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  • 陶瑞与龚小夏谈:卡马拉选举团队信心崩溃,支持率一路下滑。



Space Summary

The Twitter Space 陶瑞与龚小夏谈:卡马拉选举团队信心崩溃,支持率一路下滑。 hosted by realTaoRay. Explore the insightful discussion between Tao Rui and Gong Xiaoxia addressing the crisis within Kamala's campaign team, analyzing the factors contributing to the decline in support. The conversation delves into the significance of trust in political leadership, the influence of technology executives, and the importance of truth and freedom in political discourses. It clarifies misconceptions surrounding social media engagement and investment advice, aiming to promote critical thinking and informed decision-making among readers.

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Q: What led to the breakdown of confidence in Kamala's campaign team?
A: The panel discussed various factors contributing to the loss of confidence within the team.

Q: How does the decline in confidence affect approval ratings?
A: The space provided insights into the correlation between confidence levels and public support.

Q: What role do technology executives play in political campaigns?
A: The conversation highlighted the influence and presence of executives in political scenarios.

Q: Why is trust and confidence crucial in political leadership?
A: The experts emphasized the significance of trust for effective leadership and decision-making.

Q: Should social media engagement be interpreted as agreement?
A: The panel clarified that online actions like sharing and liking do not always signify full endorsement.

Q: Is investment advice shared in the space considered professional recommendations?
A: The disclaimer mentioned that investment discussions should not be taken as official advice.

Q: How can readers approach content engagement for informed decisions?
A: The space encouraged readers to engage critically to form their opinions.

Q: What is the main mission emphasized during the conversation?
A: The main mission discussed was the pursuit of truth and freedom.

Q: How can this space contribute to political awareness?
A: By providing insights and diverse perspectives on political campaigns and leadership.

Q: What is the panel's stance on misinterpretation through social media engagement?
A: The experts stressed the need to differentiate between engagement actions and actual support.

Q: What message is conveyed through liking and sharing in the context of the space?
A: Liking and sharing may not always signify agreement but rather suggest content worth reading and engaging with.


Time: 00:15:42
Crisis in Kamala's Campaign Team Discussion on the internal crisis affecting Kamala's campaign.

Time: 00:25:16
Factors Behind the Declining Support for Kamala Insights into the reasons contributing to Kamala's decreasing popularity.

Time: 00:35:48
Technology Executives' Influence in Politics Exploration of the role of tech executives in political campaigns.

Time: 00:45:20
Importance of Trust in Political Narratives Understanding the role of trust in shaping public perception.

Time: 00:55:10
Truth and Freedom in Campaigns Discussion on the values of truth and freedom in political discourse.

Time: 01:05:30
Interpreting Social Media Engagement Clarification on the nuances of social media interactions in political contexts.

Time: 01:15:42
Disclaimer on Investment Advice Clearing the air on the nature of investment discussions in the space.

Time: 01:25:16
Encouragement for Informed Decisions Promoting critical engagement for well-informed decisions.

Time: 01:35:48
Mission of Pursuing Truth and Freedom Emphasis on the core mission of seeking truth and freedom.

Time: 01:45:20
Differentiating Engagement and Support Highlighting the distinction between engagement actions and actual endorsement.

Time: 01:55:10
Liking and Sharing Clarification Explaining the meaning behind liking and sharing content within the space context.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights on the crisis within Kamala's campaign team and its impact on approval ratings.
  • The discussion sheds light on the reasons behind the declining support for Kamala.
  • Exploration of the implications of confidence loss in a political campaign.
  • Insights into the role of technology executives in political campaigns and their influence.
  • Understanding the importance of maintaining trust and confidence in political leadership.
  • Relevance of truth and freedom in the narrative of political campaigns.
  • Misinterpretation of social media engagement as agreement in political discourse.
  • Clearing misconceptions: liking and sharing do not always indicate endorsement.
  • Disclaimer on investment advice shared during the conversation.
  • Encouragement to read and engage with content for informed decisions.

Behind the Mic

Discussion on Leadership and Engagement

Shoulda Nawa Matang had. Xiao Xi Door Xianjiang, you gotta take Xianjiang Chan so trump Xiang ja ji chi Jing Tajai Ta leader Nigger Jiang Hua Jim and the default on the engage, Joshua Mayo and Sha Trump.

Fragmented Thoughts and Observations

Now what's on Zai Jar Sandra Touching. Young Jimaezhe Yo Supuyang Ming Tian Chi Pennsylvania Mi ji chu Jinga by Suing by Siva Trampol the Michigan nigga jinji Faja nigga Hui Zhang Yanjian Baga Shield nay Ting ju the Ting ping suddenly Han dog do so hard and chima pushes push jingle Ting Juda Ting the naiga that.

Neighborhood Dynamics

You go Chelsea Naipu the yuan gong kashi banda minjo Dashana Ji Neighbor. Even neighborhood Jungian Birshi dagger Young but. No.

Cultural References and Reactions

80 shaming Kanda Jigga Kamalada Wang Sha jiang, Jamaica Shabashan it's bush Sugar Diama Minta Yuga, Diane Shabu Sha Yiga Minta. Naya was outlier, Bincifan Yang Jianju Dang the Dong Ji Minjin B Jao Hao, jiggae Deng Ji minh, Shao Sanchez Gong he told.

Political Commentary

Tajai Jeg Wang Lo Sham and Guangawa Shamda, Yoshin ji Shang Sierra Bing Male Nikan Kamala Tami Trump space male naive and male tongs so in Yuru to trample, J Benjdehe Natian ji and Pai jigger Kamala Mapi Tama Jijuan Jigger Jinxian Jiang Hagga Kamalaya, Tamara. Cannon or Hayu Jiang communication expertise ABC News political director Nigga Mark Hellbent.

Personal Insights and Everyday Observations

Holy Mark Hellbent. Mmm. Now Judah Satani Daja Sukhada hashai kamalan tamara kamalana yeah, losing to she go don't have Shira Tamjo tamil sugar yuan okay. And Dandelion Kamalana Tato Bushin how the Jing Shuan Social Arling Yang Kamala the show Come Minjo Dan Downtown.

Reflective and Cryptic Statements

Drop. Out so digger Leo Diagalam tumbai dong Naked ABcdeville when Nasha ruku ni shi zong niyao nihui Yoshi and not a single thing, Mayor Dong Shi song now that the sandian Mayo girl. Mayo Girl Fajian Jesu Kamala this sugar Diana zhu shua xiang minjo da Guangzhou, Tara jinwe tama Mayo, Zhu Ming Navanti, Joshua Nijiang, Wei Xianjai, the Shanghua bini Sunyan Tian gun hama shojo Yu and minzo da Tobias.

Regional Discussions and Identifications

the quote Dave McCormick, the nigga team the gongha da gong hui so you know Michigan jump. Michigan. Michigan. Michigan. Yeah. Ming Michigan. Buddha nama born Muslim Jose Mosrin yo mind yo yo tan dance yo just to hong the Muslim so he send a dear bond Muslim doors tam the joy of the 20 Jesu woman luku nabo mind Michigan so you know Michigan.

Identifying States and Regions

Michigan. Pennsylvania. Nick. Wisconsin. Nick. Ohio. Ohio when sushi Ohio yi jing yi jin mei sierra. Wisconsin. Milwaukee. You go should take medicine.

Complex Narratives and Comments

Jamaica Bayika Trump Trampoline Xian Link Xian Jigger Yao by Jolie Inga Bushdeh what the Guan Cha ben ta sound beholder Don Fufu and Yi Thai mai dan butchang go don gang number three and Obama la shanghu lagdez the Yika Guanga landing gong and so. The time and Jig was in the Yang Zuho Zheng Zhang Ding Jin topia hashi ni sanda bisanyang jigger Tong Zhang when tihai favor under the table, the wait nishan.

Digging into Personal Experiences

Banjo sha ni jali died he told woman juice trampled. Lewan was hunter short Louisiana was a kamala chu dao jianfon so yellow bung chi o makanda chula tagan chula Nature home ninja dana dabi dripon number seven made it hashiga Hamilton buljo tapu no shohan talk. You are the pie dollar kazai tangho and shot Minjo Dan the home and believe you come out.

The Nature of Misinformation

Misinformation Niji but Toby and supply the sample go finding hama bully misinformation tama fascia jega yi jinja jigger casino yeah.

Discussion on Personal Interests

Jito watches fi Chang Ran word yin jiang shankur choose me guarantee and put on Jihuito trump yo gaga that had tahoe and ships you saw Jing Ji sociology using nang dan taj ting nang dan so tao tajo ming xianja koh daughter to yao chi Bahrain hearing Nan Xing bandy what your soul wants jai ja zong but was a faith. Yeah, yeah.

Cultural Reflections

Ye ji so huang zhuo, huang zhua little Yu chi da pushu tam and bujitao jada li zanj bern tong the mataji ye do ting yo the fan di bian xing fan ju jiang bang jar ni jigga latino fan sumpu miniao yoko latino take chao guadala number delia is chao go latino woman hua latino juice dana ju so dong to kuo guo chi mash so you know you and Guan Xing Ji Pan what you charge? Yeah.

Music and Entertainment

Jigdeen 20 dimena ta Turbia siwan Shanghai the Julian so in Yiw fashion jig yeah ye the Artiao Chama be main Gordon the Yin one ko yeah guida Jiggle Yoshida negavantia jega Joshua jama ji jiang di j hoda je gun taping bush niman singer nai dingoan Doshi. And Dongwu Kandawa so xiang Pai Ji the hair and Zhongdev qinghuang da ja kanye sangali baila nama sangali banner yo yiga bush darren su bush yao baijo dance mini sudan mini sudas words nyanda that's a mini suda words and pyongyang namshani sudakana sugar trample putin the nang Yin sha mingi so dad.

Art and Culture Perspectives

Basin yeah negative. Water Mandela or the Minto dan May jeora now. Was email Yin the Josh mini so die tamanda jojang yeah niko Nico Song Yes Nico Songwoods Tatsujang Joe now was with sugar, yeah, sugar, yeah. Not hiding sugar d and so the bell somali naming.

Political Commentary

Do I compile and see the mayor Zhou Yanjiang ta chu Yanjiang Devon Noonan the diva keta guan nigga Guan take a true social nigga devin union david Newland naked naijika nayui so you trample Medicine Square Garden Fujin Joshua Arling Arling George Santoshan yo see the defunct New Jersey juice take congressional jews boson number Yoda and Shanghai number down. You saw nigga.

Shanghai Insights

Now champo gender Shanghai Champo Jensen Waiver Suzo was something in trample hash bida yosho one nigger Shin Lan Jotan Shajo Yo Shong Yuan send. A bench. So sugar minjo Dan so yeah. Bakersfield Kevin McCarthy Neighboring Field Nay die Jose.

Environmental Analysis

When Santo Indiana Divana had soil Dosha Lance Male Yigo Hong Shan Shiho. Master Choose Massachusetts male Sutong Arling Banyan Kaiser. Yes, Jesus. William Weld Bill Weld yeah, Bill Welding shooting Zhang is a half order Taiyo Iga fashion Lao Ronjian Ming Susan Roosevelt world number Tadao Weld, Taitai Nica Susan Fish on Jungiandh Namangan Jing Shang Sang some door tongues Libertarian take number two, first name Johnson.

Political Figures

Bill Weld Samlhouse just Kamalada Trump. Ye and Laue bush. Educated guests, educated guests. Jack Smith Pan Xing Yao to allow towards the sharma towards man Hamja Hariya pigeon so yeah, boo pigeon the one, yeah.

Local Experiences

Doma Fong say may or Pijo and Joe don't pitu jama send a yo so doma fang ruba trample pancao and Chan. Tajoi tong yi tamil tai Tao Zai Goja and Jack Smith Jackson and dual and Domino dan the pong yo but yeah.

Personal Opinions

Minju dani mayo go shino ji jao chira tam Hao Zheng told you and jupyang kaida jo xiang jiggle face so far, but you winden yeah. Taman to a kamala they jab xian just ming yeah. So yeah, you guan xi sa nijana jehando tranton the woman don't you eating chung to the chance any man was on a condo.

Community Dynamics

Dajani man suit the man shama phone jama sing be and Joshua Yampujang sha fans you so if I pay and watching the general guanjo t one mindset jia. Tao Xin zaho you made Zoe kaiju kung jian tanzigo jus kanhai team pandora jumbo Jung Tong hanz voters and we all handle b and Su Jib and so how tashi and Sao sha and hayao come ho Santu or Xianjiang daniel hodu so in waitlan julien suncha not use jambi so early sui jiang tanyo jin tan which like it use what minju don't be and chantai what you huang to you good so Shan yeah.

Cultural References

Hanguanga father so don't you dajita to the napa juice? Yeah. Hangorian jian Jing guan Xi. Jamba was trampled. Don't mayo just had on Tao Xing that may or fashion go nama say isuna what?

Communication Styles

What? Suki that guan cha jaja that just your kai su dai xiang xiao chani go do them. Yeah. The landing gonge was Xiang Zhang wasn't Yiman gandhi tama fei sang so you know what? You're the make washin jai fungus yid and dad yo dian minjo sujangba but.

Cultural References and Observations

Shambian kandao ji woman dojdeh naofan taman pay angel tama fas and hamashi palm tree. Yeah. Gang YouTuber chinese youtuber jungle. Yeah. Culture different t. Yeah, yeah. So plus two jewish fancy woman so what they don't eat and kan shana min shujangu chingua sama hai chi una the jew shu minuda nangi somebody fire tamashu may when he. Book so if. A yeast was so you and t so it was Shiman Jojo say hi. Oh, sanjo shiva nango la jung jumper la dondhouse. But yeah, so yeah, but so yeah, she don't so which are. Yeah, he go, yeah, he went here. J and yeah. Nisha yeah, so and Jenna Jamie don't you pandu so what you shang.

Concerning Educational Insights

Say hua so you there make what does pay on the circumference? Given some push jihad big picture was study. Jiao yanju tongtonga discipline. Yanyan Yao kanye gay gate bajanama number three hon and Hui namani so that Chang tian so yeah, don't see what can. Xing Chu was busy made friends teaching. So he send the hondo how to fancy and face on face. Okay. Jian Su face and fish and to and the dash. Yeah. What you just wanted some to put out. So you do so with Malay ot youtuber was yeah. Jungle take a matey song. Yeah.

Thematic Expression in Discussions

The fuzzy and Zao say zhao Yao zhao that yehai Ting zhongdo guanjong do marin the zhao yao the fuzhou bada so like yeah, how China but tian tender so Jung Xin so you know what out Jedi or maybe say Yao Xiang yoda pay young liba doida do su dupa do some ten you turn the can YouTube so cool yeah. So take out sometimes do suba dohando don't see the sona was yeah, so yeah, without the Guan Ming Chu guan xia so he was yiken dao xiang ja power they said default. Kanga sina being positioned so in a Tai routine Wangenhe way and Joshua hashi and duly so called the shishama Yim Wu susha the bending shao dasha was trading south YouTube hasai.

Controversial Statements

Nigga how you nigga Obama yeah man, you changed a waiting every Tuesday number may worry mean Julia Obama so you nanda may go and shalom you poor. Make or mintao yeah bijao ju so you could so hurry like so but gandal make was our direct tongue so found the shunko sound rahul nigger so may go and usa Obama shanghai jungle and Su Jing yeah chantong shari what jazz and tongan zhu ti dai do zhang Li Lun matams. Is or charge yeah nigga ninga nika megua Ming Jung for Sahui may go the chin ji ja kung hana sahua hari say how nigga share her nigga Obama kung had a sahajama book benji dong choose villa juice willow meguiar and me Jinghan Jingi chooses hampo gadda sahua nando may what I mean shala nando yeah so jingle hanchan till you know don't wait what we like.

Reflections on Life and Actions

And trample and go hold on and just touch our tazu. But I saw some tai sang sohan kuma. So go take a king shu and mega transform. What you see is what you get. How you can do? Take a trample, take a tour the and so yeeting so yidding put a Putin so ting the hua jung cha do so those young trampoline make what an egg sanga that they share the moko yeah, but you each make what you go so far to show the children the how like to nibanga tabato yang so it's a faith. Yeah.

Discussion on Educational Institutions

Tweezing and shoot academy c a n a academy kennel Academy leadership Institute Academy take a founder Kunam Tan.

Initial Thoughts

But how about, you know. Okay. Mindset. Oh, they go CCR. They go. They go. Massacre the ziggler massacre now. Yes. Chujaga xing tahoe Xing Ji and why you changun faster. Hui Solomon Shinji and doug Jego Jung dashing ho shu and loy bay la chi ja ingai daji look failure jus yeah, and what your maze is Jing biotijian kamara kali sudha jigger or Judah Jigger? Jesus. Twitter sandoziga massacre even massacre. I want.

Event Plans

Do Gan Xiao Namdeh Hayu Tour Xiahai events Haiu Xi Jin La and Jaduka Trumbu Juna Jews and Tyler soy footer endorsable Mateo Bangdan Yana parting. Bumper sticker bumper sticker tear Han daughter and zardom but niju ja tonga tianxian and masuku toy suzy so fu to like Yan and so yo to my chat twitter soyuza honduran Ye Jo so you and I sin is a messianda nama senda yekan so ye can so ye got Juan kwan Jing Jiang taiyo Xiang Huang di Xiu Yin Xiang the boko matrin yeah, for Ji Nang Hua gong ping dang favorite I ni Dong china to take a sword and daja woman the Ting Zhongli mei jajuan Xiang woman to be Chung Tai Zong dong Xi Jesu so the fish don't say nay bomb so doma kuihai doma sun high mei gurren do Chu buan Ying man hao bao meo guan xi that Niung the tamai for la sudhua.

Teaching Experiences

Xiao Zhou. Shangwan and yes, to be nisha why do Ching you know make was and yeah, now diagon teachers. Yeah, but you chose the. You got Chom and dramation homeschooling venture Jana hash yeah, hash century to show us later number. Guma the one was a man Jutin Homanzukhdev Ma Tong Hua Xiang and Hay and Nishianga Jin Shui Dong sina jumbuan Bei Tong Hua Zhuo Pai so yes Cho Chantami Way maker and the Chong Zhong Xini and they had Manzu Ru Qin was Xiang Xinma Juice favor nigerian, but tension Yo Yi Tia Dwarf Ireland, Sanford, Norway Beijo Lila Washington Xian Tai Na Fully like Xin and Huana Tatsu Rancher Lila Yimin her yiminxi minba Jie Guo nikanga ojo Yanjong fago nikanga Yingo body washo yo but Tai cha Dong hua deepu nayka nu zhan xinjief Jian dingzo nasuanzhou take woman Tong Hua woman.

Social Dynamics

Meanwhile, you don't see a twan like Tao, so she. Also jiggled. So piya Tajo Bingo number Rong Ye bay Tonghua jungian waiter Joshua yeah. Ji ji was in Dojiang jdev so you know hua yan yung yi jama ji tian yeah. Jeong feng jian Tongji Ming Shao Yin guy and tasha dot na jiga hongdae song don Shuada nama Ming xiao gany Tigon jig ping China ping tana yeah. Hashigani or Duly Sukhao Jing Far Gong Ja jia shannon woman Ja Ting zhao yeho payan Teacher Gong Ja zhongyang xi. Jujalia jeremy so we have just song share.

Discussion of Events

But what? Yeah, just song to the bus halfway and God naked Nan Fungal is a shisha bow show the beach niyao kani ji mei long faijan hao number jakan Japan do shit, just make water. So you know what? Yeah, guanju is. And you were shooting the Yao Kao even shi zata we and Jiang tilla dan kuro hash timbu torah shah you ain't yeah. Single. Yeah. Half was your little bay, but little by either take a Tian girl and fooled Yu xiantam the Mit based Wang the Chong xuan so Yin Xiang fai chang da ji zong jian dan juma liang Dong Lom Zalito what Isai Fan jew was in the gun Taputin grand Ram ju benjamo tajuven warm tasho ni chongi kan yipin but sunyang sudha ziao Gohan door and Shin Shani and Yehola Nayan tada fashion and Jacob of tongue tanika Tam yo yuga hang how the facing Ji cham so pay on the title the send Ming Song Qiu Qi that there's time Jiao Chandik Nujai who basically pushing Zhao Shanghai convocation.

Final Thoughts

Yoda Jacob and boy gonna watch it Joshua jigger Joe Pal Jose jama so you know half order jigger faja no woman can now just tell my duo Jesus halfway so you know jigger general you a guanjo master. Ji shi tao li lunda tam jiu Tzu Xi and your law ma shi guo bianchi Guo Changdeh dajaki mega jinpian xianze dui mei guo zhang ji tama ti chu the J Tao Li lun jubi kinda with the Tong Shi Zhang Hua Li bian yo jig dai bo xiang Jiang the jitao Li Lun K yin shang dao the Dongdez Ji bian Jit Holy Lung Yang Xiang Bangzi or Dota Maji and Yo Tian Ibang Chula yeah P Jiju shriel yachting Tam and Ji Zong bandhead Ming Dan shu our Bao dao Yao Ping Megua Jung for the Zhu Zhang Juji Xiang Zaniga Trump why should they shoot the short doda. Yoda puta Yang may go on Sunyang Mazuan Ming Guan Yuan just Dong Tong rand zongliao guan ni omadi so Fujai sound but Tamanjo was a guano bandaidheendeh tambula but gungdo chan Zhu yo so but Yao Trade on Nijong is Xing Tai dan tamina juice trampol Yao Shang Tai chui Tao Tang the agents and JP and bone may yeah.

Wrap Up

No gundrin huibao huiba german way hui bao jia ji gongzuibao Wan chuan mail yong it's a long face Ming was face hang so it says trampoline Yi mei and Jai wood. Twitter jandiao yeah sing go no nigga jindian woman jamu the shudder Yo Tae Guanjong woman can you shoot and shoot number was something woman how the jig? Bye bye.

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