستان | با حضور یاسر عمار hosted by Sheeshamedia. Sheesha Media's insightful discussion in the Twitter space focused on the future and youth programs in Afghanistan, emphasizing the critical role of democratic change, community transformation, and youth empowerment. The conversation shed light on the organization's mission, the significance of educational initiatives, and the influential role of media in societal progress. Collaborative efforts and innovative community engagement approaches were highlighted as key drivers for shaping a progressive future in Afghanistan, inspiring Afghan youth to actively participate in building a more inclusive and democratic society.

For more spaces, visit the Innovation page.


Q: What is Sheesha Media's primary mission in Afghanistan?
A: Sheesha Media aims to promote democratic change and community transformation in Afghanistan through various initiatives and programs.

Q: Why is youth involvement critical for the future of Afghanistan?
A: Engaging Afghan youth in progressive programs is essential for driving positive societal transformation and sustainable development.

Q: How can educational initiatives contribute to community empowerment in Afghanistan?
A: Educational programs play a crucial role in empowering Afghan communities and fostering a culture of learning and growth.

Q: What role does media play in Sheesha Media's efforts?
A: Media platforms serve as powerful tools for amplifying voices, promoting inclusivity, and sharing impactful narratives within Afghan society.

Q: How do collaborative efforts between organizations and youth leaders benefit Afghanistan?
A: Partnerships between organizations like Sheesha Media and youth influencers can lead to meaningful societal changes and progress in Afghanistan.

Q: How can innovative community engagement approaches shape the future of Afghanistan?
A: Implementing innovative strategies for community involvement and empowerment is crucial for driving positive change and progression in Afghanistan.

Q: What values does Sheesha Media promote through its programs?
A: Sheesha Media encourages values of inclusivity, representation, democracy, and proactive youth engagement in its initiatives.

Q: Why is democratic participation crucial for the Afghan community?
A: Promoting democratic ideals and active participation among Afghan citizens is essential for building a sustainable and progressive society.

Q: In what ways does Sheesha Media inspire Afghan youth?
A: Sheesha Media inspires Afghan youth by providing platforms for engagement, education, and empowerment, encouraging them to be agents of positive change within their communities.

Q: How does Sheesha Media contribute to shaping the narrative in Afghan society?
A: Sheesha Media influences the societal narrative by highlighting diverse voices, promoting social inclusion, and advocating for democratic values and youth empowerment.


Time: 00:15:42
Sheesha Media's Mission in Afghanistan Exploring the organization's dedication to fostering democratic change and community transformation in Afghanistan.

Time: 00:25:11
Youth Empowerment for Afghanistan's Future Discussing the critical role of youth engagement in shaping a progressive future for Afghanistan.

Time: 00:35:27
Educational Initiatives Driving Community Transformation Highlighting the impact of educational programs on empowering Afghan communities and driving positive change.

Time: 00:45:03
Media's Role in Amplifying Voices Understanding how media platforms can amplify voices, promote inclusivity, and share impactful narratives in Afghan society.

Time: 00:55:19
Youth Activism for Societal Progress Exploring the significance of youth activism and participation in driving positive change and progress in Afghanistan.

Time: 01:05:37
Collaborative Efforts for Societal Transformation Highlighting the benefits of collaborative initiatives between organizations and youth leaders in fostering societal change in Afghanistan.

Time: 01:15:22
Innovative Approaches to Community Engagement Exploring innovative strategies for community involvement and empowerment to shape a brighter future for Afghanistan.

Time: 01:25:49
Promoting Values of Inclusivity and Representation Understanding the importance of promoting values like inclusivity, representation, democracy, and proactive youth engagement in Afghan society.

Time: 01:35:18
Inspiring Afghan Youth for Change Sheesha Media's efforts to inspire and empower Afghan youth to become agents of positive transformation within their communities.

Time: 01:45:27
Shaping the Narrative in Afghan Society Examining how Sheesha Media contributes to shaping the narrative in Afghan society through diverse voices, social inclusion, and democratic advocacy.

Key Takeaways

  • Sheesha Media is a non-profit organization dedicated to democratic change and community empowerment in Afghanistan.
  • The importance of youth involvement in shaping the future of Afghanistan through progressive programs.
  • Educational initiatives hold a key role in driving positive transformation within Afghan communities.
  • Youth engagement in democratic processes is crucial for fostering sustainable development in Afghanistan.
  • Sheesha Media's efforts aim to inspire and empower Afghan youth to actively participate in societal progress.
  • The discussion highlights the significance of inclusivity and representation in advancing democratic ideals in Afghanistan.
  • The event underscores the role of media in amplifying voices and promoting impactful narratives in Afghan society.
  • Youth activism and participation are key factors in driving positive change and fostering a brighter future for Afghanistan.
  • Collaborative efforts between organizations like Sheesha Media and youth leaders can lead to meaningful societal transformation.
  • Innovative approaches to community engagement and empowerment play a vital role in shaping Afghanistan's future.

Behind the Mic

Channel Introduction

Our channel it.

Morbius and Badrosti

Oh yeah. Morbius mora badrosti mishnavi madorima hamrojon mohota bon vadonbol konandagon salomo durude hamayaton bachubo hoshalvoshit no hostas hama piruzi vakaharamoni el hom bakshita sola afghanistan darbini keshvar hoy marcazio bahami marduma varoni shodivasha had the other hand.

Youth and Afghanistan's Future

Darbaromi in hafta misboni yosera amorous yekaz javon darafonistan hasim tauriki darbaromi kabli yodovar shodam javon afghanistan bo cholesh hova forsat hoya zodiru hassan cholesh hoya chun bi kori fakar mahojarat adam soboti coc paro kandagi hoy ishtimo ivasio derham sheikhasta beinul milali mohamtaras hamabirun budana on ho as bozoris ahoya dokhtarono zanon adamu huzoor zanon adam hakarai vatasha kulhoyn cholesh hoy faroru javon darafkon shomordamishavan vadar barobaron for sadhguru barui on ho karodorat vonin k aksaryatun nufusa keshvarotashkil miran kashritasil karda javon bot technology vertebrate forsati sarmoya guzori ve ijo de shuran forsati tarir va chandin forsati di garo niz darpish rui khodoran amosani robar sim cardanous ketavanan as tamomi in mavone va mahdudyato kachon haft konirostam hastan obur karda wabasubharushana afghanistan kedaran ham etbordoshtaboshan baham keshvara abod afghanistan sarzaminis kisar shahna part shahi jumuhuri kamunisti islami democracy vanessa biruni ijotas wadas bardosudan wafuru poshidan intajorub ayniva malmusthe ketado woman sobot it garo as mardom boris tarina muna kununi boni mitavan goft cheese bafarma.

Challenges and Determination

I know I am more banome yoda kodo tashakura shamojinobeton awardin bas uman basi oindahas basi jawanon tarhimiyasimiyasi oinda bidune darnazardoshdi motola wabarasi guzashtavahol pardoinda koridashwar vasakti moheli dur naravim kadakal chunbas NASA jawan has sakura tayinkard tosi upine solo chilsola kasoki juzi taifi jawan hasanin boshanimo hasanhe karolaski darusharo hasim tasir doshta taran kodama tauri omada karamki mihayamasato chalishora badbar bad musha hasri mawani saturoi kuatradomitur bosioharo in dakota bisolan has tim dara nakshim nadashtimonat kimo nakshnoshim belah wag bistar faraham shoot betonim dardoi namunoi boris shoot badas or yakima baroya faragirio mozish yaku forsat boot amitur donish goho darbakshai honori if forsatoi budanki for satomutaskilotiki mushklot as a munjut shurubukunin ki fisodramo badubarshma had in bovard baroi mardum afghanistan cormaker motas manofe hodeshan nibas tarwichi madanyat budwana taloshi baro mutasifanabuthe wakor guzorifi core maker talosh mikadan ki inora bayakshak lazar control director kovalain cornice kovalek mosnis.

Understanding and Reflection

You know ram namasheki bochashan pushes mandibaski hadakal imbruz bhawba pardo benwan no kotwa fact poik uno benwoni noctoy manfi wabinwani sargozashtiki mora bacholishe wale bada sukutn tasifona modidimki.

Identifying Key Figures

Who are the shwaiki figure maker nimki boydi masolda more corima sid waziasmatiki for satana inobaso gduni darnazar doshi biduni barasi darzamoni jam hurried tawasuti jirgi george shoot chima metoniskidoshtabosha basi in his or your tamarkuzo kodrati bejas had yakalagarmo basmakinor maturo in his or moraba mohoi judoiti sharoitas casonic sarma benan mo namitonim judo omilish metona umasoil boshaki boss hamustakiman mutas jawonimo hamer mustakiman mutasiri amo bansira ginwonistaniki unasari arjoy mother bisol buddhim hope that enjoy wa salon shoroy mukomati george kodeshambakadri coffee as im kyozot malo based for the cardano ima zatra bayat mo darushnoi barnomi is not dakal baromo nakshadoshim madrak barnomi may direct joy exobat madaroja had a kal hokokino takasna maguar india shabi boona barnum as konung albata basai kulibosha amo benak kili nishaki jono rish basifana bishop namidanam kimira juju I need your memoir jomi sunnati metanaki jawonimofina jamashnosi jonoimo mutas kurboni imawani hamsuna imawani bay manoki jawanadora tassil is the watch masalandar bakshaya darwazi natimova nasty jawanimo shakliki dina sometimes, control was our coup either zamon jamboyatam buddha jiri andora, you know, jimlabasoyaski misha mushkiloti mutasvana basi bisur gt faroja dakal jawas barnum dur nika doshta basi mushroti malas konago montage bay meshaki as adoption durable just in ajuna bassomati or mozish what aslo bakshi has hot oil and donish goimo bachelor benan mohima budwe has mutasifona wadar kasmati baksh de gay mawani meshaki fokdonim konotra moslem umita kandaksmatimawan basi amnyatta solo amyat shubrias, you know, basal gd has, you know, basically dark smatiwar dish behind shakal dasolemoi buddhande nocte bishop jawari mobut waiki boskard nabut webbasi kamalan judohas in october system hoy kidar bakshai buddha muradikasi and that's octozaman jawana and that's octozik that are concerned.

Personal Stories and Experiences

Nairi jawoniki tawan when I reach our own porgye belahara garamo bishini.

Perceptions of Authority

But tolly basan, half nazanim was a mini half zanana bahar dalili as are the shai tollip him boss and jawan waiku chigona as you are the show boss like bastard judo basar oinda kimabasu.

Reflections on Social Dynamics

Amor sabagari jose moshama darkole mehemke ami mutabohi gapishamora gapo darkota boniki darjam huzurdaran vabasa jambol mikonan tashakora shumoham janon amor sabmas mehmona kabli barnomiki barnoma in barnum darhar makhte as tori afghanistan darhar makta yek seri tahavoloti musbatira jawon rakamza nizomi mashru tarapish nahatmikadandi jumhuriyatido roni regimenisti that our port.

Cultural and Political Observations

Shahima salani namoyende mujo hide hamintor toroskar kolevar no midora oyo hamin nizami emorat islam kobe kabul has your nusri badil hamdora vayo chichash mandozi digaribaroi fardoi hoddoran oyo mihoyandar soy emorati islami hamchunan wagner.

Final Thoughts

yag jamiki. Your guzalamdan is in the gihodora.

Challenges Ahead

Hadakali sardamin kiboshadiki mochibar namadosha boshin agar ijo latan for sativaroham namisha k jawano yamahanira dosha bosha jawanoi mushkilotikas yamohangi jot namishaki masala of all badges boost up task.

Discussion of Challenges

Ira amali namibin shuray olimatiki joshnadorava bashakli do all ishmashakira kamibo mushkrot shankar bayanori mushkilot shaksiki doran bakodo basro hamdiga barayan matari for the baham bandisha bad darn kibarzish. Chikadar mitonaya broy hale manti halid afghanistan boshato bitona afghanistan as mushkelotic has azimushkalotra hai paid obokona mata. Bashir kalyatoi kaomi kifa chudandra tajibanamikatargis momoshi lotas and kids the hell as maori mila shudandra mila chudan as mogur.

Various Perspectives

You know borza mekonim boyadbunya mila bastard tozamoniki ravandi milachi mawani would you do what you look as namatosha. But konuniki rohi maxut jonor mekumar. Amor said mami person chunso mohammed javon duchariagna rus maragi hasan shakan sheikhan in dahas va mahonomke chibo is shudaki javonistan basratino vakti basias or in damisha vakti basias soktanas oyendamisha basura to utumot zehnishan basantim manfidar harakat mishan masalan megan namisha walter sharoitra farohambokona sharoitra moya sarbokona boyat hokumati.

Reflections on Youth

chandim chandin parchandoshim tadra jawan baibor mera sonic hope ammo mashaksan no midbaynesan buddha ibar shaksi bardi wajati momu tazir boshemki bonha mishakarashamadam barima diamond damn kim kibotamo bahar shaklim by baradar raftor ho hashim buddhadar hashin amal kardanki imrus kasihazir niskova bohatir olap chiguna mo makulawira. But tariff.

Cultural Insights

Shower, shower boonyodi, shower bojirion hoy muktalif subat shower toyka dakal makifikir mekonom tozamoniki bashariaski shimo met on it wakusan bada sokut mam tavajishni modest bakosha meshabo kasoy kasnan so but zaminawa roha zaminisobadi nadar. Mamnun amosim dot vasumi bo madani tolibo nasli jawan bashakli bassorgustarda badudasi kalon tapsim shoda yagdas takibanahi as did goho rui cardimordinan boguro misle guru hitolibo lebosmi pushan misle guru hitolibor after mikonan misle guru actu ado hoy radoran vaguruhi digari has standard barobaran wafuish fikir maker mehaim solemnitonim.

Education and Policy

Kofra rafa besosim bos hamutasifona was yatrade mushkil kibo boskar dani maktabu boy mushkil halliyatra afghanistan our milligram buddha buddha mudoki jurofio afghanistan. Afghanistan. Jugrofia afghanistan. Kobiaki mahoney babo zamonic charge komi zaboni masabi taksimutasifona shah meshakimawal harakatira bitonim baroya karban.

Discussion on Negotiations

Jarova amor bozorgavor hamchanoniki kablan yodovar shudom mojotaboniki sohbad doshtaboshan so oli doshtaboshan nim soati oh haribar nomaki felan agar kasi soli dornanh dorcomen matrah bukonan feylan kekasidar hostemoik nadoda amorze bonvon savoliki madorum pesh hode agar bachishmi no negotiation boy tabor shabbat.

Commentary on Tariffs

Basi tabor matisharakar donkey cardan darkestari tariff.

Reflections on Structure

Shah yak chaturif shavaki zero chatteregh olimata jamie ismish agaramu pir imbru iron milatoi kawiki tamomi kalbata motasifona kori kartke boy in hobbin kimoda judo bought tamomi kalon bastard.

Concerns Over Conditions

Ola bastard ravandi mila shudanda has more griftama casoniki menu written, but ihubasira mujatrama jamshamtasmo tawa jonashawa mondez nagfikri jamiya benandri maso bigira kyu bitana hami mardima now irish regime as sheen now soktori bardor boshaki manamigam kathman afghanistan fiddro libsha olamo mission tarhoi meshaki afonstone bader kasmatik push the born associate nayora yo masala.

Regarding Mohammed's Integrity

Bardoske dar hoste moik nakardan pas mohammed hamida vashomara bakhodani.

Discussion of Religious and Cultural Demands

Abu dhalifona jawanoraba taifoi mutaliba bhashoi muktalif taksimbandi karda mutasifona shimovandanazar bigiritz yagmalim torika badakshani but e donishamuziki kabul born kimik rubarum a jawana mo in one of garzish bosha barazuma tabdil shah but zamini barid nazi no if tohor kuna yagvajimusharagba the sarosar afghanistan nagar zishi hamabawi mutah nadoshtabosha kobe nimi parokim nagiyat taifi jamimo kishi jamimoki tasilo modishoi that tamomi zamina hope biduni huzuri manodori podor im khan pazir nizamitur dar kasma mohangi waham sui wahama biduni hosuri manodor is anon biduni nano nakunan dhanazar begrim kegar koari mamatona maktaba tolid guzashtabutarshut cassonikidarami bisol darami pine sol dasal ohir padar shudan shadari bosawadan hadyakal.

Reaffirmation of Relationships

Kesurayo mohammed.

Insight on Medical Initiatives

Missionary inhale midwar kuninda, utah muhammadi has dasal omar kabul zimmeknumahoy NASA panjumbra batarim nazam dumbo kush kuruni hod ogo wa bifah mum kichimasula sarna metonomidah doctor meh as guru jawanjuatas wahitra dar in ranch wadar sharigayad baroi jomay mo baguio kaumi wac wamano feye guruhimbuda boshat amo baroi doctor budanas nahazora budan napashtun budan she ayo sunni buddhan keshe moim shabbarhana insar zamin rawad krin mazanonikadar hori chudanikadar nohelikishwar hastan ham kabulim lahizahas miho.

Discussion on Religious Differences

Nimrus doctor jome judoya synchiate kaumu zabono mazhap mutasifona ranjira kimikashan iranju dardi mushtarakasar afghanistan mikasha.

Descriptive account of Afghanistan

Okay, so natimo jam hriyatam nistol bashutki afghanistan boys meshaki jafoi daraki sunati tasirotish the bolomi as baksha modi kibuthdeh farahan meshud baroi ranjudan baroya mustafichawan wa baroindaham taroi sharik bisozantoiki.

Acknowledgment of Support

Mamnuni mashamo mohammedi bosamti kromikonim casoniki soldier mirimba samte o harinzol jambandi hoy shumoraham oyamin dosh taboshim vamodar hoste moik dorim as bad as mohammed soldaran saulotonah.

Expressions of Gratitude

Salam had notori sadash mordori salam hadmati shmoiski imruza jamunov and chidar birnas and chidar dohel inobanbora sankey abdrahman karamashi abdrahmando hidden helicoidini mastera the von son birunkona wabada zuhamuria jam huriata rajamura hode wabada zuk tola bomadan darponson badazu kukumati karzaio badazu abdul amrikonami duhamat oyo mardum wajawoni kidardo nakshibishtari darfon why are mami afonoiksh bishtaranisbadba india tashakur.

Musical References

Darvish grammy.

Final Mention of Mohammed


Afghanistan Reflections

Kelly masala amo fio afghanistan manobedar afghanistan kol idutohimutasan poin mondez ma bai bhavar haston kar mardum afghanistan baroyo indagar barnum kibakshimami diga absorb manobe tabi boys meshudki zarfiata poyn bokhe monawaiji no metonin kodimo beg marhali as ogonik narasim enemy was eddie doma taksim namikuna kasaka dokirasanum muhimiyas yiki that dohira so that biruna is aminiku bonumu bitonaki do so sibitonimki sobatkunimandi take a soba traditional yomasan maga ben so but my knee potential was naruto so butonai bonute masiri kimobitanim sobatim chin chikasnan chitolib tolib hasn't had masala ham shot by traditional bibi nimbishnamima but bibi and bishnavi cannot beat him agar wakanagar rasidim kamdez this hori jump me off.

Various Insights

Konomke luth konano saul shanahili kutoba farmoyan vashomohamayan moser kutadar had the mum kingdoshavoshi buffarmin buff armin. You. A kikrank el shvelbut the mikhayam sol bokonomke as nego hishamo ira mikhayir with him afghanistan chuguna afghanistan. Charles al fishbasam honorable tajibay tori hind meta kikwar hoi kim rose sukandori alem sanad democracy has done baha kadar kin to hobotoi beshtarbar guzori kajarakatkadwa mardima no medicambut amo ma borbor meghofit into hobotra bintos ban as right on the baroid defoe.

Democratic Challenges

Right on a bikashit baroi har korimit nashvity boy namisha isham. Namisha sharobisur shari muktalifiki ilmas and atas tujoratas bakshen tishra hasn rosoy bestow as in kim as shayat was yet maya chikadar mushkilotamo katiya zarfia doshtaboshim baroi barnum afghanistan chigon afghanistan shootdez. Honominosirito saulikidoran bugayan albata bashaniki saul.

Current Issues and Relationships

Bafarman honosalam durum hadmatamalitan mamadumu nadorum. Yeah. Basuku madak madik nazarbamuto bind hobon associ bahuka zanon bah bashar bhawazodi bayon aslan bormann afghanistan guru talibatana hostage? Yes. Chunbah tamo mitalosh barazias tahmil pokura boy as far as karodorim eskibat mobarza as rohe nizomi but mubarza bukuna masala bamudal koto bionkadam karfo baby hamigimozamba.

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