Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space ابو شرنقا vs الهلاليين hosted by abduil2021. The Twitter space, ??? ????? vs ?????????, delved into discussions surrounding technology, public sector service, color preferences, humor, and organic follower growth. Participants expressed a commitment to utilizing technology for national service, a fondness for blue color and comedy – particularly non-yellow humor, and a preference for genuine follower growth without marketer involvement. The session highlighted strong opinions on comedy preferences and a dislike for yellow humor. The space niche is focused on lifestyle topics encompassing personal preferences and values in technology, humor, color, and social media growth strategies.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: What is the speaker's attitude towards technology and public service?
A: The speakers are dedicated to using technology to serve the public sector.

Q: Why does the speaker favor blue color and comedy?
A: They have a liking for the color blue and comedy, particularly non-yellow humor.

Q: How does the speaker feel about relying on marketers for follower growth?
A: They prefer organic growth and independence from marketers.

Q: What role does humor play in the speaker's life?
A: Humor, especially non-yellow comedy, holds significance in their preferences.

Q: What aspect of comedy does the speaker dislike?
A: The speaker has a clear aversion to yellow comedy specifically.


Time: 00:12:45
Technology in Public Sector Service Discussions on integrating technology for serving the public sector.

Time: 00:30:20
Color Preference: Blue Symbolism Exploring the speaker's fondness for the color blue and its significance.

Time: 00:45:10
Comedy Choices: Yellow Comedy Dislike Expressing strong opinions on comedy with a dislike for yellow humor.

Time: 00:59:55
Organic Follower Growth Emphasizing the importance of natural follower growth without marketer intervention.

Key Takeaways

  • Interest and investment in technology for public sector service.
  • Preference for blue color and comedy, particularly non-yellow humor.
  • Desire for organic follower growth without the need for marketers.
  • Emphasis on serving the country and utilizing technology for this purpose.
  • Strong opinions on comedy preferences and adherence to blue color symbolism.

Behind the Mic


Lil Amana mensae Yani Sun Hasana who Inshallah Feta Rida fog le Rabbit Manasata and fabulous fi Halat Kira Mutajed Sadhguru, Ohayer man Abdafi and Shaili Gabul and Nabdevi Kumo Judi Kumojo Marhaba Masala Subbekbacha and Garah Israel.

Social Media Commentary

Man Bushringa the whole social media Bishakilam Arafana Bushringa Sheikh Nasrawi Mafi Hajidal Minujude Kanfi Fatram Safra had a Shayn Mahayani bushringa feel Mashahadhe who shaks Nasrawi Lemia Kaluhila fat man be Rahab at Sadhgur Wakan Yani Kariban Hilali and Philpadaya Tab and Jamie and who mafia Talibat Ali and best can of no Kun el Moikatifa Muhammad become Mujudin Shallah Mujud bin Alakat Fayeba Bushringa Ilal and Mahomo Jude Kintasimanu Jam Horwana Kintam had.

Greetings and Interactions

Sami. Xdev. Uhul Alexi Mahe Muhimba Mahomu Himblin, Mahomu Himbli and yeah Teja Halima Moutrila Lima Kanak Lakha Bellofi and Tika and Kanishu phone and no other Raja Ali, Shu and Kanye Tamil Mabatari Kamari Fajul Karakima Krahonya.

Discussion on Films

Hello. Manipik, me and Filmmaskar. Maskaratani Ashanish David. Mahuba Stefid Mumkin Avara Pak Film. What Zakaranga Maggidari for the Nafsa Phil Bidaya.

Opportunities and Challenges

Shofarsa breathe Elforsa Hadihel Forsa al Cambiokadimshi Abaddar Five Ashel Mubar and had a shape type healthy for so and Hina Aktamal Mutal Kamuhim bin Basilima Kara Hadi Maliyat B and no other al Hila no faria Kawiya Kumuna Mazat for Kid Eden al Muftarad Minal Elikanu the Nasrawi Walakadam to Alan Kavi Nasrawi Kanye.

Reflection on Society

Yesringa. Hadawah. Nasrawiya we liad Makana bin Hometakanu Akalani Abakaddim. Tenazula Bushring Halloween and Layatim Serikat Kaviyatana Kaviyat Moita Sab Mabadi Good Dami Obanisbala Bushringa Jamie Nuksan now remember Anahe teleheal member who Le Katam Nafsa many mushroom and the mic Salandamike and Kulina.

Discussion on Violence

So wait a way. Murder Vidorak Dagga Shum whom zado min tavo Ambaga ben Humoben Bhaval Muharidin and it was from intermino fear. Yeah. Bushringa hala for you and Nasrawi bad maja lil Masahat al Hilali.

Challenges Faced

Kumaksari Mukaloja Vimisa had Hilali Marahegh Marahikun nefsilas assess a matabrain woman Babel Abushring Bisab Tawaji Matalani modula Uma and jealous aratu kalam we mutun Gahar.

Thoughts on Community

The legal. Yeah. Milligal cannot and then is almishes mana yani wonderful. Madhakal can you go Kamita Keshe low camel person.

Personal Experiences

Insana Muharrabu in her the shaks wallah wallah Mahmakanat when I could say elisa, we need anaware hospital and as vil mechanical judah like in Anab in this body when she mother Raya and Nasrawi Kanya Tim Allah Hadar Rami Shui Mustafidi.

Life Observations

Yom Khan Yustavaf indicate Muhammad Sar Obashringa Nasrawi Samim Osar Mufabal and Jamie and Nasrawi Linosar Yusavaf min Shaibalhasringa Shift Muhammad Allah.

Reflections on Efforts

Assassin and. List of Taqman Abushrin Gal Fatralahira Bella Hilary Namdeh the many attempts.

Understanding Society Structures

To abu shringa Yani Hani Akumak Satik and Analoga al Khotwal in Tahariya Lisa Waha Hadi and Tiberi and Shiftil Yani Katal Mdat kun and Kotot Mdah Kumfiya Mr.

Notions of Mercy

Slamden Abu Sharing Manipataraja Hassimo Kavani army when they commit mercies Abhidh Mokai Abhid Mokaide about Hebra Nebras Haru Escodina Nebra Madrid but slill as if.

Good Luck Wishes

Yeah. Karina, good luck. Yeah. And ahada tell us cannot.


Yes. Eliham. Eliham Mahusahi Minasahata Latin Katine al Hawamir Allah Narrajo Asamin and Musi and Fatu Devarthenae Elam el Muntasaf Mahadian Kamadala Ashankida Adi Hil Kotu al Mutahari Mahsoba Kanata Marahi Hil Istiravatimal and Utah al ax Karl Muftar of the Muhadi hill Ashiya Kolhatam and the bushring well, Jamie, it washring Birai Basilisa Vimata Milburgh.

Final Thoughts

Abu Tavgishani Abu Hamburger Hagul hel to Ayyadiki Manasat x Nam Sitatin Filmora Nasaliyam. Shof assessor Mujara Shuf and I got yeah.

Fear and Society

Yani Ashufil afraid Halkan Fah wallah Al an Kaviyatla Ida hadah b Bilmia Sadigani with a Kan Rajul Sayatama Sakwa Bardo Hayagara actor Wakta Ashankida Mujudik Leni and I mean Hilal Elmo omen Hiramisa Milo Moro when a benny Annali Sali Allah Kuntanasa any abshiftili with the human with the lakini had who?

Perspective on Change

Yeah, gut either Mohat Filmir come in home Arba Salata. Akhtar Man Anamin Home Safrak Maimadula Shiru lean.

Reflection on Life

Hannah Kellam in Konsa Sadgi Madana al Ana Rajul who amount fema shaka Walahilo Real Madrid Walahila Fema Sahat wallah Mara yaktani la shai bilhas Madri kalamakin kuli Gadini Eli, Eli humatini Yeshua.

Affirmation and Revelation

Yeshua, Yeshua, absolutely. If he can be a hadal rabbit yes mahadminel rabb and a medical rabb jalbarab and a medical rabbi yahihan and attack fire juke and kadana supreme the gate for any or Rikpi al Bharbara del shift Ashambus Niftek Minzaja ala shajara ashram but another Alan holy Vogue Karl Mafrosoma and hate though Fatamasahelu Kanasatamo Judah Jews Johan Dehalo Badal Sunday Madrid Ashanki then a gulag shifted me contaminated Ashan Arafid.

Final Reflections

Yes Twitter Jamil was 30 and it. Muhammad Monkina Rajarah and I the Rajal Majahilal fatral Bhatia.

Concluding Thoughts

Ishmushkiratna Indiana Bhavala yeah. Any yara Mithal yani faithful Nasrawi Finasrawi best Mutab Bilhilali Walidar kjibuk rafa wagi shirftiya it's kali ayuah mushajitani and al Afwalfarlani.

Community Reflection

So we say in asra gula kanala alami when Almadri Maharaj it yes. Alameda yeah.

Juzi's Life and Context

Juzi and yeah, if, but matal kari wife bel jama's life jesri kai hala mami well, the hiya tadi lala the herati allah the hera thank you. Less than that send it eligible. And. Yeah interjit in tetumboran tandor no Anil Matroop madrisha no komishuya Montagu and I. Assessed madras Fibro shed the abuzzi Adam and Makunam Jarad Mashufal Unwan Ashufil Mutawajidin Adelma Judin kill home and muyo Nasrawiyah Feeba with the kinon take the rajami. Yeah alafakra kaviyat is about tadula.

Discussions Around Intellectual Matters

Yeah. Maya stakar Nasalo intellectual in tima lakin in the keef tooth bit navaritek but you go like yeah. The smell yeah girl yeah. Chain yeah. He end. Up Hamid and Amat Fakin. Film Ana Agulhalak bil female maryanas Pantalanip Mithae yahi the Tarajul Hada female Abu Shringa Makan Astalam did this girl galabos the kiya jidden Galabushringa Aqua sort Nasrawi wah wal qadir alakiyal ayam malamiyafu sanawat Alan who shall. And.

Philosophical Conversations and Reactions

Abi Hanifata and Yamuda gula zawiya sahih reaction hag is shift haldalatal kalam and akuntagula kuntagul blaks Anashufan Woodrid Manihe it. Feel more had. Basia yeah Habibi Majimu al Mashat Omanafsal Majimu al Baki Mahal Mashadla Kadoha Bbjan Kumbh had Allah Mutakli Oxen Bila Mutakli Walakin Alik and Tumin Bianotara Malakaya v Asia Mumkin inter Tom v Ashiya Matharan Tamatambarlahadi Abdul Alisha my guru Muhattah least and Catherati at Kathy Merman Kafani Bhavam Lavam Yahyatta Araptola Ashani ji Gulak Tarohada Shirkara Big to Barakala Saddik and a Kashfatikravikishadam Tali and Takayani and Tata Sabakri Kalamak Obadi Kobe and Kashmir member Ilyata Kalampi Yani an Allah Kunt Mujarod Muta ferrit al Mashat La Hat benzine Minbar raft and a hajma guru Jahi Lamorat Ashkhasbatri is bad in Azul and Bhaval Mabadi and Matkalam Mabadi Lala Kalamba Sharlat Mina Afrita Allah Jima Hadal final montolic.

Social Interaction Dynamics

Muhammad Ashana being gifted. Lana. But la but like Bakmala Jimmy shifted Tabri Kilima Ibadliche. La jealous and Berlin. Disease antim Tarakida Antum tarakid yakai ship madria tarabo krabi so we hear that Gatiaki had of Muhammad Lazam and had Musibar Admiral and. Muhammad Allah bush female jedi Muhammad Wishtok Alhatum our toad Johar al Qaeda.

Discussions on Intent and Consequences

To Abu sharing Gulik Rajul Hamil safe Rakab Hasan v Zemin Ata Ira to al Barija to Adribra Yektab Hadi marta kotu Rare Mahsoba fuck I mean akuma Hannah when I kill Kawaka who are any kasha yani Alahazimat Hanikum Lahugadi Delhi Hagiga Shinam Abena lenula Khalfi who messah to Yanima Hadihel Kudrat Kula matt mat mara Allah Subhana to Ali Guru Masata and help but assemble interwar. Yeah any and no intelligence fit with her sanity hash method Arif is Hajimel support ilya gaddam Telewak yeah and if you tell Amar and a contest yeah and he asked help Peter Kelfatra and a kunt muslim to come to Muhammad my shatra lacking can be nazi and yeah.

Reflections and Conclusions

when Adam to lash yeah cannot smoke and aben spell even kitty and yeah kalas mentomaj warrior he didn't mean to verham she dornal mutabas alma salama yeah Madrid mushroom anymore mahomo and yeah for sudden Yani machine Alam and Hadi Marian Mahom yanni Damhatra gala television say banalishan Adrosa Allah be Rivati fish like dornabulous ish philly tamilikant lenulo Kanati Hill Afkar Mojuda and the Kudi twitter kun vomalaya kilmelekahadi can shift a different half kalina and guliak into good damn kitty and at Kelly mujere mujiri mean though yakula dini Abbasiya will in Hisaru galag there was lakindola mujarad my kara baskidan kasamambullah kan mum can you see the Indiana varibun F Sauel attack mate Hakul Helakona swaddy zuni be Bilkuni Belkum India Bhattashar alphabetic parika?

Fear and Responsibilities

Yes. Fear we are so Mashari Gary Mr. Has kill him and Kelly Mahajabani Janin to taban block shouldn't. So what if you slide both side of here? But he died. And yomi Buddha jal help. But I right. I haley haqbat. Yahi yabu Sultan had Allah raha anto shift. Bonaikwal here.

The Complexity of Relationships

So Hannor Hamadan brother Jimmy Sharanda Kana Tam and Ayuah Yani Yabaros Lazamano Satan Kana Shayama Yatakaramir Eliana Lahata and Abhor Jalani owner. Elam owner. Too many for kona hadar jasir Yom Nalayam Kamvi Masah Chibal House and obviously Majdahali Sauah Hilaliya. Hilali Lakimbad Tarath alaf taratha Allah shlon kef Dalil.

Reflection on Divine Guidance

Allah dalik nasaladali karana mana vi musham man navi mushta malaiki abadan. And like in a madi farahan. Allah. Allah. With another. Yeah. And if you lakrim mukam Allah gabalambarati kalam ben shot in Kamfikalambara. Kamikalama elite Mubarak Mubara will jam Hora Biljamore.

Understanding Cultural and Religious Contexts

Ilhil Holfat. Yes. Almanas Aliyardaman Bakaya Kulham Radhat Elba Admoni Hirali Shafta Rida and Hadihariya Shakiya to be told like in animal Jatanadarida walktable karami and Tibakintarian v Hadith Yom kin Anamal had a masar Torah and a Gulhadikai ashuva mutahadin and Ana Mali Majal bain Hal Mutahad Mara Hadithe album Hilali and Bidai chibal house Raw Alba Nasima contrabahim Gabulous Yugalah obeyable safe Udirah minsu for Dura hadith either in Tamara to leave?

Final Thoughts

Well, I'm honest. Hadalanaxra with Tihadi.

Muhammad's Statement

Muhammad, you said Maudi Kanatwaddeh min olma kintestima Dimasa Hatawajuha bastard filmed Mr. Him and better. Linda Judon Sabakaya.

Elaboration on Political Context

Salam Alikum Halama Shaibah Sultan as I the loss of Akambi Mahajima to Bhilalam political ism had Sharavanish ana Ahamshe Andi al Kayan al Baghimari al Jam Hor Badala Basal Kayama Kayanal Azrak Maji Kayambidal Antumorah Madame al Hilal the Aj Amina Fira fi Darawaya until Shu to Lehmidi no Salman Adafa Hila Dafa Madrina Mustang Alkatan Basto Aliyam Hilal but so now Hawaii Jamie Aktar Alam Mahaliji Mahira the Muhammad Tikalamunal Hiral Madhurum in al Hira Bhattakim in al Hiral Belijan al Hiral Mustafila It's Kalam Baral Musatikalambarati Alma Allah Kalha Mosses Mahmade Mubarayat Tara la bin Bashar Tara la Bashar La Muhammakina Bashar Alma Lazamara Lazama Mr.

A Call for Action

Ja la. Jin Jazza to do Sahado. Muhammad Abdullah and Allah and son and some Basili basket limited Lila and a hubbub Wahabal Mutani Shaiba Sarkit vertical Haman Hasma Matara Savina Durhayana who Kamshaya Hilal India.

Challenges Facing Filmmakers

Muhammad Shalahu yeah. Andy Mushkilana Filmmaker Jeff. Hannah Modeling Bad Ali Tupra Jadwala Moshabakad Kul Ara Minhari Shakrade and Felabatini Mahab Mojudara Allah Rabat Fiji Abwabi to be Sokriya to be itam to be Mutatrina to be Halat Eliji Kilhamujuda and Sheri Kafi hectabufi movor al Halat Mahabanyad Khalfa Tatbirik al Hukuma Morakas ben Nahalam and Makan lean Tattoo Murphy will adjourn for them.

Divine Intervention

Muhammad had the thing or Mustang Allah and I see Allah Bushringa Allah. Can candle Motherfi Nikashu. Mobile Tabri Kobushring Hawaii Hilal obviousring Napster Woman Adkanathrawi and Shuba Adkanathrawi and the Nasrawi Kumar Matanu Parashat Shuyand al an Stakhdam al Harakahadi Ashan Hawamir Nasr Sadhgawal Harakahadi Yom Bilak Hawamir Hiral. Allah.

Acknowledging Allah's Role

Stag Muhammad. Allah. Lana Smack but sadly Habitat. Mandamic Sassatim Mandamic. Sabrina Mike and Mike Bashib duly Narajal Mahometallah. Sadeena turn to behalf. Of Bakambalharu in Nasmahlo and Nom Karma Alyom Antalama Mazal and Alyom and Alama Amdah al Sad Merjib Jahil and Nakinta minimata Minal al Masahiya Walmas Kalam Masahatal Assume Nafsa Tariga Latijitim.

Recognition of Difficulties

Dahad. Abdullah Muhammad in the Analam Makun Hilali Mahandafa Bhattari Gadi Lakin Phil Ahir la Mawaja Fiya Minal Mazala Khalina Samir Bhagal Hawamir Magadha Utana Vijaya Ankaro and Hamla Yalamal Yom Whoa Kanfat Masahana Yani Hadi Dil Allah a Nasrawi Fihad al Wag and Amal Aslan Maya Braya Kavi Mushkilat Mushklatini Shokar Allah Min Afdala al Hilal Alam al Mahi Wasanahadi Raya Kifi Rahita al Kasir Aparigmashi Shokrakam.

Collective Calling

Allah Gabriel Maru Sadiq al Jamir Muhammad Jamaica and Yeshvi Jami al Marwah Marva Muslim Jamaica Inshallah Allah Kulushar Muhammad. Sadhbad Bahanur. Jamilah Jamila Be Ojudic la Judah Lehadi till Mutahad. I will say Nasalah Nitika we are Hamil motorhouse Bozet Kulamayit Muhammad Sal had Muslim.

Conversational Exchanges

Kid. Santa I go. And what should anyone know? Bushrinka versus al Hilali. Lies. Wahada sahe. Phil Barami Gabal Manasat Kanal Hersihe diamond Agul and Kim and all and we live in Masahat and I shown it and I could Lamadalan had the lakhsam le Mandala Kanama Ikvaj Shinjdeh Lavuddanyata Allah Nasrawi kon Hari Sin Allah yeah the Jamahir nadi yeah the yoga Angela Bishops law index of the money tatti to Golakoda kalama sabha tati to go Shuhan to guilt tamania duri when I who.

Awareness of Issues

Are in keshe has ever been can you and as a bad matlat. Who aware of no badabili Michigan gulmakam lakram laho Matiji to gully the haltanadi hasalar bhattashar der ukas yeah but jib like mahasana the hataluno minister like and the Adi Musk and I Gulan Benin musi kadipadikula Fidaif okay Abdullah to sleep Kalamal Matalakisa.

Concluding Insights

Raja at tafakmak jung latin wet of sealing ashanki then hati. Allah. Rahbusa to be shaksahati either khan yek the kid but yeah and you want to keep the shift? Take the yekid bila haya lahaya min Allah adimashkilla. Yeah. Yadi galbatikan Omakum Autumn to Jihulafirabu Hamad Kalam Jami Kuleshe and what Jakubishe Madalan interchu of Ankm Asabel Abuna Kamil.

The Role of Community

Hari Kamasah Lana Hata Abdullah Sadi Maharva know Hassal beno Kalamu Abuna Rabbani, Abdullah Sahati. Salmani Abu Fahad al Gashak Asa la Salman. Aji Adafa Salman Yasua Madri miru Salman rahu shak sahada marahi. You see? We see with Alesh Hasan, Lana Gulan, Abu fahad sahe. Then no Shaksi Zalik will kalam Khirola.

Final Thoughts on Dialogue

Kalam Kalam Jamil and Salimi. It kellam would be kunmaika manja. Rajal latakun Karamakwan and Shabbha al Muhar Leah. Either bushringa with the sharia?

Initial Statements

Yeah. Abu Muhammad Damano, Havar Almani Rahlen zaluna. Muta halani falmo mojo bushring. Aka have. You. When the krem bad. Allah jimmy and mutahadi no muslim. Agadar. Bonasar my cat a halabasho for zombaji.

Navigating Conversations

So but shall inshallah hasad shala tasnah so ali Allah limada Hilal Hamid obagilandia Mohammed Abdul Hamid. I would navigate to house and Gustatambakti. Will harbi Lambda mab and habana Sarah diamond. Nadil battle holy hara battle hilaliki. I would discuss. Shalana mata stimuli and Nadim Nasal and the Abdullah Allah.

Islamic References

With Hilal mayoga. Falala is well. Kadimala Bilali mafi Rasmihatalan jidden Utakatufa Muslim Hada Afdalmoshim almadi. Sabaka North Shakri and karma saha. Sarah no mehta was allah wallah can. Yeah. Allah.

Further Discussions

Mahadi Radi Allah Radiallah. What Allah Abdullah it Kumbadan Maharaj Samfish and ash of the guide mojo, but. Not. And the commands. Are. Yeah. Kefir mayosaly laser. Well, who are Makibo Nasira Mania Kuni with the narrative Hanoi Shalom.

Continuing Dialogue

Oh, Leom and the Kumambara. Matura Koisa. Mushkan and Badalasar. Mubbasalatan and Himini. Allana and Aslan. Bila Bilad and Aman and Tanarba raft in Nigumtalan. Manitakaya shifting. To be tah to be tahab.

Reflections and Affirmations

No man Awavi nomad Awavi so all of Bonaza. Helmuti Jarah that's. Why so al wah. And I the job so al Wahar Manatana and Abiji Finae Lahat ultimately Ahi Kasabrina Allah Diamond. Rajal Wafi Rajal Shefrajal Elismani Ilimayaf Jarvul Kosoma Ili Maya.

Statements of Understanding

Sadiq Dean Udania Nahudi Gabul Mahatimbas the Leonarafa Hafok Abshi. And become silent. Allah Rafa Rabb Manasa Tatbip Hakumi Hamra Fijawalik Wistat Marindallah, Hada Adam.

Complex Narratives

Gabrielam and the Abna shirt of the Hamid or any best Ali Tarafi to Brahma Tara Jaman either Governor Hatman, Sheikh Wavon and Wabah best Feliya Lakri Maham Shuih Aromatan either modern Montahab Shafo Lidalikulina Bawaba Lena, Bawaban Marufan Italian Majamdeh overcorama you can yam Kariya Madrid Yakdo Yimkin Bawabaya any maftuha wallahi wafgo stuxidal and even Abrahill for academia Tunjab Al Kathir Manil Moah woman home chauffeur Salman Salim Nawaf Samir Jabirdh Yusuf the charisma Wakadalik Al Anhua Bayan Lahalawijo phone Nataji KPM sheep Dalikoma Gaddin Jahika Laku either.

Final Statements

Either. Sartre rahes Koton men home Wakidan Mitchell, Fikrim Annu and Kilahadi Lister Everton. Tottenham. Tottenham. Tottenham and Mushad Manchester and Tarako Dakal Dakhala Manchester City Sakatohamvuma Hobara what Mani Matal Perekumo o Shakar Allah.

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