Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space دستور تازه طالبان علیه زنان؛ پیامد این دستورها چه خواهد بود؟ hosted by azadagan. The Twitter space delved into the recent Taliban directives impacting women's rights, addressing the restrictive measures imposed on dress codes, education, and work opportunities for women in Afghanistan. Discussions highlighted concerns over the potential regression in gender equality and emphasized the critical role of international support for Afghan women. Participants explored historical contexts, empowerment strategies, and the importance of advocating for human rights and gender equality. Calls for global solidarity and actionable steps to uplift Afghan women were key themes throughout the space.

For more spaces, visit the Alpha Group page.


Q: What are the key directives issued by the Taliban regarding women's rights?
A: The Taliban has imposed new rules on women's dress, education, and work, significantly restricting their rights and freedoms.

Q: How might the recent Taliban guidelines impact the progress made in women's empowerment in Afghanistan?
A: There are concerns that these directives could roll back the advancements achieved in women's rights and gender equality.

Q: What challenges do Afghan women face under the Taliban rule?
A: Afghan women encounter limited access to education, employment, and basic freedoms, facing a stark reality under the new regulations.

Q: What can the international community do to support Afghan women amidst these changes?
A: International organizations can provide aid, advocacy, and refuge to Afghan women, amplifying their voices and ensuring their rights are protected.

Q: How can the global community contribute to preserving women's rights in Afghanistan?
A: Through diplomatic pressure, humanitarian aid, and awareness campaigns, the world can help uphold the rights and dignity of Afghan women.

Q: What historical context is important to consider when discussing women's rights in Afghanistan?
A: Understanding Afghanistan's history of women's rights struggles and achievements is crucial to contextualizing the current challenges faced by women in the country.

Q: What strategies can be implemented to empower Afghan women in the face of adversity?
A: Empowerment initiatives, educational programs, and advocacy efforts can help uplift Afghan women and counter the constraints imposed by the Taliban regime.

Q: How can the principles of human rights and gender equality drive positive change in Afghanistan?
A: By prioritizing human rights and gender equality, Afghanistan can progress towards a more inclusive and equitable society for all its citizens.

Q: Why is it vital to stand in solidarity with Afghan women during this critical time?
A: Solidarity actions demonstrate support, resilience, and a commitment to upholding the dignity and rights of Afghan women amidst challenging circumstances.


Time: 12:05:32
New Taliban Directives on Women's Rights Analyzing the recent rules imposed by the Taliban affecting women's liberties and opportunities.

Time: 12:15:19
Global Concerns and Support for Afghan Women Exploring the international response to the Taliban's policies and efforts to aid Afghan women in crisis.

Time: 12:25:47
Empowerment Strategies for Afghan Women Discussing actionable steps to empower and uplift Afghan women amidst changing political dynamics.

Time: 12:35:59
Promoting Gender Equality in Afghanistan Highlighting the importance of advocating for gender equality and women's rights in creating a progressive society.

Time: 12:45:28
Call for Global Solidarity with Afghan Women Emphasizing the need for unity and collective support to protect the rights and freedoms of Afghan women.

Time: 12:55:37
Historical Context of Women's Rights in Afghanistan Reflecting on the historical struggles and achievements of Afghan women in the fight for equality and empowerment.

Key Takeaways

  • Exploration of the new Taliban rules regarding women's dress code and public appearance.
  • Analysis of the restrictions on women's education and work opportunities under the Taliban regime.
  • Debate on the impact of these directives on women's rights and freedoms in Afghanistan.
  • Concerns raised about the potential regression in gender equality due to the Taliban's policies.
  • Discussion on the global response and support mechanisms for Afghan women in light of these changes.
  • Insights shared on the historical context of women's rights in Afghanistan and the challenges faced.
  • Consideration of the role of international organizations in advocating for women's rights in conflict zones.
  • Exploration of potential strategies to empower Afghan women amidst the evolving political landscape.
  • Highlighting the importance of human rights and gender equality in shaping a progressive society.
  • Calls for solidarity and collective action to safeguard the rights and freedoms of Afghan women.

Behind the Mic


It. Our channel it.

Cultural Reflections

paramara. Wasmikrimzadnanira arsmidaro. Tashakur kalimamdeh. Hamatrazir buddhan gosi pazir shodan amo dubashindar afghanistan asmona in san citizen maidondorone has spoken ammo vazorati omurizanonda has monkarvad nahi asma zoindi as dasi wusucharosano manage for them that sisolu goes ashtab rahberin omar kardeke axel darpasmati mauret haftarati jedidas pushandani tamomi badanis asui ham guft balance rot in louisiana payomatoi in the base bonu baturi haideri bashar bonu mauludata bonu nigora meghdotini haske bonu top darjoni barnum patrolabon barzanoni afghanistan sakura sadhgurami sado maradori are you. Bizan besior samikadan bepardozaba jaron hoyz yodi pishoma tarot masalara begirand as zanon hamitanan biagno e va jayona peshbara if only manfi vali tamoumi foliatov kohan masir khan kirma as bastar afghanistan fabio machiburae darusto dehar fazoi kolo zanhom bishtadi in porojo kara bishal nami haras kohi mohabara mission dings and koshio shalok in hopuzi afghanistan hitchwa atakanta coma then shmo pirodar padaroi in hobham saron in horror hambudan sai mikadan horribitonikaramikadanshuaniko washed maradona so I miton and azan barofe hodeshan baroz giliyaz barrow yanki chakat pulled dario in homidoran azantara lord as in masara school ashim in her dakihan had afraid.

Technological Challenges

I mean gurus has done vadarina zinvasi yak bori social media behind the chiffonimo. Corona technical mob that hostamoid bono miklodi bromiham buffer sank bono miklodam darjam dosh taboshim kirawatta juba big batches on the gear zanya mahdud karada big joy the stresses tall of nadi bandozagiri rishu leboy. Karatan king ishwamisha in vadayan harafshan haminae albata bodhim kitamomi modernim bella jose as nikoi jomaliko milan more than narcissa jihadistahadisas mantikas hamer modillion rahbari? No did they have.

Challenges Faced

Sobati hamas and kushal mission basse moshe dean rambayat garoni but be doing hijabir muslim joy diga mamonia sadol shanida nashava well tamomia bigger man she did she has. Salama toshin bar salamba shuma sohan as isha hypocrisy talosh mclundab masira karolbatanka pasta bosha martin forsate bastilo belan kardana sarah as kawoninovita din dora jamie and sonida tori basharamipuda or after it has reader tip the control not and how imposed toilet casoikas basaramardam hawkinoni domikunan but democracy.

Personal Reflections

What was tasmima's first lady megan barrage moyak baksha moshkila that daruna jomi afghanistan motashi to lonidara now jin shoulda wa bosunat jamie mislema jinchuda kazuya and jarut bestela george masalande yaniyakbaksha guy hypocrisy wa tazrikon and jaw mera baban bikashad wabo ikat nesfas jamara harakat is an oba pishan minimoid barobar yohadakal nirui barabbas bombardment islam we are church of islam hamimo football of a poyon but joy goes shanida misha oil in the hobbit but bashar darnazar omuri at mesol modar gira projoele mohammed moya shakla as tavirotra darwoki jamarata miski soroknadorin jomi barefour obrida sidabash shah jesus bimanosque ino nadonishtara sana nana bashariatra mephoma nazani digatola bargash jomasan hastanbaron coke.

Community and Religion

Ashama mamona didi hamas bahir bush and alim sat sadomaradoran shuman shalom. Salamarikumaramatullah salam shimodoshi daram alim sadhgurabi, alim. Sarkarami matthew alim sarmob kabul basra bahamin masali map no pop tar hammond match their spontaneity. As for mobishnavamke tolabo hamisha map noy in karushandaba as also in karushandaba hasmoni ramisha meghan kepur on both israel mafik mikuram k alim sadhar mushkil Internet mushkili internetini chromias bonumatin migrium bad inshallah so batti dostabos and bakar minus.

Societal Insights

I could ratzanoran meta meters he chukumatamitona bakhalofe mileshon zira destokote mohammada sarto saritunio waira as tola bokadasmas kitasil kadabosha ogosha vakuda betona basamt bukona bota shakur babakshini bosha. Yani kabilaho amu format badas clanho amu jawami sa yani shumo jawami modern dorim jawami rantar yo as yak for shiromadin bakabil wai jaomi kabila jamie marzolorasta mesoziak mardas bohotra darwa waharakati mart solar on amibinan kijomi kabilawi in imizanti as a kaboelaster jama tasman girip and waniyak tahdid masalan bardoshoi daho darmadoris pakistan darmadorisan yagasa degiyato as shizoye those in the gimmick farhangas bakala of the loyalty iconic shahid omar dharma of hamisha dharma din buddha foul nabuda amo inijawami sole and bashar jaw tafoto boyat mo is on bukunim namdar holikim kehoku mafika mekonomke sarah roy hale kumak pokona moazi azi darwoke nirui is on bokonam kiyakaraf yak bakshas for hangis yoshi wafarhangi wamu cultural mekona darholikas jahani mera bozikir ket mekona doctor omenikirkat doctor oberanhe light book that.

Global Perspectives

Mamnor shuma me sadan alimsado maradorim shaman masado moniki yorika alam sort map dean hashed. Rahman rahim ariza salom adoi etoromo or zuisalomatidorami vashanazis jodharakuma subatora subatoya wala tola mola fashor bolo digarora ifajoi waijano natan hoike as islam nays k as musalmanos zarulat bataf sil niskasar waziruni hamamedonan shimomagar torihana shimomagar ahbors awala amriko minjam lagar masola magar bor nagastanke tall of hora darsol and nazda punch. Pokestoniho badastura.

Political Atmosphere

Badastura enemy madayona democracy tamini barnomaho ahdovshon darmantaka inora training dodan wavelo harabasarnama. Yeah. Gapudu shamomagar nadide wanashinide waname fahmeke in amrikoi matai democracy. Wahapuka bashar wahapuka zanbutke dartulo bisol tamomi azerote tolabora bardos cherahoizhin nokaro amu ajiro zaminara tamome arzachoi in sony wajiri jihoni pushed kardan dar pushed ahoyev wasarna kumar wa pesh rafte hodra johnny tarin and son hoy zamon banama talib sabadan kito imros beishas bistiak malior tolar baroya sarkobi insonia what the homoseolade?

Personal Testimonies

Jonah brother e awal hoddin mohammed nazanim bamanoya mumi shomali daho wabalka sato manzur islambosha islam no g insoniatas inson hotob megan ho aymar ayzan yo ayuhanos in nohalaknokum shrobae in nakramakum in the lohiat kokum namaga mardaton namaga zanaton shahad bharin takwa botakwatarin zanhobosha islam omad kizan hora muslims and davagurdora. As in the bag.

Islam and Social Issues

No if bomazarat na islamas nadinas wanara fakat musalmon mohoi wabasta purujai bare inamikas gazashtaho agar musalvasana miyakto takrivan bishtara magar amparoturi in gleestan katova mram faramagar nahan the shmani zolomone amparo turihobo tamomiya dunyoka daras imruz bakat boyaktiroja zamini hakamiyatan manofish on darmantakara miya sarvas wadarayan is amoni hamesha islam tawasi islam azadra salmon azodra shahira mobhamikiyas kodam jandro lambrikoi dasuras.

Conflict and Unity

Dushmaniyaski enemy dean islama tawasito kodeshmihan wadar shah ibutke has female hartisha daval versa maba estonod bastanoda daloilo peroni watori talib dushman asli amob islam wamasal monoa tawasitis wami mehanke hamzami narabari hokamiyo mantakara matashanit bushkasida barovarson estotanan mos loma banomi rahmatullah illa rahmat alamin zendagi ban kor faoliyad masharakat mashwara balochara dars talim tasil insoniat khushi shot moni zendeba farhang bakonunde itamomish bandas taleb marbute slum namasha talib marbute din namisha talib hit wajama islam hakiti nadora talib yakura.

Living Conditions and Society

Bahambora bashakli maido nivarasadar barobaro sadoi ozoir that mihomi goh vasimitabana zandigi oyo basu in mahdudia mobile rosa.

Cultural and Political Context

Karb sirzat is systemic mihayamardoma idorakona emrus komalan moshache barmanofi fardiva guru namih matrakonam kyokumatnistan yakuru hastan wamutasafana moshe in their tulatoriha afghanistan azujoikawa jehan amora kobato takabal wahandigishana wahichwa afghanistan pinjo dukeshwarislami osv oicomoshoikashvaro chira bayon mikana chiro bombardom afghanistan had a culture islam homo shoroi yo aksala malidar mokobele farmigani toleb joan azujoiki as bad natash tashmanis bosanonda hot yakari jotunken kushtashim kabarima zikadorishavan zanora amiktosh nazarbamotorihe satsali afghanistan agarchan kemoshkalasim zamona bishtar niostosim walibir mikanam bisolo gozashta dastardo mobarzami kanan wazu joy kemi afghanistan aslawada bishtar mardohastan wagar tolubom saranyak marduzandon derby run as afghanistan bao o go here tribune as her platform guftamon shakal bikira bishtara roy molbaranan mahade miyaska mohastim isawalobishtarmatrasha kalana shakalbataki mohambro hinamikonan chimi hoyan bada stole mo for satoyak negaroni bisiot bishtar sarash koshava bishtar govtomonoshakal bigira ibaso bishtacho masusan olamoidin ichomushi lamoidin kodesh nagaron conendez imruz agar lamoidin payomishon payome hakas Persona for sardinh.

Conversions and Experiences

Button and shalom ashamo as bonobo. As. One of us doctor bishop as shamal as janavasar.

Medical Perspectives

Capitan jira motali systematic mo yak mushkili darbakshita moyak mushkila injured him. Basurata so see yakumbatim ki dean dora slow me on shayad bamo shaka moya casion barfa bombay bigono mushroom so mona. Mona boy advice.

Personal Insights

What john abdomonasalmonas haina name. She's a master. Mose suri mega ke mardona bahotranke mardonke azambolshan hazineous dharmar hare pandishanit wagara bagune baroi ozor dodan h rohi majuit yakin and hudo martaba.

Cultural References

Martaba says oyatoshi dasan cities on ehotra vigra holly jaw socket bonum shahot girmandami manso shadas yoibar jaw basos elme harmonica mutawile tawila quran barasos zamon wamakonas bobazi azir after hora bisur dorimke wada daruna fahmemo as dindora iki churo degar jawami arabi and bruce masalan kishwaroi islamic taylor swift mera boyak bikini unja concert meta the polyde arabami mokomishalan sarah television after that dramatic and jump baikori sadhi mobisuda the gay joy savali mardum chicka bhash raftar hoya the sauteria coronis amal megana mission or shumota shumotoro moshk mo ibaksha boyat badrustip for me jamie mahrum kardas hamashenk I potential motorsafona daruna omuzahuna jomohana hamchananta shoot mokona mahdud.

Geopolitical Dynamics

Russo bacho to sobira doshtan. Bahulami sobatoya haman guru see motor ho tonkoi kinishanam nishandam solgaring wam der chisamoni mira darzamoniki mohabar nigoron luz no man vayo in ki dar honobiranki mordios nizomion that iran bahatara bomiono joy luchu gushna jomi johanni fikimko shaboh sai da ozeshe guzori shoro portoikimirasa harikatka absora hokar fikmikunid in ho farkadanda hokadana tamono system horas harakat bashfulia bozdan.

Political Commentary

Of course. Holochimas ali pushti for satoye bay omi oti rashan bisha islamid uma son darin astafotamilundo farad coffee tamomi no motor in order.

Technological Impact

Hayekad sargarm cardani hamitakimo bovazida sarmozhe it sarmoi in sony taktakimo pool shoulda sarakimo hasinashuda mobohondim sakura guzaron bimoni kunim edom lekatra shumani gokun stone bisukutra seed work at italian ulamo you donitbahoiki bar associate hasano is salu putin chakra mobile arabiston mistro lubnon in the ogona talosin fazoy afghanistan.

The Afghan Situation

Afghanistan. Hamisha politicati dosh mohammed boss honeybusha ISO masari sukhut rauchan sabisha maradumwa mardun wed been saw suhain solved by k.

Advice and Aspirations

Boyad avasaf boda k. Boyad barfasim soul hazora kushi yobar fasimsola pishmioya tavasu to guru hamishekoni taro stoin no am sozier jorofoimislavonistan.

Emotional Reflections

Joy goes tony jehonira mori jahani jala.

Final Thoughts

So as in ishas to say afghanistan. Philistine afghanistan. Tamm should have big zori basali bosman tamomina.

Discussion on Various Topics

You know bozzi schemata shabi afronistan mibara tashakur. Botamar kes ruye mao zurich bono miro troy. On dabarobari hamal karatolabho jangatolabho anjo mahamalot surat megarav and tohoru and fujori exurat megarov katlo moyk surat megaraf mao shan wamashakas doshtan wa in amal carda tolapora takbe kardan waftan keri slow me nador amu italu pogapish malu masked hoya bhavasha asan and jambata ashutolo imros dazarfe bishtara sarno bashaklia zashkol hokamastan h. Kishwara slow h. Guru islami masalman namal musalman imrus amimasalib masdudi maktab barui doctor tamo meshvara islami was osmond hoy islamore takbeshada wag of islamic mozakaro sadobalanda mabawaramiyaski thomas alabsa judas yak ashley tolub matah more balanchada yak dalila tashvishwan nagaroni kulamoinda we ask fear nakanim was arfiyata mamagamke fat botolo bokarodoran axariati motilakashon darpa has fedin wahasfi slow mastan waktiki basarohadabarovar oyot mejani kamoi rasharaskajo manzuri and corona uttaraka dinautara pasholamo by me har jome yakonaham basos mono batanzimo yobanasm niosdora iwad onamu maurik and nazma bhajut madan.

Views on Hijab and Islamic Lifestyle

Yeah. Moz mobile radbusod masalan moshamo banona maradona honor cardanomo tauhin baramoas wakasanamos yohora yo teflika mantazira kor kardan yoiska momas uliata mano moimoboshan. Where? Hoymanoi ineske masalan mochuka nazimanoi igab ineski masalan mo tamom nazmirak islam overdose. Banona sida magaras konu nadora nazam nadora wakasi metonaki hato dabasama koshim the surrey nur the oyate bistanoba mega yarudo shimom hafazad bakaniyakoto mekhana the siuyaka haraminho masalan talo mega mega sadhguru man shinidanisha motorshade and sonora bahavze barzan bosbazano chimega elo mozaharamin ho magaras panhandas muslim surat. Mega surat zanjdev dustan amatolubmia fikri kabila wa amu badavi kodasha wabamardam sado wahazur maharamas waibamadon nabara darolikaride miss gapadoom. Karim. H. Kaifari. H. Kaifari baroi but hijobi taina masalan gupta banome kaifara bad hijobidaron karim kaifarasha bar masolaka karada tashwik. Tashwik masalami zadbosha bosha as far jakat karlam dean islam quran. Kaifari baroi. But hijabi wa rafi hijab. Yo bardostana hijab aklo kyota matrakaraj boshe hovsbikaneton bahadah bakuram dasulu sarak zanikajobdora.

Perspectives on Religious Guidance

I got hato surat ham. Agrahato surat ham tola powerami tawhin nashawa zanhoi banamu guru nadiradi dorana this bahajova slami that tayore gadusat says at nafar bakshwara kahit nawa amubasanadora kuchi asia boomishkalanis rujam branan sarasham norawas or maharamas banan motorsamon was zarfiated kaya kida washakam nabodin islam wakoron talibamo mechanical osha shamah. Adamsuri may soipae merswe garden bashon in nabutz or in bastion in budke amura kamishamogu galadoran darhir john namisha masalanhe bo mano hikam soldera niozi vertao zehora ketola waiki bastion kim lekonorovic. Sorry. Islamic. Harpore tolabova afghanistan sobat kardan mami factor dalile asocidas ino hamale hamdigaran yakimas ali jomi jahoni komalan vozibutarazi maozo agado afghanistan shot dartamomi junop sharko garb in boys the juno fedigam nokoi alindotsobatini nabude tafsirostas yak mutuni dini as yak matni korani bodha tafo sir jomi islami dosha bosha inoshaditarvaton tar buddha badalazike embrace takriban mokablaziham mushkalotonira doshte hogaro yaknavi dzomki kori dostandar jomi sunatima by name mardum afghanistan wabamishaki baduras tasil buddha and wajulisa dike baduras donation mikitole bomat as gushava kinora dohela stoneham jami as naojawanoi baduras tasil wapaduras yaksharojoye inomosota sociasurike that barhamike farhangi badavi wakabilavi afkonistan bashakle batina bashaklib oni wad fauri korekone baki yomiyan wagardan bisur bohoshui kimo baretole bon nazariote mushkela so siujutoshaka zanonva dasurhoikanhe jami narasidan wachuninchize rui mazod bishtar sobat konam vayak fazoy rajatonam daru shangari rajay bahato din siosato is iyate badavi.

Reflection on Social Challenges

So bad bokoran toikam bendibaroma sutabara mixara maboloki misforumbab bonuta job taps. Banamon ke zandra faridi pasat nafratasan as talimu tacilo tarbella bishar nafrata mardama nafrata joma allahitolobo bishtar shada wa yakiyas omela sokuta nafrata melatoa mardamon keshvaras kehoshbaktona nafrata mardamamo allah kabitas vahirama vasarat metanam bhagimka mora bidor mahdidato bishtar tollavan wahamchino and bash giri as kashwar hoye mustakiminora hamayan wabasa mamnoa has hoka associ and sony grafta eloto harin hokokayak and son hamashi barzanona bonson mamno karadi goiham donjoba badanhe mirimba tafri gahawa mokani tafri hill balochara mukamal no mahram katokadaslan unaware wahato bastashanba job is an kenoza kadin barakhan ihamash barmegada bayinka herobo hasanona has lega pinjeska tamome baru is anoniston bastakaran wade madora siddini pain maru avalish you know deshmanish bojaro mandaka wahamchino sarbos griyasan shekharami.

Concluding Thoughts

Behavos again bandir in shalas.

Kabula Farmers

Kabula farmers mega shuma baidal Monday washington hargapirakazato. And. All of the ga boy natano mo kaslan amid jawabi slow me derik malhalibran sauce sarazipas lamar dostopisha derikor mamigamo system bahas million chill million in sona zoe mother walke farofagani make on him born chicken shumadar chilpinjo sala ombre char hazar panjazor saladara yo y alim wahar mulai they got wahar kasika and more oyo saulista but olive soda yak tafki bay naika taleb koresh watamajarianaya korush boy slob sauce garcionista lamo islam jawami barazika was yet a hodrang priest wanami formum cassoka jawami bahashumatra gaidini often badazara kofrasta kubishi nafa chanto malora muslim yeah nata was the cargo bar raftor in sony she marches on what of ekana enemy amu poyona cassie as indonesia democracy the most nice hokumat rasida initiative musta soy jamaboza megham kemkin dari marhalawadanimi was yet kimohamachi mobile he moazzet biruna zoom dean dartham jawami daramuakta din kumakar and son of zistamuna dinasla hamadion amodar marhalikim bruzikarodora mohsendev observatory enemy savor hano jami islami aksaramo azuhotrak mahmasawa sardar gumiste monumental moham jam huri meh darholika pala kaboela moratasarima bohesiki joseph banwani joseph mobipadoshan hokimboshabatim kimo chaturzana zibadi make a ship omadimatkari chisika mesha jami islami deramista banazarama kimo hamdigar pazir boshim mo aleta somoboshim mo alimadoro boshim dindra dadi wahousi fardi odamo katanbarasma sabasha walidar hausi kora jami daola dorian she's a godboot, she's a kid mardimi mosh motorhouse unja akla bashariski migra unja kudam cassia.

Morning Observations

Salamatoshin wafton hoshakorma salomat bush nobody chanda morning bad in shalom dosh, alberta bonoboti mouse week as babap no asmr amdar khazibishakur bisio. Another kenore manzur minabut olamo cholashaw bad bhattikim rosdom and giraffe jomi jahani nandozim bahsh basur azima kormatawaji khoda mohasta jomi jehani masuliata moshmomi binim dardusara naks nakuna deholika tawako darcis ima suliatoy mohas mafikir mikum dakadama shakal batim cholashoi kifilan mao judas amirashanoso economic basarmi baran solace nasla afghanistan as kargiri guru as amija besior amik shakildo that are afghanistan poygoyam nagroi turisti stone mita mobar tollebam as of honestan gom shaba toleb kias san aksar merdum yanima shaksan tawakoima basmikadam basmata bardemisha tolab dasul degam agar mo cornakonimoranapazirim bay namira kam stepdot meikona joamija honey kudoman amura kobatoyu jehonishanasafonasurayamlin nakshika zanon older cecil gozashta sam griften yokorkardan ikoval khadra korush oysters toliba monatonastimba makama bikashanimo as shabakoisht moistam griftan ikoro yesulyata azim bama afghanistanas dushmana farzandamo dusman oyendimos nasla moranobutmikon afghanistana banobudimibara moistat namisha jomija boshamde tasha korbisirzia.

Islamic Perspectives

Nazar shamaramberton. In web chiroy halifishno hotmakonova enjoydev bas bomohasid avalanches mol maru tamomi tami paston hotel milan ijro ivamarim daronipashi masali tavas mardomisha bishtar bomi partisan to akavomi kunan terholiki masali asliva hadafasli yak cheese marbud behamed saloshon namiki masaliski boyad mardon kotashan bamchindidinas masala dinas kim albata oson chanto lima mega chanto mole born mass alo maso ilrikimo cheesy binomi kono nadari murder bola boshamayota masala zan show hardosha holy ki hamin soli fikulkurum solish has to have pushas to shisbuthdeh madar hokumati denis ikomilan marduko mardukanjo ozori zanon hazashu boy tip fazoika bisha and shalo zanisan hokumdeh landon a. Kosh landan afghanistan islamic fraud and jombida fikriki moya sanki bhairaki islama pishmikashan sido mobarhasanundoshtabashimbalis dini hotam has hamain hobo castoni masulini in bhakshim boshan hora libosi dim bitan doran in hambo yeah darizamina minishinan sabada masir kulesha.

Political Discussions

Be a kunim satamutas program so halipar simi bafarmashnavi. Rahman rahim shanade zurdoran albata basa khaliras mehmona topic of mahdivia banasha rasandan ilamika banasha rasondan agar kutobu idas turho toze guinadora adamo barbicad embassy sol kabla tolagon angomico madan pogzostandar kobol avalin hokum yomadudira kyoho dan huzura zanon darasona hostel ketolaban ato uzura zanona darasanaho band garden bhagaram muzur paidomikadan boyd bamu mosque sado is an honor. Boron bozenga dagirishan raftan istolan amo felan kamkamo bajoy resident halo mikhaye sado is anonymous moshohitawan tohadatan itroskar and the jodhahoraftan bojudin kazanon made on stanke agar namiotrekan jashadim inca saktiy mudad saparikadan matolo and sapari mekanan wazi ombeksarida mibi nam kachagada mahdud mana mitonisha past monarch zorim sado is an homushen runaskeshwara steam sadoi sharoiti miran birunwamikna pastoral mobile miha is known as jama bionca tolap as kotra zan meters bali meters talib as sadoisan meters on makantar.

Understanding Cultural Contexts

Makantar mistan albataga kutobuharfikada elomish banama zan naoskana name natan hodanon sharoid. But tamomi as torchim sado shim bahai. Salamado. Lakhtam kamasma so vator mataramijotnasha dusai injuran soybnazaram hastano that azoi moktala ashrafu chidaran tabalam nashva mabibo. Yeah. Secrete bonuseski bunyodi fakria tolobra rakamzadayo shakala disease. Damonikimo sorori maboni fakri har gurudev be garazo marazanjombatindar rostoy mabone hich kudomi aslaw as also raftori in guru hij guna sunriyad bodhi nadora amo ejab ituram gustanam naftir alham nagran masanore kita yodaramu zamon daramuak banahi tahir karadan naram shada yoba mururi zamon olamo mushtahidin omadan ishtahat karadan mutabaki holo hauso is amon tahir masalara yomu zamon amusak terrin royata padoman bahotriki nigoy in ho negotiate particular jomi islami miomat mekuni boy at royat islami dosha boji royat islami iski tobri yagroeto joy manfata bivinan waftiki pula bibina watiki joy democracy.

Reflections on Society

Bion tribune bata va motoburke aslasan paharashawaki so falonas wakti danazomi islami. Talibo bakaud enemy associan. Bolo is an o banah tamala garoy chaparros hakimodar makulo charbolu abdorae hagastandar barobarishum jehadas to machum colonas imruz was hama nazdiktaro wabasataro banah sahib nazdik medon bosmi and konamo taxi nadorano lamonisujas motown shafts and teach malloy the mistakes. On national hadisipayambar sarah farzas fars mustahabamnes sonatamneshas farza yador nakoni musalmoni musalmonasi amira kamchanto meraktandar jehovah stroke mekar dan zakhdev esk dar garchan estode zanonki dar abonistan darma borza zanoni avon pishkas john fashionio amo bowarima dharbarobari talib kimaboni fikri talib zan satezi kangaroo tarku kushtan bastanas dharamu kovalyazi elomiya gapo irushan fagrona banahi navishtan gabzanan hh shinadora saranadora talibiki talibra zuramadim bosalomadim harikasiki zanoni avon estoda san maborazakaran maradoni afghanistan bay had zabuni talib aga jangito jangi hatnase bostalabami taliban bottle meghi paschiman jang mukanimdeh.

Mediation and Communication

Pictures itoiki alim sabman mishaki born. Saloma doshan bashmojam. Do say again. Rashmogen muftasar subatmas kutankarakutar gap ratishma borma battolvia naidim kakasira bacholish kashida darbasai dinikutomi nadoran tolu hadis chopper pakistan ragaras amodav hodo barracks dara bonstone bor mariforma shariatish kibishtar me from dinesh kibishamira garma sahusandar daria barnomi kamagi ashod mohal fadbotolo boshan muratopi darolik mama in the imeknam basoisan bahot nashano hamagi moy bosnakon sar sadonasha kushmikunanas hoshia baran hoshiran masala as biblical kino fakir mekonankin siramo chakasmiyak nakawa darai tola bishara mama chanding barnoma bada tol biboshaki push the darwazi hariya kasami kasik that marriage zarosha mujaradori waba nomaitola bahata madra sauvirikona nasmatrazima stolo matas myodomas hvacungesthenne hamisha kuna bohun shushtan when mitola pun muna zunobat bohun shushta shah wama shattakasmata buddha bosha gap madidima borman bashulam katola bobo bas bokara bo.

Final Thoughts

You know so zishnadora sado as kozil kozota. Why effect as yakjakname. Son is the other so bad cardanomigrom shadow in the ba house.

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